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Session 1/1

Soil Morphology and Foundation Engineering

Morphologie du sol et construction de fondations

by G . D . A it c h i s o n , M .E ., A .M .I.E . A ust., U niversity o f M elbourne, Victoria, Australia

Summary Sommaire

In the study of the foundation characteristics of the principal En étudiant les caractéristiques des sols du point de vue des fon­
populated centres of Australia it has been found that the pedological dations dans les principales agglomérations urbaines de l’Australie
system of soil classification is readily adaptable to engineering re­ on trouve que le système pédologique de classification des sols
quirements. s’adapte facilement aux besoins du génie civil.
Since each soil type (represented by a particular soil profile) re­ Vu que chaque coupe de sol (représentée par une coupe carac­
occurs on a very large number of building sites, there is a wide téristique) reparaît dans grand nombre d’emplacements de bâti­
potential application for all information relevant to the foundation ments, il est possible d’appliquer sur une large échelle les renseigne­
behaviour o f each soil. Every soil, once identified and described, ments recueillis sur l’action des fondations dans un sol. Chaque sol,
may be recognised in the field solely on the basis of its characteristic une fois qu’il a été identifié et décrit, est facilement reconnu en place
morphology. Against each soil type can be recorded past experience par sa seule morphologie. Pour chaque type de sol on enregistre les
of foundation performance as well as measured data defining the expériences préalablement faites sur l’action des fondations et les
physical properties and seasonal characteristics of the soil. Found­ résultats de mesures donnant les propriétés physiques et les variations
ation design—quantitative or qualitative—can follow from such re­ caractéristiques résultant du cycle des saisons. Les observations en­
cords. registrées peuvent servir de base à l’établissement du projet de fon­
This approach to foundation engineering, based on soil morpho­ dation tant au point de vue volume que type.
logy, has been developed specifically to be applicable to small Cette méthode basée sur la morphologie du sol a été particulière­
domestic-type buildings within the Australian environment. Thus ment développée pour la construction de maisons d’habitation à un
it relates to shallow foundations, and to soils which are subject to étage, dans les conditions régnant en Australie, c’est-à-dire des fon­
the influences of a pronounced seasonal cycle in a warm to temperate dations peu profondes et des sols soumis aux influences du cycle bien
climate. marqué des saisons dans un climat chaud ou tempéré.

A m ong the m ost com plex foundation problem s with which pany these phenom ena may be manifested in terms o f a cycle
the engineer m ust contend are those in which he m ust design, o f freezing and thawing, or wetting and drying. W ithin A us­
not only for applied structural loadings, but also for certain tralia, the average climate is such that a pronounced cycle o f
variable forces o f nature. Such problem s are encountered in wetting and drying is the dom inant seasonal effect in soils. In
connection with quite a large proportion o f those engineering this paper therefore, consideration is given to the foundation
structures which m ust be built on the surface o f the soil: behaviour o f those soils in which there is normally an annual
structures such as road pavements and dom estic buildings are repetition o f a more or less severe wetting and drying cycle.
particularly susceptible to the effects o f nature since in such
cases the area o f soil covered by the structure is comparatively
Soil Classification
sm all in relation to the perimeter or exposed edge.
The im pact o f natural forces is normally seen as a cyclic A n essential pre-requisite to the proper study o f the engi­
effect with repetition either annually (seasonally) or over a neering behaviour o f soils in nature, is the acceptance o f a
longer period (as an oscillation o f climate). The influences o f satisfactory system o f soil classification. In any large scale
nature which affect the engineering behaviour o f soils are study o f soils and foundation performance, correlations may
broadly those o f a penetration o f a temperature wave and a be found between any chosen category o f any recognised engi­
cyclic variation o f soil moisture; these may often be inter­ neering soil classification, and the corresponding foundation
dependent. Physical changes in soil properties which accom ­ characteristics o f the soil. However, there are serious lim ita­

