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Chapter 8

Discourse Analysis and

Discursive Psychology
Jonathan Potter
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

Extract 8.1 captures some talk taken from partway intelligible to one another, however, and are redolent
through an evening meal in a U.K. family. Anna, with psychological matters. For example, in the
who is 3, has not been eating and is increasingly unfolding interaction, Mum’s summons in line 1 is
fractious. She has been fed a forkful of food by Mum inflected with a prosodic contour that we might
(although she normally feeds herself). She is still not describe as warning; Anna’s sob in line 3 is a display of
eating. upset. Moreover, the display of upset follows the warn-
This is the kind of material that discursive psy- ing that Anna is likely to hear as pressing her to eat.
chologists work with. It is interaction between people These materials allow us to consider how the
that is happening naturally. It is not staged by the interaction unfolds, and each bit of the interaction is
researcher. It is recorded on digital video (allowing us relevant to what came before and what came after. It
to see the spitting on line 8) and transcribed in a way is after Anna’s sob (in the slot where she should be
that captures delay, overlap, intonation, and volume eating according to Mum’s warning) that Mum pro-
(see Chapter 7 of this volume). This is the stuff of real duces an explicit threat: “If you don’t eat your din-
life. It is a recording of how the interaction unfolds ner there will be no pudding.” Note that this is an
for the participants—it does not have functional mag- interesting and somewhat intensified attempt at
netic resonance imaging recordings of Mum’s or social influence. And yet threats make hardly any
Anna’s brain, and participants have not been inter- appearance in the literature on social influence. Dis-
viewed about what is going on. Participant actions are cursive psychologists look at materials like this not
only to address classic psychological issues but also
to be stimulated into new thinking on new issues.
Note also that the threat is built so that the
Extract 8.1
agency for producing the unpleasant upshot (no
Mum and Anna
pudding) is embedded rather than exposed. This
may soften the appearance of autocratic control (rel-
01 Mum: [An]na? evant to family dynamics), and it may produce eat-
02 (1.6)
ing as subject to general impersonal rules rather
03 Anna: U↑hhuh ((more of a sob than a
response)) than parental whim (in line with a classic project of
04 (0.6) socialization). All of this is occasioned by Anna fail-
05 Mum: If you don’ eat your dinner:, (0.4) ing to act on Mum’s implicit directive on line 3.
06 there’ll be no pudding.
The threat has an orderly place—but it is not the
07 [ (1.2) ]
08 Anna: [((spits mouthful onto her plate))] first action used for encouraging eating in these
09 Mum: That’s horrible. mealtimes. It is delayed and only comes after
requests, directives, cajoling, and other actions take

DOI: 10.1037/13620-008
APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Vol. 2. Research Designs, H. Cooper (Editor-in-Chief)
Copyright © 2012 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
Jonathan Potter

place. This gives the child space to produce the with neural events that are happening below and
appropriate behavior as generated by her volition. behind interaction, it starts with the public displays,
There is something fascinating about what hap- constructions, and orientations of participants.
pens after the threat. Anna spits out her food. This is DP starts with discourse because discourse is the
not just random food spitting—food is being ejected primary arena for human action, understanding, and
just in the slot where Mum has produced the stron- intersubjectivity. We communicate with one
gest push for food to be ingested. That is, in just this another, express our desires and fears, and come to
slot, Anna is doing something that counts as defi- understand others feelings and concerns primarily
ance. Once a threat has been issued, compliance is a though talking. DP, however, is a very different
relevant next action but so is defiance. We can see project to the psychology of language. What might
in these concrete, readily researched materials some someone be doing by saying they are “angry” or that
of the big issues of social relations played out, in they “like” that cheesecake?
particular, the sociological truism that power and Contemporary DP is a domain of naturalistic
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

resistance go together. These are basic concerns study. That is, it works from audio and video
of discursive psychology (for more detail, see records of people interacting with one another
Craven & Potter, 2010; Hepburn & Potter, 2011b). within their everyday and institutional settings. A
Let me now lay these out more systematically. central feature of discourse analytic work on psy-
This chapter introduces and overviews the use of chological topics in the past few years has been the
discourse analysis to study psychological questions excitement of working directly on action and inter-
and, in particular, the perspective known as discur- action as it unfolds in real time in real situations.
sive psychology (DP). DP begins with psychological Indeed, a case could be made that an empirical pro-
matters as they arise for people as they live their gram that started with life as it is lived is long over-
lives. It studies how psychological issues and objects due and ought to be foundational to other kinds of
are constructed, understood, and displayed as peo- psychological perspective (Edwards, 1997). The
ple interact in both everyday and institutional situa- conclusion of this program of work is that social life
tions. It focuses on such questions as the following: is organized with an extraordinary degree of granu-
larity and orderliness, which is best seen as it
■■ How does one of the parties in a relationship
unfolds in real time as people respond to one anoth-
counseling session build a description of troubles
er’s talk and display, moment by moment, a subtle
that indirectly blames the other party and places
practical understanding of one another. In real life,
the onus on them to change (Edwards, 1997)?
psychology is in motion; DP is an approach that
■■ How does a speaker show that they are not preju-
attempts to capture that motion.
diced while developing a damning version of an
DP is an approach rather than a method. It starts
entire ethnic group (Wetherell & Potter, 1992)?
with discourse not because of an interest in the psy-
■■ How do narratives in sex offender therapy ses-
chology of language per se but because discourse is
sions manage issues of blame, and how can
the fundamental medium for human action. Rather
this be misidentified as a “cognitive distortion”
than seeing its fundamental analytic aim as an
(Auburn, 2005)?
attempt to open up the mythic black box in which
Questions of this kind involve a focus on matters psychology has been thought to be hiding since Des-
that are psychological for people as they act and cartes and Locke developed their arguments, it is
interact in particular settings—in families, in work- focused on the public realm to which people have
places, in schools, and so on. access when they are dealing with other people. Its
The nature and scope of psychology is under- basic methodological and analytic principles follow
stood very differently in discourse analytic work from its metatheoretical, theoretical, and conceptual
compared with other approaches, such as social cog- arguments, although these are further supported
nition. Instead of starting with inner mental or cog- through the empirical fruitfulness in particular
nitive processes, with behavioral regularities, or studies (Potter, 2003).

