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word defnition difinition3 Genero

bulk the greater part la mayor parte

jump/leap out of your skin

to be extremely surprised by something

wd multitud,
a large group of people who are together in one place atestar
scrub restregar, fregar
to clean something by rubbing it hard with a brush
mindful careful not to forget about something consciente adj
outright completely or immediately totalmente, en el a adv, adj
Take a hint! to understand a hint and act on it comprender la indirecta
outed to publish the fact that a famous person isgay, especially when that person does notwant it to be
alibi coartada
proof that someone who is thought to have committed a crime could not have done it, especially
work out If a problem or situation worksout, it graduallyresolverse
becomes better.
wheeze resollar,
to breathe with a hissing sound and withdifficulty jadear, respirar con
wheezy asmático, sibilante adj
wheezine jadeo, resuello noun
bonding (becoming emotionally close) vinculación afectiva
bond something that unites or joins peopletogether vínculo noun
bounds legal or social limits límites
bound to [sth/sb]
figurative (legally obligated) regido por, obligado a, ligados a
bind v.enlazar, obligar s.lazo
fell apart to break into pieces caerse a trozos phr verb
suck up to (slang ) to do or say things to please one’s boss etc for one’s own benefit phr verb
livelihood (the way someone earns) the money people need to pay for food, a place to live, noun c
goddamn Some people use goddamn when they are angry, surprise Maldición! adj. noun. Exclm
hitch n. a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay n.complicación. V enganchar noun. Verb
hitch up to pull up or raise with a sudden short pull arremangarse phr verb
recede If something recedes from you, it moves away. retirarse, alejarse verb
yield to make or provide something producir verb
yield to someIf you yield to someone or something, you stop resisti ceder verb
unfold to open or spread out something that has been folde desdoblar, revelar, desarroll verb
dislodge to remove something or someone, especially by force,sacar verb
clump A clump of things such as trees or plants is a small group of them growing togethercountable nou
falter to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop
arousal Arousal is a state in which you feel excited or very alert, for example as a result of funcountable noun
play on to make use of (someone’s feelings, fears etc) aprovecharse (de), explotar phr verb
play down to try to make (something) appear less important quitar importancia (a), mini phr verb
thereof of or about the thing just mentioned del mismo adv
relinquish to give up something such as a responsibility or claimrenunciar a
upright straight up or vertical erguido, vertical, derecho
nurture to take care of, feed, and protect someone or something, especially young children or plants, an
There's no geThere's no avoiding it; we have to deal with it (some fact or obstacle).
muster If you muster something such as support, strength, or reunir
muster up If you muster up a feeling of courage or energy, you try armarse
hard tode
that quality in yourself because you need it
unsettle desestabilizar, desconcertar
unsettling If you describe something as unsettling, you mean that it makes you feel rather worried or uncertain.
lousy If you describe something as lousy, you mean that it is of very bad quality or that yoadj
defective If something is defective, there is something wrong with it and it does not work properly.
silky soft and smooth, like silk sedoso adj
allot If something is allotted to someone, it is given to themrepartir, asignar verb
reallot to allot (something) again
lenient When someone in authority is lenient, they are not as cslemente, tolerante, indulgeadj
debauchery bad sexual behaviour, drinking too much alcohol, takin libertinaje noun
bummer something that is very annoying or not convenient: noun / offensi
drab dull and uninteresting, especially in colour/color apagado, soso, sin gracia adj
drabness falta de gracia noun
betroth (old-fashioned) to promise in marriage prometer en matrimonio (a)
dimwit a stupid person tonto -a noun (informal
do a runner to leave a place in order to avoid a difficult or unpleasant situation
lurk to wait somewhere secretly, especially before doing merodear verb
at best You use at best to indicate that even if you describe something as favourably as possible or if it performs as well a
at its best at the highest level of achievement or quality en su máximo esplendor noun
make the besto try to be positive about a situation you do not like sacar el máximo partido a a noun
best superlative of well: most, or more than any other mejor, más adv, adj
ward on…to…for…up….down…sky…home… (ward) hacia suffix
flustered in a state of confusion or agitation confundido adj
perky If someone is perky, they are cheerful and lively. alegre, animado
rogue a dishonest person bribón, granuja, deshonestonoun
scoundrel a mean, immoral, or wicked person; rascal sinverguenza
wicked very bad and morally wrong malvado adj
rascal If you call a man or child a rascal, you mean that they behave badly and are rude ocountable nou
burp eructar, eructo verb, noun
hurdle a bar or fence that people or horses jump over in a race
plenty a lot of something, more than you need de sobra, bastante quantifier / pronoun
sloppy careless and untidy; messy / very sentimental dejado, descuidado / sentimadj
slop informal disapproving food that is more liquid than it should be and is therefore unpleasant
noun, verb
sluggish moving or working more slowly than usual lento, flojo adj
sneeze estornudo, estornudar noun, verb
Onto our lasta nuestra última pregunta
wording the choice and meaning of the words used when you redacción, formulación noun
fritter sth awto waste money or time on something that is not important
goon A goon is a person who is paid to hurt or threaten people.
sturdy very strong and solid robusto, solido adj
assert If someone asserts a fact or belief, they state it firmly. verb
assert yourselto behave in a way that expresses your confidence, i hacerse valer verb
turnover The turnover of people in an organization or place is the rate at which people leave and are repl
slam to strike against something violently especially with aestamparse, cerrar de golpe
geek someone who likes a particular subject a lot and is nofrikki
hide A hide is the skin of a large animal such as a cow, horse, or elephant, which can be used for making leather.
salacious If you describe something such as a book or joke as sala salaz adj
brink the point where a new or different situation is about borde
relentless never stopping or getting any less extreme implacable adj
stoop to bend the top half of your body forward and down agacharse
vie to compete with other people to achieve or get somedisputarse, rivalizar verb
bolster to support or improve something or make it stronger reforzar
hectic very busy and full of activity frenetico adj

