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1. A cover letter is typically divided into :

a) contact, text and signature
b) introduction, main body and final paragraph
c) introduction, body and signature
d) contact, four paragraphs and conclusion

2. A personal statement in a CV is usually written between your :

a) name and address
b) education and work experience
c) interests and references
d) contact details and education

3. The follow up letters is sent :

a) with the CV
b) before the interview
c) before CV
d) after the interview

4. If you are writing to one John Doe, you will began with :
a) Dear Sir
b) Dear Mr
c) Dear Mr Doe
d) To Whom it May Concern

5. If the salary mentioned in the advertisement was for the whole year, they might write the
a) PW
b) PA
c) POS
d) OT
6. Which of these endings is not formal:
a) Yours sincerely
b) Yours faithfully
c) Sincere regards
d) Yours

7. Being a Master student, which qualification you would never list in your CV?
a) B. Sc
b) training school
c) secondary school
d) primary school

8. Complete the sentence.

I graduated ______________ Architecture_______________the Faculty of Architecture
a) in, from
b) from, from
c) in, at
d) from, at

9. If you know an employee in a company you are applying to, you will mention that person in your
cover letter
a) never
b) definitely yes
c) only if it is female
d) only if holds a high rank

10. When you give information about your past work experience in your CV, you use:
a) past simple without a personal pronoun
b) past simple with a personal pronoun
c) past participle without a personal pronoun
d) past participle with a personal pronoun

11. Complete the phrase “ I look forward _____________________ .”

a) to hear from you
b) hearing from you
c) hear from you
d) to hearing from you
12. How would you complete a phrase in a cover letter. “I am writing to apply to an architect
position as advertised ____________________.”
a) online
b) on your company website
c) on internet
d) on

13. Which of these words you would normally not find in a cover letter.
a) boss
b) provide
c) demonstrate
d) concerning

14. When writing about interests in CV, it is more effective to present your interests in terms of who
you are interested of what you like doing. So you use:
a) nouns (dancer)
b) adjectives plus nouns (active dancer)
c) pronouns plus verbs (I dance)
d) verbs in past simple (danced)

15. When you mention computer programs you know as your computer skills in your CV, you :
a) list them all
b) list just the more important
c) list tree of five
d) do not list them

16. If you take large quantities of information from the paper and put it in some 300 words, you
have written a:
a) title
b) abstract
c) keywords
d) summery

17. Abstracts are regarded as a form that has to be:

a) short and precise
b) short and with many details
c) long and precise
d) long and with many details
18. The golden rule in writing the summery is to use:
a) author’s words
b) your own words
c) lots of citations
d) there is no golden rule

19. The minimum number of keywords in a paper is usually:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

20. Which of the following sections is usually not found in a scientific paper:
a) conclusion
b) research
c) abstract
d) work experience

21. Which of the following words you would never use to begin a conclusion of an article:
a) in short
b) to conclude
c) to promise
d) in all

22. The abstract is a section that appears after:

a) title
b) introduction
c) keywords
d) authors

23. The most typical tense in summery writing is:

a) present continuous
b) present simple
c) past continuous
d) past simple
24. If the author wants to continue the research described in the paper, in which sections they can
mention it:
b) abstract
c) introduction
d) conclusion
e) summery

25. The abstract contains information on:

a) introduction
b) introduction and conclusion
c) research
d) entire paper

26. Which title is written correctly:

a) The Office I Work In
b) The office I work in
c) The Office I Work in
d) The office I work In

27. Which of the following tenses is almost never to appear in scientific paper:
a) present simple
b) present continuous
c) past simple
d) present perfect

28. Which of the headings you cannot use for the section where you list the books and articles used
for writing the paper:
a) references
b) literature
c) index
d) bibliography

29. Which of the following sections of the scientific paper will almost certainly be placed in an
international library database:
a) keywords
b) introduction
c) conclusion
d) references
30. If a phrasal verb is in a title, the participle will be capitalized:
a) always
b) never
c) it is not important
d) if it is the last word

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