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2, APRIL 2013 491

Development of a Markov-Chain-Based Energy

Storage Model for Power Supply Availability
Assessment of Photovoltaic Generation Plants
Junseok Song, Student Member, IEEE, Vaidyanathan Krishnamurthy, Student Member, IEEE,
Alexis Kwasinski, Member, IEEE, and Ratnesh Sharma, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A new Markov-chain-based energy storage model Load served by the PV-energy storage
to evaluate power supply availability of photovoltaic generation system.
is proposed. Since photovoltaic resources have high output vari-
ability subject to weather conditions, energy storage can be added Amount of energy per unit time
in order to increase the availability of photovoltaic generation. interchanged between two adjacent
Although adding energy storage is a promising strategy to im- energy states.
prove the availability of photovoltaic generation, energy storage
sizing to meet a certain availability must be taken into account Energy difference between two adjacent
in order to avoid over-sizing or under-sizing capacity, which are energy states.
two undesirable conditions leading to increased system cost or Number of states in energy storage
inadequate availability, respectively. This paper proposes a new
Markov-chain-based energy storage model to develop a power system.
supply availability framework for photovoltaic generation. The Maximum number of possible transitions
proposed work models energy states in a photovoltaic-energy from each state.
storage system in order to understand the nature of charge/dis-
charge rates for energy storage that affect the system’s power Battery capacity.
output. This developed Markov chain model may assist when Time step of the Markov chain.
planning both large and small-scale grid integrated photovoltaic
generation because energy state’s behavior of the photovoltaic-en- Probability that a transfer of units of
ergy storage model can be used for forecasting expected power energy occurs to the battery.
output. In addition, an example using lithium–ion batteries is
Expected energy transferred to the energy
given in order to explore the effects on availability of energy
storage capacity degradation. storage device per unit time.
Index Terms—Availability, distributed power generation, energy Energy transferred to the energy storage
storage, Markov chain, power generation dispatch, power gener- device at time .
ation planning, photovoltaic (PV) systems, PV power generation, One-step transition probability matrix for
smart grids.
the energy storage system.
Limiting distribution of the Markov
NOMENCLATURE chain energy storage model.
Probability of having no energy in the
energy storage.
The set of all PV sources. Exponential distribution parameter for
insolation statistics.
Power delivered by the th source.
Rayleigh distribution parameter for load
Total power delivered by the PV sources.
statistics during daytime.
Availability of the PV-energy storage
Rayleigh distribution parameter for load
statistics during nighttime.
Power flow from PV modules to the
Manuscript received May 20, 2011; revised May 04, 2012; accepted June 24, energy storage system.
2012. Date of publication September 10, 2012; date of current version March
18, 2013. This work was supported by NEC Laboratories America, INC. Power flow from PV modules to the
J. Song, V. Krishnamurthy, and A. Kwasinski are with the Department of energy storage system taking into account
Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, TX
78712 USA (e-mail:; vkrishnamurthy@mail.utexas. the effect of the load at night.
edu; Power flow from PV modules to the
R. Sharma is with the Department of Energy Management, NEC Laboratories
America, INC., Cupertino, CA 95014 USA (e-mail: energy storage system considering its
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online charging and discharging efficiency.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSTE.2012.2207135
Power generated by PV modules.

1949-3029/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


Power from grid. systems. For instance, the proposed model can also be used
Power demand from load. to size power systems for critical loads—e.g., communication
sites—that need above-average availability due to their vital
Power demand from load during daytime. societal services not only during normal conditions, but also
Power demand from load during during and after extreme events, e.g., natural disasters [12], [13].
nighttime. This design can be carried out because the model is able to eval-
Charging efficiency of energy storage uate optimal-size for energy storage that allows PV generation
system. to reach a required availability level.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the
Discharging efficiency of energy storage
system model, and Section III shows how proposed model is im-
plemented. Section IV discusses the effects of energy storage
capacity degradation on availabilities, and finally, Section V
I. INTRODUCTION concludes the paper.

