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Name:Feliciana Ra’oof Date: 2/8/17 Period: 1

Collaborate with your project group to make a draft of your project proposal.
- For Scientific Projects ONLY: only fill out blue boxes
- For Engineering Projects ONLY: only fill out pink boxes
- For both scientific and Engineering projects: fill out green boxes
Guided STEM Expo Proposal Template (Part 1)
Investigation Question:
Scientific Method:
How does ________________ (Independent variable) affect the ____________________ (dependent variable)?


Engineering Method:
What is the purpose/goal of your project?_______________________________
How can I create/build a __________________________________________

How can hemp be used to produce biodiesell to reduce the amount of co2 being emitted into
the air?

Hypothesis (prediction): Remember a prediction has two parts—what you think will happen
and why you think it will happen.
I predict________________________________________________because ______________________________.

Scientific Method Procedure or Engineering Preliminary Design- Choose the one that applies.

A Step by Step Procedure should Preliminary Design & Prototype should

include: include
Name:Feliciana Ra’oof Date: 2/8/17 Period: 1

•Many Controlled Variables •Criteria & Constraints

•ONE Manipulated Variable •Sketches, drawings, models
•ONE Responding Variable •Multiple prototypes and critique
•MULTIPLE trials or tests •Process of evaluating success

Dependent variable:

Independent variable:

Controlled variables:

Sketches / Drawings / Models of Product:

Name:Feliciana Ra’oof Date: 2/8/17 Period: 1

Criteria and Constraints of design/ project:

Criteria Constraints

Does it power a lawn mower engine How much ethanol I get out from hemp

Getting the materials

Extraction process

● Hemp seeds
● Methanol
● Sodium Methoxide
● Mixer
● Isopropyl Alcohol
● Phenolthaian Solution
● Lye Solution
● Test Tube
● Eye dropper
● Granular Solid Lye

Materials Quantity (unit) Cost Where to buy

Written Procedure:
Name:Feliciana Ra’oof Date: 2/8/17 Period: 1

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