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• ••• * • • • • • • • • • • • • A~ro •• l _Dt Gl T 211

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DJ-596T Mark II Dual-Band HT
VHF and UHF perlormanc8 in a great looking package. Easy to operate with a large, backlit
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and new super-accurate freQuency stability that meets the toughest standards of demanding
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DJ·196T 2 Meter HT DJ·296T 222 MHz HT

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Put the power of 5 watts and 40 memories missing a band that's open for action. An
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PermIs rtlP'1ll1ol w.RS lISe. CAP use SIItJleCr 10 ",",1 .."11llClfOllll: Si:«*hAS SlbjK!IO thinOt WIlIlOIIIlOb:e or ~" f'W\olllllllCC SPCiIabOllS onIf I(lllIy 10 iIllWIIl ~
ISSUE 15 13
El Supremo & Fou nder
Wayne Green W2NSDll

A..eetete Publi sher

F. I. Marion
Exec utive Edit or
Jack Burne tt Radio Today
Managing Editor
Joyce Sawtelle
Techn ic a l Ed ilOf
Hugh Wells W6WTU
Contri but ing Culprits 10 Clamp-on DC Ammeter - W6WTU 41 Above & Beyond - WB61G
Mike Bryc e WB8VG E A project suitable for ham radio ? Of cores. 49 Ad Index
Jim Gray II 64 Barter 'n' Buy
Jack He ller KB7N O 18 The Ins and Outs of Parts Substitution - W6WTU 39 Calendar Events
Chuck Houghton WB61GP 48 The Digital Port - KB7NO
Part 1: Understa nding the basics. 44 Hamsats - W5ACM
Andy MacA llister WSACM
Joe Moell KOOV
52 Homing In - KOOV
23 How to Check Transistors 8 Lette rs
Sieve Nowak KE8YNIO w ith an Oh mmeter - W9QKC 4 Never Say Ole - W2NSD/1
Or. RiCk Olsen N6NR Or: Let's cheat. 38 Gear Up
46 On the Go - KE8YN/7
Advertising Sales 25 Two Monitors Are Be«er Tha n On e - W6PNW 60 Propagation - Gray
Doug Johnson Run tandem screens and really impress 'em. 36 OAP - WB8VGE
800-677-8a38 1 QAX
603- 92 4-00 58 26 Travels w it h Henryk - Part 14 - SM0JHF 63 Radi o Booksh op
Fax: 42 5-557 -9612 Do Not Pass Go(a).
design73 @ao l.c om
28 Easy Aud io Trac er - AA2JZ
Circ ulation How does this project sound? E-M ail
Fra nces Hyvarinen
de!'> ign73@aoLcom
30 G.I. Joe and Mr. Morse - K7LTC
Data Entry & Other Stuff Tty teffing the military that Morse code is dead.
Norman MariOn

Bus iness Office Weh Page

EcitOfial • Advertisi'lg
Feedback - Prod uct Reviews
• CiraJalion REVIEW www.way ncgrce m

73 Amateur Radio Today Magazine 34 MFJ and the CW Jed l - N3PRT

70 Hancock Rd . An iambic beginner tries out the MFJ-564 paddle.
Pet erbo rough NH 0 34 58· 11 07
Fa x; 603-924-8613

Reprints : S3 per a rtide

Back issues : $5 each
QRH. • •
Printed in the USA
Even more shocking was the amount 01the bililrom
Death, Taxes, Sprint. It was for 12 cents. That's right: A big 12 cents,
and it included a 10 cent charge for a call placed on
and the Phone Comp",-an",Y, -_ February 16, 2003 - a call that the phone company
Well, some are calling it a new way for the telephone claims was made live years after the man had de-
Manuscr ipts: Contributions for companyto try to communicate with the dearty departed. parted from his life.
possible publieation are moSI
A resident of the town 01Auburn, Massachusetts. died Well, the billllas been handed over 10 the Aubum
welcome. We'ldolheb9:stwecann
reun CIflYlt*1g you reQI t. tu: we in December 01 1997 at age 60. He was buried at the Town Clerk. She says that she will hold on to it for a no iespoi i6t:Iilily lor loss nearby Hillside Cemetery, So it was quite a surprise lor while.
or 1Dnage. Pa)ment lor 5l.briIIad the Cemetery Superintendent to receive a bill addressed
articles will be made aller pltlicalicn Continued on page 6
to the deceased at his graveside,
Please submit boIh a dsk and a
hard copy 01 your article [IBM (ok)
or Mac (pmlerred) formats), carefully
checked drawings and schematics,
and lhe ceerest, besI focused and
Iio;trted photos you can~ . '1-low
10 wnte lor r.r Ql iOeU lElS are available
on r8Ql est US citizeos. please
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MODEL CONT. (Amps) ICS SIZE (inches) WI.(lbS.)
55·10 7 W 1:<ix 6x 9 32
55-12 10 12 1% x 6 x 9 34
55,18 15 1%x6x9
$S. 3O
2~x7x 9'lo


MODEL CONT. (Amps) ICS SIZE {inches) WI.(lbs .)
55-25M' 20 25 2/\ x 7 x 910 4.2
55-30M' 25 30 3]1, x 7 x es 50


MODEL CONT. (Amps) ICS SIZE (inches) Wl(lbs.)
$R'H5 20 25 3 ~x19x9i\ 65
SR"-l·30 25 30 3'/' x 19 x 9¥0 7.0


MODEL CON ~ (Amp~ ICS SIZE (inches) Wt.(lbs.)
SRM·25M 20 25 3'l ,x1 9 x9% 65
SRM-30M 25 30 3'1, x 19 x 9% 70


MODEL CONT. (Amps) ICS SIZE (inches) Wt.( lb s.)
$RM-25·2 20 25 311 x 19 x 9¥0 10.5
SRM·30·2 25 30 3/,x 19x 9% 11 .0


MODEL CONT. (Amps) lOS SIZE (inches) Wt{lbs.)
SRM·25M·2 eo 25 3:hx 19 x9% 10,5
SRM·30M·2 25 30 3Y1 x 19 x 9Yo 11.0



EF JOHNSON 9800 SERIES S$-lQ-EFJ-98, 5S·12·EFJ·98, SS·18·EFJ·98
ICOM IC·Fl 1020 & IC-F2lJ2O SS·101F, SS-1 21F
KENWOOD TK760. 762. 840, 860, 940, 941 5S·10TK
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UNIOEN SMH1525. SMU4525 S5-1OSMU. S5-12SMU, 55·16SMU
VERTE X - rrt.tuu. FT-l 011, H 2011. FH 011 55·10V. 55·12V. S$-18V
Bearca~ 245XLTTrunk Tracker II AO AR8200 Mark liB Rad io Scanner
Mfg, suggested .st price S429.951CEI price $189.95 AOR82OO ..... I _ *"'""-0:1 _ _ .......,SPECIAL 5S3t1.H
300 Ch......... -10 ban k s oTrunk $ClIn lind ~ Lists 1.000 Cher>ne~ • :xl baNs • 50 s...ct C..........
Trunk Lockout of """" Delli)" Clon ing Capability
PASS _ ......, 50 ~ to.n11 • 50 for VFO search

10 Priority · Pn:lgrilmlTlllld Service Search F..-q...ncy st.p p,oll m mable in mult iplee 01 H:z. so
Size: 2' IT Wide It P''' Deep x 6"' High Sin: 2 UT
Wide x 1"" Deep Jt 6'''' High
Frvquency Frequ*'C, Cova'""e:
29000-~.OOO MH~., t08· H~ MHz.. 400-51 2 MH~ . ~239Q5 !j()O x.... 10 12J Il9Ii , MIl.CI2r...<161l.1l95 ...... , &\W .O '~2J"'C 000 ......
If... .",..""/,, _ lob+o fOr 0<00'\ one! FCC "PI" o,od ..-0 .)
Bearcaf'l785OGV APeD P·25 Digital Ready MHz" 6<l9.0 12&-866.lIlI5 MH~ .• 894 0125-115e,000 MH~
The AOR AR8200 Mark liB is tile ideal handh eld race scanner
wit h free delu xe scanner head set Our Be areat Trunk TrAd<et BC24 5XLT is the worid'. ~<"St sClm- fof oornrrxJnlca tiOOl professionais. It Ma!ures all mode receive:
ner designed to trac k Mo to rola Type I. Type II . Hybrid. • WFt.4. NFM SFM {$uper NerrowFM l. WAM , AM . NAM
e El on-li ne or ph one special price $339.95
1,000 eha"'...... • 21 bands · CTCSSIDCS ' S Mltler
SMARTNET, PRIVACY PlUS end EDACS"' analog Inrii..... sya-
"""" on any band Now. IoIIow UHF Holt< a.nd. UHF 800190O
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per narrow FM plus Wide and Ne...... AM in addi-
Size: 6..... Wide x 6"""'" Deep II 2-
"' :
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j CD' . _' 1$ ~ ' 2 . 0000 _ . toI . a00a23 . ~ .

lMO (lI~9Bl$ ....... " 0l~ 1XIO . ' 2Cl o» I 300 IXIO _
' 1. 2OIJ. 0 . - _
MHz Inned public safely lind public ser-.oce sys_ just as if
~T..-o..."~ __ .-.Our_
oftets n1IIn)" """" be< " ',IS such as UuIl>- TIlOCl< • TIlOCl< mere tl'Ian
_Inriing system.t. time end SC¥< ~ and trun<ed
••••.--' bon to _ standard rnodea- The AR8200 _
.ersatJIe muftrIunctional band llOOpoo- . _
1a<;:jiIy. twin freo:r,Iency.-..: - . bar 8gNII meter.
battery _ leoture _ be nery _legend. ~

'M>en you buy y<IU" 8eIIrta! 7lI5O SliKe-d_ .wt Oigltal Ca-
p9I:IIe T......trad<er III P8d<"II" deal lrom CcrTmurica~ E ~
lI'OI"Oc:s, you gel ........ Tho! Gil mea... "Great Value.' Wilh youl
syst....... at the same lime. JOO CtIamels • Pmgram _
q'*"Cy inlO each chenneI. 12 Bands. 10 Banks - Includes
12 bands, wi th .,;'...-etIand 800 M Hz. 10 benk" with JO chan-
rat" con trols for lIOIurne and Ilq..elch. a
way side rod<er W1\t1 separate main tun...... dial ....
se4ecteble keypad beepJi lluminetion and l e O cce-

BC185D IQI" ' - ~rdla", yoo aiso gel a 1,.. delu u lIcanner nels each e'e uselullor stor ing sim iler frequencies to main_ trast, write protect and keypad k)ck , progtammable
hu clphona designed lor home or race 1rBd< use , The aear""t tein fast..r scannIng cycles or tor otor lng all the f1""'Iuef\CI.. scan and search i ncl ~di nll li Nt( , FREE, DELAY.
7850 lIB. 1,000 channel. and \tie wide . l fre q"",ncy coverage of of • trunked or-tem , Smart Seenner • Automa tica lly pro- AUDIO. LEVEL . MODE. corTlp<Jt... sod<et fitt ed tor
_ Barcal ........ When you order \tie option8l BCI250 , Il'"em your BC245XLT wiItI &lIthe f1"ecIuencies ar'Id lrunking control. done ar>d rewrd . Flllsh-ROM no battery
APeO P roj_ 25 Oig lt. l Cu d for $299,95 , _ i~. ~ t-lIlk groupe lor rour local ""'" by accessing the eearcet required mem or y. true ca rr ier re insertion in SSB
cen _ PI.tllic: s.fefy Orpa~ lOtIo C\6I'8I'lIty .... con- nalKlnal data_ ,.;th your PC. If you 00 not _ • PC
. . - . RF pl es"I"~ <:J rnd VHF banOs. Detad>able VoN I>er
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2$ ~ APCO ptllfeCI 25 ill • 0'I'I0duIIIb0n p _ _.. \1>1I seart:h speed to JOO stepa P8O" second _ " ... . 10< - ;11 ,.....,... 8. 33 I(Hz "~ o:lslep eoleaty ......,.,ned. S1ep-l1d-
no digotaI ~ ing ff-equor>cy _ - . 5 t(Hz. _ _ 10 Priority Chan-
.... corrwnunocal>O!'lt _1lDnYefted juBl "-"'Y oIfMt, M C. Noise 1irrwI-eI & lIfIenulllQr. WIde and
........ to "'IJital motIiIe pt>ones. 'ltlu aon .M>
moo IiIol MOOloola, . - • 'ltloJ can naign _ pnonry chenneI in e.aen bank. ru..-- AM in _lion 10 \1>1I standard modes. For ..... omum
EDACS. EDN:S SCAT. a'Id EF JoI'qon eyst-. Many ~ AMq"oing a prioIify cha.......... Iows rou to kee p If..:t< 01 _. "'0 pINsure. you can 8dd _ oIlhe r.:-wog opI_
lulU..... such 8 5 S A M.E . weathe< .Iet!.
fuI~lrequency <Ii.pIay eo;IMljI on your..-t important Chai* _ """"e " ... . lui i< ...
other dla~s tor trenstnlssion s, PTeprograrTlfTltld SerW:e
sloI cards to tti<s scanner, CT8:xlO CTCSS SQUek:I'I & seen:h
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rro:><e. Our CEI pad<89" d~al ncIoJd8I, telescoplc antenna . AC lows yo<Jr SClIn~ to Skip unwanted date transmissions option locka!. CC8200A car""""l eom""l.. control le ad S109 95:
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-..ith- - . CMnel'smanual. lrunking Ir~ ~ MId one- ""Y ~e1y lIIICf\arges or' _isdl"""'"~._ blI a _ ~, 0IIIf"lIe Ilgf1ter adapler. """" _ . MW t>or .....
frequencies programmed In 'fO'JT scanner .... _ bel _ _ strap _ one year - . . , ,l,()R ......ey. f or loos\Iosl
year limrt.., UnidoIn fIdorJ ~. For ~ Karnng .w..,. _ .,.,... _ _ atlq>~_ .eom

