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A. EASTON w R E N:::

while computers are not necessarily which can have great potential in extending
labour-saving devices in geology, they can an individual’s thought processes ~ Har-
be regarded as “intelligence amplifiers” baugh and Merriam, 1968”.

the recognition, isolation and measurement

of trends that can be represented by lines,
Earth scientists have always been in- surfaces or “hypersurfaces”. It should be
terested in the description and analysis of emphasized however, that trend analysis as
surfaces, particularly those which serve to practiced by geologists constitutes only a
describe mapped data. The methods used segment of the larger statistical field of re-
in this context fall into two categories, writ- gression analysis. In this context, many
ten descriptions (using terms such as dip, types of functions other than integer power
strike, plunge, isoclinal folding, attitude of series have been used in regression and
axial plane, iaiiation etc.1 and mathematical could probably be used with advantage in
approximations. To overcome the inade- geology. Trend analysis is noxv commonly
quacies of verbal descriptions, earth scient- referred to as a mathematical method of
ists have turned to the more consistent and analyzing data in map form. The technique
objective techniques of numerical approxi- is designed to separate an observed contour
mation. The transition to the mathematical map surface into two components: the
approach was essentially synchronous with REGIONAL component expresses the large
the advent of fairly sophisticated computer scale effects or trend influencing the en-
Programs which made practical the high- tire map area; the RESIDUAL component
speed computation of large matrices and is the difference between the observed and
the generation of complex functions. regional values and expresses local effects
It is the purpose of this paper to des- or anomalies which influence only parts of
cribe, in some detail, the technique of trend the map area. It must be stressed that the
surface analysis, its advantages and limita- terms REGIONAL and RESIDUAL are
tions, together with a reference to more arbitrary and are used only for convenience
recent developments using Fourier analysis. of interpretation. The technique of “sur-
face-fitting” is often confused with trend
analysis and it may be appropriate at this
TREND SURFACE AXALYSIS Point to emphasize the differences between
Since 1955, a vast literature on the ap- them. Trend surface analysis is an analy-
plication of mathematical surfaces to the in- tical technique designed to separate ob-
terpretation of data in the geological served data into regional and residual cum-
sciences has appeared. Their main use has ponents. The regional component is ob-
been to simplify and analyze data so that tained by fitting a low order surface to the
“trends” which were not particularly ob- data using techniques such as least squares.
vious in the data have been revealed, and Hence, one of the basic assumptions in
to employ such trends in correlation and trend analysis is that the regional can be
interpolation. Trend analysis deals with reasonably approximated by a smooth con-

:N.Amoco Canada Petroleum Company Ltd., Calgary, Alberta,

40 A. Earton Wren

tinuous surface, a surface which can be coefficients are denoted by all al, ai,
expressed by a simple mathematical func- a,<-,, a,,, and the polynominal by f(x) then
tion called a polynomial. However, trend
surface analysis cannot decide which low rtxl i sot a,x i a22 . a32 f .&“~l I a”x”.
order surface constitutes the trend. This
decision must be made by the interpreter. The order of a polynomial expression is the
highest degree of the terms making up the
Grant (1957, p. 310) has defined trend as expression. The degree of a term is the
being the polynomial of “best fit” to the sum of the exponents of its variables. For
data and has stated that the success of the example, the function
method depends on the validity of the as-
sumption that any trend in the data can be
adequately described by a low order poly- is of order 3 and the degree of its terms,
nomial. He also stated that with most geo- taken in order, are 3, 3, 2 and zero.
logical data this assumption should rarely
fail. A convenient method of illustrating the
basic concept of fitting polynomials is given
below. Here the discussion is restricted to
THE “SE OF PO~YN”MII\I.S TP; curve~fitting, i.e. the Z-dimensional case in
TREND AN.u.YSlS the x-y plane, and in general terms, y =
We can use Z-variable polynomial trend
analysis (or curve-fitting) where a straight l(a) is the case of a straight line graph,
line or curve is fitted to data points, adher- where y :I ax ~1 b. This is the linear case
ing to least squares criteria. This approach and the order of the function is one.
may be applied in the objective description l(bl is a curve of the form y = a.2 +
of trends in vertical variations in sedimen- bx ~j c. This is the quadratic case and the
tary successions, well logs or profiles such order of the function is 2.
an elevation or potential field values. Trend
analysis involving 3.variable polynomials i; l(c) is a curve of the form y = a.+ or
used in the fitting of surfaces to mapped bxi + cx I d. This is the cubic case and
data, the type of data being of no conseq- the order of the function is 3.
uence. 4.variable polynomial analysis (or
space-fitting, involving “hypersurfnces” can The standard and well~known straight-line
be used in the description of a parameter in relationship, y 7~ RX f b may also be writ-
3-D space; e.g. porosity variations in a rec- ten as f(x) = ax ~:- b since y is a function
tangular block of rock. Here we could i-e- dependent on the value of x. The equation
gard porosity as the dependent variable and may therefore be considered as a profile in
the spatial coordinates of a point within the the x-y plane If the concept is now ex-
block as the independent variables. tended by one dimension into three-dimen-
sional space, then the z-axis is introduced to
Reference has already been made to the represent the value of the dependent var-
mathematical functions known as polyno- iable at any point defined in the (x, y)
mials and indications have been given of plane. There are now 3 planes, the x-y
their usefulness in the field of trend analy- which is horizontal and the x~z and y-z
sis. Grant has stated that “. poly- planes which are both vertical but at right
nomials with their great flexibility and com- angles to each other. We can write the
putational advantages are among the best general equation of these planes as
of mathematical tools for analysing genlo-
gical data.” One of their major advantages LX . BY. ‘2 . u = 0.
is the ease with which they can be adapted
to the computer as an iterative process. WE can now establish a plane which best
represents some set of data having the
A polynomial of order n in the variable value z as a function of x and y. The data
x is a linear combination of the n pi 1 may be described as fix, yi. Since the co-
terms, 1, x, xi, x::, ,.0-I, X”. If the efficients A, B, C, D may be of any alge-
Trend Surface Amlyrir 41

