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A Laboratory Report



29 March 2016


1.1 Background of the Study

Fruits contribute a large portion of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to the human diet.
Fruits and vegetables are the major sources of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and
phytonutrients (e.g. antioxidants) in the human diet and are integral to healthy lifestyles. The World
Health Organization (2003) estimated that up to 50% of the world’s population suffers from
micronutrient malnutrition as a result of lack of ready access to fruits and vegetables. Approximately
100 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency and up to 500 000 of them become blind every
year. Folate deficiency can be as high a 50-70% in countries without fortification programs. Developing
fruits and vegetables that are nutrionally superior can help to sustainably address these problems.
Even in the developed world, fruits and vegetables with improved flavor would have a major impact
on overall health. Better-tasting fruits would shift eating habits away from less healthy snack food
alternatives, having a significant impact on nutrition (Klee, 2010).

Furthermore, the relative contribution of each commodity to human health and wellness depends
its nutritive value and per capita consumption; the latter is greatly influenced by consumer
preferences and degree of satisfaction from eating the fruit or vegetable. Flavor quality of fruits and
vegetables is influenced by genetic, preharvest, harvesting, and postharvest factors. The longer the
time between harvest ad eating, the greater the losses of characteristic flavor and the development
of off-flavors in most fruits and vegetables. Postharvest life based on flavor and nutritional quality is
shorter than that based on appearance and textural quality. Thus, it is essential that good flavor quality
be emphasized in the future by selecting the best-tasting genotypes to produce, by using an integrated
crop management system and harvesting at the maturity or ripeness stage that will optimize eating
quality at the time of consumption, and by using the postharvest handling procedures that will
maintain optimal flavor and nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables between harvest and
consumption (Kader, 2008).

New cultivars of fruits and vegetables with better flavor and nutritional quality are being and will
likely continue to be developed using both biotechnology and plant breeding methods, especially for
commodities for which easily monitored markers of good flavor and/or nutritional quality are
identified. Developing innovative technologies for maintaining optimal temperature and relative
humidity, for delaying losses of flavor and nutritional quality, and for assuring safety will require
collaboration between public and private organizations (Kader, 2008).

If none of the technologies above were applied to the development of the fruit or application of
these technologies were not successful, addition of different ingredients prior to the consumption of
the fruit may be necessary in order to develop a better-flavored one. In the experiment, three fruits
were used as samples namely papaya, pineapple and melon. The ingredient used added to these fruits
was milk and its effects on the flavor development of the fruits in respect with time was observed.
Moreover, addition of ingredients to tea was also assessed. It is known that the flavor of tea is not
that pleasing to everybody thus, addition of milk and calamansi was done in order to know if there is
improvement on the sensory attributes of the tea with the addition of the ingredients above.

Objectives of the Study

The sole purpose of the experiment conducted was to know the effect of milk on the flavor of
fresh fruits specifically, pineapple, papaya and melon through sensory evaluation. Also, the
experiment aimed to know the effect of heating on the flavor of the different fruit samples. In addition,
the assessment of these changes in flavor of the fruits as in respect of time was done. Lastly, the effect
of the addition of milk and calamansi to the flavor of green tea was observed.

1.2 Significance of the Study

Providing better-flavored fruits and vegetables at affordable prices is likely to increase their
consumption, which would be good for producers and handlers (making more money or at least
staying in business) as well as for consumers (increased consumption of nutritional foods). Devoting
more attention to flavor and nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables is strongly recommended. This
would include identification of the reasons for postharvest life based on flavor being shorter than
postharvest life based on appearance, selection of cultivars with flavor life that is close to appearance
life, and modification of current postharvest handling recommendations on the basis of maximizing
flavor life potential. In addition, this experiment is of high benefit to undergraduate students and
those doing research on flavor development in fruits for future basis or references.
1.3 Review of Related Literature
1.3.1. Papaya

Papaya (Carica papaya) is a member of the family Caricaceae. It is a spherical or pear-shaped

fruit that can be as long as 20 inches. The ones commonly found in the market usually average about
7 inches and weigh about one pound. Their flesh is a rich orange color with either yellow or pink hues.
Inside the inner cavity of the fruit are black, round seeds encased in a gelatinous-like substance.
Papaya's seeds are edible, although their peppery flavor is somewhat bitter. The fruit, as well as the
other parts of the papaya tree, contain papain, an enzyme that helps digest proteins. This enzyme is
especially concentrated in the fruit when it is unripe. Papain is extracted to make digestive enzyme
dietary supplements and is also used as an ingredient in some chewing gums (The George Mateljan
Foundation, 2016).