onjoymerlt. opera~ 'fO'JT S<:lIr-.- Irorn 'fO'JT ~ ",...,.;ng retaoned in ".''''y. Manual CI>anoreI Acr
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cess • Go d1recl!y to any channel. LCD
8lIck ligt( - An lCD I<gnl,.,,,.
15 seeonds when lI'>e b&d< ligtIt key is
on b- I Buy with Confidence I
dogotaI 0lIfllJtlI channel _ dOgitai Wlice. AGEIS . ASTRa or ESAS pressed . AutoIigtlt • Automa~caIly turns
\1>1I bed<light on wtIen your scanner stops
Order on-line and get big savings
sr-_. For fasl ""t deh~. ord et on-line 81 www.usa For rrver 33 yoars. nlltlN)n s of communications specielosls
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Bearcat" 895XLT Trunk Tracker man ual mode, the BC 245XLT a ~lomafi·
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eally red~ C<lS ill pow er requirement s to
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300 Ch.nnel.. • 10 IHInks B ui ll';" C TCSS _ S Mete r Reduces the signai streng ttl 10 heip pre-
El8ctronb IfIC.• P O Box 1045 , Ann Arbor. M ichigan of8 106
Size : 10' '''' Wide x 7 uT Deep X3M" High vent S9Ial avettoad, The BC2"5X1.T
_ as a ~,..,."....-. _ irs USA. Add $20.00 per radio recei\« lor UPS !7OlJI'ld st'OppOng.
Frl1qu«K:y Covenge: 29 000.!>4 000 1oIil.. 106000.17.. ha and instnnce to the contmentaI USA. Add $15.00
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eee fl95 - .. 8lM Ol2$ __ eo_ saDona _ tI'>augh . . " 'I"
Puer10 Rico. ~. Alaska, Guam, PO Sax at APO'FPO
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The e-cel 895XLT IIIl4*b tor inIorcep1Jng \rurIkeC IiI'\lIlog
~ b• •, · ' ions - . ~ 1iI<~ TurboScen N oorr--.._
AC adapter. cne~
long lifu ni-cad batlery pack, l>eIt dip, !\p.
~. shopping d1arges iIf.. lVlO times mntnental US rales,
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to ~ VHF dI8r'neIs al 100 $I~ per second. "Th* bese is guaranteed or return een in unused COl odibOll in original
MId . . - scanr>e< is llIso ideal lor lntellgence .........igooals ibIe rubbe< ent...... earphone, RS2 J2C
c.OIe. Trun k Tracker freq ue nc y guide ,
pad<aging WIthin 61 dayos b- refu nd , 11m shippong, I'Iandling
l>eClIuse il has a Sig""l St,ength Meter, RS232C Port to ai!ow
o wn e ~ s m anual an d one y~ a, limi ted
and insura nce charges, 10% surcharge for net 10 b+lling to
compu ter·con tr". of your scanner via opUonal hardw....e end 30
U nlden warranty. Not compat ibl e wit h qua lified acco un ts All s ale s a re s ub ject to av aila bility,
trunking channel indicator anr..m ciators to show you reel-time
AGE IS. ASTRO. ESAS or l TR systems acceptance , verifica tion and a~thentication Prices, t9rms and
tr~n king activiljl fof an entire trunking system. Other feat LKes
Hear rro:><e ectco on rour radio scan~ today. Order on-lIne at specifi cations ar e oubjecl to c henge witho~t not ice. W e
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IN IICIIJ8lch to be bn:lI<en dIRlg
CTCSS lane is """;...,;l. For maDnum _
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Caneda or the USA. F"-X anybme. doa! . 1-134-663-8888.
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der \1>1I .......... opIioloal acC! ' )1_'
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Sha re the Fun leiters in a bookle t for teenag- investments you' ll ever make. A nd ~J o re Lies
ers so they'll see what they've Last year they followed wi th
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finger to pro mote the hobby ested in the fun I had 60 years In my researc h I' ve learned Florida voting machines. Iraq's
in the media, no matte r how ago buil ding m y ham gear. that we have been and a re still WM Ds, cold fusi on be ing a
bad thi ngs get. Do I fault O r m y p io neeri ng re pe aters , bei ng lied to at every tu rn. bust, o ur sc hool system, can-
them for this situation? O f RTIY, SSB , and going o n O ne of the biggest lies, one cer a nd AIDS not being easily
course not ... if the League DXpeditions long before the y that is affecting your a nd cured, m ilk being safe 10
members had the slightest in- were born. To get kids ' atten- your fami ly's life more than drink , global warming, vacci-
terest in keeping the ho bby tion, we need to explain what all the others combined, has nat ions safe, the drug war, the
going they'd be rai sing he ll fun they could be having to- to do w ith hea lth. We a re be- Moon la ndings, Pearl Harbor,
with HQ about it. And they' re day. So, what have you been ing lied to by the mcdicall A melia Earhart, one bom b at
not. Not a whimper. It's the doing that ' s fun ? pharmaceutical complex, the O kla homa C ity, sonograms
old boiled frog sy ndro me. Zz zzzz? government. o ur doctors, the not damaging babies, cell
One thing that would hel p food ind ustry, and on down pho nes not burning out brain
wo uld be a booklet that co uld New Tricks the line. ce lls, the sun causing skin
be gotten our 10 kids e xplain- Which may explain why cancer, cro p circles being
ing what fu n they could be JoAnne Schmuss KD40DQ I' ve been such an itch about made by people, the shuttle
having on our ham bands. j ust passed her Ex tra Class thi s in a ham magazine . a nd space sta tion being of
Somewhere around 95% of the exam. Not bad for a 7 1-year· The ke y to good health is a ny value , hot fus io n having
old. Now, what's all thai beef-
kids today are totally unaware pathetically simple. 1t even a ny pote nti al, a nd so on .
ing abo ut the no-code license
of o ur ho bby. It' s dege nerated makes good com mon sense. If Chccsh, what a bunch of lies
into a hobby a lmost totally test ? Gimmc a brea k !
yo u want to be health y, stop we' re fed ,. . a nd accept.
e njoyed by o ld re tired while Ignorance vs. Stupid it)' putting po iso ns into yo ur body.
men. What part of not poisoning A nother C a nce r Cover-Up
Most of us few survivors Learni ng to read is one yourself don' t you understand'!
got invo lved in the ho bby as th ing. Actually doi ng it, a n- J go into the gory details of AcrPS USA published a great
teenagers. Heck, th at's when o the r. Ignorance is a lack of all the po isons in m y Secret interview with Dan Haley, the
we had the lime it took. T hat lea rn ing . Stupid ity is not Gu ide 10 Health, 160 pages, a uthor of Politics In lIealing.
was befo re we got married bothe ring to learn . S 15. In his book, Dan gives us the
and worked a 9 to 5 job we So, whe re am I going with Some , like nicotine, caf- detai ls of te n cases whe re the
hated to make e nough money this? fe ine, alcohol, and re fined A MA has suppressed cures
to rai se a family. Hamming Toward learning. And, that's sug ar, arc sel f-evident. T he for se rious disease s.
takes lime a nd money, nei ther not easy. You see, there' s a most insid ious by far is Take Dr. Wi lliam Koc h.
of which are in plentiful supply world of difference between cooked food. A s soon as you Seventy years ago he di scov-
to most fam ily me n. learni ng to read a nd reading cook food it kills the enzymes e red that cancer results whe n
It was rou gh e nough get- to learn . The main obstacle, a nd vitamins your body a body' s oxidation system is
ling rec rui ts a few decades once one has an in terest in needs, bu t even worse, yo ur impaired. He developed a
ago when those few of us sur- reading to learn, is the high immune syste m treats it as way to trigger the body to re-
vi ving we re kid s, w hat with percentage of baloney that's to xic, rushing o ut the white verse the process w ith one in-
the tee nage inte rest in girls being passed off as no nfiction. cells to fight it, lowe rin g yo ur jection o f glyoxylidc . T he
and sports. Now we ' re up The reality is that we're being immune system 's abilit y to bonk explains how he made
against the Internet . Napste r. lied to about so many things. deal wi th invading germs, vi- this su bstance.
chat rooms, computer games, A couple years ago The ruses. parasites, cancer, and The AMA , anxious to stop
and 24n tOO-plus-channel Disinfonnation Company pub- so o n. this sim ple cancer cure, tried
T V. lished a 400-page 9x 12 book, The more yo u're able to In buy Dr. Koch o ut. Wh en he
Several times I've as ked you You 're Being Lied To. a won- c hange you r lifesty le to a raw refused, the FDA , under pres-
to tell me what fun yo u're hav- derful collec tion of exposes , food di et , the sooner your s ure from (he A MA, took
ing. I'd love to be able to re- See [www.di sin]. lf s body w ill be a ble to repair the Koc h to court in 1942, and
print a series of e nthusias tic o ne o f t he be s t $ 20 book years of da mage yo u've do ne. again in 1946, try ing to sto p
4 73 Amate ur Radio Today • August 2003
him . But with the testimony snow in February than any a lready 20 wanner. The cen- reader sent me a newspaper
of over 200 of his patients other month in recorded his- turies-old dark spot on Nep- article about it.
who had been cured of cancer tory. Science reported that the tune has vanished and a new Someth ing's going o n.
with his one-shot treatment. West Antarctic ice sheet has one is fanning. Triton is warm- Hello, CIA, is that you?
Koch won. So the AMA next been growi ng thicker, not ing. Jupiter's spot is shrinking
went a fter him throu gh the melting. The Antarctic has and 10 is warmi ng. The ice Allen's Aile)'
Federal Trade Commission. been getting colder for the caps on Mars are melting .
The }-I C made life miser- last 30 years, not warmer. Earth's grav ity field has been We old-timers re member
Sure, the thousands of new changing. The Sun is shooting Woody Allen 's Don 't Drink
able for Koch. so when finally
out record eruptio ns. The Water. I saw the play.
he won their trial against him , volcanoes under the Pacific
And what's that comi ng read the book, saw the movie.
he could see that the AMA have heated the ocean, calv-
around the Sun that several The advice is j ust as good to-
would never give up trying to ing so me of the Antarctic icc
amateur astronomers have got- day. Please don ' t let your
stop him and he moved to shelves.
ten pictures of? See [www. family drin k tap water. I was
Brazil. Th e end less spring and
crosswynd.ccm ]. reminded by the latest issue
By an odd "coincidence" early summer rain has rc-
Then there's the Vatican o f the Nutritional Health
the assistant attorney general suited in the most fantastic
observatory in Arizona that is l oumat. which had an article
who prosecuted Koch died of wildfl ower extravaganza I've
now being guarded by U.S. on water. It says that 50,000
ca ncer a few months after the ever seen in our fields. How I Americans die from health
trial. Then the head of the wish you could have walked troops. How come they need an
~~-~al:ory ". Wh y m
~I ' Arizona
' ?. problems caused by Iluori-
FDA o ffic e. the FTC prosec u- throu gh them with me . . . it's dated water. A Harvard Uni-
tor, and the FTC administrative like an endless sy mphony in And what's all the secrecy?
Hmm, yeah, sure. but how versity study reported that
j udge all died of cance r. beauty. Over twenty kinds of 15% of all recta l and 9% of
The AMA has fought every wild flowe rs, many by the are the Red Sox doing?
bladder prob lems are caused
cancer cure vigoro usly be- millions. No, make that bil- by chlorinated water. And the
lions. Daisies three feet high . The Wealthy
cause cancer is the medical EPA warns that chlorine causes
ind ustry's biggest money But then, almost everything They're doing fabulously, high blood pressure and may
maker. And never mind the grew to three feet high by than k you , Better than ever! he li nked to Alzheimer's. Th e
550,000 American s dying of June . .. stuff that's normally Meanwhile Ame rican fa mi- Jou rnal recommend.. switching
ca ncer every year. Th e cur- only six inches. lies have seen their income to di stilled water.
rent " accepted" treatm ents Weird weather. remain flat through the ' 80s Hey, where have I heard
result in a 7% survival rate. Jim McCanney says th is is and '90s, except for the top that one before ?
making cancer a hugely ex- a manifestation of the influ - I %. where it zoomed from It goes on to point out that
pensive virtual death sentence. ence Planet X is having o n an inflation-adj usted S256,lXXl you r co ld cereal breakfast
The casualties are equiva- our sun. Unlike Mark to 56-1--1-,000. was made from genetically
lent to three fully loaded 747s Hazelwood and Nancy Hmm, how come? That's modi fi ed crops grown on
crashing and kill ing every- Lieder, he's expecting it to ar- easy ... the wea lthy use their mineral-depleted land, soaked
body on board every day - rive in about ten years. Hmm. money to buy infl uence and in pesticides proven to be car-
the main difference heing that there 's that darned 2012 date use that influence to make cinogenic, and fortified with
the plane crashes would make again. The sun is erupting more money, Like the recent chemicals and preservatives
the evening news and the with huge solar flares, so tax cuts, for instance . to prevent spoi ling in the box.
papers. someth ing strange is going So, what' s next? If history Amalgam fillin gs arc slowly
Today we're seeing the on . And how about those new is going 10 repeat itsel f, a releasing mercury into your
same AMA response to the government observatories at burst of warfare will waste body. A Swiss study found
work of Drs. Comby, Day, the South Pole? What are our energy and money just as that blood levels of mercury
Kaali, and ot hers. Nothing they for'! And why the gov- it did Holland in the 1700s were three times higher in
has changed. ern ment secrecy? Everything and Britain in the last cen- Alzheimer's patients. Then
abo ut this is now classified. tury. Think Great Britain, there are those prescription
Tu m Down The Heal! Highly classifi ed, according where the sun never se t and is dru gs, which they report de-
to McCanney. I've got his now almost irrelevant? press your immune system,
By Gorey, global warming book o n Planet X available rob yo u of essential nutrients
Watch out, you Iranian dcv-
sure hasn't hit New Hamp- for S18 (#95) Radio Bookshop. and minerals, and lead to
ils. here we come! Doesn't
shire yet. BITT. I can remcm- And you've been at a lo ss Syria need fix ing, too? Heck, such side effects as liver and
her whe n June used to be the for things to talk about? with high-tech wars only kid ney failure. It also warns
hottest month of the year. costing a few hundred billion, agai nst any canned, bott led.
This summer (7) , June 20th What G ives'! let's have at it. Say, is Libya or prepackaged foods.
came and I still hadn 't taken still a proble m? Oh, and let's Gee, all the same things
the air conditioner ou t o f the With the May 15th Planet clean up that nas ty Sudan I' ve bee n trying to get you to
closet. There were a few days X deadl ine passed, and mess. be lieve as you eat your way
when it actually got over 70 0 Lieder's June Ist extended to an early grave.
and I was able to take my deadl ine too, have we had an- Coincidence?
shirt off on my daily walks other Y2K false alann? The Fluoride Law
through our fields to get some sky hasn ' t fallen . Th e Earth Maybe you' ve read about
sun. hasn' t stopped turning. Whew! the 19 world-class microbi - Yep, it's now the law in
Thi s year Washington, OC, So , what, pray tell, is goi ng o logists who were mu rdered Californ ia that every city
had the coldest February in on? Something is. Like as- between October 200 I and with more than 10,UOO water
25 years. New York got its tronomers te ll us that Pluto February 2002 . Thi s has been hookups must fluoridate their
fou rth deepest snowfa ll since has started moving further mentioned several times on
1869 . Ba ltimore got mo re away from the Su n a nd is the Art Bell show, and a Continu£.-'d on page 9
73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003 5
QRH. • •
QRH Meanwhile, a call to Sprint Telephone's automated service by a local
newspaper in March showed that charges on the unpaid account had in-
continued fro m page J
flated. The dearly departed now owes Sprint $3,95, But lor the moment
the bill remains unpaid, This is because technically speaking, the account
is now - quite dead,
The Cemetery Superintendent probably had the best line of all, He told
a local newsman thai his cuente don't usually get mail, Now he wonders it
it's time to start putting mailboxes on graveside monuments.
And we must report that it is not true that when this apparent error was
pointed out to Sprint, melr spokesperson was so quiet you could hear a
pin drop.

Free Training Materials
\ for Ham Class Instructors
Amateur radio equipment and accessory manufacturers dazzle nemrest
attendees with give-a-way materials in their ham booths, These include
world callsign prefix wall maps (Yaesu), glossy stiff-paper color frequency
privileges charts (ICOM America), logbooks (Kenwood and Yaesu), VHFI
UHF + HF band charts (Kenwood), color frequency privileges chart (Alinco),
blank graduation certificates (W5YI), ballcaps and pens (seasonal), OST
MagaZine samplers (ARRL), and huge color radio spectrum charts from
DC to daylight (ICOM America) ,
The ham goes home from the hemteet and puts the map up on the walt
and the frequency opera ting charts under the glass on the radio table,
But imagine the impactof these materials in a classroom for brand-new
ham students, The big fold-out electromagnetic spectrum chart is a natu-
ral for teaching the relationship between frequency. wavelength, and FCC
band allocations, The color privileges chart makes for easy teaching of
ham band privileges for various licenses. The logbook includes many pages

~ ..._-
...'.. :::-.- ----
, -- ...
=_ ._ ~
. . --_
_:: : :.-
..... _ ... -,-
. _._-
......:- --- of reference, including foreign callsign prefi xes, and the VHFAJHF color
band plan charts make it easy for the instructor to explain satellite and

....--_ -
'...".. •...
-- . '-_

... . . -.
. . .
_- -
.. - ....
_ : '
..- l':,--
. -'.-
"'.. •• - ..
,.. .-
-- .1

. '=.=-==-'-c-
weak signal portions of the 440 MHz band.

" "Atthe ham shows, we are not prepared to give a ham radio instructor
:;0: --._ ,
- ----- .,._..... ... ....,.... _....
.._..._......"'..- ....
:::;; =:".0::.==-=_
_ ._..;._... '. ...__


-- . _.. --
::,~,- ;: ,......

- ---.. . . .. ..-.
=-- . _----
=:..: ==-

--"--"" .

-.-.. . . _-
: '~

- .._«---
~ ...
a class quantity of these materials - we usually give one or two ourto

. :. =--
......... _.
........::::..... -- ...
- _.. .. -----...
- - ---
-_= , ::::
- - _
_ ...

....... _
'' '.....
' ' -
- -
._ .. ::.'.-::
each attendee: explains one ham radio manufacturer, indicating the cost
of one of his handouts is over 75 cents each,
-I wish we had time to read all of the requests that come in on E·mail
_--- -. - -
=--- .. -- - -
..._ -
ICOM' ---
:: :::.-;::=.-
_-- -.--:::.:;::.-= -
0 - - ..
and by letter from ham instructors teaching a class and wanting a quantity
of our free literature - we just don't have the manpower to work up this
kind of individual instructor program,· echo most ham manufacturers when
I discuss the need for ham instructors to have quantities of their materials,
For the last four years leading amateur radio manufacturers plus the
American Radio Relay League have offered a stockpile of these training

r;" ",- W~l Ro>Jio Sd ,....1 c:::.~
_) materials available 10 any amateur radio instructor wishing to bring in these
~ .! .{_ I"'.. r"'\Io
Goo.. ~_ (;" 0202" training charts and paperwork for their students at the beginning 01 class.

Certificate of Achievement The demand has continuously grown for this service, so effective immedi-
ately, a rnaor- elze collection of free instructor training materials is avail-
&: 1I ,\o_... ,hat !ta:Jfulfillnl r~ able through the W5YI examiners in Dallas , Texas. W5Yl ;
Federal Communicat ions Commission Also available to amateur radio Eimers and instructors is the 3O-page
rtquirrmrrrts to bt a
Technician class Instructor's Guide wntten by Gordon West WB6NOA.
Licensed •Amateur Radio Operator
H"~nw>: ... _ ...
This guide parallels the new July 1, 2003, Technician class question pool,
H"""": .. ,· and not only gives the instructor a detailed teaching plan, but also in-
R~": .. _ .. - cludes pre-study that prospective students will fill out before class begins,
_ _ ... ' _ ..... ftt_ ....... _
The pre-study may also be incorporated within the cou rse as homework,
Permission is granted to reproduce the pre-study pages.
.......... C_ V . Wnl, WIlt>Nl'M
~ ~' # ., t __
There's even more! ICOM America has issued $20 gift certificates that
instructors may give cut at the completion of their course for new hams to
purchase new ICOM amateur radio equipment (valued at over $2(0). There
Photo A . Three images show just some of the free materials 110W is also available colorful graduation certificates that the instructor may
available to ham class instructors. issue to every student paSSing the test.
6 73 Amateur Radio Today .. August 2003
Also available to instructors who register with
the WSYI instructor program is the 6S-page OST
special edition magazine from the American Ra-
dio Relay league,This special edition 01OSTis
specifically printed for new and upgrading ama-
teur operators. SUbjects like "How Do Repeat·
ers Work?", ' Ham Radio and Public Service,"
~Ge tti ng the Most Out of Handheld Batteries,"
~PS K 31; and "All About Ham Radio on the Air
Awa rds~ are covered in the magazine, and it is
available to all instructors teaching classes.
Ham instructors who have traditionally pur-
chased their training materials from Radio
Sllacknl are finding a new selection of compo-
nent products in the place where the original
entry-level books were once available. Most Radio
Shack stores will 00 longer carry ham radio train-
ing materials, yet the materials are still available at
discounts for the registered amateur instructor.
A nationwide database is beginning to fill with
ham class dates lor prospective students to pe-
ruse. If you are leaching an upcoming class and
wanl som e free publicity, log onto [www . and get registered!
Once you are regislered as an amateur radio
instructor, you win be asked about your upcoming
classes and what you may need for class supplies.
These supplies will be shipped with your order for
training materials, including the Gordon West
books, audio cassettes, W5YI and West computer
courses, West code cassenes as well as code on
the CD computer program, plus other training mao
terials. By popular request, the ForestMimms book
on basic electronics makes a great lab book for
beginner students as weD as upgrade studeots.
You may also bring in the new instructor guide
that parallels the Gordon West Technician class
book where all otme 510 questions have been
rearranged for easier teaching. The 29 sub-
groups of questions for Technician class cuts
teaching time by almost 50 percent! Instead of
having to jump around the question pool , the new
book puts everything in logical teaching order.
Best 01all, all of the free manufacturer charts,
maps, coupons, and wan-size spectrum charts
are immediately available from one location with-
out you, the instructor, needing 10 contact indi-
vidual manufacturers and hoping they can get
your materials out before your upcoming class.
For questions about the program, contact
Gordon West directly, Monday-Thursday, 10:00
a.m.-4:oo p.m., California time, 714·549-5000.
l og onto {www.haminstructor.comj, or call the
toll-tree ham instructor phone number, 1·800-
669-9594. Your students will appreciate coming
intoa classroom with plenty 01 colortul charts and
maps wailing lor them at their desk seat. Stock
up now and see how much easier it is to teacn
the entry-level Technician class question pool
completely rearranged for easier jnenu cnon with
Ihe Gordon West training materials.

Test Your WX Savvy'---_

What with all the weird weather lalely. why not
give these posers a try? (Answers at end.)

