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Digital System I- Project Titles

# Project Titles
1 Counting Black and White Colored Products on Conveyor Belt
2 Parking Lot Controller
3 Automated Room Light Controller
4 Counting Defect Parts on Conveyor Belt
5 0-9 second Timer with Alarm
6 Automatic Room Air Conditioning
7 Automatic bottle packing system
8 Positioning control with incremental encoder
9 Angular positioning with optical shaft encoder with 45 degree resolution
10 RFID-based digital door lock with password


Attandance to the meetings 20% >>> MEETING1 Prepare the BLOCK DIAGRAM of your your designs and explain it.
Performing the Proteus Simulation 30% MEETING2 Prepare the PROTEUS SIMULATIONs of your design
Project report & DEMO Presentation 50%
TOTAL 100%

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