tions to the use o f such classifications, due to necessity o f pedological classification permits a new approach to an other­
assessing each soil layer by layer (i.e. horizon by horizon) and wise uneconom ical problem. In any big city or town, the
for introducing an additional factor to allow for climatic number o f sites on which buildings may be erected is quite
influences. large, whereas the number o f different soil types which may
As an alternative to the engineering soil classifications, there occur is usually quite limited. The estim ated figures for tw o
is considerable merit in the system developed by pedologists, o f Australia’s capital cities— M elbourne and Adelaide— show
originally for agricultural purposes (Stephens, 1952). In such a total o f only 40 major soils for more than 800,000 actual or
a system, the soil profile as a w hole becomes the unit o f the potential building sites.
classification, thus elim inating the need for separate assess­
ment o f each soil horizon. Since the weathering processes in Table 1 Soil Distribution in Populated Centres
the soil profile are normally in equilibrium with the existing Distribution des sols dans les agglomérations urbaines
clim atic conditions, the classification based on such a unit
autom atically em bodies som e expression o f the seasonal factor. Locality
Considerable engineering use has already been m ade o f such
Melbourne Adelaide
pedological soil classifications— alm ost entirely in relation to
( Victoria) ( S.Australia)
problems o f pavem ent construction (Highway Research Board,
1949, 1950, 1951). Consequently, in this paper, stress is laid
on the alternative application— in shallow foundations for Population 1,400,000 400.000
Area, square miles 270 100
small buildings.
Number of sites for buildings
A useful characteristic o f the pedological classification o f
(existing and potential)1) 600,000 200.000
soils is that it depends largely for its application upon the direct Number o f basic soil types2) 15 25
recognition in the field o f features o f the soil profile, i.e. it is Average number of building sites
based upon the observable aspects o f soil m orphology, prin­ on each basic soil type 40,000 8,000
cipally depth, colour, texture and structure.
Since each individual problem in shallow foundation engi­
‘) The majority of buildings are small, single-storied, domestic type
neering is usually too sm all to warrant laboratory exam ination 2) Transitional soil types and minor sub-types have been excluded
o f the soil from each site, the field identification aspect o f the

Table 2 Elements of the Soil Classification System—The Pedological Approach Adapted for the Purposes of Shallow Foundation
Eléments du système de classification des sols - La méthode pédologique est adaptée aux exigences des constructions à fonda­
tions peu profondes

C a teg o ry
O rders S u b -O rd ers G reat S o il Groups Fam ilies Types S u b-T ypes

N um ber o f C lasses S m a ll N um ber

2 7 4 0 -5 0 A n y N um ber L arge N um ber
in C ategory (p e r T ype)

D eterm inant m orph o­ Presence o f lim e or Profile c o lo r and pre­ Parent m aterial and T exture, depth and T exture, depth and
logical attributes o f gypsum in A or B sence o f halom orp hic depth o f solum . (C ate­ structure o f A and B drainage status o f A
category h orizons. Position o f calcim orphic or hydro- gory used on ly w here horizon. E m phasis on horizon
horizons o f organic m orphic features such features d o m i­ B horizon
matter, clay, sesqui- nate)
oxides, lim e and gyp­

Significance o f ca te­ O f fu ndam ental im ­ M o st im portant cate­ U sefu l groupin g o f T h e basis o f soil m aps T h e m ost detailed c a ­
gory portance in system atic gory in classification soil types w ith sim ilar for land use. Each tegory. R arely m ap-
classification. N o t but rarely interpret­ physical properties type is m orp h ologi­ able. R elated to sp e­
significant in deter­ able for land u se ex­ cally d istin ct and p o s­ cific engineering land
m ining land use cept on broad scale. sesses definite engi­ use
T h e basis o f regional neering properties
soil m aps
Influence o f land use I, 11 and III are system atic, objective cate­ Each successive category is_ increasingly depend en t on land use. A n
in establishm ent o f gories and are not determ ined by land use. engineering bias in defining the determ inant features o f a soil type
category N o bias should be evident w hether so il classi­ is entirely com patible with parallel practice in agricultural soil sur­
fied by engineer, agriculturalist, or pedologist veys

E xam ples from A u s­ Y ellow M S soils M S 1>)

tralian capital cities P o d so lic Soils MS 2
M T soils MT 1
MT 2
Red Brown Earths RB 3 RB 3o ')
R B 3I>
RB 6

') Each so il type (and sub-type) has been observed to sh o w characteristic engineering behaviou r and to possess characteristic p h ysical or
engineering properties (vide T ables 3 and 4)
Table 3 Soil T y p e and Foundation Expérience
T y p es de sols et expériences recueillies

Foundation E xperience on the S o il1)

