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The Modeling of Lift and

M. Lopez de Bertodano Dispersion Forces in Two-Fluid

Nuclear Engineering Department,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
47907-2017, USA
Model Simulations of a Bubbly
F. J. Moraga
Two-fluid model simulations of a bubbly vertical jet are presented. The purpose of these
D. A. Drew simulations is to assess the modeling of lift and turbulent dispersion forces in a free shear
flow. The turbulent dispersion models used herein are based on the application of a kinetic
R. T. Lahey, Jr. transport equation, similar to Boltzmann’s equation, to obtain the turbulent diffusion force
for the dispersed phase [1–4]. They have already been constituted and validated for the
Center for Multiphase Research, case of particles in homogeneous turbulence and jets [5] and for microscopic bubbles in
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, grid generated turbulence and mixing layers [6,7]. It was found that it is possible to
Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA simulate the experimental data of Sun [8] (see Figs. 1–6) for a bubbly jet with 1 mm
diameter bubbles. Good agreement is obtained using the model of Brucato et al. [9] for
the modulation of the drag force by the liquid phase turbulence and a constant lift
coefficient, C L . However, little sensitivity is observed to the value of the lift coefficient in
the range 0⬍C L ⬍0.29. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1777231兴

1 Introduction have previously been simulated with Lagrangian approaches 关11兴.

Thus, a comparison of performance between Eulerian and La-
The present two-fluid model for turbulent bubbly flows applies
grangian formulations is possible.
recent advances in the development of interfacial forces. They The organization of the paper is as follows. The next section
include the general solution of the lift force for a rotating sphere presents the two-fluid model, while Section 3 covers the simula-
moving through a viscous shear flow by 关10兴 and studies of drag tions and results. Finally, the most relevant conclusions are stated
modulation by turbulence 关9兴. Another important advance has in Section 4.
been the application of a kinetic transport equation, similar to the
Boltzmann’s equation, to obtain the turbulent diffusion force for 2 Two-Fluid Model Equations
the dispersed phase 关3,4兴. This method has been successfully ap-
plied in the field of particle flows and provides Eulerian results Conservation of the ensemble-averaged mass and momentum
that are as accurate as the Lagrangian analysis. The magnitude of for phase-k, in the absence of phase change, are expressed as
the turbulent dispersion force is obtained rigorously from the first 关关12兴, §11.3兴:
moment of the kinetic equation and is constituted in terms of the ⳵ ␣ k␳ k
statistics of the turbulence of the continuous liquid phase and the ⫹ⵜ• ␣ k ␳ k uk ⫽0 (1)
drag law of the dispersed phase, without the need of any ad. hoc.
constants. This turbulent dispersion force has already been consti- and,
tuted and validated for the case of particles in homogeneous tur-
⳵ ␣ k ␳ k uk
bulence and jets 关5兴 and for microscopic bubbles in grid generated ⫹ⵜ• ␣ k ␳ k uk uk ⫽ⵜ• ␣ k 共 Tk ⫹TRe
k 兲 ⫹ ␣ k ␳ k g⫹Mk
turbulence and mixing layers 关6,7兴. The most important dimen- ⳵t
sionless number controlling dispersion in these works is the ⫺Tki •ⵜ ␣ k , (2)
Stokes number, St, which was very large for the particles, St
⬇100 at the nozzle entrance 关5兴, and very small for the bubbles, where ␣ k , ␳ k , uk are the void fraction, density and velocities of
St⬇10⫺3 关6,7兴. Jets are a particularly challenging flow for pre- phase-k, respectively. Also, Tk , TRe
k and Tki are the viscous stress
dicting turbulent dispersion because the characteristic time of the tensor, the Reynolds stress tensor, and the interface stress tensor
turbulence and consequently the Stokes number change dramati- of phase-k, respectively, and g is the gravitational acceleration. In
cally across the computational domain. In this paper, simulations the remaining of this work the subscript k⫽c, d represents the
of the air/water bubbly jet characterized by Sun 关8兴 are presented. continuous and dispersed phases, respectively, and we may ne-
By selecting a low void fraction bubbly flow, instead of the gas/ glect the viscous part of the interface stress tensor. Thus, Tki
solid flow simulated by Lopez de Bertodano 关5兴, we intend to ⫽⫺p ki I. We further assume that the difference p k ⫺p ki , k⫽c, d,
study dispersion in a flow with a completely different turbulence is negligibly small. With these two assumptions we achieve clo-
structure and Stokes number distribution. Unlike the previously sure for the interfacial stress tensor.
studied jet the selected bubbly flow is one-way coupled 共i.e., the
bubbles do not appreciable modulate the continuous phase turbu- 3 Bubbly Jet
lence兲 and the Stokes numbers are made larger by selecting large 3.1 Model for the Interfacial Force. The interfacial mo-
bubbles, yet no so large as to experience helicoidal trajectories. mentum force density, Md , needs to be constituted in order to
An additional benefit of selecting the data of Sun 关8兴 is that they achieve closure. Thus we write,
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL Md ⬵MD
d ⫹Md ⫹Md ⫹Md
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Fluids Engineering Division
August 15, 2002; revised manuscript received July 16, 2003. Associate Editor: S. where these forces are, respectively, those due to drag 共D兲, turbu-
Balachandar. lent dispersion 共TD兲, virtual mass 共VM兲 and lift 共L兲.

