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Scoala Gimnaziala Nr.5 Piatra Neamt

Prof. Cimpeanu Alina Andreea
Disciplina: Limba Engleza Viza director Viza sef catedra
Clasa : I-B
Nr.ore/sapatamana: 1
Manual: Comunicare in limba moderna-Limba engleza, Ed. Edu

Anul Scolar 2017/2018


Structures Observations

First Semester
Unit 1. 1. Welcome! Greetings 1. 1.1 Introductions, 2 W1-W2
Hello, Names 1.3 Answers to greetings,
Matching exercise,
I Like You! “I am…” 2. 2.1 Listen and repeat
2. How are Moments of the day, 1. 1.2 Verbal(yes/no) 2 W3-W4
you? Expressing simple 1.3 Answers to simple
feelings, questions,
“How are you?”
2. 2.2 Pantomime,
“I am…” 2.3 Matching exercise, Chain
3. 3.1 dialogue
3.Pink Is My Numbers 2. 2.1 Rhymes, 1 W5
Colour! Colours 2.2 Put the numbers in order,
The verb to “be” (1) Matching exercise,
4. 4.1 Labelling
Revision and
MODULE I Let’s Play!
Unit 2. 4. I’m Casper! Hobbies 1. 1.1 Listen and repeat, 1 W6
Hello I’m a Ghost! “I like/I don’t like”, 1.2 Matching exercise,
Agreeing with “too”, Maze,
(ween)! Disagreeing with
2. 2.2 True/False Exercise
“inside”,”in front of”
5. It’s Specific Vocabulary and 1. 1.3 Rhymes, Matching 1 W7 W8
Halloween! sounds, 2. 2.1 exercise, Listen and repeat, Primary
Halloween Multiple choice School
2.3 -On
The verb to “be” 4. 4.1 Vacation-
6. My Toys Toys 1. 1.1 Following 1 W9
Instructions 1.2 Instructions,
Directions: Finding the right word,
1.3 Matching exercise,
“up”, “down”, 2. 2.1 Pantomime,
Verbs: “to go”, Learning a poem
“to sit”, “to stand”, “to
jump”,”to come”, etc.
Revision and
MODULE II Let’s Play!
Unit 3. 7. This is My Rooms 1. 1.2 Guessing and 1 W10
Who’s Afraid House Materials 1.3 Matching,
Objects in the house, Labelling,
Of the Big Adjectives: “big”,
2. 2.1 Identifying
Bad Wolf? “small” 2.2
3. 3.1
8. Piggy’s Domestic animals, 1. 1.3 Multiple choice 1 W11
Farm Animal sounds, 2. 2.1 Matching exercise
Plurals Singing
“there is/are”,
2.2 Chain game
“this/these” 4. 4.1
9. In the Wild animals 1. 1.1 Matching exercise 1 W12
Woods Insects, Adjectives, 2. 3.1 Fill-in the gaps
Specific Vocabulary Follow instructions
4. 4.1
Revision and
Let’s Play!
CHRISTMAS Specific vocabulary 3. 3.1 Making Christmas cards 2 W13-W14
IS HERE! Game (Tic Tac Toe) 4. 4.1 Labelling, Matching
exercise, Carolling
Let’s Play!
Unit 4. 10.Friends Family members 2. 2.3 Making simple rhymes 1 W15
Mirror, And “This is …” 3. 3.1 Labelling
Finding the word
Mirror on the Family
11. My Parts of the Body 1. 1.2 Making associations 1 W16
Body Clothes 3. 3.1 Identifying
Matching exercise
4. 4.1
12. My Looks Adjectives: “good”, 1. 1.2 Labelling 1 W17
“bad”,”ugly”, 3. 3.1 Making unusual
”beautiful” associations,
Questions/answers Giving arguments
Semestrial 1 W18
Revision and
Let’s Play!
Unit 5.
The 13.Here, Actions 1. 1.1 Following instructions 1 W19
“Where are you?” 1.2 Recognizing the characters
Enchanted There, “Here, there”
Lamp Everywhere! 2. 2.2
14. Silly, Instructions 1. 1.1 Fill-in exercise 2 W20-W21 W21
Crazy Lamp Names of countries 1.2 Maze Martisor
“I want to go to…” Following instructions Festivity
