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(Worksheet) NOW THINK !

A- The 5 senses (look / feel / taste/ sound/ smell)  Comment choisir?

1- Observez et appariez les 5 sens à l’illustration correspondante. Puis visionnez cette courte vidéo pour
vérifier. 

1 5

 sense of sight
 sense of smell
 senses of sound / hearing
 sense of taste
4  sense of touch

2- Observe ces énoncés pour t’aider à compléter les règles d’emploi sur ces verbes
d’ « impression » .

 Emmanuel Jal looks upset and terrified .

 His song sounds dark and depressing .
 Kate Tempest sounds as if she wants to galvanize men and women together.
 They make us feel concerned .
 Both singer-songwriters seem committed.
 His country smells like war .
 Kate’s words taste like victory.
 The listeners may feel touched beyond words .

- …………………….. s’utilise pour signaler que l’on voit la personne ou la chose.

- …………………….. s’utilise pour signaler que l’on entend la personne ou la chose.
- Si l’on touche ou si l’on ressent , il faut employer ………………………… .
- Si l’on goûte , il faut employer ………………………………… .
- Si l’on sent , il faut employer ………………………………… .
Ces structures anglaises n’ont pas de réels équivalents français. Nous pouvons remarquer que le
………………………… utilisé pour faire l’action est ce qui va déterminer le………………………… précis à
Propose une
employer. traduction
Ces française
expressions pour généralement en français par : « ………………………………»,
se traduisent
« ……………………………………. » , « ……………………………………. » . ‘Seem’ est beaucoup plus
general et se traduit par « ……………………………………. » .
3- Observe ces énoncés et réécris- les dans le tableau ci-dessous en respectant les
différentes règles d’emploi.

It sounds like music . / It sounds weird . / He looks as if he wanted to die . /

It feels like cotton . / She feels warm. / This tastes like poop . / He looks like you. /
He looks devastated. / It looks as if it's going to rain / She sounds as if she's angry ! /
This tastes horrible . / This feels as if it will end soon . /She smells awful. / This tastes like
snake . / It sounds as if you had a great time. /She sounded as though she were (was)
angry, but in fact, she was upset.

V + adj V+like + NOUN V+ as if/though + Clause

Propose une traduction pour : « look like »  ………………………………

fresh / loud / sweet /bright / silky / delicious / deafening / tasteless / shiny /bitter / rotten /noisy
4- Voici une liste d’adjectifs, après avoir vérifié le sens de chacun dans un dictionnaire, réécris-les dans la
/ rough / colonne
stinky correspondante.
/ salty / melodic / crunchy / quiet / soft / light / silent / chewy / smooth /
speckled /sour / loud /spicy /heavy / juicy / smoky / squeaky / fizzy / dry /sticky

B- L’emploi de like / as …. as dans les analogies (comparaisons)

« similes» 

 « Similes » are easy to understand; they're phrases that describe something by comparing into
something else using the word "like" or "as ... as" . Similes can often be found in song lyrics, as they let
you convey deeper meaning with fewer words.
Observe ces énoncés pour t’aider à compléter la règle pour t’aider en créer d’autres .

 He knew the answer as quick as a flash.

 He eats like a horse.
 I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.
 Last night, I slept like a log.
 She is as thin as a rake.

like + ………………………… as + ………………………… + ………… + GN

Ex: Ex:

 Now it’s your turn ! Complete the similes with the missing words.

a- as ………………… as fire
b- ………………… cold as …………………
c- ………………… nice …………………love
d- as ugly as ………………….
e- as ………………… as a giraffe.
f- as ………………… as the sun .
g- She is ……… ……………………………… ………… as a lamb.
h- She is ……… sweet ……………… ………….……… .
i- She is ……… ……………………………… as an angel
j- This room is ……… …………………… ………… coal.
k- You were ……… ………………… …………… a lion .
l- They fought ………………………. cats and …………………. .
m- “My heart is …………………. an open highway “ ( “It’s My Life ” Bon Jovi)
n- It’s been a hard day’s night, and I've been working …………………. a …………………. ."
( "A Hard Day's Night," The Beatles)
o- "And it seems to me you lived your life, ……………… a …………………. in the wind."
(Elton John)
p- "You're ……………. …………………. …………… ice." (Foreigner)
q- " Forgetting him was …………………. trying to know somebody you never met"
(" Red " Taylor Swift )
r- My love for you is …………………. …………………. …………………. the ocean.
s- We’re beautiful …………………. diamonds in the sky . Shine ………………….
…………………. a diamond. (" Diamonds " by Rihanna)
 Now write your own “Five Senses Poem” about Human Rights .


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