Continued on page 6 J
73 Amateur RadiO Today - August 2003 7
From the Ham Shack

Anonymous. Thank you vcry much for bitter. There is no reason for the manner in J ohn R.l.. Walker- ZL3IR. Sir, regarding
your catalog. There are definitely many inter- which a person has to face a federal judge. the "Meter Made" article (73 Amaleur Radio
esting things thai I will order. Unfort unately, It is pro\'cn that once an indic tment is is· Today, March 2003) ... 1 read N 2DCH 's ar-
I have to wait for payday to come around. This s ue d. it is all over. One sho uld always try ticle about recycli ng di scarded VU and simi-
month. J have spent almost everything send- to cut the best deal possible. lar meters wi th interest. havin g done this
ing gifts to my wife for her birthday. The scary part of all th is is the quality of myse lf fo r ho me-brew dip oscillators and
That, of course, has priority over every - people wh o arc inc arcerate d. Now the divi- sim ilar projects. However, I should like to
th ing. By the way. I am not joking whe n I sio n is mu ch greate r. The amo unt of d rug sound a note of caution and adv ise you r read-
say " payday:' You see. I wo rk for a com- case s is exorbitant. You would be shocked ers tha t many cheap VU meters do not have
pany called UNICOR. a totally fede rally at the nu m ber of promine nt businesspeople linear meter movements. I found this out the
owned private corporation (sounds illegal. who are incarcerated and the manner in hard way when trying to use one as an ex-
doe sn't it ?). At every federal pri son. be it which al l of their constitu tional rights have tended range voltmeter; the scale readi ng was
high. medium. low. or camp. there is a fac- been violated. not linear between 8O'k and 100% FSD!
tory that produces everything from furni- The federal governm ent can incarcerate On checking other sim ilar meters in my
rure (as we do) to the elec trical harnesses anyone they want. I was a believer in the Con- junk box. I fo und that nearly all of the m
for F- 16 fighter aircraft. stitution. but it has been long dead. If the gov- suffered from this problem . After fu rthe r
M y job is Head Q uali ty Ass urance Inmate ernment wants you . they are going to ge t you re sea rch , I fou nd that thi s was a del iberate
and Production Coordinator. It so unds very - even if th is means that the officers lie in desig n feature to prevent o verloading and
prestigious, but the tru th o rt hc m atter is that court, fabricate evidence , or simply convict was b rou ght about by the use of lion-un i-
w he neve r the re is any problem it always you of "co nspirac y." something that is totally fo rm magnetic pol e pieces. They are still
useful as indicators for man y projects but
fall s o n m y lap. Th is ap p li e s for sta ff impossible to defend oneself against.
(C.O.'s) or in mates. be warned : C heck their linearit y if you wa nt
These are the facts; hopefully yo u w ill
to meas ure voltage or current acc urately.
I have always worked all my life, and thi s never have to face the govern ment in co urt.
(Z L31B is the editor of Break-In, [he Offi-
factory keeps up my management skills and Hopefully you will never be requested to
ci al Journal o f the ~Z A ssoc. Radio Trans-
has made me develop considerable people do so mething for them that is illegal. Hope-
mitters in Chri stchurch. New Zealand.]
skill!'> , Not everyone is an interested worker. fully you r assets will never be used against
My sa la ry is defined in the enclosed you to pro ve that there had to have been. to
graph. I am a "P' grad e. the highest , pl us I some degree. and within all probabi lit y, an Richa rd Appleya rd, Hello. Wayne. Here
have longevity an d th e ad va ntage of work- illegal act in your past. is an update o n m y daughter. I am writing to
ing overtime. I work two shi fts , the first Believe me, I know what th ese people can inform you that with the help o f three hams
fro m 7:30 a.m . 10 3 :45 p.m. , and the second do . A very dear a nd close friend of m ine for and the Hammond M useum . she won at the
from 4 :00 p .m . to 1{):30 p.m. Last month I man y years was the only victim of th e Iran- regionallevel of a Heritage fa ir competition.
made $708, but of this ha lf is taken auto- Con tra fiasco . Oliver North pleaded and and is headed to the National Heritage fair
matically for pay ment of restitutio n and competition in Sudbury, O ntario. Her project
stated hi s innoce nce ; he was approached by
fine s. ~ly positio n would be one o f at least is about Reginald Fessenden . an d part of her
very important people of thi s govern ment
S I 00,000 per year. and I assu re you that I display is a one-tube regenerative radio re-
to sim ply plead guilty. He could not do this.
could justify that amount simply with the ceivcr; Other students came over while she
Hi s ethics and backgrou nd would never per-
improvements made. was seui ng up the di splay, and comments like
mit it. Well . from a "time served" scenario
Well, many people do not understand that "cool:' "neat," and "n ifty" were heard while
it evolved to a 20-year sent ence. There are
they watched the tube glow and listened to
this is a business that the government is run- so many stories that it is shame ful to con-
two radio stations on the headphones. The
ning . The 125.000 federal pri so ners are sider th at this country's forefathers could
j udges were quite impressed also with the ra -
backed by a $30 billion budge t. pl us the look dow n and see the mo nstrosity that has
dio and he r research and knowledge of Mr,
reve nue from UN ICOR - approxim ate ly come of thei r sacrifice and efforts.
Fessenden. Tom Domalkas provided research
$600 million last year. We supply all of the If yo u like I will gladly stay in touc h - material. Rick VE3BK assisted in fixing up
govern ment age nc ies. many things are changing here in th e Bu- fathe r's mistakes, and Don VE3OCY, pulled
T he sta tus of " mandatory suppliers" for reau of Pri sons. A ll of the "privileges" have hairs and remembered his younger days while
t he g ove r nme n t m a y c ha nge . Now been ta ken away fro m us . Some people doi ng modifications and repairs to get it to
UN ICOR is looking int o joint ventures w ith thin k th at this is the military, mostly staff. receive. The Hammond Museum provided the
o utside compan ies th at ha ve interest in But none theless, I see o nly c hao.. from all information to construct the radio. The next
supplying and participating in gove rn ment o f this overregulation and a growing prison project for Katherine is to obtain her amateur
contracts. population. Look at the statistics and •vou 'll license when she can find time in between
This country no longer has "j ustice" - see that we arc now the leading country in choir. keyboard lessons, and sailing lessons.
it has a " Iegal sy ste m." the world fo r in carcerating people. Just as a So. Wayne, young people do have an interest
A s always. I make these state me nts with nOIC, California has more people incarcer- whe n shown some thing -c-especialty ou tside
trepidat ion because people always co ns ider ated than all of Europe ! This is absolutely the Internet. She enters grade nine in the fall.
th at a person wh o is in pri son or has had ludicrous. Wi ll need a comp uter to keep track of her
so me sort of conflict wit h the law is simply I wis h you well. skeds . fa
8 73 Amateur Radio TOday . August 2003
NEUER SRV DIE Oil is a curse for most of the people Anyway, a reader sent one about sc i-
continued from page 5 livi ng in these countries. not a blessing. entists at the Ind ian Institute of Science
in Bungalore having deve loped a new
wa ter. For some reason I believe it is still Something Fish)'? kind of so lar cell. It's a copper-indium-
against the law to hang California legis- galliu m-discl cnide (C IGS) m ix. It's
lators. Both laws should he repealed as The Navy has been trai ning some ne w fl e xible and can be prod uced in rolls, so
soon as possible. recr uits to look for e ne my di vers to pro- the estim ated cost is about 40% that of
I wan', retread all the evidence I' ve tect their ships aga inst unde rw a te r a t- sola r panel s.
published about this monumental scam. lacks. Sea lions are being trained to find I' d like to be able to go o ff the power
Fl uoride in the water does nOI and never divers. attach a clamp 10 a leg a nd re- grid in case Planet X. th o ugh way be-
has hel ped teeth. It monies the m. What it lease a floati ng marker. They 're also hind sc hedule. arrives. but am too thrifty
does is make people more docile. As I traini ng dol phins to spot underwater (okay. o kay, c heap) to go solar at today 's
mentioned last year, both the Germans mi nes and dive rs planting e xp losives. cell cost.
a nd the Russi ans used it in the ir conce n-
tration camps to keep prisoners docile Micro Solar Cells Reality Educatio n
and apathetic. It's against the law in all
Europea n countries but Ireland. where S pherical Solar of Cambridge. Ontario. When I look back ove r my sixtee n
those famous Irish tempers have to be is making solar ce lls of tin y silicon years of fo rmal education. I'm hard put
ke pt under control. beads o f silicon sandwiched between to remember the courses I' ve taken
By the way. tooth decay is one of the aluminum foi l, and sealed o n both ends w hich have benefited me ... in m y busi-
fi rst indications of a lousy diet. My with plast ic . T he result is a de nim -like ne ss career. or in my personal life. Oh.
mother fed me a healthy diet as a child, fabric that can be draped ove r al most
so I had absolutely perfect teeth until I'd a ny shape to ge nerate e lectricity. The Con tin ued Ott page 38
been in the Navy for four years. when I claim is that this will ob solete solar panels.
had m y firs t filli ng . A s a child I ate no Will their j acke ts be powering our f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
sugar. soda pop. white bread. cold cereal. kids' DVD pla yers in a fe w years?
jam. jelly. little ice crea m. a nd so o n. A ny de vel o pments that help bring
Ca lifornia children have tw ice as dow n solar energy costs are welcome. Liquid Electrical Tape
8 ette r T h e n T e pe
much denta l disease as childre n in othe r
sta tes .. . probably because of a ll that EI C hea pe Solar
fluoride. S .. V.. 10%
Hey. keep those clippings coming, You U s e Cod ..: ~73803"
Oh. a nd fluorides also are tied to know what I' m in terested in ... almost Quolity Products I I Amlle... Prlcel l
Alzheimer's. On e extra benefit. everything. The K1CRA RadioWebStore
T he Oil C urse 1·888·248-3484

How come countries suc h as Sa udi

Arabia. Vene zue la. Iraq . Iran. a nd other
oil-rich co untries are so a mazingly back-
ward? If you think a bo ut it, ha ve you
ever seen ally product that's been manu-
fact ured in a ny of these co untries in o ur
What's happened is th at the natural re-
source wealth is being controlled by a
sm a ll group in each country and not used
to educate thei r people. or invested in
businesses . It's easier for those in con-
trol to enj oy the bi llions and use the ir
power to kee p the country dosed off
fro m the rest of the world .
A s we 've seen he re in America, prices
rise to meet the amount of money avail-
able to buy them. An A me rica n two-
worker family today is making about the
same in in flation-adjusted do llars as a
o ne-worker fa mily did sixty years ago.
Thus, in oil-ric h cou nt ries prices are
so high th at factory labor costs too m uc h
to be co mpetitive on the world market.
So. few fac tories are buill. Witho ut in -
dustrial competition there is litt le tech-
nological innovation. so life for most
people in those cou ntries is gr im. No StepplR Antennas
wonde r the y are so jealous of us re lativel y 14135 233rd Place SE
ric h America ns.
Weal thy Saud is prefer to invest in
[ s s a qua h \V A 9 8 0 2 7
things like Harrod 's de partm ent store in Tel: 425.456 .0200 Fax: 425.391.6031
Lo ndon rathe r than a busin ess in Riyadh.
73 Amateur Radio Today · August 2003 9
Hugh Wells W6WTU
141 11BthSt.
Manhattan Beach CA 90266·4025

Clamp-on DC Ammeter
A proj ect suitable f or ham radio? Of cores.

Measuring circuit current has always been part ofthe electronics side ofham radio, and ever since I was a little kid l've
wanted to meCLnu-e circuit currell1 without having to open up a circuit to insert a meter: The project described here opens the
doorfor ham experimenters to improve on and develop new and improved circuits for measuring current flow:

lamp-on AC amme ters have fo r mak ing a clamp-on DC amme ter limits, burglar alarms. and a wide variety

C been around for a lo ng time

and have really helped those
who work on construction projects
a reality at a cost wel l within the reach
of an experimenter. The issue isn ' t
whether you need a clamp-on DC am-
of ON/OFF functions. The switch type
would be a suitable choice for detecting
the curre nt flow, o r loss of c urren t
where AC is the primary source of meter. but whether one can be built flow, in many ele ctrical/electroni c
power, However. not very many easily and inexpensively with available application s.
clamp-on DC ammeters have been ma terials. A nalog sensors may be used in a
made available fo r ham s to use, al- As a quick review of Hall-Effect switch funct ion but are designed pri -
tho ugh they do exist in the co mmercial sensors, keep in mind that the se nsor is marily to sense the magnitude and po-
world. I suspec t the re are severa l in- capable of detect ing the presence of a larity of a magnetic field that is
strument design techniques avai lable magnetic field regardless of polarity. present. The ana log sensor is se nsitive
that allow a cl amp-on technique to be ln fact. the sen sor is sensitive to the to a field that is mov ing (and rate of
used for measuring a di rect current. polarity of the fi eld in additio n to the movement) with respect to the sensor's
Following my experiments with Hall- strengt h of the field, and come s in location. The ou tput voltage response
Effect sensors (73 Magazine, January two basic ty pes . sw itch a nd a na- of the Hall -Effec t se ns or is linear be-
2003), the thought came to mind that the lo g . Switch-type sensors are used in tween the pl us and minus voltage
Hall sensor is a very simple approac h applicatio ns invo lving device travel rails, mak ing it a great candidate for

PhotoA. A side I'iew of tile wooden clothespin and a mounted core. Photo B. Oblique view of a core mounted in a wooden clothespin.
1.0 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
Ph oto D. View of the Hall-Effect sensor after it was cemented 10
Ph oto C. A head-on \';ew of the mounted core. one core face.

measurement applications. They also Cores and clamp sensor will detect the magnetic fi eld.
work well as a compass. but the fi eld level may be way too lowl
The output fro m a Hall-Effect sensor A toroid core may be util ized in small for the sensor to respond suffi -
varies in two ways. and both must be seve ral ways. but for a n amme ter a p- cie ntly for our applicat ion unless we
understood when utilizing the sensor plication , there are two simp le tech- use a very high-gain amplifi er. In addi-
in a ca librated system such as an am- niques available. The fi rst technique tion. the physical location of the wire
meter. T he detected out put respon se of utilizes a wire wound several times in relation to the sensor would create a
the sensor will be logarithmic 10 a around the core to mult iply the effect logarithmic response if the wire is al-
change in magnetic spacing between of the magnetic fi eld. Sensitivity to the lowed to shift position. By utilizing a
the magnetic sou rce and the sensor. current level is then a function of the magne tic co re. we can gather and
When the spacing is held consta nt. ~ number of turns of wire around the concentrate the magnetic field into a
output re-sM ng wm be linear to a core to gain a desired magnetic ampli- small area and red uce the mag net ic
magnitude change of the magnetic fiel d. tude response from the sensor. The fi eld loss that would occur in the absence
The anal og feature of the Hall-Effec t second technique involves passing a of a core. Likewise. the wire may be
se nsor makes it a very good cho ice single wire through the hole in the core
for use in a clamp-on DC am me te r and sensing the magnetic fi eld pro- Continu ed 011 p age 12
applic ation because it will sense the duced around the wire as a functi on of
ma gni tude of the field produced by a current flowing along the wire. Obvi-
current flowing through a wire. A ously. the second technique produces
magne tic field develops around a wire the lowest sensitivity to current flow. but
it is more adaptable to the clamp-on J
that is conducting a c urrent. and the
magni tude of the magne tic field is a DC amme ter application .
direct function of the amplitude of the
current fl owing.
One of the previous difficulties ex-
Perhaps the most important part o f
the clamp-on DC ammeter project is
rhe use of a magnetic core (toroid) to
e ,
perie nced with the use o f an analog concentrate the magnetic field gener-
Hall- Effect sensor was the issu e of ated aro und a wire ca rrying a DC c ur-
sensor drift/st ability of the output as a rent. T he magnetic field prod uced
function of device tempe rature. Fortu- around the wire will be perpend icula r
nately. Allegro Microsystems. Inc.• has to the direc tion of the current fl ow and
developed a Hall-Effect sensor that is will be concentrated by the core. Once
internally stabilized. and for this DC conce ntrated. the magnetic fi eld is al-
ammeter project the All egro A3515 lowed to pass through the Hall-Effect
device was selected . As a result. the sen sor that is placed in a gap cut in the
dev ice's outpu t signal infonnat ion is core .
as stable as the magnetic field being As an alternat ive sce nario. consider
measured . To retain circuit stability. the use of the Hall -Effec t se nsor with- Ph oto E. Shown are eight rundomlv u -
voltage reg ulation is a defi nite requi re- out the presence of a core. If a wire leered cores that were evaluated for lise in
ment for any circuit design utilizing an conducting a c urre nt is placed close to the clamp-Oil D C ammeter p roj ect. A
analog Hall-Effect se nsor. the face of a Hall -Effect se nsor. the pe nny is shown fo r size comparison.
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 11
eval uated, with the test resu lts plotted
in the graph as shown in Fi~. 1. The
cores that we re evaluated were o rigi -
na lly se lec ted by color of the core
mate rial in an attempt to sort out the
differences between ferri te (gray) and
powdered iron (black). Because of a
.- -- . DC application. it was assumed that
the powdered iron core would be the
'. '. • 0(;. -;r ,.,.:} f ,,- 'L ~ -: :: ~-- .: ,- most suitable.
oi ~ ,~.-, .,.. ,. .
.. ,. -, - ,-,--, •, Each core was c ut with a O'(>64-inc h
. ..
r -', :: " -~ ". - -, " " •. c o .; -

•• I
'.', .,
• ...
" ", ,'

.. . 4
" "
" "

" ' _ j " "" ".
. . . . . .4
., .....
" ,.:
' , ' ,. ' . ,; _ ~, . . ,:
... ~·4 ~
"_ n_

. ... . .. •
, I gap so that it would barel y slip over
the sensor body for evaluation. The
evalua tion was performed using the
Fig. J. Each of the avaitahle cores WlIs evaluated fo r response with the results shown. Hall sensor mounted o nto the circuit
Slopes 10 the lef l indicate the /O\\'(' .I'f response and the highest (g reatest) response to the board and allowed to ove rhang the
rig/It. From/eft 10 righ t, core numbers are J, 4, 3, 5, 7,6,2. and X. edge of the board. Kno wn c urre nt val-
ues ranging from O.2~A was passed
through a single wire inserted thro ugh
Clamp-on DC Ammeter position of the Hall sensor after it was
continued from page 1 1 the co re being evaluated . Eac h co re
glued to o ne face of the co re. Co ntact
produced slig ht differences in re-
anywhere within the core's opening ceme nt was used to hold both the core
sponse sensitivity to a give n current,
for the sensor to respond linearly. into the clothespi n as well as gluing
but all did react as expected, as sho wn
For the clamp-on ammeter project. a the sensor to one co re face. Contact ce-
in Fi~. 1. The basi c core material of
core was cut into two halves and ment tends to remain pliable and acts
those made from " black" material ex -
mounted into a wooden clothespin for somewhat like a shoc k absorber for the
hibited the greatest response . Cores I.
convenience as shown in Photo A. core. The core can move slightly under 3, and 4 showed the least coupling sen-
CUlling the core allows it to open up spring pressure, a llow ing the core sitivity, with cores 2 and 8 showing the
for placing a wire into the open hole of faces to mate when the cl ip is closed. greate st. Core number 2 was physi-
the toroid. Although the gaps in the Connec ting wires arc attac hed to the cally small and was more ada ptable for
co re tend to red uce the efficiency of sensor wires and the n are secured to mounti ng in the clothespin; there fore ,
the fi eld transfer, it is still the desired the clothespin to reduce the stress on it was se lected fo r use in the project.
approach for the applicatio n. Mai n- the sensor. Although the final asse m- Even though co res I, 3, and 4 exhib-
taining smooth core faces that mate bl y is a litt le crude and needs to be ited the lowest response sens itivity to
well is pe rhaps the most impo rtan t refined, it certa inly works we ll. the fl o w of c urrent, they did appear to
mech an ical as pect of the asse mbly. With a wide variety of unknown cores be suitable for a clamp-on app lication
P holos B and C show othe r views of available and not know ing exactly how where higher cu rren ts wou ld be mea-
the core a nd ho w it's mounted into each would work in the applicatio n, sured. The response linea ri ty of all the
the clothespin. P hol o D shows the e ight core s (shown in Photo E) we re cores indicates that any of the cores