Journal of Fluids Engineering Copyright © 2004 by ASME JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 573

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The virtual mass force accounts for the effect of acceleration of the turbulent diffusion force comes out of this process in a natural
the liquid displaced by the bubbles, and can be modeled as way as 关5兴:

d ⫽ ␣ d ␳ c C VM
MVM 冋冉 ⳵ uc
⫹uc •ⵜuc ⫺ 冊冉
⳵ ud
⫹ud •ⵜud 冊册 , (4) d ⫽⫺ ␳ c
u⬘ u⬘ •ⵜ ␣ d ,
St 共 1⫹St 兲 c c

where the virtual volume coefficient, C VM , is 0.5 for the dilute where the Stokes number, St, is defined as the ratio of the relax-
potential flow of spherical bubbles. ation times of the bubble, ␶ d , and the eddies, ␶ c .
The drag force may be expressed as Comparing this homogeneous flow formulation with that of
Reeks 关2兴 for a simple shear flow, there are some differences in
3 兩 ur 兩 the derivation of the turbulent diffusion force as well as the Rey-
d ⫽⫺ ␣ d ␳ c C D
MD u, (5) nolds stresses:
8 D b /2 r
共1兲 Turbulent diffusion force: The presence of the shear pro-
where the drag coefficient C D is defined after Tomiyama 关13兴, duces extra terms that are a function of the dimensionless product
with a void fraction correction based on that of Ishii 关14兴 to in- ␶ c S where S is the strain rate, in addition to the Stokes number.
clude interaction between the bubbles. in tap water: However, they are smaller than the corresponding terms in the
homogeneous model 共at most 30% for the present case兲 and more
1 24
C D⫽ 0.687
共 1⫹0.15 ReD 兲, (6) importantly, these terms act only in the x-direction. For the jet, the
␣ c ReD diffusion in the x-direction is much smaller than the convective
transport, so it is neglected.
where ReD is the bubble Reynolds number based on the bubble
共2兲 Reynolds stresses of the dispersed phase: Reeks points out
diameter, D b , and the relative velocity, ur ⫽ud ⫺uc . We note that
that the Boussinesq approximation for the Reynolds shear stress
for the bubble size range of interest in this work, the Eötvös
of the dispersed phase is deficient. However, in the present case
number correction introduced by Tomiyama 关13兴 is not applicable.
the Reynolds stresses of the bubbles are proportional to the den-
The lift force on a sphere in shear flow can be expressed as
sity of the air, as shown in Eq. 共2兲, so they are neglected. There-
fore, this effect as well as others 共e.g., turbophoresis兲 which are
MLd ⫽⫺ ␣ d ␳ c C L ur ⫻ 共 ⵜ⫻uc 兲 , (7) significant in the case of particle flows, are negligible for bubbles.
The time constant of the bubbles can be derived using Eqs. 共6兲, 共5兲
where C L ⫽0.5 for inviscid flow. Legendre and Magnaudet 关16兴 and 共4兲 as:
performed a full computational fluid dynamic 共CFD兲 simulation
for viscous shear flow around a spherical bubble with no shear at 1 共 ␳ d ⫹C VM ␳ c 兲 D 2b
the surface and obtained a similar result to Eq. 共7兲 for 10⬍ReD ␶ d⫽ . (10)
18 ␮ c 共 1⫹0.15 ReD0.687

