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Serology o Primary infection

- Ab and Ag reaction in VITRO.  Localized infection

- Purpose:  Appearance of painless, hard
o Unable to culture infection agents chancre
o Confirmation of etiologic agent  Soft chancre, painful
identification  H.ducreyi
 Using serological method  LAB TEST: Dark filed microscopy
o Diagnosis of immunologically-related (presence of coiled organism with
disorders corkscrew motility.
 Ex: Autoimmune disorders  NO SEROLOGICAL TEST
o Determine the immune status  EARLY INFECTION: No antibody
 Ex: immunity to Rubella, Hepa B. production
etc.  10-90 days (21 days average)
Serologic Test o Secondary infection (vry infectious stage)
- Types:  Characterized by generalized rash
o Detect unknown Ag in specimen by using and lesions.
known Ab  Apperance of Condylomata lata
o Detect unknown Ab in specimen by using (flat-wartz like lesions)
known Ag.  LAB TEST: Dark field microscopy
and Serology test (production of
Bacterial Serological Test Ab in the body)
I.Syphilis/Great Pox/ Evil Pox/ Italian Pox, French Pox, o Latent stage
Spanish Pox  Not infectious
- By Treponema pallidum subspp. Pallidum  Generally after 2nd infection
- Christopher Colombus- spreads the Syphilis.  Asymptomatic
- Corkscrew motility, filamentous, helically unicellular  Indication of the infection is
bulb positive serological test.
- Subsspp. speciation  (+) Serologic test but no sign and
o T.p.sbsp. pallidum- Syphilis symptom.
o T.p.sbsp pertenue- Yaws  LAB TEST: Serologic test, no dark
o T.p.sbsp endemicum- non-venereal field microscopy? No lesions.
endemic syphilis/ Bejel
o T.p.sbsp. carateum- Pinta o Tertiary infection
- Indistinguishable to each other:  Presence of gummas (destructive
o Morphologic lesions)
o Serological test  Gummas are dead
- Differentiation is based on: treponema, and not
o Based on clinical and epidemiological infective
characteristic.  MANIFESTATION:
- CHARACTERISTICS:  Gammatous syphilis
o Too thin to be seen with light microscopy in  Cardiovascular disease
specimens stained with Gram stain or  Neurosyphilis
Giemsa stain.  TREATMENT:
o Intra cellular pathogen  1st choice is a heavy
 Cannot be grow in cell for cultures metal- Arsenic
in vitro  2nd choice is a drug-
 Do not survive outside of host Penicillin
o It has TROMPS (treponemal rare outlier - Other manifestation of tertiary infection
membrane proteins o Neurosyphilis
 Delayed immune system of host  Asymptomatic
 A protein  Involvement of CNS and detected
- MOT: only By CSF examination
o Sexual intercourse o Congenital syphilis
o Parenteral exposure  Caused by maternal spirochetemia
o Congenital infection during pregnancy and transplacental transmission of
 Western blot- test of choice  Neutralizes complementary
 MANIFESTATION: properties of cardiolipin
 Hutchinson’s teeth
 Intersitial keratitis o Cholesterol
 Nerve deafness  Provides adsorption centers and
 Other manifestations: increase the effective reaction of
 Fussing around the mouth cardiolipin.
and arms - REPORTING:
 Skeletal lesions o Non-reactive = no clumps
 Perforation of the palates o Weakly reactive= small clumps
and collapsed nasal bones o Reactive= medium to large clumps
(Saddle nose deformity)  Report the last reactive
- FALSE (+) CDRL Results (ShRIMP)
o RF
- Reagin antibodies (non-treponemal marker) o IM
o Screening test o Malaria
o Non-treponemal Ab o Pregnancy
o Non-specific
o Not sure if it’s a Treponema pallidum sbspp. 2. RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin)
o Cardiolipin - Uses unheated serum
 Antigen used in the test - Result is read MACROSCOPICALLY
 From cow’s heart ak.a Wasserman - PRINCIPLE: Flocculation
antigen or Diphospatidyl glycerol - REAGENT:
 Wasserman Test 1st test used to o Colorless alcoholic solution containing
detect syphilis. cardiolipin
- Anti-treponemal Ab o Lecithin
o Confirmatory test o Charcoal- for visualization
o Specific o Choline chloride- chemical inactivator
o Treponemal Ag- Ag used o Thimerosal- preservative


