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BUKTOPNOX APCKMM Buxtop Hoxapcknit COBPEMEHHbIM IWAXMATHbBIM CAMOYUUTEJIb (B Tpex Tomax) Ha ociioBe 1132 napruii Hw 2TOR0B Tom 2 MUTTEJIBLUTIVJIb. (Crpaterus) wy MODERN CHESS SELF-INSTRUCTOR (in three Books) on the basis of 1132 games and studies selected, classified and partly noted y Victor Pozharsky Book 2 The MIDDLE - GAME. (Strategy) Pocecna * 2000 « Russia “CospemeHHbIi waxMaTHbIii CaMOYYHTeNb" MpeqHa3HayeH =a lWaXMaTHCTOB-pa3pAQHHKOB, %KEaIOULHX YCOBEPUIEHCTBOBaTb CBOIO HIpy MyTem PacuMpeHua 3HaHHH B OOmacTH CTpaTerHH, TAKTHKH H TEXHHKH pa3NHUHBIXx CTaqHit WaxMaTHOH NapTHH, a TakKe JA WaxMaTHbIX TpeHepos. “CamoyyHTenb" H31aeTCa B Tpex Tomax H ConepKHT B OOueli cAorKHOCTH 1132 No3HUHH ANA pewieHHA, H3 HHX 852 napTHH rpoccmelictepoB H macTepoB H 280 9TIOM0B (Cc OTBeTaMH H NOACHEHHAMH). Tepsbiii Tom nocBauleH 2e610Ty H MHTTesbUINHIO (KOMOHHaLLHH, aTaka Ha koposta), BTOpoH - MHTTeNbUIMHMO (cTpaTerHa - Qurypbl H MewIKH; UWeHTp; OTKPbITbI€ HHHH; cnaObie Mona HM CTpaTerH¥eckHe MYHKTbI; OrpaHHueHHe NODBHXKHOCTH cH TIPOTHBHHKa H AKTHBH3allHA co6cTBeHHBIX uryp; cTpaterHyeckoe B3aHMOselicTBHe cH), TpeTHi - 9HAUINHTO. Ocoboe BHHMaHHe yllenaeTca OUeHKe NO3HUHH H BbIGopy CooTBeTCTBYIOUero Mana Hpbi. B kavecTBe NpHAOKeHHA NPHBOAATCA OTPBIBKH H3 CTaTei A. HuMuoBHYa “Kak A CTan rpoccmeiictepom” u "TexHuka TypHKpHOii urpbi", NoATBep»kKAaOULHX addekTHBHOCTL Medaroruyeckoro MeTOAa, NONOKEHHOrO B OCHOBY JaHHOroO "Camoy4ntesa”. © B.A. Moxapcxni, 1999. The Modern Chess Self-instructor is meant for chess players of intermediate level who wish to improve their play by gaining more knowledge of the strategy, tactics and technique at various stages of the game. Chess instructors are likely to get interested too. The Self-instructor is published in three books and on the whole contains 1132 positions to solve, among them 852 games of grandmasters and masters and 280 studies (with answers and notes). Book | is concerned with the opening and middle-game (combinations; attack on the King), Book 2 deals with the middle-game (strategy - pieces and pawns; the centre; open files; weak squares and strategical points; limitation of the opponent's pieces mobility and making your own pieces more active; strategical co- operation of forces). Book 3 is dedicated to the end-game. Brought into focus are the assessment of a position and the choice of the appropriate plan of the game. There are two supplements. They are passages from the articles "How | Became Grand Master" and "Tournament Play Technique" by A. Nimzovich, confirming the efficiency of the pedagogical method which is assumed as a basis of the present Self-instructor. Copyright © 1999 by V. A. Pozharsky. All rights reserved. "9 npueeporeney uccnedoeamenscKozo Hanpae- AeHuA, K KOmopomy npuxadrexcum Bomeunnux. Hmenno y Hezo A HAYYWICA NO - HacCmoAlYeMy UZyYaMbe Waxmambl, Haxodumb Hosele udeu, nocmosHHO pabomamb Had ux cogepwencmeoeanuem. Imo HayyHolii nodxod, OCcHOBaHHIi Ha 2ny6OKOM avanuze HaCIeOUA NDOULIOZO, HA NoucKe HOBeIx OebromHbIx eapuaHmoe u mMemodoé uzepel 6 Mummenounute, Ha eolpabomKe = npunYyunualbHO HOebIX cmpameeuYecKux naauoe". Tappu Kacnapoe "I am an adherent of the analysis trend to which Botvinnik belongs. It was from him that I actually learnt to analyse while playing chess, to search for fresh ideas, to constantly