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Why is the concept of consent so difficult to define and understand in the context of

sexual relationships?

 The essay engages critically with a relevant subject – this means you have
engaged with the question, and answered the question. You’ve provided an
argument at the start of your essay – and this argument is clearly stated, and
sustained throughout. The more focussed you can be the better.
 You engage with relevant reading to support your argument or critical point.
 Key ideas are presented and critically discussed – you should move beyond
description to analysis. Question what you’re reading – how valid is the data
your looking at? Implicitly critical about source material. Your argument and
assessments and evaluations must be critically explored – you must engage
with theory
 Quotations must be explained/analysed

The front/title sheet of all written assignments should include your student number, the
module code and name, the module leader’s name and the assignment title/question.

Your essay will be marked according to the Middlesex criteria laid out below (and bearing in
mind the above):
Consent in sexual relationships – legality

Difficult to define – especially in sexual relationships

Theories- gender, H masculinity

Research found- countries, types of perpetrators


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