Furthermore, papayas are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C
and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium, copper, and
magnesium; and fiber. Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and
also provide protection against colon cancer. Moreover, papayas are also a good source of fiber, which
has been shown to lower high cholesterol levels. The folic acid found in papayas is needed for the
conversion of a substance called homocysteine into benign amino acids such as cysteine or
methionine. If unconverted, homocysteine can directly damage blood vessel walls and, if levels get
too high, is considered a significant risk factor for a heart attack or stroke (The George Mateljan
Foundation, 2016).

1.3.2 Melon

Cantaloupe or melon is a member in the large Cucurbitaceae family. Some of the popular fruits
and vegetables in the cucurbita family include squash, pumpkin, cucumber, and gourd. Like its
relatives, melons grow on the ground surface as a trailing vine. Melons have originated either from
India or ancient Persia or Africa. They grow best on well-draining sandy soil with good irrigation facility,
and require honeybees for effective pollination. In general, melons are round or oblong shape,
measure 4.5- 6.5 inches in diameter and weigh 450 – 850 grams, oftentimes more than a kilo.
Internally, its flesh color ranges from orange-yellow to salmon pink, has soft consistency and juicy
texture with a sweet, musky aroma that emanates best in the completely ripe fruits. At its center,
there is a hollow cavity filled with small off-white color seeds encased in a web of mucilaginous
Moreover, melons are rich in vitamins and minerals. The fruit an excellent source of vitamin
A which is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for health vision. It is also required for maintaining
healthy mucus membranes and skin. Also, the fruit is rich in antioxidant flavonoids such as beta-
carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. These antioxidants have the ability to protect the
cells and other structures I the body from oxygen-free radicals and therefore offer protection from
cancer. The fruit also contains moderate levels of B-complex vitamins, such as niacin, pantothenic acid
and vitamin C, and minerals like manganese. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the human
body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free radicals.
Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
Commercially, melons are being used to extract an enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which plays
a vital role as strong first-line antioxidant defenses inside the human body (Rudrappa, 2016).

1.3.3 Pineapple

Scientifically, it is known as "Ananas comosus" and belongs to the family of Bromeliaceae, in

the genus Ananas. Pineapple is a tropical, perennial, drought-tolerant plant. It grows up to 5-8 ft in
height and spreads around about 3-4 feet radius cover. It is essentially a short, stout stem with a
rosette of waxy long, needle-tipped leaves. The plant bears several long, oval to cylindrical fruits
during each season from March until June (Rudrappa, 2016).

The ananas fruit is described as compound (multiple) type of fruit that develops from many
small fruitlets fused together around central core. Its pulp is juicy and fleshy with the stem serving as
a supporting fibrous core. The outer skin features rough, tough, and scaly rind. The color in the ripe
fruits may be yellow, orange-yellow or reddish. Internally, its juicy flesh may range from creamy white
to yellow and has a mix of sweet and tart taste with rich flavor. Each fruit measures up to 12 inches in
length and weighs 1 to 8 pounds or more (Rudrappa, 2016).

Fresh pineapple is low in calories. Nonetheless, it is a storehouse for several unique health
promoting compounds, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. It is rich source
of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber like pectin. Also, pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic
enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory,
anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that consumption of pineapple regularly
helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation (Rudrappa, 2016).

Moreover, fresh pineapple is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin; vitamin C. 100 g fruit
contains 47.8 or 80% of this vitamin. Vitamin C is required for the collagen synthesis in the body.
Collagen is the main structural protein in the body required for maintaining the integrity of blood
vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body protect
from scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful,
pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body. It also contains small amount Vitamin A and beta-
carotene levels. These compounds are known to have antioxidant properties. Vitamin A is also
required maintaining healthy mucosa, skin and is essential for vision. Studies suggests that
consumption of natural fruits rich in flavonoids helps the human body to protect from lung and oral
cavity cancers. In addition, ananas fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, thiamin,
pyridoxine, riboflavin and minerals like copper, manganese and potassium. Potassium is an important
component of cell and body fluids, helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Copper is a helpful
cofactor for red blood cell synthesis. Manganese is a co-factor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase,
which is a very powerful free radical scavenger (Rudrappa, 2016).