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

This chapter first provides a review of the devel- in ideological questions of how the organization of
opment of discursive psychology, outlines some of accounts, and the resources used in those accounts,
its basic features, and then overviews its core meth- could be used to understand the reproduction of
odological stages and procedures. This review is broad patterns of inequality and privilege. Put sim-
illustrated by examples from a connected program of ply, how did White Europeans undermine Maori
work on interaction on a child protection helpline; it land claims and other grievances without appearing
ends with a discussion of prospects and debates. self-interested or racist?
This strand of work was closely allied to, and influ-
enced by, Billig’s (1996) rhetorical psychology and
The Development of Discursive
incorporated the central notion of ideological dilem-
mas (Billig et al., 1988), which itself builds on the
Discourse analysis is a broad interdisciplinary field notion of interpretative repertoires from Potter and
that has evolved in different forms and with different Wetherell (1987). For example, Billig (1992) found in
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

assumptions within linguistics, sociology, cultural talk about the British royal family a web of arguments
studies, and psychology. Even systematic overviews and assumptions that work to sustain the familiar
often have widely different contents—compare, for social hierarchies and avoid questioning privilege.
example, the coverage in Phillips and Jørgensen This work was largely based on the analysis of
(2002) with Schiffrin, Tannen, and Hamilton (2003). open-ended interviews, or group discussions, that
Even the more specific field of DP has considerable provided the ideal environment for generating the
complexity and has seen a range of internal debates; kinds of ideological themes or interpretative reper-
this is a sign of its continuing vitality. For simplicity, toires that were a key topic of study. This has been
the coverage in this chapter will highlight three main a continuing and productive theme in discourse
strands of work that in the past 20 years have progres- research on such topics as gender and nationalism
sively engaged with a different set of problematics. (for many examples from social psychology, see
Augoustinos, Tuffin, & Rapley, 1999; Condor,
Strand 1: Interviews and Repertoires 2006; Reynolds & Wetherell, 2003). This work has
Starting in the mid-1980s, the focus of discourse been particularly effective in tackling ideological
analytic work in psychology was on identifying the questions that are not easily addressed by more
different interpretative repertoires that are used to mainstream social cognition perspectives (Augousti-
build social action (Potter & Wetherell, 1987). An nos, Walker, & Donaghue, 2006). Part of its
interpretative repertoire is a cluster of terms, catego- continuing momentum comes from its critical oppo-
ries, and idioms that are closely conceptually orga- sition to mainstream social cognitive accounts of
nized. Repertoires are typically assembled around a human action.
metaphor or vivid image. In most cases, interpreta-
tive repertoires are identified by analyzing a set of Strand 2: Discursive Psychology
open-ended interviews in which participants address and Constructionism
a set of different themes. From the early 1990s, the strand of discourse work
The repertoire notion is derived from Gilbert and that focused on the analysis of repertoires was
Mulkay’s (1984) pioneering study of the different joined by a further distinct strand of work. A crucial
repertoires that scientists use to construct their and distinctive feature of this new strand of work
social world when they are writing research papers was its focus on records of naturalistic interaction
and arguing with one another. It was further devel- such as conversations, legal argument, newspaper
oped in Wetherell and Potter (1992) in a major reports, parliamentary debates, and news interviews
study of the way Päkehä (White) New Zealanders rather than on the transcripts of open-ended inter-
constructed versions of social conflict and social views. Its focus was on the role that descriptions of
organizations to legitimate particular versions of the world and of psychological states play in the for-
relations between groups. Much of the interest was mation of particular actions, such as criticisms of

Jonathan Potter

other persons, and how speakers use them to man- made accountable. It increasingly exploited the
age their accountability. sophisticated understanding of sequence, position,
Whereas the earlier strand of work was developed and turn design provided by conversation analysis.
under the title of discourse analysis and only subse- Indeed, there has been a convergence of issues in
quently became described as DP, this strand of work both conversation analysis and DP as both focus on
for the first time used the explicit title discursive psy- concerns with how shared knowledge is displayed
chology (Edwards & Potter, 1992, 1993). DP moved and how intersubjectivity is established or contested
to a more explicit style of discursive constructionism (compare Edwards, 1999b; Heritage & Raymond,
focused on texts and talk, with different analytic and 2005). This is a field of mundane epistemics (Potter
epistemic consequences to the cognitive of construc- & Hepburn, 2008).
tionism found in Berger and Luckmann (1966) and This strand of work also provides a further
other forms of social construction (see Potter, 1996; nuanced approach to categories and how they are
Potter & Hepburn, 2008). The continuing momen- conversationally and sequentially occasioned. This is
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

tum of this work comes from its critical engagement an evolving concern within discursive psychology
with mainstream cognitive psychological work, (compare Antaki, 1998; Edwards, 1998; Potter &
shown in particular through studies that respecify Wetherell, 1987, Chapter 6; Stokoe, 2009; Widdi-
notions, such as memory, scripts, emotion, attribu- combe & Wooffitt, 1995). This strand of DP is still
tion, and perception in interactional terms (Edwards, engaged in a debate with cognitivism and its prob-
1997; Hepburn, 2004; Stokoe & Hepburn, 2005). lems in different arenas (e.g., Antaki, 2004; chapters
For an overview of these first two strands of dis- in te Molder & Potter, 2005). However, it has started
course work see Hepburn (2003, Chapter 7). to address new topics. There is a major interest in
taking the administration of psychological methods
Strand 3: Discursive Psychology as a topic in its own right, studying how particular
and Sequential Analysis interactional practices in experiments, surveys, focus
From around the middle of the 1990s these two groups, and so on contribute to the methodical pro-
strands of DP started to be joined by a third strand of duction of psychological findings (e.g., Antaki,
work. The specific characteristics of this strand Houtkoop-Steenstra, & Rapley, 2000; Maynard,
reflect a continuing and deeper engagement with Houtkoop-Steenstra, Schaeffer, & van der Zouwen,
conversation analysis (see Chapter 7 of this volume). 2002; Puchta & Potter, 2002). There is also a grow-
Indeed, at times these two fields blur together. This ing concern with considering how psychological
engagement with conversation analysis is reflected matters become parts of institutional practices such
in a series of characteristics: as therapy (Peräkylä, Antaki, Vehviläinen, & Leudar,
2008), counseling (Kurri & Wahlström, 2001),
■■ Working with a corpus of conversational
mediation (Stokoe & Edwards, 2009), gender reas-
signment assessments (Speer & Parsons, 2006), peer
■■ Close use of both the recording and a careful
evaluation (Cromdal, Tholander, & Aronsson,
Jeffersonian transcript;
2007), and others. This is an area in which conversa-
■■ The use of existing conversation analytic studies
tion analytic work and DP have converged.
as analytic resources;
Although there has been considerable change
■■ Attention to psychological phenomena in institu-
and development in discursive psychology over the
tional settings; and
past 20 years, it has not been a linear progression;
■■ Integration of lexical analysis with attention to
much of the development involved broadening and
prosody, delivery, and embodied action.
deepening. This overview has traced the bare con-
For a range of examples in this strand of DP, see tours of the different themes and traditions that
papers in Hepburn and Wiggins (2005, 2007). make up the fast-evolving and somewhat contested
This strand of work sustained the interest in the terrain of contemporary DP. Ultimately, the field is
way facts are built as factual and the way conduct is defined by its studies and achievements.

