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Testingcheats on


traits.remove_trait trait_OccultAlien
traits.equip_trait trait_OccultAlien

Turn Sim into Vampire

This will trigger the transition naturally and will take a few days to complete

stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160

To immediately turn the sim instead, use:

traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire
Turn Vampire into Mortal

traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire

testingcheats on Enables testing cheats in The Sims 4

kaching Money cheat that gives the family $1000
motherlode Gives the family $50,000 Simoleans
resetsim firstname lastname Resets a stuck Sim back to the home lot.
death.toggle true/false Disables death
headlineeffects on/off Enables or disables headline effects (good for
freerealestate on/off Makes homes free when typed while shopping for a house.
household.autopay_bills true/false Enable or disable bills for the household
sims.remove_all_buffs Removes all moodlets from your Sim. Positive ones (such as
high needs/environment) will come back.
fps on/off Display the game's frames per second, useful when tuning graphics
hovereffects on/off Disable hover effect when you mouse-over a Sim
fullscreen Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
bb.moveobjects Allows you to move objects anywhere you want, good for building.
Use the 9 and 0 keys to adjust the item you're 'holding'.
bb.showhiddenobjects The old buydebug cheat - lets you buy many hidden objects.
bb.enablefreebuild Build anywhere, even on locked lots.
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement Ignore Gameplay Unlocks Entitlement - lets you
buy items locked by careers.
sims.give_satisfaction_points x Gives a Sim x amount of satisfaction points
with which you can buy rewards. Sims.give_satisfaction_points 5000 for example.
fillmotive x use fillmotive motive_energy or fillmotive motive_hunger

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