work at perfecting them. This is a scientific approach, based on profound analysis of the heritage of the past, on the search for new opening variations and methods of play in the middle- game, it is based on working out strategical plans that are new in essence”. Garry Kasparov OTJIABJIEHHE TIPHHATbIC OFO3HAYCHHA. ..... ese esseesseseeesneesneecsesesesestseseaeaess 8 ULMHTTESBUNTHUIb (Crpaterist)..icccccccccscseussessseun 9 ep3b H Hrpa THKENBIMH uTypaMt! Kopom 2. see Ipoxonnaa menika (NeNe 544-550 Brroxayza (NeNe 551-558)... buoxaya npoxoaHoit nemxKH (NeNo55 1-554). Baoxana newmedHoit wenn (NoNe 555-558)... H30:1upopannas nema (NeNe 559-565). Orctanaa neutka (NeNe 566-572). Cupoennple memky (NeNe 573-578). V30nvpopauas neuleynas napa ¢ PuKcHpoBaHHoH OTCTaNoH MeMIKOH (NoS79). "Bucsune” nemxn (NeNo 580-583). Tlemeunoe GompurnHcTBo Ha ep3eBom dpytanre (NoNo 584-585)... eecsescssecseeeesecesneeeneenneeed? 3. I[EHTP......... Orxpprrpiii nentp (NeNe 586-589) llowrkHblii neureuHbii WeHTp (NeNe usypHo - Newey WeHTp. Tlenrpasmaarmsa dpuryp (NeNe 599-603). uxcuposannsii nenrp (NeNe 604-605) B3axpprrbii uenHTp (NoNe 606-619). 10-598). 4. OTKPBITBIE JIMHHH KAK 9. IEMEHTBI CTPATEPHH........... 57 5. CJIABBIE M1OJIA WH CTPATEFHYECKHE ITYHKTBI.... 6. OFPAHMUYEHHE CHI IPOTHBHHKA HM AKTHBH3ANMA COBCTBEHHBIX @HIYP..............0....0.:67 7. CTPATETHYECKOE B3AMMOJEMCTBHE CHIL........0...083 8. CBITPAHTE, KAK 4YEMMMOHBI MPA H TIPETEHEHTHI Bunezenom Cmetinu Muxaun Guzopun. Qmanyun Jlackep Xoce Paynb KanaGnanx Anexcanop Anexun...... Equm Bozonw6oe. Maxc Fie. Tlayno Kepec. Camoand Pewescxuii, Muxaun Bomeunnux. Alasud Bponumein. Bacunuti Cmvicaoe. Muxaun Tano ... Pobepm Puwep. Axamonuii Kapnoe. Buxmop Kopunoii. Tappu Kacnapoe.. Anexcanop Xanuqan. PEWEHHA HW MPOXOJDKEHMS TWAPTHM......... ec S TIPHJIOKEHHA, A. Humuosuy " Kak 9 crasl rpocemeiicrepom" (OTpbIBOK). YeasaTen naprui. Yxa3aTelb aBTOPOB 3TIONO! CONTENTS page ea 8 II. The MIDDLE - GAME (Strategy)....0.0..0.cceen 9 1. The PIECES .. The Bishoy The Knight The Two Bishop: The Rook. The Queen and Play with the Heavy Pieces. The King... ee eeessessceseersseeeesessescenterenseteees 2. The PAWNS. The Passed Pawn (NoN0S54-550) The Blockade (NoN255 1-558) ... The Isolated Pawn (NoNe 559-565 The Backward Pawn (NeNe5S66-572 Doubled Pawns (NeNo5S73-578) ... The Isolated pawn-pair with a Fixed Backward Pawn (Ne579) ..46 The Hanging Pawns (NeNe 580-583) .... The Pawn Majority on the Q-side (NoNo 584-585) 3. The CENTRE soe The Open Centre (NoNe 586-589). The Mobile Pawn Centre (NoNe 5 The Piece-pawn Centre. Centralization of Pieces (NoNo599-603) . The Fixed Centre (NoNe 604-605) ....... oe The Closed Centre (NON® 606-619)....ccccsccssessssessesesssneeesseseetensy 4. OPEN FILES AND DIAGONALS AS STRATEGICAL ELEMENTS 2.000000... ccs cee ce ceeteteeee 5? 5. WEAK SQUARES AND STRATEGICAL POINTS. ................60 6. THE LIMITATION OF OPPONENT'S FORCES AND ACTIVATING YOUR OWN PIECES ..................67 7. THE STRATEGICAL CO-OPERATION OF FORCES ......... 83 8. PLAY AS THE WORLD CHAMPIONS AND CHALLENGERS PLAYED Wilhelm Steinitz Samuel Reshevsky. Mikhail Botvinnik David Bronstein. 