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Homework chap 11

Question1 :

Explain the separate legal existence.


The separate legal existence means the company has a legal existence different from its owners, it
acts under its own name, it may borrow money, sue, be sued, pays its own taxes..

Question 2:

Explain the limited liability of shareholders in a corporation.


The limited shareholders’ liability means in case of liquidation, creditors have recourse only to
corporate assets to satisfy their claims: they have no claim on the personal shareholders’ assets =>
shareholders’ liability is limited only to the capital invested in the corporation.

Question 3:

Identify shareholders’ ownership rights.


Shareholders have the right to:

 vote in board of directors’ election at the annual meeting => voting right.
 share the corporate earning through receipt of dividend => dividend right.
 keep the same percentage ownership when new shares are issued => preemptive right.
 share in assets upon liquidation in proportion to their holdings => residual claim.

Question 4:

Explain the concept of share’s market price and factors that determine it.


The share’s market price is the result of an interaction between buyers and sellers in the stock
market. Many factors determine it such as:

 company’s earnings and dividends;

 others external factors beyond the company’s control: an oil embargo, a new president..

Question 5:

Explain and differentiate par value and no par value shares.

Par value shares: ordinary shares to which the chart has assigned a value per share (like a face value).

No par value shares: ordinary shares to which the chart has not assigned a value per share.

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