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By I. H. Wong; Member, ASCE, B. K. Low/ Member, ASCE,

P. Y. Pang/ and G. V. R. Raju4

ABSTRACT: A soil nailing technique was used to stabilize a 9-m-deep permanent cut in residual soil for an
expressway project in Singapore. This paper describes the construction details, instrumentation, and performance
of the nailed soil wall and the results of a field pullout test on a grouted nail. Results of numerical analysis are
compared with the measured performance of the wall. The nailed soil wall performed well. Postconstruction
performance of the wall showed moderate increase in wall displacements and nail forces due to loss of soil
suction resulting from seepage of rainwater into the soil.
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INTRODUCTION tion depth was limited to 1 m because of the close proximity

of existing structures and the NTU campus road immediately
Soil nailing is a method of soil stabilization for slopes, ex- above the cut. In addition, since the project was executed dur-
cavations, and tunnel portals that uses metallic inclusions. This ing the rainy season, greater unsupported excavation depths
technique has often been used for retaining both temporary were not recommended. Problems occurred during the third
and permanent excavations (Shen et al. 1981; Juran et al. excavation stage when some tensile cracks parallel to the ex-
1988). Because of its inherent advantages, such as the speed cavation appeared on the ground at about 1.5 m behind the
and simplicity in construction, its application is rapidly in- cut face at one section, due to the presence of an abandoned
creasing in Southeast Asia. This paper describes the perfor- sewer line behind the wall face. This required stabilization by
mance of a permanent soil nailed wall constructed in residual filling the tensile crack with grout. However no cracks were
soils in Singapore. visible on the pavement or near the foot of the buildings.
The site was located at the boundary of the Nanyang Tech-
nological University (NTU), Singapore. A proposed extension As soon as the first lift of excavation was finished, boreholes
of the Pan Island Expressway required a 9.0-m-deep excava- 100 mm in diameter were drilled in the soil using an auger
tion at the boundary of the NTU campus near Residence Hall bit at a 15° inclination to the horizontal. The boreholes were
5. There are multistoried buildings about 10 m behind the spaced 1.0 m horizontally and 1.0 m vertically. Each borehole
excavated face, and a campus road immediately above the ex- was 7-m long and uncased throughout its length. A 7-m-Iong,
cavated face. The soils at the site are residual soils of the high yield strength (<J'y =460 N/mm') ribbed steel rod 25 mm
Jurong formation consisting of grayish-yellow hard clayey silt. in diameter was inserted into the borehole. In order to provide
The N-values were typically in the range of 35-65 over the a uniform thickness of grout, the nail was maintained centrally
top 10 m and exceeded 100 at depths greater than 15 m. The in the borehole using plastic centralizers spaced at 1-m inter-
average liquid and plastic limits of the soils are 42 and 22%, vals along the nail length. The annular space around the nail
respectively. A typical cross section of the ground before and was then filled with a cement grout [water-cement (w/c) ratio
after excavation is shown in Fig. I. Due to the uneven ground = 0.45-0.50]. The 28-day characteristic strength of the grout
surface, the depth of excavation varied from nearly 4.5 m at was 30 N/mm'. Since the wall was designed as a permanent
the shallow section to 9.0 m at the deepest section. The project structure, a special additive known as CONBEXTRA was
was executed during the rainy season in the second half of mixed with the grout for corrosion protection. The details of
1992. the nail are shown in Fig. 2.


The excavation was carried out using a backhoe in lifts of NTU C.\NPUS ROAD

1.0 m with a face slope of one horizontal to eight vertical. 8

Even though the soil had adequate cohesive strength that made
it self-supporting for greater depths, the incremental excava- C