braic sign and value, the equation of any icaa, aI, aZ, ,... 8”) = E; t n; *g + 20
plane may be written as 1 nin,rlv
f(r,yJ ; AXt By * ” cm*. ii ,%“Elj, I.-. -7 ,lr.t ordcI.,
I.e. to nnraj, a; a rnl”lm,rn
This can be extended through the quadratic Thishappms+rn the * de.lvar*“** _e IeTo, ,.e.:
or second order case eivinz

and the general representation is uber. 1 - 0. 1. zr n

f<X,Y>= e. t yx 1 n2i * a312* 1<y2 . n+ . a$ t .7xzy,, q‘9 - 4


mar~far~Pq”#tims (21batme
The foregoing discusion has been limited to
the two-dimensional representation of a sur- m
,f, yx e = 0 . . ..i
face where the three coordinate axes are
used to depict the two independent variables where1 - 0, 1, 2. n
x, y and the dependent variable z or f(x, y). i”b.dl”ll”% ior N*, rha dlffrrlnee bewee”obnriucdy and
It is possible to extend this notation into Thepoly”o~‘al“al”ea Of y’
three-dimensional space where the three
independent variables x, y. z represent posi- 5. -Em0 5 5‘‘1 %
tion and the value of f(x, y. z.1 is to be 4,rrc * _ 1. 2, 3, D1
determined. The general equation of such
a notation is of the form me” ,s, < [cj, *I 4) q _0
f<X.Y,%l- m. . al= . a21I *p t aa12. rn+ + ap + aIyz d “hPrei = 0. 1, 2, ”
a811* eQ22. .,oI3 + L,lj% + .12.% * al& * ~,4xI~+ Equations (6) are known as the normal
‘15rY” t alei-3+ nllY1 / e>*Y”2 I ml/ t equations. All the summations can be
determined so that there is a system of
LEAST SPTTARFSSURFACE OQ BEST FIT: n + 1 linear equations in the n + 1 un-
NORMA,. EQUATIONS knowns ai (i = 0, I, 2 n). Solution of
the n + 1 linear equations yields the co-
A brief review of the method of least efficients ai so that the polynomial
squares is now appropriate. The method of
least squares is a method of curve fitting I = so* -ix L a2.% *““”
suggested early in the 19th Century by the can be determined. The criterion of least
French mathematician, Adrien Legendre. squares demands that
If we have a point distribution on a graph
that do not all fall on a straight line, we
might say that a straight line provides a
Because we are dealing with a regression
reasonably good fit, and the overall pattern
function in which we seek the best &mate
sugggests a linear regression. If we decide
of one variable with respect to another,
that the straight line gives a good approxi~
either y with respect to x or x with respect
mation, we are then faced with determining
to y, it is important to decide on the de-
which linear equation provides the best post
pendent variable.
sible fit; i.e. estimating the regression co-
efficients, a and b, in y = a i bx. We use
the criterion of least squares for deciding STASTICAL MEASURES
the best fitting line. Computed regional
“GooosEss OF FIT”
surfaces satisfying the “least-squares” crib
teria are positioned in such a way that the The computation of the coefficients of a
sum of the squares of the distances of each trend function is only part of trend analy-
control point from the surface is a mini- sis. In addition, it is necessary to compu’te
mum. Only one surface of each degree has meaures of the goodness of fit of the func~
this property; i.e. the optimum representa- tion to the data and to determine if the
tion makes the function, function components are statistically signi-
42 A. Eorton Wren