scant very little and not enough escaso, no suficiente adj

pitch in (informal) If you pitch in, you join in and help with an activity. phr verb
surefire (informal) A surefire thing is something that is certain to succeed or win adj
unsavory unpleasant or morally offensive: adj
blunder a serious mistake, usually caused by not taking care or thinking: noun
swoop informal to make a sudden attack on a place or group abalanzarse,
of people in order
to surround
and catch
en picado
thwart to prevent someone from doing what they have plannfrustrar, truncar verb
flinch to make a sudden, small movement because of pain orestremecerse verb
paltry You can use paltry to describe something or someone tmísero adj
flatter to say nice things to someone to please them, or be halagar, adular veb
unflatterinmaking someone look less attractive or seem worse than usual: adj
fawn to seek attention and admiration (from) by cringing andlisonjear verb
sate to satisfy someone by giving them something that is saciar
run amok to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner: adv
stiff hard and difficult to bend or move rigido, duro, tieso adj
stifle to stop something from happening or continuing sofocar, ahogar verb
I said I want más carnoso, sustancioso
deem formal / to consider or judge something in a particul considerar verb
regard to think of someone or something in a particular wayconsiderar, estimar verb, noun
consider to think carefully about something considerar, contemplar, refl verb
outwardly externamente adv
ditch informal / to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted: verb
how thoughtqué considerado
helpfulness utilidad noun
helpfully utilmente adv
helpful útil, selvicial adj
pansy (slang) an offensive word for an effeminate man. mariquita noun
jack off masturbar
unreliable not able to be trusted or depended on poco fiable adj
teem ( with with) to be full of rebosar, bullir
laborer a worker who does hard work with his or her hands and body noun
snap If something long and thin snaps, it breaks making a sromper(se), quebrar(se) verb
snappily He is always snappily dressed. de manera irritable adverb
snappiness irritabilidad noun
ever I've only ever heard of it
victor a person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battlvencedor noun
backfire (of a plan) to have the opposite result from the one fracasar
remorseful If you are remorseful, you feel very guilty and sorry about something wrong that you have done.
lofty /adv: lofformal Lofty ideas, etc. are of a high moral standard. being
alto, elevado
of a high/moral
nonetheless despite what has just been said or done sin embargo adv
albeit conjuntion/ formal/ =although aunque
sneer a look that shows you do not approve of someone or burla, sonrisa burlona noun
sneeringly rude and not showing respect burlador, despeciativo adj
delight uncountable noun/ Delight is a feeling of very great pleasure. uncountable noun
scope the range of a subject covered by a book, programme,alcance, d campo / posibilidadnoun (non plur
slim 1.Someone who is slim is thin in an attractive way. 2. esbelto / escaso adj
entails If one thing entails another, it involves it or causes it. implicar adj
envoy someone who is sent as a representative from one goenviado noun
rattle to (cause to) make a series of short, sharp noises by nervioso hacer sonar, hacer verb/ adj
rattling fast; lively vertiginoso, a gran velocida adj
rattle throug to say or do (something) quickly decir (hacer) a toda prisa phr verb
rattle off to say quickly and usually without any feeling or exprrecitar/decir de carretilla, d phr verb
owing still to be paid pendiente, debido adj
owing to because of a causa de preposition
woe (a cause of) grief or misery desgracia, aflicción / males
woeful adjectmiserable; unhappy afligido, apenado adj
woefully adverb de manera afligida
woefulness noun aflicción
woebegone (formal) sad-looking desconsolado, afligido, afec adj
mororcade desfile de automoviles
subdued quieter than usual / If a noise is subdued, it is not loudapagado, contenido, tenue
sparse small in number or spread out / existing only in small amounts over a large area adj
pin (their) h hope sth or someone will help them
fatten to make animals fatter so that they can be eaten engordar verb
coop a box or cage for keeping fowls or small animals in jaula, gallinero noun
cooped up to shut into a small place phrasal verb
chart a drawing that shows information in a simple way gráfico noun
repaid to pay back money that you have borrowed devolver, reembolsar verb
repayment noun reembolso noun
chamber formal a room used for a special or official purpose, orcámara
a group of people who form (part of) a parliamentlegisla
fare 1. to be in a specified condition or position; get on; go through an experience / 2. the money that you pay for a jo
obliciously not conscious of something, especially what is happe inconsciente adj
blatant very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thingdescarado
blatantly adverb descaradamente
bulge If something such as a person's stomach bulges, it sticks out. verb
layout the way that something is arranged diseño, distribución, trazadonoun
pluck to quickly pull something or someone from the place arrancar, sacar verb
hop (of people) to jump on one leg saltar a la pata coja, saltar, bverb, noun
retainer old-fashioned a servant who has usually been with the same family for a long time: noun
wares small products for selling, especially in a market or onmercancías noun
debrief to question someone in detail about work they have pedir información de verb
reissue to print or produce something again: reedición, reeditar, nueva e verb, noun
waive to not demand something you have a right to, or not renunciar a verb
pushy behaving in an unpleasant way by trying too much to get something or to make adj
haggle to argue, especially about the price of something discutir, regatear verb
flutter to move quickly and gently in the air revolotear, aletear verb
relay to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast atransmitir, retransmitir verb
mellow 1.adj.smooth and soft, or not too sharp, bright, new, suave, tenue / sosegado, se adj,
neatly adv. in a tidy way cuidadosamente adv
bustling A place that is bustling with people or activity is full o animado, de mucho movimien adj
bustle to do things in a hurried and busy way ir y venir afanosamente, ir dverb, noun
hustle If you hustle someone, you try to make them go somew empujar, echar a empellones, verb, noun
sketchy containing few details sin detalles, vago, escueto adj
submit formal to suggest sostener /rendirse, someterse, acceder / p
coup A coup is an achievement which is thought to be especia logro countable nou
strive to try very hard to do something or to make something luchar, esforzarse verb
tarnish to make people think that someone or something is l empañar, manchar verb
groundwork work that is done as a preparation for work that will trabajo preliminar, trabajo noun
utmost used to emphasize how important or serious somethin mayor, sumo adj, noun
do one’s utmto make the greatest possible effort hacer todo lo posible
vicious violent and dangerous atroz, brutal
viciously cruelmente, malintencionadamente adv
towering literary very high and making people feel respect imponente, sobresaliente, dadj
aftermath the period that follows an unpleasant event or acciden período subsiguiente,secuelnoun
talking-to (informal) a severe talk with someone who has done reprimenda noun
trial 1.a test of something new to find out if it is safe, workprueba / proceso, juicio noun
trial and errothe trying of various methods, alternatives etc until tanteo, método experimental, método de prueba y error
bust 10.a failure, esp a financial one; bankruptcy / 2.infor quebrar, quebrarse noun, verb,adj
lay down give up order or instruct store entregar/ imponer,fijar/ gu phrasal verb
lay by to put away for future use guardar, ahorrar phrasal verb
lay in to get and store a supply of proveerse de phrasal verb
lay off If workers are laid off, they are told by their employer despedir, dejar en paz phrasal verb
lay out to arrange over a wide area (especially according to adisponer, colocar/ extender phrasal verb
lay on to provide facilitar, suministrar phrasal verb
lay up to keep or store / to take (a ship) out of operation, as by putting into a dry dock f phrasal verb
lay bare to show clearly; to expose to view poner al descubierto, mostrphrasal verb
lay waste to devastate or destroy phrasal verb
Unflinching not shrinking from danger, difficulty, etc resuelto, impavido adj
unswerving If someone's trust or belief is unswerving, it is always strong and never becomes adj
pesky INFORMAL annoying or causing trouble molesto adj
head out salir, irnos phrasal verb
pledge a serious promise promesa, prometer verb, noun
reenacted If you reenact a scene or incident, you repeat the actiorecrear verb
painstaking done with a lot of care laborioso, esmerado adj
shortcoming a fault or a failure to reach a particular standard deficiencia noun
carry on to continue doing something continuar / carry-on: de mano
afterward at a later time, after something else has happened después adv
toss and turnIf you toss and turn, you keep moving around in bed and cannot sleep properly, for example because you are ill or
toss to throw something somewhere carelessly/ ( often with lanzar, tirar verb
lax careless or not strict in discipline or morals poco diciplinado, relajado, adj
crave to want something very much / to beg for ansiar / implorar, suplicar verb
yearn for so If someone yearns for something that they are unlikelyanhelar
long to/for to want something very much desear
Long Did you have to wait long for the train? (durante) mucho tiempo
as long as / s If you say that something is the case as long as or so locon tal de que, mientras, s adv
no longer in the past but not now ya no adv
before (very/They’ll be home before very long. antes de mucho tiempo, proadv
long-drawn-oA long drawn out process or conflict lasts an unnecessarily long time or an unpleasantlyadj long time.
long-sufferingpatiently enduring a great deal of trouble sufrido(a) adj
long-winded If you describe something that is written or said as longinterminable adj
spike a long, thin piece of metal, wood, etc. with a sharp p pincho, espina noun/ adj: spiky
get (or have) the drop on i
rowdy noisy and possibly violent ruidoso, alborotador adj
stuck-up INFOR, too proud and considering yourself to be very creído adj
brazen obvious, without any attempt to be hidden descarado adj
Brazen it out to act in a bold way as if one need not be ashamed plantar cara phrasal verb
tame If an animal is tame, it is not wild and not frightened domado adj, verb
tameable adje( opposite untameable) able to be tamed domables adj
stuck If you stick something sharp somewhere, you push it clavar / atascarse verb
sticky adjecti (of a situation or person) difficult; awkward dificil, extraño, pegajoso adj
stick by to support or be loyal to (a person) mantenerse fiel, cumplir (cophrasal verb
stick-in-the- a person who never does anything new. persona poco innovadora, runoun
stick at to persevere with (work etc) perseverar, perseguir en phrasal verb
stick it out to endure a situation for as long as necessary aguantar phrasal verb
stick out If something sticks out, it is very noticeable because it sobresalir phrasal verb
stick up for to speak in defence of (a person etc) defender
crutch muleta
undoubtedly used to say that something is true indudablemente
fuss excitement or worry about something that is not imp escándalo, alboroto / ponersverb, noun
make a fuss to give someone a lot of attention and treat them weldar atención y mimos a alguien
fussy adjecti too concerned with details; too particular; difficult to quisquilloso, exigente, especial, tiquismiquis / rimbombant