A. Non-treponemal/Non-specific methods NEEDLE

- Used to detect Reagin (an antibody which is against VDRL

the common Ag of T.pallidum
- PRINCIPLE: Complement fixation -Quali 180 rpm 4 18 60 14 mm
o (+) cell lysis mins

1. VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory Test) -Quanti 180 rpm 4 19 75 14mm
- Uses heated serum and CSF
o Serum is heated for the inactivation of -CSF 180 rpm 8 21/22 100 16 mm
complement activities mins
o Inactivated- 10 mins
o Heated 56°C at 30 minutes RPR 100 rpm 8 20 60/75 18mm
- Results is read MICROSCOPICALLY mins
- PRINCIPLE: Flocculation
- CSF is not heated? No complement activity
o Cardiolipin (diphosphatidyl glycerol) B. Specific method/Treponemal method
 Main reagent
o Lecithin - Uses true treponemal Antigen and Antibody
- 2 Sources:
o Non-pathogenic: - Gram (+) cocci
 Reiter’s strain- Removes cross- - Streptoccal Antigen
reactivity with treponemas o Streptolysin O
o Pathogenic  Most pathogenic
 Nichol’s Strain- fixation  Bacterial toxin released during
- Absorbent: Reiter’s treponemal infection
 Oxygen LABILE
1. FTA-ABS (Flourescent Treponemal Antibody-Absoprtion)  HIGHLY ANTIGENIC
 Hemolytically inactive in oxidized
- Test for dark field microscopy form
- PRINCIPLE: Indirect fluorescence Immunoassay  Neutralized by ASO
- REAGENT: Nichol’s strain dried and fixed on slide o Streptolysin S
 Causing clearing in the agar
2. HATTS (Hemagglutination Treponemal Test for Syphilis - CLINICAL MANIFESTATION:
o Streptoccocus toxic shock syndrome
- PRINCIPLE: Hemagglutination o Pharyngitis
- REAGENT: Glutaraldehyde stabilized turkey RBC o Erysipela: Impetigo: Skin infection
coated with Treponemal antigen o Scarlet fever (Dick’s Test)
 (+) Strawberry tongue
3. MHA-TP (Microhemagglutination Treponemal pallidum  By Erythrogenic toxic
Test)  Exotoxin B (dangerous)

- PRINCIPLE:Hemagglutination Serological Test for Group A. Strep

- REAGENT: Tanned formalin sheep RBC coated with
Treponemal antigen ASO Testing (Macrotechnique of Rantz and Randall)

4. Treponemal pallidum Immobilization Test - PRINCIPLE:: neutralization (no hemolysis)

- This test estimates amount of the antibody that is
- Most specific test presence of a constant dose of SO can completely
- Standard Test inhibit hemolysis of a constant given no. of red cells.
- PRINCIPLE: The antibody produced against - TITER: Reciprocal of Highest dilution demonstrating
Treponemal pallidum plus complement can no hemolysis.
immobilize the live treponemas. - Expressed in Todd Units or International Unit
- REAGENT: Live actively motile T.p organism - CONTROL:
(extracted from Lesions of infected rabbits o Red cell control tube (+) control
- RESULTS: (+) >50% immobilized treponema o SO control tube (-) control
o If <50%? Not considered as + result - Normal range:
o 20-50%- doubtful, repeat the test o Children- <125 todd units
o <20- negative o Adults- <166 todd units