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

The General Theoretical when the recipient accepts or rejects an invitation,

Orientation of Discursive the recipient is locally displaying an understanding
Psychology that that is precisely what has been issued, so the
turn by turn unfolding of talk provides an ongoing
Discursive research treats discourse as having four
check on understanding (Schegloff, 1992). The
key characteristics.
explication of this order of interaction has been the
central project of conversation analysis that has
Characteristic 1: Discourse Is highlighted an extraordinary level of specificity and
Action Oriented organization (Schegloff, 2007).
Discourse is a practical medium and the primary Second, action is situated institutionally. Institu-
medium for action. Actions may be relatively dis- tions often embody special identities that are perva-
crete objects associated with speech act verbs—an sively relevant—news interviewer, therapist,
admonishment, say, or a compliment. Yet they can patient—such that actions will be understood in
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

also be complex and embedded within institutional relation to those identities. And they often involve
practices without a clear speech act verb. Consider collections of local interactional goals to which all
the use of questions to indirectly deliver advice in parties orient (Drew & Heritage, 1992; Heritage &
person-centered counseling, for example (Butler, Clayman, 2010). These institutional goals are often
Potter, Danby, Emisson, & Hepburn, 2010). There themselves dependent on broader everyday practices
is no lay term for this practice; even the semitechni- that are refined for the institutional setting (compare
cal description person centered is only a global catch- Edwards, 2008, on intention with Potter & Hepburn,
all for a range of discrete practices. As work in the 2003, on concern). The specific analytic relevance
second strand of DP has shown, actions are often here is how psychological matters are introduced,
done indirectly via descriptions. Practices of this constructed and made relevant to the setting’s busi-
kind offer the speaker a different kind of account- ness (Edwards & Potter, 2001).
ability than an on-the-record speech act. The funda- Third, action is situated rhetorically. Billig (1996)
mental point that distinguishes discourse analytic has emphasized the pervasive relevance of rhetorical
work from the mainstream psychology of language relations, even where there is an absence of explicit
is that discourse is studied for how action is done argument (e.g., he has explicated the rhetorical
rather than treating discourse as a pathway to puta- underpinning of opinion discourse; see Billig, 1989;
tive mental objects. This also distinguishes it from a see also Myers, 2004). Discourse research highlights,
range of humanistic and qualitative approaches (see for example, the way descriptions are built to counter
other chapters in Part I of this volume). actual or potential alternatives, and they are orga-
nized in ways that manage actual or possible attempts
Characteristic 2: Discourse to undermine them (Potter, 1996). A major theme in
Is Situated DP is the way epistemic issues are managed using a
It is a central observation of discursive psychology wide range of conversational and rhetorical resources
that actions are situated in three senses. First, action (Potter & Hepburn, 2008). This theme cuts right
is situated sequentially. That is, actions are situated across the conventional psychological topics of mem-
within the here and now of unfolding conversation. ory, attribution, attitudes, and persuasion.
They are located in time, orienting to what has just
happened and building an environment for what Characteristic 3: Discourse Is
happens next. For example, when an invitation is Both Constructed and Constructive
issued this sets up an ordered array of possible next Discourse is constructed from a range of resources—
actions, of which accepting or turning down are grammatical structures, words, categories, rhetorical
most relevant. It is not possible to simply ignore the commonplaces, repertoires, conversational prac-
invitation without this being, potentially, hearable tices, and so on—all of which are built and delivered
as the action of ignoring the invitation. Moreover, in real time with relevant prosody, timing, and so

Jonathan Potter

on. These resources, their use, and their conditions the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC),
of assembly can become topics of discursive study. Britain’s largest child protection charity.
Discourse is constructive in the sense that it is Let me start with the broadest of considerations.
used to build versions of psychological worlds, In terms of the politics and ethics of research, we
social organizations, action, and histories and chose this study site because of our prior interest in
broader structures. Such versions are an integral child protection. We also hoped to provide support
part of different actions. Discursive research can be for the important work of the NSPCC. One possibil-
focused on the way constructions are built and sta- ity that we envisaged was that we could use dis-
bilized, and how they are made neutral, objective, course methods to explicate the practices of the call
and independent of the speaker. People are skilled takers on the child protection helpline and highlight
builders of descriptions; they have spent a lifetime the delicate underlying orderliness of how they were
learning how to do it. Part of the discourse analytic doing a job that seemed, at times, superficially more
art is to reveal the complex and delicate work that haphazard (Hepburn & Potter, 2003).
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

goes into this seemingly effortless building. I have chosen this program of work to illustrate
DP because it shows how some of the background
Characteristic 4: Discourse Is Produced concerns in the way questions and analysis develop
as Psychological as well as how studies can accumulate progressively.
Discursive psychologists are focused on the way It will also illustrate the way classic psychological
what counts as psychological is a central concern of topics (emotion, shared knowledge) can be addressed
participants. People can construct their own and and reworked in discourse work. For simplicity the
other’s dispositions, assessments, and descriptions process will be broken into seven stages: obtaining
as subjective (psychological) or objective. For exam- access and consent, data collection, data manage-
ple, an assessment of a minority group can be ment, transcription, developing research questions,
couched in the language of attitudes (I am generally corpus building and preliminary analysis, and devel-
positive about Polynesian Islanders) or built as an oping and validating analysis. In practice, these stages
objective feature of this social group using a range of are somewhat overlapping—transcription, data man-
descriptive procedures (Potter & Wetherell, 1988). agement, and question development tend to come
Edwards (2007) has distinguished subject-side and go at all stages of the research process.
from object-side descriptions and has highlighted the
way producing discourse in either of these ways can Stage 1: Obtaining Access and Consent
be a central element in a range of practices. A person One of the features that makes contemporary DP
can be described as having a legitimate complaint distinctive from most other psychological methods
about something in the world (an object-side is that it works primarily with audio or video
description) or as moaning and whining (a subject- records of interaction happening in natural settings.
side description that highlights things wrong with This makes the process of gaining access and con-
the speaker rather than the world; Edwards, 2005). sent, developing appropriate ethics scripts, and
One of the features of the normative organization of working closely with participants in a way that sus-
interaction is that it provides a baseline calibration tains and merits a strong degree of trust an integral
for marking out psychological investment. part of the research process. Gaining access and
consent can be a challenge. And it is likely that
researchers sometimes use other forms of data
Seven Stages in the Execution
generation—questionnaires, say, or open-ended
of Discursive Research
interviews—because they expect that access will be
The discussion of the different stages in the execu- refused. However, experience shows that with the
tion of discursive research are illustrated by exam- right approach and an proportionate commitment of
ples from a program of research conducted by Alexa time and effort, trust can be developed and consent
Hepburn and myself with the National Society for can be obtained for working in the most sensitive of