riddle a strange and difficult question that has a clever and acribillar / enigma verb, noun
groundless If you say that a fear, accusation, or story is groundles infundado
nimble Someone who is nimble is able to move their fingers, ha ágil adj
nibble to eat something by taking very small bites picar, mordisquear
behold! contemplar verb
sever To sever something means to cut completely through itcortaro verb
replenish to fill something up again reponer, rellenar verb
chagrin disappointment or anger, especially when caused by adesilusión, disgusto noun(no plural)
slander Slander is an untrue spoken statement about someonecalumnia verb, noun
omen something that is considered to be a sign of how a futaugurio, presagio noun
likewise igualmente adv
insight (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a comnoun
slimy baboso, pegajoso adj
strike If a thought or idea strikes you, or you are struck by i sorprender / golpear/ ponerverb, noun
it strikes me If it strikes you that something is true, you think of it,tengo la impresión de que…
striking llamativo; impresionante, sorprendente adj
strike an at to place oneself in a particular usually rather showy adoptar una actitud/pose
strike a balanto reach a satisfactory middle level of compromise encontrar un término medio, establecer un equilibrio
strike dumb dejar a uno sin habla, quedarse boquiabierto/pasmado
chore a boring or unpleasant thing that you must do tarea desagradable / tarea noun
lifetime the period of time that someone is alive vida noun
glimpse a look at something or someone for a very short timevista momentánea noun, verb
revenue the income that a government or company receives reingresos noun (no plural)
stodgy boring, serious, and formal aburrido, pesado noun
wind to turn or twist something long and thin around somet enrrollar / serpentear verb
windward facing the wind or on the side facing the wind a contra el vent adjective, adverb
windfall any unexpected gain or success. suerte inesperada, cáida del cielo
windswept exposed to the wind and showing the effects of it azotado por el viento, desp adj
get the wind to become nervous or anxious preocuparse
get wind of to get a hint of or hear indirectly about enterarse de algo
in the wind about to happen estar a punto
fellas Tio, tipo noun
aloof not friendly or willing to take part in things distante adj
aloofness Her aloofness made people hesitate to approach her wdistanciamiento, reservació adv
prompt done or acting quickly and without waiting adj
at one/two etpuntual, en punto
out of sorts not in good spirits or temper indispuesto, fuera de sí
sort of used to describe something approximately como / en cierto modo
of a sort / of of a (usually poor) kind una especie de
sort out to separate (one lot or type of) things from a general separar / arreglar, solucionar / meter en c
pamper to treat with great kindness and give a great many spemimar, consentir verb, adj
flop to fall or sit down suddenly and heavily tumbarse, dejarse caer verb
head-over-heels perdidamente, locamente
fiend an evil and cruel person / someone who likes somethidemonio / fanatico
fiendish diabólico adj
galling mortificante adj
gall rudeness and the quality of being unable to understandescaro / verb: irritar noun, verb
obliterate to remove all signs of something, either by destroyingborrar, obliterar, destruir, arrasar
thrashing the act of hitting a person or animal several times as paliza noun
cinch (British, informal) something easy / (American, informal) a certainty noun
rear the back part of something la parte trasera, trasero / crinoun, adj, ver
Insufferable insoportable
rack to cause physical or mental pain, or trouble, to some tormento / estante, verb, noun
barrage the action of continuously firing large guns to protec descarga, bombardeo noun
stitch to sew two things together or to repair something by coser, puntada noun, verb
batter to hit someone or something hard, many times apalear / bateador verb, noun
thrive to grow, develop, or be successful prosperar, crecer verb
hubristic too proud: adj
utter complete or extreme: / to say something or to make a sound with your voice: adj, verb
enforce to cause (a law, a command, one’s own will etc) to be aplicar, imponer verb
former happening or existing in the past but not now antiguo, ex adj
fag maricón / cigarro
sip sorbo verb, noun
flinch to make a sudden, small movement because of pain orestremecerse verb
dummy a model of a human used for displaying clothes etc / tontorron, / maniqui noun
scoot If you scoot somewhere, you go there very quickly. largarce, deslizarse verb
chant to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously salmidar, cantar verb, noun
ointment pomada, ungüento noun
glow the warm glow of the moon resplandor, resplandecer noun
shimmer If something shimmers, it shines with a faint, unsteady light or has an unclear, un verb, noun
shower anything resembling such a fall of rain / a short fall (ofluvia, ducha, ducharse noun, verb
lesser used to describe something that is not as great in si menor adj
ilk If you talk about people or things of the same ilk, yo tipo noun
vile unpleasant, immoral, and unacceptable vil / infor: asqueroso adj
cleanse (1) to remove a group of people from an area, and (2) to limpiar
rid one’s body or a part ofverb
one’s body of toxins and other
citizenry ciudadania noun
elated extremely happy and excited, often because somethineufórico adj
lair a place where a wild animal lives, often underground guarida noun
Aging envejecer noun
blunt not sharp / saying exactly what you think without carindesafilado/ directo, brusco
desultory without a clear plan or purpose and showing little effodesganado adj
let-down If something lets you down, it is the reason you are not as successful as you could have phrasal
let in for to involve (someone) in involucrarse phrasal verb
let in on to allow to share (a secret etc dejar participar phrasal verb
let off to fire (a gun) or cause (a firework etc) to explode / hacer explotar, hacer estallarphrasal verb
let up to become less strong or violent; to stop parar phrasal verb
let well aloneto allow things to remain as they are, in order not t dejar las cosas como están phrasal verb
strain the feeling of being worried and nervous about somettensión, torcerse, estirar phrasal verb
loaf bread that has been made in one large piece barra, pan noun
remark something that you say comentario, observación noun, verb
remarkable unusual; worth mentioning; extraordinary notable, curioso adj
surge a sudden and great increase / a sudden and great mo aumento, subida / oleada, mnoun, verb
like-minded Like-minded people have similar opinions, ideas, attudes, con ideas
or interests.
afines, de la misma opinion(pensaminto)
biddable (formal) obedient obediente, docil
forfeit to lose the right to do or have something because youperder el derecho a, perder verb, noun
overplay to make something seem more important than it really is: verb
bid an attempt to do something good / an offer to pay a particular
intento /amount
puja, oferta
of money
/dar for something
sully to spoil something that is pure or someone's perfect rmancillar verb
tarnish to make or (especially of metal) become less bright ordeslustrar(se), poner(se) n verb
reckon to think that something is probably true creer, pensar, conciderar verb
reckon on to depend on or expect contar con phrasal verb
reckon with to be prepared for; to take into consideration contar con, (tener en cuentaphrasal verb
wary cautious or on one’s guard (about or concerning) cauteloso, cauto adj
breach an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relatinfracción, violación noun
leverage Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens.
disregarding the fact of showing no care or respect for something indiferencia verb, noun
allocate to give something to someone as their share of a totalasignar, repartir verb
likelihood probability probabilidad uncountable
nuance a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, soundmatiz noun
innuendo Innuendo is indirect reference to something rude or unpleasant. noun
cozy - us spelIf you are cosy, you are comfortable cálido,
and warm./ You use
acogedor adjective,
cosy to describe ac
cosy up to seek to become intimate or to ingratiate oneself (withphrasal
verb/ to draw
grupo de tres
threesome three people as a group personas noun
flaunt to make your success, money, beauty, etc. veryhacer alarde
obvious de
so thatpeopleverb
notice it and admire you
trophy trofeo noun
certain seguro,
true or without doubt / one or some, not definitely namedcierto adj
make certain to act so that, or check that, something is sureasegurar
boor a coarse, ill-mannered person partán noun
boorish tosco, grosero adj
convince convencer verb
redeeming formal to make something or someone seem less compensar,
bad / to buy salvar verb
back (something that has been pa
everlasting continuing for a long time or always eterno, interminabladj
fuzzy borroso,
(of an image) having shapes that do not have clear edges,indistinto
or (of asound,/ especially
confu from a televi
retaliation to hurt someone or do something harmful to someone contraa
because verb done or said somethin
they have
tatter torn and ragged pieces. harapos, andrajos,noun (plural)

