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Oscillator Options

The main oscillator uses a 10 MHz crystal (Y1) which serves as the controller’s primary oscillator.

A second circuit, using a 32.768 kHz (watch type) crystal (Y2), functions as the Timer1 oscillator, the source for
the Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC) and secondary oscillator.
The PIC18LF2450, the heart of the RS-232 to USB conversion, is independently clocked with its own 12 MHz
crystal (Y3).

The 4x Phase Locked Loop (PLL) can be used with the internal oscillator block to produce faster device clock
speeds than are normally possible with the internal oscillator sources.
When enabled, the PLL produces a clock speed of 16 MHz (4 X 4 MHz) or 32 MHz (4 x 8 MHz).

Unlike HSPLL mode, the PLL is controlled through software. The control bit, PLLEN (OSCTUNE), is used to enable
or disable its operation.
The PLL is available when the device is configured to use the internal oscillator block as its primary clock source
(FOSC = 1001 or 1000).
Additionally, the PLL will only function when the selected output frequency is either 4 MHz or 8 MHz (OSCCON
= 111 or 110).
If both of these conditions are not met, the PLL is disabled and the PLLEN bit remains clear (writes are ignored).

The factory calibrates the internal oscillator block output (INTOSC) for 8 MHz. However, this frequency may
drift as VDD or temperature changes and can affect the controller operation in a variety of ways.

It is possible to adjust the INTOSC frequency by modifying the value in the OSCTUNE register. Depending on the
device, this may have no effect on the INTRC clock source frequency. Tuning the INTOSC source requires
knowing when to make the adjustment, in which direction it should be made and in some cases, how large a
change is needed.


2.1 Oscillator Types

The PIC18F8722 family of devices can be operated in ten different oscillator modes.

The user can program the Configuration bits, FOSC, in Configuration Register 1H to select one of these ten

1. LP Low-Power Crystal (NOT for our development board)

2. XT Crystal/Resonator (NOT for our development board)

3. HS High-Speed Crystal/Resonator (10 MHz for our development board, primary clock)

4. HSPLL High-Speed Crystal/Resonator with PLL enabled:

4 x 10 MHz = 40 MHz for external clock source (primary external clock)

4 x 8 MHz = 32 MHz or 4 x 4 MHz = 16 MHz for internal clock source (internal clock source)

5. RC External Resistor/Capacitor with FOSC/4 output on RA6 (NOT for our development board)

6. RCIO External Resistor/Capacitor with I/O on RA6 (NOT for our development board)

7. INTIO1 Internal Oscillator with FOSC/4 output on RA6 and I/O on RA7

8. INTIO2 Internal Oscillator with I/O on RA6 and RA7

9. EC External Clock with FOSC/4 output

10. ECIO External Clock with I/O on RA6

How to set the system clock for maximum frequency?

This can be done using the external clock source of 10 MHz and using the PLL (Phase Lock Loop) option in order
to multiply by 4 the frequency  Fosc = 4 x 10 MHz = 40 MHz

Step 1: Set CONFIG1H to right values from REGISTER 25-1 (pp. 299)

CONFIG1H = 0x06 = 0b 0000 0110

That means that FOSC<3:0> = 0110

Since CONFIG1H is a configuration register, his value can be modified only from MPLAB IDE, with option “HS
oscillator, PLL enabled (Clock Frequency = 4 x FOSC1)”

Step 2: Configure system clock source as “Primary oscillator”(external)

OSCCON.SCS<1:0> = 00

Page 39: OSCCON = 0x00

OSCTUNE register is used for configuring internal source clock

#include <xc.h>

//#include <delays.h>

#pragma config OSC = HSPLL

extern void Delay1TCYx(unsigned char unit); // x 0.1 microsec (usec)

extern void Delay10TCYx(unsigned char unit); // x microsec (usec)

extern void Delay100TCYx(unsigned char unit); // x 10 microsec

extern void Delay1KTCYx(unsigned char unit); // x 100 microsec

extern void Delay10KTCYx(unsigned char unit); // x milisec (msec)

extern void Delay100KTCYx(unsigned char unit); // x 10 msec

void my_delay_micro_sec(unsigned int unit)

do {


} while(--unit != 0);

void my_delay_mili_sec(unsigned int unit)

do {


} while(--unit != 0);

float time_delay, freq_ratio;

unsigned int microsec, milisec;

void delay_time()

if (milisec > 0)


if (microsec > 0)


void main(){

time_delay = 0.125;

milisec = time_delay*1000;

microsec = (time_delay - milisec*0.001)*1000000;



LATD = 0x00;

TRISD = 0x0;
// configure OSCON for primary clock for XTAL = 10 MHz

OSCCON = 0x00;


if(PORTBbits.RB0 == 0)

{ LATD = 0x01;


for(int i=0; i<=7; i++)





if(PORTAbits.RA5 == 0)

{ LATD = 0x80;


for(int i=0; i<=7; i++)




LATD = 0x00;

Dacă înlocuim instrucţiunea

#pragma config OSC = HSPLL cu #pragma config OSC = HS

Atunci frecvenţa clockului de system va fi de 4 ori mai mica, deoarece efectul PLL de multiplicare cu 4 a
frecvenţei de oscilaţie dispare.

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