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Introduction: I’m in a non-profit educational organization that brings Workshops on

ethics to High Schools in Mexico: there’s activities related to peaceful citizen

coexistence, non-violent problem solution models and environment awareness
I’ve been commissioned to adapt and bring these topics to social media. I’m still on
research but already had developed some material, from basic social media posts
and articles to infographics and YouTube explanatory videos.
My persona then is a teacher, who just found this online material and is about to
spread and share some of the Content I just had created with his classroom and
maybe to his colleagues. So, I’m not waiting for customers but for people engaged
on the content I’ll be posting, not just an audience but users that spread the word.
The expected goal is that they get interested in contact us to follow the full workshop
that we host.

Buyer persona: Martin. 27 y/o. He’s a charming young teacher, very involved with
his profession. He follows lots of pages about learning and school on social media
(Facebook mainly). He’s interested in government issues and politics. Also, he
believes in the importance of teacher guidance and wants his students to take the
best decisions for their lives. He likes to discuss with people about strategies on
learning and ways to engage students. He’s thinking about to get a master degree
on Education Studies.
Experience Map (Summary):
My user persona found my service on social media and that’s because I initially
promote my page on a bigger Education related page. There was a click on a link
that was shared on this bigger site, and he discover our organization website. He
started to take a look and quickly became a follower of the Facebook page. Soon he
realized that he could include one of our videos on his Ethics class next week.
Our Facebook page is the web-findable content that he needs to know more about
our organization and contact us. When he shares our content, his colleagues in
school, whom he has as “friends” on Facebook, turn out to be potential followers,
and if not them, they could see this Content post and recommend to their friends.
The content of our site is also promoted in Meta-sites and blogs on Education,
Learning and Ethics, so we have the chance to be wide spread. There is a lot of
material to take from our Main site that will be shared on this Facebook page: visually
attractive infographics, videos, Articles, activities to do, and free tests to work with
Because we’re a not-profit organization we offer that for free. It is not a strict way to
use that material, so teachers can choose what it is better for their purposes, which
make the experience more suitable. By the way, every post will have a quick guide
of recommended use.

High Five Content:

This will be an informative video about bullying awareness that will has the next
“8 effective ways (that everybody in school can do) to deal
with Bullying”

It’ll be a post on Facebook that also will lead to an article on the organization's blog.
Therefore, it will be an authority Content.
It should help to answer questions that my person has, since the topic is something
that worries him and he’s interested in knowing actions he could do. The action this
post calls for is to promote the awareness and implementation of the proposed
On the other hand, it establishes principles and beliefs that concern a certain group
of teachers, a group that my person feels identified with. In this way, it manages to
connect with a specific group and works as Affinity content.
Finally, more interested people can be engaged through 2nd Buyers, who in this case
would be teachers of other subjects or parents who had an impact on social networks
when viewing the publication and share it on their own Facebook network.
Since content is available for free, it covers the category of attraction content as well.

Sorry for the big introduction, there is the post for assignment Week 4:

8 effective ways (that everybody in school can do) to

deal with Bullying

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INEGI) about 70% of students

from basic to professional level have suffered at some point from scholar
harassment or bullying1, making Mexico the country with the highest incidence of
Bullying on the OECD.

Despite growing awareness of the issue, the problem needs to be addressed

from all possible fronts of society: from public health policies to mass media to
the family and of course in the school. Because this problem does not distinguish
economic or social condition, appearing at all levels of Education2 on public and
private institutions.

If you are a Principal, teacher, counselor, support staff or student, you can start
the change we all need. All you need is initiative and desire to improve the
environment in your school. Here are 8 effective and easy to follow activities that
can lead to a major change:

1. A Mailbox:

 Install a special mailbox where students can anonymously report abuses.

 It can be physical or digital, such as an email account just used to report
acts of violence.

México es el primer lugar de Bullying a escala internacional.
 Establish a clear procedure for investigating abuse reports. Including
actions to take and eventual sanctions.

2. Anti-bullying committee:

 Request the school authorities to create a committee to evaluate and

monitor violence in your institution.
 You can start by creating surveys to obtain information that guides different
strategies to follow.
 Seek the help of specialists, or people trained for non-violent conflict
3. Area monitoring.

 Much of the bullying occurs when there is no surveillance by the

 Intervening in the spaces and schedules in which the students pass
without supervision, as in the recess or changes of class, helps to avoid
incidents of violence.
 Ask for support from local authorities to monitor areas near the school
where bullying can occur.

4. Establish a set of Rules.

 Something as simple as making clear the consequences of negative

behaviors can prevent them from occurring.
 Together with your students, organize a session in which the rights, rules
and penalties necessary for harmonious coexistence will be discussed.
 Making a group set of Rules encourages values such as respect, justice
and responsibility; It also encourages collaboration and recognition worthy
of the Other.

5. Special Tutoring.

 When a student with aggressive behavior is detected, he may be given

constructive work instead of punishment.
 Helping students in lower grades is a strategy to change their attitudes.
 They can also help in bullying monitoring brigades.
 Setting specific goals and following up on your activities will avoid falling
into simulation.

6. Make preventive posters.

 Place posters and signs that make sense about bullying and its
 Students can be responsible for their preparation and dissemination.
 They can also share positive messages that promote coexistence in
harmony free of violence.
7. Debates and activities.

 Organize discussion tables in which suggestions to combat bullying can

be heard, as well as to raise awareness about the harm it causes and
strategies to avoid its incidence.
 Schedule short sessions in which cases are analyzed through videos or
other materials.
 Launch or coordinate special activities such as The Week of Nonviolence.
Artistic and role-playing activities are often attractive to students and
motivate their participation.

8. Parent-school communication.

 When detecting a bullying case, find out about the actions that can be
taken by the parents of the bully or the bullying pupil.
 Forms a phone and mail directory of competent professionals that parents
could consult.
 Encourage them to always seek competent help according to the
seriousness of the case.
 Remember that bullying is not just a school problem and the family is an
important pillar that influences its eradication.

If you think that one of these activities can change the situation in your school, do
not hesitate to organize with your colleagues and implement it!

For more tips and strategies for a school free of violence, follow us on social
networks and share this publication, so it can reach more people who want to
change the world like you.

(This image resembles my organization logo)

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