'Prof., School of Civ. and Struct. Engrg., Nanyang Tech. Univ., Sin-
gapore 639798.
2Sr. Lect., School of Civ. and Struct. Engrg., Nanyang Tech. Univ.,
Singapore 639798.
3 Asst. Chf. Civ. Engr., Public Works Dept., MND Build., 5 Maxwell ;8
Rd., Singapore 06911 O.
4Geotech. Engr., Maunsell Consultants (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., The Con-
course, 300 Beach Rd., Singapore 199555; formerly, Civ. Engr., Promet
Engrg. (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., 21 Pandan Rd., Singapore 609273.
Note. Discussion open until January J. 1998. To extend the closing
date one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager
of Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on April 11, 1996. This paper is part of the JOUTIUlI rOOTING
of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Vol. 11, No.3, August, 1997.
©ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828/97/0003-0105-01121$4.00 + $.50 per page. FIG. 1. Ground Profile at Site Before and After Construction
Paper No. 13042. and Instrumentation


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

l[HlilH OF WAll
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AT 1000mm INIERVAlS.


-. :J"" "t....
.,.. ;~' "'"mm niN.
---------------J .rt1RtH~,
_______ .' O~

FIG. 2. Typical Details of Soil Nail (Courtesy PWD, Singapore)

Facing tying the bent portion of the nail to the wale bars. The details
of the nail connection at the facing are shown in Fig. 2. The
After the nails were grouted, the excavated soil face was construction detail of the nail-facing connection at the site is
covered with a steel welded mesh (lO-mm bars at 100-mm shown in Fig. 3.
intervals in both directions), placed with its center 50 mm from The process of installing the nails and shotcreting the facing
the soil face, and covered with a 100-mm-thick layer of shot- was repeated with an incremental depth of excavation of 1.0
crete (with a 28-day characteristic strength of 30 N/mm 2 ) m each time until the required 9-m excavation depth was
sprayed on to the soil face. A second layer of BRC welded reached. In order to distribute the weight of the shotcrete wall
mesh was thcn placed with its center 50 mm from the shotcrete on the soil at the toe of the wall, a 300-mm-thick cantilever
surface, and another layer of shotcrete 100-mm thick was then footing was provided. The footing was then backfilled to a
sprayed over it. Thus the total thickness of the shotcrete facing depth of 1.8 m as shown in Fig. I.
was 200 mm.
The connection of each nail to the facing was made by Drainage
bcnding a SOO-mm length of nail onto the BRC welded mesh. Drainage of the soil nailed wall was provided to prevent the
To provide rigid support to the nails at these connections, three buildup of pore pressure on the facing. In this project, the
bars 25 mm in diameter at 2S0-mm intervals were used as surface water was prevented from coming into contact with
wales running throughout the length of the wall at each nail the facing by means of a surface drain provided at the top of
head level. The nail head was then covered with shotcrete after the wall as shown in Fig. I. The presence of the pavement
also helped in preventing the rainwater from seeping into the
nailed zone. The drainage of the soil was achieved by the
provision of a number of weep holes spaced at 2-m intervals
in both directions. These weep holes consisted of 7S-mm-di-
ameter heavy duty polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes perforated
all around with 13-mm-diameter holes staggered at IOO-mm
intervals. Each PVC pipe was wrapped with a geotextile to act
as a filter prior to installation in the weep hole. The length of
each weep hole was 1.5 m. These weep holes sloped down-
wards toward the facing at an inclination of 4°.
Typical details of the nailed cross section of the wall at the
deepest excavation zone are shown in Fig. I. The completed
wall with the expressway is shown in Fig. 4.
To understand the load transfer mechanism between soil and
FIG. 3. Details of Nail-Facing Connection nail and to estimate the quality of bond achieved between the

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

the ground surface. Three vibrating wire strain gauges were
mounted on the steel bar at a 2-m spacing to measure the axial
tensile force in the nail during the pullout. The strain gauge
was installed after grinding a flat surface on the nail bar in
order to ensure that the strain gauge was installed on the neu-
tral axis of the bar. This arrangement was used to minimize
the interference of nail bending on the measured axial nail
forces. The possible shift in the neutral axis of the nail bar
from the bar axis due to bending was ignored.

