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varno%e ‘The Island The Island Pree ree end ik pal Travel (Pv Lad 05, ported ya Investigating the education discourse in Pakistan ‘Await Breaking News ‘My Pakistan Experience - 4 Last Undated Jon 29 2018 | 06:10 pm Lahore University of Management stucls (lums) camous & arm Chughal in conversation With \wrter (ign) ane calleague ‘Your poor father want the wrong way to (of learning tha’ all very well fora youna have nothing to debut sig check al Me Ie, and may 98 well have Latin inside his head as any other sort of suing = tn the novel Mil o the Floss by George Et published in 1860, the neoine’ of forunes and the heroine’ brother, who has been receiving a Iberal arts education is compellad to start earning nis Iing. The people ne consults say that he has got the wrong sor of educaton for earning a Iving, that bookkeeping or accounting Woule nave served nim better, ven a beter retur for expenditure than Latin, class ‘etor, arthmetie, algebra and Greek ane Roman histor. ct 21 century Se Lanka, A recasrtatve of leading pale nk tank gg a lecture fra curse at ieee ar shouldbe retun overt, define return tre arones way os tango posble toes topundtreonedvnton for xara, rot for chs moneys ans nto lns, lng computor lbs, teacher training and student vocational raining and so on “Lmean I am not ering the Colomo Unversity justo ge a hypothetical example, i's all well and goos when someone Bulls a building ia Colombo University. Buti that doesnt bring back revenue tothe economy, tren that's a problem we have as opposed to he had bul a smaller building but invested the rest ofthe maney i 8 eamputer lab 1 am pretty sure the students would gain a let more out ofthat than having a ve or seven story Bulleng.” There are worrying aspect inthis won reveales atthe Bandaranake International Diplomatic “Training Institute on December 12, 2017 by Kithmine Hewege, Research Offer of Iternationl Petey Studes, Sri Lanka. In unversty conforming to this vision, wil there even be a facut of Arts and ‘most basi bullcing? Can nothing capable of generating a revenue hagpen within a buldng? Lacures, \wortless? Can't revence be deinad in a bigger way to revel potential in a iberal ars faculty as well According to Dr Mariam Chughtl, Associate Desh af the nenly leunched School of Eeeston (SOE) In the Lanore Unversty of Wanagament Sclances(LUMS), the same cficuty In separating the wheat from the chaff beset the 2I-century ecueation escouree in Pakiston| Thor slot of activity in education In Pakistan But there sno sorting of good dose from bad Ideas. At the moment you see lt of maney coming nto Pakstan fom the donor settar, andthe private sectors booming. But ther Is o strategic direction. So LUMS being avery wel respected [ARCHIVES | RELATED LINKS brand in Pakistan was pasitoned just perfectly to house the Schoo of education and become the leader of tat discourse." Sunday, 2 nary 2018 [Cures 600 ‘Sette, 20 sanvary 2018 Well respected brands in Pakistan, Dr, Chughta tls me, have a tendency to become cor Because Pakistan s Pakistan, promising brands from Imran Khan to Maal, have become controversial, but LUMS, she declares proudly has not itp lwwuistand klindex.php7page_cat 18 ricle-detalls8page=artcle-detalls&code_ti tereore ‘The Island ‘One of the ways in which a not-or-proft university can become controversial s by running into Financilaiatress ane having to re-acerett sel a 8 for-profit eniy or be acquired by 2 forprtt ‘eny. Some instances ofthis nave been reported from USA, tha: Mecca for rotor-poftecucaten, onda 15h Jenusy 2018 ore ecies| Tuesay, Yn Janay 2018 ariam Chughta' association however Ie not wien the controvesal fine but with the notfor-prot ssiyatlonal aristocracy inthe USA. She eanneced to Harvard University by a doctorate in Education and tao master’s degrees anda teaching felowship uncer which se taught Leadership at Harvard Kennedy Senool, Negotiations at Hervard Lam School snd educational subjects a Harvard Graduate School of Education. She always wanted to come back to Pakistan after ner doctorate and ‘seems gla to have been ble to come back fo a insite which is as uncostroversil, established ‘and as ready for thought anc poly leadership