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The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical
advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. The
information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of
your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program
as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not
to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your
physician throughout the course of The Aggressive Strength Method
Volume III, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your
actions. By beginning and participating with The Aggressive Strength
Method Volume III workouts, you recognize that despite all precautions
on the part of The Forged Athlete LLC, there are risks of injury or illness
which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information
and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release
any claim which you may have against The Forged Athlete LLC or their
respective affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness
incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of your

All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced (by any
means) without the expressed written permission of Travis Stoetzel and
The Forged Athlete LLC.

This manual is being offered for education and information purposes

only. There is inherent risk with any physical activity.

Please consult your physician before starting this (or any) exercise

The Forged Athlete, LLC or Travis Stoetzel cannot be held responsible

for any injury that may occur while participating in this program.

Copyright 2012 The Forged Athlete, LLC

For many years now I’ve been testing and tweaking my training methods and for
many years I’ve also been noticing better and faster results overtime. Not only have
I noticed the results with myself, but I’ve also seen the results happen first hand
with my clients and athletes.

The proof is in the pudding.

This manual covers 3 different phases with two different types of templates that
cover 12 weeks worth of the latest and greatest workouts I’ve put together that I’ve
come to call, The Aggressive Strength Method Vol III.

Over the years, I’ve been able to take bits and pieces from many of the different
training resources and programs I’ve had access to, to help create this system. I’ve
personally tested and put myself through all the different training methods I’ve ever
used before I even think about putting my own clients and athletes through them.

What the Aggressive Strength Method Vol III’s goal and overall objective to do is to
build a new breed of athlete. When I refer to this “new breed of athlete” I’m talking
about an athlete that is not only strong, highly conditioned and explosive, but
powerful for long periods of time, and one that has forged a mind that is

This manual outlines the exact programs my high level athletes and clients have
gone through themselves that has helped them achieve a whole slew of different
results. The types of clients and athletes that have gone though the workouts within
this manual have come from a multitude of different focuses and backgrounds
including but not limited to; football, baseball, wrestling, track, MMA, fire, police,
military personnel, ex-athletes and highly successful business professionals.

All were highly focused when they trained and pushed their bodies and minds to the
limit every session. If you want to reap the same benefits and overall results that
my clients have had, then you too must be ready to push your body and mind as
well. You must be ready to TRAIN AGGRESSIVE!

Time to go 110% H.A.M.!

Live and Train Aggressive!


Rule Number 1
Follow this program starting at phase one.

In addition to starting at Phase number 1, you must COMMIT and DEDICATE

yourself for the long haul.

For best results, follow each phase for 3 weeks then take a deload week before you
progress to the next phase.

Below I discuss the different in’s and out’s of how to follow the Aggressive Strength

Length of Sessions: Try your hardest to get your session done in under an hour.
More time spent training in the gym means more time we take away from letting
our bodies heal. The goal of is to get in and get out! Set a timer and get moving!
Always push the pace!

Explanation of Workouts: Each of your workouts within the Aggressive Strength

Method are outlined below. You’ll see a 1A), 2A) ect before each movement. When
you see 2 or more of the same NUMBERS [1A), 1B), 1C)] this means that these
movements are joined together in either a superset OR circuit meaning you would
perform 1A first followed by 1B) second, 1C next, and so on and so forth. You are
allowed to take a break when you have completed ALL of the movements under that
letter. Supersets and circuits are meant to have NO rest between movements. When
there is just 1 number and 1 letter for a movement, that movement is done on its
own, and you are allowed to rest between sets. Don’t worry as you progress, you’ll
start to train with heavier weights while starting to feel even more explosive and in

Rest periods: I’m a firm believer that “set” rest periods are a waste of time unless
you’re training for a max strength effort or your training for 100% full speed or
power. Aggressive Strength Method is about getting after your training sessions so
there’s no need to keep checking a clock unless you are doing a timed workout or
circuit interval. The main thing you should focus on is to ATTACK THE TIME! Push
yourself through the workouts each and every time. Rest as need be, but the truth
is, you’ll be getting into such great shape, and it will be hard for you to slow you

General rules of thumb when it comes to rest periods:

• When we train HEAVY – rest just a little bit more… 60-90 secs TOPS
• When we train LIGHT – take little to NO rest… less than 45 secs
• When we train POWER – rest up as much needed to go near 100%...