97 Vassily Smyslo 98 Mikhail Tal. 99 Tigran Petrosiar 00 Boris Spassky. ‘01 Robert Fischer. Anatoly Karpov. Viktor Korchno Garry Kasparov... Alexander Khalifmai THE SOLUTIONS AND CONTINUATIONS SUPPLEMENT A. Nimzovich "How I Became Grand Master" .........:css0 184 Index of Games Index of Study-Composers TIPHHATBIE OBO3HAYEHHA. SYMBOLS htly better lightly better, HOSHUNA GesbIx HecKosbKO -1y4ure * White stands 3 HOIHUUA MepUBIX HeCKO.IbKO syste * Black stands ¥ Gestbsx npeumymtecrao * White has the upper hand y depiteix npeumyutecteo * Black has the upper hand Y¥ Gestbix pemarouee upenmyiuectso + White has a decisive advantage ¥ Nepitox peiratomee upenmyinecraa * Black has a decisive advantage pascnerso + even nescnas nosunus ¢ Unclear. Kommencanna 3a MarepHat * with compensation for the material ataka ¢ with attack © HHHUHATHBOH * with initiative ¢ Kourpurpoit « with counter-play lpeumytiectBo 8 hpocrpaucrse * space advantage mars mate hpeumyuiecteo 8 paspuTi * development advantage caysue * better is nyrusane + Zugzwang Bpems (ueitTHor) * time oxen xopouHit xon + a very good move cstaGbit xon +a mistake Guecramuit xoa * an excellent move rpy6an ounGka +a blunder XO, JACTY ARUBA BHAMatHs * a niove deserving attention comMmure.tbubit xoa + a dubious move ¢ wteeH * with the idea eAHHCTBCHHBIH xo + only nove neurp * centre cunmus (Beprukan Hm ropwonvadp) ¢ file or rank awaLonaae * diagonal KoponescxHii qutaut © King's flank dhepsesniit uaur * Queen's lank apa csiona * pair of Bishops Pasnouscrasie c-10Hb1 * Bishops of opposite color oanouseTutte cutoHB! * Bishops of same color cu1aGelii nywKt © weak point Hatoxolt Korb na a5 + bad Knight on a5 xopoumuii cs10H Ha e7 + good Bishop on e7 npesocxorcrso B 4ucHe Helmek * advantage in number of pawns 2 : 8 res ie, z 222555 i Ss g 5 : 223 5 BLASS ‘ aoe & Gees 3 oe aed g 58% 2 ogsaaad stz Z 20% CFE Z snd ; aa i pices ZZz8 = Z ges : z 2 = avs j * $ e 2a 2 : eae < = : ° % . <8 - & sa 3 2 z a zs #32 255 z.8 28: 2 oss SE ae Org ede “Ss "SE a) Zs Zaz 3 = 5 z = 47 3. The CENTRE Leutp 586. STOHLBERG - BOTVINNIK 587. TARTAKOWER - LASKER Moscow, 1940 Petersburg, 1909 Cron.Gepr - Borsnnnnk ‘Taprakopep - Jlackep 1.2 Judge the position. Ouensre nosiunto. 1.2. Judge the position. Oueuwre nosnnuto, 48 588. SMYSLOV - TRIFUNOVIC Zagreb, 1955 Cabicaos - TpubynoBns 590. ORTEGA -KORCHNO! Habana, 1963 Oprera - Kopunott 589. WILLEMZE - MIKHALEVSKI Dieren, 1998 Bunnemse - Muxanesckni 1...2 Plan for Black. Tau 3a vepaeix.. 591. KERES - FINE Ostend, 1937 Kepec - bain ] Smss=3 aASgasa aagEo wt aia Se S “2-5 sa 3 & aol As 7s ae 2 fea 9° 48 ZRE ogg seam BRS ase 5 a SOS 52 stcgtca ie «5 io Qo $3 gis g2is22 3849 5S g@eeo = §°2 2° ag 2 agen 6 GB ~azezr-is 3 2 gels 9 2G) 285 3S eeu ea : . os g Z & Psaeses Ze 2 203 Soe Be Sse B26 ese BGS S72 Se 1 oe wie g6 %2: “33 Ziz ass ee e* a ¢t 4 = 596. SMYSLOV - BOTVINNIK Hague/Moscow, 1948 Cwbicaoa - BoTBunink 598. BOTVINNIK - KERES Moscow, 1952 Boraunuuk - Kepec 597. EUWE - RESHEVSKY Amsterdam, 1938 ‘Siipe - Pewescxnii 1.2? Plan for White. Tran 3a Gesix, 599, LISSIZYN - BOTVINNIK Leningrad, 1932 Jiucnumn - BoTBHHHK 1.2 Plan for Black. Fan 3a sepubix. 51 1...2. Judge the position. Ouensre nosmumio. 600. BOTVINNIK - CHEKHOVER Leningrad, 1938 Borauniiik - Yexonep 602. PIKET - KOGAN Antwerpen, 1998 Tuer - Korat 1...2 Judge the position. Ouenwre noauumio. 601. | TIMMAN- KASPAROV Prague, 1998 ‘Taman - Kacnapor 1.d4 d52 ¢4 06 3.D13 Dl6 4.c3 de 5.€3 bs 6.04 b47. Dbl Lab 8.We2 b3 9.Wall 06 10.22 SIN 11.0-0 Dc6 12.De5 He8 13.223 ed 14.Dact 1.2 Pian for White. Tan 3a Gesmtix. 