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I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (10 x1p = 10p)

Hi Marie

Great to hear from you again! It (1) BE …………. a long time. Your project sounds interesting for
me because I have an English exam soon so I need (2) LEARN ……….. and remember lots of
new vocabulary for it.

One way is (3) CARRY ………… a set of blank cards with me and when I (4) READ ……….. a
new word, I write it on the card. Then when I (5) SIT……….. on the bus to college, I can test

Recently, I (6) START ……….. using my mobile phone as well. There are lots of really good apps
you can download. You click on a new word and you can listen to the pronunciation. But if I’m
on the bus I need (7) WEAR ………. headphones, otherwise people think I’m mad!

Oh, and one other thing is that I’m a visual learner, so I like lots of pictures. Watching videos in
English is also useful – and fun.

Well, I hope that (8) HELP ……….. with your project. If I (9) THINK …………. of anything
else, I (10) EMAIL ………… again.

Bye for now

(Spotlight on First Student’s Book, Second Edition, John Hughes and Jon Naunton 2015, National
Geographic Learning, p. 215)

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (10 x 1p = 10 p)

Chef Paul Stevens was in the kitchen of the restaurant where he worked when he was bitten on the
hand by a giant spider. His first (1) …………(REACT) was to take its picture on his mobile to
show his friends. However, when he started to feel ill he was taken to hospital. The doctors were
(2) ……….. (SUCCESS) in making a diagnosis and sent him home. When Paul felt worse he was
rushed back to hospital. (3) …………(LUCKY) he still had his mobile with the photograph. This
time doctors sent it to Bristol Zoo where they identified his (4) ……….. (ATTACK) as a Brazilian
Wandering Spider – one of the world’s most (5)………..(POISON) arachnids. Its venom can kill
225 mice. In humans it can provoke an (6) …………..(REGULAR) heartbeat and high blood
pressure. In some instances it can even result in (7) …………(DIE). Happily, since the (8) ………
(INVENT) of an antidote nobody has died. At first nobody could explain its (9)
……….(MISTERY) appearance, then people realised it had almost (10)……….(CERTAIN)
hidden away in a box of bananas.
(Spotlight on First Student’s Book, Second Edition, John Hughes and Jon Naunton 2015, National
Geographic Learning, p. 44)

III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (1 x 10 p = 10 p)

1. Dându-i numărul tău sugerează că ai vrut să-l vezi din nou.

a. Giving him your number suggests you did want to see him again.
b. Giving him your number suggests that you want to see him again.
c. Giving your number suggests that you want to see it again.
d. Giving your number suggests that you would like to see him again.

2. Dacă vrei să fii atât de irascibil ca toată după-amiază, jocul nu are rost.
a. If you mean to be as bad-tempered as this all afternoon, the game is pointless.
b. If you meant to be as bad-tempered as this all afternoon, there's no point in playing.
c. Unless you are as bad-tempered as this all afternoon, there’s no point in playing.
d. If you mean to be as bad-tempered as this all afternoon, there's no point in playing.

3. Which of the sentences best rephrases the original sentence?

Assuming everything goes according to plan, we’ll be there by six o’clock.
a. Unless something goes wrong we’ll be there no later than six o’clock.
b. If everything goes as planned, we’ll be there by six o’clock.
c. Supposing all things go well, we’ll be there by six o’clock.
d. If nothing goes wrong, we’ll be there by six o’clock.

4. Choose the right ending for the following sentence: ‘I don’t think this is much different…
a. than do what you do.
b. to having to rely on others.
c. as this one.
d. from what happened last time.

5. The equivalent of ‘He looks as if he wouldn’t hurt a fly’ is:

a. He wouldn’t hurt anyone.
b. He is very gentle and would never do anything to injure or upset anyone.
c. He looks harmless.
d. He doesn’t like killing insects.

6. These old buildings next to the river should be pulled down.

In the sentence above the phrase written in bold means
a. demolish
b. renovate
c. evict
d. rebuild

7. Choose the correct explanation of the following: "Scott looks exhausted - I'll bet he's
been burning the candle at both ends lately."
a. Scott is mourning a lost beloved person.
b. Scott is out of electricity.

c. Scott has exhausted himself by doing too much and not having enough rest.
d. Scott needs rest.