1.3.4. Tea

Camellia sinensis is a temperamental plant, which is greatly affected by variations of soil,

elevation, and climate, originated in Central Asia and can be separated into three basic types: black,
green, and oolong. The process used to prepare the leaves establishes the tea's classification, while
oxidation determines its color, body, and flavor. With black teas, the leaves are withered, rolled, sifted,
and fermented, delivering a hearty flavor and rich amber color. To produce green teas, the leaves are
fired shortly after harvesting to prevent fermentation, yielding a greenish gold color and a delicate
taste. Recent studies have shown that this tea can help reduce the risk of cancer. With oolong teas,
the leaves are withered, rolled, twisted, and semi-fermented, producing a color and flavor that falls
between that of black and green teas. Although herbal teas are designated as teas, they are not
comprised of any tea leaves. Instead, these herbal teas contain peels, grasses, berries, leaves, flowers,
and flavorings from a variety of plants (Bigelow Tea, 2016).

In steeped tea, polyphenols are largely responsible for astringency. The term polyphenol
simply refers to a categorization of compounds composed of many phenolic groups, hence the name
poly-phenol. These compounds are plant metabolites produced as a defense against insects and other
animals and are the most abundant compounds in tea comprising as much as 30-40% of both freshly
plucked tea leaves and solids in tea liquor1. They are derived from amino acids via sunlight and
therefore tea grown in the shade has a smaller concentration of polyphenols and a higher
concentration of amino acids. The bud and first leaf have the highest concentration of polyphenols
and polyphenol levels decrease in each leaf moving down the plant3. There are an estimated 30,000
polyphenolic compounds in tea4, flavonoids are arguably the most important group of polyphenols in
tea and are the source of the many health claims surrounding tea, and specifically tea
antioxidants. Within the flavonoid group, flavanols (also known as flavan-3-ols) are the most
prevalent. Flavanols are also referred to as tannins, and during oxidation are converted to theaflavins
and thearubigins—the compounds responsible for the dark color and robust flavors notably present
in black teas. The major flavanols in tea are: catechin (C), epicatechin (EC), epicatechin gallate (ECG),
gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is the most
active of these catechins and is often the subject of studies regarding tea antioxidants. Tea flavanols
are sometimes collectively referred to as catechins. Besides flavanols, tea flavonoids also include
flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, and anthocyanins; all of which contribute to the color of a tea’s
infusion and its taste (Gebely, 2016).

1.3.5. Milk

Around 10 000 BC, the “agricultural revolution” occurred changing societies from nomadic
tribes to those who settled in communities. With this came domesticated animals and the ingenuity
for people to use by-products such as milk. In ancient Egypt, milk and other dairy products were
reserved for royalty, priests and the very wealthy. By the 5th century AD, cows and sheep in Europe
were prized for their milk. By the 14th century, cow’s milk became more popular than sheep’s milk.
European dairy cows were brought to North America in the early 1600s. Louis Pasteur, a French
microbiologist, conducted the first pasteurization tests in 1862. Pasteur is credited with
revolutionizing the safety of milk and, in turn, the ability to store and distribute milk well beyond the
farm. Commercial pasteurization machines were introduced in 1895. In 1884, the first milk bottle was
invented in New York State. In the 1930s, milk cans were replaced with large on-farm storage tanks,
and plastic coated paper milk cartons were invented, which allowed for wider distribution of fresh
milk (Dairy Goodness, 2016)

There are many different types of milk. Some depend on the amount of milk fat present in the
finished product. Others depend on the type of processing involved. Still others depend on the type
of dairy cow that produced the milk. The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establishes
standards for different types of milk and milk products. Some states use these standards, while others
have their own standards. Prior to 1998, the federal standards required that fluid milk sold as whole
milk must have no less than 3.25% milk fat, low-fat milk must have 0.5-2.0% milk fat, and skim milk
must have less than 0.5% milk fat. Starting in 1998, the FDA required that milk with 2% milk fat must
be labeled as "reduced-fat" because it did not meet the new definition of low-fat products as having
less than 3 grams of fat per serving. Milk with 1% milk fat could still be labeled as "low-fat" because it
did meet the definition. As a comparison, light cream has no less than 18% milk fat, and heavy cream
has no less than 36% milk fat (AdvaMeg, Inc., 2016).