The only exception is when we train for total EXPLOSION and SPEED
(POWER). This is where we want to train at 100%. These sets are usually at
the beginning of your workout (sprints, starts, jumps, ect) Rest as much as
you need to for these sets and try to perform each round at 100%. You DO
NOT want to train slowly when training for POWER and SPEED.

Submax: When you see “submax” listed next to an exercise, this simply means to
avoid going to failure. The best way to keep your progress going further while
avoiding plateaus or step back is to keep your reps under you maximum limit or
avoiding failure.

If you’re new to this concept, you probably do not understand but trust me, leave a
few reps left in your bank when doing different movements such as pushups, pull
ups, rows, ect, when you get close to failure, cut the set off.

It’s better to stay fresh and keep the movements fast and explosive. When you start
to really grind reps out slow, just stop your set there. In time, you’ll feel and see the
difference in what submax training will do for you.

The ONLY time you should really go to failure with different submax movements is
when it’s your last week on that particular workout.

You main goal should be to break your own records each and every session! The
best way we can make sure we do that is with the next ESSENTIAL note…

E.M.O.T.M.: This stands for Every Minute on The Minute and it’s an interval you will
be using to build up some serious strength and endurance all at once!

Basically, you’ll hit your movements for the allotted amount of reps and whatever
time you have left at the end of your sets will serve as your rest period.

AMRAP: This stands for As Many Rounds As Possible and when you see this, it will
always be paired up with a set amount of time. For example, you may see this:

12 min AMRAP:
a) Squat x 10
b) Push Ups x 10
c) Pull Up x 10

This means that you will set a clock for 12 mins and go through the circuit as many
times as possible getting in as many QUALITY reps as possible in that time. When
time is up you stop and record the amount of rounds and reps you complete.

This is a great form of density training that has a ton of benefits.

R.A.T.: This stands for Remaining Amount of Time and when you see this, basically
what you will do is perform the prescribed amount of reps for the movement
associated with it in a superset or circuit and then perform the paired movement for
as many reps as possible for the remaining amount of time.

Here’s an example:

4A) E.M.O.T.M. x 7 mins

a) Squat Clean x 4 (use any strength tool you want – SB, DB’s, KB’s, Barbell,

b) Burpee x R.A.T. (remaining amount of time)

For this set up, you would perform the Squat Clean 1st x 4 reps then with the
remaining amount of time left in the minute, you would do burpees for as
many reps as possible until the minute is up.

So if it takes you 30 secs to complete the Squat Clean reps, that means you
have 30 secs to do as many burpees as you can until the minute is up.

How to Choose Your Weights: When it comes to picking the amount of weight to use
within your sets, follow these guidelines:

-make sure you can perform the lift with QUALITY technique
-make sure you can perform the allotted amount of reps
-if you’re missing reps in early sets, you’ve gone way too heavy too early

Using Warm Up Sets: You should always be performing 1-2 warm up sets before you
get into your actual work sets.

When you do a BIG lift such as a squat, deadlift, or overhead press variation, make
sure to get in at least 3-4 warm up sets and build up to your heavier loads.

For example:

Say I know I can lift 300 lbs of my front squat, so my warm up and work sets
may look like this:

135 x 5 – warm up
185 x 5 – warm up
225 x 5 – warm up
275 x 5 – set #1
300 x 5 – set #2

DON’T be the idiot that slaps on 300 lbs without a warm up set and just gets after it.
That’s asking for injury…

Set Loading: You’ll notice that for many of the lifts, the sets and reps will appear to
be straight across such as 5 x 5 or 4 x 10, ect.

You do not want to use the same amount of weight for each set rather, you want to
progressively ramp up the weights so you’re lifting heavier in the final sets.

You do NOT want to go so heavy that you start missing reps before the last set. This
is a HUGE mistake and will lead to burnout as well as low quality, sloppy reps.