/'Iwlo F. View ofa core being held hy (/ mill vise prior to being cu t Photo G. Shown is a cutoff disk; and two alternate, but suitable,
bva cutoff disk: mandrels.
12 73 Amateur Radio Today . Augusl2003

~ .. L... 'I 4o - S
I tal
'J t... +
, 8V

X, ",0
..l, e I

..• , j;
~ •
4.' . ~: ~.,o .e'
, o o j(. UK ~.
.e t
..,.~ .p "'
1/ 1. W

, Ir..+ '24., • ,
- ! •
"',' * r
10K , 00

. 0'
.K 1)""-+ -r....,
~ = BAI."NCf
• ttl ±.
"41 It<
, W

I·o. -t- I 1.'10
p, '00

.e t 4 •0 I

Fig. 2. Schematic dia gram/or the clamp-on DC ammeter evaluation, An analog lIall-Effect sensor is fotlowed by two op amps to
create both a "times / " and a "times /0 " measurement range.

evaluated would work well in the Photo G shows the d isk and two alter- o f the s plit core is red uced by th e
clamp-on application with an accom- nate mo unt ing arbors that are usable amou nt of mate ria l removed . It is de-
modation for circu it gain to achieve with th e d isk . Norm suggests th at a sira ble to se lect a core that has a center
the ultimate objective. di sk be selected having a thickness o f hole larger than th e maximum size
O.064·inch that has a re inforced fine wire ant icipated to pass th rough the
C u tt ing the co re gri t structure . Although Norm used a hole. A lso. an additional O'(>64 ~ in ch
-l-inch di sk. the di amete r o f the di sk is m us t be removed from o ne core face
For thi s part of the proj ect. I called
not cri tical. (o r O.032·i nch from each sensor mat-
upon Nonn K6YPD to assist with the Holding the core in the mill vise re -
mechanical aspects. Norm was able to quires some care . Because ferrite and -
ing fac e) to accommodate the thick-
ness o f the Hall- Effect sensor. After
j ig up the selected cores in a mill vise powdered iron cores are " hard" a nd
c utting. the core halves sho uld be
and cut each with a thi n cutoff disk turn- " britt le ." somc shock mount ing is
placed together. with the Ha ll sensor
ing at a slow speed of about 200 RPM needed. t hough the core m ust be held
inserted . to evaluate the mat ing core
o r less. Speed s o f up to 2.500 RPM ve ry fi rm to preve nt m ovement. Norm faces. If so me face angle adj ust me nt is
were tried with some success, but the was successfu l using double-backed required. a fla t jeweler' s pattern fil e
lowest speed is recommended to reduce masking tape and/or carpet tape as a will remo ve co re material. allowing
the risk o f core damage. Operating the means of holding the core with mini- the core faces to become parallel when
cutt ing di sk at a hi gh speed wou ld mum pinch pressure. The double-backed mated.
cause a much h igher insta nt aneou s tape reduces the tendency for the core
impact th an when it is turn ing slow ly. to d rift/move whcn cutti ng pressure is Elect ronics
Norm was very s uccessful in cutting appl ied - be patient. as the cutting
several core s in support o f the project. p rocess take s time. The electronics involved with the
The m ill setup is shown in Photo F . a l- O f concern during the cutt ing pro- clamp-on DC ammete r is very simp le
tho ugh a drill p ress may also be uti- cess is that powered iron and ferrite and util ize s a two-stage DC a mplifi er"
lized if proper j igg ing ca n be arra nged . cores can fracture both whe n cl amped as s hown in Fig. 2. The amplifi er
too tightly in th e drive s a d ig ital vol tmete r set o n the
vise as we ll as 20 V DC range. yield ing a d irect cur-
when struck by rent to voltage conve rsio n. Two current
H · ranges are e stabl ished by cascadi ng
the cutoff di sk .
As Nann indi- two o perational amp lifier ICs (op
cated. the objec- amp s) . C urrent ranging is established
live is to " rub" by controll ing the g a in o f th e a m pli-
- - - - - - -[ >- - - -- -
- [ >-- - - - II .~ I/ th e core to wear fie rs to prov ide a nearly d irec t cur-
away material in re nt-to- voltage conversion. For th is
" .I V the area bei ng ap p lication . I chose to use a pair o f
c ut. LM741 op am ps. but I sus pec t that a
o v After cutting the w id e variety o f available o p amps" in-
core into two parts, cl udi ng the LM 1458. would he su it-
Fig. 3. Diagram snows the voltage distribution within the circuit. th e total d iameter able for th is app lication. Obtain ing an
73 Amateur Radi o Today • August 2003 13
I utilized two comple x. the voltage di stribution and
voltage regulators ultimate stabi lity were the real criteria.
3515 and a zener diode. A suffici ent ou tput voltage swing is re-
Because the Hall- quired to enable a suitable cu rrent
Effect sensor re- measurement range. and that req uired
quires a very stable the split voltage supply for the op
supply voltage op- amps. With that in mind. an L~174 1
erating between can swing to within about 2 V of the
4 .5 V and 5.5 V. a plus/mi nus voltage ra ils before the
5 V regulator '· output fl attens.
used strictly for Some care must be taken to correctly
~n the sensor. The
ou tput of the se n-
identify the leads of the Hall-Effect
se nso r du ring ins talla tion , Because of
II j sor must reflect
as acc urately as
the flat pack age. it is very easy to re-
verse the connections to the device.
. - . possible the mag-
• '
F i~. ~ shows the device. its shape. and

.. -
.. ...
.. -.
, -- netic field devel-
the leads fo r clear iden tifi cation . The
- - • - . ...
. . .. v •• V, •• •
• oped around a cur-
maj or ke ys to ide ntifi cation arc the la-

rent-carrying wi re.

'.-...... ..
'. ....'o.,......'••wc
- . -
•• • • .r. ,

• • •
and any supply
be l marking. or brand. on the face of
the device. and the pac kage we dge


• voltage variation

- -
--- - • -
••.r. ... . •• ~ • • or noise voltage
shape. With the brand faci ng you and
the leads poi nting do wnward. the left
-, - -
will shift the out-

pin is e t-vcc, the cente r pin is #2-
~ • •

• .. . . -
, . . . ...... - ~
... . . .

• •

put indicatio n.
One of the is-
ground. and the o utput pin is #3. to the


• .,.. _ _ ........
_ •• IICIT
1IOn . _....... _ •• t • • . . . ...._

-"'" _ _
·_ot_ _ . _ .. w, 0f'I' ..
sues that I ran
Into with the
proj ect was in se-
A 2.5 V (a pproxi ma tely V ccll) ou t-
put fro m the Hall-Effect se nsor (in the
lec ting the higher absence of a mag ne tic fi e ld) estab-
Fig . 4. S/)/'{, sheet summaryfor the A351 5x UA /lall-Effet·t sensor. voltage regulator lishe s the " zero refe re nce" operating
Note caref ully the pinout connections as related to the brand and level for the o p amps. and a resistor di -
for the o p amps
packaee shape. vider between the 5 V rails establishes
that wou ld pro-
vide a "split" the " zero reference" for the second op
initial stage gain of 50 or higher. low voltage and still req uire only a single amp and the digital voltmeter. Of
noise and DC stability are the critica l ex ternal voltage so urce. My criteria co urse , the 2.5 V le vel from the se nsor
factors involved. For my applicat io n. were met by using a 24 V reg ulator. will shift some in the prese nce of any
the LM 74 1 wa s quite satisfacto ry Also. the external supply voltage has ferrous o bjec t Plac ing a core around
though no t the ultimate answer fo r to be above 26 V for the desired regu- the Hall sensor will shift the zero point
stabi lity and noi se immuni ty. I did lat ion stability. F ig, 3 sho ws the ge n- a small am ount. requiring a rebal ance
find that voltage regulat io n wa s a e ra l voltage di stributi o n that appears of the amplifier. After circuit construc-
ve ry impo rta nt factor, an d to gai n it. ill the c ircuit. T hough a ppearing tio n and the core is placed over the


1'11010 II. Top side I' iew of the clamp-Oil D C a mmeter:~ eva luation
circu it hoard. 1'11010 I. Bottom side l'iew of the evaluation circuit board.
14 73 Amateur Radio Today · August 2003
You just got yo ur ham ticket the club has The RCI-50540X covers the full 6 meter
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lead le ngths are probably important
since the amp lifier operates at a fairly
high gain level. Other tha n for me-
chanical stability and voltage regula-
tion, there is little in the circuit that's
critic al.

Calibr a tion/response

During my testing phase, the c1amp-

on DC ammeter was able to detect the
pre sence and absence of a curre nt as
low as 10 rnA, but the amplifier' s lack
of noise immunity tended to override
the ability to " measure" such a low
current value. However. measuremen t
capability and reliabilit y improved
greatly as the curre nt value increased .
Calibration of the project is accom-
plished in three steps. The first step is
to set up a known current around 3-
3.5A for the Xl ra nge. T he gain of
the first amplifier is adj usted unt il the
digital meter indicates the known cur-
Fig. 5. X J calibration response curve for measured cu rrent from ()...4 amps. The X I ga in rent value. For the second step, the
was adj usted/calibrated at the 3.5 A value. c urrent is decreased to a value in the
range of 150-200 rnA (let' s say 200 mAl
and with the digital meter switched to
Hall sensor, the balance pot must bring fenders, etc., will upset the circuit bal- the X 10 output. the gain of the second
the circuit to a balance. If the output ance . T he ci rcu it and measurement stage is adjusted to obtain a reading of
from the sensor is a little too far above capability re mai ns the same as long 0.2 V.
or below 2.5 V for the balance pot to as the amplifiers balance can be The third step is a verification step
correct, then a balance compensation achieved. As a plus facto r, the se nsor's used to fine-tune the gain adjustments of
may be req uired. Note that a 4 .7k re- linear outpu t response is greater than both amplifiers by repeating the fi rst two
sistor is used on eac h side of the bal- the op amp' s voltage rail lim its. In steps. Because of the interaction be-
ance pot to ass ist in creating a ve rnier other words, the op amp response will tween directly coupled amplifiers, some
contro l over the balance adj ustment reach saturation and " n at-top" before minor adjustment changes are expected
by reducing the voltage across the the sensor has reached its swi ng limi t. to occur during the first calibration pass.
pot. The ce nter po sit ion of the bal- When in operation, the core's mat- Altho ugh the gain of the first stage is
ance pot may be restored by connecting ing surfaces vary some from measure- dictated by the core's response sensi-
a resis tor in pa rall el with ei ther the men t to measurement, ca using a slight tivity, the basic stage design gain is be-
upp er or lower 4 .7k resistor. Select an variation in the meter's ZERO setting. tween 10 and 50. It's possible to be
appropriate resistor value that allows A slight adjustme nt of the balance higher a nd/o r lower to meet the need.
the balance pot to position itself near control corrects that error. Except for For the second stage, the gain is desir-
the center of rotat ion. Also note that a accurate c urrent measure men ts, an ab- ably set to a value of 10 in orde r to
33-ohm resistor is used in parallel with solute circuit balance is noncritical. maintain the X 1 and X I0 mu ltiplier
the ba lance pot, Again , the objective Photo II shows the top and Photo ] relation ship.
of the parallel resistor is to as sist in shows the botto m side of my test board Figs. 5 and 6 show the cal ibra tion
makin g the balance pot a vernier ad- that was cut/patterned with a den tal response curves that I obtained using
justment by narrowing the voltage value burr. As shown, my preference is to core #2. Please note that the X I cali-
across the pot. The values of the 4.7k. leave as muc h copper on a test board bra tion curve, although nearly trac king
resistors and the 33-ohm resistor may be as possible. There are times when a the absolute current "dotted" line, does
shifted as desired to create a smooth ver- new trace section may be needed and swerve some, indicating an error in re-
mer control over the balance adjustment the extra copper on the board can cir- porting the exact current that is being
range. cumvent the use of a long jumper wire measured. Of mo st concern is the re-
A negative aspect of this type of cir- by cutting a new trace. Building the sponse deviation from the norm at cur-
cuit design is that external ferrous ob- circuit on a circuit board is not nec es- rent values below 3.5 A, assuming 3.5 A
jects such as screwdrivers, tools, metal sary, but mechanical stability and short to be the uppe r measurement value. X l
16 73 Amateur Radio Today · August 2003
CO R a N

Thousands of etectrontc
parts a vailable online
The Brightest!!!
Su er-Ultrabr;ght Red LED
6000 mcd. Brlgtlter than our uhrabright
LEOs. this is ire brightest 5mm red
LED we've ever sold. Clear in the
off-stale. Standard T 1-314 package.
CAT # LED-94 10 lor ese each
75 each
100 lor SOC each
1000 for 35e each

Power Supply 5 Vdc / 7 Amp

and 3.3 Vdc / 15 Amp

Lambda # PWGOO790.
Input: 100-240 VAC e 2 Amp.
Output: 5 vee 7 A, 3.3 Vdc 15 A. Open-
frame switching power supply. 8" )( 3.5" )(
1.25" high. Prepped wilh 4' Ieads on input

o.F , I·F
and 6' leads on output with a 12 pin female
socket connector (0.156" spacing). UL, CSA.
Eo CAT# PS-79
Fig. 6. XJO response curve [or cu rrellts mea sured f rom 0-200 mAo
$6 each
10 for $5.00 each
100 for $3.85 each

calibration for Fig. 5 was do ne at ex-

actly 3.5 A to achieve the track ing
and is shown in Fig. 6 . A s long as the
gain of the first am pli fi er is se t to pro-
I 8 Character X 1 Line LCD I
curve shown. If greater measuremen t vide an accurate response for a curre nt Hantronlx # HDM08 t 11H-1-H
. .00
;,;;p..." ,
5 x 10 dot format. ... ~~
accuracy is desired for c urre nt values at I A or higher, the X 10 range w ill Mod ule size: 2.13"; 1.46". \~\
below 3.5 A, then the X I am plifier provide a linear re sponse. VIewIng area : 1.26 x 0.64". ~
gain may be adju sted with a known
current between 2 A and 2.5 A. Such Co n cl usions
Includes spec and
hook-up sheet.
CAT # LCD-84
$450 each
an adjustment would provide a reason-
A fter wa nting a clamp-on DC a m-
ably accurate indication up to the cali-
meter fo r a lo ng time , having o ne
bratio n current value. Above the
available ha s been a re al treat fo r me.
calibrat ion value. the acc urac y will
decrease wit h increased c urrent values Although I d id n 't try switc hing my
d ig ital meter from the DC to the AC T£AIolS.HO -.a.lQRDER. ~ _ ~Igr""
as indicated by the shape of the re- 48_ ...... U.SA $6 .001*_. AI ........ II'ICludnll Al{.

sponse curve. Although I didn 't so rt ran ge, it's possible that the clamp-on H1 .PR "" ~ """' _~ " iM>o ... AI ~ d
.. ~ _ o n d l . d a
w . 0..-
out the reaso n for the response c urva- project will work for both AC and DC ,L-:-:c~::::;:;:~1 tmaecl. t«> coo. Pn:lM1Ubfa<:l
CALL. WRITE Iodlano)ft _ _.

ture, I suspect that it is related 10 the applicatio ns. It has also been an inte r- FAX or E· MAIL MAIL ORDERS TO:
L~n41' s response, since the HaIl-Ef- esti ng proj ect requiring a lo t of FREE
thoug ht proce ssing and invest igation CORPORATION
feet sensor is linear from rail to rail. 96 Page P.O. Box 567
and neither ra il was reached during the to make it a sim ple TO -DO type of CATALOG
()utSlde the U.S.A. Van Nuys , CA 91408
te st. electronic project. The on ly neg ative .,.nd $3.00 pos~.
~ FAX (818)781-2653
Lin ear ca libration respo nse is e-mail allcorp
ac hieved in the X I0 range up to 200 rnA Co n tinued o n poge 57
73 Amateur Radio Today a Aug ust 2003 17
Hugh Wells W6WTU
141 1 181h St.
Manhanan Beach CA 90266-4025

The Ins and Outs

of Parts Substitution
Part 1: Understanding the basics.

Since the beginning of the development and construction of electronic devices, componen ts have been the key to a
successf ul project. A s tim e passes, pa rts f or electronics are developed, modified, ami then replaced with newly
developed ones. Many of the olde r pa rts ha ve been abandoned , leaving the ha m experimenter of today with
circuit designs and older equipment containing parts that are generally no longer available.

egardless of the diminishing I save parts from va rious sources to 4) Use a network search engine to

R availability of "co mmon" parts.

ha ms are ingenious in the way
they can substitute parts to make a de-
create a personal parts buffer.
True , having a huge junk box of
parts solve s a piece o f the problem, but
find a substitute.
5 ) Utilize network searches to deter-
mine part spec ifications , and/or to
sirable project wo rk, regardl ess o f it doesn't help m uch in constructing a characte rize the part 's pa ra meters.
when it was developed and what parts project with spec ified se miconductor 6) Utilize availabl e pa rt substitution
it wa s designed to use. Yes, as time parts that are no longer availabl e. The man uals to find a simi lar part.
moves forward, the availability of d is- solution then entails fi nd ing an avail- 7) Use the Internet cha t forums for
crete e lectronic co mpone nts appears to able part that will work in the circ uit. part search/s ubstitutio n info rmation.
be de crea sing. With many of us still ln the worst case, so me c irc uit rede- 8) Exami ne the circuit to determine
building and expe rime nting with cir- sign may be required to accommodate device func tio n and req uireme nts.
c uits developed and p ublished in the the "new " part in o rder to make the c ir- 9) Identify available parts and overlay
past, we have to substitute for many o f cuit fu nc tion . Although there is no their speci ficatio ns to the application.
the parts, particularly semicond uctors, simple answer to finding a substitute 10) Id entify circuit d ifferences
in order to complete a chose n project. part. please follow along w ith the pro- determine what, if any. circuit
Every ham has his own way of deal- cesse s that I employ that help me modifications are requi red .
ing with the parts substitution proce ss hurdl e the substitution barriers. II ) Sel ect a su itable/available re -
ba sed upo n experience, knowledge o f For a succe ssful substitutio n pro- placement part.
circ uits, kn owled geab le friends , ne t- cess, yo u must be dedicated to find ing
Part search
work search engines, catalogs, substi- a suitable part - an d that ge nerally
tution guide s, and lastly perhaps means WOR K! Here is a gene ral ized Obtaining the desired part by indi-
giving up on the project. lf you've read listing that, if followed, will turn up a cated part nu m ber is a lways the first
any of m y pas t articles, yo u realize that suitable part fo r most any ci rc uit (a l- choice for a proj ect builde r. But when
I tho roughly enjoy wo rking with elec- thoug h substituting a semiconductor the part is not available locally, you
tronic c irc uits, and that this effort ha s fo r a vacuum tube, though possible, is have to widen the search area. Search-
raised my sensitiv ity to the red uced reaching a bit far fo r this discussion ). ing for a specific part req uire s that you
sourcing of available parts for us to use I) Search for the exact part by number; have access to potential sources that
in our proj ect s. One of my many so lu- 2 ) Utilize com ponent cat al ogs to handle the desired part. Finding an
tion s was pub lished in the A pril 2002 determine availab le parts. outlet is perhap s the most difficult part
issue of 73 Amateur Radio Today. de- 3 ) Contact dealers handl ing o bsolete of the search u nless you have saved a
sc ribing m y " ha m j unk bo x" and how se mico nd ucto rs. catalog or are on the d istribution list
18 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
12 tool ... .
_ ,UI 3I4r.1
w· IIl.o __ a'••
. . - -=Il0o ... . .

