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Group A Group B

Arguments for Arguments against

 You can be in touch with your  If there’s an emergency,

parents. parents can always call the
school’s services.
 Your parents can reach you in
the event of an emergency,  Most of the times mobile
and vice versa. phones are just a way of
keeping in touch with
 If in danger, you can reach the
authorities or a medical
provider.  Students often forget to turn
off their phones in class, and
 Phones can be silenced during
ringing noises or text-
class or study periods and
message alerts disrupt
active only in appropriate
 Even if set to silent, mobile
 Mobile phones create a
phones can still cause
convenience that was
distraction, since text
previously unavailable. With
messaging has become a
mobile phones, you can easily
high-tech method of passing
reach your parents for any
notes in school.
reason: to ask them questions,
change plans, or to simply say  Phones can be used as
hello. cheating devices during
 The long-term physical
effects of mobile phone use
are still undetermined.

Be Connected • Inglês • 10.º ano © Santillana-Constância

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