Here’s an example of what a set of 5 x 5 might look like on a deadlift with CORRECT
missed reps…

375 x 5 – set 1
395 x 5 – set 2
405 x 5 – set 3
415 x 5 – set 4
425 x 4 – set 5

Now here’s an example of what an INCORRECT set of missed reps may look like…

395 x 5 (sloppy) – set 1

425 x 5 (barely completed) – set 2
425 x 4 – set 3
435 x 3 – set 4
455 x 2 – set 5

When you start missing reps early, you’ve gone too heavy too early. Your best bet is
to drop the weight back down and get in some quality reps. Then when you hit this
movement again, start with a better weight that you know you’ll be able to get
QULAITY reps with without missing too many reps early in the sets.

Recording Your Workouts: Make sure you are writing down each and every workout
so you can see the weights you used, the reps you did, and the sets you completed.

It would be wise for you to get a notebook and make it your new HARDCORE
training workbook OR use the specialized printout work sheets you received with
this program!

If you’re not writing anything down, then you are wondering around blind!
We must be able to measure your progress and the BEST way to do this is by writing
and recording every training session we do down in a workbook.
I would record the following:

• total time workout took to complete

• reps completed on each movement
• sets completed
• and exercises completed

Simply copy down the workouts listed below and record as you go! You’ll be
amazed at the progress you make overtime! Writing the workouts down and
keeping track will serve as a great source of motivation so make sure you do it!
Make NO EXCUSES here! This needs to be done for you to be most successful!

Extra Conditioning Days: A common question I get asked is, “Can I add in extra
conditioning / cardio days into my routine?”

First thing I must mention to you is MORE is NEVER BETTER!

But, even if I were to say NO, people would still go out and add in extra days…

To make sure you don’t do this wrong, you can choose to add in the extra
conditioning days I’ve strategically written up within your normal 3 or 4 day
routines (See Aggressive Strength Conditioning Options Below).

It’s highly recommended that you DON’T overdo it. Listen to your body. If you feel
sore and beat up, do an active recovery day or take it totally off.

There’s a few different ways you can incorporate in Extra Conditioning Days.

The first is to add in your conditioning later in the day AFTER your main training
session. If you do this, it’s recommended you give yourself a good 4-6 hour break
between sessions.

An example may look like this:

7am – Main Strength Training Session

4pm – Extra Conditioning Session

***It’s recommended you DO NOT do this for the BEASTfit training template as those
days already have plenty of strategic conditioning programmed in. Adding in a
bunch of extra work will more then likely get you overtrained.

The second option is to add in your extra conditioning days on your off days. If you
do this, you’ll want to properly structure in REST days to make sure you’re not over

An example set up might look like this:

Monday – Day 1

Tuesday – Aggressive Strength Conditioning Option

Wednesday – OFF

Thursday – Day 2

Friday – OFF

Saturday – Day 3

Sunday – OFF

Monday – Day 1…

Pre and Post Workout Considerations: It’s very important that you include both a
pre-workout and post workout foam roll session as well as some static stretching to
end your training session.

If you feel extremely tight and sore before you train, foam rolling will help you
loosen up.

It’s recommended you stretch AFTER your training session then foam roll again to
help accelerate recovery.

***Just note to stretch and foam roll after every training session to be sure.

Here’s are two resources that will help you out for stretching and foam rolling:

>>> Foam Rolling

>>> Stretching and Mobility Work

Rest Days and Listening To Your Body: One of the main focuses within any training
program I design is to make sure you DO NOT over-train your body. While these
workouts are designed to brutally tough and challenging, it’s still your job to listen
to your body.

When you feel beat up, stiff, and sore, you may need to rest. There’s a difference
between feeling “lazy-tired” and fatigued. When you’re fatigued, it’s better you rest
it out, let your body recover and come back the next day so you can get after it

When you feel “lazy-tired” wake the F up and get your ass into gear! ;)

When you are feeling fatigued, here’s resource you can use to help increase

>>> Salt and Ice Baths, plus Contrasts Showers

Deload Week: Deload Week is designed to let the body rest and recover from the
last 3 progressive weeks of abuse it’s been taking.

There is no real formula to a deload week other than these few main points below:

• NO heavy loading of the spine of any kind (no heavy deadlifts, heavy back
squats, or weights of over 70% max used)
• Stay away from taxing the nervous system to much (no going to failure on
reps or highly fatiguing conditioning sessions)

Some great examples of deload workouts would be to simply get out of the gym and
perform other athletic types of activity.