G reat S o il M orp h o lo g y:
S o il
S oil P rincipal Features
T ype Incidence o f Foundation S o il P ro p erty Responsible O bserved S a tisfactory
Group o f the S o il Profile
Failure on the S oil f o r Failure o f Foundation Foundation P ractice

Red RB 3 0 -1 2 " A horizon : Brow n silt Failures are com m on . D ifferential m ovem ents o f Pier-and-bcam
Brown loam . Cracks sh ow in ab ou t 50% the soil (as the result o f sea­ Piers m ust be effectively sup­
Earths 1 2 -33" B ho rizo n : Red o f houses on this soil. sonal shrinking and sw elling ported at considerable depth
brow n clay with m arked de­ Serious disfiguration occurs o f the clay horizons). below soil surface. (A pprox.
v elop m en t o f coarse pris­ in less than 5% o f norm al 9 -1 2 ft. is recent practice for
m atic structure. dw ellings. bored piles.)
3 3 -1 2 0 " B -C h o r iz o n : B row n
clay w ith lim e. C oncentra­
tion o f lim e dim inishes with
depth. U nderlying so il is
stiff fissured clay.
RB 6 0 -1 1 " A ho rizo n : B row n Failures are rare. D ifferential settlem ent m ay C ontinuous strip fo o tin g on
loam y sand. S o m e m inor cracks occu r in occu r if fou ndation loading the soil surface.
11-1 8 " B horizon : R eddish abou t 5% o f h ou ses on this is uneven.
brow n sandy clay w ith p o o r ­ soil. W ater-table is shallow caus­
ly developed co a rse prism a­ ing soft, saturated subsoils.
tic structure.
1 8-22" B - C h o r iz o n : L ight
brow n sandy clay with lime.
2 2 -6 0 " R eddish brow n sa n ­
dy clay.
RB 9 0 -6 " G rey brow n clay loam . Few failures have been o b ­ S om e sw elling and shrinking Pier-and-beam or rigid type
6-12" L ight grey m ottled clay. served since m ost hou ses on m ovem ents o f sm all m agn i­ o f con tin u ou s strip footing
1 2-21" R eddish brow n clay this so il are new ly construc­ tude occur seasonally or as on the soil surface.
o f prism atic to colum nar ted. A b o u t 10% o f older a result o f changes o f level Short bored piles (up to 6 ft.
structure h ou ses sh ow m inor to m od e­ o f the w atcrtable after under­ long) have been used as
2 1 -2 4 " L ight brown friable rate cracking. ground drainage. piers.
clay with m oderate lim e.
2 4 -6 0 " R eddish brow n fri­
able clay.
Black BE 1 0 -2 0 " D ark grey to black F ailures are com m on p lace. T he season al shrinking and P ier-and-beam .
Earths granular clay. A lm o st every h ou se on this sw elling m ovem ents are large Short bored piles (4 -8 ft.)
2 0 -4 0 " D ark grey or brown soil is cracked to so m e ex­ throu ghout the w h ole pro­ c om m on ly used but show
or redbrow n coarsely struc­ tent. file. In addition the soil ex ­ so m e instability. E xtended
tured clay. A b o u t 10% o f h ou ses are hibits w ide lateral variation bored piles (1 0 -1 5 ft.) or un­
4 0 -1 2 0 " L ight brow n clay n oticeably disfigured. and differential m ovem ents der-ream ed piers are su g­
w ith varying am ou nts o f are con seq u en tly accentu­ gested as superior alterna­
lim e. U nderlying so il is stiff ated. tives.
fissured clay.

x) F o u n d a tio n experience recorded in T able 3 relates to dom estic type brick or m asonry buildings with norm al fou n d ation s— i.e. footin gs
placed u p on the soil surface or supported at sh allow depth.