- --- - The pullout test was conducted using a center-hole jack

bearing against a concrete pad at the nail head. The displace-

----- ment at the nail head was measured using a dial gauge. The
movement of the concrete pad was also monitored and was
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found to be negligible. The design ultimate structural capacity

of the nail was 200 kN. Except for the last load of 78 kN,
FIG. 4. Completed Soil Nailed Wall each intermediate load was maintained constant for 5 min, and
the strain gauge readings were then recorded. The strain read-
80 .-----,----,---.,-----r----r--,-----, ings were converted into axial force by considering only the
Nail dikmeter ~ 25 mrrl, \ steel area and elastic modulus. This simplifying assumption is
Grout hole dialneter =1100 mrr\
i I I '

Ii believed to be reasonable because of the likely cracking of the

Applieo pulI-o\.lt load l' 50 kN: I grout material when tensile loads are induced. From the mea-
_ 60 ·······;-_·i-·---·-l---1r--·· sured axial force, the bond stress mobilized at the nail/soil
~ Ci' i __ Mobilized bond stress interface is calculated using the following expression:
-; ~ c............ i -e- Avg. mobilized bond stress
U 1/1 - ............' __ Axial force
5 m
.... 1/140 ' ........... bond stress at the naiVsoil interface T =~ (I)
~; ~
where 'OT = change in axial force between two points on the
~ ~20
iii t: nail; D = grout hole diameter; and 'Of is the length between

two points where the difference in force is considered.
The variation of the axial tensile force and mobilized bond
• i . stress along the nail length at loads of 50 and 78 kN is shown
; i ,

O+--'--+---'---I-'---+--'---t--L--+----'--II--~ in Fig. 5. At a load of 50 kN, the average bond stress was

o 2 3 4 5 6 7 21.6 kPa and the peak bond stress was 26.7 kPa, which was
mobilized in the middle portion of the nail.
Distance from facing (m) When the pulling load was being increased towards 50% of
the structural capacity of the nail, pullout failure of the nail
(a) occurred at a load of 78 kN. The average bond stress at failure
was 35.3 kPa and the peak bond stress was about 70.3 kPa,
100 .,---.,..-,- - ' I- - - ; , - - "--.,----.,..----, which was mobilized towards the inner end of the nail. In the
Applied pulltout load = 78 kN present case, the pullout failure load of 78 kN corresponds to
- - Mobilized bond stress 40% of the ultimate structural capacity of the nail.
80 -e- Avg. mobilized bond stress The load versus displacement plot from the pullout test is
~ Ci'
- - AXial force shown in Fig. 6. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the relative
displacement required for the full mobilization of bond stress
Gl ::. 60 is 8 mm. Results reported by Cartier and Gigan (1983) also
~ 1/1 show that the relative displacement required for the full mo-
o 1/1
"- bilization of the nail pullout capacity is small.
'iii 1ij 40 *.-----¥
.!l! S 100
20 -
o +-~_+--'-+-~-t--'---'---t--'--t----'-~
~ ,
. .--.- .. - _.-..~.-.-.
o 2 3 4 5 6 7 QI 60

Distance from facing (m) u.
40 'Nailbardia;:;;eie~25
(b) ~ I ,
"5 Grout hole diameter
FIG. 5. Nail Force Variation in Pullout Test: (a) At 50 kN Pullout 20 ......... ··--···1·····.. . + .. -.._.- f·
Load; (b) At Failure Load ,

nail and the in situ soil, a pullout test was conducted on a o I ' ' , , i ' , ' ,
specially installed nail at the project site. o 5 10 15 20 25
The pullout test was conducted on a 7-m-long nail installed
Displacement of Nail Head (mm)
in the same way as the actual nails used in the project. The
nail for the pullout test was installed at a depth of 1.5 m below FIG. 6. Pullout Test Results on Nail