the level or point at which you start to experience

threshold unbral
something, or at which something starts to happen noun
envelop to cover or surround something completely envolver verv
busty tetona
A busty woman has large breasts. used to describe adj breasts
a woman who haslarge
frantic frenetico,
almost out of control because of extreme emotion, such as desespe
worry adj

the speed at which someone walks or runs /

pace a single step paso, ritmo noun
rig amañar,
to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, aparejar,
for example anelection, to be changed
rig out to dress ataviar, vestir phrasal verb
rig up to build usually quickly with whatever materialimprovisar
is available phrasal verb
dawdle caminar
to walk very slowly, or do something very slowly in a waydespacio, verb
that wastestime
hefty Hefty means large in size, weight, orrobusto, amount.corpulento adjetivo [usually ADJECTIVE no
picky quisquilloso
Someone who is picky is very careful about choosing adj
only what they like.

blend in/blend into sth

to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things andtherefore not be easily noticeable:
mobster gangster noun
sway to move slowly from one sideto the other mecerse, tambalearverb
defile to spoil something or someone so that that thing orperson is less beautiful orpureverb
goosebumps piel de gallina noun
steer to control the direction of a car, boat, etc. dirigir verb
ruthless implacable,
not caring if you hurt or upset other people when despia
you try to get adj want
what you

tail informal someone who follows another personseguir, cola

to discover verb, noun
where thatperson goes, what they do
drawback inconveniente
a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation: noun
splinter astilla
a small, sharp piece of wood, glass, etc., that has noun
broken from a largepiece
upfront speaking or behaving in a way that makes intentions and beliefs clear:adj
demise fallecimiento noun
terrific fabuloso, genial adj
wolfe down
Definicion 2 atributo ejemplo Atributo Ejemplo 2 Atributo
(great) size or mass (masa) The bulk of his money was spent
His huge
on food
bulk appeared ro

The loud noise made me jump out of my skin.

even the people in my group are crowding him A large crowd had gathered to
the mayor.
in large n
he even scrubs places like that She scrubbed the floor.
Mindful of the poor road conditions,Politicians
I think cigarette advertising shouldOutsiders
be bannedoutright.
are regarded wi
I keep making jokes to my secretaryabout her coming t
son does notwant it to be known: It wouldn't be smart to let myself gHardly a week went by wit
Does he have an alibi for the night of the murder?
to do exercises to make yourbody stronger I hope everything works out for you.
to make a noisy sound when breathingbecause of a Iproblem
could hearinhim wheezing
your lungs as he climbed the stairs.

Julie feels like she needs more time for bonding with her new puppy.
a bond of friendship.
What you did was beyond the bounds ofacceptable be
Judges are bound to the law.

Europe's monetary system is falling apart.

They despise him because he’s always sucking up to the boss.
My livelihood's on the line
j. noun. Exclm I'm acting like this for a goddamn Don't drive so goddamn fast!.
hitch up: to pull up or raise with a sudden short pull My school life continued without a hitch
He hitched up his trousers.
The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.
It yielded a profit of at least $36 million
He yielded to the other man’s arguments
If a situation unfolds, it develops and becomes known or undHe watched her expression as she uAs the plot unfolds, you gradua
The earthquake dislodged stones frhe cannot dislodge her this tim
If someone clumps somewhere, they walk there with heavy, c...a clump of trees bordering a sideWe could hear the clump of his
uncertainty or hesitancy in speech or action Her friends never faltered in their bIt is hard for me to say in a few
countable noun Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal
He played on my sympathy until I lent him $10.
He played down the fact that he had failed the exam.
It is not a question of solidarity or lack thereof.
He has relinquished his claim to the throne.
Please return your seat to an upright position.
If you nurture plans, ideas, or people, you encourage them or help them to develop. She had always nurtured great

He mustered his energy for a final effort.

The airline’s decision to cut air fares is likely to unsettle the marke
ed or uncertain. Meanwhile television viewers across the globe get their share of t
It's lousy to be the new kid.
I think that theory is defective.
a cat with silky grey fur
The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most v

He’s much too lenient when the children are being naughty.
a life of debauchery
If you say that something is a bummer, you mean that it is u "I've left my wallet at home." "What a bummer!"
If you describe something as drab, you think that it is dull an Mary was wearing the same drab gr adv: a drably dressed woman.
the drabness of his surroundigs.
she's already bethrothed to an elite teacher
If you say that someone is a dimwit, you mean that they are I’ve forgotten what I came in here for – I’m such a dimwit!
the new trainee did a runner after It looks like he's done a runner
Someone was lurking in the shadows.
ble or if it performs as well as it possibly can, it is still not very good. At best they were effective as antidepressants for no more than fo
The new building is an example of architecture at its best.
Our hotel room is small, but we’ll just have to make the best of it.
Which of the songs did you like best?
I sleep best with the windows o
direction an upward glance. / She leaned forward
He lefttowithout
make sure
a backward
I could hear
He gets all flustered and doesn't know what to say.
She had a perky, independent spiriYou’re in a perky mood.
a dishonest or unprincipled person, esp a man I wouldn’t buy a car from a rogue like him
If you refer to a man as a scoundrel, you mean that he behaves very badly towards other peopleHe is a lying scoundrel!
You use wicked to describe someone or something that is verShe flew at me, shouting how wicked and evil I was.
a disreputable person; villain What's that old rascal been telling you?
Getng a work permit was the
We can use the field now. So take out the hurdles
antifier / pronoun You are young and need to eat plenty
If you describe someone's work or activities as sloppy, you His work is sloppy. That film is rather sloppy.
If liquid slops from a container or if you slop liquid somewherHave you tried the slop that they cA little cognac slopped over the
You can describe something as sluggish if it moves, works, or I felt really sluggish after lunch.

