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Group 9 : -Fitri Amalia (1610117120008) -Nadilla Muslimah (1610117120012)

-Hilmatun Nadiya (1610117120010) - Siti Asyifa Anindya (1610117320032)


SMA/MA : SMA N 1 Sampit

Subject : English

Year/Semester : XI/2

Topic : Conditional Sentence

Language Skill : Structure/Writing

Time Allotment : 2 x 45

A. Standard of Competence:

KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan
kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Basic Competence

4.12 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
pengandaian jika terjadi suatu keadaan/kejadian/peristiwa di waktu yang akan datang,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks

C. Indicator

Student can arrange spoken and written texts that contain the conditionals sentence
with the correct and appropriate social function, structure text, and linguistic aspects

D. Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Sampit will be able
to write a text using conditional sentences appropriately or with 75% accuracy

E. Learning Materials ad sources

Materials :
 Conditional sentece

WHAT IF? Conditionals

Conditionals are used to talk about possible or imaginary situations. Conditionals are
sentences with two (2) clauses: an “if” clause and a main clause that are closely
Zero Conditionals First Conditionals Second Conditional Third Conditionals
Is used for actions is used for real and Is used for unreal Is used for unreal
that are always true possible situations or impossible past actions
Example: If you Example: If it Example: If I won Example: If it had
heat water, it boils. rains, you will get the lottery, I would rained, you would
wet. buy a car. have got wet.

Conditional Uses Sentence structure Example

Zero We use zero If + present simple, - If you heat ice, it
conditional to refer ……..present simple melts.
to general truth. - When the sun
The time is now or sets, it gets dark.
always and the
situation is real and
First We use first If + present simple, - If it rains, you
conditional to refer …… will+ infinitive will get wet.
to possible - If it is a sunny
condition and its day, I will go to
probable result. the beach.
The time is present
or future and the
situation is real.
Second We use second If + past simple, - If it rained, you
conditional to refer …..would+ would get wet.
to hypothetical infinitive - If I won a lottery,
condition and its I would buy a big
probable result. house.
The time is now or
any time and the
situation is unreal.
Third We use third If + past - If it had rained,

conditional to refer perfect,,…..would + you would have
to an unreal past have+ past participle got wet. - If I had
condition and its worked harder at
probable past school, I would
result. The time is have graduated.
past and the
situation is
contrary to reality.

1. In conditionals will or would is not used in if-clauses. Except: If will or would

express willingness, as in requests, they can be used in if-clauses.
For example:
- If you will come this way, the boss will see you now.
- I would be thankful if you would give me a little help.
2. After if, we can either use "someone, somewhere" or "anyone, anywhere”.
For example:
If I have some spare time next Monday, I will come and visit you.
If I have any spare time next Monday, I will come and visit you.
3. If you switch the clauses around and put IF in the middle, then you do not use a
comma. For example:
- I would consider a bigger discount rate IF you buy more than 10 units.
- I will play with you IF you help me finish the chores.

Sources :

Book :

BSE Bahasa Inggris -- Studi dan Pengajaran for SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Grade XI

III. Teaching Techniques

Approach : Scientific approach

Method : Communicative language teaching & Total Physical Response
Technique : Arranges the sentences

F. Teaching and learning activities

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1. Greeting the students Responding
“Good Morning, students. How are you “Good Morning, Ma’am. I
today?” am fine thank you.”

2. Introduce myself
“Hello, students. Let me introduce myself
first. My name is...................”

3. Checking the present list Paying attention

“Is everybody here today? Let me call your
names and please raise your hand.”