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

sites—family therapy, police interrogation, neighbor included not only senior management but also indi-
mediation, physiotherapy for stroke patients, and vidual CPOs who would be in control of recording
social work assessments of parents whose children and obtaining consent from callers.
are in care (to list some recent examples). In this case, the organization opted for the CPOs
Initial contact is often through a key institutional using their own skills to make judgments about con-
member—a medical practitioner, school teacher, or sent. They asked callers at the start of calls whether
parent—who can provide an authoritative link for they would be willing to take part in the research
the researchers. A key feature of this contact is often and offered the possibility for them to ask questions
to identify the participants’ anxieties about the about the research. We provided the CPOs with a
research process. These are often focused on the basic script, developed in the light of British Psycho-
possibility that the research will evaluate their prac- logical Society (BPS) guidelines about consent, but
tice. Ironically it is the professionals rather than cli- the CPOs would tailor what they asked to individual
ents that often have more doubt about the research callers. Ethical issues, then, satisfied both the
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

process (although the professionals often suggest NSPCC and the BPS. For a detailed account of how
that the clients will not agree). It is striking that this process of gaining access and the development
many professionals are doubtful that their practice of ethics procedures played out, see Hepburn and
will stand up to analytic scrutiny, perhaps because Potter (2003).
many of the training materials use unrealistic and
simplified idealizations of what interaction should Stage 2: Data Collection
look like. Silverman (1997) referred to this as the In terms of data collection, the main aim is to
problem of the Divine Orthodoxy. Practitioners feel develop an archive of records of interaction in the
they are condemned to fail because they are com- setting under study. There are no hard and fast rules
pared with an idealized, normative standard com- for the size of such a collection. Even small amounts
pletely removed from actual practice. of material can provide the basis for useful research;
Let me develop this topic with the research on but the more material there is and the more appro-
the NSPCC child protection helpline. This helpline priate the sampling then more questions will
receives around 100,000 calls a year from across the become analytically tractable and more confidence
United Kingdom. It is legally mandated to pass cred- can be placed in the research conclusions.
ible reports of abuse to either social services or the Some considerations are paramount here. First,
police, whether the caller wishes them to or not. the quality of recording has a powerful effect on
The hotline also provides counseling, information, the time taken in transcription and analysis. Time
and advice to anyone concerned about the risk to a and resources devoted to getting high-quality
child of ill treatment, neglect, or abuse. All call tak- recordings will pay off handsomely when it comes
ers are trained social workers, called child protec- to transcribing the recordings and working with
tion officers (CPOs) at the time of the data them in data sessions. Hours are wasted relistening
collection, each with at least 3 years’ field experience to a key piece of talk against a loud recording hum
working on child protection. and attempting to work out whether a child has
Access negotiations started with a letter to the taken a mouthful of food or just put the fork near
head of the helpline that was intended to target the her mouth. Solid-state recorders with good micro-
worries that potential research participants have: phones and digital video cameras with large hard
How will issues of ethics and anonymity be man- disc drives are both effective. Make sure voice acti-
aged? What extra work will be involved? How might vation is disabled.
the research benefit the organization? The letter was Second, if embodied activities are available to
also used to head off the idea that the research might participants, then they are certain to be a live part of
criticize the organization or its workers. This letter the interaction. That means that it will be important
was followed up by a series of face-to-face meetings to have video records of face-to-face interaction (or
that were crucial in establishing trust. These meetings non-face-to-face interaction that is technologically

Jonathan Potter

mediated with a visual modality). High-quality digi- enough to be easily worked with but large enough to
tal video is inexpensive, simple, and easy to manipu- be able to make appropriate generalizations.
late so this is not an insurmountable problem. The precise pattern depends on the research. In
Third, once the whole process has been put into the NSPCC study, we assigned a two-letter code to
place, actually making recordings is almost always each CPO who took part; each had their own folder.
simpler and easier than analyzing and transcribing This code was taken from their pseudonym. Within
them. This means that researchers should err on the each folder, each call had its own folder with a
side of collecting more recordings than planned. memorable name—“neighbor black eye,” say.
Digital recordings can be easily stored, and they pro- Within this folder, was a high-quality recording in
vide an important resource for future research. WAV format as well as a smaller MP3 version that
Fourth, a characteristic feature of contemporary could be sent via e-mail and easily backed up. Each
DP is that participants collect the data themselves. folder often also contained two versions of the tran-
This is designed to minimize the reactivity generated script (as we describe in the next section) and some-
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

by extended researcher involvement and allows the times further transcript and analytic observations.
participants to manage ethical issues in a way that
suits them best. This means that simplicity is a key Stage 4: Transcription
consideration—it minimizes what the participants Contemporary discourse research works continu-
have to learn and the effort they have to put into the ously with both the original audio or video record-
collection. Current recorders are ideal as they often ings and the transcript. It is no longer the case that
have large storage, long battery life, and a simple after transcription the recordings are put into stor-
press and record function. age. Nevertheless, the transcript is an essential ele-
In the case of our child protection research, we ment in the research.
spent some time setting up a system that allowed It is common to use two forms of transcript. A
easy recording without interfering with the CPOs basic first-pass transcript is often generated by a
work. The CPOs used a hot desk system, so we set transcription service. This has just the words (not
up two desks so that calls could be recorded on broken up by the colons, arrows, etc., that capture
MiniDisk. Different technical systems have different features of delivery) rendered as effectively as the
requirements—some organizations already collect service can hear them. This kind of transcript has
full digital recordings for auditing purposes so it is a two uses:
matter of satisfying ethics requirements and down-
1. It allows the researcher to quickly go through a
loading the appropriate set of calls onto a portable
stretch of interaction and get an overall feel for
hard drive. When CPOs who had signed up for the
what is there. This can be a particularly impor-
research took shifts, they used these desks.
tant shortcut where there are many hours of
Stage 3: Data Management
2. It is searchable, allowing one to sift through an
As research projects evolve, data management
entire set of materials very quickly for particular
becomes increasingly important. Much of this is
phenomena that can be identified through indi-
focused on systems of folders that collect together
vidual lexical items or transcriber descriptions.
recordings in different forms, different forms of
transcript, and analytic notes. Such a system can The second form of transcription is an attempt to
facilitate data sharing—discourse research is often capture on the page features of the delivery of talk that
collaborative—and can assist full backup of data and participants treat as relevant for understanding the
analysis. Encryption and secure storage may be activities that are taking place. The standard system
required depending on the agreements with partici- used in DP and conversation analysis was developed
pants and the sensitivity of the materials. This is also by Jefferson (2004; see also Hepburn & Bolden, in
a prelude for data reduction and involves the sys- press). It was designed to be easy to learn and simple
tematic building of a particular corpus that is small to produce, using mainly standard keyboards. It

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

encodes features such as overlaps and pauses, vol- making broader sense of the setting as a whole. And
ume and emphasis, features of prosody such as ris- this often means that questions are continually
ing and falling intonation, and features of the speed refined in the course of a program of work and a
of delivery (for a summary, see Chapter 7 of this study within that program.
volume). It was developed in parallel to the broader One of the benefits of working with naturalistic
evolution of conversation analysis and is specifically materials is that they present their own challenges
designed to support analysis of interaction. Other that lead to novel questions. They often feature
sorts of questions (about speech accommodation, actions or occurrences that are unexpected or not
say, or speech production disorders) will require a easily understood with the repertoire of explanatory
different kind of transcript. concepts available in contemporary psychology.
Jeffersonian transcript is extremely labor inten- This can provide an exciting start point for analytic
sive. The ratio of record time to transcription time work. A common practice in the discursive commu-
can be anything above 1:20, with key factors being nity is to use different levels of engagement with the
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