P HOTOVOLTAIC (PV) generation resources have high

variability. In addition to their deterministic variable
nature due to day and night cycles, there is a randomly variable
Let be the set of PV resources. If is the power supplied
component due to weather conditions, e.g., clouds. In order to by a PV source , the total power of an array can be found as
overcome power generation variability, energy storage can then
be used to make the PV generation profile more dispatchable (1)
by increasing its availability [1], [2]. Thus, to achieve a certain
power availability goal, it is essential to quantify and represent
charge and discharge cycles in energy storage devices. The goal The availability of the system can be defined as the proba-
of this paper is to model charge and discharge processes on an bility that a local PV generation plant is able to provide enough
energy storage component in a PV system in order to determine power to a load and to charge the energy storage [14]. That is
power output availability. In turn, this information can be used
to properly size the energy storage added to a PV system that (2)
yields a desired power availability level.
In the past, there have been a number of works investigating where represents the combination of the load and the daytime
energy storage sizing for PV generation plants. In [3]–[6], au- charging of the energy storage system for nighttime use and for
tonomy is used in order to size battery. In other words, ca- potential PV generation deficit during the day.
pacity in number-of-days is used to compensate for the time Availabilities over 0.99999 or 5 nines are typically required
when a power resource is not able to power the load demand. for critical loads, such as conventional communication plants,
This method is simple; however, the effects of large variations whereas the U.S. grid availability is about 3 nines [15]. Since
in weather conditions or the load demands may not be effec- power generation availability should be greater than the re-
tively applied to the sizing, which would cause over-sizing or quired load availability, it is evident that when PV modules are
increased system cost. On the other hand, [7]–[10] use the sum used as the only power generation resources, availability needs
of time intervals in which the load demands are not met to en- cannot be met without energy storage.
ergy resources during the total amount of time when the load In the past, general calculations for storage sizing using sta-
demands exist. This strategy may give an estimate of the ex- tionary assumptions on a time series had been conducted based
pected amount of time that load is not powered, but it does not on PV insolation data. In particular, the sizing scheme used in
give the probability that the energy resources will succeed pow- [11] relates availability and storage capacity using a Markov
ering the load demands. In this paper, a Markov chain energy chain model in which the battery state of charge (SOC) is rep-
storage model [11] is used to model the charge and discharge cy- resented by discrete states. However, this scheme models
cles in order to measure the probability of the PV-energy storage the energy stored per unit time to take on only two
system to power the load. values and —where is the energy interchanged, ,
The aforementioned combination of PV generation and en- with the storage device per unit time—when and
ergy storage system allows converting PV systems from a pure , respectively. It is worth clarifying that when the unit
power-based instantaneous generation system into an energy- time is 1 s, both and have the same numerical value but
based dispatchable generation resource. Moreover, from a plan- their unit of measurement is different. In the related Markov
ning perspective, the proposed model allows a more effective model [11], and represented here in Fig. 1(a), only transitions
energy storage sizing and overall grid asset planning that will among adjacent states are considered. These transitions involve
reduce costs by providing an alternative to the conventional ap- an energy exchange per unit time of . In this Markov model,
proach of over-sizing energy storage. It may also prevent higher each state represents the battery SOC; State #1 represents the
battery cost due to shorter battery life due to excessive cycling. fully discharged condition and State # represents the fully
Furthermore, the model is completely general and can be ap- charged condition. By considering only transitions among ad-
plied from small-scale PV systems, such as for residential ap- jacent states, the Markov chain model in [11] implies that the
plications, to large-scale PV systems, passing through neigh- random variable is inherently constrained to take only two
borhood utility scale and micro-grid applications. The model values because is assumed to be constant, which is not real-
can also be used both for standalone and for grid connected istic. In order to address this issue, this paper proposes to extend

Then, the equation that describes the charge/discharge process



where is the energy level at time , is the energy level

1 s later, and is the energy transferred to or from the battery
in the 1 s under consideration. That is, equals multiplied
by 1 s—i.e., the assumption is that s.
Consider now the transition probability matrix yielded by the
Markov model in Fig. 1(b) and representing the battery charge
and discharge process

Fig. 1. Markov-chain-based battery state transition diagram.