Thus the problem o f studying all o f the soils, and o f deter­ F o u n d a tio n B eh aviou r o f th e S o ils
mining their properties, is quite small, whereas the application
o f such inform ation can be quite extensive. W ith the acceptance o f an appropriate soil classification
In all studies o f the foundation behaviour o f the soils o f system, and the identification o f the major soils o f certain
Australia, the pedological classification has been adopted. zones, it was found that each and every soil type exhibited
Since in the areas o f greatest foundation interest— the capital characteristic foundation behaviour. For each soil type, ex­
cities— there were no prior soil surveys, the opportunity existed perience was recorded to emphasise not only the incidence o f
for the mapping and classification o f soils with a view to direct foundation difficulties, but also the contributing property o f
engineering land use. This approach was found to be not in­ the soil. Satisfactory foundation practices, which may have
com patible with practices adopted elsewhere in Australia for been developed for many soils by trial and error over the years,
agricultural purposes since both systems were based upon a were also recorded.
com m on appreciation o f the pedological background. An out­ Thus the stage was reached, alm ost solely on the basis of
line o f the classification used is given in Table 2. The principles field exam ination o f the soils and the structures supported
o f soil survey and field classification adopted were those de­ thereon, at which a qualitative account could be rendered of
scribed by Stephens (1952). The sym bolic notation used at the process o f selection o f foundations appropriate to each
present is quite arbitrary [at a later stage it may be desirable particular soil type. Table 3 lists som e examples o f such re­
to introduce a more objective system o f designation c.f. Lueder cords o f foundation behaviour in the suburban areas o f A de­
CHighway Research Board, 1950)]. laide, South Australia.

The com pilation o f a com plete account (for any area) o f soil Table 4 Soil Characteristics and Foundation Design on Typical
types and foundation behaviour, after the pattern o f Table 3, Clay Soils Showing Seasonal Shrinkage and Swelling
permits the introduction o f a wholly sound, though empirical Movements
form o f foundation engineering. Such a stage has been reached Caractéristiques des sols et constructions de fondations
sur des sols argileux typiques montrant la contraction et
in the metropolitan area o f A delaide (G. D . Aitchison, R. C.
le gonflement causés par le cycle des saisons
Sprigg, G. W. Cochrane, 1952). The determination o f the pro­
per foundation practice for any standard form o f building
Soil Type
requires only an awareness o f soil m orphology sufficient to per­
m it the recognition o f any one o f a sm all number o f previously rb3 RBe BEI
described soil types.
Such an approach to foundation “ design ” , though lacking Physical Properties of the Soil
exactitude in the sense o f soil mechanics, is nevertheless fre­ Profile:
quently adequate to cope with the requirements o f traditional Depth o f seasonal
building. On the other hand, for non-traditional building on moisture change feet 8-10 3-4 7-9
soil types for which no satisfactory foundation practice is Vertical movement
know n from accumulated experience, the approach to founda­ o f soil surface inches 1.4 0.6 3.2
Depth of zone of
tion design must include an appropriate soil m echanics treat­
seasonal soil
ment. This, however, is not necessarily incom patible with the movement1) Z m feet 7 2 7
use o f the pedological soil classification. Shear strength of
soil at depths be­
low zone o f soil
S o il T yp e an d F o u n d a tio n D e sig n
movement CDlbs./sq.inches 42 14 20
The design o f a footing, supported upon or within the soil Foundation Details (12"dia.
profile requires the evaluation o f the standard engineering soil bored pile)2)
Minimum length feet 8 2 9
properties, with due allowance for the effect o f seasonal changes.
Allowable load,
In sandy soils the problem is normally one o f bearing capacity,
length ■ D feet 8 10 4 6 8 10 12 15
com plicated slightly by the multi-layered character o f the soil load P tons 4.5 7.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 3.0 5.0 7.5
profile and the influence o f varying soil m oisture upon shear
strengths. Apart from a know ledge o f the critical soil moisture ') Taken as depth below which vertical shrinking and swelling
conditions in the profile (which inform ation can only be ob ­ movement of the soil does not exceed 0.1 inch
tained from long term field experim entation) such a problem '-) Calculated values
is amenable to the standard treatments o f soil mechanics— and
hence does not require further discussion.
On clay soils however, an additional com plication is intro­ against unit width o f a fixed vertical surface (as o f a pier)
duced as a result o f the reactive nature o f the clay fraction. em bedded in the soil.
Each seasonal change o f soil m oisture is accom panied n ot only T he force A" is a cyclic variable with a maximum value
by a change o f soil strength but also by a system o f forces and upwards (K e) during the swelling o f the soil profile and
displacements within the soil arising from the phenom enon o f possibly a sm all value downwards (K s) during the shrink­
soil shrinking and swelling. Each such force and each such ing process (c.f. “ negative” friction).
displacement is in fact a measurable quantity (although not all The design o f any type o f foundation can proceed on the
have been measured). basis o f these soil “ con stan ts” . A bored pile on a clay soil can
There is considerable weight o f field evidence to suggest (on be chosen as an example.
outward m anifestations only) that the swelling and shrinking Since the pile must penetrate the zone o f shrinkage and
behaviour o f any soil type is an essential characteristic o f the swelling, provision must be m ade for stability against such
soil. H ence it is postulated that each soil type is unique not forces o f nature. This requires a minimum pile lenght to pro­
only in its m orphology and its normal engineering properties, vide anchorage.
but also in regard to the active aspect o f soil behaviour result­ This minimum pile length can be written as:—
ing from the seasonal cycle. D (min) = function (Z m, C D, K e).
The simplest measurement o f soil swelling is in terms o f the The allow able pile loading (P ) for a bored pile o f radius (r)
vertical displacements within the profile. Such measurements can be written as:—
have been made on selected typical soils (G . D . Aitchison and P = function (D , Z m, C D, K, r).
J. W. Holmes, 1952), and som e results are listed in Table 4. D etails o f the design approach are n ot given since the treat­
Swelling pressures throughout the w hole profile are also o f ment, though straightforward, is not rigorous as assum ptions
im portance but have not been fully investigated. m ust be introduced, relating to frictional support o f the sides
The radical design o f a stable foundation on a soil exhibiting o f the pile within the stable m oisture zone.
shrinking and swelling m ovem ents is possible in the light o f Som e typical pier sizes, for three troublesom e clay soils o f
such measurements. T o each soil type can be ascribed values A delaide, are given in Table 4.