the quality of the recording, the complexity of the materials to generate questions. A key part of this
interaction, and whether there are nonvocal ele- often includes data sessions with analytically
ments that need to be represented. It also takes time minded colleagues.
to learn to do good quality transcription. It is neces- In the NSPCC program, we had a range of broad
sary to both understand the roles of the different interests from our prior work that we brought to the
symbols and learn to apply them consistently. This study: How is bullying and violence reported? How
is facilitated by listening to the audio that goes with are descriptions built as factual? How do ethnic and
high-quality transcript—examples are available on gender categories figure in assessments? However,
various websites. we tried not to become too focused on these and
Because of the time investment required to pro- instead open up to new possibilities. We did ask the
duce quality transcript, there are rarely resources for CPOs what they found difficult about their jobs and
completely transcribing a full set of recordings. Vari- what they were interested in. Out of a range of pos-
ous criteria can be used to decide what to transcribe sibilities, they noted that they found it to be a prob-
and in what order. lem when callers became very upset and that closing
calls could present difficulties. These, too, we noted
Stage 5: Developing Research Questions but put aside as we worked toward a deeper engage-
It has been common in psychological research to ment with the materials.
stress the importance of formulating a clear research We started with a number of intensive data ses-
question before starting the research. And there are sions with colleagues and a range of broader discus-
often good reasons for such a rule because it can sions. As these evolved, a number of themes of
help avoid confusion and sloppiness when doing a interest emerged. We will illustrate this chapter with
wide range of psychological studies, particularly two different ones.
when utilizing experimental designs, questionnaires, One theme was focused on crying and how it is
or open-ended interviews. However, with discursive noticed and how it is responded to. This topic
research, much of the discipline comes from work- emerged out of three background interests. First, cry-
ing with a set of naturalistic materials—records of ing was one of the issues that the CPOs had told us
people living their lives in a particular setting. And was challenging to deal with. So this focus satisfied
many of the questions formulated for more tradi- our concern to do research that might be socially
tional research have a causal form—what is the useful to our participants. Second, the then-current
effect of X on Y—which is rarely appropriate for dis- literature on transcription did not give a clear idea of
course work. Rather than posing a question, the how to transcribe crying. This made the basic issue
focus is often on attempting to explicate the work- of how to represent different features of crying
ings of some kind of social practice that is operating and upset in Jefferson-style transcript practically rel-
in the setting, perhaps with the ultimate aim of evant. Third, the broad topic of emotion has been

Jonathan Potter

theoretically interesting in discourse work. It is little work had approached tag questions as part of
sometimes picked out as the kind of issue that is not an interaction analytic study. Moreover, there is a
susceptible to interaction analysis because it is so particularly interesting class of tag questions for
bound up with bodily states. Emotion is often treated which the interrogative element does not come at
as a causal variable that has a distorting effect on cog- the end of the turn but in the middle (turn-medial
nition (Park & Banaji, 2000). It was thus a theoreti- tag questions). Thus, “but it is the case, isn’t it, that
cally important analytic challenge. We felt it would Labor is doing poorly in the polls” has the tag inter-
be interesting to contribute to the small but growing rogative (“isn’t it?”) in the middle of the sentence
discourse literature on talk and emotion (Buttny, rather than the end. And note that as the turn
1993; Edwards, 1997, 1999a; Locke & Edwards, unfolds, at the point at which the speaker issues the
2003; Ruusuvuori, 2005). interrogative (“isn’t it?”), the recipient is treated as
One of the features of specific psychological if he or she is going to respond yes but is not in a
work on crying is that it has overwhelmingly position to respond because the declarative (“Labor
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

worked with participants’ reports of crying (in ques- is doing poorly in the polls”) has not yet been deliv-
tionnaires or rating scales). There is no work that ered. This initially rather dry technical interest occa-
uses direct observation, or attempts to provide situ- sioned a search through the entire set of NSPCC
ated descriptions of crying. calls for turn-medial tag questions. When a collec-
In fact, the crying literature provides a micro- tion of such questions had been identified, then full
cosm of the broader practices in psychology where, Jeffersonian transcript of the extended sequences in
instead of starting by directly studying crying as it which they arose was performed.
happens (in families with young children, in rela- This focus became progressively broader as it
tionship disputes), the standard work is based became clear that the turn-medial tags regularly
around scales where people make retrospective appeared in sequences where the recipient was
reports about crying on a questionnaire that has a being advised to do something by the NSPCC CPO
series of Likert-style items all of which use the cate- and was resisting the advice. The analysis started to
gory “crying.” A central feature of DP is its cutting focus on advice resistance from callers and how it,
out of these retrospective self-reports with their con- in turn, could be resisted by CPOs (picking up from
structions and categories. The recent interactional existing work on advice and advice resistance; for a
literature on questions and question design in news review, see Hepburn & Potter, 2011a). Again, this
interviews and other settings shows that questions had the attractiveness of focusing on something at
are complex social actions (Clayman & Heritage, the heart of the services that the NSPCC were deliv-
2002; Raymond, 2003; and chapters in Freed & ering. At the same time, tag questions have a major
Ehrlich, 2010). They set up a range of subtle con- theoretical interest with respect to how issues of
straints and response requirements far beyond the knowledge become live in interaction because tag
more standard questionnaire design injunctions questions are commonly used to mark the recipient
about bias and leading questions. This literature of the question as knowing more on the specific
complements the already challenging (for psycholo- topic than the speaker who issues the tag. This
gists) interactional literature that highlights the theme of mundane epistemics has become an increas-
complex role of questions within psychological ingly important element in DP.
methods (Antaki & Rapley, 1996; Puchta & Potter,
1999; Schegloff, 1999). A basic feature of DP is that Stage 6: Corpus Building and Preliminary
it sidesteps these problems. Analysis
A second theme emerged rather differently. One In DP, the analytic stage of work is often the most
of us had been doing work on core conversation time consuming and the most crucial. The same
analytic issues and in particular on the topic of tag materials may be subject to different analyses that
questions. These had been subject to a wide range of identify different practices or highlight different
linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis, but relatively themes. Indeed, once a high-quality data set has

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

been collected, it may be used by different research- We can illustrate this with Extract 8.2. Various
ers in different studies. The success of these studies is characteristic elements of crying on the helpline are
down to the rigor and sophistication of the analysis. highlighted, such as caller apologies (A), and CPO
Discursive psychological analysis often uses a actions such as “right-thing” descriptions (RT),
systematic trawl through the materials to build a “take-your-times” (TYT), and what we have termed
corpus of examples. This early trawl is typically “empathic receipts” (ER). Note also the characteristic
inclusive rather than exclusive with the aim of layout of the kinds of materials used in discourse
including central examples and borderline cases. It research with the extract number, the code for par-
is expected that such a corpus will be refined. When ticular data source, the anonimized participant
analytic understanding has been improved, it is descriptions (CPO, Caller), and the line numbers
likely that some of the cases will be dropped from that allow specific reference to parts of the extract.
the corpus and new cases will be seen as appropri- The identification and characterization of the differ-
ately part of the corpus. ent elements of crying allows the analyst to see how
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