• Basketball, Football, Soccer, ect. Just get out a PLAY!

• Biking
• Hiking
• Long Walks
• Anything getting you away from the gym and keeping you active works!

Focus on lots of foam rolling and stretching – As always - Perform before and after
your training sessions.

Below are some example DELOAD workouts:

DELOAD workout A:

Perform 3 - 5 rounds:

1A) Bear Crawls x 30 seconds

1B) Recline Rows x Submax
1C) Walking Lunges x 12 ea. leg
1D) Band Pull Aparts x 25
1E) KB / DB farmer walks x 30 seconds
1F) DB / KB Goblet Squats x 10
1G) Hanging Leg Raises x 10 reps
1H) Jog x 1 minute

DELOAD workout B:

With a LIGHT barbell, perform this complex x 4 rounds:

*Focus on solid technique and perfect form – you are NOT trying to break any
records here

1A) Deadlift x 5
1B) Front Squat x 5
1C) Overhead Press x 5
1D) Back Squats x 5
1E) Good Morning x 5
2A) Push Ups 3 x submax
2B) Bodyweight Squat 3 x submax
2C) Pull Up or Row3 x submax
3A) Light Sled Dragging OR Light Jogging x 5-8 mins

DELOAD Workout C

AMRAP – 20 mins

*The key is to KEEP MOVING the whole time

*DO NOT perform movements to failure but rather be as explosive and fast as
*For jumps and plyos – if you need be, regress to regular variations

1A) Bodyweight Squat Jumps x 5

1B) Plyo Push Ups x 5
1C) Lunge Jumps x 5 / leg
1D) Pull Ups OR Rows x 5
1E) KB Or DB Swings x 5
1F) Light Jog / Sprint x 40 yards

2A) Perform Circuit x 3 Rounds

a) Cross Body Knee Tucks x 10 / side
b) Russian Twist with 10 lbs weight or Med ball x 10 / side
c) Plank Hold x 1 min

Warm ups
The Aggressive Strength Method Warm Ups: It’s absolutely ESSENTIAL you properly
prepare the body for battle before you train.

You will NEVER get any better if you go into your workouts cold. It’s very important
you get your blood flowing to the muscle that are going to be getting used most in
your training session as well as

First, it’s essential to warm the muscle up, stretch the tendons and ligaments of the
body as well as increase the core temperature. There’s a ton of different ways you
can warm up as I have a special warm up A and a warm up B which are both
specifically designed to do a lot of different things for you before you train but the
only difference is, warm up A is a FULL EXTENDED warm up and warm up B is a
EXPRESS 5 min warm up for times when your strapped for time.

Aggressive Strength Method warm up is designed to:

• Improve conditioning
• Increase hip and low back mobility
• Improve overall athleticism
• Prevent injury

Both warm ups within Aggressive Strength Method are designed to be “go-go-go”
warm ups with little to no breaks.

At first, you may feel as if the warm up itself is too hard but, overtime you’ll grow
accustomed to the warm up as you improve.

The secret is hiding specific skill building drills and movements into the warm up so
every time you train; you work on them without even knowing it! These
movements overtime just become second nature…

Warm Up A – The FULL Warm Up

1A) 3-5 Mins of Cardio (choice – jump rope, rowing, jogging, ect)
2A) Spider Lunge w/ Hamstring Stretch x 10/ leg
2B) Bodyweight Squats x 15
2C) Inch Worm + Push Up x 10
2D) Band Pull Aparts x 50 OR Superman Hold x 30
2E) Band Dislocators x 15
2F) Band Overhead Squats x 15
2G) Good Morning w/ Band x 15
2H) Drop Lunge x 8 / Leg
2I) Toes to Bar x 10
2J) Handstand Push Up OR Pike Press x 5-15

***See Quick DEMO of Movements Here***

3A) Butt Kicks – Forward / Backwards 2 x 15 yards
3B) Side Shuffles 2 x 15 yards
3C) Power Skips – Forward / Backwards 2 x 20 yards
3D) Broad Jumps x 10
3E) Single Leg Hops 2 x 10 yards / leg
3F) Sprint 4 x 15 yards
**Optional - Foam Roll if still tight and stiff

