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syaor4 vectors - Navier-Stokes equations: conservation of momentum Physics Slack xchange Physics Stack Exchanges queston and answor se for active researchers, academe and students of physles ae Its 100% free, no registration required ae Navier-Stokes equations: conservation of momentum ‘The first Navier-Stokes equation (conservation of mass) says: V = For stationary flow, the Lh of the second equation is (conservation of momentum): p BE = p( 2 + (8- Vi) = al(T-aa) 0 yy i ind tat the Lh ofthe conservation of momentum aquation i always equal to 20 fora stationary fs know bis is true but where amt ‘wrong in his roasening ? Note tat @ = 0 onyforincaepressble flow, The el frat Naver Stokes quan theconsenaton of p+ Vipi) =0. DJeaahatne natenarymanentin equsion ges ou ance # Oe (e-Ie=0, | Ble constantalong sown secon = Tobie Kinder san 11°19 a 13:08 1 Answer ‘Your mistake here to assume that te mutipication 7 - V is commutative. no the dot product hore us a convarar mathematical ota, This pat ofthe Whipoda aril on Nair ‘Stokes equations explain howe interpret ister htpsphysics stackerchange comiquestonsi6769Mhaver-sckes-equrtions-consenation of: momentum n

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