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About the Contributors

Ananyo Basu, assistant professor of philosophy at chc University of Massachusetts

at Boston, is also Visiting Scholar in the Afro-A~nericanStudies Department at Har-
vard University. Educated in Hang Kong and India, and at Dartmouth Coilegc, lie
received his Pb.l2. in philosophy from Duke University, In adctition to his work in
Asian philosoph.)v, he does research on African and African-American philosophy;
philosophy of mind, and etf~icafand political ttzeory.

Mary 1. Backover, associate professor of pliilosopliy at Hurnboidr State Univcr-

sity, received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University rtf California at Santa Bar-
bara, She is editor of Ruks, Rituals, and Respansibzlily: Essays Dedicated to Herberr
Fingarette. Xn addition, she has pubiisfied in such journals as Philosophy East and
West, the Journal $Asian Stt.ldies, an J the Journal o~fthcAmeriwn Acaderrzy of Reli-
gion. Her "Thc Cttnccpt of Emotion Rcvisiccd" appears in chc anelioiogy Emotions
zn Asian Thosdght.

Kenrtetfi K, Inada, l2istinguistled Semice Professor, Emeritus, State University of

New York at Buffalo, is a past president of both the Society for Asian and Compara-
eive Pliilosophy and chc Internationat Society for Chinesc Pliilosr>phy,H c also served
as editor of the State University of New York Series in Buddhist Studies, H e is the
author, transtacor, and editor of numerous boctks on Buddliism and comparative phi-
losophy. His current interest is Orientaf. aesthetics.

Ashok B, MaIhotra, professor ttf pliilosophy at tlic State University of New York
at Oneonta, received his P11.l). from the University of Hawaii and is a past vice pres-
ident, secretary-treasurer, and symposium chair of the Society for Asian and Com-
parative Philosophy. H e is the author of _fed%-PaulSartre's Exktentialism as Litera-
ture and Ph&aso,ph3j1 Pathwa3)s to Philosophy: A Multzd&c@It'n1xr~1 Approach (with
I f uugias Shrader), and The Trttrzsc~eationuf the Bhdgdvd J Cita.

Mara Miller, a Mcllc~nPost-Doctoral Fellow in Ease Asian Are and Beii,'~ t c mat
Emory University, received her Ph.l), in pliilosopliy from Yale University. Slic has
studied Japanese Idnguage and culture at Cornell and at MichiganSsCenter for japan-
ese S~udies,The author of The Carden as an Arl; she is cornpiering a study of the po-
sition of women in Japanese culture (Desiring Women: Gender, Power and Personal
Ident-t'ty in Ukiyu-e Prints) and is editing an anthology on East Asian. aesthetics.

Graham Parkes, ~rofessorof philosophy at the University of Hawaii, was Visit-

ing Scholar at thc Reischaucr Institlrte of Japanese Sctrdics, Harvard University, E3c is

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