The process of analysis will involve increasingly they are consequential for the unfolding interaction.
precise attempts to specify what is going on and how First, note the way the TYT in line 2 is occa-
some practice or practices are unfolding. This stage sioned by the caller’s sobbing that starts in line 1
is akin to hypothesis testing as the researcher often and continues through to line 4. We can see how
has a number of initial ideas that cannot survive a delicate the mutual attention in this interaction is
careful exploration of cases that accounts for the as, despite the sobbing, the caller responds to the
specific details of what is there. I show this in opera- TYT with a whispered “khhay” (line 8). One of the
tion with the two examples from the NSPCC study. interesting features we found with interaction and
In each case, I try to show how the analysis builds to crying is there is a considerable amount of live
a particular account of the actions that occurring in silence—that is, silence that the recipient would
the material. normally expect to be filled by specific sorts of turns
(Hepburn & Potter, 2007). Ironically, perhaps,
Crying and crying receipts.  The analysis of crying interaction work shows that silence is a major part
and crying receipts started by identifying all the calls of crying.
in which crying appears and then transcribing the Second, note further on in the sequence the call-
full sequence. This generated a corpus of 14 crying er’s tremulously voiced apology (line 35). We might
sequences—some were quite brief (just a few turns) think that the caller is apologizing for the transgres-
whereas some went on for many minutes and many sive nature of sobbing over the phone to a stranger.
pages of transcript. One of the first research tasks was However, a careful examination of where apologies
to build an extension of the Jeffersonian transcription appear in crying sequences suggests that they are
scheme that would enable the different features of more likely to be apologies for disruption of ongoing
crying such as sobs, whispers, wet and dry sniffs, and actions or failing to provide normatively expected
tremulous voice to be represented. This extension contributions. That is, they are explicated better by
is described in detail in Hepburn (2004) along with understanding the consequences of crying for basic
a detailed account of the limitations of the contem- conversational organization. For example, in this
porary psychological literature on crying for dealing case, the CPO’s assessment in lines 26 through 28 is
with it as an interactional object. This fine-grained followed by an extremely quiet and very disrupted
description of crying is extremely time consuming— second assessment on line 31 (the normatively
yet its value is that it provides a way of seeing how expected turn). The following delay from the CPO
delicately the different activities in crying and crying would allow the turn to be recycled, and the apology
recipiency are organized together. The architecture of could be specifically apologizing for the absence of
this interaction is complex with each participant care- this recycling.
fully monitoring the other and showing the result of Third, note the RT descriptions on lines 26
this monitoring in the turns of talk that they take. through 28 and through lines 36 through 45. These

Jonathan Potter

Extract 8.2
JK Distraught Dad

01 Caller: >.Hhih .hhihhh<

02 CPO: D’you want- d’y’wann’ave [ a break for a ] moment.= ←TYT
03 Caller: [ Hhuhh >.hihh<]
04 =>hhuhh hhuhh<
05 (0.6)
06 Caller: .shih
07 (0.3)
08 Caller: °°k(hh)ay°°
09 (1.8)
10 Caller: .shih > hhuh hhuh[h]<
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

11 CPO: [S]’very har:d when ←ER

12 they’re not there with you isn’t it.= ←ER
13 and [you’re- ] (.) you’re tal:kin about it. ←ER
14 Caller: [>.hhih<]
15 (0.8)
16 Caller: >.Hhuh .HHuh<
17 (2.1)
18 Caller: .shih
19 (0.2)
20 Caller: °.shih° (.)°° (Need) hhelp(h) °°
21 (2.5)
22 Caller: .HHhihh° hh°
23 (0.5)
24 Caller: HHhuhh >.hih .hih<
25 (0.7)
26 CPO: .Htk.hh Well you’re doing what you can now to ←RT
27 actually offer them protection and help though ←RT
28 are:n’t you. ←RT
29 Caller: .Skuh (.) Huhhhh
30 (0.5)
31 Caller: °°I:’m not the(hehheh)re. Hh°°
32 (3.2)
33 Caller: .Shih
34 (0.4)
35 Caller: ~↑I’m ↑sorry.~ ←A
36 CPO: An they als- well E-E-Eddie obviously al- thought ←RT
37 you were the person to contact to get he:lp. ←RT
38 Caller: Yeh. hh
39 CPO: F’which (.) ye know he turned to you: .hh ←RT
40 (0.7)
41 Caller: .Hh[h°hhh° ]
42 CPO: [T’help ‘im.]=didn’t he. ←RT
43 Caller: °°Yhhehhh°°
44 CPO: So ‘e saw you as a person who could help in this ←RT
45 situa[tion ] for him:. ←RT
46 Caller: [.Shih]
47 (0.9)
48 Caller: .Hdihhhh hhhuhh
49 (0.2)
50 Caller: H↑oh: s(h)orry. ←A
51 (0.4)
52 CPO: .Htk s’↑oka:y. kay.

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

53 (1.3)
54 Caller: .SKUH
55 (0.3)
56 CPO: It’s distressing but it’s also quite a shock ←ER
57 isn’t it I guess [ (for you) ] ←ER
58 Caller: [.HHHHhih]hh HHHhuhhhh
59 (1.7)
60 Caller: ((swallows)) °Hhhoh dhear.°

are constructed from information already provided these ways, the CPO defers to the caller who is cry-
by the caller, redescribed to present him having ing as the party who has the right to define the
done the right thing. Such descriptions seem nature of their own psychological state. What we
designed to reassure the caller and move him out of have here is a procedural account of empathy
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

the crying sequence. These descriptions are often grounded in the perspectives of the participants as
accompanied by tag questions (e.g., lines 28 and displayed in their talk.
42), which may be designed to lead away from cry- More generally, although emotion is often
ing by encouraging agreement with the RT thought of as something that is beyond the purchase
description. of discourse research (probably because of its early
Finally let us consider the topic of empathy. This emphasis on people talking about things in open-
has been a notion in areas of psychology since the ended interviews), studies of this kind show the way
early 1900s—but it tends to be conceptualized in that issues and actions that we understand as emo-
terms of a cognitive image of one mind sharing the tional can be tractable to interaction analysis (cf.
experiences of another. However, we have focused on Edwards, 1997, 1999a). This is not surprising once
how empathy is built, as a practice, in real time in live we remind ourselves of the practical and communi-
situations, where each party has available to them the cative role that emotions play in social life (Planalp,
talk of the other (Hepburn & Potter, 2007). We 1999). Indeed, by carefully listening to these materi-
found ERs to be built by combining two elements: als and carefully transcribing the interaction, the
analysis starts to highlight precisely how the emo-
1. A formulation of the crying party’s mental or
tional issues become live, are noticed, attended to,
psychological state.
managed, and how both parties mutually coordinate
2. A marker of the contingency, doubt, or source of
in fine ways in what initially seems like a highly cha-
the mental state formulation.
otic strip of interaction.
The mental state formulations (e.g., it’s distress- In this case, the patterning may reflect one insti-
ing but it’s also quite a shock) are typically deriv- tutional setting and its goal orientations—much
able from local features of the talk such as the more work will be needed to develop an under-
amount of sobs and wet sniffs, combined with the standing of the complex patterning in which speak-
caller’s own prior formulations of their state. That ers are familiars, babies and young children are
is, the empathic moment is not a magical one of involved, and there is an immediate physical or
mind reading but a mundane and practical one psychological cause of the crying (Hepburn &
involving responding to what is in the immediate Potter, 2011b). More broadly, discursive work
talk and, in doing so, displaying close monitoring. offers the possibility of understanding the various
The mental state formulation is combined with a phenomena that are loosely glossed as emotion in
second element that involves the recipient marking terms of what they are doing and where they appear
their formulation as limited (“I guess”), dependent in peoples’ lives.
on what is hearable, or using a tag question (“isn’t
it?”) to mark the speaker as the one with authority Resisting advice resistance.  I have noted in
over the correctness of the formulation. In each of this extract how the topic of tag questions, and