inthe relevant fed asthe ona she let In USA “Syed Babar Al gave the schoo five years of funds, So evan if we bringin no revenue, we can fun the schoo! jst fe, have substantial scholarship for our students a5 wel But we ae gong to Be commited that by year fve we are gong to be finally sustainable and IF there is growth beyond ‘that it will not be 99 Bringing more money; that's what the business school for I wil be on Increasing impact. So, we want tobe fnancaly able, we want to increase Impact nthe educational sector of Pakistan” Being able to deine revenue, retun or growth in bigger ways ~ in terms oF impact rater than money = one ofthe perks of being 2 not-for-roi university. LUMS had had investors ang shareholders Bt the nel, ths wouls Mave been technical and etic impossbilty, Financial growtn would have bean tne primary obligation owed tothe sharsholders and any Impact on tha national educational sector would necessary have to be secondary | Dr, Chughta talks, she reveals to me how a university can contribute othe national economy by being an ideas hothouse and an intelectual resource, without Being confined to @narcow mandate consisting FI labs, technelogial innovation plants, teacher training and vecatonaltatning calieges “We are on December 7 [she talked to me in November 2017), signing @ huge province-wide agreement with the KP (Kayber-Pakrtunkhwa) Goverment. I¢S a 25-milion-dolar project and they ‘are bsnging inthe LUMS Schoo of Eavetin, which is Bringing in the LUMS Cente for Entrepreneurship and we are working with the University of Peshawar t train youth all over KP to become entrepreneurs, Because we want tis par f the wort tobe eb creates, not just fb Seckors, This sa government lve claboration.” tn fact, LUMS SOE has completely excluced themselves from 2 vocational trlning rol, “Typically, an sslation school understood to be teacher Usning school or 8 teacher certfeation insist. And {there are plenty of these, go0d ones. Now Intemational organizations like Cambridge Universty are ko coming in that space. Weare creating easton leagers. They wil be poly consultant, ‘education ertrapranaurs,ec-tech expats, researchers, consultants. Wariam Chughtal aks to me and Diana seated at her office in LUNS, Lahore, where large picture ‘window commands a revealing view ofthe cpu, where all the bulings are ofa norm size, not ‘ferent sas depending on each school's revenue generation petental. Ian‘ help feling now relevant sich an nature would be to country like Sr Lanks, wee tere iz such» vibrant even vraten cscourse on educational policy reforms, equeational entraprencufsip, Publ vs Prvate slueaton fund allocation and sizeof university buldngs: Wil LUMS SOE be an ivory toner oF a practical poty conerbuto at state level? “we nave ust signed another MoU withthe Govetnment of Punjab, Tey have tis unt called the PMU, Phoning, Mentorng and Implementation Unt. They have date on teaches, enrolments est Scores, everything. So they want researchers at LUMS School of Edueaton to come, look at tet data, analyse produce research and give them advice on how to make better polices." In fact an vor towers the last thing they wl be, Ther curiulum, Or Chughtal tells us, wil be ‘modelled after the mecleal schools. “You will never goto a dactor who Rae never stepped into 2 hospital ght? Yet we have so many educational experts who have nt really spent te in education organizations, in the government sector, sting there and understanaing how Is the examination process mace, what are the problems that teachers face inthe classroom, You know we have these tthe about hing" As ke Now 2 laptop or an ad per cil wil improve education for example. “There is a brain wave that comes toa politician, my clés learning with an Pa, so everybody should Rave an iPad ‘2nd al probtems of education wll go away. Not researeh backed. Giving out laptops ablts and ‘ecnnology products alone does et lead to learning.” No? {ask stohly incredulously. Or. Chughtal says firmly, “MIT's one lastp per child ton years 290, it was a mult country study showed that learning outcomes actly went down.” Bocause students were datracted.” htpwwisland ikiindex.php7page_cat=artcl-detalsSpag 218 tereore ‘The Island ‘This example ofthe polticon