Norman agreed that the wording of the advertisement was unnec

You mustn’t fritter all your money away on lottery tickets.
If you call someone a goon, you think they behave in a silly wHe and the other goon began to beat me up.
sturdily > adverb > solidamente this arms… they are a bit bulky, but they's sturdy
to say that something is certainly true That was the first time she asserted her own will
I really must assert myself more in meetings.
The turnover of a company is the value of the goods or service Short-term contracts increase staffHer annual turnover is around
to shut with violence usually making a loud noise The car slammed into the wall. The door suddenly slammed (s
a computer geek
ed for making leather. ...kangaroo hide. a dragon hide
The newspapers once again filled th ...a wildly salacious novel.
Failure to communicate had brought the two nations to the brink
He was the most relentless enemy adv/ He searched for her relent
to lower one’s (moral) standards by doing something He stooped to pick up the letter. I'll stoop to any means to achie
They're all vying to be the first to seize this land
She tried to bolster my confidence/morale (= encourage me and m
A hectic situation is one that is very busy and involves a lot ofI see things look pretty hectic hereDespite his hectic work schedu
scantly (ˈscantly) adverb / scantness
(ˈscantness) noun His work has received only scant atscant attention
When I bought this house, all my friIf we all pitch in together, it sho
These products are promoted as sur Now I now the battle's a surefir
If you describe a person, place, or thing as unsavory, you m If you do anything unsavory to her He has a history of unsavory bu
I made a blunder by getng his name wrong.
se/caer en picado he's planning to swoop in and attack after evaluating the situation
All his attempts to become rich were thwarted.
he wouldn't even flinch over havi He didn’t even flinch when the
your ambition is so paltry…
He flattered me with his compliments.
If you describe something as unflattering, you mean that it ma Just a couple of weeks after giving birth she took some very unflatt
we were all fawning over Tamae-chThe courtiers fawned upon the
He searched for a book that would sate his desire for all the detail
The soldiers ran amok after one of their senior officers was killed.
He has walked with a stiff leg since he injured his knee
If you stifle your natural feelings or behaviour, you prevent y I wanted to shake off some of your stifling rules

The area has now been deemed safe.

I have the greatest regard for her.
think about doing something versus not doing it. We’re considering buying a new car.
Female hitmen are pretty useful if they're outwardly acting as sec
Did you know that Sarah ditched (=The getaway car had been ditch
carefully considering things:
the helpfulness of the hotel staff.
They helpfully provided a map showing where their house was.
You may find this book helpful. a very helpful boy
Don't be a pansy

The trains were noisy, dirty, and unreliable.

Our bodies are teeming with leukocytes
a farm labourer
to speak in a sharp especially angry way The twigs snapped as we walked o Mum snapped at us when she
The victor of this game was never in doubt.
Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he started d
have done. He was genuinely remorseful.
disapproving If you have a lofty way of behaving or talking, etc.,
act as if you think you areabetter
lofty attude/air/tone
than other people.
There are serious problems in our country. Nonetheless, we feel t
You use albeit to introduce a fact or comment which reduces The
t evening was very pleasant, albei He tried, albeit without success
What are you sneering for?
I don’t like that superior, sneering tone of his.
countable noun To my great delight, it worked perfectly.
the opportunity for doing something I’m afraid that problem is beyond/ There is limited scope for furth
comparative slimmer, superlative slimmest / slimness noun: eNo. As things now stand, our chaceShe has a slim, graceful figure
What I'm suggesting entails all of tSuch a large investment inevita
who will be the envoy to those two tribes?
to upset and confuse (a person) = desconcertar, confundir That thing produced screams that Don’t let him rattle you – he lik
The car travelled at a rattling pace.
The teacher rattled through his explanation so quickly that no-one
The boy rattled off the poem.
We have several hundred pounds owing There on
is some
our car.
money still owin
The trip has been cancelled owing to the weather.
He told a tale of woe. / He has many woes
She had a woeful expression on her face.

a woebegone face.

Jane's father was hospitalised last night, so she might be a bit sub
sparsely adverb = escasamente As they were deeper and deeper into the desert, the vegetation b
They pinned their hope on the newHe spent his las dollar on a lott
Can I fatten that bird up? He looks really yummy
a chicken coop.
You'll lose your touch if you stay cooped up all the time
His ability to detect mana is off the charts. It's even greater than a
to repay a loan
repayment of a debt.
a torture chamber Meetings of the council are hel
money that you pay for a journey in a vehicle such as a bus or train: I've heard the Black Bulls are a ve Train fares are going up again.
She seemed completely oblivious to what was happening around
such a blatant lie The whole episode was a blata
She blatantly ignored the rules.
what kind of freak runs around with all those muscles bulging out
I've learned the basic layout of th I like the the layout of the hous
If you pluck a bird, you pull feathers from it I'd rather not pluck a bud that's sti She was plucking a chicken.
Going to hop up now The children had a competition
specialized law an amount of money that you pay to someone I'msoa as
to be of
that person can work for you when you n
Some displayed their wares on stalls, while others had just spread
The pilots were thoroughly debriefWhen someone such as a soldi
If something such as a book, CD, or film is reissued after it h He seems to have lost his papers, sHer novels have just been reiss
in exchange for saving Zena the ta If they waive (= remove) the tim
pushiness noun [ no plural ] a pushy salesman My mother encouraged us, but
I spent 20 minutes haggling over the price of the car.
Something that makes my heart flutter
Noun: relevo I was told the news first and then I she was amazing in the relay at
(of character) made softer and more mature, relaxed etc by mellow flavours Her personality became more m
I should have dressed more neatly He was neatly dressed.
You really do live in a bustling area
Noun: ajetreo, bullicio Thora bustled around the house, geIsat in a café, watching the (hu
If you hustle, you go somewhere or do something as quickly as Don’t
you try hustle me into makingThe car dealer tried to hustle u
it's far more villainous to manipu So far we only have sketchy info
to allow another person or group to have power or authorityIn conclusion, I submit that the p We protested about the change
When there is a coup, a group of people seize power in a country.He achieved a real coup by completThey were sentenced to death
The past tense is either strove or strived, and the past participHe strives hard to keep himself veryShe strove to read the name on
to (cause a metal to) become dull and stained I wouldn't want to tarnish your name in any way, Lord Theo.
The committee will meet today to lay the groundwork for inter-pa
the greatest amount or degree possible I have the utmost faith in your abiliThe new model of the car offer
She has done her utmost to help him.
viciously adverb / viciousness noun a vicious attack on a child
A German tourist has been viciously attacked by a crocodile.
the towering walls of the Acropolisa towering figure in the art wor
Many more people died in the aftermath of the explosion.
I gave her a good talking-to about doing her homework on time.
a legal process to decide if someone has committed a crime Give the new car a trial The two men are now on trial f
método de prueba y error They didn’t know how to fix the photocopier, but they managed it
go bust: ir a la quiebra well, the negotiations were a bust.I think my watch is bust. / Oh
Of course, we're ready to ley downThe rule book lays down what s
She laid by a store of tinned vegetables.
I’ve laid in an extra stock of drinks for Christmas.
If you tell someone to lay off, you mean that they should stopBecause of a shortage of orders, the He went on attacking her until
to spread so as to be easily seen He was the architect who laid out He laid out the contents of the
The staff laid on a tea party for the pupils.
(informal) If someone is laid up with an illness, the illness maWe laid up a good supply of apples this year from our own trees.
Shy people don’t like to lay bare their feelings.
Enough to lay waste to this city. Humiliate the Greeks and lay w
You can use unflinching in expressions such as unflinching h Unflinching courage against formidable foes, when fighting for th
if you need to vent, just dump it all on me
If you describe someone's attude, feeling, or way of behav unswerving loyalty/devotion/suppo...her unswerving belief in her f
Those pesky kids from next door have let the air out of my car tyr