... _ 21 ........

di~_"."' .
1 - 16 lee! of RG-58 ......
wilfl ONe ...... r>K~. _ lr"Y
rllIil wil1'l ropn . til... C' . taln-
, . . . . .t...1.181<0•• one 27 ' long mo.1
• 1/ ' 1>10. . wlllelll. pu.'-' inlo 1110 grou nd. ond
IN P LIT 0. 0. g,"n e . ....Vln: beg wll ll llandio . Eoeollont
10< l -.d day 0' othe, port.bla o nlft n... u... 12 lb•

• • 11. ' MI(· I2, sse,so """,,; 210< S99 .SO plu. ""PlI,

30 Foot Mast Kit

Input Z ~ 213 x R2 OutputZ - R4 30 Foot _ 1(11. ~ AIJ.35 :13' ..uml....m
2 moot MCtiona. A8-154 mast bno. 61lr"Y - . 2J
guy rInga, 3/9U'I' .tIlkft, _ • -..,. duty nylon
conyIng b-v"'- _ _ - - . y n o ~. 32
1I>$ .......... ...... . In ,
......... . . - -=Il0o.. _ _ boog _
-• .....-. .AHT-lUT.30. 1145.00 '*'" UIpg,

Fig. I. Shown is a basic towfrequency amplifier stage using an NPN j unction transistor:
All common emitter circuits art' biased essentially as shown.

for supplier catalogs either in hard smaller businesses that may buy in
copy or on-line. Some of the more com- large quantities for distribution to the
mon catalog and reference suppliers ham market, or they buy surplus and If you are a "Ham"
that come to mind arc All Electronics. end -of-the-run items from larger com- you are in Hameal/.
Digi-Kcy, Mouser. Jameco, Newark. pan ies. As a result of their pu rchasing call~~ B'8~~8I:r.e~'f:b'•.
and Radio Shack. technique. their inventory changes
When parts become obsolete. refer- over time. This means that if the de- Choooe 107ol.-1d c:dor 01 cllrta dospay ,
~I'S "-1:1" trIiICI for eadl 00I.'llry_
ence catalogs and data information sired part was in inventory yesterday. it sr-ca.lTUzone...,COolio.....
generally get trashed. One of the solu- may be gone tomorrow. However, HSIOry "" ohoroos eed'I ~rolII'e'd_
Pnnt 1IbII51n. variety oIlanntti.
tions is to retain old reference material from my experience. these suppliers v_ ateardl illIeieSlSot «.DOO~.
Seercn lordl.b.lTilltary., ...... keys.
because it can provide the basic pa- offer new parts at reasonab le prices _. ~.and~.

rameter information yo u require for and need to be queried before moving Over 1.100.000 ~$lI "9S "'trlch,ull. 1 36.OOO
making substitution deci sions. The ...... ~ addressn. 4.300 phoIOIl af1d QSLcar<l5.42.000Yilrlilv
on to the next level of search. CiI~ •• arod 24.000 references IoQSL~ .
most complete and most accurate de- Word of mouth has always been a $how$ Pillhdi $\an(e &bearlng,
vice specification data is published by good way of find ing that elusive part. Preei$fl latil~eIIong;tuOe for 0VlIf 90% + 01 alld'eu 8S,
HamCall i. $50.00 . include" ;$ 6 morllhlfreoe 1ICCe$$1o
D.A.T.A. Reference Standards. Copies Wi th the nu mber of hams who operate our HamCall htoImel sevee- request"""... QI'ljentlll
of the older and obsolete D.A.T.A. E-mai l and parti cipate in techn ical ~HCl."" /tw*III'~- $ISI,"
books are found at swapmcets. disc ussions, yo u have only to present
An aspect of what's happening today the part number and someone will
is that few outlets are available for ~ '3lJCKMAmR R
have a suggestion as to where it or a fi l9fi)efl'
Hioghway + _ .... VA l) 111 USA
: onfoPbu< . tom
single lot purchases. Of those organi- suitable substitute is available. Two 54O:8!l+Sn7.~562ll.'>oIlk1I!I+-91"1(1aII 1

lations and distributors that do stock

parts that we need. many have estab-
lished a minimum order qu antity that
inhibits single part pu rchases. A group
purchase helps resolve the prohlem
sometimes. but in most cases we need
only one or two parts to complete a
project. Fortunately, the NTE line of
pan s is widely di stribu ted and is
readily available as a parts source for
the ham community. An NTE on-li ne
substitut ion/specification serv ice is
ext re mely he lpful. Universal Radio
6830 ArnerIc:anI Pkwy.
Some parts and specifications can be ~sbwg. OH 43068
located by using the o n-line searc h . On:!ers: 800 431-3939
eng ines. Suppliers using the Web for • Info: 614866-4267
+ Fax: 6 14666-2339
their e-caralog listings are usually
73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003 19
So. how do you find a suitable sub-
I Part , Type Power
" V" hf, F,oq c ese
stitute part'? Fo rtu nate ly for ha m s.
ro-ta I
2N91 8

zrer oa
"'" mW
' W
" mA

" V

"V ..
eoc "'"
ec "'" '0-'
to- re
seve ra l manufacturers providing a
line of substitute parts for the TYNeR
repair business make them available
I >= N,," 250 MHz
"'" mW OOO mA "V

N'N ' .3W 2.S A eo '0-3 through local distributo rs. Formerly
"'''"' "'V
ECG and now J'\TTE is the foremost
I ' N_ N'N 310 mW "'" mA .. V
"" 300 "'" supplier.
I TIP 29 N'N 'W
" "V
"" 3 kH z TO·220
In support of the subs titution pro-
2N290 7 ' N' 400 mW eoomA 'OV roc 200 MHz TO·18 cess, co nversio n book s have been
2N3171 'N' >OW 3A ' OV 30 1 MHz '0-3 publi shed both in hard copy and on-
line. providing a very exte nsive listing
I , N_ ' N' ' W "" mA
"" 200 MHz to-as
of substitute parts that will acco mmo-
""' 310mW ""' mA .. V
""eo """'" '0-" date a multitude of comme rcia l part
weeese eov TO-I V
'N' "' W 'OA
'"'" numbers. Specifi cation and da ta infor-
mation for many parts may be obtained
ne sa 3A eo v eo 3_ to-esc I
""' ' W
by doing cata log searches from in -
Part • T,pe Power Id Vd. mho' F"", c," I form ation pro vided by. D.A .T.A .
360mW ..., ,0-"
"""" """" "mA " V
"'"'" Reference Standards. Digi-Key, Motorola,
I 2N44 16 N_ 300mW "mA 30V 6000
"'"'" ro-ta Mou ser, National, Radio Shack. and
I Texas Instru ments are ex amples. Even
2N5245 Neilan 360mW 30mA 30 V 6000 400 MHz
2N5545 Dual Nd1an 250 mW «oo 2MHI T0-71
though some of the substitution manual s
'" mA "'V
and cata logs are obs olete and out of
MPF 102 Nchan zoe mW "mA "V 3000 200 MHz T0-92
prin t. having the m available assists in
ns ae .."., 360mW ' mA 'V eeoc 45Q U Hz ,0-" I obtaining relative specification infor-
3N'" .."., 330mW " mA "'V 6000 300" '" 'o-n mation incl uding pinout information
I eoeo, .."., "'mW "mA "'V ".
<eo"'" 'o-n o n the older parts. I hap pen to have an
Allied Radio catalog. printed perhaps
I "',m ,0-" I
"""' "'" mW " mA "V
in the 1950s era. that I have called
I 3N'"
"""' 300mW ' mA " V aocc 'o-n upon for data on early tra nsistors.
"""' 'W "" mA 30V 45 MHz '0-33 S u bsti lutio n process
' d'" 300mW , mA OO V soc ro-te
Table 1. This is a table of random ly selected active elements. The characteristics shown O ne of the problems that a ham will
(Ire the basis f rom which a replacement/substitute part is selected. enco unter with some substitute parts
will be: the pinout of the subs titute pa rt
as re lated to the "desired" pa rt. You
such di scussion forums are the QRP quantity of desired parts for an ex-
gro up. and the HF Pack. The hams that have to be careful to evaluate both the
tended period of time. These surplus
participate In the forums are very mec hanical and electrical part differ-
dealers are most easily found through
know ledgeab le and extremely helpful ences before installi ng the substitute
Internet searches .
(see references at the end of pan 2). part . In the case of a TO-92 transistor.
There are seve ral suppliers that Part substitution the "old" and the " new" parts may
handle obsolete semiconduc tor parts "look" the same. but the pi nout of the
and will se ll them in individual quanti- When the searc h effort has left us "new" part may be oriented as EBC.
tie s to hams. These suppliers obtain witho ut a desired part, the nex t step is ECB, BC E and/o r the less common
their inventory from co mpanies that to fi nd a suita ble subs titute. Finding a BEe. Assuming that the e lec tric al pa-
clear o ut the ir parts inve ntory at the substitute part that will work in a par- ram ctcrs are similar. then only the lead
en d of a product ion run in addi tio n to ticular circuit location doesn 't ncces- orientation needs to be accommodated
o btai ning the e nd-of- the -run residuals sarily mean that the desired pa rt and fo r the subs titutio n to ta ke place.
from the semico nd uctor manufactur- the subs titute are the "sa me" pa rt with In gene ral, commo n j unctio n tran-
ers. When a pa rt has been dee med ob- o nly a different identificatio n. T hough sis to rs (also referred to as bipol ar
solete for new product ion. it is held in it's possible that the two parts were transist ors) used at freq uencies below
co mpany inventory for on ly a shan made from the same mask design. it 200 MHz are fairly easy to substitute
pe riod before it is either scrapped or would be a rare occurrence when the becau se the elec trical characteristics
sold off as surplus. Having dealers substitute pan exhibits an exact e1ec- are suffi c ie ntly close. or similar. allow-
available that are willing to pick up the trical match. But on reality. it's the ing normal ope ration within the design
surplus inven tory IS a real boon (0 similar functional characteristics that of a " typical" circuit. The major differ-
hams. becau se that action retains a co unt. cnces are related to the polarity of the
20 73 Amateur Radio toasv » August 2003
I Part , Typo Power lellda V hfelmhos Freq

I 2N222 "'" mW BOOmA SOV

eo v
60 2SO MH;z T().18
""" 310 mW 200mA 100 3OQ MH;z TO "
C 0- R R AT 0- N
NTE 123M' ees rew
""" "'" ""' TO"

'"' 310 mW 200 rnA

Gomparu 10:
"Xl 300 " "'
TO "
I u-ton Prismatic Cell
3.7 Vol!. 1400 mAh rechargeable
lithium-ion cell. Made by sanescnc. the
NTE 159

2N38 19

300 mW
10 mA
'" '"" 200 MHz

400 MHz
TO· 92
prismetie cell is 1.94" x 1.32" x 0.4" lhick.
Ulhium-Ion cell s have a very flat
TO "
discharge curve providing a very
stable power output. Further, they
2~ 16


JO rnA
JOV 5000
"'" ""' TO "
don't slIfler from !he "memory" elfecf
and don't need to be fully discharged

..." "rnA 20V ,.. Ton

before recharging. The cells have
been prepped with a SInaI QlStom CiICUit thaI
adds approximately ar'lOIl'l8r 02" to !he length
of !he c:elI. The cilCUit can be I"OillO. ed. II was

designed to provicIe spal1!. protection , over-

NTE 312 360mW
"rnA "'"""' T09'
charge prolection. filleting and to identify ee
charger used with the cen. A schematic of the
NTE 451 310mW
"rnA 25V 400 MHz TO " Circuil and specs for the cell are available on
Table Z" This table shows comparative data/or selected parts that can be used to substi- our website. CAT# BTE-45
tute f or one another. Using this comparative process, a suitable replacement/substitute
de vice can he selected.
$5 50
10 for $5.00 each
200 for $4 .00 eac h


device. e.g., NPN and PNP, and the that needs to be repl aced . If and when
base material of germanium or silicon"
Substituting an NPN for a PNP. or vice
the "whole" of the schematic tends to
create confusion. then you need to
I Electroluminescent Strip I
versa. is not normally done, though block ou t all of the schematic except
possible by changing the circuit polar- for the subject transistor and its sup- II
ity. But with the numbe r of available porting components. One technique 5" x 1" eIec1roluminescent~. Ivory irI
devices for substitution. switchi ng that I use is to bring my hands to- otI-state. Glows green when energized by 120
vae or inverter. For backlighting conlrol panels,
device polarity is not needed . gether, palms down on the schematic. specei-ertects lighting. models ere. SoIderabie
We've reached the point in the sub- and move them together until the area pins extend 0.2' beyond end 01panel.

stitution process where we must evalu- CAT# EL-5

betwee n the two thumbs and forefi n-
ate the device used in "our" circuit so
that we can choose an available tran-
gers creates a ncar circle. Adj ust the
diameter of the circle until only the
S3!:h 20 for $3 .25 each
100 for $2 .50 ea c h

sistor for the one indicated in the sche- transistor and its associated resistors 12 Vdc 1.25 AMP
matic. Let's spend a few moments and and capacitors are exposed. The circuit Power Supply
look at a circuit and eval uate how we
that 's now shown in the viewi ng circle OVE " OSA-Q 151-12
can substitute one transistor for an- 2 .1 mm 1.0 . coax power pl ug.
is all that we need to consider during
other. The first step is to focu s our at- Genter positive. UL, C SA.
the first step of substitution. CAT # P5-1 215
tention on only the device in question
T he second step is to look at the
that's shown in the schematic.
Most transistors are used in a
res istors arou nd the device to gain an S7~h
" stage" that is electrically isolated understanding of how the transistor is 110for $6 .95 each· 100 for $6.50 each I
from other stage s by using coupli ng expected to operate in the circuit. The
devices. When a transistor is used in an substitution question is, "What other
isolated stage, the voltage applied, the device will work in that exact circuit?"
resistors used. and the resulting bias For a circuit using a junction transistor,
TEflMS :NO~ORD£fl ~ _ ~ lofh
all apply to only that single tran sistor. most any similar device will operate 43 _ . ..... U S,A, 56.00 ~ <>r<I!Ir. All '*-- r.:tudO"og AK.
within the DC parameters - and that' s .... Pfl or e-- _~ fuI ~ AlI _ _ de.... """
When the func tio n of the " stage" is in CAUFClRNIA. .... _ .... a.--

