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Virtual Academy (Snow make-up day)

Assignments for: January 30-February 6 Week ​1

Due: Week ​1​ assignment d
​ ue - ​February 6th​, Tuesday

1. Go to ​Google Classroom​ under ​reading​ (Virtual Make Up Day #1). Log onto ​
a. ​username:​ ​# to log onto thinkpad + evsc ​example:​ 1234567evsc​ ​password:​ ​reading
2. Click on ​“resources”
3. Select the ​blue​ Reach for Reading​ book.
4. Select Unit​ 8​, Build Background ​Video​, and then click on and watch “​One Idea”​.
5. Next, go to ​games​,​ Unit 8, ​vocabulary​, and select a vocabulary game to practice your vocabulary words that go
with this unit. (Reading Textbook Pages: 535, 537, 569, & 571)
6. Then, think back to last week’s story ​“​Starting Your Own Business: Seven Steps to Success​.” ​(Textbook page 541)
(You can also access it online on ​​ )
7. Using a sheet of paper, ​or ​a Google Doc, ​ ​choose a business​ you would like to start.
8. List the steps​ you would need to follow to start the business.
9. Once you have listed the steps, place them into a story about your business. You should have a minimum of ​3
1. You need to list what your business is.
2. How you are going to start it​?
3. What you will do when you become successful?

Standard 5.RN.2.3 I can use text features to find information from a variety of sources to answer a question or solve a problem.

Standard 5.W.3.3a I can write a narrative with clear descriptive details.

Standard: 5C4 Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators including mixed numbers
Log onto Google Classroom
Find virtual assignment 1 under your math class.
Watch the first video and then answer the 5 questions that follow.
Watch the second video on the form and answer the remaining five questions.
When finished watching the videos and answering all the questions, please make sure to click
on submit.
*For extra practice, students can log onto ALEKS via and work on practice skills found
Questions? Contact information... 
Fifth Grade Office Hours Calendar:

This calendar will be provided to you on a weekly basis as the virtual learning days occur. The calendar
provides you with contact information for the fifth grade team as well as the specific personnel assigned to
specific days and times each week. The personnel availability may change from week to week as the virtual
days occur. Please reference each weekly calendar to see whom you should contact by email at specific times
on specific days if you have questions or concerning regarding the virtual learning tasks.

Virtual Days Support: Fifth Grade Team Availability for the Week of February 22nd-29th

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sun Monday

January 30 January 31 February 1 February 2 February 3 Feb February 5

Morning Ms. Lombard Ms. Lombard Ms. Lombard Mrs. Ritter Ms. Lombard
6:30am- X Mrs. Ulrich Mrs. Ulrich Mrs. Ulrich Mrs. Lynn X Mrs. Ulrich
7:30am Mrs. Kirchoff Mrs. Kirchoff Mrs. Kirchoff Mrs. Ulrich Mrs. Kirchoff

Evening Mrs. Bell Mrs. Bell Mrs. Bell Mrs. Bell Mrs. Ritter Mrs. Bell
3:30pm- Mrs. Kirchoff Ms. Moore X Ms. Moore

4:30pm- Mrs. Jalilpour Mrs. Jalilpour Mrs. Jalilpour Mrs. Jalilpour Mrs. Jalilpour
5:30pm X Mrs. Lynn Mrs. Lynn X
5:30pm- Ms. Moore Ms. Lombard Ms. Moore Mrs. Ritter Ms. Moore
6:30pm X X
6:30pm- Mr. Gonyer Mr. Gonyer Mr. Gonyer Mr. Gonyer Mrs. Ritter Mr. Gonyer
7:30pm Mr. Brown Mr. Brown Mr. Brown Mr. Brown X Mr. Brown

7:30pm- Mr. Jorgensen Mr. Jorgensen Mr. Jorgensen Mr. Jorgensen Mrs. Ritter Mr. Jorgensen
8:30pm Mrs. Lynn Mrs. Lynn X
Email Addresses for the 5th grade team
Mrs. Jalilpour- ​tammy.jalilpour-esfahani@evsc​
Mr. Jorgensen- ​
Ms. Lombard- ​
Mrs. Lynn- ​
Mrs. Ritter- ​
Mrs. Kirchoff- ​
Mrs. Ulrich- ​
Ms. Moore- ​
Mrs. Bell- ​
Mr. Brown- ​
Mr. Gonyer- ​

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