Other Strep Test

Rapid Latex Agglutination Test

II. Group A Streptococcal infection - PRINCIPLE: Passive agglutination

- Streptococcus pyogenes- pus producing
- Protein M- inhibits Ceb (stops the complement Anti-DNAse B Testing
- Cocci in chains - Highly specific for group A streptococcal sequelae
- Common in upper respiratory tract - PRINCIPLE: Neutralization
o Acute glomerulonephritis Streptoenzyme Testing
o Rheumatic fever
- Lancefield sero Group A - Agglutination test for Group A
- B-hemolytic pattern - Excellent test
- Slide agglutination technique - Rickettsial organism
- PRINCIPLE: Agglutination - Gram (-) OBLIGATE intracellular organism
- MOT:
III. Febrile Agglutinins o Athropod bite or contamination with feces
- Antibody demonstrated in microbial diseases that of Ticks
are manifested by high fever - Weil Felix Test
o Typhoid Fever o Non-specific test which detects Antibody
o Typhus Fever against Rickettsial disease.
o Brucellosis o PRINCIPLE: Direct agglutination
o Tularemia o Antibody: Rickettsial organism
o Antigen: Proteus antigen
Interpretations of bacterial agglutinations test  Proteus vuglaris
 OX-19 and OX-2
- A rapid slide test is only for screening a (+) test  Proteus mirabilis
should be confirmed by tube test.  OX-K
- A single (+) test is of no significance unless the titer is

TYPHOID FEVER Rickettsial OX-19 OX-2 OX-K

- Acquried by: Ingestion
- Salmonella typhi Scrub- - - ++++
- Spread by Typhoid Mary Mannon- based on my O.tsutsugamuchi
memory tinapay na may peanut butter yung ginawa
nya dun kumalat. RMSF-R.rickettsi ++++ + -
- Salmonelle Antigen (HKO Virluence)
o H and K Antigen (Vir A) Epidemic
 Thermolabile typhus-
o O Antigen (common) R.prowazecki-
 Thermostable pathogenic to
o H=Hauch- Flagellar human
o K=Kapsel- Capsular
o O= Ohne- Somatic Murine typhus-
o R.mooseri
o Culture method Q-fever-Coxiella - - -
 1st two weeks- Blood burnetii
 3rd week- Urine
 4th week- Stool Rickettsial- - - -
o Widal Test R.akari
 For rapid diagnosis of Typhoid
 Slide test- principle: Direct
agglutination - Lyme is a place where it 1st isolated
 Tube test- Highest serum dilution - CAUSATIVE AGENT: Borrelia burgdorferi
showing ++ or 50% agglutination - TRANSMITTED VIA: Ixodex spp.
o Immunofluorescence
o Typhidot o EIA
 Detection of specific IgM and IgG o WB- confirmatory test
to Salmonella typhi o PCR
 IgM/G against Outer - CHARACTERISTIC: Bull’s eye rashes
membrane protein
 All steps based on ELISA LEPTOSPIROSIS

TYPHUS FEVER - CAUSATIVE AGENT: Leptospirosis interrogans

- Rodent’s urine 
Development of anti-HAV IgG and
- INFECTIVE STAGES: immunity on recovery
o Septicemic stage o LAB DIAGNOSIS:
 Fever headache, mya  RIA
o Immunological stage  ELISA
 Jaundice  ARKITEK
 Azotemia- ↑ Urea - Hepatitis B
o Culture method- Fletcher or Stuart Media o Dane Particle (infectious form)
o Microscopy- dark field microscopy  Leads to liver cirrhosis and cancer