He made a solemn pledge to the American

He pledged
his support to the
reenactment noun He had to have a gun to reenact the crime.
painstakingly adverb It took months of painstaking research to write the book.
Like any political system, it has its shortcomings.
small enough to bring onto a plane with you when you traveQuit carrying on out here. Hurry i carry-on luggage
Dinner's almost ready, so wait untiI did my homework and went s
xample because you are ill or worried I don't want to be woken up every night by your tossing and turni
He read the letter quickly, then tossed it into the bin.
laxity noun / laxness noun Pupils have been rather lax about some of the school rules recent
Lucy is a child who craves affectionI crave your forgiveness.
yearning noun They yearned for peace.
She longed to see him again. I’m longing for some sun.

You can play football as long as you do your homework first.

The school is no longer used.

long-drawn-out discussions. A long drawn out war would lik

I don’t know how his long-suffering wife puts up with him.
He delivered a long-winded speech about the economy.
un/ adj: spiky She has spikes coming from her ar the spiky coat of a hedgehog.

rowdily adverb / rowdiness noun [ no plural ] / rowdyism noun a rowdy party rowdy behaviour
He was acting all stuck-up as usual.You're just a stuck-up brat!
brazenly adverb Ratels brazenly hang around the huHe told me a brazen lie.
We'll just have to brazen it out.
tamely adverb / tameness noun / this man is able to tame this wild rHe kept a tame chimpanzee as
Some animals are more tameable than others.
to become fixed in one position and not be able to move She stuck the needle into his arm.
able, or likely, to stick or adhere to other surfaces She managed to talk her way out ofHe mended the torn book with
I've got to stick by you for a while
[informal, disapproval]
If you stick at a task or activity, you continue doing it, even if itHe must learn to stick at his job. You will find it hard at first, but
The film was a bit boring, but we stuck it out until the end.
She has red hair that sticks out in a crowd.
When my father is angry with me, my mother always sticks up for
Charles was on crutches
She is undoubtedly good at her job.
to worry too much or get too excited, especially about thingI'm not that fussed about salad He made a big fuss because I w
My uncle always makes a big fuss of the children.
(of clothes etc) with too much decoration She is very fussy about her food. a very fussy hat.

Can you guess the answer to this riddle?

My fears turned out to be groundless.
Val, who was light and nimble on her feet, learnt to dance the tan
We nibbled on crackers and cheeseShebefore
was dinner.
nibbling (at) a biscuit.
What an amazing sight to behold!
should I sever his carotid artery? He severed relations with his fa
replenishment noun We must replenish our stock of coal.
un(no plural) My children have never shown an interest in music, much to my c
slanderer noun / slanderous adjective / slanderously adverb She regarded his comment as a slaThe doctor is suing his partner

The child was pampered by his parents.

insightul adjective It was an interesting book, full of He shows remarkable insight (i
His feet slipped in the slimy mud. Her hand touched something c
I'm on strike / I was struck by ho Two climbers were struck by fa
It strikes me that you’re working tooIt struck
hard. me that I’d forgotten t
She is tall and striking
She struck a pose for the photograph.
establecer un equilibrio We need to strike a balance betwee Striking a balance between ma
I was struck dumb at the news.
a job or piece of work that needs to be done often what a chore that was. I’ll go shopping when I’ve done
A lifetime is the length of time that someone is alive. So after a lifetime of loneliness, she ends up on that shithead's be
He caught a glimpse of her as she gotSheinto
the car.
him out of the co
un (no plural) What's their man source of revenuTaxes provide most of the gove
Stodgy food is heavy and unhealthy, sometimes in an unpleas I see you still have that stodgy look on your face.
If a river, road, etc. winds somewhere, it bends a lot and is nShe wound the rope around the tree. The path winds along the edge
jective, adverb the windward side of the boat/island/mountains.
But, it is also a wind-fall for somebody
like Mr.
friend Peter
windswept hair a windswept landscape.
She got the wind up when she realized how close we were to the
She became very excited when she got wind of the news
A change of policy is in the wind.
There were a couple of fellas leani I still don't trust that fella.
not interested or involved, usually because you do not appr She's so aloof, and I bet there's no She seemed rather aloof when

promptly adverb / promptness noun Please be prompt a prompt reply

You must meet us there at three o’clock prompt.
you look out of sorts. Are you eati He’s been a little out of sorts si
rather; in a way; to a certain extent The sweater is a sort of pale blue cHe was sort of peculiar!
She threw together a meal of sorts, but we were still hungry afte
to correct, improve, solve etc I’ll try to sort out some books that You
he might
must like.
sort out your busines
Man, for a pampered rich kid The child was pampered by his
floppy adjective I saw him. He just fopped down
You're really head-over-heels for heHe fell head over heels in love.
you really are a fiend for fighting a health/sex/chocolate fiend
fiendishly adverb He has a fiendish temper.
It was very galling to have a younger brother who did everything b
to make someone feel annoyed Considering that he never even botI think it galls him to take order
to make an idea or feeling disappear completely which is why we're going to obliterThe town was obliterated by th
But even if we give their pride a good thrashing
So we just have to take on three orHe’s a cinch to win the title.
If you rear children or young animals, you look after them unthe rear of the train / There is a second
The horse
the in
Insufferable brute! Die! The underground is insufferabl
Then realize that you have rejectedEven at the end, when cancer r
an artillery barrage
Yoichi is stitching his wounds up She sewed the hem with small,
Ever since he's come to this world He was battered to death with
thriving adjective This is probably the most thriving capital there is
He has a hubristic resistance to admitng he is wrong.
Nothing could exist next to men, thutter confusion/misery/chaos /
enforcement noun There is a law against dropping litter, but it is rarely enforced.
formerly adverb I have confiscated all the former c In former times people did not
Someone wrote "fag" on my locker.
it's good. You want a sip? She sipped her tea.
Made you flinch! He didn’t even flinch when the
you dummy. Dumber than dumb a dressmaker’s dummy.
(often with along, away, pastetc) to move (away) fast I'm going to scoot closer
a word or phrase that is repeated many times how do you chant your spells? The fans started to sing the fam