2. 2.3 Pantomime
3. 3.1 Listen and repeat
15. Genie School objects 2. 2.3 Making simple dialogues 2 W22-W23 W22
Wants To Go School subjects 2.4 Making requests Mother’s
“I need…” Guessing the meaning Day
To School! 3. 3.1 Matching exercise Celebration
Revision and
Let’s Play!
Unit 6. 16. The Vegetables and fruits 1. 1.2 Matching exercise 2 W24-W25
Drink Me, Carrot “Let’s make a salad!” 2. 2.2 Role Play, Asking for
something politely,
Eat Me! Market 2.4 True/False exercise
17.The Tea Food and drinks 2. 2.4 Matching exercise
Party “Do you like…?” 3. 3.1 Making associations,Maze
18.Happy Easter vocabulary 2. 2.3 Making rhymes 2 W26 W27
Easter! Seasons 3. 3.1 Matching exercise Scoala
Specific adjectives: Identifying
4. 4.1 Asking for help,Posters
Revision and
MODULE IV Let’s Play!
Unit 7. 19. In the Sea creatures 2. 2.1 Identifying 1 W28
Little Ocean Questions and answers 3. 3.1 Labelling
20. Let’s Have Theme parks: specific 1. 1.2 Identifying 1 W29
Fun! vocabulary, Verbs of 3. 3.1 Matching exercise
movement: True/False exercise
21. The Prepositions: 1 1.2 Riddles 2 W30-W31
Mysterious “in”,”on”,”above”, 1.3 Miming
“under” Indicating position
Ocean “What am I?”
2. 2.1 Labelling
3. 3.1
Revision and
Let’s Play!
Unit 8. 22. On the Jobs 1. 1.3 Making associations 1 W32
Go with Us Road Means of transport 2. 2.1 Matching exercise
“I want to be a …” Maze
To Bremen! 3. 3.1
23. The Big Musical instruments 1. 1.3 Identifying 1 W33
Show Shapes 2. 2.1 Word completion
Verbs: “to play”,”to Learning a simple song
3. 3.1
24. Summer Specific vocabulary for 1. 1.3 Making associations 1 W34
Plans holidays, 2. 2.1 Guessing
Ways of saying goodbye Saying goodbye
3. 3.1
Semestrial 1 W35
Revision and
Let’s Play!
Competente generale Competente specific
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple 1.1. Oferirea unei reactii adecvate la o intrebare/instructiune
scurta si simpla rostita clar si foarte rar,adresata cu atentie de
catre interlocutor.
1.2. Recunoasterea localizarii elementare
(stanga,dreapta,aici,acolo) a unor obiecte din universal imediat, in
mesaje articulate clar si rar.
1.3. Manifestarea curiozitatii fata de sesizarea semnificatiei
globale a unor filme si a unor cantece pentru copii in limba
moderna respectiva.
2. Exprimarea orala in situatii de comunicare uzuala 2.1. Reproducerea unor cantece/poezii scurte si simple
2.2. Formularea unor mesaje scurte de prezentare personala
( hobby-uri,adresa), cu sprijin din partea interlocutorului
2.3. Participarea la jocuri de comunicare in care reproduce sau
creeaza rime/mesaje scurte
2.4. Exprimarea unei cereri simple pentru a obtine un obiect din
universal imediat
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple 3.1. Manifestarea curiozitatii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise
simple si scurte din universal imediat
4. Redactarea de mesaje simple in situatii de comunicare uzuala 4.1. Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei in care
elaboreaza cu sprijin scurte mesaje scrise.

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