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

Lateral Wall Displacement (mm)
INSTRUMENTATION o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
o ;-.-.-.........,~.-.;-~..-tO~...,...~j;W.-......-j;~...-r:"....,.."'1
Several cases of instrumented soil nailed walls built in re-
sidual soils have been reported in the literature [for example,
see Shen et al. (1981). Plumelle et al. (1990), and Thompson
and Miller (1990)]. To enhance the understanding of the be- 2
havior of soil nailed structures in residual soils, the structure
was instrumented as follows.
The soil nailed wall was instrumented with inclinometers,
strain gauges, and earth pressure cells. Five SINCO inclinom-
eters were installed in 16-m-deep boreholes at different sec-
tions along the length of the wall. The inclinometers were
located 0.3 m behind the facing to monitor the lateral defor-
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mation of the excavated face. Due to the presence of the road

-/1- Ex-slage 7 (h • 7 m)
immediately behind the edge of excavation, it was not possible
-)(- Ex-otage 8 (h • 8 m)
to install inclinometers far away from the facing of the wall.
-Jl:- End or Construction (h =9 m)
The inclinometer readings were taken during the excavation -·0- 3 months .fter con$truction
stages and also after the construction of the wall to monitor --+- 9 months after construction
its long-term performance of the wall. Inclinometer readings - - 36 months after construction
were taken daily during the construction and at three to four
days intervals for about nine months after the end of wall
construction. Readings were discontinued for about 27 months 10
until December of 1995, when another set of readings was
taken. FIG. 7. Measured Lateral Wall Displacements
The forces in the nails were monitored using vibrating wire
strain gauges. Three strain gauges were spot welded to each at the crest of the wall at all stages. The displacements de-
nail at 2-m intervals. The locations of the gauges on the nail creased gradually below the crest of the wall to almost zero
are shown in Fig. 1. Due to cost constraints only one strain at the toe. When the excavation depth was increased from 5
gauge was used at each location of a nail. Hence it was not m (stage 5) to 6 m (stage 6) there was a rapid increase in the
possible to deduce the bending moments in the nails. Each lateral displacement. This is because of the delay in construc-
gauge was mounted on the bar on the horizontal axis passing tion due to heavy rains for a period of about three weeks.
through the center of the bar. During insertion of the steel bar During the subsequent seventh and eight excavation stages,
into the borehole, care was taken to ensure that the orientation the displacements increased further, and then there was a rapid
of the gauges was unchanged. The strain gauge readings were increase of displacements during the final excavation stage. At
taken daily during the excavation stages and at three to four the end of the final excavation stage, the maximum displace-
day intervals after the completion of the project. ment at the crest of the wall was only 26 mm (0.29% of the
Pneumatic earth pressure cells were installed at a depth of wall height). During the first three months following the con-
1.5 m below the ground surface at the back of the wall in struction, the crest displacements of the wall increased by
order to monitor the earth pressure acting on the facing. How- about 5 mm. Over a period of 36 months after wall construc-
ever, the earth pressure readings indicated unreliable values. tion, the crest displacements increased by about 11 mm. Dur-
ing the same 36-month period, the displacement at the toe of
PERFORMANCE OF STRUCTURE the wall increased from zero at the end of construction to about
Lateral wall Displacements 4mm.
The displacements of the wall during the postconstruction
The lateral displacements of the excavated face as measured period could be attributed to the effect of dissipation of neg-
by the inclinometer were plotted against depth in Fig. 7. The ative pore pressure in the soil due to destruction of soil suction
displacement profiles were plotted successively at excavation as a result of seepage of rainwater. The displacements started
depths of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 m. Fig. 7 also shows the displace- stabilizing three months after the completion of the wall. The
ment profiles of the wall during the postconstruction period. displacement history at the crest of the wall is shown in Fig.
It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the lateral movement is greatest 8. The figure shows a steady increase in wall displacements

'0 60
c _ 50
4)E E
4)_ E 40
«S In
- CI) 30
.~ <.> 20
C- (~
Es: 10
o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Start date 3rd July 1992 Time (days)
FIG. 8. Lateral Displacement History at Crest of Wall


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

Normalized Nail Force (TN)





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eo .----r---,--r--.--,-----r-.., ~ 0.6