Other types of milk are based on the type of processing involved. Pasteurized milk has been
heated to kill any potentially harmful bacteria. Homogenized milk has had the milk fat particles
reduced in size and uniformly blended to prevent them from rising to the top in the form of cream.
Vitaminfortified milks have various vitamins added. Most milk sold in markets in the United States is
pasteurized, homogenized, and vitamin-fortified (AdvaMeg, Inc., 2016).

Grade A milk refers to milk produced under sufficiently sanitary conditions to permit its use
as fluid milk. About 90% of the milk produced in the United States is Grade A milk. Grade B milk is
produced under conditions that make it acceptable only for manufactured products such as certain
cheeses, where it undergoes further processing. Certified milk is produced under exceedingly high
sanitary standards and is sold at a higher price than Grade A milk (AdvaMeg, Inc., 2016).

Specialty milks include flavored milk, such as chocolate milk, which has had a flavoring syrup
added. Other specialty milks include Golden Guernsey milk, which is produced by purebred Guernsey
cows, and All-Jersey milk, which is produced by registered Jersey cows. Both command a premium
price because of their higher milk fat content and creamier taste. Concentrated milk products have
varying degrees of water removed from fluid milk. They include, in descending order of water content,
evaporated milk, condensed milk, and dry milk (AdvaMeg, Inc., 2016).

1.3.6. Calamansi

The calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) is one of the most important citrus species in the
Philippines. Its potential lies in its varied uses. Once familiarity of the fruit is established in other
countries, the scope for increasing export and production is large (BusinessDiary, 2016).

The calamansi tree is evergreen and small, attaining a height of 2-7.5 m at maturity. Its broadly egg-
shaped leaves are dark green above and pale green below. The small, white fragment flowers are
grouped in clusters. The calamansi fruit is round, with greenish yellow to orange skin which can be
easily peeled. There are six to ten segments in a fruit with an orange colored, very acidic juice and
each fruit has 4-11 seeds (Drink Benefits, 2016).

Calamansi is often called as the “golden lime.” It is extremely beneficial for the body as it
eliminate the toxins that result to a faster weight loss. It is also perfect vitamin rich in citrus fruits
enhanced your beauty and bringing glow on your face (Drink Benefits, 2016).
Warm lemon water, a perfect morning drink, as it assists the digestive system and made the
process easier in eliminating waste products from the body. Lime Juice is considered beneficial in the
treatment of digestive disorders. Aside from that, taking Calamansi Juice first thing in the morning
could add a great value in constipation. It has been said, drinking Calamansi juice increases the body’s
resistance to disease, prevents eye disorder and aids the healing of wounds. It also prevents tooth
decay, bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth due to its vitamin C content which helps in maintaining
the health of the teeth (Drink Benefits, 2016).


3.1 Fruits and Milk

As discussed in the prior parts of the report, several factors affect the development of flavor
in fruits and vegetables. These factors, i.e. temperature, pH, processing etc. contribute changes in
terms of sensorial properties of the product. In the experiment conducted, the reaction of milk and
the temperature application to food were observed.

In the experiment, milk was added to three different fruit samples with four different set-ups
for each sample. Fig. 1 shows the six set-ups of the fruit sample (melon, papaya, and pineapple) boiled
and unboiled each soaked in either milk or water.

Fig 1. Four set-ups for fruit


3.1.1 Papaya

Papaya plant is grown extensively in tropical areas and is popular for being highly beneficial
to health specifically for nutritional, digestive and medicinal properties. It is grown in tropical
regions under cultivated farms for its fruits, as well as latex, papain, an enzyme inherent in fruit
that is widely utilized in the food industry. In the experiment, parts of papaya were boiled and
soaked with either milk or water and another part was just soaked in milk and water with no heat

Table 1 shows the summarized evaluation on the different factors applied in the fruit sample
and their respective reactions.
Table 1 Time, Temperature and Milk Effects on Papaya

15 mins 30 mins 60 mins

Water (Unboiled) No sensorial changes Water tasted typical of Water tasted a bit sweeter
escalated and can be water and smelled like and smelled like papaya,
observed. papaya, fruit tasted the papaya was less sweeter

Water (Boiled) No sensorial changes Water tasted a bit sweeter Water tasted sweeter and
escalated and can be and smelled like papaya, pungent smell of papaya
observed. Except that papaya was softer was observed, papaya was
papaya was softer bland and still soft

Milk (Unboiled) No sensorial changes Milk smelled like papaya Milk tasted a bit like papaya
escalated and can be but tasted the a bit of but bitter and strong odor
observed. papaya and fruit was of papaya, the fruit tasted
typical of papaya bland

Milk (Boiled) No sensorial changes Milk was a bit sweeter and Astringency of milk was very
escalated and can be smelled like papaya, the evident, aroma was like
observed. Except that fruit tasted less sweet and papaya, the fruit tasted
papaya was softer still soft bland

In the data displayed in Table 1, effect of heat application and milk in papaya was observed.
It was stated that at fifteen minutes of cooling down after soaking in water or milk, no definite
changes arise in the syrup and in the sample.