⬍1000, though C L varies a little. In particular, C L ⫽0.45 for
ReD⫽100 共i.e., a 1 mm bubble兲 and a dimensionless vorticity, a Closure is provided by the k⫺ ⑀ model which is used to calculate
⫽D b ⵜ⫻uc /u r ⫽0.2. ␶ c and u⬘c u⬘c . The eddy relaxation time based on the k⫺ ⑀ model
However, bubbles flowing in tap water behave like rigid is,
spheres and, furthermore, they may rotate as they move through
the shear flow. Recently Kurose and Komori 关10兴 solved the prob- ␶ c ⫽C ␮3/4k/ ⑀ . (11)
lem of a rotating sphere moving in linear shear flow with a full
Another important effect influencing dispersion is eddy cross over.
CFD simulation. In this case not only a, but also the dimension-
It is characterized by the time scale ␶ R ⫽␭/ 兩 ur 兩 关5,19兴, where ␭ is
less sphere rotation, ⍀⫽⍀ b /u r , were considered. It turns out that
the Eulerian length scale of the eddies. Estimating this length
assuming ⍀⫽a/2 and ReD⫽100 the result of Kurose and Komori
scale with the k⫺ ⑀ model mixing length it is concluded that, ␶ R
关10兴 can be reproduced very closely with Eq. 共7兲 and C L ⫽0.28 for
Ⰶ ␶ c , which implies that eddy cross over has a negligible effect
0⬍a⬍0.4, which is the range of the current jet calculations.
on dispersion 关5,19兴.
However, if ⍀⫽0 as proposed by Bagchi and Balachandar 关17兴
The normal Reynolds stress components in Eq. 共9兲 may be
for solid spheres at moderate Re in shear flow the model of
Kurose and Komori yields C L ⫽⫺0.07. So the prediction of the obtained from k⫽trace(u⬘c uc⬘ ). However, for a jet the transverse
lift coefficient remains uncertain. components are approximately one half the value of the axial
Experimental results are in good agreement with the result of component. Specifically, Lopez de Bertodano 关5兴 shows that in the
Kurose and Komori 关10兴 and the assumption that ⍀⫽a/2. For limit of very small particles or bubbles it is possible to reduce the
example, the experiment of Naciri 关18兴 for a bubble in a vortex two-fluid conservation of mass and momentum equations of the
showed that C L ⫽0.25 for 10⬍ReD⬍120 and a⫽0.25. Tomiya- dispersed phase to a single ‘‘convection-diffusion’’ conservation
ma’s experimental data 关13兴 for small bubbles in Couette flow of mass equation with the diffusivity given by:
agrees with Eq. 共7兲 when C L ⫽0.288. Tomiyama’s lift coefficient
⬘ v c⬘ j .
␯ di j ⫽ ␶ c v ci (12)
was used in the bubbly jet simulations presented herein.
Physically, turbulent dispersion 共TD兲 is the result of the fluctu- The normal Reynolds stresses are modeled as:
ating component of the forces acting on the bubbles. In the sim-
plest case the turbulent diffusion force at a point is the ensemble ⬘ v c⬘ j ⫽c i j k.
v ci (13)
average of the fluctuating component of the drag force on all the The time constant of the turbulent eddies according to the k-␧
bubbles whose trajectories intersect that point. The kinetic equa- model is:
tion obtained by Reeks 关3,4兴 describes the evolution of the prob-
ability density function 共pdf兲 for the bubbles in phase space and so ␶ c ⫽0.165k/ ⑀ . (14)
it implicitly has the information of the bubble trajectories in it. The diagonal components of diffusivity are obtained combining
The Eulerian two-fluid momentum equation for the bubbles is these three equations:
obtained from the ensemble-averaged first moment of the kinetic
equation. Assuming that the turbulence is homogeneous 共though ␯ di j ⫽0.165c i j k 2 / ⑀ . (15)
not necessarily isotropic兲 and that the turbulence autocorrelation Comparing this to the k⫺ ⑀ model definition of turbulent diffusiv-
function follows the usual Markov law, ity ␯ t ⫽c ␮ k 2 / ⑀ , and assuming the Schmidt number is unity, one
obtains that c i j ⫽c ␮ /0.165⫽0.545. Thus, the transverse normal
u⬘c 共 x,0兲 u⬘c 共 x,t 兲 ⫽u⬘c u⬘c exp共 ⫺t/ ␶ c 兲 , (8) Reynolds stresses are modeled as

574 Õ Vol. 126, JULY 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 2 Kinetic energy of the turbulence
Fig. 1 Average liquid velocity

proportional to the vorticity of the liquid flow and the turbulence

u⬘c u⬘c ⫽0.545k (16) diffusion force is proportional to the turbulence intensity兲. Since
there is good agreement between the simulation and the liquid
so that the diffusivity of the bubbles matches the diffusivity of flow data the interfacial forces may be assessed properly. The
momentum in the k⫺ ⑀ model in the limit when the bubbles are so model, described in Section 3, produced too much lateral migra-
small that they behave as tracers 关5兴. tion of the bubbles 共Fig. 3兲. After inspection of the solution it was
3.2 Simulations. Case-I of the data of Sun 关8兴 was selected found that near the jet nozzle the drag force 共i.e., Eq. 共6兲兲 was too
to test the two-fluid model. This is the case with the lowest bubble small compared to the data 共Figs. 4 and 5兲. It is known that par-
flow rate and thus, the turbulence modulation by the bubbles is ticles in a turbulent fluid have significantly lower relative veloci-
negligible. The bubbly jet was injected vertically upward from a ties compared to a still fluid. Brucato et al. 关9兴 were able to cor-
5.08 mm nozzle into a still water tank. The bubbles had a diameter relate their relative velocity data, as well as other’s, with:
of 共1⫾0.11兲 mm. The inlet jet velocity was 1.65 m/s and the void
fraction was 2.4%. Mean and fluctuating properties of both phases
were measured using a LDA system while bubble concentration