!: +--- 'ii

(d) !:t::::l::.:~~.~.-.~. -~,..::;;;~.~~

o J...-N.........
-+- . . .-+---.,



Empirical Earth Pressure

Diagram (Terzaghi &
Peck 19967)

FIG. 11. Nondlmenslonal Maximum Nail Force Variation with

Depth at End of Wall Construction

in the nails. At a few strain gauge locations, the calculated

bond stress was found to be more than that mobilized in the
pullout test at failure, which is 39.8 kPa. For example, the
back-calculated bond stress between the middle and end strain
gauges in nail row 3 is 42.5 kPa at the end of wall construc-
I tion, which exceeded the limiting value of 39.8 kPa obtained
2 3 .. 5
Dlstlnee from facln, ,ml from the pullout test on the nail. The forces in all the nails
FIG, 9. Measured Nail Force.
increased during the postconstruction period, except at a few
strain gauge locations. The drop in the nail force, as indicated
by some strain gauges, could be due to the loss of sensitivity
immediately after construction, which started slowing down a of the strain gauges resulting in erroneous strain readings. This
few months after the end of wall construction. increase in the nail forces is also a manifestation of the loss
of soil suction during the periods immediately after construc-
Nail Forces
tion of the wall. There was only a slight increase in nail forces
The force distribution in the nails obtained from the strain in the top four rows of nails during the nine-month period
gauge readings is plotted at the end of wall construction and after construction. In contrast, the nail forces in the lower three
at 9 and 36 months after construction in Fig. 9. As shown rows increased significantly over the same period. The post-
there, at the end of wall construction, the maximum nail force construction displacements of the wall might have resulted in
recorded by the strain gauge in the upper rows of nails was the mobilization of forces in the lower rows of nails.
located 4 m from the facing. A check was made on the mea- The effect of the loss of soil suction on the nail forces can
sured nail forces by back-calculating the bond stress mobilized be best understood by plotting the variation of the nail forces

60 ~----.-!- - - - , - i --------r'---I;--.--~I---.'I-----'
50 . . .End..oi:..w alL...·..
l-.' .· _. ·.·.·.. . ·-f.. . . ._.......§.!.~~1.~. .~~~f.~~~.~.!~~~ . .
i i , ;

40 ~Q~!>!T~!!Q~·_. ·+·..__ -r-·..·..·_..·. · ·t-· ·.·.· ·..·.i'· ::1 ..:::- .

30 __.-.-.., If'-~ I I ! i \

~~ ~--+=:::*~:::=:~::::::l~---t---J
o 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Start date 9th June Time (days)
FIG. 10. Nail Force Variation with Time


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

JOB TITLE: pie-extension .1 e 1

FLAC (Version 3.03)



3/02/1995 16:59
.lep 11
-4.306E+00 <x< 3.181E+Ol
-8.056E+00 <y< 2.806E+Ol

Grid plot
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I , , , , , , , , , !
0 1E 1

8oundory plot
\ \ \ 1.00
I I ! I ! I I I I ! I
0 1E 1
\ \ \ \ \\ \ \\1
\ \ \ \ 1\
\ \ \ \\
\ \
\ \ ,\ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \\l \11\1\\\\\\1\ \ .00


Nonyong Tech. University

Geotechnics Loborotory
.00 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
.1 e 1

