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Program Evaluation (KHIDI)

Trainee Name: Chrismas Gideon Bangun

Training Department: Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Name of Training Hospital in Korea: Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital
Hospital belonging to in your country: Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, Indonesia

This questionnaire is designed to monitor and evaluate the clinical training course you are
participating in Korea. All your respond will provide us with valuable information to develop better
programs. We confirm that your answers will be used confidentially for statistical purpose only.
Thank you for your cooperation.

For each statement, please check if you agree or disagree using a rating scale from 1 to 5.
If you strongly agree with the statement, check 5. If you strongly disagree, check 1.
Strongly Disagree--------------Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
Before coming to Korea, KHIDI and my training
1 hospital provided information about Korea and
training program well.

KHIDI orientation was helpful to build a basic
2 understanding of Korea and the training

3 The goals of the training were clearly defined.

The topics covered were relevant to my
4 country's social, economic and/or technical

The program was well balanced in terms of
5 lecture, discussions, practical exercises and

I was satisfied with my instructors’ expertise,
enthusiasm, and etc. √
The training program contributes to gaining
7 advanced technical knowledge in my area of

The training institute was excellent in terms of
training management. √
9 The overall level of training was adequate.

The training facilities and resources are
comfortable and good. √
KHIDI provided a relaxing and pleasant
accommodation. √
12 The goals of the training have been met.

The training experience will be useful in
my work and community. √
14 Overall contents of program was useful.

In general, I am satisfied with the Training
Program in Korea √


Q16. What additional information about Korea and training program did you
wish to have prior to your departure?

- What the training is going to be like, the schedule and daily routine activities.

- Who is going to be my instructor

I think that is the additional information I need. So far, the other information like where am I going

to stay, weather, etc has been provided, and I’m so thankful for it.
Q17. Do you think you will have the opportunity to utilize the training skills you
have learned during this training? If yes, please briefly describe how you might
apply these skills?

Before the training, i only have knowledge about anesthesia in liver transplantation, but never involved

in one. After the training i have more understanding, and actually i think will be capable of doing. But

because i have never done any on my own, and while training i only observe, maybe for the first time i

need to be supervised. I had hoped somehow, but I don’t know if this is possible, that while training i

could be more involved in the anesthesia, not just observing but doing some parts of it.

Things that i’ve never done on my own:

- Inserting Advanced Venous Access (AVA) catheter, to facilitate the use of Rapid Infuser (both

of this equipment is still not available in my hospital)

- Using and interpreting Trans esophageal echocardiography

Q18. Which of the program contents were the most useful to you, and why?
So far, the observation of anesthesia and the liver transplantation operation.

Q19. What other interesting topics related to your area that you want to learn?
Please specify.

- Hemodynamics monitoring, especially invasive.

- Maintainance of organs in brain-dead patients that is programmed to be donor. (cadaveric


Q20. Which of the program contents were the least useful, and why?
I think every program contents are all useful, each one of it. I can not find

which one is least useful. Including introduction of Korea’s health care system,

national health insurance, all has given us a lot of information and broaden our

understanding, and we can make comparisons for improvement of the health

care system in our country.

Q21. Do you have any other suggestions to improve this training program?

The program overall is fine and has been very helpful, although if i can make

suggestion and hoping that we get more involved in handling the patients, so the

training is not just observation, but until a certain extent we also able to improve our

skills, so we have more confidence in ourselves after we came back to our country.
Thank you very much for your feedback.

Trainees' Hospital
● Name of Hospital : Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan, Indonesia

❍ Hospital Information

(We will greatly appreciate if you are specific in providing your hospital's information such as

the number of beds, field of specialization, international cooperation, area of interest and

other backgrounds of the hospital you work for.)

Number of beds: 720 beds

Field of specialization: Top referral hospital for the Sumatra island region in Indonesia

International cooperation: with Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital

Area of interest: Organ transplantation especially liver transplantation, heart surgery.

Thank you!

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