it glows blue when the Hero holds She glows with health.
to shine with a glistening or tremulous light if the sword accepts you then it The moonlight shimmered on t
That Meteor Shower can kill gods…I got caught in a shower on my
It was only a lesser dragon, so th A lesser man (= a man who was
They are the Demon Lords' ilk The worst of her criticism was r
vilely adverb / vileness noun Stop your vile ways! This cheese smells vile.
Cleanse, meanwhile, is more often figurative. to cleanse the thoughts of our hearts
These people were acting as agitato The country's citizenry is/are m
The prince was reported to be elateIwas elated that my second he
Welcome to my master's lair the thieves’ lair
Aging is a sad thing…
bluntness noun [ no plural ] / bluntly adverb / bluntness noun
I just can't belive a blunt person l a blunt knife.
desultorily adverb She made a desultory attempt at cHe wandered around, cleaning
If you let someone down, you disappoint them, by not doing M s any believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him dow
I didn’t know what I was letng myself in for when I agreed to do
We’ll let her in on our plans.
He let the gun off accidentally. The policeman let him off (with
I wish the rain would let up.
It may be best to let well alone until things have calmed down.
to try hard to do something, usually to see or hear somethinYour leg is still recovering, right? It'The strain of the divorce was to
a loaf of bread
remarkably adverb My casual remarks are affecting s He remarked that she was look
What a remarkable coincidence! He really is a remarkable man
An unexpected surge in electrical At the end of the game, there w
opinion(pensaminto) Membership of the club allows youthe opportunity to mix with hu
a biddable child.
I advise that he forfeit his
territories and court rank /
If you cancel now, you forfeit your
something that must be given up because one has done somdeposit. If you lose the game you will ha
If you say that someone is overplaying something such as a pYou overplayed your hand, you seeI think she's overplaying the sig
(past tense bade /bӕd/; past participle bidden) (literary ) toa successful bid for funding / I madeHeabade
bid ofme
for the/ He
to make something dirty: His reputation, he said, had been uNo speck of dirt had ever sullie
to make people think that someone or something is less go Silver tarnishes easily. By this time a series of scandal
I reckon he likes her. He is reckoned (to be / as / as b
I was reckoning on meeting him tonight.
Giles had not reckoned with the streI didn’t reckon with all these pr
If you are wary of something or someone, you are cautious I’m a little wary of/about giving Be wary of lending money to h
They're struggling at the West. GateHe was sued for breach of cont
Then you have incredible leverage Well,
gives uswhat
no leverage.
you want.
What amazes me is her complete diHe told us to disregard everyth
allocation noun The government is allocating £10 mi the allocation of resources.
The likelihood of something happening is how likely it is to h What is the likelihood of the strike taking place?
The painter has managed to capturWe can use our eyes and facial
There's always an element of sexuaThe report was based on rumo
disapproving used to describe a situation that is convenient
...a cosy for
chat between friends
thoseinvolved butThey
may like
not to
bemake sure
honest the
or leg
hrasal verb Why are there high school girls co Here's something to warm

Not the threesome I had in mind. My wife is offering a threesome

to show off in order to attract attention to oneself What are you doing flaunting theseOne secret he learned ver
it's my battle trophy
certainty noun / for certain: con certeza Getng defeated in the Destroyal mI am certain that you’re doing t
Make certain you arrive early I think he’s asleep, but you
He was behaving like a vulgar boor.
how boorish an uncultured man with bo
convincing adjectiv: a convincing argument. He tried to convince me thatHer I needed
smile convinced
a new car. me th
I've never had any redeeming qualiHe was an hour late, but h
In that case, please give our relat everlasting love
fuzzily adverb / fuzziness noun [ no plural ] I feel so fuzzy / Oh no, it’s raining –Is the picture always fuzzy
retaliation noun If someone insults you, don’t Ifretaliate
you insultas it only
him, makes
he will retalia
tattered adjective All in tatters like trash. Trash belon Her clothes were old and

we are on the threshold of our uni I have a low/high boredom

Something big is enveloping Broo She enveloped herself in a
done or arranged in a hurry and a state of excitement on earth have you been? We’ve been frantic wi
or confusion

We started to walk at a muchTake

to walk around because you are worried about something faster
paces forward/back.
I rigged you when you were asleepPrevious elections in the
If you rig yourself out or are rigged out She
in awas
rigged outway, youodd
in rather areclothes
She wearing
was wearingaapartic
If you rig up a device or structure, you make it or fix
They rigged up ita in place
rough using
shelter withany materials
branches th
and mud
dawdler noun / dawdling noun Don't dawdle Stop dawdling! You’ll be late fo
djetivo [usually ADJECTIVE noun] But he asks a hefty sum, and he's vShe was quite a hefty wom
The children are such picky eaters. Big companies can afford

not be easily noticeable: You should try to blend in a bit mo We tried to blend into the

While everyone's emotions swaye The trees swayed gently i

To defile something that people think is important
The fact that Ior holy
defiled youmeans to do
from t The something
soldiers to id
you’re cold – look, you’ve got goosebumps!
I'm going steer a bir roughtly!
ruthlessly adverb / ruthlessness noun [ no plural ] a ruthless dictator He ruthlessly defeated his
The cat's tail
was peeping
out from
Did they find out we were tailing the bed.
The only drawback with this camera is the price.
I’ve got a splinter in my finger.
Let me state upfront She's very upfront about w
The demise of the company was sudden and unexpect
I thought she looked terrific.
Orders are not things for you to blindly obey and carry out, You m

This damn rock bewitched me!

it's so frustrating it feels like your innards are turning upside down
ge bulk appeared round the corner.

of my skin.

nd together in large numbers

ubbed the floor.
ans are increasingly mindful that youngvoters are turning away from traditional parties.
ers are regarded with outright hostility.
yabout her coming to work late every day, but she never takes the hint.
a week went by without someone famousbeing outed.
of the murder?

g with her new puppy.

nds ofacceptable behaviour.

king up to the boss.

rive so goddamn fast!. Goddammit!

plot unfolds, you gradually realize that all your initial assumptions were wrong.
not dislodge her this time.
ld hear the clump of his feet on the wooden floor.
d for me to say in a few faltering words how I feel.
ng physiological arousal
d always nurtured great ambitions for her son.

ly to unsettle the market.

lobe get their share of the unsettling reports.

ho have won the most votes.

are being naughty.

drably dressed woman.

m such a dimwit!
like he's done a runner…again…

ants for no more than four months.

cture at its best.
e to make the best of it.
best with the windows open.
without a backward glance.

n a perky mood.

ying scoundrel!

a work permit was the first hurdle to overcome.

m is rather sloppy.
cognac slopped over the edge of the glass.

dvertisement was unnecessarily offensive and it was changed.

n lottery tickets.
nual turnover is around £45,000.
or suddenly slammed (shut)

dly salacious novel.

wo nations to the brink of war.
e searched for her relentlessly.
p to any means to achieve my goals

(= encourage me and make me feel stronger) by telling me that I had a special talent.
his hectic work schedule, Benny has rarely suffered poor health.

pitch in together, it shouldn't take too long.

ow the battle's a surefire win!
a history of unsavory business dealings.

evaluating the situation

’t even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.

e took some very unflattering photos of herself.

urtiers fawned upon the queen.
s desire for all the details of sex
enior officers was killed.
red his knee

outwardly acting as secretaries

away car had been ditched a couple of miles away from the scene of the robbery.

here their house was.

napped at us when she saw the mess.

n her when he started dating her best friend.