603. | ZAKHAREVICH - GULIEV Petersburg, 1997 3axapeany - Tyanes 14...? Plan for Black. Tan 3a veprpix. 606. ENEVOLDSEN - NIMZOVICH Copenhagen, 1933 ‘Suesonbacen - Humuosns N \ \ eo Nyy NX GN Baa aS) WAS ve \ 1,2 Plan for White. Mau 3a Geawix, Moscow, 1953 Papntickné - Bpowurretn RAVINSKY - BRONSTEIN 607. a 33 NIDLSNIG.NE z zg. egé i i Bas : aye : ie, Z82 i a an i a =m Ss : a aL é sk & ay : seP g BE Zé = Box s z 4 & é a a : ° gz : a we 8 g ey os . Bes 222 iH agh 5 i . eis el of iH aT 533 ge 7 a 7 See Bee He aig i zl z5e is | Zea . 326 ges . £23 ; gee 3g se & sf a 66 S 6. THE LIMITATION OF OPPONENT FORCES AND ACTIVATING YOUR OWN PIECES Or PaHHYeHHe CHI NPOTHBHHKa WH aKTHBH3alnA coOcTBeHHEIX (buryp Ditwe - Pewreacknii EUWE - RESHEVSKY Hague/Moscow, 1948 657. WINTER - CAPABLANCA Hastings, 1919 Bunrep - KanaGnanxe 656. 67 658. KARPOV - LAUTIER Brel, 1992 Kapnon - Jloree 660. SPASSKY - FISCHER Reykjavik, 1972 Cnacexisi - amep 1.2. Plan for White. Maa 3a Geax. 659. BAREEV - KASPAROV Tilburg, 1991 Bapees - Kacnapon 1.4 D6 2.04 g6 3.Dc3 Lg7 4.04 dé 5.Le2 0-0 6.Af3 e5 7.d5 a5 8.23 Dg 9.Le5 6 10.2h4 Da6! 11d? hS! 12.03 Ld7 13.n3? 03.0-0 A 43....0cs7 14.b4] 13. Dho 14.Xbt Dest [14 .c6!? 15.0-0 5] 15.b4 [15.03] 15. ab 16.ab Dad 17.2?! Dc3 18 We3 25 19. 2g3 1.2 Judge 1...2h2, Ouenutre 1..2h2. 661. EUWE - AVERBAKH Zurich, 1953 tine - Anep6ax 1.44 D6 2.04 06 3.Dc3 Lbs 4.€3 0-0 5 2d3 d5 6.213 c5 7.0-0 Ac6 8.23 2c3 b6 ed 11.2d2 Be6 12.2b2 c4 13 Le2 bs 14.13 a5 15. Her Wo 16.2N1 ba 17.2 19...2 Plan for Black. ILiaw 3a 4epupix. 662. PIKET - TIMMAN Amsterdam, 1996 Taker - Tamar 663. ANAND - LAUTIER Biel, 1997 Awana - Jlorse Led d5 2.ed Wa5 3.Dc3 Was 4.04 Dt 5.003 6 6. ed BIS 7.DeS 6 8.94 Lg6 9.h4 Dbd7 10.347 @d7 1n5 ed 12.Kn3 Ber [12 ..2d5 13.243 0-0-0 14.242 Woe 15.Ads ed 16.c3 Wb2 17.H 13 6 18. Ebi Was 19 c425] 13 He3 Db 14.203 Dds 664, YATES - CAPABLANCA Moscow, 1925 Eiire - Kana6nanxa 1...? Plan for Black, Miaw 3a vepupix. 665. KARPOV - LEKO Tilburg, 1996 Kapnos - Sexo 1.d4 D6 2.04 g6 3.Dc3 d5 4.2013 2g7 5.43 de 6.Wed 0-0 7.04 a6 85 Dfd7 9.Le3 Dds 10.We5 10....206 11 DgS 25 12, Le2 Hhs H. OTTEN T Orren, 1892 667. BALASHOV - GULKO Moscow. 1976 Basauos - ynnKo 1.d4 Df 2.c4 g6 3.Dc3 d5 DdS $.04 De3 6 be Bp7 7 Lcd O-0 8.De2 Wd7 90-0 b6 10 eS [White gives up the point dS but limits the Bishop 27 Bense yerynaior nyuxt d5, Ho orpanHunsaior cnona g7] 10....2b7 11D 6 12.Wep4 c5 13,23 Deb 14, Hadi cd Ktas 668. H. RINCK T Punk, 1935 97/8, V1, Ay fl Ui, 669, SMYSLOV - ALATORTSEV Moscow, 1946, Cuucaos - Anaropues 16.2 Plan for White. Maan 3a Gesbix. 670. ALEKHIN - BREYER Manheim, 1914 Anexwut - Bpeiep 672. KARPOV - SMYSLOV Moscow, 1972 Kapnos - Cuuscnos 1,2 Plan for White. Iran 3a Genbix. 671. ENGLISH - STEINITZ London, 1883 Ouranus - Creanwut 673. LARSEN - NIELSEN Danmark,1953 Jlapcen - Hunncen 1...2 Plan for Black, Ivan 3a 4epubix.. 71 674. GELLER - MECKING Palma de Mallorca, 1970 Tennep - Mexnur 676. SPASSKY - GELLER Riga, 1965 Cnacexnit - Pennep 1.2? Plan for White, Tian 3a Gesbix. 675. FURMAN - POLUGAEVSKY Moscow, 1969 @ypman - Mexnur 1.2 Plan for White. ILiaw 3a Gestpix. 677. GELLER - MIKHALCHISHIN Thiisi, 1978 Teanep - Muxansanurait 1.2 Plan for White. ILaau 3a Gestbix. 72 é . 5 z z zag 5 ES? : a7 8 i g Bae i ee cal d a3 238 i EF Bee p au oS : : a * Z ue 3 2 s ; 2 g 3 . z g = eS z a > zai 35 za] a 3 ze er ost 2a ae 4: Ze: a gas 23) g* a! = Z ° x Ff z 678. 