C D ⫽C D⬁ 1⫹8.76⫻10⫺4 冉 冊册

was measured using flash photography. Data were measured at

x/D⫽24, 40, 60.
It was assumed that the mean flow is steady, axisymmetric,
incompressible and isothermal, and that both phases have constant
physical properties. The governing two-fluid model equations
were solved numerically using the PHOENICS code. The equa-
tions were discretized on a uniform cylindrical grid, 80 jet diam-
eters long and 20 jet diameters in diameter, using a finite volume
procedure. The elliptic formulation implies that conditions at all
the boundaries, including the downstream one, need to be speci-
fied. The boundary condition on the wall of the cylinder is the free
stream condition 共i.e., the gradients of the velocities are zero兲. At
the top of the cylinder, the pressure is atmospheric and the bound-
ary conditions at the inlet are specified from the known inflow
conditions. Preliminary simulations were performed to test for
numerical convergence. The mesh spacing was halved repeatedly
until the solution stopped changing. Numerical convergence was
achieved for an 80⫻80 grid.
Another preliminary adjustment was performed because of the
well known fact that the standard k⫺ ⑀ model does not fit the data
for single-phase axisymmetric jets very closely. Sun and Faeth
关11兴 modified one of the constants in the model, C ⑀ 2 , from 1.92 to
1.87. This correction has been applied in the present simulation
关5兴. Figures 1 and 2 show the liquid velocity and turbulent kinetic
energy profiles at three axial positions. These results are essen-
tially the same as the single-phase profiles because the void frac-
tion is very low. Therefore they do not reflect any effect due to
changes in the bubble interfacial forces. On the other hand the Fig. 3 Normalized void fraction with and without correction for
liquid field has a strong effect on these forces 共i.e., the lift force is drag modulation by turbulence „ x Õ D Ä24…

Journal of Fluids Engineering JULY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 575

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Fig. 4 Average bubble and liquid velocity „ x Õ D Ä8…
Fig. 6 Final normalized void fraction predictions

where the Kolmogorov length scale of the turbulence is defined

as: of the void fraction distribution predicted by the model and the

冉 冊
data along the jet is satisfactory.
␯3 1/4
It is important to note that once the relative velocity has been
␭ K⫽ . (18)
⑀ corrected, the effect of lift becomes negligible. Figure 3 shows
that the calculation results with C L ⫽0.288 and 0 are practically
The void fraction distribution is much closer to the data once this the same. This brings another point: the similarity between the
correction is performed. Figure 3 shows that the decrease of the present results and those of Sun and Faeth 关11兴. It has already
relative velocity has a significant effect in the drift of the bubbles been mentioned that our calculations use the same the k⫺ ⑀
near the nozzle. Figure 4 shows that very near the nozzle (x/D model, and in general the same Eulerian formulation for the con-
⫽8) the measured relative velocity is practically zero as predicted tinuous phase. However, Sun and Faeth used a Lagrangian formu-
by Eq. 共17兲. At x/D⫽24, Fig. 5, Eq. 共17兲 predicts the relative lation for the dispersed phase. The other difference is that they did
velocity correctly near the centerline but not so in the periphery. not consider the lift force, but since it is negligible, the results
As a consequence the radial dispersion of the bubbles is also validate the assertion that the present Eulerian formulation is as
slightly underpredicted. Finally, Fig. 6 shows that the agreement accurate as the Lagrangian analysis.

4 Conclusions
Simulations of a bubbly jet for which the dominant forces on
bubbles are buoyancy, drag, turbulent dispersion and lift were
conducted. In particular the turbulent dispersion correlation devel-
oped by Lopez de Bertodano 关5兴 was successfully applied here.
It was found that at the jet entrance considerable modulation of
the drag coefficient by the turbulence exists. Once the model of
关9兴 is introduced to account for this modulation, good agreement
with data was found. Results are insensitive to the value of the lift
coefficient in the range, 0⬍C L ⬍0.29, where the upper bound
correspond to the correlation developed by Tomiyama 关13兴. It
should be noted that the rigorously derived models for turbulent
dispersion are applied without any arbitrary constants, except for a
few simplifying assumptions discussed in the paper. Equation
共17兲, which is an empirical model, is the largest source of uncer-
tainty in these results.

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