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Health Promotion and Community Organizing Module Outline

I. Background and Rationale

II. What is Health Promotion
III. What is Community Organizing
IV. Program Design
a. Goal
b. Program Objectives
c. Logical Framework
V. Program Theory
a. Program Theory for Community Organizing
b. Program Theory for Health Promotion
c. Theory of Change
VI. Program Strategy
a. Connect with the Community
b. Creating Community Groups
c. Capacitate Leaders
d. Commission the organized group
VII. Connect with the Community
a. Planning Guidelines
b. Implementing Guidelines
c. Monitoring and Evaluation
VIII. Creating Community Groups
a. Planning Guidelines
b. Implementing Guidelines
c. Monitoring and Evaluation
IX. Capacitating Leaders
a. Planning Guidelines
b. Implementing Guidelines
c. Monitoring and Evaluation
X. Commissioning the Organized Group
a. Planning Guidelines
b. Implementing Guidelines
c. Monitoring and Evaluation

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