. Nonetheless, we feel this is a good time to return.
d, albeit without success.

s limited scope for further reductions in the workforce.

a slim, graceful figure
arge investment inevitably entails some risk.

et him rattle you – he likes annoying people

n so quickly that no-one could understand him.

s some money still owing (to us).

o she might be a bit subdued today

desert, the vegetation became sparse
nt his las dollar on a lottery ticket, and pinned all his hopes on that

p all the time

It's even greater than a noble's

gs of the council are held in the council chamber.

res are going up again.
was happening around her.
ole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity.

ose muscles bulging out of a tank top?

e the layout of the house.
s plucking a chicken.
dren had a competition to see who could hop the farthest
e others had just spread them out on the pavement.
omeone such as a soldier, diplomat, or astronaut is debriefed, they are asked to give a report on an operation or task that they have just co
vels have just been reissued with eye-catching new covers.
waive (= remove) the time limit, many more applications will come in.
ther encouraged us, but was never pushy.

s amazing in the relay at the sports festival

sonality became more mellow as middle age approached.
neatly dressed.

a café, watching the (hustle and) bustle of the street outside.

dealer tried to hustle us.
we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.
tested about the changes for a long time, but in the end we had to submit.
ere sentenced to death for their part in April's coup attempt.
ove to read the name on the stone pillar.
ny way, Lord Theo.
groundwork for inter-party talks next month.
w model of the car offers the utmost in power and performance.

ked by a crocodile.
ing figure in the art world
of the explosion.
er homework on time.
o men are now on trial for attempted murder.
ier, but they managed it somehow by trial and error.
my watch is bust. / Oh no! I bust his MP3 player.
e book lays down what should be done in such a case.

t on attacking her until other passengers arrived and told him to lay off.
out the contents of the box on the table. / A blow to the head laid him out.

ar from our own trees.

te the Greeks and lay waste to their tiny ships.

es, when fighting for those very things

nswerving belief in her father's innocence.

he air out of my car tyres again!

dged his support to the leader.

write the book.

y homework and went swimming afterwards.

y your tossing and turning

the school rules recently.

your forgiveness.

ging for some sun.

ur homework first.

drawn out war would likely deepen and prolong the recession.
uts up with him.
the economy.
ky coat of a hedgehog.

ust a stuck-up brat!

me a brazen lie.

a tame chimpanzee as a pet.

nded the torn book with sticky tape

find it hard at first, but stick at it

ut until the end.

her always sticks up for me.

e a big fuss because I was five minutes late.

learnt to dance the tango

s nibbling (at) a biscuit.
ered relations with his family.

in music, much to my chagrin.

ctor is suing his partner for slander.

ws remarkable insight (into children’s problems).

nd touched something cold and slimy.
mbers were struck by falling rocks.
k me that I’d forgotten to order the flowers.

a balance between making time to exercise and not stressing too much about having to make time to exercise is crucial.

hopping when I’ve done my chores.

up on that shithead's bed
mpsed him out of the corner of her eye.
rovide most of the government’s revenue.

h winds along the edge of the bay.

y, my friend Peter has come into a modest windfall.

wept landscape.
w close we were to the edge of the cliff.
nd of the news

n't trust that fella.

med rather aloof when in fact she was just shy. / I kept aloof from the whole business.

en a little out of sorts since they told him to stay at home.

sort of peculiar!
we were still hungry afterwards.
st sort out your business affairs. / I’ll soon sort you out, you evil little man!
d was pampered by his parents.

head over heels in love.

h/sex/chocolate fiend

er who did everything better than me.

t galls him to take orders from a younger and less experienced colleague.
wn was obliterated by the bombs.

inch to win the title.

se kicked him in his rear.
derground is insufferable in this heat.
the end, when cancer racked his body, he was calm and cheerful.

wed the hem with small, neat stitches

battered to death with an iron bar.

he is wrong.
nfusion/misery/chaos / She sat through the whole meeting without uttering a word.
t is rarely enforced.
er times people did not travel so much.

ped her tea.

’t even flinch when the nurse cleaned the wound.
maker’s dummy.

s started to sing the familiar football chant, ‘Here we go, here we go, here we go!’

ws with health.
onlight shimmered on the lake.
ught in a shower on my way here. / I shower every morning.
man (= a man who was not as strong or brave) might have given up at that point.
rst of her criticism was reserved for journalists, photographers, and others of their ilk.
eese smells vile.

untry's citizenry is/are more politically aware than in the past.

ated that my second heart bypass had been successful.

dered around, cleaning up in a desultory way.

urity which let him down.
or when I agreed to do that job.

iceman let him off (with a warning).

s have calmed down.

ain of the divorce was too much for her.

arked that she was looking thin.

y is a remarkable man
end of the game, there was a surge of fans onto the field. / She felt a wave of resentment surging (up) inside her.
portunity to mix with hundreds of like-minded people.
ose the game you will have to pay a forfeit.
she's overplaying the significance of his remarks.
e me farewell. / He bade me enter.
ck of dirt had ever sullied his hands.
time a series of scandals had severely tarnished the candidate’s image/reputation.
ckoned (to be / as / as being) the best pianist in Britain.

reckon with all these problems / He’s a man to be reckoned with (= a powerful man).
y of lending money to him.
sued for breach of contract. / a breach in the castle wall
gives us no leverage.
us to disregard everything we’d learned so far and start again.
cation of resources.

use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
ort was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo.
ike to make sure their guests are comfortable and cosy.
something to warm your heart before you cosy up for the Christmas season.

is offering a threesome with her hot college friend.

ecret he learned very early on was not to flaunt his success.

rtain that you’re doing the right thing. / The museum is only open at certain times of the day.
he’s asleep, but you’d better make certain.

cultured man with boorish manners.

mile convinced me that she was happy
s an hour late, but he redeemed himself in her eyes by giving her a hugebunch of flowers.

picture always fuzzy on your TV?

nsult him, he will retaliate.
othes were old and in tatters.

a low/high boredom threshold (= I do/don’t feel bored easily).

nveloped herself in a long cloak.
e’ve been frantic with worry.

o paces forward/back. / She was pacing up and down, waiting for the phone to ring.
us elections in the country have been rigged by the ruling party.
as wearing a strange rig-out.
branches and mud.
wdling! You’ll be late for school!
as quite a hefty woman.
mpanies can afford to be picky about who they hire.

ed to blend into the crowd./ They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community.

ees swayed gently in the wind.

oldiers deliberately defiled all the holy places.

hlessly defeated his opponent.

ra is the price.

very upfront about why she wants the job - she'd earn a lot more money.
udden and unexpected.

ey and carry out, You must mull them over a little bit before you act!

are turning upside down

tion or task that they have just completed.
ercise is crucial.
he community.
reel in
strike out to erase or cross out (a word etc) to start fighting borrar; tachar / arremeter
strike up to begin to play a tune etc to begin (a friendship, converempezar a tocar / trabar, entablar
wind up When you wind up an activity, you finis
When someone winds up a business or other organization,
wind someonIf you wind someone up, you deliberaIf you wind someone up, you say untrue things in order t
flinch f to avoid doing something that you consider unpleasant or painful
zoned out
spun up
wind up
set up
He read the essay and struck oHe’s a man who strikes out with his fists whenever he’s angry.
ar / trabar, entablar
The President is about to wind Tuhe Bank of England seems determined to wind up the company.
This woman really wound me up You're joking. Come on, you're winding me up.

resistirse a algo, dejar de hacer algo

Someone set you up as the killer

How long do you plan on sleeping?
let's see if you are the real deal
for real?
True enough, but still...

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