.. .. .. ..
this methodology to allow to take values within a fi- . . . .
nite set that is not necessarily constrained to just two possible
values and as used in [11].
The newly proposed Markov chain model is shown in
Fig. 1(b). This proposed model allows for many possible state (7)
changes, which is a closer fit to the characteristics of batteries
charge and discharge. In particular, the diagram in Fig. 1(b) where
models the battery state transition with transitions out of
each state at each time step. In the diagram, and (8)
represent the probabilities of staying in States #1 and # in
the next time step, respectively. The transitions among states
are represented by the probabilities , where represents the (9)
energy injected or extracted from the batteries per unit time
with respect to the unit of power . For example, is the tran-
sition to adjacent states involving an energy transferred to the (10)
battery per unit of time equal to , while also represents a
transition to adjacent states but with energy drained out of the
batteries. In addition, the state space of expands as (11)

(3) The size of the matrix in (7) is , where represents

the total number of states in which the battery charge/discharge
Assuming that the charge and discharge process are linear, the process is quantized, and represents the transition probabili-
capacity of the storage can then be defined as ties shown in Fig. 1(b) that are obtained based on PV generation
(4) and load profile histograms. Equations (8)–(11) are evaluated
using the Markov chain property that states that the sum of any
where is the time involved in the energy exchange because row is equal to 1. Furthermore, in the steady state, the limiting
it is assumed that State #1 is representing the condition when probabilities can be found by [16]
there is no energy stored in the battery and because it would re-
quire successive transitions into adjacent states (12)
representing a higher SOC in order to reach State # , that rep-
resents the condition of the battery at its maximum SOC condi- where is the stationary distribution. Limiting probabilities in-
tion, with each transition involving a one-second energy transfer dicates the expected probability of ending at each of the states
equal to . That is, the power involved in each of such tran- in the Markov diagram in Fig. 1(b) as the process settles. Once
sitions equals . The same conclusion can be reached with a the limiting probabilities are known, the loss of load probability
single transition involving an energy exchange that lasts 1 s and (LOLP) is the probability of having a power deficiency of
accounts for an energy difference equal to . units of and that the battery is at an SOC in which it is un-
In order to analyze the Markov chain shown in Fig. 1(b) in able to meet this power deficiency of units of because it
more detail, let be the expected energy per unit time trans- would require a transition in the Markov Chain to the fully dis-
ferred to the battery during time charge state or beyond it. That is, in mathematical terms, LOLP
needs to consider the case of the power deficiency being equal
(5) to when varies from 1 to in order to consider all the
possible mutually exclusive power deficiency events. Since the

“OR” clause involving the combined probability of mutually ex-

clusive events translates into a sum of probabilities, then


where represents the state that has not enough energy to

power the load. Therefore, (13) can be used to determine LOLP
for a certain energy storage capacity. Conversely, by varying the
energy storage capacity it is possible to find the relationship be-
tween LOLP and the energy storage capacity. This information
can be then used to determine the required capacity of energy
storage to achieve a certain availability goal. In addition, the
Markov chain states represent SOC. Since the context in which
the proposed approach is presented is to use this model for plan-
ning, SOC is not actually measured, and such evaluation of SOC
is beyond the scope of this paper. However, this model allows
us to estimate expected time spent in a given SOC by calcu-
lating the expected time in each state corresponding to a Markov
process with the described model as its embedded Markov chain
An example is given in order to clarify how (13) is used to
determine LOLP. When transition probabilities—which are as-
sumed to be those in (14)—are given for a five-state case, a one- Fig. 2. Block diagram of an availability calculation process.
step transition probability matrix—which is shown in (15)—can
be determined using (7)–(11)
file. A histogram can then be generated using the difference be-
tween the power generated by PV modules and the power con-
(14) sumed by load. The found histogram shows how frequently a
certain amount of energy transfer occurred. With the histogram,
the one-step transition probability matrix can be found by using
transition probabilities as inputs, and limiting probabilities are
calculated. Finally, the availabilities are evaluated with respect
(15) to the various sizes of energy storage, which are used to develop
the relationship between the two indices. The details of the cal-
culations involved in each block in the flowchart using actual
data sets are discussed next.
With (12), limiting probabilities are determined to be
A. Random Values Generation
1) Random values generation for the PV output: The data set
of PV power generation was obtained in Austin, TX for a period
Then, (13) can be used to find which represents the state of 7 months—from January to July, 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.—at
where the energy from PV-energy storage system does not meet 5-min intervals. As shown in Fig. 3, the maximum power of
the required energy that the load demands incident PV insolation is about 1 kW/m . In order to find the
probability density function of PV incident power, a histogram
is generated. As Fig. 4 shows, the shape of the histogram tends
to follow an exponential distribution of the form
(17) (18)