understood . then substituting another 90% of the batt le. "DC" refers to direct L~7:-:';;;;;;~=j ~ t«) COD PnI:::w.,q.:r
f CALL, WRITE .,.-. ..............
transistor means that any transistor current, but when used in the context FAX or E-MAIL MAIL ORDERS TO:
will function in the circuit as long as of this discussion. it refers mostly to for our FREE ALL ELECTRONICS
the low frequency characteri stics of a CORPORATION
the circuit's functional parameters are 96 Page
device that can be determined us ing CATALOG P.O. Box 567
satisfied. Van Nuys, CA 91408
OUt_i" _ U.S.A-
So me schematics are pretty com- direct current testing techniques. Then, nncI $3.00 pca~.
FAX (818)781-2653
plex, as drawn, and it's d ifficult by eye based upon what yo u know ab ou t the
e-mail allcorp
to isolate the stage using the transistor transistor that ' s called for in the
73 Amateur Radio Today • Au gust 20 03 21
schematic. you can do a specification Some o lder RF c irc uit applicatio ns the project circuit. and in the examples
overlay of chumcteri sti cs with trunsi s- call for a 21'\918 transi stor because it shown. in <til likelihood the replace-
tors that are available and then choose would "sing" up to 800 MHz. Avail - ment part wi ll s uccessfu lly s ubstit ute
one to try. abi lity o f the 2N9 18 (2;\l 3600) is now for the part show n in th e schemat ic.
Fig. I shows a simple NPN transistor limited. but better transistors are now Some manipulat ion (If the package
a mp lifie r w ith th e s up po rt ing res is to r available a s replacement s and they arc leads may be required to achieve the
network needed for the tra nsi stor to be the NTE 69 and the M RF 901 (NTE proper connections.
b iased fo r linear sig na l operat io n 64). T he mo unting configuration dit- Perhaps the g re a tes t s ubsti tut ion
(C lass A operation). When reviewi ng a fers for each . but the electrical param - d ifficulty will be e ncountered w hen
ci rcui t as that s hown in Fig. I. the in- eters will overlay s uffic ie nt ly for the the transisto r shown in the orig inal
put and output impedances may or available device s to perform in many schematic is a germanium device. AI·
may not be a factor in the substit ution earl y c ircuit de sign s. though the circui t is simple and m ight
process. An estimate of the inp ut im- appear as s hown in Fi~. I. th e device
pedance is cl ose to the resu lt ing va lue
Parameter com pa rison specific ations will he lower than wh at
of R l and R2 be ing in parallel, or To demon strat e how 10 proceed with most modern silicon tran si stors ex-
about 2/3 the val ue or R I. T he outpu t a device s ubs titution. I've pu lled some h ibit. As a resu lt. s hould a silicon tran-
im pedance is close to 1/2 the va lue of device part numbers from various old sisto r be used to re place the ori gi nal
R~ .
schematics in my ti le and have lis ted device. the ci rcu it may perform diff er-
O nly the s upply vo ltage pola rity them in Ta b le I. If I desi red to con- cruly th an wa s intended. However. if
would be different if the circuit called struct a project of interest u sing an old th e ci rcu it is operat ing be low 500 k Hz.
fo r a P~P transi stor. When s ub stituting sche mat ic. I would have to locate th e th e substitution proc ess wi ll tend to be
o r se lecting a transi stor for the circuit. ind icated part or find a substitute thai more successful than when deali ng
the parameters o f frequency respon se . is currently available. If not availabl e. with an RF envi ro nment. Doi ng an
gain (bo th AC and DC ). and Vee are I would then be faced w ith fi nding a analysis o f the o rigina l circuit and
the most c ritical. For most tra nsistors s uitab le substitu te that wi ll work in the overlayin g a new ci rcu it. s uc h as that
curre ntly availab le fo r s ubs titution. the ci rcu it. For most c ircuit application s s hown in Fig. I. may pro vide e no ugh
ma ximum co llector voltage value they the indicated characteristics like tho se cl ues to install a silicon tra nsistor and
can hand le will normally exceed the s hown in Table 1 arc all that need to be obtai n ncar-equi va le nt performance
Vcc called for in the circuit. removing considered when selecting a replace- res ults. Of concern when using a sili-
vee as an issue . That leaves frequency men t device. However. as a caution. con transistor is the base bi as va lue
re sponse and stage gain as the on ly when th e dev ice is used in a receiver or th at will he at about 1.7 V (0.7 V above
significant factors fo r device selection. converter' s fro nt e nd. the devi ce's the em itter) above g ro und for linear
Spec ification gai n fi gu re s are noted as no ise fig ure m ust also be inc luded in operation.
hfe CAC gain) and HF E (DC ga in ). DC the eva luation . T he lowe r the NP W here the rea l rub co mes in during a
gai n is also noted as beta (0) in some nu m ber in dB . the be li ef. silico n s ubs titut io n for .1 germanium
spe ci fi cation sheets. To bring the parameter o verlay pro - device wi ll be in the presence o f R F.
M any of the older sche matics called cess into foc us. I've prepared Table 2 Altho ugh the circuit of Fig. I may ap-
fo r the use o f 2X2222 and 2N2907 10 s how a "parallel" listing of typical pl y. t he RF circuit parameters wi ll
tran sistors. Both are si lico n devices device characteristics for both tran sis- differ greatly between germani um and
and may be s ubs tituted easily wi th cur- tors and PETs. For this chart. I've silicon. Germa nium transi st ors genet-
re mly avail ab le silicon transistors pulled d ata from Tab le I. We 'll us- ally operated at lower signal sw ing
since the specificatio ns w ill overlay as s ume that ou r schemati c cull s for these amplitudes. wi th a DC level o f typi-
a near march. Th e 2N2 222 and parts and o ur searc h has fai led to turn cally O.3-0.5V between th e base and
2N2907 transistors were pa ckaged in up the ind icated part. O ne o f our o p- emi tter. whi le a silicon transistor wi ll
T O-1 8 cans a nd the newer devices tions is to usc the XTE series of part s requi re a sig na l sw ing above a DC
available arc packaged in p lastic with to find our replacement. and 10 d o that. level at 0.7 V. Likewise. the collector
the most common being the TO·9 2 I' ve se lected som e NTE p art s fo r voltage of a germanium dev ice is very
package . T he 2N39XX series of tra n- compari son . At best. the chart can low when compared to a modem sili-
si stors are plastic substitutes for most o nly sho w a co mpariso n o f the ··DC" con trunsi sto r, If the ci rcuit d esi gn
NPN and PNP applications. An XT E characteristics with a reference to the s hows a vee of. say. 4.5 V because th e
123AP is a su itable KPN substit ute. highest freq ue ncy the device wi ll opcr- trans is tor may have a max collecto r
T herefore . you need onl y to match t he ate. Beyo nd the "DC' c haracteris tics. voltage rating of 6-9 V. the n ins tallin g
NPN-to·N PN and P N P~ to · PN P for the o ther parame ters incl ude noise fi gure . a sil ico n transistor may create the issue
circuit to funct ion nearly as designed . input and output capac itance . and of insufficient Vee fo r the sil ico n de-
Fo r other o ld transi stor devices. i\TE case/pac kage sty le. After reviewing vice to funct ion properly in the original
substitution references would be a the spec ifi c device parameters. decide
clear choice . which arc th e most cri tica l for use in Confinu('d 011 paqe 57
22 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
Don Grayson W9QKC

How to Check Transistors

with an Ohmmeter
Or: Let 's cheat.

What the ham needs is a good go-no-go way ofchecking transistors with a piece ofgear that he already has. Most
transistor testers give you all sorts of exotic numbers and are expensive. What we want is a method to cheat and
get a good idea of the quality of the transistor for the least flus and COS I.

irst, let's examine the transistor test the basic operation of the transis- or not. Beside s. the manufac turer does

F to see what is available to mea- tor. In fac t the transistor can ha ve a not no rmall y give such data anyway.
sure. Fig. I shows the equ iva- collector to emi tte r sho rt and still have W hat we want is a fool proof method of
lent configuration of a PN P transisto r. good diode actio n on both the emitter deciding if the thing is "transistoring"
You will no te that it is shown as two and collector. even though it was invented in Russia
diodes. the emitter. and collec tor with Well, you say. " Why not measure in 1933.
a common cathode, the base. Thi s is be tween the emitter and collec to r, that Well then. let's set the thi ng up in a
actually how the transistor is made. It will surely detect a short." Sure it will, ci rcuit like it is supposed to wo rk and
operates by injecting a little c urrent but de fine a short. Re member that now squ irt some current into the base 10 see
into the base which contro ls the num- we are not measurin g the ratio of for- if the current going thro ugh the collec-
ber o f e lectrons that flow from the ward to backward resistance , but the tor-emitter leads does increase. If we
collector to emitter. This. basically. is backward leakage resistance of one are careful about polari ty we can use
all there is to transistor action. diode in series with the forward resis- o ur tru sty ohmmeter to do this. A n
At first glance it would appear that. tan ce of another diode. What will be a ohmmeter is nothing but a battery in
since the transistor is j ust reall y two good number for one tran sistor will be series with a resistance a nd a meter.
diodes. we could just ta ke an ohmme- a dead short for anothe r. There woul d Assuming that we wa nt to test an NPN
ter and measure the forwa rd and back- be a tremendous variation in this re sis- transistor. we merely place the positive
ward resistances of the two diodes. We tance from a small sig nal silicon RF test lead o n the collec tor and the nega-
wou ld set it up as in Fig. 2. and if the .amplifier to a germanium audio power tive lead on the emitter. A small
tran sistor we re good we cou ld expect ampl ifier. And we still know nothing amo unt of leakage current will flow
results like those show n. This test will about whethe r the thing will am plify wh ich will be indicated as a resista nce
give us some information abo ut the op-
eration of the emitter-base and collec-
tor-base diodes but leaves us in the
dark about whether it has even any
gain o r not. In other words. it docs not
@ __

By popular request, reprinted from the
March 1962 issue of 73 Amateu r Radio. Fig. J. At the left is the symbol oja standard PNP transistor: At the right is the equi valent
What types of articles would you like to physical configura tion oj this tran sistor. NO/e tlia t it is actually two diodes tied to a
see from the go lden days of yesteryear? common point. 'lie base,
73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003 23
hfe .) The third co nfig urati o n is a mea-
sure me nt of I,"", , c urrent th rough the
collecto r-emitte r with the base sho rted
BASE OHMMETER to grou nd.
lt is a bit hard to obtai n exact num-
bers on these parameters as we are
looking at a linear representation o f
basically a logarithmic device. If the
collector-e mitte r c urrent docs go up
+ - HIGH + -+ HIGH
when we apply the proper bias to the
- + LOW - LOW base, we kno w that the device ha s a
beta and it is " transisto ring." This in-
Fig. 1. fonnatio n is augmented by the actio n
of the current when the base is
grounded. On a DC ba sis. we can now
en I ECTOR , - . . , se lec t a "hot" transistor from several of
I a similar type by picking the on e that
I shows the greatest re sistan ce change.
BASE :!> :\0"' that we have examined the ba -
L sic idea. let us look at the d etails. Fig.
3 shows the basic ci rcuit using both
OHMMETER NP~ and P~ P transistors. In each case.
tf'N TRANSISTOR proper transistor action is indicated by
the resistance goi ng down ,..'hen the
Fig. 3. n·/th ohmmete r ill H X /00 scale (assuming tha t the meter uses a /·1/2 volt bat-
ba se is connected to the co llector and
. a .eood transistor 1\"iII1,f' indicated bv. a decrea se ill resistance when till' base lead
is touched 10 II/(' collector and a }'II/all increase ill resistance when the base lead is up whe n the base is connected to the
touched 10 'lie emitter. emitter. Normally the resistance change
'.','he n the ba se is connected to the col-
lect or will be several times greater
011 the ohm meter. The theory says that This. of course , wi ll be indicated as an than the res istance cha nge when the
if we apply a po sitive voltage to the base increase in resistance on our ohmmeter. base is co nnected to the e mitter.
the c urrent III the collector-em itte r Notice that all of these measure- One im po rtant questio n that must be
circu it sho uld increase . ments are relati ve to each o ther - we answ ered is whi ch re sista nce scale
Well, tha t's easy eno ug h to do. just don' t have to have any data or " refer- should be used. This depend s entirely
pu sh the base lead o ver unt il it touches ence ." Actually, in each co nfiguratio n upon the vo lta ge used by the ohm me-
the positive collector lead. If the tran- yo u are measuring a basic para meter ter and the internal resistance of the
sistor has any gain. the collector-emi t- o f the tran sistor, a nd, if you hap pened ohm meter. The midsca le resistance
ter current sho uld increase. Of course. to have the c urves fo r that transistor, read ing on (he o hmmeter dial is the in-
si nce we are usi ng an o hm me ter o ur you could check them. In the fi rst con- terna l resistance o f the o hmme ter cir-
indication will be 11 decrease in resis- fig uration with the base o pen the mea- c uit on that ra nge. The maxim um
ta nce. As a further c hec k. pu sh the sured parameter is I , c urrent throug h cu rrent will therefo re be the battery

base lead over and to uch the emitter the collector-emi tte r with the base voltage d ivide d by this resista nce. O n
lead . This effectivel y grounds the base open. The seco nd configura tion with most oh mme ters. this is 1.500 ohms o n
and the current in the col lector-e mitte r the base tied to the collector is actua lly the times o ne hundred scale. This
circui t sho uld decrease from the value a measurement of the transistor's beta. coupled with the almost standard 1· 112·
of current wi th the ba se left floating. (The man ufacturer usually calls this volt battery means that no more than
o ne milliampere of current can flow.
Since eve n the lowest-powered trunsis-
(r.l1T TER tors are al most always rated a t one mil-
liampe re at least. this mean s that R X
100 is the logical scale on whi ch to
T HIS KEY o ( CASE] start. II will be impossib le to injure
EMITTER (LARGER most transistors '·vith one milliampere
L EAD SOMETIMES) no matter how it is co nnected.
USUALLY TIED TO CASE . POWER TRANSISTOR O n germanium tran sistors. especially

Fig. 4. Standard transistor lead configuration - all "iews of transistors [mm bottom. Continued on page 58
24 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
Ray Reynolds W6PNW
5 12 5th Ave. SW
Pipestone MN 561 64

Two Monitors Are

Better Than One
Run tandem screens and really impress 'em.

Wllat do JOu do with that old monitor when you upgrade 10 a larger one? That 's easy to answer: Use it.

decided to try this. so I installed it and restarting the new comp uter, a the restore size to move it. but I did go

I the monitor card from an older

computer into my Gateway 333c
computer, II was a Trident 96451961801
window came up tel ling me that if I
could read it. it was installed. It gave
me the choice of putting it to the left.
10 the blue area on the top and moved
the running program to the othe r
screen. It gives the abili ty to move
%8219385/938219385-1 pci. I installed right. or on the top, so I chose left. I anything to anyp lace you wish it.
it in a vacant slot on the motherboard. clicked on an icon and moved it [0 the I like running the program when I
(Note: Th is o lder card limited my dis- other screen. It worked so well that I am writing something like this in the
play defi nition to the ability of the old moved all the icons. main screen. If I wan t to. I can copy
card. so I recommend using the same I hrought up my MixW progra m by something from another program I
card as the original if yo u can get one.) clic king on that icon. and the program
After hooking up the old monitor to came up. I found that you have to be in Connnued on page 59

Photo A . A view of W6PN W 's shack showing th e two monitors at

his operating station. ,\.Jix W is ill th e monitor on the right. with Pholo B. Close-up v/ew of MixW ill th e monitor 011 the right, with
pans of it in the monitor (11/ the {eft. a{ollg with tile word processor a word processor running ill the {eft monitor: Notice that II/O.l't of
running in the left monitor while part of the desklOp is showing. the desktop is still viewable,
73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003 25
Henryk Kotowski SMOJHF
SibeliusgAngen 28 XI
SE-1 6477 Kista

Travels with Henryk Part 14

Do Not Pass Cora).

This small part of India is pa rticularly inte resting from the European point of riel\'. Goa had been a Portuguese
colony for some 450 years.

ntil 196 1, Goa had the prefix in Goa (Daboli m), Sao Tome (S92 ), jumped into the bus and showed (he

U e Rg. and one young amateur

radio operator was part icu-
larly active there just before India took
and Portugal.
I arrived at the airport of Dabolim in
Goa one early December morning. Af-
address of Cyril VU2CY to the fare
collector. He nodded "yes. yes" and
announced my destination for other
over. He was Luis Catulo ex-CR8LC. I ter a few days of getting used to the passengers. and soon a woman pointed
mel Luis in Lisbon. Portugal. in Janu- very striking colors. constan t noise. to a newly built house and told me to
ary 2002 whe re he is CT leTZ today and the sme lls of spices. I set out to follow her. But there was no antenna in
(Photo A). Luis is retired after many search for local hams. I had a short list sight. It was, however. Cyril's house.
years of working for airport authorities of callsigns and addresses I found on and he welcomed me to step in. Hi s
[]. quad antenna was disassembled and
One day at the bus station I saw a his ICOM transceiver was in Bombay
sign with a name that loo ked familiar. I for a memory refreshment therapy. So

Photo A. Luis Catulo ex-CRBLC. Photo B. Cyril VU2C Y.

26 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003

Photo E. VU2DM rakes a break at his operating statio".

rnoto C. Cyril VU2CY shows us where he

his big house bears a few a ntennas - a sit by the rad io and p retend to talk to
.Hr iJI8s his wire alltemul.\.
quad. a delta. and a di pol e (photo D ). other housewive s (P ho to F). Actually•
His radio desk is qui te impre ssive by it is the ir 5 -ycar-old son who likes to
Goan standards (P ho to E). and evi - play radio amateur sometimes when
all he had 10 play with was a m iniature dcnce of his successful DXing. in the Ale x is away. but he p resumably knew
QRP transm itter w hich he had ho rne- form of ama teu r radi o d iplomas. is o n that thi s is no t o n his fathe r's favori te
brewed (Photo B). and a few d ipoles the wal l. Didier kn ows Luis Cutulo list of things for h im to do. so he re-
amo ng the trees (P ho to C). Cyril. a re- (ex ~C R8 LC) . and th ey keep in touch . fused to be p ho tographed at the radio.
tired e ngi neer. knew other active hams but his amateur radio interest sta rted Al ex has a number o f wire antennas
in Goa and co uld he lp me get in touch after Luis had left Goa . (Photo G ) and a Yaesu transceiver - a
with them . The youngest of the trio. as I could model that is ve ry popular in India
It was nOI di fficult to fi nd Did ier o nly pinpo int three hams in Goa. is bec ause of its sma ll size and low cost.
VU2DM . He lives in the center o f the Alex VU2 FCX, I took a taxi to get to Average income is q uite low in In-
capital city o f Panaji. and the roof of his QTH. as the p ho ne number I go t dia, and a radio transceiver is a n ex-
fro m Cyril was o bso lete . Unfo rtu- pensive item here . T he lice nse s are
na te ly. A lex was not at home w hen I
got there. but I persuaded his wife (0 Ccnnnued on pag e 59

Photo D. The home of Didie r VU2DM has

seve ral omnll/as 011 the roof. Photo F. The wife ofAlex VU2FCX models his h(/III radio equipment for /IS,
73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003 27
Carl Herbert AA2JZ
43 South Plank Rd.
Newburgh NY 12550

Easy Audio Tracer

How does this project sound ?

Here is WI easy-to-build project to build an audio tracer, an electronic device found on mall)' technicians ' benches
and used to trace the audio path through a given piece of equipment. This simple proj ect will provide a valuable
work tool for the amateur builder. at lillie or 110 cost.

omputer systems have a way o f T he build ers designed them to be for you to use ! And the appearance is

C becoming extinct shortly after
the final payment is made or
immediately after you learn how the
"cost effective" (i.e . cheap). yet pro-
vide a decent level of audio with ac-
ceptable quality. Wha t a shame it
PJeasmg, too .I
Thi s is a very easy project to com-
plete. The manufacturer did most of
software works. Whichever comes wou ld be if th is tec hnology were the work for us. All we have to do is
first! Withou t this phe nomenon, there ignored and trashed. modify the "audio inpu t cable" to
wouldn ' t be a trai l of "orts" left after Having adequate test equipment avail- meet our needs. Fi g. 1 show s a typical
the new syste m has been installed. able to troubleshoot your latest project a mplifi ed speaker. F ig. 2 shows th e
Part of the replaced system is often a is a must for th e ama teur builder, a u achm e nts associated with the
pair of speakers. one of which is pow- Ha ving to purchase equ ipment ca n be speaker. The input audio ca ble. either
ered by a DC wall transformer. T his costly, even if used items arc found at the one that fed audio from the audio
unit. or at least the pairs I have disas- hamfesrs. etc. board in the computer or the "jumper"
sembled. contain a decent audio ampli - Why spend the money for an audio that attached the second speaker to the
fi er hoard with the usual controls, such tracer when there's a totally adequate first, has been modified.
as volume. bass. treble, and balance. device waiting for minor modifi cation The input jack on my speaker is an