4. Giving motivation by asking some

students to do some activities
Answering teacher’s
“Before I explain about the material I want questions
you to have a piece of paper then write your
name and write what you want to be if you
have grow, understand? After that collect it
to me”
“Ok, I will read one paper. Nadya want to be
a doctor. Can you come to in front of the
class, Nadya?”
“Write down in the writeboard ‘if I have
grow I want to be a doctor’”
“Okay thank you Nadya”

5. Telling the objective of the lesson.

“Ok, do you know what we are going to
learn today?”
“yes today we are going to learn about
conditional sentence. In the end of the lesson
you are expect be able to use conditional
sentence in the text”
“first, i will explain about conditional
sentence. Second, i will give an exercise and
try to answer the exercise individually.

Third, you will work in pairs with someone
beside you, make 2 sentences about
conditional sentence and write your
sentences in the whiteboard. Then, you will
have an evaluation in the end of the lesson
and i also give you homework”

6. Observing
Student observe simulated text conditional
sentences presented by the teacher
7. Questioning
Teacher let the student to ask a question
about the lesson

“Miss, can you give us an example about

conditional sentence in our daily life?”
8. Exploring
Teacher give the student an exercise

“okay student i will give you an exercise and do

it individually. I give you 15 minute”
9. Associating
Teacher ask the student to work in pairs and
60’ make two sentences about conditional sentence

“student, this time for exercising please make

two conditional sentences with first conditional
structure sentence and work in pairs. I give 15

10. Communicating
Teacher ask the student to write their answer
in the writeboard in front of the class

“have you done?”

“Nadiya and Raisa please come forward and

write your sentences about conditional
sentence in the writeboard”

15’ Post Activity

11. Reviewing the lesson by asking some The student answer

questions: “we have learnt about

“So students, what have we learnt today?” conditional sentence”
“Can you mention the structure sentence of “the structure sentence of
zero conditionals?” zero conditionals is ‘If +
“Excellent. You did a great job today. Give present simple, ……..present
applause for you.” simple’ “

The student give applause

12. Evaluation Doing the evaluation

“please open page 55 and 56 there are some
exercise please answer it”(Appendix 1)
13. Giving homework
Pay attention
“I will give you homework, Write a story
using conditional sentences and publish it on
your blog.”

14. Closing today’s lesson

“This is the end of our lesson today. Don’t
forget to do your homework and see you next

V. Learning sources and media

1. BSE Bahasa Inggris -- Studi dan Pengajaran for SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Grade XI

2. Additional materials relevant to the discussion
3. Caption
4. White board

VI. Assessment

Technique : Answer Sheet

Form :

𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝐴𝑛𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠
𝑋 100 = Score
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑠
Example :
𝑋 100 = 100
𝑋 100 = 75

Acknowledge by Banjarmasin, 29th November 2017

Headmaster, Subject Teacher,



1. Complete the following conditional sentences. The first one is done for you.
1. If I decide to go out today, I will go to my friend's house.
2. If I get a headache, I _______________________________.
3. If I had a red sports car, _______________________________.
4. If we had bread, cheese, tomato, we _________________________.
5. If I were in Australia, __________________________.
6. If I didn't have any homework to do, ___________________________.
7. If it didn't rain tomorrow, we _____________________________.
8. If I had a pet dog, ______________________________________.
9. If I had worked hard, ________________________________.
10. If I knew her telephone number, ____________________________.

2. Choose the correct second clause for the following conditional sentences:

1. If I were you,_____________________
a) I will go to the beach with my friends.
b) I would go to the beach with my friends.
c) I could go the beach with my friends.
2. If Lana was rich,_______________________
a) she would have spent all the money on clothes.
b) she can probably spend a lot of money on clothes.
c) she will probably spend all her money on clothes.
3. If I had enough money, _____________________________
a) I will go on safari to Kenya.
b) I would go on safari to Kenya.
c) I can go on safari to Kenya.
4. Siti will never pass her exams ____________________________
a) if she couldn't study harder.
b) if she doesn't study harder.
c) if she didn't study harder.

5. What would you do _____________________________________

a) if you could lose your job?
b) if you will lose your job?
c) if you lost your job?


Write a story using conditional sentences and publish it on your blog

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