679. B 2 z Be: | : Eos ; z— = Ze TES te) 38: ie 3s a gee 3 li S38 eu 7 Be é bse : Sos : 583 g 5 8 : : 7 z c S : e g : = ¥ : ¥ : s on _ ¢ : = Z£ i 6 3 i | coe : ZZ i j Eyl = = = : a i Boe : sf é 258 i Zé i F : e 2 3 a a 2 ze a: 3 ese i k 3 Ese : S P z° = g “ : = ° g : g : *: z a 3 : % 74 686. MAROCZY - VIDMAR Jugostavia, 1923, Mapoust - Buamap 688. MARIN - RAUSIS. Andorra, 1994 (Vartation) Mapu - Paycnc 2 687. TAL - FISCHER Bled, 1959 Tan - Omwep 689. VILLENEUVE - ESCLAPON OK. Bunbues-Icxnanon, 1923 1? Judge the position. Ouenire nosnunt. 690. KAN - BOTVINNIK Moscow, 1935 Kan - Borpwnnnk 692, RADZINSKY - ALEKHIN Paris, 1913 Pagsmuckuit - Anexnn 691. CHEREMISIN - BEREZIN Moscow, 1953 Yepemitenn - Bepesnn 1? Judge 1. 217. Ouennre 1. 217. 693. EUWE - R. RETI Amsterdam, 1920 Oiige - Pern ZAGREBELNY - GALKIN Moscow, 1998 BarpeSenbunif - Pankun 696. R. RETI- EUWE Amsterdam, 1920 Pern - Sipe F. SIMKHOVICH ® Cumxosny, 1926 a N N \ \ \ NY \ \ < . o 8 2 @e 8 eg 238 a7 3 2-8 3 so 22: "Sa 7 os 2& % & 383 S28 ] 2. Xb8 [2.ef €3! 3.fe Bc3 4.8c3 We3; Bh3] 2... 2h3 3.818 Ws 4.ef Ws! 5.De2 bi [0:1] 493. Black's King is without a pawn defence. White sacrifices the exchange to open the main diagonal. CH Yepxpiit Koponb 6e3 newieyHoti 3alluTbl. Tlostomy Genie *xepTByIOT Ka4ecTBO, OTKpbIBaa rlaBHyto, Auaronanb. 1.Ed6! 2d6 2.Wad6 Ebi 3.Gh2 Bh7 4.843 Bb7 5.2d4 WE7 6.e5 Dgé 7.06! We7 8. Wes! Sho 9.Ag6 Sgo 10.Wes Sho 11.5 We8 12.h4 Wey8 13.7 Xb 14. Le5! 1:0 494, One of the ways of playing in positions with two Bishops is to exchange one Bishop if it's possible to obtain a positional advantage. Ogun u3 cnoco6os pa3nirpprBanna NOSHUMi C ABYMA COHAMH COCTOHT B TOM, 4TO OQMH H3 CIOHOB Pa3MeHHBaeTCA B TOT MOMeHT, Koraa MOKHO TOY4HTh — MO3HUHOHHOe npeumyuecTBo. 1.8b3! [White exchanges the Bishop on d4 and obtains the best position with the bad Black's Bishop. Beare pa3MeHHBaloT YepHONOMbHOFO CNOHa MH Momy4aloT NO3MLHIO C TIOXHM COHOM y uépupix] Dc5 2.8c5 He5 3.4b7 Was 4.Wb4 Hec8 5.Was Has 6. He3 He8 7.3 g6 8. Kec? Ks 9.c3 a6 10,247 £5 11. Lbe7 Eps 12.492 Bas 13.a4+—O [1:0] 495. 1. &c6! [The aim of this exchange is to obtain the active b2 - Bishop against the passive c6-Bishop (after f2-f3) and to organize an attack. ljenb sToro pa3sMeHa - MosyYHTD akTHBHOro) §=«cnoHa =b2_~—s npoTuB maccHBHOrO §=YepHorO) 6COHa c6 (nocne f2-f3 ero akTHBHOCTb orpaHH4yHBaertca) WM OpraHv30BaTb ataky Ha YepHoro Kopona.] 1... Bc6 2.3 a6 3.Ac3 £5 4.0-0 We 5.Wa3 Htd8 6.45 Af7 7.04 ed Bd7 9.2b2 Des 10.Wer 4 11.Dd1 b5 12.02 4 [12...Wdo 13.fe1 Bcd 14.Ehc4 be 15.We4+] 13.ab ab 14.Wa2 Hac8 15.H fel! Ke8 16.8c3 He7 17.$h1 Hb7 18.Ha2 h5 19. Real b4 20.2b4 Whe 21.2c3 We3 118 22.0d1 Wa2 23.Ra2+- Da3 24,.2d4 Hebs 25.Dc3 Hb3 26.n4 Xsb7 27. Ha8 [1:0] 496. 1...c5! 2D b6 3.De5 Wes 4.3 Ba6 5.Hfel 6! [Black's plan is to limit the Knight. [aan 4eCPHbIX - OTTCCHHTb 6enoro KOHA, npespaTHB ero” —-B_SOMaCCHBHY!O urypy] 6.Dg4 5! 7.212 WH7 8.65 g5 9.Had1 2b7 10.!%g3 Eds 11, Has Was 12. a1 Wes 13, We7 2d5 14.b3 He8 15.c4 217 16.21 He2 17.01 We2 18.Wg3 War 19.Y%b8 Sh7 20.43 Ag6 21.h4 g4 22.Dd3 Yb3 23.Me7 Wad [0:1] 497, White's threat is c3-c4 limiting the c6-Bishop. So...Yrpo3a 6enbix - c3- c4, orpaHuuupaa = cnoHa 6. Tlostomy... 1...c4! Ba4 3.284 Abo 4.$h1 [4.02 Bc2 5.Be2 3) 4....8e2 5.Db2 £3! 6.Dd2 Bas 7.0 DB 8.2 Qc3 9.Dd1 £44 10.202 10...a5 11.492 a4 12.02 2b3! 