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Theme 1



According to Steve Jobs “we don’t get a chance to do

many things, and everyone should be really excellent”. We
should do our actions by heart.

Striving for excellence is an important part of

professionalism in any job. It involves trying to put quality
into everything you do, and this attitude tends to separate
the achievers, who make rapid strides in their career from

As we know excellence is the commitment one makes

with one self to continuously do better than what one has
done previously in the activities one performs in personal
and professional life. The benchmark is oneself and it is
continuously moving upwards. There is no end to reach final
level of excellence. It is a journey and results depend on
how one undertakes it.

“Say-Do ratio” of a person affects the results one

achieves in this journey. “Just Do it” mantra helps a person
in getting definite results. Allowing the people to perform in
order to achieve effective results. These are the various
tools and approaches which are available for usage in the
journey of excellence. However there is one critical thing
which determines the quality of results, what kind of
ownership you have accorded to the actions when you have
initiated them.

According to Patricia Benner, encouraging rather than

discouraging nurses from examining this aspect of practice.
It changed the professions understanding of what it means
to be an expert, placing this designation not on the nurse
with the most highly paid or most prestigious position, but
on the nurse who provided “ the most exquisite nursing

The challenge facing the nursing profession is in

ensuring that the core principles of dignity, respect,
compassion and person centered care become central to all
aspects of nursing practice. To regain the public and
professional confidence in nursing, nurse leaders, managers
and educators play a pivotal role in improving the mage of

Excellence in nursing care will only happen by ensuring

that nurse managers, leaders and educators are able to
respond to the complexity of reform and change by leading,
managing, enabling, empowering, encouraging and
resourcing staff to be innovative and entrepreneurial in
Theme 2


Along with integrity and compassion, respect for

patients, colleagues and other team members is an
essential attribute of medical professionalism. A new study
examines how medical students learn respectful or
disrespectful professional behaviour.

According to Orit Karnieli-Miller Ph.D., of the

Department of Community Mental Health at the University of
Haifa in Israel “disrespectful behaviour was observed to lead
to loss of trust, strong negative emotions, and loss of
relationships. Respectful behaviour was seen as leading to
satisfaction, willingness to share information, adherence to
treatment and positive emotion”.

People perceived respect as important in both public

and private settings and with all member and with all
members of the health care team including patients, family
members, nurses, faculty and fellow student, and under
varying circumstances such as the classroom and providing
patient care at the bedside. The fact that people view
respect as an important aspect of professionalism “suggests
that we, as medical educators and role models, have an
amazing opportunity to influence the next generation of
physicians by embodying respect in every clinical and
educational context and interaction.
Professionals are the kind of people that others respect
and value. They are genuine credit to their organizations.
True professionals are the first to be considered for
promotions, they are awarded projects or clients, and they
are routinely successful in their careers. Professionals
exhibit qualities such as honesty and integrity. Thy keep
their word, and they can be trusted implicitly because of
this. They never compromise their values and will do the
right thing, even when it means taking a harder road.
Theme 3



You are what you think. Whatever you are doing,

whatever you feel, whatever you want, all are determined by
the quality of your thinking. If your thinking is unrealistic,
your thinking will lead to many disappointments. If your
thinking is overly pessimistic, it will deny you due
recognition of the many things in which you should properly

Think critically to enhance your effectiveness in every part

of your professional life. The world gets more complex
everyday. There is only one way to cope, through command
of your mind. Thinking more effectively gives you greater
control over your life, helps you deal better with adversity
and believe it or not.

Learn to make better decisions through critical thinking. To

live is to act. To act is to decide. Everyday work and life are
an endless sequence of decisions. Some of the decisions are
small and some are large. Critical thinking improves your
decision-making abilities by raising your patterns of decision
making to the level of conscious and deliberate choice.

Attitude isn’t just about whether or not you’re having a good

or bad day. Attitude is more than that. It affects
relationships. It affects careers. It affects your entire future.
Your attitude is a habit. Many people think that they can’t do
anything. They think, talk and act as if it’s impossible for
them to succeed.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your

words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they
become habits. Watch your habits, for they become
character. Watch your character for it becomes your
destiny. An abundance of health, wealth and happiness
starts with how you think, talk and act.

When we expect positive things, we act accordingly and

then get positive things in return. When we expect failures,
we usually fail. When expect success, we tend to succeed.
When expect health, we make healthy choices. When we
expect illness, we are often sick. Our lives move in the
direction of our most dominant thoughts. We get what we
expect in life.

Dr. Peale, a pioneer in positive thinking, stated that hope,

faith, and truth are the keys not only to happiness, but to
physical healing. He claimed that when you habituate these
virtues in your nursing practice, you can imagine your own
recovery. Also stress can actually be reduced when you
maintain a positive attitude. Instead of looking at a problem
as hopeless, approach it as a personal challenge. A negative
attitude often causes physical ailments as well, which can
result in sick time out. Just like diseases, a positive attitude
is contagious can be the key to your health and longevity.

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