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Submitted by: Daniel Anthony L. Cabrera

Section: 3-BLM

“How to live as a Bedan?”

Activity 8: Maturity and Transendence of being a Bedan

“How to live as a Bedan”

At the end of our college life, we often have the intuitive fear of what will become

of us in the near future. Will we be able to make it to the state of being financially capable

or would we be experiencing poverty and at the same time unemployment since we are

in a 3rd world country where people get to become even richer and the poor get to be

even poorer. What would be the legacy that we would be living in San Beda or what would

be the foundation that we would be building for our future? What would be our plans after

college? Would it be striving to find work in a company or would we be self-made

entrepreneurs? This questions often revolve around our mind of thinking because these

fears could not be left to nothing and would continuously hunt as down until we reach the

point of graduating and having the authority towards our lives.

The one thing that would be are main reference or foundation is not on what we will

be in the near future or whatever the status we may achieve but it all depends on how we

built our values as a Bedan while we were in college. We often contemplate on what we

are capable of doing. But this is actually not the main reason why we studied in San Beda.

All colleges and universities, if we are to remove the bias, give equal amount of education

and performance to college students. But what differentiates a Bedan from all the other

colleges is the values that it teaches to us students. Students who often excel in San

Beda don’t usually make it to the mountains of success because what they brought with
them is only their intelligence. If you are to traverse a mountain, you must consider not

only what you know, but what you are willing to give value for.

Character is more important than intelligence. It is harder to build character than to

build intelligence in certain aspects because building our character entails experience

while intelligence could easily be achieved through the right character. What makes

successful billionares a billionare, is not because of how intelligent they are, but because

on how they perceive the world with the right character. Sometimes we can do something

better than other can’t do and often and most of times, others can do what we cannot do.

If you start a challenge with the right character, you will soon end up being more

successful than those who value their temporary glory of being intelligent . Our work

environments are designed for us to be nimble and smart, but intelligence doesn’t get

people to connect with you or follow you. It’s your character that shines as an example.

It’s the leaders with a strong moral character and good old-fashioned values who stand

above the rest.

Our character is the sum total of values that we possess. Values can’t be taught;

they are imbibed and inherited from our parents. We inherit character or values from our

parents through genes, which scientists have already proved; and through observation.

During childhood our parents are our role model. Whatever they do, we tend to follow and

whatever we do, if we get approval from our parents we tend to accept as right action. It’s

not that people with a growth mindset are able to overcome their fears because they are

braver than the rest of us; it’s just that they know fear and anxiety are paralyzing emotions

and that the best way to overcome this paralysis is to take action. People with a growth
mindset are empowered, and empowered people know that there’s no such thing as a

truly perfect moment to move forward. Taking action turns all your worry and concern

about failure into positive, focused energy.

Developing individual performance by having a growth mindset and a positive

attitude is not going to happen overnight and although it takes a tremendous effort, it

brings substantial advantages. A positive attitude will always equate to positive results,

even in the case of mishaps. As we continue seeing nowadays, success is constantly

being redefined in terms of embracing each challenge and failure you encounter along

your way and treating them as a learning experience. As a Bedan, we live by our good

values that generates the character of a St Benedict and not of the temporary pride of

having the intelligence that could easily be attained by one who has the right character

and outlook in life.

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