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In timpul campaniei electorale, Trump a avut un limbaj non-verbal puternic.

De la
strangerea foarte severa a mainii unui reporter care era in scaunul cu rotile, pana la
momentul in care a intrat in competitorul lui, Jeb Bush, atitudinea lui Trump a fost
una de bully. Aceste obiceuri au devenit parte de personalitatea lui Trump.
Trump a pus tot timpul aceste derapaje pe seama umorului, iar mass-media nu a
incetat sa isi dea cu parerea, sa gaseasca un inteles mai profund al actiunilor lui.
Aceste puneri in scena, nu au facut decat sa ii aduca mai multa atentie din partea
presei. Au aparut nenumarate discutii, compilatii video cu fail-urile pe care acesta
le-a facut cat si memes.
Miscarile spontante pe care le facem cu mainile atunci cand vorbim au devenit un
punct important al cercetarilor din ultimele decade. Iconic gestures (McNeill 1985)
se refera la miscarea mainii, din timpul unui discurs, care este in stransa legtura cu
paragraful rostit.

The term iconic gestures (McNeill 1985) refers to hand gestures that represent meaning that is closely
related to the semantic content of the segments of speech that they accompany. A frequently cited example
is the following:

‘and she [chases him out again]’

[hand appears to swing an object through the air] (McNeill 1992: 13–14)

In this example, the extract of speech and the iconic gesture represent information relating to the same
action. Thus, McNeill concluded that gesture and speech are semantically parallel in that they refer to the
same underlying cognitive representation.

Un gest iconic este cel al lui Obama, cand tine pumnul strans, iar degetul mare este
paralel cu aratatorul, dar directionat invers.
Daca la Barrack Obama gesturile pe care le face cu mainile sunt sincronizate cu
textul pe care il rosteste si au si o legatura semantica, la donald trump nu putem
spune acelasi lucru. Trump isi foloseste mainile intr-un mod pragmatic, diferit de
predecesorii sai.
Prezenta lui trump este una comedica, neconventionala pentru lumea politica
americana. Celebritatea pe care a dobandit-o prin show-ul Ucenicul si-a pus
amprenta pe modul sau de a se comporta. Trump s-a folosit de aceasta celebritate
pentru a ajunge la putere, acest om de divertisment a reusit sa isi convinga fanii sa ii
devina electorat.

Trump este un stand-up comedian

Miscarea iconica pe care Trump o poseda este denumita The Gun si isi are originea
inca din show-ul tv Ucenicul. In show, aceasta miscare era folosita pentru a elimina
din competitie concurenti. O comparatie intre miscarile folosite de predecesorii sai
si miscarea sa iconica arata limitarile semiotice pe care politica le are. (kendon
Miscarea lui este o metonomie, un proces semiotic care reduce intregul in mai multe
bucati. (Mittelberg and Waugh 2014). O metoda simpla prin care putem intelege
metonomia ca pe o practica sociala este prin conceptul celebritatii. Potrivit lui Robert
Hariman (1995) pentru ca un individ sa devina celbritate, trebuie sa se diferentieze, iar
pentrua a se diferentia, va folosi un gest retoric. Orice celebritate are un punct de

Most notably for our purposes, he produces emblematic gestures as self-branding,

performs a contrastively large gestural space, and enacts reductive gestural depictions of his
opponents by framing their bodies as grotesque. When Trump exposes the “truths” of the
body as part of his comedic routine, he exploits a widely circulating language ideology in
the United States: the body is thought to speak its own truth beyond the ephemerality of
words. Trump’s opponents interpret his gestures as truth of discriminatory attitudes that
exist beyond the comedic act; his supporters read the same gestures as truth that he is not
afraid to express his opinions, even when confronted with the censorship ideals of political

Depictive gestures such as enactments are formed by incorporating bodily knowledge of

the social world, abstracting qualities exhibited by the targeted object such as height, weight,
shape, and speed (LeBaron and Streeck 2000; Mittelberg and Waugh 2014; Streeck
2008a). Yet because this incorporation is selective, such bodily acts also produce
contextualized meaning, exemplifying an ideologically saturated semiotic process known as
indexicality (Bucholtz and Hall 2016). For instance, Trump’s use of a firing squad gesture
(see Figure 3) does not merely resemble the action of execution; it also unites moral and
material worlds to critique Obama as losing ground, being weak in confronting terrorism,
and making poor deals.
In this way, gestural enactments have much in common with what linguists such as Niko
Besnier (1993) and Deborah Tannen (1986) have identified for reported speech: they are
citations disguised as quotes that “leak” the citer’s own imagining of social life and the
ideologies that constitute it.

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