Warm Up B – The “Express” Warm Up (Takes 5 Mins)

***Use this quick 5 mins warm up before your workouts when strapped for time
***See FULL Video HERE (Taken from The 28 Day AMF)

Perform each movement x 30 secs then immediately go to the next movement in the

1A) Full Jumping Jack

1B) Drop Squats
1C) Groiner to Push Up
1D) Wide Step / SLOW Mountain Climber
1E) Fast Mountain Climber
1F) Super Man Reaches
1G) Hip Extensions
1H) Seal Jacks
1I) Alternating Drop Lunge w/ Overhead Reach
1J) Alternating Front lunge w/ Front Hamstring Stretch
**ALWAYS Foam Roll After Workout no matter what

OPERATION: Rogue Strength – The goal of the OPERATION: Rogue Strength
series of workouts is driven towards building up more performance through fast
paced, high intensity work done through full body based workouts while utilizing a
lot of bodyweight based movements blended in with the use of 1 or two dumbbells
or kettlebells. These workouts will NOT be split up into upper/lower sessions.
We’ll be attacking the body as one whole unit.

OPERATION: Rogue Strength phases are broken up into a 3 Day split. These
workouts have a balanced focus on hitting all modalities including strength, power,
conditioning, and of course, training your MINDSET through a tactical based style of

Filthy Muscle – The goal of the Filthy Muscle training series of workouts is for
athlete that wants to pack on some LEAN MASS, GAIN some SERIOUS STRENGTH all
while staying and getting more powerful and athletic.

Filthy Muscle phases are broken up into full body specific squat, pull, press, and
strongman focused days and that follow a 4-day training week that offers the option
to add in addition High Intensity Cardio days for more fat loss / conditioning focus.
These workouts are geared more towards building serious strength and muscle
with a little bit less focus on heavy conditioning which is why the extra days are
offered as add in’s. Your MIND and BODY will still be tested…

The choice is yours on which path you choose to take… OPERATION: Rogue
Strength or Filthy Muscle …

For BEST results, it’s recommended you stay committed to the program you choose
for the whole 4 week phase. If you want to switch between the two, do it only after
you have completed a 4 weeks phase. For example…

First 4 weeks – OPERATION: Rogue Strength Phase I

DELOAD week (see more on deload weeks below)

Second 4 Weeks – Filthy Muscle Phase I

(See cont. on next page)


Third 4 weeks – OPERATION: Rogue Strength Phase II

***For workout phases, see the separate manuals***

AGGRESSIVEstrength conditioning
As mentioned above, you can choose to add in extra conditioning days within your
normal 3 or 4 day routines, but make sure to be SMART about it. You do NOT want
to overtrain… (*note – there are Optional HIIT Cardio Days listed within the
workout manuals that are specific to the phases that you can choose to use instead
of what is listed below)

Below are different Aggressive Strength Conditioning options:

Thursday Throwdowns - First and foremost, I need to hit on how to implement in my

weekly Thursdaythrowdowns.

If you’re unfamiliar with what these are exactly, make sure you’re a subscriber to
my newsletter (JOIN HERE) as typically every Thursday, I release a new and
challenging Thursdaythrowdown.

These are quick hitting challenge workouts that you can easily use as a finisher to
any of your workouts or even use as a stand alone training session on it’s own.

The first thing I will say with these is to be SMART about it. Everyone will be
different with these. If you’re beat up and sore from the normal training sessions
you’re doing, wait to use a Thursdaythrowdown until another day. You DON’T have
to necessarily use them only on Thursdays… Use them when it’s good for you.

The best way to use these is typically as a hardcore finisher to your main workout.

Weighted Conditioning Finishers – Grab a set of heavy dumbbells, kettlebells, or a

heavy sandbag.

What you’ll do is start with an overhead walk and go for as far as you possibly can.
When you fatigue out, you’ll drop your weighted implement down into a front rack
or zercher carry position and continue to walk until you can’t hold that position any
longer with good form. Finally you will end with a farmer carry until you can go any
further. If you’re using a sandbag, you end at the front carry.