The aroma of the sample after thirty minutes of soaking, influenced the water syrup, may it
be boiled or unboiled. Hence, the boiled sample was soft due to heat application and the water
syrup tasted a bit sweet. Also observed in the milk syrup, both boiled and unboiled sample
rendered a change in their respective syrups. The aroma and sweetness of the papaya influenced
the milk.
At sixty minutes of soaking the fruit sample in water, the boiled and unboiled affected the
flavor of the water but has an intense influence on the aroma of the syrup. Hence with milk, the
milk syrup tasted bitter and sort of unbearable to taste. In both boiled and unboiled fruit sample,
astringency of milk was very evident.

Fig 1 Unboiled papaya Fig 2 Boiled papaya soaked

soaked in milk in milk

Fig 1 and Fig 2 shows an illustration of papaya soaked in milk. There was no evident visual
formation of coagulation but the flavor is close to rancidity. Minimum milk clotting was observed
between forty-five minutes to sixty minutes of soaking. The color of the milk was pale yellow and
has not change or minimal changes were obtained since it was not visibly detected.

This astringency is due to the curdling of the milk because of the reaction of the inherent
enzyme papain in the fruit sample. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme which is responsible for the
breaking down of protein in milk (Gemma, ND). Milk, as a common knowledge with an acidity of
pH 6.4-6.8 (Tricia, ND) contains salts such as chlorides, phosphates and citrates of sodium, calcium
and magnesium which are responsible for the coagulation of the milk and the fruit as observed in
the experiment. The papain in milk is catalyzes the proteolytic reaction which breaks down the
protein in milk into smaller sub-units amino (acids and peptides). These sub-units are responsible
for the bitter taste of the milk observed in the reaction (, ND).

Since the acidity of water is almost neutral, changes on its flavor was only affected by the
dispersion of aroma of the sample. Also, the boiled papaya exudes flavor more since the pectin
was already affected by heat application and thus, faster reaction and dispersion of flavor was
detected on the boiled sample soaked in water.
3.1.2 Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical, perennial, drought-tolerant plant. Pineapple fruit contains a

proteolytic enzyme bromelain and an acidic fruit, with a pH between 3.0 and 4.0 (Rudrappa,
2009). In this experiment, similar to papaya, pineapple was one of the three fruit samples
observed with the effect of milk and temperature reaction to its properties.

Fig 3 Unboiled pineapple Fig 4 Boiled pineapple

soaked in milk soaked in milk

Fig 3 and Fig 4 is an illustration of fruit sample papaya soaked in milk, one was after
application of heat and the other is none. Visibly it is similar but the boiled sample has a thicker
consistency compared to the sample with no heat application. The breakdown of pectin in the
sample with application of heat is responsible for the thickness of the consistency of the syrup.
No/minimal clotting or visual coagulation was observed at the duration of the soaking of samples.

Fig 5 Unboiled pineapple Fig 6 Boiled pineapple

soaked in water soaked in water
Fig 5 and Fig 6 is an illustration of pineapples (boiled and unboiled, as labeled) soaked in
water. Refer to Table 2 for further evaluation data of the samples.

Table 2 Time, Temperature and Milk Effects on Pineapple

15 mins 30 mins 60 mins

Water (Unboiled) No sensorial changes Water tasted sweeter and Fruit tasted a bit bland and
escalated and can be tangy and the fruit was as water smelled like
observed. it was at 15 minutes of pineapple.

Water (Boiled) No sensorial changes Water was sweeter and The water tasted like
escalated and can be tangy and the fruit sample pineapple as well as the
observed. Except that tasted less sweet than the aroma.
pineapple was softer. 15-minute soaking.

Milk (Unboiled) No sensorial changes Astringency of milk was Milk was unbearably bitter
escalated and can be already detectable by and pungent odor of
observed. palate. Fruit was a little pineapple. The fruit tasted
less sweet. bland.