13.a3 Bc5 14.44 ed 15.Ad3 Ba3 16.e5 2b2!0:1 498. 1.Wh7! Gh7 2. Xh1 [1:0] 499. 1... a8! [0:1] 500. 1.21 Wad 2. est 501. 1.,.e5! 2. 8e5 Hdd2 [Rooks on the seventh rank is very important advantage. Jlaqbu Ha mpeano- cneqHeH = rOpH30HTaH = - O4eHb BaxHoe aoctwxenne] 3.4b7 (3. Bf We3!] 3... 4.24 West 5.263 Kha! 6 Wr Hhg2! 7.We2 Hig2 8.g2 Wes 9. Hadi hS 10.Hd4 Wgs 11.8h2 a5 12.He2 ab 13.ab 2e7 14.Ked 2f6 15.012 Was 16. e8 Gh7 [0:1] 119 502. LAG Sf8 [1...6h8? 2.Bhn7#] 2.Dh7 Se8 3.Dt6 St8 4.Dh7= 503. 1.6h7 Sg8 2.Hfg7 Ses 3.Ha7 [A4. Bh8#] 3....98 4.de7 Ses 5.Bc7 Sg8 6.iicg7 8 7.0b7 Sg8 8. bg? S18 9.Ha7 al 10. ins# 504. 1.Raitt— Bg6l1..e4 2.13 (2.&f1)] 2.Bdd7 [xh74] 2.... Ret 3.g2 £3 4.2h3 [1:0] 505. 1. Ha7!!+— de e4 3,0d4 Dds 4. eal [1:0] 506. 1.847! [1.Bas Was! (1...Ad8 2.Ha7 &e8 3.Hf7 At? 4. Wes a7 5.7 Sc8 6. Wes Bc7 7.We4 2c600) 2,.Rd8 Has 3.De4 Hal 4.8f1 @d4ce0] 1....Hd7 2.Ha7 Se8 3.H17 De7 4. Hfo! ef [4...Wes 5.We7 Sd7 6.2h3!>] 5.17 Sd8 6.De6 Sd7 7.5 Sd6 8.b4!+— Wes 9.6 bc7 10.Wes Sb6 11.0d7! Seo (11... Wd7 12. Wes#] 12.!4es Sd7 13..2h3 [Gipslis} [1:0] 507. 1.Re7+— Aes [1...Wos 2. Wes (2...018 3.H67 Wes 4.218 We 5. Wre Sf 6.ids be7 7.4h8; 2...f5 3.ef 05 4.7 SP 5.Ag5!) 3.Hdd7 Ac6 (3...2d5 4.897 28 5.Bg7 27 6.¢7 Shs 7.8406) 4.247] 2.kda7 Bas [2...¥b5 3.!Ya3! Yo (3... Hes 4.M4e7!) 4.h2 Bg7 (4... Hes 5.We7!; 4..8d5 5.Wee: rs 6.Hd8#) S.hg g7 6.Ags Wes (6... 2h6 7.84h3 gs 8.We3 Bhs 9.24 Se4 10.Bd4) 7.Hf7 Bez 8.67 We7 9.4\f7] 3.Bd5 ed 4.€6 f6 [4...Wa6 5.ef Re7 6. t7 Se7 7.Dgs Sys 8.Wes Wes 9. Wes] [b)4...!%b1 5.h2 Wed 6.e7] 5.e7 [5....@e7 6.He7 Wbs 7.Wes 6 8.47] [1:0] [Psakhis} 508. 1.Bbi! fe 2.Wes Acs 3.Whs! a7 B...26 4.Wes Hes 5.2b7 Dod7 6. WYe3 Db7 7.Ye6 We7 g.Wds Ate 9.6 = a7 10.AeS+—] 4,De5 Sc8 5.285 26 6.Wh4 Wes 7.216 Egs 8.c4 Dbd7 9.Eb7! Ate 10.!t6 4b7 &c7 12.Ke1 Hbs 13.243 Hibs 14.24 Has 15.Wa4 Wad 16.Ac5 Wadd 17.De6 Sb7 18.Ad4 do 19.Kb1 Sc7 20.1 &b7 21.b1 &e7 22,Db57! [22.Ae6+—] 22....4d7 23. 28h3 Se7 24.004 Sf6 25.c4 Tad 26.Edl g5? 27.Hd2 Kes 28.005 Be529.An6 [1:0] 509. 1.W%b7!! 2b? 2.Ebb7 Hd7 [2...Bde8 3.Hec7 &d8 4.825] 120 3.Lled7 Wes 4.Hde7 Sas 5.017 [1:0] 510. 1ya7i4+— —(1.Yad a2! A 2.87 Ba7 3.Wa7 Wa3 4.2c7 Hes 5.He8 (5.He5? Wal) 5....48!] 1....8a7 2.Ba7 Bas (2...Wa2 3.Hec7? Ags (3...4a3 4.He7 Shs 5.Hh7 Ses 6. Hcg7 Sf 7.826) 4.Dc8 Wa3 5.Af6 Hh8 6.Dh4] 3.He7 Be2 (3... Wa2 4.Bcc7 Wa3 5.87 Sh8 6.27 dps 7. Hheg7 Ss 8.Ha7 des 9.Ehg7 @h8 10.0c5 Kdo (10...Wal 11.h2 Wes 12.47 4.De5 War 5.Eec7 Hg8 6.De8 [1:0] Je. Piket 511. 24.Becm! De2 25.hf1 Baas 26.817 28 27.e2 Habs 28.Hbs Eps 29.86: Bes 30.2 g6 h7 31.26 a5 32.65 ef 33.f4 Has 34.6 a4 35.817 g8? 36.Ha7!+— Haz 37.2a7 Bad 38.2d4 Bcl 39.6 Sf7 40.643 a3 41.42 Bf4 42.h3 h5 43.4b3 Bel 44.25 Bb2 45.06 Sf6 46. La3 Les [1:0] 512. 1... a2 2.Wc5 Wg? [0:1] 513. 9.4 asi! d8 10.285 [1:0] 514. 1.Yeat bi 2.4%b1 Kei 3.4b7 e4 4.We4 Bp? 5.\/b1 Kei 6.4b7 Bez 7. Wes dgi 8.Wel# 515. 23....g3!! [24.he De2#; 24.f¢ De2 25.Hh1 Hfl#; 24.423 De2 25.Gh! Dg3—+][0:1] 516. 1... gl 2.25 h5 3.¢4 h4!1:0 517. 1...£6 2.44 We2 3.93 £5 4.84 05! Wd2# 518. 1...W 2. 2¢1 W131 3.2 QF 519 1.Wa1 Sh7 2.Yb1 Shs 3.Yb2 Bh7 4.2 Sas 5.3 Sh7 6.Ya3 Sas 7.Yh3! Lh7 8.43 g8 9.48! 17 10. 2c5! +- 520. 1..Yb1 2.8cl [2.4d2 Ye2#] 2....Het 3.Wel B.8e1 Wel#; 3.82 WYe2 4.81 Wel#] 3.... Wert 521. 1.Yas bs 2.4b6 Ha8 3.2b5 Wb7 4.Yas Wns 5.