which, then, can be used to build a data set using the Monte
III. MODEL DEMONSTRATION Carlo method. The exponential distribution parameter was
In this section, the proposed Markov chain energy storage determined in order to approximate the actual histogram.
model is demonstrated with actual PV insolation and load data Using Matlab, was found to equal 0.0038. Then, the found
sets. Fig. 2 shows the flowchart of a complete calculation pro- probability density function was used to generate random
cedure to determine the relationship between energy storage values using a Monte Carlo approach. In the Monte Carlo
capacity and availability. As shown, the calculation procedure simulation, it is assumed that the incident PV power is mea-
starts by using a Monte Carlo approach to generate the random sured every 5 min for a period of ten years, which results
values of both daytime PV power and load based on the prob- in over 1 million random points (1 051 200 points
ability density functions of incident PV power and load pro- 5-min/h 8760 h/year 10 years). These random points are

Fig. 3. Incident PV power collected from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. for 7 months. Fig. 6. The average energy usage per household for 1 year.

Fig. 4. Histogram of incident PV power from Fig. 3. Fig. 7. Histogram of the incident load (one household) during daytime.

Fig. 8. Histogram of the incident load (one household) during nighttime.

Fig. 5. Histogram of the generated random values of incident
PV power.
Figs. 7 and 8 show the histograms of the incident load power
during daytime (7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.) and nighttime (7:00 P.M.
generated using the determined exponential distribution to
to 7:00 A.M.), respectively. It can be seen that the incident load
conduct the Monte Carlo method. Fig. 5 shows the generated
power during daytime is likely to be greater than that during
histogram by the random values of incident PV power. As
nighttime. Since the shape of the histograms in Figs. 7 and 8
shown, the shape of the histogram in Fig. 5 approximates
match well with a Rayleigh distribution—which is shown in
that of the histogram in Fig. 4. The random values of in-
(19)—Matlab was used to find its parameters ( ,
cident PV power that are generated in this way along with
the documented specifications of PV modules in the market
can be used to estimate the output power of a PV generation (19)
plant. For example, a single 250-W PV panel from [17] has
15.3% efficiency and 1.51-m area. With an assumption that Then, over 1 million random load values were generated—the
10 000 panels (total capacity of 2.5 MW) of given model in [17] same as the number of incident PV power random values—ac-
are placed flat to generate power, the area of the PV generation cording to the found Rayleigh distributions. Figs. 9 and 10 show
plant is 15.1 km . With the calculation, this PV generation the generated histograms of random load values during day and
plant will generate an average power of 608.22 kW (standard nighttime, respectively.
deviation kW) between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
2) Random values generation for the load: A load profile B. Power Transfer Calculation
was also used to calculate in combination with the just calcu- The energy transfer per unit time—denoted here as power
lated PV power generation profile in order to determine the total transfer—between the PV modules and the energy storage
energy transfer per unit time. The load data set was obtained system is determined using the generated histograms of
from [18] for a time period of one year. The load profile, which random values of incident PV power and load. With the as-
is also shown in Fig. 6, demonstrates that the average energy sumption that there are 300 households as a load—which
usage per household in a day is 17.62 kWh. has an average power consumption of 238.37 kW (standard

Fig. 9. Histogram of the generated random values of inci- Fig. 11. Histogram of the combination of generated random values of incident
dent load (one household) during daytime. load (one household) during day and nighttime.