Milk (Boiled) No sensorial changes Bitterness was tasted but Extreme astringency of milk
escalated and can be the milk also tasted sweet. stayed in the palate for
observed. Except that The fruit was sweet but minutes and aroma was
pineapple was softer. less sweet than before. very pungent of the fruit.
Pineapple tasted bland.

Same reaction was observed in pineapple as that of the papaya fruit. Hence, the pineapple
executed a faster rate of reaction with milk in terms on the detection of astringency. This is due
to higher acidity of pineapple which ranges from pH 3.0 to 4.0 (Rudrappa, 2009). The bitterness
experienced in the sensory evaluation of pineapple soaked in milk is a primary step to the
coagulation of milk or clotting. The type of milk varies the rate of the coagulation of the syrup.
In the experiment, evaporated milk was utilized, therefore took a slower rate in forming
coagulation since evaporated milk has lower fat content compared to whole-milk or fresh milk.
Which in comparison, other groups in the laboratory class who utilized fresh milk only took half
an hour to form coagulation (Ballad, ND).
The enzyme bromelin is responsible for the extreme astringency of the milk. An additional
knowledge, milk is a complex substance made up of fat and proteins, including casein, suspended
in liquid. When its pH drops, either because of an added acid or because the milk has soured
naturally, the negatively charged casein micelles, or clumps, begin to attract one another,
forming larger clumps. Eventually these clumps become large enough to be seen and are
considered curds (Lowe, 1943).
The minimal changes in pineapple soaked in water was observed to have the same reason
as of the papaya and that is due to the breakdown of pectin compounds inherent in the fruit
sample and dissociation of the compounds to the liquid syrup causing it to taste sweeter. The
boiled sample had a faster rate of dissociation since heat application hasten the breakdown of
pectin compounds and pectinases catalyzed the breakdown.

3.1.3 Melon
Melon is a wide range of fruit family grown in tropical regions of the world. The fruit is an
excellent source of Vitamin A, (100 g provides 3382 IU or about 112% of recommended daily
levels) one of the highest among cucurbita fruits. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and is
essential for healthy vision. They are considered to be alkaline of very low acid pH, somewhat
nearing to neutral in the range of pH 6.17 – 7.13 (U.S. FDA, 2015).

Fig 7 Unboiled melon soaked Fig 8 Boiled melon soaked in

in milk milk

Like other fruit samples, melon also rendered a bitter taste at the end of the experiment.
But it differs in the rate of reaction and the intensity of the bitterness. Shown in Fig 7 and Fig 8
are melon fruit soaked in milk. These set-ups were the most bearable samples to do the sensory
evaluation. Table 3 for further specific sensory evaluation.
Table 3 Time, Temperature and Milk Effects on Melon

15 mins 30 mins 60 mins

Water (Unboiled) No sensorial changes Water smelled like melon Fruit tasted a bit bland and
escalated and can be but still tasted like it was water tasted a bit sweet and
observed. before. Fruit is typical of smelled like melon.

Water (Boiled) No sensorial changes Water was a bit sweeter Water tasted like melon,
escalated and can be and smelled like melon. sweet and smelled like
observed. Except that Fruit was softer. melon. Fruit became less
melon was softer. sweet but still soft.

Milk (Unboiled) No sensorial changes Milk tasted and smelled Milk was sweeter but a bit
escalated and can be like melon. Melon was still of bitterness was present.
observed. sweet. Fruit became a lttle bland.

Milk (Boiled) No sensorial changes Milk was sweeter and Bit of bitterness was tasted
escalated and can be smelled like melon. Melon in the milk. But sweetness
observed. Except that was soft and sweet. predominated. Fruit was
melon was softer. slightly bland

In Table 3, sensorial properties of melon were evaluated after exposing it to four different
set-ups. Like the rest of the fruit sample, melon also rendered a bitterness. The difference is
that, the bitterness came slower compared to other fruit samples and the intensity of the
bitterness was just the same to the intensity experienced in the early stage of the two other
fruit samples.
This is attributed to the low acidity of the fruit. pH ranging from 6.17 – 7.13 does not react
rapidly with the acidity of milk. The reason for the bittering of the milk with this range of fruit is
that the casein in milk was hydrolyzed and the temperature also affect to the breakdown of
rennin in milk. Coagulation of milk or clotting is often caused by enzyme catalyzing hydrolysis of
proteins in the milk. In this case, the present salts in milk and the inherent salt in the fruit
chemically react and produce an undesirable effect but at a very slow rate compared to other
high acid fruits (Tricia, ND).
3.2 Tea

