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Multiplication and division lesson

Addition: In nature we always see numbers, in our real life as well, and most of the times we need to do
some operations with them. The most basic operation involving two numbers is addition. For instance
we always hear the phrase “2+2=4”, So how does that work. Let’s see an example, if you have two
apples in your left hand and two apples in your right hand, so together you have four apples,

Let’s look at the left hand first,

So if you count them, you get two.

Let’s look at the right hand now,

Two again…
Now look at both of your hands together

How many apples do you have? FOUR.

So that is the idea behind addition, bringing things together, (obviously you cannot mix up apples and
oranges Otherwise it will be a mess)

Now comes the question of multiplication, let’s go via this idea of addition.


Suppose you have four friends, you all go to the supermarket, and each one of you buy 3 apples, how
many apples did you get? All of you together?

Let’s see, you can simply count them and get the answer, so basically you just keep on adding numbers,
until you get the final answer,
So let’s begin, five friends, three apples each, so you just keep adding those, goes like this,

You got three, and another one of your friends got three, so counting them together we get, 3+3 =6,

Are we done?

Nope!, there are three more of you,

So get the apples from one of them, so far you have 6+3=9 apples.

Are you done?

Nope! Two more people are there, again get the apples from one of them, now you have, 9+3= 12

Are you done?

Nope! One friend is still there, snatch his apples, so now you have 12+3= 15.

Are you done now?

Yes!, you have all the apples, namely 15 apples, you counted them step by step, so basically what you
did is, you have added three five times, like

3+3+3+3+3 =15
So in a compact notation we write that as 3 X 5 = 15. You read 3 TIMES 5 is equal
to 15, or 3 MULTIPLIED BY 5 is equal to 15.

In a very similar way when you see, 2X3, you understand adding 2, three times.


6X7, you understand as adding 6, seven times.

This is the meaning behind multiplication.

Problem is, this way, that is counting or adding is very cumbersome, you need to
do things fast, but in order to do it fast, you need to memorize a thing or two.
Best way to do this will be memorizing the multiplication table.

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