Jonathan Potter

particularly turn-medial tag questions, in advice details of specific instances. There is also a strong
resistance sequences came to the fore. This involved analytic emphasis on the institutionality of what is
a search for calls in which advice was resisted and going on; this is shown in the orientations of the par-
transcription of those sequences (Hepburn & ticipants and is central in the analytic conclusions.
Potter, 2011a). We became interested in a related In the call transcribed in Extract 8.3, the Caller is
collection of practices used by the CPO when the expressing concern about a neighbor’s possibly abu-
caller resisted the advice they were offering over an sive actions toward her child and is wondering if
extended period of time. These resistance sequences Social Services should become involved. Simplifying
were in turn typically occasioned by the CPO reject- considerably, as discussion continues, it becomes
ing a caller’s request for action or for some kind of clear that Social Services will be unlikely to act and
alternative project. Typically the main element of the CPO advises the caller to communicate directly
the advice was that the caller her- or himself should with the neighbor (“drop her a note,” “get her side
initiate some course of action. In the resistance of the story”). The caller repeatedly resists this
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

sequences, the CPO has reissued advice, often on advice—probably as it would involve abandoning
several occasions during the call, and the caller has her project of passing on the problem to Social Ser-
indicated in a number of direct or indirect ways that vices on behalf of which the call was made in the
they are unlikely to follow the advice. first place.
Again, this study draws heavily on the methods of The extract starts with the CPO reissuing advice
conversation analysis (see Chapter 7 of this volume), from earlier on in the call to talk directly to the
but it is particularly focused on psychological neighbor (combined with a sympathetic stance on
themes. As before, analysis works back and forth the neighbor’s behavior). At this point, the caller
between the collection of full calls, individual full displays more of what Heritage and Sefi (1992) have
calls, the ongoing corpus of examples, and the identified as characteristic advice resistance—delays

Extract 8.3
JX Neighbor and Son

01 CPO: ↑Well perhaps↑ you need to extend that hand of

02 friendship an if she really is: .hhhh ↑ye know
03 if she is finding it a bit tough with the new baby
04 an everything she might really welcome (0.2) .hhh
05 you making ↑contact with her again.=If you have been
06 friendly in the pa:st,
07 (0.2)
08 Caller: Yeah::.
09 (0.2)
10 CPO: Ye know,
11 (0.9)
12 CPO: °°Ehr:
13 (0.3)
14 Caller: [Y:eah. ]
15 CPO:→ [.hh #a-]#It sounds as though the grown ups
16      → have got to be grow:n u:p.=Doesn’it.=Really:,
17 Caller: Ye- Oh ye[ah because I mean the girls get o:n ]:,
19 Caller: She told one o’ my neighbours recently, that
20 (.) she ws gunna move anyway after chrissmas

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

with unmarked acknowledgments, and no commit- it. The technical literature of conversation analysis
ment to act on the advice appears. It is what is (rele- helps us with what is going on here:
vantly and normatively) absent here, rather than
what is present, that allows the CPO as participant, This continuation past the point of pos-
and Hepburn and I as analysts, to identify what is sible turn transition leaves the inter-
going on as advice resistance. Note that the delays rogative in a turn-medial position. The
here may seem small in the abstract, but they are consequence of this is to dampen the
highly hearable and consequential for the parties to response requirement, and close what
the conversation. Indeed, a delay of less than two might have been a stretched gap between
tenths of a second is regularly quite sufficient to turns, indicating further disagreement.
show that a recipient is not going to agree to an invi- Hence the interrogative projects a “yes”
tation (Drew, 2005). That is why such delays are but does not wait for it to be delivered.
measured so carefully in Jeffersonian transcription. (Hepburn & Potter, 2011a, pp. 224–225)
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

The way the CPO responds to this resistance has

a number of interesting features, but let me focus on In what has turned into a tussle between Caller
three features of what the CPO does on lines 15–16. and CPO over what the Caller should do, the
First, the advice is repacked in this construction subjectivity of the Caller has been conversationally
in an idiomatic form: The grownups have got to be redesigned—moment by moment—as supporting a
grow:n u:p. As Billig (1996), Sacks (1992), and oth- course of action and they are immediately—and
ers have noted, idioms have a self-sufficient quality delicately—held off both signaling up-and-coming
that makes them tricky to resist. And Drew and Holt disagreement and actually forming the disagree-
(1988, 1998) have shown that idioms are recur- ment. This is a joint action in which intersubjectiv-
rently used in situations in which speakers are mak- ity is a contested space, as both parties draw on the
ing complaints that are not being affiliated with. The normative resources of talk and the institutional
construction in the third extract repackages the affordances of Caller and CPO.
advice in a harder to counter form. In this way the This study explicated a familiar and yet subtle
CPO is both orienting to, and countering, the call- practice of offering advice, which is part of a broader
er’s advice resistance. social landscape of families, abuse, and social support.
Second, the repackaged advice is combined with It used the careful analysis of conversation to get at
an interrogative (a tag question): =Doesn’it. The joint action, intersubjectivity, and the (contested)
striking thing about this is that it treats the recipient forming of subjectivity. The analysis is grounded in
as both knowing the content of the advice (knowing detailed records of this institution unfolding, which
that grownups have to be grown up) and treats her provides both its empirical basis and the opportunity
agreement as the expected or preferred response for other researchers to audit the claims made and to
(Hepburn & Potter, 2010; Heritage & Raymond, refine alternative accounts of what is going on. This is
2005). Put another way, the recipient is treated as the exciting zone in which contemporary DP is work-
able to both confirm and agree with the course of ing, and the potential is only just being realized.
action that they should follow and that they have, Again, this analysis was designed to contribute to
up to this point, been resisting. Instead of continu- both applied issues (how to manage advice resistance)
ing to try to persuade the recipient of the virtues of a and theoretical issues (how is intersubjectivity some-
course of action, they are sequentially positioned as thing that can be contested).
already supporting it. This is not so much social
influence as interactional rebuilding. It highlights Stage 7: Developing and Validating
the possibility of a sequential politics of Analysis
intersubjectivity. In practice there is not a clear-cut distinction
The third observation is about what happens between analysis and validation. Building a success-
after the tag—the increment = Really:, is latched to ful analysis that works and is attentive to all the