FIG. 12. FLAC Grid Used In Numerical Analysis of Soil Nailed Wall

with time. The history of the nail forces are shown in Fig. 10 Contiguous bored piles US$60S/m 2
for a typical strain gauge. For strain gauge location A1 (Fig.
1), the nail forces progressively increased at a slow rate during Contiguous bored piles are commonly used as cantilever walls
the excavation stages and the period immediately after con- in Singapore and Malaysia. The system consists of 0.8-1.2-
struction. The axial force in the nail at this location six months m-diameter contiguous bored piles connected by a capping
after the end of wall construction was about 36% more than beam
immediately after the end of wall construction. There was a These figures are at the 1992 price level in Singapore. Soil
slight reduction in the nail force during the subsequent 30 nail walls, which offer the same technical advantages as con-
months. tiguous bored pile walls in the construction of retaining sys-
The measured maximum nail forces at the end of wall con- tems for steep cut slopes, also offer savings in material
struction are compared in a nondimensional form (TN = Tm•.I usage-in this case, savings of 21 % compared to gravity wall
-y-H·Sv·Sh ) in Fig. 11, with the range of forces corresponding and 28.7% compared to contiguous bored piles. Each system
to Terzaghi and Peck's (1967) earth pressure diagram used in has its own advantages. The gravity wall results in an aes-
the design of braced excavations in stiff clays. For stiff clays thetically appealing facing. The contiguous bored piles mini-
the suggested maximum design lateral pressure is between mize lateral displacements and do not require any open ex-
0.2-yH and O.4-yH. The measured nail forces approximately cavation; hence they are suitable in situations where soil
correspond to a maximum lateral pressure of 0.2-yH in Ter- nailing cannot be used.
zaghi and Peck's design diagram. The measured forces in the
lower two rows of nails were very small because they were NUMERICAL ANALYSIS
installed after most of the displacements due to excavation had
already taken place. The soil nailed retaining wall was modeled using the finite
difference program FLAC (Cundall 1991). The problem was
analyzed by discretizing the soil mass in the vicinity of the
COST ANALYSIS structure into 650 soil elements. A finer grid was used in the
The savings realized by using soil nailing in this project can nailed zone due to expected higher stress gradients, and a
be shown by cost comparisons with other alternative retaining coarser grid was used in the unreinforced zone. The finite dif-
systems. In Singapore, the commonly used alternatives for re- ference grid used in the analysis is shown in Fig. 12.
taining structures are gravity walls and contiguous bored piles.
The cost of each system per unit surface area of the excavated PARAMETERS FOR ANALYSIS
face for this project are compared as follows:
Soil nailing US$470/m A saturated undrained analysis was performed. The soil is
Gravity retaining wall US$S70/m2 modeled as a Mohr-Coulomb material. The relationship be-

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

to behave as a linearly elastic material. The shear behavior of
the soiVnail interface was modeled using a spring-slider mech-
anism. The bond strength of the nail was based on the pullout
(a) capacity obtained from the test. The bond stiffness of the nail
elements were calculated based on the displacement required
for full mobilization of bond in the pullout tests, which is 8
mm. The three-dimensional (3D) nature of the nails was taken
Z 40 ,---r:=----:--;---,-----,-----,,----,---, care of by averaging their cross-sectional area over the hori-
... Na~ Row 2 : :
';; 30 ······.. ····t···· ..· · · · · · · • · ..····..·.. it·· .... zontal spacing of nails.
l:! 20 ~ _ ! .
.2 j i
(b) 'ii 10 "\ "/".. Facing
c 0 +-~-i--~--.,I--~-+-~-+-~--.,I--~-+-~~
l! 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 The shotcrete facing of the wall was modeled as linearly
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elastic beam elements. The modulus of elasticity of these beam

£ 40 .-----,-----,,...----,-----,...---,---,
... Nail Row 3 ! ! Q : i elements was calculated based on the characteristic strength of
-; 30 ;;::;.::~~.-...'i"""_ ! i ····;····..···········t··········· ·..··
! shotcrete. The input parameters of the facing elements are
~ 20 ._ .
shown as follows:
(c) ... 1 0 · · · · 1.. ··.. · .. ;
~ 0 +-~-i--~--il--~-+-~-+~--"I--~+-~~ Young's modulus (kPa) 3.32 X 107
l! 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
~ Cross-sectional area (m2 ) 0.2
~ 40 .,--N-o-i'.,...-R-o-w-4-.:---------,----.
i i

;- 30
; i
·····..._·····_··t·_····_············I········_· .... t·
M .... 'R.M"· .. ,.~ ....-.+ Moment of inertia (m4 ) 6.67 X 10- 4
.. +