Ptll CAst
/ '\


Fig. 1. Typical computer speaker pair. In-
side is an audio amplifi er. Fig. 2. Anadunerus, DC powu source and modified audio cable with test probe anacnmem.
28 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
RC A type a nd rema ins unto uc hed . this : T he audio cable isn' t friendly
The other end (anothe r RCA jack, w hen too much heat is applied for too T he New Pools!
though it could also be a mini stereo- long! Use ho t glue or epoxy to attach
type pl ug ) was re moved . Parts re- the ground assembly to the far end of Examinatio n Te st
q uired for the te st probe are minimal. Questions & Answers
the test probe . Thi s will provide a mea-
1 used an old te st probe I had . but a sure of "strain relief' for the shield ing
The exa ct questions, multiple choices
rec yc led ballpoin t pe n case works braid,
lind answers f or the Technician Class,
j ust as we lL Finall y, attach your choice of
General Class, and Extra Class
Strip the o uter j acket of the a udio ground ing clip to the copper braid. 1 operator 's license.
cable, taki ng care not to c ut the shie ld- used an "alligator cl ip," or "croc cl ip"
ing braid surrounding the inner con- in the English pu blications. The ch oice
ductor. I use the term "shielding braid" of clamp is yours no matter wh ich Only
loosely, in that (he cables used for choice of re ptili an description you ca re 59.95
compute r audio are notorio usly flim sy. to use. Plus S3.50 S&H
Enough of the insulated ce nte r co n- A nd there yo u have it. One audio
d uctor should be exposed to extend si gnal tracer co m ple te d fo r the price Omega Sales
through the te st probe. of ne arly nothin g ! Attach the te st P.O. Box 376
A solid wi re te st poi nt (made from pro be and cable to the audio inpu t, Jaffrey. NH 03452 ~
a 2" piece of hou se wiring ) is sol- pl ug in the power tran sformer, and 800-467-7237 ~
dered to the e nd of the center con- begin chasing a udio throu gh your
duct or. Feed the center conductor latest venture!
with the te st po int thro ug h the test A wo rd or two of caution: (I) Tum
probe and hot g lue or epoxy it in the audio gain DOWN before touching
place . File the end of the tes t po int to the probe to the circuit being tested.
WhiteLED Flashlight
a suitable point , and the workin g end You will be amazed at how good the se 4 supertright LEOS
o f the probe is co mple te. audio amps arc! A nd (2), make sure $9.99
Other colors available.
A g round clip must be att ached to that you have pu t the RCA jack into www.blkfe a
the shieldi ng braid . Be ing "frugal" the proper in put on the back of the 4400 S. Robinson AYe.
OIdahoma City. OK 109 n
(my X YL says "cheap"), 1 salvaged a speaker. Yo u' ll wai t a lo ng time to
length of copper braid from the de- achieve results if you choose the
gaus sing coil fro m a di sc a rded TV wrong input. No, I won't admi t to this SAVE 47%!
se t a nd soldered it to the frail shie ld o ne, but 1 do know abo ut it, don ' t I?
Happy building! Fa on 12 months of 7S
on the a udio ca ble. Be c a refu l doing
Only $24.97
Ca ll 800-274-7373


NO Ib~s ' 'fI) WoIors ' MOReANTENNA than :.tSl J Coi &

. : tSOT R ON ~
(I II fllr lFrn ( l ll log ,
Tried 7196870650 1361.15
&provn 137 ManCh;ster Dr. IO,~O, 20, 11&10
since flo rissant, CO 6I ,IDcles lall &
1980! 80816 32 1Hkes Icrm
r - - - - - -- - - - - ,
I Elecl ronic Hatter)' lIoosler I
IConvem 12Voll battery to a Regu lated. 13.5Voll l
I Power supply al 1 I Volts input! I
I For Field Day, Sailboats, sotart I
I Two models, 2.1A or .10A I
I e-mail: w4rrY@COll.nel I
I 4rry/intlcll.hlml I
I Send check for $94 . 23A or $ 124, 30A unillO I
LLeu I..ehncr. 581t E. CIOCUS De, Scono;dale.AZ85254.J
Photo A. £as..... Audio Tracer.
73 AmaleUf Radio Today • A ugust 2003 29
Bart J . Hill K7LTC
6640 Dunwich Way
Alexandria VA 22315

G.I. Joe and Mr. Morse

Try telling the military that Morse code is dead.

MORS E CODE IS DEAD! Or so says the fictional future headline if some Morse code na y-sayers ha re their way.
.M orse code is. in f act. not dead. and is in constanr use throughout the world even no "~ S urprised?

He Morse code use has de- HF is still a critical co mmu nications O ne of the key reasons I was drawn
clined over the past severa l method under c irc umstances where no to Morse code is the ability to co m mu-
decade s. Morse code is as o ther means will work. Mo rse code nicate w ith those who are part of o ur
vital to passsing cri tical communications over CW HF is a vital. viable commu- history. It is almost like reaching back
traffic. under spec ial circumstances. as nications capability that is as necessary into time. However. j ust because
it has ever been . in the 21 st cent ury as it was during the Mo rse code o riginated in the 19th cen-
Adm ittedly, Morse code use in 19 th and 20 th centuries. The fictiona l tury d oes no t mean that it is obsolete
mainstream commun ications has de - headline sho uld really read, M O RSE tod ay.
cl ined. In the 1990s. the U.S. Coast CODE LIVES ON! W hile it is a fa irly well known fact
Guard di scontinued monitoring the H F Through se veral wars , Morse code that the mili tary has used Morse code
ba nds fo r SOS signals. Ships installed was key to com municating on the heavil y in the past. many people be-
satellite co mm unicatio ns consoles and battlefield. in the air. and aboard shi p. lieve that it has largely abando ned
removed Continuou s wave High Fre- Many c urrent amate ur rad io operators Morse code in favor of other. faster.
quency (CW HF) radios. Morse code learned thei r Mo rse code skills in more sophisticated mean s of commu-
proficiency requirements were reduced World War II, or in later military ser- nications. Th is is not at all true. Like
in amate ur radio. an d a global move- vice, and have re fi ned those skills the rest of society. m uch of the military
me nt co ntinues to try to elimi nate a l- since the n. I am relative ly new to ama- has moved on to faster. higher-band -
to gethe r the req uirement fo r Morse teu r radio and Morse code. having width modes for passing vo ice and
cod e proficie ncy for access to amateur start ed in March o f 2002 with my first dat a. Even with the high techno logy
radio HF bands. HF QRP station and my firs t Mo rse used in today's m ilitary. there are
Significantly. the average age of code HF contact. niches that lend the mselves to simple.
those trul y proficient in the use o f Since then. I have made approxi- relia ble methods of passing messages
Morse code is increasing. To many. mately 160 QRP QSOs with o perators over lo ng d istance s. I know from per-
these events denote the demise of this up and down the East Coast. throughout so nal ex perience a nd research that the
once-c ritical method of communica- the Midwest. and in Canada. Bermuda capability to se nd and rece ive Morse
tio ns. However. there is some addi- and the Virgin Islands. In a few in- code is retained in the military. is still
tional information abo ut Morse code stances. I have had the good fortune to being trained in mi litary schools. and
that is not generally known. Morse "talk" to operators who were literally is in use today in various military the -
code is still used in many areas o f the part of history as it was being made . One aters through out the wo rld. Morse
U.S. military. fo re ign militaries. and in particular was a communications op- code is still a part of the U.S. military.
others. erator with the arm y du ring the invasio n There arc a number of military occu-
In fac t. Morse code used over CW of North Africa du ring World War II . pational specialties that either use Morse
30 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
code as part of a primary skill (primary detection. acqursm on. location. and by fl ashing light. semaphore. and
job) or as an additional skill (second- identification of foreign communica- flags. Train ing for this specialty in-
ary job). This fact cuts across all ser- tions using International Morse code . cludes lectures and practical exercises
vices. We all saw the army Special Th is is only one part of the specialty. covering visual communications pro-
Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq moving but it is ment ioned fi rst on the li st of cedures and Intern ation al Morse code.
arou nd the countryside. organ iz ing duties. In addition, operati ng signal in- In conducting research for this ar-
Afghan and Iraqi mili tary resistance. telligence/electronic warfare equipment ticle I could not find any references to
taking down objectives and generally to detect. acquire, identify, locate. and whether navy SEALS use Morse code.
making life hard for the bad guys. exploit foreign communi cations de - Given that the army's Special Opera-
Army Special Forces have a military vices transmitting Morse and non- tions Forces use Morse code. I ex -
occupational specialty of 18E. com- Morse signals is also ment ioned as key pec ted to find that the SEALS wou ld
munications sergeant, requiring profi - parts of th is specialty. be using it as well. However. I could
ciency in Mo rse code using CW HF You may ask why we need Morse not find any references that indicated
as one of the j ob requi re ment s. The code- skilled intelligen ce analysts in this was the casco I checked with the
I KE Basic Non-Commiss ioned Officers today's world. The reason is that much course manager for the Naval Special
Course contains instruction in basic of the rest of the world still depends on Warfare Com munications course and
and advanced Intern ational Morse Morse code to pass messages and per- he confirmed tha t the navy SEALS
code . form vital communications fu nction s do not use Morse code and do not
The performance standard for suc- for various militaries on a da ily basis. trai n it any longer. a fact that he did
cess is 1J code groups per minu te. The army is not the on ly servi ce that not necessarily agree with.
This would not be required or trained still trains and maintains Morse code However. as course manager. he
if it were not an abso lute necessity. skills. The air force, navy, and marines de monstrates Morse code to course at-
Training time is at a premium and un- do as well. tendees and strongly enco urages all
needed sk ills are not maintained as The air force requires Morse code in course attendees to become qualified
require ments for army specialties. at least one specialty area, the Air on their own - as he believes that
Given the capability to pass message Force Sign als Intelligence Production when all else fails. Morse code over
traffic using Morse code over HF with Specialist. The Sig nals Intelligence CW HF will get through.
low power and mi nimal equipm ent. it Production Special ist must use the In- Along with the army. air force. and
is not hard to imagine why army Spe- ternational Morse code and receiving navy. the marines also retain Morse
cial Forces keeps Morse code in its and recording equipment to interpret code skills. The marines have a mili-
inve ntory of very special skills. these signals. tary occupational specialty of 262 1
Army Special Forces is not the onl y This specialty lists 27 semester hours titled Communications Signal Collec-
elite military unit in the army using of basic Morse code as part of the pre- tion/Manual Morse Operator/Analyst.
Morse code ; army Rangers, in some req uisite training courses. For training This specialty requires the completion
cases. do usc it as well . I was brow sing in Morse cod e. the air force has spe- of the Communications Signals Col-
a Morse code key manufacturer's Web cific Morse code training listed in the lection and Processing Course and the
page one day and found they were of- Community College of the Air Fo rce Morse Intercept Operator Course as
fering military-style keys for sale. The 1 999~ 2 001 catalog for Morse code. two of the prerequisites.
keys were part of an army con tract T he course title is listed as COM 14 12 Holders of this specialty perform
overrun. The keys were adve rtised as International Morse code and is de- communications e lectronic signals
having been sold 10 the army for use scribed as basics o f International search mission s, record the inte rce pt
specifi cally by army Rang ers. Morse code with laboratory, of signals using elect ronic means. and
Now this may have been a ploy sim- The air force also maintains a Spe- measure. class ify. and eval uate the
ply to sell keys. but given so me of the cial Experience Ident ifier (SEI) for signals. Operators must be familiar
missions army Rangers are called on Morse code proficiency. It is listed as wi th commun ications interce pt re-
to perform. Morse code over HF works SEI 378. Morse Code Qualified . To be ceivers. specialized computer software
just as well for them as for army Spe- awarded this Special Skill Identi fi er, and hardware. and wideband convert-
cial Forces. The army also has other yo u must be able to transcribe 12 ers in the process of collecting, record-
specialties that train and use Morse groups per minu te Mo rse Code. ing, analyzing, and repo rting a wide
code today bUI for different reaso ns. Along with the army and air force, variety of intercepted communications
The army 's Mi litary Intelli gence the navy and the marines also have signals.
bra nch has a specialty called 98H, Morse code requirements that are still Wh ile the marines and air force are
Communications Locator/Interce ptor, trained today. primari ly focused on transcri bing
and. to paraphrase from the [www. The navy has one job that is trai ned Morse code as part of gathering intelli-] Web page, the soldiers in in Morse code: Signalman SM . The gen ce. the army and navy still train
this specialty are primari ly responsible Signalman stands watches on signal and use Morse code to send traffic.
for performing and supervising the bridges and sends/receives messages The army is the only serv ice that slill
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 31
uses and maintains a capability of 2002-2003 indicates that many countries Another country 's mili tary still us-
send ing and receivin g Mo rse co de possess CW HF capability. Australia ing Morse code. albe it not as mu ch as
using CW HE has an H F radi o described as the HF- Russia. is the Uni ted Kingdom. Again.
While the military continues using 90 Manpack HF/SSBfECCM Trans- visiting commun ications personnel sup-
Morse code . what use does the civi l ceiver. It use s the upper sideband. porting communicatio ns in the British
co mmun ications com munity have for lower side band. CW HF. frequ ency governme nt state that Mo rse code is
it? The surprising answer is that the shift key, and ECCM modes. Accesso- still a commu nications method in use
FCC still requires Morse code profi- ries that come with this radi o incl ude a in their armed forces. While it is some-
ciency for some non -amateur licensing. Morse code key. what difficult to ascertain with any
With all the discu ssion heard peri - Intere stingly, this radio was not in- certainty which of the various nation s
odically about the " demise" of Morse trod uced until 1996. In the military. are actua lly training and usi ng Morse
code and the push to el imi nate it from that make s th is radio a fairly new ad - code in their militaries. yo u can dete r-
amate ur rad io as a require men t for HF d itio n to the inve ntory and one that mine wh o is making and usi ng Morse
ba nd access. we are led to believe that will be around for d ecade s. Jane 's code equip ment such as CW-eapa ble
the FCC ha s abandoned Morse code as Militarv Communications further notes radios as me ntioned above and also
a requ irement in commercial licensing. that many countries have radios and Morse code keys/bugs.
This is not the case. equipment that support CW HF. They With respect to the latter. the Un ited
The FCC is still lice nsing First include: Australia. Bulgaria. China. the States. China. Ukraine . United King-
Class. Second Class. a nd Th ird Class Czech Republic. Egypt. France, Ind ia. dom. and some Eastern European
Rad io Te legraph O perators. Eac h of Iran . Israel. the Russian Federation. co untries all offer surplus military
the Rad io Telegraph Operators li- So uth Africa. Italy. United Kingdom. Morse code keys and bug s to the o pen
censes requires that the applicant pass and the United States. marker via third parties. Much of the
two Morse code Elements. Third Class Given that many other countries use equipment is newly manufactured . For
and Second Class Operators are re- equipment manufactured by one of the countries with scarce resources. such
quired to pass the 16 code groups per nation s listed, I suspec t that there are as those in Eastern Europe. there must
minute and 20 cod e groups pe r mi nute many more nat io ns that also have CW he a reason for the eq uipme nt to con-
test. First Class O perators must pass HF capahle eq uipme nt. In fact. the tin ue in prod uctio n o the r than just
the 20 cod e g roups per mi nute and 25 above-named radio built by Au stralia se lling it to secondary marke ts, and I
code groups per mi nute elements. is listed as be ing in usc throughout Af- suspect it is because of the domestic
Telegra ph exam s co nsist of both rica. China. Europe, the Confederation requirements of a g iven country's mili-
transmitting and rec eiving te sts. Ex- of Indepe ndent States region. India. tary. With various countries. including
am inees must copy by ear and se nd by and southeast Asia. Given the prol ific the United States. still employing
hand plain text code groups in the In- nature of military eq uipme nt sales to Morse code over CW HF as a part o f
tern at ional Morse code using all the the worl d' s armies, it is a fair ass ump- their military com mu nic atio ns capa-
letters of the al phabe t an d nu me rals tio n that CW HF-eapable equipment is bilities, a reason must exist that causes
0-9. as well as punctuation and still in the equipment inve ntory o f the m to retain thi s well used method of
prosign s. Those see king certificatio n most nations. And given the prolifera- passing messages . Perhaps it is be-
m ust copy and se nd at the required tion of CW Hf--capable radios. you cause Morse code over CW HF can
speeds for o ne co ntin uou s mi nute can also assume that a fair number o f provide critical communications d ur-
without errors. The lest is five minutes co untrie s are still practicing Morse ing times whe n more " up to d ate"
long. code over CW H F as an operational modes ca n't ge t throu gh.
Accordi ng to the FCC Web site, the co mm unic ations mean s. An A rmy S igna l Corps ge neral once
failure of any code test automatica lly From my experience wo rki ng withi n said. " Newer isn 't a lways be tte r, Eve n
terminates the exami nation . T hat the a mu ltinational coalition of military thoug h it is o ld and slo w. Morse is
FCC is still dedicating resources and forces. I know that Russia is a big user still th e most reliable in difficult
giving license exams for commercial of CW HF a nd Morse code - perhaps. cond itio ns." Eve n though the afore-
radiotelegraph licenses requi ri ng Morse the biggest user in the world today. mention ed general re tired over ten
code is another ind icator that perhaps In talking with visiting Russian years ago, his statement re mains true
Morse code is no t yet ready to be put co mm unic ations personnel, I find that - especia lly when the dependence on
o n the shel f. they co nsider Morse code over CW HF sate llites. mobile communications de-
There is other evidence that Morse a n extremely important capabi lity and vices. and persona l w ireless devices
code is not ye t relegated to the history train hard with it on a continuous ba- grows daily.
books. In the world 's militari es. there sis. I suspect that the Confederation of Several years ago. a satellite failed
are many examples of HF capable ra- Independent States also heavily uses over the United State s and caused one
dios that have CW HF (a nd Morse Morse code over CW HF give n their key service provider's pagi ng net work
code) capability. relat ively recent assoc iation w ith the 10 cease operating. Tens of thousands of
Jane '.~' Milita rv Communications Russian army. custo mers were left with no messaging
32 73 Amateur Radio Today • Augusl 2003
capabili ty. Thi s caused havoc with all m essage traffic even after EM ? ren - if we plan on using it in some future
who depended on the service, and the dered all other commu nicatio ns i n- emergency.
fa ilure received large amounts of operable . Many will look at th is as very far -
media coverage wo rldwide. There is a saying from Napoleon I's fetched. Mo st would have had the
All this happened because one satel- Maxims ojml1; written in 1831: ' The se- same though ts about what happened
lite failed. Now magnify that by the cret of war lies in the communicat ions:' o n September II , 200 I. We need to
over 2,000 sate llites aloft today th at While this is a bi t extreme fo r an ensure th at we are ready fo r the next
provide paging , data re lay, voice relay, amateur radio article, the meaning is inc ident regardless o f w hat th at may
rad io link relay, global sate lli te phone, clear: We, as co mmunicators, opera- be . Being prepared by learning Morse
mobil e pho ne, etc ., ctc., and yo u have tors, and amateur radio ad vocates. code is a sm all price to pay to ensure
an idea o f the m agnitude of the di sas- should pursue skills that m ake us bet- that we ca n continue to pass critical
ter that wo uld occur if we lost th ose te r at what we like to do. and a lso grow message traffi c under le ss than optimal
sate llites, even fo r a few hours . If the our sk ills. Le arni ng and using Morse co nd itions.
incident noted above had been re lated code and transmi tti ng via C W HF and After all , if the U.S. military dee ms
to electromagnetic pulse from a high a key of some sort can m ake you a Morse code skills as still being essential.
altitude nuclear "accident: ' very little better operator. a more knowledgeable perhaps the amateur rad io community
non-Iandline co m munications would o ne, and more valuable as an emer- sho uld as wel l.
be po ssi ble, and probably very little gency communications op - as well
land line com mu nications as we ll as
as a more capable o ne .
much o f the electro nic infrastructure l d on't th ink tha t anyone will a rgue AFMAN 36 -2 10 8 Attachme nt 40.
and most transistorized devices wo uld wi th advocati ng continual develop- lw ww.a fpc .rando lph .af.mi llc la ssiti ca-
be inoperable. m ent of amateur rad io operator skills. tion/doc sI2108-a .docJ. 3 1 October 2002.
Ele ctromagnetic pulse is a very We should all strive to learn m o re re - Co mmunications Locator/lnrerceptor,
stro ng burst o f electromagnetic energy gardless of what o ur favorite mod e is. [www.goanny.comljobslmo s/mos98H.
that can literally burn out small cir- Using Morse code over H F is fu n. re - htm ], January 2003 .
cuits, transistors. and components. warding, and interesting. I will always Community College of the A ir
While hum ans and animal life are left remember my first HF Mo rse code Force, [ Uaulccaf/
un scathed, un shielded electronics are contact and have had numerous other recruite r/I N23 l -2 IA L.htm l, February
rendered inoperable when exposed to contacts since then that are also quite 2003.
an EM P event. In fact. fo r the first sev- me morable. Morse code continues to Communi ty College o f the A ir
eral days a fter a n EM? event. o nly a challenge me and keeps amateur radi o Fo rce , 1999 -2001 Catalog, [www.
mode that could work th rough h igh interesting. ma x we II .a f . mi l/ au / c c a f/ c at alo g /
a tm o spheric no ise le vels a nd most Morse code is not dead. Fa r from it ! 19 99catlindex.htm) , February 2003.
lik e ly with sim ple . co ns truct- it-yo u r- It is still a m ean s of passing me ssa ge Emm, Marshall G . "CW - The Once
self eq uip me nt would get m essage s traffic in the U.S. military for so me of and Future Mode." rwwwrntcchnologies.
through . our most skilled soldiers. and is still com/pubs/cw.htm], 73 Amateur Radio
Morse code over CW HF is recog- trained in U.S . armed fo rces sc hools. Magazine, Ap ril 2000.
ni zed as a superi or mea ns o f commu- Many foreign militaries maintain Morse Federal Communicatio ns Commis-
ni cat ion s for both reasons . Si mple, code proficiency as a primary me ans sio n Commercial Rad io Operator Li-
low-power CW HF transce ivers, such of passing critical m ilitary me ssage cense Program, [
as those used in QR P. a re an ideal ex- traffic . Virtually e very m ilitary is commoperatorslexam.html), February
ample o f how to co ntinue communi - maintai n ing rad io equipment in its 2003.
cating after an EM? event. inve ntory that has CW HF as a mode Giddens, Anthony. " Farew ell to M r.
lf you wo rk Q R? (or even if you a nd is capable o f se nd ing M orse code. Samuel Morse ," [w ww.thegl obalist.
don't). yo u probably kn ow that w ith a Morse code ove r CW HF works we ll co m / D B W eb / S t or yId . a s p x ?
few pieces and parts sc ave nged from in very no isy cond itio ns and co uld be S toryId=1 9 12 J. The Globalist Maga -
cast-off electronics device s. you can the only means available if we fi nd zine, Tu esday, December 19. 2000.
build a function al CW H F transceiver o urse lves the victim o f an electromag- Jane 's Military Communications,
capable of send ing and receiving netic pulse event or so me other unfore- Twe nty-Third Edi tion. 2002-2003,
M o rse code transmi ssions . Yo u need seen disaster tha t makes o ur usual Copyright 2002. Jane 's Information
to have som e know ledge of c ircui ts communications modes unu sable. Group Limited, Sentinel House 163
and radios to success fully build suc h Und er extreme ci rcumstances. Morse Bri gh to n Road , C oul son . Surrey
a ri g. but many in the a m ate ur radio code o ver CW HF can pass messages C R52YH. United Kin gdo m.
community have this kind of knowledge. when no other method can get through. Marine Corps (U SMC) Enli sted Job
With a m inimal worki ng knowledge A s ind ivid uals we need to d eve lop Descriptions f\.10S 262 1, Communications
of Morse code and low-tech tra nsce iv- and mai ntai n o ur p rofic iency in send-
e rs, amateur rad io operators could pass ing and rece iv ing Mo rse code j us t a s Continued on page 59
73 Amafeur Radio Today · August 2003 33
Greg Oerenzia N3P RT