Tea, as mentioned in the earlier part of the report, is a temperamental plant which contains
polyphenol responsible for its astringency (Gebely, 2016). Tea which is greatly affected by variations
of soil, elevation, and climate, originated in Central Asia and can be separated into three basic types:
black, green, and oolong. The process used to prepare the leaves establishes the tea's classification,
while oxidation determines its color, body, and flavor. Fig 9 is an actual image of green tea extract
taken during the experiment. Tea bag was soaked in hot water for 15 minutes which resulted to this.

Fig 9 Plain green tea extract

In this experiment, three set-ups were prepared for the observation of effects of milk and
calamnsi in tea. Fig 10 is an image of the three set-ups.

Fig 10 Three set-ups of tea

(L-R) Plain tea, Tea with Milk, Tea with calamansi

3.2.1 Tea with milk

In the sensorial evaluation, addition of milk to tea made the tea extract increase its
consistency and smooth as associated to adding cream to a flowy drink. Hence the taste of
the drink was less astringent compared to the plain tea. It only enhanced the viscosity of the
drink because it tasted bland but even off the astringency. Thus, the thickening agent
property of milk was applied in the experiment. Also, the acidity of milk did not affect the
taste or formation of curds of milk since tea contains caffeine and also an acid compound
making the environment easy for adaptability (The Dairy Council, ND).

Fig 11 is an illustration of tea with milk. The photo is taken after sixty minutes of
addition of milk to the tea. Image shows no visual formation of curds or clotting or
coagulation to both compound. Time differentiation did not vary the results.

Fig 11 Plain green tea

extract with milk

Tea is known for its health benefits to consumers. But study finds that these health
benefits are “wiped out” when adding milk to tea. Milk, as known by everyone contains
protein casein, and these proteins binds polyphenol which is present in tea and responsible
for the antioxidant property of tea and thus making them ineffective (Minton, 2009).

3.2.2 Tea with calamansi

Addition of calamansi juice to the tea made the tea very astringent. The calamansi
predominated the whole combination of compounds. Pungent odor of calamansi drink was
very evident and the astringency of the tea was totally blocked.
Fig 12 shows an illustration of tea with calamansi juice. No coagulation observed or
any formation of curds. Only the taste and the aroma was influenced by calamansi juice.
Fig 12 Plain green tea
extract with calamansi juice

The brown translucent brown color of tea was turned into brown-to-yellow, pungent
calamnsi drink. Tea contains a variety of naturally acidic and basic compounds which interact
to form a mildly acidic solution. As herbal teas can be made from any plant other than the
tea plant, their acidity is thus widely variable, and little can be said in generality about them.
Flavor is usually a good coarse indicator of the level of acidity.

The bulk of polyphenols in green tea are flavonols (aka catechins). These catechins,
which make up 30-42% of the elements of green tea, work to attack free radicals which cause
disease. Of these catechins, EGCG has the strongest capacity to fight off free radicals.

The polyphenols in all tea bind with iron and calcium and thus prevent these minerals
from being absorbed, however, adding citrus fruit such as lemon juice inhibits this binding
and makes the minerals available for the body to use; lemon juice added to black tea will
increase iron and calcium solubility and absorption in the body. Lemon slices or lemon juice
should not, however, be used when drinking tea from Styrofoam cups because the
polystyrene will be dissolved into the tea liquid (Rosen, 2012).

Generally, the experiment provided information on flavor development when it comes to adding
different compounds and evaluating in a very keen manner the possible major and minor effects on it
on the sample provided.


After the experiment was successfully conducted and all the necessary data and information
were generated, it can be concluded that:
1. Adding ingredients like milk has certain effects on the flavor of fresh fruits.
2. Heating affects the sensorial characteristics of the different fruit samples.
3. Time also affects flavor changes of the fruits
4. Addition of milk and calamansi to the flavor of green tea have different effects on the
palatability and nutritional value of the product.


The following recommendations are made after the execution of the experiment:

1. Gather information beforehand about the experiment and samples to be utilized to avoid
errors during experiment proper.
2. Following the laboratory manual is highly recommended.
3. Safety precautions during experiment must be highly observed.
4. Observing proper methods while conducting a sensory evaluation is necessary.

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