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Luxor World School I SEMESTER EXAMINATION - 2017

Science 100
Time: 2 Hours Date: Marks:
Name: ..................................................................... Grade: 7
Instructions to Candidates:
 All students should write in pen.
 Read the questions carefully and answer.
Section –A
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) [Marks: 40]
1. Plants prepare their food by the process of

a. Respiration b. Photosynthesis c. Transpiration d. All of these

2. The words below all have something to do with photosynthesis. Choose the correct word
to match each description.

You may use each word once, more than once or not at all.

Air carbon dioxide chlorophyll chloroplast epidermis

oxygen palisade layer soil stomata veins

a. This gas is used by plaints in photosynthesis.

b. This gas is made by plants in photosynthesis.
c. Plants get their water for photosynthesis from here.
d. This green pigment absorbs energy from sun light.
e. This tissue in a leaf is where most photosynthesis takes place.
f. These tiny holes on a leaf allow gases to move in and out.

a. ......................................................................
b. ......................................................................
c. ......................................................................
d. ......................................................................
e. ......................................................................
f. ......................................................................
g. ...................................................................... [6]

3. Which one is an insectivorous plant?

a. Banyan tree b. Cuscuta c. Pitcher plant d. Neem plant

4. The organism that can prepare their own food are called

a. Heterotrophs b. Consumers c. Decomposers d. Autotrophs


5. For questions 5 and 6 use the information below.

Mammal's teeth have particular functions:
 Incisors - pick up and cut food
 canines - grip and tear food
 premolars - coarsely grind food
 molars - finely grind food

The photographs show the skulls of two mammals, a herbivore and an omnivore. No teeth
are missing from either skull.

What did this omnivore's teeth do to help to prepare food for swallowing?

a. pick up and cut food only

b. pick up, cut and finely grind food only
c. pick up, cut, grip, tear and coarsely grind food only
d. pick up, cut, grip, tear, coarsely grind and finely grind food

6. The herbivore skull is different from the omnivore skull because it has ________________.

a. molars in both jaws

b. no incisors in either jaw
c. no canines and no premolars
d. incisors and molars in the lower jaw only

7. A substance which kills bacteria in stomach

a. Water b. Hydrochloric acid c. Sulphuric acid d. Citric acid

8. Animals that chew cud are called

a. Herbivores b. Omnivores c. Ruminant d. Grass eating


9. The diagram below shows the human digestive system. Where does the last stage of food
digestion occur before it is passed into the blood vessel?

10. A wooden spoon is dipped in cup of ice-cream, its other end

a. Become cold by conduction b. Become cold by convection

c. Become cold by radiation d. Does not become cold.

11. Mark sliced a plant’s stem into various sections and placed them under a microscope. He
noticed that each of the sections had identical cell formations, which created tube-like
structures in the stem.

A main function of the stem is to

a. Absorb minerals from the soil. b. Transport food and water.

c. Protect against diseases. d. Capture sunlight for photosynthesis.

12. Reaction between acid and base to form salt is called

a. Combination reaction b. Neutralization reaction

c. Decomposition reaction d. Addition reaction


13. A student mixes 25 cm3 samples of dilute hydrochloric acid with different volumes of
aqueous sodium hydroxide. Each time, the student measures the change in temperature to
test if the reaction is exothermic.

Which piece of apparatus is not needed?

14. In an experiment to investigate anaerobic respiration, two bottles are set up in a warm
room, as shown in the diagram.

What would happen to each balloon after one day?


15. All acids contain

a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Carbon d. Hydrogen

16. What is produced during anaerobic respiration in muscles?

17. Which chemical contains energy that is released in aerobic respiration?

a carbon dioxide b glucose c oxygen d water

18. Which is the first thing that would happen if a plant could NOT obtain carbon dioxide?

a. It would not be able to reproduce. b. It would not be able to make food.

c. It would not be able to get rid of waste. d. It would not be able to absorb minerals.

19. Plants absorb light energy and store that energy in the form of

a water. b carbon dioxide. c sugar. d oxygen.

20. Copy and complete these sentences, using words from the list.

You may use each word once, more than once or not at all.

Atoms large molecules pieces small

Teeth break down large lumps of food into smaller…………………. . Then, enzymes break
down the large……………………… of the nutrients in the food into small…………. .this
allows the nutrients to pass out of the alimentary canal through the wall of the
………………………… intestine. [4]

21. Copy and complete these sentences, using words from the list.

You may use each word once, more than once or not at all.