Take a short break of 60-90 secs then repeat x 3-5 total rounds.

Hill Sprints – These are easy (as far as set up goes).

Find a hill that stretches at least 30 yards up that has at least a 30 degree incline.

Sprint to the top of the hill at 100%. Walk back down and repeat x 8-10 total sets.

Heavy Sled Power Repeat Sets – For this conditioning method, you’ll need access to
either a prowler / push sled OR dragging / tire sled.

You’ll load the sled up with a moderate to heavy load, something that allows you to
run close to top speed without slowing you down too much.

You sprint ALL OUT for only 7 secs NO more. Rest for about 30-45 secs and repeat
for about 10-15 total sets.

Specialized Tabata's – If you’re not sure what “Tabata’s” are yet, they are an interval
method that uses a 20 sec work period coupled with a 10 sec rest period for 8 total
rounds. It only takes 4 mins for a Tabata set to be completed but I must recognize
that during the work periods, you are to go at 100% ALL OUT effort in order to
make a Tabata interval most effective.

Setting up Tabata sets is easy. There are two different options you have with
Aggressive Strength Method.

Option 1 is to use only do one movement. For this you will use only one movement
for the whole Tabata set.

Option 2 is to couple two different movements together and cycle between the two.
Each movement will be done 4 times.

An example would look like so:

Movement A – First 20 secs

Rest x 10 secs
Movement B – Second 20 secs
Rest x 10 secs

For conditioning purposes, it’s recommended you try to stick with either
bodyweight only movements or lightly weighted movements for Tabata sets.

Any bodyweight movement is fair game. You can even use sprinting and jumps. For
weighted movements, kettlebell movements and dumbbell movements work best,
but you can use what ever you choose.

Sprint Protocols – Sprinting is by far one of the BEST forms of conditioning. There
are many ways to use sprinting within your program.

My favorite methods are the following:

Sprint Ladders – start out by sprinting 20 yards, then go 30, 40, 50 then come back
down the ladder. Use the walk back as rest and try to run your sprints at near 100%
speed every set.

Sprint the Straights, Walk The Curves – On a track, simply start out by sprinting the
straightaway 100m all out and when you get to the curve, walk until you hit the
other straight away. Repeat for 3-4 laps total.

AMRAP Straight Sprint Repeats – Simply sprint ALL OUT for 40-100 yards then rest
for 90-120 secs and repeat x the allotted amount of time. I typically go for 15 mins
total. Try to keep your sprints above 90% effort. If you slow down too much, let
yourself rest a bit longer as you don’t want to turn this into a jogging session.

Short Sprint Barrage – Sprint for 10 yards ALL OUT. Rest only 20-30 secs between
sets and repeat for 10-20 sets total.

Another great option to use for your conditioning…

Hardcore Workout Finishers – If you want to access to over 31 Killer Hardcore

Workout Finishers, I’ve got a done-for-you manual that includes 31 different
workout finishers that have been proven to increase your results that can easily be
implemented into ANY training program you’re currently doing.

All you do is add them in to the end of your training session!


Last but NOT least…

In order for you to get the most out of these workouts or any other program for that
matter, YOU must have your mind set on total SUCCESS. You must be willing to put
in the hard work needed and dig deep. You must be willing to get out of your
comfort zone and bust past your personal pain barriers. You can very well be in
possession of the BEST training system that I’ve ever put together, but if your mind
isn’t set on SUCCESS you will fail and you’re results will NOT be as great as they can
truly be.

This is where the whole mantra of TRAINING AGGRESSIVE comes to life! This is
where you can truly separate yourself from the other people around you as most
people are not willing to push themselves to the levels their capable of going as this
takes tons of focus and commitment. You must ask yourself…

Are you willing to put in the work? Are you ready to do the work that’s needed to
get done? Will YOU stay committed?

Get yourself set on going 110% H.A.M. at all times! Program you mind so that it is
set on SUCCESS no matter what and accept NO EXCUSES.

Time to Live and Train Aggressive!


PS – Make sure to keep me updated on your progress and if you have questions, let
me know by shooting me an email to



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Strength Method Workouts and Brand New
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Aggressive Strength to help EXPLODE your training
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• Access to me + other members via the Aggressive Strength Forum

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