8. Choose the word that can complete the sentence: ‘My best friend was ………… out of the team.’
a. kicked
b. dropped
c. sacked
d. fired

9. Choose the right ending for the sentence: ‘I think you should apologise…’
a. for this type of exercise.
b. for his friends and family.
c. of telling lies.
d. for your behavior last night.

10. Choose the suitable explanation for the following sentence: ‘Amy's message was so
confusing. I couldn't make head or tail of it!’
a. You can’t understand it at all.
b. You don’t know what to think about the person.
c. You can’t read the message.
d. You didn’t get the message.

IV. Translate the following text into Romanian (10p)

Felicia, 19, from the Netherlands, joined a Raleigh International overseas programme to
Costa Rica. ‘I’ve just finished high school and next year I’m going to university. I thought Raleigh
would be the best opportunity to take a gap year and see more of the world. I’ve learnt a lot working
with people from a mix of different backgrounds. It has opened my eyes to a much bigger world
than my own. People around the world have their own opinions and beliefs and that should be
respected. You appreciate little things in life and realise you don’t need lots of luxury objects like
expensive clothes and TVs. Happiness is found in different things such as the kindness of people.’
Holly, 20, Canadian, took a break after her studies to join a Raleigh overseas programme:
‘I was looking for volunteer work abroad and came across Raleigh International on the Internet. I
didn’t really know what to expect, apart from the fact that it was likely to be hard work. I hoped
the programme would give me e better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses and would
give me the opportunity to develop my abilities to work in a team as weel as improving my
leadership skills. For the first few days I found life in the programme fairly difficult. We had to
adjust to the accommodation, Malaysian culture, homesickness, fatigue and various other
differences. My highlight was socializing with villagers. They gave me a skirt, made me a necklace
and often gave us lunch. On a personal level I feel I have improved my communication skills, and
find that I now listen to others more readily before speaking.’
(Spotlight on First Student’s Book, Second Edition, John Hughes and Jon Naunton 2015, National
Geographic Learning, p. 29, Working for a volunteer organisation)


I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (10 x1p = 10p)

1. has been
2. to learn
3. to carry
4. read
5. am sitting
6. have started
7. to wear
8. helps
9. think
10. will email

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (10 x 1p = 10 p)

1. reaction
2. unsuccessful
3. luckily
4. attacker
5. poisonous
6. irregular
7. death
8. invention
9. mysterious
10. certainly

III. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (1 x 10 p = 10 p)

1. a
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. a

IV. Translate the following text into Romanian (10p)

Felicia, 19 ani, din Olanda, s-a alăturat unui program Raleigh International de peste mări în Costa
Rica. "Tocmai am terminat liceul și anul viitor merg la universitate. Credeam că Raleigh va fi cea
mai bună ocazie pentru a lua un an pauză și a vedea mai mult din lume. Am învățat multe lucruri
cu oameni dintr-un amestec de medii diferite. Mi-a deschis ochii într-o lume mult mai mare decât

a mea. Oamenii din întreaga lume au propriile opinii și credințe și aceștia trebuie respectate. Vei
aprecia lucrurile mici în viață și vei realiza că nu ai nevoie de o mulțime de obiecte de lux cum ar
fi haine scumpe și televizoare. Fericirea se găsește în diferite lucruri, cum ar fi bunătatea

Holly, în vârstă de 20 de ani, din Canada, a făcut o pauză după ce a terminat studiile pentru a
participa la un program de peste mări Raleigh: "Căutam muncă de voluntariat în străinătate și am
întâlnit Raleigh International pe Internet. Nu știam cu adevărat la ce să mă aștept, în afară de faptul
că probabil o să fie o muncă grea. Speram că programul imi va oferi o mai bună înțelegere a
punctelor forte și a punctelor mele slabe și imi va oferi ocazia de a-mi dezvolta abilitățile de a lucra
într-o echipă, precum și îmbunătățirea abilităților mele de conducere. În primele zile am găsit viața
în program destul de dificilă. A trebuit să ne adaptăm la cazare, cultura malaysiană, dor de casă,
oboseală și alte diferențe. Sarcina mea preferată a fost socializarea cu sătenii. Mi-au dat o fustă,
mi-au făcut un colier si de multe ori ne-au dat prânz. La nivel personal, simt că mi-am îmbunătățit
abilitățile de comunicare și am descoperit că acum îi ascult pe alții cu mai mare disponibilitate
înainte de a vorbi.”

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