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Your name

Number and title of lab

Your instructor’s name
Lab 3 Deliverables
Submit to Blackboard a single PDF document that includes:
(1) Your name, the number and title of this lab, and your instructor’s last name in the upper
left hand corner (as seen above);
(2) Answers to the questions below (100 pts)
(3) An estimate of how long it took you to complete this lab.

Lab 3 Review Questions

1. How many counties are there in the United States? (3 pts)

2. How many counties are there in California? (3 pts)
3. How many counties in the U.S. have a 2010 population less than 500? (3 pts)
4. In the states feature class (labeled “US_States”), what is the minimum, maximum, and
average 2010 population density (Pop10_SQMI) of the 50 states? (9 pts)
5. In the OREGON_AIRPORTS feature class, what is the name of the airport that is furthest to the
south? (3 pts)
6. In 3b Part 2, you saw how World Circles become distorted depending on whether the data
frame coordinate system was set to a Mercator, Robinson, or Sinusoidal projection. What
patterns and commonalities in distortion do you see between the 3 coordinate systems?
How do these views of the world compare to what you imagine the world looks like (do the
countries look like what you imagine)? How might your own view of the world be biased?
(15 pts)
7. Examine the coordinate system for the AUSTIN_STREETS feature class in the LAB03A_DATA
geodatabase. What is the name of the coordinate system? Is it projected or unprojected?
What are the linear units? (9 pts)
8. What is the name of the projection (not the coordinate system) used by the OREGON_COUNTIES
feature class in the LAB03B_DATA geodatabase? What is the central meridian and what is/are
the standard parallel(s)? Does it use the equator for the latitude of origin? (10 pts)
9. Open the map document EXAMPLE.MXD in the LAB03B_DATA _COPY_ONLY folder. What is the
(projected) coordinate system of the data frame in this map? What are the map units of the
frame? What are the display units? What are the feature class coordinate systems? (15 pts)
Reference Part 1 of Lab 3b if you have trouble. (Note that some of the feature classes use
different coordinate systems, so make sure to include every feature class in your response.)

Note that if a feature class has both a geographic and a projected coordinate system listed, you should
always name the projected coordinate system when asked what coordinate system it uses.
In these situations, the geographic coordinate system is an aspect of the projected coordinate system,
and listing the projected coordinate system is the more complete answer.

10. Discuss 3 scenarios where, if a GIS worker does not account for location changes, there
could be detrimental effects? [1 sentence to describe the scenario, 1 sentence with a
ballpark worst-scenario cost (thousands? millions? millions plus human lives?)] (15 pts)
a.11. List the tools that you used in ArcMap to transform each of the rasters/shapefile Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering
into the coordinate systems written in Step 5. (15 pts) Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 10 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

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