(1) The depth (Z m) o f the zone o f seasonal soil movem ent. C o n clu sio n
(2) The average shear strength (C D) o f the soil at and below It has been suggested throughout this paper that the soil type
foundation depth (£>). (Z> is not less than Z m.) (representing a unique soil profile) provides the key to all re­
(3) The total frictional force (K ) which may be exerted (as a corded data on the soil: from know ledge o f the incidence o f
result o f swelling pressures and vertical soil displacement) foundation difficulties and the factors contributing thereto, to

the selection o f proper foundation techniques either on an that in this form o f engineering land use— shallow foundation
empirical basis or quantitatively as the result o f know ledge o f engineering— the com m on link from research to practice is that
the engineering properties o f the soil profile. It is further o f a more or less detailed appreciation o f soil m orphology.
suggested that only the simplest approach to soil identification
is required— that o f recognition o f the evident physical features A ck n o w le d g m e n t
o f the soil profile. The subject matter o f this paper is the outcom e o f part o f
The task o f the engineer in this approach to shallow founda­ the field program o f the D ivision o f Soils, o f the Com m onwealth
tion engineering is tw o-fold. Firstly, the soils o f any area o f Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. This paper is
major im portance must be identified, described and studied to presented by permission o f the Chief, D ivision o f Soils.
permit com plete characterisation. This work must, o f necessity,
be carried out by a central authority, governmental or other­ References
wise, since it is a lon g term project o f som e magnitude. W ith
the com pletion o f this first phase o f the work, the remainder A itchison, G. D ., Sprigg, R ■ C . and Cochrane, G. W. (1952): T h e Soils
and G e o lo g y o f A d elaid e and Suburbs. B ulletin D ept. M ines, South
o f the task— which m ay affect the individual practising engi­
A ustralia (in press).
neer— is reduced to reasonable proportions, and consists mainly A itchison, G. D . and H olm es, J. W. (1952): A sp ects o f S w ellin g in the
o f the recognition o f the previously defined soil type, follow ed S o il Profile. U n p u b lish ed paper. D ivision o f Soils, C .S .I.R .O ., A ust.
by a straightforward foundation design. H igh w ay R esearch B oard (1949): B ulletin N o . 22.
H igh w ay R esearch B o a rd (1950): B ulletin N o . 28.
The one fact which is outstanding is this— that there must be
H igh w ay R esearch B o a rd (1951): B ulletin N o . 46.
a com m on denom inator in all phases o f the work from soil S tephens, C. G. (1952): A m an ual o f A ustralian soils. B ulletin C .S .I.R .O .
classification to engineering land use. It appears to be logical A ustralia (in press).

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