ficant. One measure is the amount of devia- This is unconxnon, and a perfect fit will
tion of a variable z from its mean value only be obtained if the number of terms in
(71, which is an index of the total variation the fitted function equals the number of
within the entire data set. This is cal. data paints. There is little point in fitting
culated by summing the squares of devin- surfaces of this magnitude to data sets. If
tions from the mean. The simplest expres- the goodness of fit is low, say around 15’1,
sion is to 30%, then most of the variation in the
data is not represented by the function, al-
s - 1 &s - lb.) 2 though the residuals may still be geologi.
where S = total corrected sum of squares tally significant.
of deviations from mean and Other statistical approaches may be ap-
Zmas_ obsruad“due of “l.rlabla z plied as goodness of fit indicators; for ex-
ample, analysis of variance and the setting
~&, - arlrhmericmeanOFaDssw*d“slurs ai z up of confidence levels about fitted lines and
Surfaces. These are not described in this
or, more simply,
paper but are readily accessible in the vast
s - 1 z:,, (~1 ‘d,.) * library of publications on statistics.

hers n - “Mber Of dampa,nrs E”ar.rraTr”K OF TREND AXALYSIS Rssr~:LTs

If we consider S as being comprised of 2
components, viz. S, (that contributed by The first step in trend analysis should be
the trend) and s,, (that contributed the setting up of a geological model and to
by deviations from the trend), i.e. S zaps state the objectives of the analysis. Failure
S, + S,, assuming that least squaws cri- to do this properly is the chief cause ful
teria have been satisfied and that the co- much of the confusion, misconception and
efficients of the trend functions are linear. frequent abuse of trend analysis. The subs
The sum of squares contributed by the sequent evaluation of trend analysis results
trend function S, represents the squared is of equal significance. Any evaluation re-
difference between the predicted (or trend, quire- the acceptance of a particular model,
values of z from the mean value of z, or its rejection. Such decisions form the
basis for all subsequent geological interpre-
tation. For proper evaluation, the inter-
The sum of squares due to deviations is a preter must understand the geological signi-
ficance of the regional model used, of the
reflection of the failure of the trend values
to coincide with observed values. residual anomalies and of the validity of the
npplied mathematical model. The regional
and residual surfaces obtained must be re-
garded in the light of other types of infor-
In assessing the goodness of fit it is cons mation available.
venient to express that part of the total
sums of squares accounted for by the trend
This permits RECENT ,~E:\.ELOP~,ENTS ,pi TREND Aiv-n,,~srs
function as a percentage.
ready comparison of trend functions fitted Over the last few years many well-con.
to different sets of data (Harbnugh and wived methods have been presented to
Merriam, 1968, p. 67). Another’ convenient determine the order of equation necessary
measure is the percent of total sum of to dexribe major elements of a surface.
squarr~s, Despite impressive efforts in trend analysis
,+g there is growing uneasiness as to the ap-
propriate interpretation of “trend”, pnrti-
or equivalently, cularly kvhen surfaces of high order are
generated. For example, it is difficult to
ratinnalize a 5th order residual with geolo-
licnl reality even though it may be mathe-
A value of loo’,; indicates a perfect fit of a matically meaningful. The basic problem
function to the data. with zero deviations. is distinguishing between “trend” and “ran-
Trend Surface Anolyrir 43