Jonathan Potter

details of the materials that are being studied is for views expressed in their questions. As Heritage
already a major part of validating the findings. & Greatbatch (1991) have shown, this is the normal
Nevertheless, some themes are worth highlighting. (indeed, normative, pattern). There are occasional
They are not typically separate operations, but they deviant cases, however, in which a news interviewer
are common across much discursive research. is treated as responsible for some view. However,
Individually or together, they contribute to estab- rather than showing that this pattern is not norma-
lishing the adequacy of particular analyses. tive, they show up precisely that it is normative.
Cases of departure can lead to considerable interac-
Participants’ orientations.  One of the enormous
tional trouble, which interferes with the interviewee
virtues of working with open-ended, naturally occur-
making their point (Potter, 1996).
ring materials is that they provide a major resource in
In the crying research, for example, there is a
validating findings that is absent in most other psy-
deviant case in which the CPO holds off making ERs
chological methods. That resource is the turn-by-turn
as the caller starts to show signs of crying. Instead
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

nature of interaction. Any turn of talk is oriented to

they pursue a somewhat skeptical line about how
what came before and sets up an environment for
the caller knows about the specific abuse they are
what comes next (Heritage, 1984). At its simplest,
reporting. It is notable that the caller terminates the
when someone provides an acceptance it provides
call very soon after this failure. Such a case helps us
evidence that what came before was an invitation.
understand precisely the role of ERs in the manage-
If an analyst claims that some conversational move
ment of crying.
is an indirect invitation, say, we would want to see
evidence that the recipient is orientating (even indi- Coherence.  The accumulation of findings from
rectly) to its nature as an invitation. Close attention different studies allows new studies to be assessed
to this turn-by-turn display of understanding pro- for their coherence with what comes before. For
vides one important check on analytic interpretations example, work on the organization of food assess-
(Chapter 7 of this volume; Heritage & Clayman, ments in mealtime conversations (Wiggins, 2002)
2010). In these examples orientations are central to builds on, and provides further confirmation of,
building the analysis and confirming its success. earlier work on assessments and compliments
In the crying work, for example, we were able to (Pomerantz, 1984). Looked at the other way round,
confirm the various features of crying as actually a study that clashed with some of the basic findings
features of crying by considering how they are in discourse work would be treated with more
treated by CPOs. However, this focus on orientation caution—although if its findings seemed more
is at the center of every stage of analysis; it does not robust, it would be more consequential.
make sense to pick out one feature on its own. The The analytic work on crying and on resisting
point is that interaction unfolds in real time with advice resistance builds on, and meshes with, work
each participant producing their turn on the basis of on the organization of phone calls, work specifically
what has happened up until that point, and most on calls to helplines, work on tag questions, work
important, what has happened immediately before on sequence organization and delay, work on
(Schegloff, 2007). Each turn provides, in its orienta- advice, and work on the nature of advice resistance.
tion to what came before, a display that is central to In each case the studies move the literature on and
the intelligibility of interaction. One of the limita- generate a larger web of understanding.
tions of most psychological methods is that they cut
Readers’ evaluation.  One of the most fundamental
across this kind of display.
features of DP compared with other psychological
Deviant cases.  Deviant cases are often analyti- perspectives is that its claims are accountable to the
cally and theoretically informative. They can show detail of the empirical materials and that the empiri-
whether a generalization is robust or breaks down. cal materials are presented in a form that allows
For example, studies of media interviews show that readers, as far as possible, to make their own checks
interviewees rarely treat interviewers as accountable and judgments. Discourse articles typically present

Discourse Analysis and Discursive Psychology

a range of extracts from the transcript alongside the performance data as enormously messy and some-
interpretations that have been made of them. This thing to be bypassed by focusing, via hypothetical
form of validation contrasts with much traditional models, directly on competence.
experimental and content analytic work, where it In contrast to this, DP starts with the concrete
is rare for anything close to raw data to be included particulars of human action recorded in specific set-
or for more than one or two illustrative codings tings with minimal researcher interference. In many
to be provided. Sacks’s (1992) ideal was to put the ways it is a classically empiricist enterprise. Its ana-
reader as far as possible into the same position as lytic approach is focused on the way practices are
the researcher with respect to the materials. Such an built in real time and how their organization and
ideal is unrealizable in practice, but discourse work is intelligibility is dependent on the normative organi-
closer than many analytic approaches in psychology. zation of talk. Psychological matters come into DP
study through their emergence as issues that are rel-
evant for participants. Instead of attempting to cap-
Copyright American Psychological Association. Not for further distribution.

ture underlying competence, it is focused on how
For much of the past 100 years, psychology has psychological matters are public and intelligible.
developed as a hypothetico–deductive science that Thus the study of crying (a) started with materi-
has conceptualized the world in terms of the effects als collected as parts of actions that the participants
and interactions of variables on one another that can would do irrespective of their researched status;
best be assessed using experiments analyzed using (b) first involved a descriptive project that bracketed
multivariate statistics. This methodological appara- the category “crying” and started to explicate the
tus has been combined with a cognitivist form of form and nature of features of behavior, such as wet
explanation for which the causes of human action sniffs and sobs; and (c) focused on crying as some-
are seen to lie within individuals. In some ways, this thing that is displayed and communicated, unfold-
has been a hugely impressive and successful enter- ing in real time with different stages. The key
prise. Yet this has had a number of unintended con- interest for discursive work is in the public prac-
sequences that restrict its approach to human action. tices, how upset is displayed, understood, and
First, the search for general relationships that receipted. That is, the focus is on what crying and
underlie behavior has the consequence of moving upset is for these participants, and its role in this
research away from the specifics of human action. very specific institutional setting. Likewise in the
Action is typically modeled, restricted, or reported study of resisting advice resistance, psychological
and transformed into the kind of counts that are matters—and in particular what the caller knows
amenable to multivariate analysis. On the extremely about the appropriate course of action they need to
rare occasion that records of actual interaction in follow—are managed by a cluster of practices oper-
natural settings are used, it is quickly transformed ating in real time with a scale of relevance to partici-
into counts (using content analysis, say). Second, pants in the order of tenths of a second. These are
this search for general relationships combined with not played out in the abstract as psychological pro-
the need for simple controlled designs means that cesses but rather in terms of the goals and affor-
little attention has been paid to the nature and orga- dances of the institution of the helpline.
nization of the rich local and institutional settings in Both of these studies explicate the orderliness of
which human conduct invariably takes place. specific, institutionally bounded realms of human
Third, the hypothetico–deductive approach has action. This orderliness is not something that is sta-
led researchers away from careful descriptive studies tistical and causal, but normative and voluntaristic.
in favor of studies that start with some kind of rela- Thus, elements of crying such as delays and wet
tionship or model to be tested. This combines with sniffs do not cause particular crying receipts; how-
the legacy of the distinction drawn between compe- ever, they make relevant a restricted set of next
tence and performance that has become founda- actions as well as providing a context for under-
tional in cognitivist psychology and that treats standing what the CPO does next.

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