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Day: 2 Date: December 7th 2017

Period DIV II Lesson Activities

8:15 – 8:20 Busses arrive

Reading Time
8:20 - 8:35


8:37 - 9:21

9:23 - 10:07
Unit Test 6N
10:07 – 10:20 Morning Break

Health 6N
Key Outcomes: Have a sharing circle that students feel open to talk about what is on their
mind. Open up to the class, and have manners (If someone is talking, they are the only
person talking).
POS: R-6.2 establish personal guidelines for expressing feelings; e.g., recognize feelings,
choose appropriate time/place for expression, identify preferred ways of expressing
feelings, and accept ownership of feelings.
R-6.5 develop and demonstrate strategies to build and enhance relationships in the family;
e.g., being honest, expressing empathy.
10 minutes: Move the desks so we are able to have a circle everyone can sit around. I will
3 introduce the sharing circle by using the whiteboard marker. Since I have it in my hand, I
10:22 – 10:58 am the only one that is to be talking. I will speak to how aboriginal people pass on their
knowledge (through storytelling), and talk about how it is important to clear your mind
before any significant learning can occur. Next I will introduce the sharing circle. Everyone
sit on the floor, in a circle, One person speaks at a time. That person is to speak to what is
in the front of their mind at the present moment. No Cross Talking, No Responding to
Others. Not everyone has to Share.

20 minutes: Sharing Circle, and a wrap-up at the end of the class.

Differentiation and ESL: Building background knowledge, Modeling/teaching

appropriate language structures, Providing opportunity for oral language practice.

4 Unit Test: 6GS

10:58 – 11:42
11:42 – 11:54 Lunch
12:00 – 12:30 Outdoor Recess
12:30 - 12:35 Return to class
Day: 2 Date: December 7th 2017

5 Unit Test 6R
12:35– 1:19

6 Unit Test 6H
1:20 – 2:04

7 Unit Test: 6A
2:06 – 2:50
2:50 - 2:55 Bus Departure
ESL Checklist:
Please be aware that you are not required or expected to use every strategy all the time!
❏ Using Key Visuals ❏ Providing opportunity for oral language practice
❏ Building background knowledge ❏ Identifying/referring to key vocabulary
❏ Providing explicit language instruction ❏ Modeling/teaching reading strategies
❏ Linking common ideas ❏ Modeling/teaching writing strategies
❏ Differentiating for different levels of ELP ❏ Modeling/teaching appropriate language
(English Language Proficiency) structures
❏ Incorporating cooperative learning strategies ❏ Modeling/teaching appropriate language functions
❏ Checking for comprehension

Comments - notes:

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