~ 20 Q .
(d) :; i
c 0 +-~-i--~--i-~+-~-;-~-+-~+-~-l

l! 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 The analysis was performed by first establishing equilibrium

~ of the numerical model corresponding to the initial undrained
at rest stresses. An equivalent surcharge of 10 kPa was applied

(eJ l;j f_·.=· ~· .=N_O:;.; I+-1=R_O;.; ;W:5!~. ....._... -+.'-_ ~ +- ~· -;· ·_ · ·_ · · _· · +· · _· _· · " " -:I
.... ..._.
to represent the road immediately above the wall. The first
excavation was modeled by removing the elements in front of
the facing to a depth of I m. To model the time lapse between
the excavation and nail installation, the model was stepped to
~ 0 4 5 6 7 equilibrium after the excavation, i.e., prior to installing the

!ij ~N~.~il:R~O_\~V_._6_~D-'-if-·_.·._~·---+_~+-~_.,..... ~ i_· ·~· ·~· ~:1

nails and facing. The nails and facing were then installed and
the model was again time-stepped to equilibrium. The same
process was repeated for all the excavation stages.
(Q f_. .•. _..... ....._.....-..+ The computed nail forces are compared with the measured

Lateral Wall Displacement lmm)

~ 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
« o

~ /
. 2
~ 01234567
Distance from facing (m)
3 ....
FIG. 13. Comparison of Measured and Computed Nail Forces
4 0 Measured
tween the undrained shear strength s. and the standard pene- /
tration test (SPT) N-value is assumed to be s. = 5N, based on :§: I --Computed

local experience. The undrained soil modulus E. was estimated ...

~ 5 ~ /

from the charts proposed by Duncan and Buchigani (1976) ell
as a function of the overconsolidation ratio (OCR). The ini- ~
tial tangent modulus Ei used in the analysis was twice the un-

drained secant modulus E•. The OCR was estimated from the
charts in Bowles (1988) using a constant value of A = s.IP; = 7
0.3 (where p; is the effective existing overburden pressure) for
normally consolidated clay. The bulk and shear moduli of the
soil were calculated by assuming a Poisson's ratio of 0.49. 8 •

The coefficient of earth pressure at rest was calculated using :
the relationship K o = (I - sin<!>') OCR'i."'· (Mayne and Kul- .". ................
hawy 1982), where <!>' is the drained friction angle. Displacements at the end
! of wall construction
Nails 10
The nails were modeled as two-dimensional (2D) cable el- FIG. 14. Comparison of Measured and Computed Lateral Wall
ements that are effective in tension only. They were assumed Displacements


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

values at the end of construction in Fig. 13. The computed APPENDIX i. REFERENCES
values are in good agreement with the measured values for Bowles, J. E. (1988). Foundation analysis and design, 4th Ed., McGraw-
nail rows 2, 4, 5, and 6. For nail row 1, the computed nail Hill Inc., New York, N.Y.
forces are smaller than the measured values, while for nail row Cartier, G., and Gigan, J. P. (1983). "Experiments and Observations on
7, the computed forces are almost twice the measured values. Nailing Structures." Proc., 8th Eur. Con! on Soil Mech. and Found.
The computed lateral displacements of the wall at the end Engrg., Vol. 1, Helsinki, Finland, 473-476.
Cundall, P. (1991). "Fast Lagrange Analysis of Continua (FLAC)."
of wall construction are compared with the measurements in User's manual Vol. 1 and JI, Itasca Consulting Group, Minneapolis,
Fig. 14. The computed lateral displacements of the wall are Minn.
greater than the measured values. However the nature of Duncan, J. M., and Buchigani, A. L. (1976). "An engineering manual
movement of the wall was correctly represented by the nu- for settlement studies." Geotech. Engrg. Rep., Dept. of Civ. Engrg.,
merical model. Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley.
Juran, I., Baudrand, G., Farrag, K., and Elias, V. (1988). "Kinematical
The discrepancy between the predicted and measured be- limit analysis approach for the design of nailed soil retaining struc-
havior of the wall could be due to the following factors: tures." 1nt. Geotech. Symp. on Theory and Pract. of Earth Reinforce-
Downloaded from by USP - Universidade De Sao Paulo on 11/23/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

ment, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 301-306.

