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Sarah Miller

2.2 Research-Based Learner-Centered Strategies

Candidates model and facilitate the use of research-based, learner-centered
strategies addressing the diversity of all students.

1. Briefly describe the artifact and the context in which it was created. What was/were
your individual contribution(s)?
This artifact is a lesson plan that implements the NETS-S standards. This lesson plan
describes my “Organelle Campaign” in which students used technology to compete as the
“Most Important Organelle in the Universe”. The artifact describes multiple aspects of
the lesson, as well as my thoughts and reasoning. My contribution was creating the
artifact and all of the supporting materials myself.

2. Explain how this artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard/element under which it
is placed. See the portfolio rubric and watch the videos for more details on what to
include in your reflection for this question. You must respond to each of the items on the
rubric in this question! It is VERY IMPORTANT that you address ALL of the criteria on
the rubric. This one question may need to be several paragraphs long in order to address
all of the items on the rubric.
This lesson includes multiple research-based strategies. The first is clear learning
targets, engaging activities, and cooperative learning. The learning targets are
clearly identified in the lessons, as well as clearly displayed for the students during
the lesson. Students are participating in engaging activities by collaborating in
groups, as well as digitally.

The activities outlined in this lesson included learner-centered strategies that
focused on students. Students worked collaboratively and were given the
opportunity to choose their expression. While all the content was delivered digitally,
there were multiple modes of delivery (videos, images, text). Students were given a
choice of expression of their project, however. They were able to choose a recorded
speech (they were allowed to edit before sending) or a poster and pamphlet (digital
or paper). This digital delivery of the content and the choice of expression allowed
me to act as the facilitator of their learning.

Diversity of All Students

To accommodate for diverse needs, the content delivery and the expression of
mastery were varied. Content delivery was available in video, to-do list (Padlet), and
Wiki. The expression was in the form of a speech or poster/pamphlet. Students
were able to collaborate within their groups. Grouping was based on ability first and
behavior second.

Model and Facilitate

I was able to model this lesson with my intern. I modeled the beginning stages of the
lesson, then facilitated the ending stages of the lesson. The lesson took a total of two
Sarah Miller

weeks, so she was able to be part of the majority of the NETS-S standards. I helped
her manage the different groups as they were working on different projects with
different types of materials (some were digital, some were paper).

3. What did you learn from completing this artifact? What would you do differently to
improve the quality of the artifact or the process involved in creating the artifact?
This project confirmed my belief in clear learning targets. I have seen and experienced
lessons that are project-based, but not standards-based. It can be easy to lose sight of
standards-based objectives because students are engaged in the project. Setting clear
learning targets, displaying those targets, and sticking to them makes for a lesson that is
time well spent!
Additionally, I learned that providing students choice makes a huge difference in their
buy-in. To improve the quality of this lesson, I would have been sure to be present on the
first day! Unfortunately, I was absent on the first day of this project. I left a very detailed
introduction video thinking that would be sufficient. However, even for my Honors
classes, this video still left some confusion. They tend not to revisit that video when they
are confused, while they will ask the teacher in person to repeat the directions. This is
definitely something I will consider in future lessons.

4. How did the work that went into creating the artifact impact school improvement,
faculty development, or student learning? How can the impact be assessed?
This artifact impacted student learning by giving them the opportunity to use digital
media to express themselves in a way that also addresses the content standards, making
this lesson research-based and learner-centered. I believe these students have had a very
limited exposure to this type of lesson, and they were highly engaged. Because I was able
to model and facilitate with my intern, she will be able to implement similar lessons in
her future classes. She has since been hired at our school!

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