Fig. 10. Histogram of the generated random values of

incident load (one household) during nighttime. Fig. 12. Histogram of the generated random values of power transfer between
the 2.5-MW PV power plant and 300-housing load.

deviation kW) during daytime and 202.14 kW (stan-

dard deviation kW) during nighttime—connected to storage system is about 2300 kW and the maximum expected
the aforementioned PV generation plant (2.5-MW capacity), power that would discharge the batteries is about 1000 kW.
the power transfer then can be found by subtracting the ran- In addition, PV-energy storage systems can be used to pro-
domly generated load values from randomly generated incident vide power to the loads autonomously or as a part of grid inte-
PV power as shown in the following: grated system along with multiple power sources. In the case of
an autonomous operation, the presented model can be directly
(20) applied. On the other hand, when a PV-energy storage system is
a part of grid integrated system, excess power may be injected to
In order to represent the charge and discharge process for an the grid if the batteries are fully charged or grid may contribute
entire day (daytime nighttime), the randomly generated load to power the load when PV-energy storage system does not have
values in Figs. 9 and 10 were additively combined in order to sufficient power for the demand. Hence, when grid contributes
create a new load data set—shown in Fig. 11 and (21)—that to supply power, (20) can be modified as
represents the load demands in an entire day. With this strategy,
the impact of the discharge processes during nighttime—there (22)
is no charge process during nighttime—can be included in the
model Particularly, availability needs to be taken into account
in order to accurately analyze the availability of a PV-energy
storage system in the grid integrated system. Moreover, since it
(21) can be considered that infinite power is available from a grid,
(22) is also affected by the choice for a control strategy for
Evidently, combining the two separate load data sets yields a the term denoted by and typically implemented through
greater load value which will not likely be observed in reality, power electronics interfaces. Such control strategies may have
but it can be interpreted as a PV generation plant not only gen- different optimization goals—e.g., fast charging or improved
erating power for the load demand during daytime, but also battery life charging—and may be different depending on the
charging the energy storage in advance for the nighttime use. energy storage technology being used—e.g., flooded lead-acid
Assuming that 1 million values of each data set (PV and load) batteries may require a boost charge to equalize cell voltage.
are sufficient to simulate the process, Monte Carlo simulation is Analyzing the statistical characteristics of the grid and, even
then able to provide an estimate of the power transfer distribu- more importantly, deriving alternative strategies for controlling
tion using (21). Fig. 12 shows the histogram of the generated is out of the scope of this paper so only the case of an au-
random values for the power transfer. It can be interpreted that tonomous operation is discussed and presented throughout the
the estimated maximum power available to charge the energy paper. However, the proposed approach can serve as the basis