dam components”. We can call these two have the advantage of being parametric,
elements “signal” and “noise”. If one i.e. expressable as a mathematical function
wishes lo extract one from the other, one [f (x, y)l as discussed before. Such sur-
must knaw, a priori, the inherent nature of faces “fit” the observed data with varying
either the signal or noise. This a priori in- degrees of accuracy and precision which
sight does not seem to be available for most can and should be assessed statistically.
geological surfaces (Esler and Preston, Since there exists a functionally determin-
1967, p. I). Zurflueh (1967) has outlined abl’e value of z for every x and y point on
sane of the problems inherent in trend the map the calculated surface can serve as
surface analysis techniques and has corn. a device for interpolating between the data
pared the use of polynomials with the ap points but only with the greatest caution
plication of Fourier analysis. Fourier series since the form of the surface is constrained
has recently come into use as an alternative by the algebraic nature of its characterizing
model to the polynomial for trend surface function. Trends and gradients in noisy
analysis. data may be highlighted by the use of lower
order (simple) trend surfaces but this us-
In geology, many processes are oscille
age can create problems of its own. There
tory in nature e.g. folded rocks, dendritic
is a certain paradox involved in fitting noisy
drainage patterns in badlands, varve lam.
data because if the data are noisy a simple
inae in lake sediments and variations in the
polynomial surface will have to be a weak
earth’s magnetic field. Harmonic analysis approximation of it, which automatically in.
can be used to both analyze and synthfsize
flates the likelihod of highlighting meaning-
such phenomena. In its objectives, har- less, accidental trends. Also, the depend-
monic trend analysis is very similar to poly-
ency of surface fit on density and location
nomial trend analysis. One of its objectives
of data points has by knowledgeable authors
is the representation of phenomena by per-
been suggested. (E. C. Dahlberg, personal
iodic functions. A second objective is to
separate periodic oscillations from random
components; i.e. signal from noise. If the
Fourier approach provides a good represent- REFEREIiCES
ation of the data then it is probable that the
variation in the data is due to periodic Esler, J. E. and Preston, F. W., 1967. Fort-
causes. If the representation by Fourier ran I” Program far the GE625 to compute
series is not good, then other functions the power spectrum of geological sur-
such as polynomials or exponentials may faces. Computer Contrib. 16, State Geol.
be more appropriate. Surv. and Univ. of Kansas.
Grant, F. A., 1967. A problem in the analy-
CONCLUSIONS sis of geophysical data. Geophysics, 22,
Subjectively constructed maps and sub- Harbaugh, J. W. and Merriam, D. F., 1968.
jective conclusions about mapped data are Computer Applications in Stratigraphic
common in geology (Whitten, 1963). In Analysis. John Wylie, New York.
many fields such subjective evaluations are
no longer adequate, though objective eve Whitten, E. H., 1963. A reply to Chayes
luation is not always easy. Trend analysis and Suzuki. J. Petrology, 4, 313.316.
is one approach to statistical geology that Zurflueh, E. G., 1967. Applications of two
permits objective evaluation although it may dimensional linear wavelength filtering.
be criticized for having a somewhat sub- Geophysics, 32, 1015-1040.
jective basis. Also it should not be con-
sidered as a geological panacea and it is
important to hold the limitations of this RECOMMENDED READIN”
valid and potentially informative method of Fox, W. T., 1967. Fortran I” Program for
data summary in perspective.
vector trend analysis of directional data.
Trend Surfaces are therefore simplified Computer Contrib. 11, State Geol. Surv.
representations of “actual” surfaces; they and Univ. of Kansas.
44 A. Eaton Wren

James, W. R., 1966. Fortran IV Program non-orthogonal polynomials. Jour. Gee-

for double Fourier series for surface fitting phys. Res., 68, 505.519.
of irregularly spaced data. computer Miller, R. L., 1956. Trend surfaces: their
Contrib. 5, State Geol. Surv. and Univ. of application to analysis and description of
Kansas. environments of sedimentation. J. Geol.,
Krumbein, W. C.. 1956. Regional and local 64, 425446.
components in facies maps. Bull. Am. -, 1963. Comparison analysis of trend
Assoc. Petrol. Geologists, 40, 2163.2194. maps. From Computers in the Mineral
~, 1959. Trend surface analysis of con- Industries, Part Il. Stanford Univ. Pub.
tour-type maps with irregular control- in Geol sciences., 9. 669-684.
point spacing, Jour. Geophys. Res., 64, Oldham, C. H. G. and Sutherland, D. B.,
823.834. 1955. Orthogonal polynomials: their use
Mandelbaum, H., 1963. Statistical and geo- in estimating the regional effect. Geo-
logical implications of trend mapping with physics, 20, 295.306.


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