\Yas YWb7 6.Wa2 Bad [6...b8 7.8 Wes 8.3! bas 9.Ya3 8 10.Wa7#]7.Wad Shs 8.14 bas 9.48 Ys 10.463 Yb7 11.Ya3 121 Svs 12.418 Wes 13.4 as 14.Wa4 bb8 15. Wa7# 522. At the moment the Queens are passive. White brings his Queen to the a3-square for threats along the a3-f8 diagonal and a-file. B qaHHbiii Moment 06a dep3a naccHBHBl. Beatie nepesogat cpoero Ha a3, roe OH CO3faeT yrpo3bl NO WHaroHaih a3-f8 4 BeprukamH "a" 1.%4b2! 0-0 2.Wa3 Htd8 [2...bc? 3.Bbi+] 3.cb cb 4.Ma6! [AS. Bd5] 4.,..M9nS [4...h4 5.24 Ye 6.ab We2 7.2d5!] 5.8d5! ed 6.Hg7! g7 [6...2h8 7.6 Wd 8. Heit] 7.Wre bg8 8.Hg1 Wes [8...\We6 9.96 hg 10.We6 vhs 11.W 6 Sg8 12.c6 Bc6 13. Ae 14.46 Shs 1507 Hees 16.4 f5+—] 9.Eg4 fg 10.5 Radc8 (10... 8:2 11.Wegs &f7 12.We4!+] 11.e6 2c6 12.W17 Hh8 13.16 Hgs 14.47 Hac8 15.Wes! d4 16.4g1 2d5 17.17 Hg7 18.5 [1:0] 523. All White pieces are centralized and the Queen is on the main diagonal. Black's Knight on a5. is bad. So White sacrifices one Rook for the active black Bishop. Bce 6enbie ourypi! weHTpanuzopannt, dep3b BlaneeT riaBHoH mHaroHaibio. VY YepHBIX BbIKTIONCH H3 HIpb! KOHb a5, mosTomy Gembie 2xepTBy!oT JlaQblO 3a aKTHBHOTO C/IOHa h3 uw aTaKYIOT Ha KOposIeBcKOM dplaHre. 1.Hc3!! Sf 2.4f Age 3.Qg4! D4 4. EH f41 [The second sacrifice! It's possible as Black plays without the a5 - Knight. Bropaa »%eprsa! Sto BO3MOX%KHO, TaK Kak 4YepHbie urpaiot 6e3 Kona a5] 4....Ef4 5.206 B17 6.De4 Wh4 [6...aa7 7.65 We 8.Wf6] 7.Dd6 Wes [7...Mel 8.22 We3 9.267 dfs 10.Whs be? 11.65 ET 12.e7+—-] 8.h1 Haa7 9.817 ar 10.Wh8! [1:0] 524, White has space advantage and attacks with heavy pieces along the c-file. Y 6eabix npoctpancrBeHHoe TIpevMyulecTBO H OHH aTakyioT THKEILIMH (HTYpaMy 110 JIMHHH "Cc", 1.Qfel Hfes 2.He2+- Wes (2...Dd8 3.Hact Hc2 4.Bc2 Bes 5.Bc8 Ac8 6.Mc3+-] 3.Hacl Habs 4.We3 He7 5.3! Wd7 122 6.Hic2 8 7.Wel Abc8 8.2a4! bs 9.2b5 Se8 10.2a4 Yds 11.h4! h5O 12. Hh? g6 13.83 [1:0] 525. 1... Hd7! (Tarrasch: "Black creates a powerful attack along the d-file sacrificing the a-pawn. Now White is defenceless.". Tappaw: "Yepupie CO3Mal0T MOUIHY!O aTaky 110 HHHK d, okeptsya meuky "a". Tenepp Genie Ges3aunruel."] 2.We6 Hads 3.Wa6 Hao 4.We2 Shs 5.We3 25! 6.Wel £6 7.012 c6 8.03 Whs 9.Dg2 Hd3 10.Xgti We7! [to Q- side. K cepsesomy daanry] 11.b4 Wa7 12.Wei Was 13.We2 Wed 14,Bel He3 15,We3 We3 [0:1] 526. 1... He6!F [A2...2h6—] 2.Had1 Hino 3.23 W13 4. Rd3 Whs 5.4 g5 6. Bd6? (6. F]6....2h3!-+ 527. Thanks to f5-pawn White has a space advantage on the K-side. His plan is the preparation of the break - through g4-g5 (after g2-24, We3, h2-h4). Bnaronapa neue f5 Geabie HMeloT mpeHMyulecTBO B Mpo- CTpaHcTBe Ha KOposeBCKOM (laure. Tlian 6emprx - nogroToBKa npopbisa g4-g5 (nocne g2-24, We3, h2-h4). 24....06 [xd5] 25....c6 26.a4! [Blocking the Q-flank of Black. Baoxupya depsessiii danr uepuix] 26....618 27.8d1 Bec8 28.b3 e7 (28... g5 29.16!) 29.3 Sd7 30.h4 Sc7 31.Sf1 Sb7 32.4e2 H8c7 33.02 Was 34.94 f6 35. Hg2 Hc8 36. hg3 Wd7 37.43 Wr? 38. Bhi |= Ens 39.Hhh3 Eec8 40.g5! [40.Wa6 Ehd8=] 40....hg 41.hg We7 42.405 Sa7 43.Ha3 Bn? [43...fg! 44.2 Keres] 44.23 fg 45.8h7 [A46.Bh7] 45....We7 46.863 Hes 47.bg4 Re7 48.b4! [>da7] 48....ab 49.a5 Wb7 50.ab Sb6 51.4Yd6 a7 52.We5 b3 53.Hb3! Ete 54.Wa4 po 55.23 [1:0] 528. Thanks to the centralized Queen and two Bishops Black has a great advantage. It's necessary to find a break-through. -Bnarogapa UeHTpaW30BaHHOMy cpep3io WH AByM cnOHaM YepHbIe wMeloT Gosbui0e MpeHMyllecTBO B npoctpauctse. Heo6xoqumo HaliTH npopurs. 