for the analysis of such control algorithms in terms of their im- capacity. Since is determined using the limiting probabili-
pact on power supply availability and energy storage usage. ties—as shown in (13)—it can be understood that the change
of energy storage capacity would result a change of . Hence,
C. Transition Probabilities when the relationship of and energy storage capacity
The histogram in Fig. 12 is used to find the transition proba- is known, the relationship between PV system availability
bilities in (7) since a transition probability can be determined and energy storage capacity can then be found by varying
with the counted number of a power transfer value divided by the capacity of energy storage. Since the capacity is defined
the total number of sample points. As an example, if a 1000-kW as , the energy storage system capacity can
power transfer take place times in a total number of be varied by changing the number of states, . Therefore,
1 million occurred transfers, then the transition probability for when , , and in (4) are assumed to equal 20 kW, 151,
a 1000-kW power transfer can be found by dividing and 1 hour, respectively, the energy storage capacity is 3 MWh
over 1 million. With this methodology, the one-step transition ( hour kW). This capacity in MWh can also
probability matrix in (7) can be determined, which equals (23), be represented in days—by dividing storage capacity (MWh)
shown at the bottom of the page. by the product of hours-in-a-day and average load—which is
The following list shows the assumptions that have been 0.28 days [ MWh/(24 hours 440 kW)]. As a result, with
made for the calculation process of the one-step transition the particular assumptions considered for the calculation of
probability matrix in particular shown above. in (23), (13) and (25) can be used to find the availability which
• PV generation plant and the set of loads (300 housings) is 0.9951 or 2.31 nines.
are located in the same area. Hence, any transmission loss Furthermore, with a number of computer simulations with
is not considered. various capacity values—implying also changing —the rela-
• and in (4) are 20 kW and 151, respectively. tionship between availability and energy storage capacity can
also be determined. Fig. 13 shows the curve which represents
D. Limiting Probabilities how availability and energy storage capacity are related. As
After the one-step transition probability matrix is found, (12) shown, capacity values are determined in number of days.
is used to determine the limiting probabilities which are shown Capacity in number of days can be converted to capacity in
as follows: Wh using the average load value (Capacity [Wh] capacity
[Days] 24 [hours] average load value [W]). For example,
when 300 households use a 2.5-MW PV generation plant
(24) and want to maintain 4 nines of availability, the required
energy storage capacity would be approximately 6.34 MWh
As mentioned earlier, the found limiting probabilities show ( days 24 hours 440 kW) when the curve in Fig. 13
the probabilities of a state being at each energy level in the is used. This result not only shows how much storage capacity
Markov chain model at any given point in time. For example, is needed to achieve certain availability, but also demonstrates
—which is 0.3047 as shown in (24)—represents the prob- how various amounts of energy storage capacities affect avail-
ability of a state that would be at the full energy level of energy ability.
storage system.
E. Availability versus Energy Storage Capacity
Equation (13) uses the limiting probabilities and a one-step A. Applying Storage Capacity Degradation
transition probability matrix in order to find . Since rep-
The aging process, which introduces power and energy ca-
resents the probability that energy storage does not have suffi-
pacity degradation [19], [20], is inevitable for batteries. Hence,
cient energy to power the load, availability can then be found by
when batteries are used as an energy storage system, a real-
(25) istic assessment of plant availability needs to consider battery
capacity degradation. This section explores how storage ca-
As discussed in Section III-D, the limiting probabilities can pacity degradation affects availability. Particularly, lithium–ion
be found with the given capacity of energy storage using the (Li–ion) batteries are discussed as an example to show the
proposed model, which means that the limiting probabilities relationship between capacity degradation and availability
would change according to the change of energy storage reduction.

.. .. .. .. (23)
. . . .

Fig. 13. Availability versus storage capacity (2.5-MW PV generation plant and
300-housing load).
Fig. 15. Availability versus storage capacity (2.5-MW PV generation plant and
300-housing load) in Minneapolis, Houston, and Phoenix: 10 years after the

According to Fig. 14, ten years of Li–ion battery operation

results in a relative capacity which approximately equals
0.87, 0.81, and 0.77 in Minneapolis, Houston, and Phoenix,
respectively. When is determined for each location, the
impact of capacity degradation by temperature can be shown.
Fig. 15 shows the simulated results using the presented Markov
chain model with applying (27) to the calculation process. As
shown, availabilities in each location are reduced with respect
to the amount of capacity degradation occurred. This result
shows that when relative capacities are known after capacity
Fig. 14. Geographic impact on battery life [22]. degradation with respect to factors including temperature,
open-circuit voltage, and depth of discharge [21], the amount
In [21], the authors investigated how to estimate battery of reduced availability can be determined using the presented
degradation using three factors that cause aging: tempera- Markov chain model.
ture, open-circuit voltage, and depth of discharge. Hence, the
analysis of the relationship between capacity degradation and B. Applying Charging and Discharging Efficiencies
availability can be performed using the estimation methods in For a real physical battery, charging and discharging efficien-
[21] and the Markov chain model presented in this paper. cies affect the amount of power transfer between the PV mod-
Let be the relative capacity after capacity degradation oc- ules and load and the batteries. Hence, such efficiencies yield an
curs by aging. Then, (4) can be modified to represent the de- effective power transfer defined as
graded capacity of energy storage system

(26) (28)