getting» brainwave and implementing it 92 pobey is an instance of poly and precica existing without research To Work, poly, practice and raearcn shoul come together, she tls me. Very often in Pakistan just two ofthese three components come together wile the tied islet behind. "You nave research ana practice together. You have some very good ideas happening in ele rvate schools, weryg00d instruction going on, but no poly, They are not being ‘Then you have the very obvious example of researc Iading to paley which I not translated nto practice In Pakistan right to eduction is enstrned in the consti and an amendment makes formal primary educalion compulsory for every chil, This does act happen i practic, So the LUMS School af Education through alts partners and_its engagements with the sector, the public, private, doner andthe nen-prft, wants to realy operate at the nexus of research, poly ane practice. We want to bring people who sisagree with one another together, to think about whet they ‘an do together: No, we are ct interested in ane more conference on how imporant gs education is. We at know git education is important. Wie are nat looking a bon culing opportunities. We'd ruc rather have thee years of sustanes clalogue with tese communes where the girs are not ‘ing to school closed door, small meetings to igure out what exacly is keeping these gis out of creole ang vies a soliton tat works fr everyone.” LuMs SOE wil be offering tree types o quaiicatons for education leadership; the two year MPI [wich isthe flagship programme; miners in esuetion for LUMS undergraduates; end professional {evelopment courses for werkng educational professionals. “tt 2 two-year MPhilin eduction management and leadership that we are offering as our uncn programme. It's curiculum modellea ser Marva’ tnree-year doctorate in educational leadership. We nave sor of condensed I to two years. MPhilis Ike a master’ plus, mor research focused. Each four students il experience a before and after moment. When they come its the programme ‘they nave all these experences and perceptions about Now education works. But we ae realy going te put them in settings that are very ehellenging for them, even f they are coming with experlence in Waiam Chughtal traces ner Isprtion tobe Inthe education sector to Sri Lanka. When she was 2 teonager she attended a Red Cross/Crescent youth caryp fram al over the word held in Singapore land ten In China, hate, she mage tends wit th Sri Lankan contingent, whe really outshone the rest by having done the most amount of social workin hei communities and who inspired her Wis ther et towards education, -Arcerwarss, she went 10,000 mils away to Harvard, USA fer a master's degree in education t learn about how 3 fd in Balochistan should learn. I ft her with 2 question "Why count a program be sffered n Pakistan that had sccese to Salchlstan?” Two masts agrees, one doctorate and 2 teaching feiowshp ater Wanars Chughal is back n Pakistan setting up a school ef eduction that tffere exally such 2 programe, "I could take out LUMS, SOE frm the globe and put back anywhere forte ria kind oF impact, where should I put? 14 put i back right where I is nom, because the impacts here. This programme, with Is residency, partnershiss and the space we are ‘rating for discourse, we rally hope twill come a regional outreach space.” In lading schools of education in the global North, thre is faculty who know the answers. But the realimpect of those answers would be felt n South Asa, because that's where the numbers are and the enalanges. Sucnsenoos of education as Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Camenige, UPon {thas were looking fra clean ivoad into a South Asian university siting that understands ther lnguage Nove bon pursued and rocrtted bythe LUMS School OF Education fr a winewin partnership “we give them access tothe fl, for tem todo beter search, to apply ther research and we get the Benefit of tei expertise. So in that sense we have an international advisory board and # tof Uunverstis very exited to work with us.” ‘To BE CONTINUED ie vs:51 (Sond Fears @ age Sse by Lae, htpwwisland ikiindex.php7page_cat=artcl-detalsSpag

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