Blood contracts muscle stretches tubes valves

The heart is made of……………….. . This muscle ………………… and relaxes rhythmically,
pumping blood around the body. There are………………….. Inside the heart that make sure
the blood keeps flowing in the correct direction. [3]

22. Kim wanted to determine if certain seeds require sunlight to germinate. She placed one
seed in a moist paper towel in the sunlight and another seed in an equally moistened paper
towel in a dark closet. The seed in the sunlight germinated but the one in the closet did not.
Kim reported to the class that this type of seed needs sunlight in order to germinate. Given
this information, which statement would best describe an improvement in Kim’s experiment
that would strengthen her claim?

a. use many seeds to conduct the experiment. b. start the samples on different days.

c. use different amounts of water. d. place the seeds in new locations.

23. Which process will produce igneous rocks?

a. deposition of sediments b. volcanic action
c. earthquake activity d. erosion of surface rocks

24. Cindy dissected a flowering plant and looked at the stem, roots, leaves, and flower using
a microscope. After her observations, Cindy should conclude that all flowering plant
a. are not living. b. have the same function. c. have cells. d. are green.

25. Respiration is a chemical reaction that happens inside the cell

Oxygen ethanol Carbon dioxide
energy lactic Acid water

Aerobic Respiration

Glucose +…………………………… Carbon dioxide +………………………………..

Anaerobic Respiration - Yeast

Glucose ……………………………… +………………………………..

Anaerobic Respiration - Muscles

Glucose ……………………………… +……………………………….. [6]

Section – B
Answer in Detail [Marks: 60]
1. Draw the structure of open and Closed Stomata and label it. [5]

[Total Marks = 5]

2. The photograph shows the upper surfaces of leaves from two different plants.

The leaves are both shown life-size

Construct a table that you can use to compare the structure of the two leaves. Then complete
your table to show atleast five differences between the leaves. [6]

[Total Marks = 6]

3 Anurag did an experiment to compare the rate of photosynthesis of two types of seaweed.

The diagram shows the apparatus he used.

a. What variable should anurag change in his experiment?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

b. List three variables that anurag should keep the same.



……………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

c. What should anurag measure in his experiment?

……………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]

[Total Marks = 5]

4. The diagram shows part of the human alimentary canal.

a. Name parts A and D. [2]



b. Give the letters of two labeled parts where protein digestion takes place. [2]



c. Give the letter of one labeled part where digested nutrients are absorbed. [1]


[Total Marks = 5]

5. The diagram represents the circulatory system

a. Write down three letters that show arteries. ………………… [2]

b. Write down one letter that shows capillaries. ………………… [1]
c. Write down two letters that show Veins. ………………… [1]
d. Write down Three letters that show vessels containing deoxygenated blood.
………………… [2]
[Total Marks = 6]

6. This list shows properties that different materials can have.

A magnetic E good conductor of heat

B can be compressed F poor conductor of heat
C very high melting point G good conductor of electricity
D very low melting point H non conductor of electricity

Write down the letter of the property that answers each of these questions.

(a) Which two properties from the list make aluminium suitable for cooking pans?

1. …………………………

2. ………………………… [2]

(b)Which property from the list explains why a lot of oxygen gas can be pumped into a very
small container?
………………………… [1]

(c) Which property from the list explains why plastic makes a good material for the handle of
a kettle?

………………………… [1]

(d) Which property from the list explains why rubber is used to cover electrical wiring?

………………………… [1]

[Total Marks = 5]

7. Kevin used materials to make a model of the human digestive system as shown below.

(a)Write down the part of the digestive system that each of the following materials represent.


(b) Describe what part is mentioned in B, and what we do in the mentioned place?


……………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

(c) The following shows two human teeth. Name the two types of teeth shown in

……………………………………………………………………[2] [Total Marks =7]


8. Krystyna investigated how a person’s pulse rate changes when they exercise. She tested
four of her friends. Belinda and Jasmina do a lot of sport. Jade and mara prefer to read books
and play computer games. Krystyna measured the four girls pulse rates, in beats per minute,
when they were relaxing, then she asked them to run up two flights of stairs, and measured
their pulse rates again. These are her results.
 Belinda 65,102
 Jasmina 72,105
 Jade 70,110
 Mara 74, 120
a. Draw a results table, and fill in krystyna’s results. Remember to label the rows and
columns of your results table fully. [5]

b. Display krystyna’s results in the way you think is best. [5]


c. Write down one conclusion that krystyna can make from her results.

d. Krystyna decided that she did not have enough evidence to decide whether being fit
affects a person’s pulse rate. Was she right? Explain your answer.
[Total Marks =13]
9. The diagrams show two blood cells.

a. Make a copy of the drawing of the red blood cell. Label the cell membrane and the
cytoplasm. [2]

b. Name one structure that most cells have, but that red blood cells do not have. [1]

c. Describe one other way in which red blood cells differ from most other cells in the
human body. [1]
d. Explain how red blood cells are adapted to carry out their function. [2]
e. Describe the function of white blood cells [2]

[Total Marks =8]

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