Since is the energy interchanged with the storage device per

where and are charging and discharging efficiencies, re-
unit time, (26) can be interpreted that the energy interchanged
spectively. Since the battery is charged when there is excess
between the Markov chain states is reduced with the same ratio
PV power in addition to the load— is positive—
of the capacity degradation. Hence, when is defined as ,
is the amount of charge power. In a similar manner,
(26) can be written as
when the battery is discharged— is negative—
(27) is the amount of discharge power. In particular,
shows that the discharge power may be greater than the power
Equation (27) is then used to demonstrate how battery degrada- supplied to the load since the discharging efficiency reduces the
tion affects availability. To simplify the analysis, only capacity actual amount of transferred power. For instance, is 1.25
degradation with regard to temperature is considered. Fig. 14 when is 0.8.; this indicates that the discharge power from the
shows simulated results from [22] which represent the capacity battery is greater than the power supplied to the load by a factor
degradation by various operating temperatures. It can be seen of 1.25.
that the ambient temperatures in various locations in the U.S. re- As shown in (28), charging and discharging efficiencies,
sult in varying capacity degradation as the batteries are operated and , affect the amount of energy that is charged and dis-
over a period of time. With an assumption that the batteries in charged. When the charging and discharging efficiencies are less
this analysis have the same capacity degradation characteristics than 100%—which is the case for a real physical battery—the
of the batteries in Fig. 14 and the impact of depth of discharge actual charged energy to the battery is less than the energy that
is negligible, the relationship between availability and capacity is provided to the battery, and the actual discharged energy from
degradation by temperature can be determined. the battery is greater than the energy that load receives. Hence,

Fig. 16. Histogram of the generated random values of power transfer between
the 2.5-MW PV power plant and 300-housing load. Fig. 17. Availability versus storage capacity (2.5-MW PV generation plant and
300-housing load) with various charging and discharging efficiencies.

(20) can be rewritten as follows after charging and discharging

efficiencies are taken into account: the developed model allows PV generation to become more
dispatchable with optimal-sized energy storage. Hence, the
(29) proposed model can be used for PV-energy storage system not
only to meet the certain availability, but to avoid over-sizing or
under-sizing capacity, which leads to increased system cost or
Likewise, (21) can be modified as (30), shown at the bottom of inadequate availability, respectively. Furthermore, the proposed
the page, where and model provides a better understanding of how energy storage
are the charge and discharge power during day- charge and discharge rates are expected to occur in a PV-energy
time, respectively, and is the discharge storage system and affect the power supply availability of
power during nighttime. Hence, (30), as a whole, represents PV generation plants. In particular, this paper presented how
charge and discharge processes that occur for an entire day. battery capacity degradation by various operating temperatures
Fig. 16 demonstrates how charging and discharging efficien- affects availability. With the simulated results, it showed that
cies affect power transfer. With an assumption that charging and the aging process of energy storage, which results in capacity
discharging efficiencies are equal, Fig. 16 shows how the pos- degradation, can be applied to the proposed model, and the
itive power transfer is reduced and negative power transfer is relationship between capacity degradation and availability was
increased after applying 80% battery efficiency. verified by a number of simulations.
The change in the values of the power transfer results in a In addition, the presented model can be expanded in a number
change in the transition probabilities because the probabil- of applications. For example, wind power plants can also be
ities are estimated as the number of occurrences of a power considered as a random generation output for the system. The
transfer value divided by the total number of points. Therefore, proposed Markov chain model can also be used to develop a
the one-step transition probability matrix according to the newly real-time availability estimator by considering the SOC or en-
found transition probabilities can be determined. Following the ergy level in real-time. Knowing a battery current energy state,
same steps described in Section III, the relationship between the the Markov chain model transition probabilities can then be
battery’s capacity and availability for various efficiencies can used to determine availability at that moment. In other words,
be found and, as Fig. 17 shows, battery efficiency affects avail- the probability of a PV-energy storage system being insuffi-
ability by reducing it with lower efficiencies. cient to power the load can be evaluated in real-time using the
real-time SOC information.
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Junseok Song (S’06) received the B.S. degree in

electrical and computer engineering from Hanyang
University, Seoul, Korea, in 2004, and the M.S.E.
degree in electrical engineering from the University
of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, in 2008, where he
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering.
His research interests are in the area of mathemat-
ical modeling of renewable energy sources and en-
ergy storage systems. By the time of the publication
of this paper, he is expected to be a faculty member
at John Brown University (Siloam Springs, AR).

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