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Design of Square Footing:

Footing or foundation is defined as the part of substructure, which transmits the loads from the super-structure to

surrounding soil stratum safely. Foundation are classified as two types,

1. Shallow foundation

2. Deep foundation

The depth of the foundation is less than or equal to the width of the foundation then the foundation is said

to be shallow foundation. If the depth of the foundation is greater than width of the foundation then the foundation

is said to be Deep foundation.

Design of footing mainly depends on the safe bearing capacity of the soil on which the footing rests and the load

coming from the superstructure. Footings may be isolated, combined.

Isolated or independent footings are the footings that support the individual columns. They distribute and

spread the load over a sufficiently large of the soil stratum to minimize the bearing pressure. Isolated footings may

be square, rectangular or circular.

In general, it is assumed that the soil behaves elastically that is the strain in the soil is proportional to applied

stress and strain distribution in the soil immediately under the base of the footing is linear. Stress distribution is

different soils.

For analysis purpose, a footing can be compared with a rigid body in equilibrium subjected to loads. Like

other structural members, a footing is designed to resist shear forces and bending moments. In design, for any soil

the pressure distribution is assumed to uniform.

In design, the critical section for one way shear (beam shear) is at a distance equal to the effective depth, d

from the face of column footing. The critical section for two way shear or slab type shear shall be at a distance d/2

from the periphery of column, perpendicular to the plane of the slab. The critical section for bending moment is at

the face of the column. Generally the footing is sensitive to punching shear.


1. Footings shall be designed to sustain the applied loads, moment and forces. And safe bearing capacity is not


2. In R.C.C. footing, the thickness at the edge shall not be less than 15cm for footing on soil.

3. The greatest bending moment to be used in the design of an isolated concrete at the face of the column.
The critical section for diagonal cracking is taken at a distance equal to the effective depth from the face of the

column in hard soils and shall not exceed nominal shear stress.


1) Type of footing = Square footing

2) Size of the column = 230 X 450 mm
3) Load on footings:
Axial Load on footing (ETABS) (P) = 850 KN
(Assume) S.B.C of soil = 250kN/m2

STEP – 1:

Self-weight of footing = 10 % of axial load.

= 850 X 0.10 = 85 KN

Total load transmitted to the soil = axial load + self-weight

= 850 + 85 = 935 KN

S.B.C of soil = 250kN/m2

STEP – 2:

Area of footing (A) = Total load/SBC of soil

= 935 / 250 =3.74 ≅ 4.0 m2

Size of the square footing = √𝐵 = √4 = adopt = 2m x 2m


𝑃𝑢 850
qu = = = 220 N-M ≅ 0.22 𝐾𝑁 − 𝑀
𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 2𝑥2


( B−b )2
M U = qu x B x
( 2000−230)2
= 0.22 x 2000 x 8

= 172.3 x 106 N-mm

Calculating depth (d)

∴ MU = 0.138 fck bd2

172.3 x 106 = 0.138 x 25 x 2000 x d2

d = 158 mm

∴ So provide twice the depth (Take 350mm)

Assume Cover as 50mm

Overall depth = 350 + 50 = 400 mm

d = depth – half dia of bar – effective cover

d = 400 – 12/2 – 50 = 344mm (Provide 12mm bar)

Area of Steel:-

fck 4.6MU
Ast = 0.5 x fy
x [1 − √1 − fckbd2 ] x bd

25 4.6 x 172.3 x 106

= 0.5 x 415 x [1 − √1 − 25 x 2000 x3442 ] x 2000x344

= 1437.84 mm2


S = ast x 𝑎𝑠𝑡

= 113.09 x

= 157 mm ≅ 160 c/c

Provide 12mm @ 160 c/c in both direction

Check for one way shear:

Critical section for one way shear is‘d’ from face of the column.

 ( B  b) 
Shear Force Vu  Pu xB  d
 2 

 (2000  230) 
Shear Force Vu  0.22 x 2000  350
 2 

Shear Force Vu = 235400 N.

Nominal Shear stress  v= 235400

= 0.33 N/mm2

Percentage of steel:-
100 Ast 𝑥122 𝑥100
Pt = = 4160𝑋350 = 2.01

From IS 456-2000 Table No-19

Shear stress in concrete = τc= 0.82 N/mm2

τv<τc Hence it is safe

1) Check for two-way shear:



2000 2000

450 450
b+d b+d


For square footing = 4 (b + d)

= 4 (230+350) = 2320mm

Area of critical section = perimeter x d

= 2320 x 350

= 812000 mm

Vu = qu x area of shaded portion

= 0.22 x (2000 x 2000 – (580 x 580)) = 805 x 103

vu 805 𝑥 103
Two way shear (τv) = = = 0.99
area 2320 x 350


𝜏P = 0.25 x √fck

= 0.25 x√25

= 1.25

∴ 1.25 > 0.99 HENCE SAFE

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