1...h5? 2.g3 h4= 123 D.Bronstein:1...b4!!_ 2.ab a3 203+; 2.cb c3!-+ 529. The position is preferable for Black because White's Q-side pawns are advanced and so weak and the pawn on e4 is attacked. To3nuna TIpeMIOUTHTEebHEE JIA YEPHBIX, Tak kak Oenble nelkH (ep3esoro cbaaHra BbIABHHYTbI HW -NOITOMY cia6bie, a memka e4 tTpebyer 3alHTbl. 1...b5! 2.cb [2.Wd3 Wal 3.h2 Wa2 4.c5 de Hd7 6.We3 Wd2 7. Wes &b7F] 2....abF [Now Black has the possibility of advancing either his QB-pawn or his Q-pawn at a suitable moment. Tenepb 4epHpie HMCIOT BO3MO2#KHOCTb JIBHHYTb Bepex memky "c" nin "d", co3aBaa mpoxosnyio.} 3.g3 gS! 4.822 Hes 5.Wai fo: 6. Yb3 [6.24 ba 7.Wad &b7 8.ia3 Wed 9.8g1 Wd4 10.Wa6 c7 11.Ya7 WaT 12.Ha7 Sbo-+] 6.... Wee 7.41 Ens! 8.24 Wed? [It was necessary to play 8...Ha8 and the game is won for Black. Heo6xoaHmMo Guo urpate 8... a8. ny vepHix BbIMrpaHHas no3HuHa.] 530. (71, xf2, xh3, xg2, xh2] 1...Wh4t— [2.6g2 Bg4!] 2.22! 3.6h2 Wh3 4.S¢1 Wed 5.h1 [5.Gh2 Hes]5.... Ws 6.Hh2 [6.4¢1 Bh3]6.... Hes 0:1 531. [2bn6] 1.Dg5! Hed [295] 2. Eta! De8 [2...Ah5 3.2h5 Bhs 4We7 Bhs 5s. Hes 265 6. Dra#; 2... 98 3.Hbfl Dea (3...R 96 4.42) 4.Be4 Wea 5, Wro#] 3. Bhat: We (3...h4 4. a2 Ye 5.23 @h3 6.Whe Whe 7.0f2#] 4.Wd2 Sg6 5. Who# W.Arencibia 532. bhi] 1...ABn A36... Be2 37. Bc2 ANF [1...0B 2.Be4 Bg?! 3.Dg2 Bri#) [0:1] 533. 1.Qh6! BeS 2.87! Bh2 3.c4 be 4.e5! Be5 6 HKhs 72n8 a7 8.hgs: eo 9,Sg7+— 534. 1.8 a7 2.5 Sas 3.Wes! He8 4.c6 06 5.03 e5 6.e4 Ha8 7. $a8 Se7 8.Hb8 Sd6 9.b7+— 535. 1.28 Hh7 2.Hhn2 go 3.Hg2 St 4.8 Sg8 5.Ae7 S17 6.Dc6 S18 7.16 Se8 8.he6 S18 9.d7+- 536. 1.8 Wa7 2.2.04 WYb8 [2...Wa4 3.b8Y Be7 4.We7 es 5.8 Se7 6. Seo 7.7 bdo (7...8e5 8.7) 8. Wd74+~-] 3.25 £5 4.427 4 5.f6 13 6. 22+— 124 537. 1.43! cb 2.61 We8 (2... Wes 3.Dh6] 3.8c5 d6 4.404 eB 5.£7+— 538. 1.2.56! Wb6 2.c5 Wb8 3.b6 Bc8 4.Se4 h4 5.25 h5 6.he4 Sas 7.07 Yc7 Sc7 9.Sd5+— 539. 1.27! (78, 278] 1....2 2.8e7 nw 3.2f6 We 4.ghY1 Wns §.d4+— [2WYn8] 540. 1...8e7! 2. Het West 541. 1...Sa8!= [1..0-07 —] 2.WYe2 Bad 3.He2 Abs 4.48 He8 5.81 Timman: 5....0d3 6.Wd3 BeT= 542. 1...f7! [Black brings his King to the Q-flank. Cnacascp oT MeweuHoro LWTypMa GenbIx, YepHble fMepesogaT cpoero Kkopona Ha cbepsespii — bnanr.] 2.813 de7 3.A0N d8 4.Bh3 Kh 5.4 be7 6.Dgs Sb8 7.412 Dc7 8.Wa2 Red8 9.Bg1 We7 10.202? Bc8 11.Afl Bd7 12.Dd2 g5! [Blocking the K-side Black can begin a counter - attack on the Q-side. Bnokupya kopoesckHit dblanr, yepHbie MoryT HayaTb KOHTpaTaky Ha (pep3eBom. | 543. 1.8h2 bS 2.3 a5 3.h4 g6 4.23 [4.fg Wes#] 4....We2 5.223 Wr 6.fe Wa 7.Be4 Wn 8.2h5 1:0 2.The PAWNS Tewku 544. 1.c5! [To create a passed pawn in the centre. Uro6bt co3qaTb MpoxOAHYy!W B uentpe] L....ed [ 2.0c4 A3.Qb6, A3.d6] _ 2.ed! de [2..Ded5 3.Ads Dds 4.De4 ABb7 5.84d5!] 3.Ade4t Bg7 4. 2b5 Wb7 Anand: 5.d6! DFS 6.47 Dd4 7.d84+— [1:0] 545. White has two good Bishops and the strong passed pawn in the centre. His plan is clear: to advance d-pawn. White's King is weakened a little but this factor is not sufficient compensation for Black. Y 6enbix Ba XOPOUMX CHOHa H CH/IbHad ueHTpanbHaa mpoxoaHad. Mx mak aceH - JBHraTb feulky "d". Hexotopoe ocma6nenue 6enoro KOpoA He ABIACTCA ANA 4épHbIx AocTaTOuHOH KOoMNeHCayHeli -1,2f1+ Whs 2.We2! Yg6 3.8.82 Lac8 4.d6! Dc5 5,25 Kes 6.47 Has [6...8? 7.8b8) 7.Has Das 8.West Dc3 9.We6 hg 10.807! De2 11M Drs 12. 2.d5! [1:0] 125

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