HbsAg Anti- Anti- Status Action

HBs Hbc
+ - + Acute/chronic No immunization
- “Eaton agent” infection
- Without cell wall? Requires STEROL - + + Resolved No immunization
- Leading cause of upper respiratory infection world infection
- Fried-egg appearance - + - Previous Follow up
- Walking pneumonia vaccination
- DIAGNOSIS: Complement fixation
o ELISA + - - Acute No immunization
o Cold agglutination test infection
- PRINCIPLE: Clinical samples with M.pneumoniae
infection contains IgM antibodys that target the I - - + Window Active
Antigen of RBC and induce agglutination period immunization
o TSB with 0.5% Albumin - - - No detectable
o SP4 medium previous
o Viral transport medium exposure to
 Delay in plating? Frozen at -70°C HBV
(for weeks)
- Hepatitis C (NANB)
o Test:
 Surrogate Test- ALT/SGPT and anti-
 Serologic Test for anti HCV
Hepatitis Virus Disorders  ELISA
o Primary- A B C D E F G  RIBA- HCV specific Ab / anti-HCV
- Hepatitis A  RT-PCR- HCVRNA persistent HCV
o Philippine setting: Most common Hepatitis infection
is B - Hepatitis D
o Book based: Most common is Hepatitis A. o Anti-HBc IgM differentiates CO-infection to
o Former name: Enterovirus No. 72 super infection
o HEPA.A MARKERS OF INFECTIONS o Test: PCR- confirmatory
 Sheds in stool o CO-INFECTION
 Appearance of IgM anti HAV onset  Severe acute disease
of symptoms  Low risk of chronic infection
 Icterus and Increase liver o SUPER INFECTION
enzyme levels  Usually develop chronic HDV
infection high risk of severe
chronic liver disease may present o Clinical Latency
as an acute hepatitis.  No symptoms
- Hepatitis E  Asymptomatic HIV/Chronic HIV
o LAB DIAGNOSIS:  Negative results pero
 Electromicroscopy nakaka hawa pa din
 Indirect ELISA o AIDS
 RT-PCR  Opportunistic infection
- Hepatitis G  CD4 cells <200 cells / mm3
o Blood borne hepatitis - SCREENING TEST:
o Causes Syntical Giant Cell hepatitis o ELISA
o Flavivirus like Hepa. C o RIA
o NO SEROLOGICAL TEST o Agglutination tests
IM (Infectious Mononucleosis) o WB- (+) if gp 41 bands appearance or when
an envelope Ab (gp 41, 120, or gp 160)
- Kissing disease or Glandular fever appears in combination with another HIV
- AGENT: EBV o BOOK BASED: atleast 2 bands (+) or 3
- COMMON IN: Adults and adolescence
- Antigens: Notes to remember..
o EA- early antigen
 EA diffuse- seen in Nucelus and - Testing is often done at 6 weeks, 3 months or 5
Cytoplasm months after exposure to find out if a person is
 EA restricted- seen in cytoplasm infected with HIV
o NA- nuclear antigen - The US CDC defines POSITIVE results for HIV as
o EBNA- EBV Nuclear Ag “repeatedly WB”
- Heterophile Antibodies o 2 ELISA and 1 WB
o Refer to Antibodies produces as part of an
immune response to an infection but that DENGUE
are not related to the causative agent.
STAGE Description o Hemoconcentration
If the patient is o (+) tourniquet test
Susceptibility seronegative (lacks of - LAB DIAGNOSIS:
antibody to VCA) o Complement fixation test
Ab (IgM) to VCA is o Immunoassay
Primary infection present: EBNA is absent, - Hemorrhagic dengue virus
high or rising titer or Ab o (+) sa unang sero test, tas pag nag ka
(IgG) to VCA and no dengue ulit at nag positive, yan ung pwede
evidence of Ab to EBNA maging sakit ng patient.
after at least 4 weeks of - Infected by dengue
symptoms o Loose blood vessels
If Ab to EBNA and o Plasma lalabas, then plasma sasama niya
Reactivation increased antibodies to platelets kaya decrease platelets.
EA are present - Treatment: FFP, not platelet concentrate
Ab to VCA and EBNA are o Clot blood vessels
Past infection present - Dehydration may lead into plasma breakage, so
drink more water
HIV (Human immunodeficiency Virus) - Serological Test
- CLINICAL SYMPTOMS: o Rapid NSI Dengue Test
o Primary  Use if 1 to 2 days infection
 2-4 weeks after infections o Rapid Dengue anti-IgM/igG
 Flu-like symptoms “worst flu ever”  Use if 5 days or more
 “acute retroviral syndrome” (ARS)  NSI test may be negative
or “primary HIV infection”  (+) IgM- present infection
 (+) IgG- past infection
 (+) IgM/igM- recovery


- Pink rash
- Rubivirus
- Respiratory secretions
o ELISA- screening test
o PCR- confirmatory test
o Hemagglutinaton
- Mumps
- Paramyxoviridae
- Koplik spots
o Negri bodies? Lyssa virus
o Viral culture
o Serology

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