Mayne, P. W., and Kulhawy, F. H. (1982). "k,,-OCR relationship in soil."
1. The 3D nature of the problem coupled with the complex J. Geotech. Engrg., ASCE, 108(6), 851-972.
soil/structure interaction may not be truly modeled by Plumelle, C., Schlosser, F., Delage, P., and Knochenmus, G. (1990).
the 2D plane strain analysis. "French national research project on soil nailing: Clouterre." Proc.,
2. The elastic modulus was based on an empirical relation- Con! on Des. and Perf. of Earth Retaining Struct., ASCE Spec. Pub/.
No. 25, ASCE, New York, N.Y., 660-675.
ship with the N value. Shen, C. K., Herrmann, L. R., Romstad, K. M., Bang, S., Kim, Y. S., and
3. The soil suction and the loss of negative pore pressure Denatale, J. S. (1981). "An insitu earth reinforcement lateral support
due to rainwater seepage could not be correctly modeled system." Rep. Prepared for the Nat. Sci. Found., Dept. of Civ. Engrg.,
using FLAC. Univ. of Calif. at Davis.
Terzaghi, K., and Peck, R. B. (1967). Soil mechanics in engineering prac-
tice. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y.
CONCLUSIONS Thompson, S. R., and Miller, I. R. (1990). "Design, construction and
performance of a soil nailed wall in Seattle, Washington," Proc.. Con!
on Des. and Per! of Earth Retaining Struct., ASCE Spec. Publ. No.
Soil nailing proved to be an effective method of retaining 25, ASCE, New York, N.Y., 629-643.
a steep cut in residual soils. The maximum lateral displace-
ment of the wall did not exceed 0.4% of the wall height, even APPENDIX II. NOTATION
36 months after construction. The following symbols are used in this paper:
The maximum nail forces at the end of wall construction
correspond to the Terzaghi and Peck's design lateral pressure A = ratio of undrained shear strength to effective overburden
diagram for braced excavations in stiff clay with a maximum pressure;
lateral pressure of O.2'YH. c' = effective cohesion of soil;
The postconstruction behavior of the wall showed a slight D = grout hole diameter;
Ei = initial elastic tangent modulus of soil;
increase in lateral wall displacements, which in turn caused a
Eu = undrained elastic modulus of soil;
corresponding increase in the nail tensile forces. This trend fb bond stress of nail/grout interface;
was attributable to the loss of soil suction. One major con- fe. = characteristic strength of grout or shotcrete;
straint of a soil nailed wall is that the soil in which the nails H = total excavation depth;
are to be located should be original ground. Any discontinui- Ko = efficient of earth pressure at rest;
ties in the soil mass behind the wall face may create unpre- Pp pullout capacity of nail;
dictable soil cracks through which water may enter and reduce p; = effective overburden pressure;
the soil stresses. Sh = horizontal nail spacing;
The wall performed very well without excessive displace- Su = undrained shear strength of soil;
ments, even under the moving loads on the pavement adjacent Sv = vertical nail spacing;
to the top of the wall. This demonstrates the satisfactory per- T max = maximum axial nail force at end of wall construction;
formance of the soil nailed wall under dynamic loading cycles TN = normalized axial nail force;
8 = nail/soil interface friction angle;
in this particular case.
81 = distance between two strain gauges on nail;
8T = difference in nail force between two points on nail;
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS "I = unit weight of soil;
(J'" = normal stress at nail/soil interface;

The writers would like to thank the Public Works Department of Sin- (J' y yield stress of nail;
gapore for providing the technical details of this project. The instrumen- 'Tull = mobilized maximum shear stress at nail/soil interface; and
tation data was provided by Mis L & M Foundation Pte. Ltd., Singapore. <1>' effective friction angle of soil.


J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 1997, 11(3): 105-112

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