73 Review 7683 Shadow Brook Cove

Arlington TN 38002

MFJ and the CW Jedi

All iambic beginner tries out the MFJ-564 paddle.

Wanting to Join ill 0 1/ the recent QRP craze, I needed to get my CW code skills back into shape. Recently I
stumbled on a elY tutoring program called MRX Morse Code. One of/he f eatures of MRX is that it allo ws you to
not 01l/Y practice copying Morse code , but to send it as well.

o practice se nding code. a straight key, and I knew they d idn' t virtue o f send ing so m uch code. I

T straight key. the computer key

board. or an iambic key inter-
faced to the compute r ca n be used .
call it "brass poundi ng" for nothi ng.
After playing wi th the MRX program
for a while , I fi gured. Hey, this ia mbic
needed an iambic key, so I hit the 'Net
and checked out some prices . Yikes !
Most are $ 100 or be tter, A fter c heck-
Detail s on key interfaci ng to the com- thing is here, let me play with it o n the ing the reviews o n the Internet. I nar-
puter arc included in the help sec tion keyboard and see what it's a ll about. I rowed m y cho ices down to four
o f the MRX software. was wondering why I had ne ver tried model s: the Ken t, Bencher, MFJ. and.
I had never used an iamb ic key be- this before , becau se it make s se nd ing for portable QRP. the Vi bropl ex Code
fo re. To be hon est. for me this was so m uch easier! Warri or Jr.
some sort o f el usive mystery 10 01 of The bigg est difference s are that less The MFJ- 564 was the o nly o ne in
(he CW Jedi masters. I didn't even phy sical mo veme nt is needed to send my price range . My impression from
know for su re wha t iambic key ing re- c haracters , the electronic keyer makes the Inte rnet re views was that this key
ally was. I fo und o ut that, in a nutshell, pe rfect di ts and dahs for you, and it's was geared fo r people, suc h as mysel f.
it is the use of an electronic keying j ust pla in fun . It ta kes 132 key closures j us t getting sta rted and on a budget. If
device that make s d its and dahs for to send the entire alphabet and num- you are one of the C W Jedi masters I
you . bers 0-9 with a straight key. With an spoke o f earlier, then this may not be
The most popu lar input d evice to the iambic paddle and kcyer you can send (h ~ key for yo u. I' m sure it is not going
electronic keyer is the iambic key, or the same nu mber of characters wit h to equal a key costing two to four
"padd les" as they arc o ften called. o nly 63 strokes! time s as much. But I am a lso sure that
Most of the newer radios ha ve the For inform ation on CW operati on it will get the job done.
electronic keyers already built-in . If a nd iambic keying, I highl y recom- I d id lea rn th at a ll ke ys ha ve a di f-
you have an older rig, yo u can easi ly mend that yo u c hec k out PA 3BW K 's fe rent "fec i," and what wo rks for
build your own kcycr, or bu y a prefab- Ultimate Morse Cod e site . Be sure to someo ne e lse may not work for yo u. I
ricated o nc. Most e lectronic keyers read C huck Adams K5FO's Iambic got the impression that if I were to
a llow you to easil y vary the speed Sendi ng article while you are there . co ntinu e working iambic CWo then I
and weight of the c harac ters set to Chuck describes the iambic paddles would eventua lly want one o f the high
match the code speed with which you do's and don ' ts , and offers setup and do llar models any way.
are comfortable. Many have built-in practice advice to get a begi nner The MFJ-56-t is manufactured by MFJ
memory, so you may ne ver have to started on the right foot (or fist ). Enterprises. The current price is $49.95
repeat edly call CQ CQ CQ again. So now I was hooked. and I kn ew I for eithe r the chrome or the blac k-fin-
O riginally I learned cod e with a wo uld soon wear out my keyboard by ished basc oThe unit is available direct
34 73 Amateur Radio Today · August 2003
fro m M FJ or fro m most of the major to ge t a minimum of contact spacing and sq uare on the pins. Then I reas-
ham radio re tailers . I orde red the and be sure the movement of the paddles semb led the key and finished my ga p
MFJ-564 with the chrome base. felt right and everything lined up co r- adj ustment. Chuck Adams recom-
Physically the unit seems to be rectly. While doing this, I noticed the left mended a very small gap set with just
somewhat of a take-off on the Bencher paddle had an up and down rocking a piece of 20 lb. copy paper. That
paddle. My research made it clear that movement and the right one did not. seemed a bit too close for my tas te, so
even though these units may look Further inspection showed that the I used a 3 x 5 index card to set the gap.
simil ar, they are not. You will fi nd that pivot arm was not properly seated on Th e pivot arm screws mentioned
Bencher paddles are held in very high the fulcrum points. The pointed needle earl ier in the firs t step were a bit of a
regard among the iamb ic enthusiasts. bearings where the rocking fulcrum mystery. After getting the basic setup
And as always, you get what yo u pay points are were spaced too wide for the done, I realized they are poss ibly over-
for, but in th is case I was more than recessed area of the nylon receptacle travel screws . If you have a really heavy
happy with my purchase. sockets in the pivot arms . This was fist then you could bend the contact arms
The key came we ll packaged and causing the up and down sliding on the and thus change the con tact gap spacing.
looked clean out of the box. The unit pin areas . I kne w fro m my reading on These screws ca n be set to serve as a
had no marks, chi ps, or dings. A one- using an iambic paddle that a very positive stop to prevent bending the
page instruction sheet was included. light touch a nd small contact spacing contact arms. O n my unit one of the
For a newbie, the instructions leave is des ired to build speed. This vertical screws is very loose and the other still
some details out, and they could have moveme nt on the paddle could cause quite snug. I may try some Teflon tape
been more in depth on the setup and false keyi ng with a small co ntact on the loose one to add some extra
adj ustments. No adju stment wrenches sp ac ing and was unacceptable. How- friction. Finally, I sol dered a cable to
were incl uded. ever, it was easily correc ted and no t the prov ided sol de r lugs under the base
However, adjustments are easily wort h it to me to send the unit back and qu ickly interfaced it to my PC for
made with an Allen wrench and a for replaceme nt. Here is all that was practice. It keys j ust fine.
Phillips screw driver. There are no ad- required to fix this problem. Altho ugh I had a few setup glitches,
justments for spring tension. I suppose First, I removed the spring and took I' m happy with my purchase. I feel it
that the spring co uld be shorte ned to the paddles and pivot arm assembly was worth the investment. I have seen
achieve greater te nsion, but I don't re- off. Next, I removed the main square these same units sell on eHay for nearly
ally see the need. Now on to the setu p. bloc k with j ust two bottom screws. what they cost new! I didn' t mind the ex-
The first step of the instruc tions said O ne of the screws seemed to wobble tra tweaking involved to get it set up cor-
like it was ben t. but no problems we re rectlyI'm sure I will disassemble it from
to loosen the bottom pivot arm screw
so that the paddles are free when encountered. Next I used a very small time to time anyway for a good cleaning.
adjustable wrench to gently bend the If you want to get started wit h iambic
squeezed. The screws were already
pi vot pins (needle beari ngs) so the keying or want a paddle to kick around
loose, and no other information was
nylon brushing in the pivot arms fit with then this is it. Hats off to M FJ for
given as to their function. More on
squarely with no vertical play or sliding. providing a quality and economical
these screws later.
O nce done, the pivot arm fit tight tool for the beginner. Th is is the only
I started to do setup and adjustments
paddle of this type avai lable in this
price range that I am aware of. Pick
one up and give iambic CW a try.

On-line references

[http :// ww w.m orse code .du tc h .nl/
variousindex .html]
[http://www. morsecode. dut ch . nil
l ]
[http: //w nt-e nginee rs .co m/
TW INinfo.html
I htt p://www. be nc he r.c o m/
radioequ ip.html]
[http: // ww w.mfj en terp ri se s .com/
index.php ]
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PhotoA. The MFJ-564 iambic paddle. man/pdf/MFJ -564.pd f) ra
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 3 5
Mike Bryce WS8VGE
Low Power Operation Sunlight Energy Systems
955 Manchester Ave. SW
North l awrence OH 44666

The IC-703

Talk about choices! Right ncm; there's a slew of new HF transceivers on the market designed with the QRP operator in
mind. This year at the 2003 Dayton Hamvention. /com introduced their new [C· 703 QRP HF transceiver.

T he IC -70 3 is buill on the same footprint

as the lcom IC -706. In fact. lco m even
stales in the ir ads thut the IC-703 uses IC-
IC -703 also comes wi th a TXCO so ) 'OU
won' t drift around in frequency when the
radio gets too cold or too hot. That's so me -
again, thi s problem pops up with the IC -
703. Even if you only do C W as an after-
thought, the FL-52A (500 Hz) or FL53A
706 MKIIG operation instructions. If you thing to take into account if you plan on (250 Hz) fill er is a mu st have option. But
have operated a 706. then the IC-70J can running the IC-703 inside a te nt o n a cold there's a problem: You can only install o ne
be operated wi tho ut the manu al. November mornin g. filter inside the IC -703 . So, you must de-
So. j ust wha t is an le -703'! Its Icom's S ince mo st QRP opera tion is o n CW, ci de if you wa nt o ne of the two Cw -only
newest HF radio a nd their fi rst entry into the IC -703 sport s a CW memory keye r. fi lters, a 1.8 kH z SSB filter or a SSB wide
the QRP HF field. The rc-703 cove rs 160- T he keyer will hold 3 memo ri es o f up to filter o f 3.3 kH z.
10 meters. The le-703 plus coven; the above 50 c haracters each . Speaking o f CW, the IC -70 3 can operate
band s plus 6 meters. The IC-70 3 SJXl rl S an Normally when you're camping, yo u usu- in eithe r full break-in mode or se mi -break-
Internal antenna tuner thut w ill tu ne bal- a lly end up with less than pe rfect antennas, in mode . T he semi-break-in seems to work
anced feed ant ennas (co ax feed anten nas, but the IC-703 can help you pull in those the best for me . A ll of the preferences for
not random wire ante n nas) and the tuner weak signals with its sensi tiv ity of 0 . 16 ~V C W are set within the vario us menu s.
requires no operating c urre nt o nce tuned. at 10 dB SIl"'. T he IC-703 is menu -driven and there arc
DSP is also incl uded in th e IC-70 3. You On the transmit side, the IC-703 will pro- lois of men us to se t up . One of the menu s
get automatic no tch und no ise red uction duce up to 10 watt s of RF in to a 50 ohm
cont rols how the radi o will operat e on bat-
bu ilt into the IC-70 3. load. The IC -703 is smart enough to know
tery power. You can also co nfig ure the IC -
The IC-703 was put on an energy d iet. when the battery voltage is droppin g and
703 so the backlighting can be turned on,
O n 9.6 vel Is, the CUlTCnt drain is o nly 300 mA ! will automatically drop the output back for
off, or in au to matic mode . T his simple feu-
The IC -706 on the othe r hand cons umed yo u. T he IC-703 will dro p back 10 five waus
lure can really save you r batteries!
over 1.2 amps j ust o n rece ive . The IC -703 at 9.6 vo lts.
Operation out of the box is quite easy, only
is battery frie ndly. It's design ed to work Ico rn was abl e to get this and more into a
afte r a few ho urs you will begin to config-
correct ly with power supply volt age as package that tips the sc ales at four pounds
four ounces. The entire transce ive r is about ure the IC-703 to suit your own operating
lo w as 9.6 vo lts. Mo st o f toda y's rad io s style .
have a hard time run ning correc tly when si x inches wide by two inches hig h. Th e IC -
70 3 is about seven inc hes deep. There are so many fea tures. it 's hard to
the po wer s upp ly dips to 12 volt s. I kn ow
get into eac h one. Fo r example , the re 's a
m y Ten- Tee Argonaut V gels upset at 12 volt'>. Putting the IC-703 on the air sim ple band scope that will scan the band
T he IC -7 0 3 is a re a ll y good c hoice fo r
looking for stations. It's nice, but it does not
portable operation w ith battery power. If you have ever operated the lcom 706, e xac tly excite me .
then the IC-703 is child 's play. They o perate There ' s a speech com pressor fo r im-
Many modes of operation
in very much the same manor, with minor proved average ta lk power. Like every pro-
difference s be tween the two .
The IC-703 com operate o n 55 B, C W, and cessor I've come across. sometimes turning
AM and FM modes . The RF outpu t on A M Putting the IC-70 3 on the a ir Is quite
it o n wo rks wonders, and so me times the re's
simple. you sel ect the band yo u want, the
is four wails max imum. not m uch diffe rence . You can set the amount
mode and away yo u go. There's no di rect
The IC-7OJ abocovers thc emire shortwave of compression to suit you r voice and band
freq uency input, so )'ou m ust dial the fre-
spectrum. So. you can listen in on wh at's go- conditions.
quency in with the main tun ing knob. You
ing on in the world as )lXJ backpack your way
can move up or dow n band by band by Operating the IC-703
into the outback.
us ing the BA:o.ID bu ttons . Yo u can pro-
Other goodies inside the IC-703 gram up to 105 memories with your favor- Since I already own a n IC-706, getting
ite freq uencies, making band hopping easier. used to the IC -703 was very easy. I enjoy
Beside s the stuff we now take for granted O ne of the dra wbacks o f the IC-706 is operating CW so I installed the 500 Hz crys-
like dual VFO a nd memori es galore, the C W operation without the CW fi lter. O nce tal filler. It's not exactly plug-i n, you have
36 73 Amateur Radio Today · August 2003
to re move the top PC hoard and solde r the You can o nly install o ne interna l fi lter.
fi lter o nto the second PC board . There are That's bad. But o n the other hand. at $ 160 a Kanga US • QRP Products
quire a few p lug-in heade rs that need to he pop or so. you co uld not afford to put in DK9SQ Masts
removed be fo re you can get to the second more than o ne . U nlike my Argona ut V. with
PC bo ard. It's nor fo r the fai nt of heart . it's 35 DSP-ba sed fi lte rs , the IC -70 3 is
On the other hand . it 's not as h ard to do limited to j ust one crysta l fi lter. A n tennas
as it appears. As a matter o f fac t. I installed The power co nnector is attached [0 the
the CW filter in my IC -703 in the hote l roo m radio via a Flying le ad about nine inc hes KK78 - R 2Pro, M in iR2, T2. U V F O
d uring the Ha mve ntio n. lo ng . Wh y? There just had to be room fo r a W 7Z0 1 - S pec tru m A na lyzer & m ore
Like I said earlier, if yo u e ven plan o n power connector 0 11 the rear apron of the
doi ng a litt le bit of C W with this radio , the rad io. But guess not. A nyway, the po wer
C W filter is a m ust. It 's an expe nsive o p- @k' n . s III w ww ka ta rn
leads are abo ut n ine in ches long and tcrmi-
tio n at about $ 165 . C W o pe ration wo rks 352 1 S prin g La ke D r. Find lay, O H
nate into an Icom-stylc power connector.
without any problems a nd the ten watts was T he other e nd p lug s into this arrangement
more than e nough 10 work j ust about any- a nd then to your power supp ly. Overall , 877-767-0675 -11 9-423-4604
thing I could hear. SSB operation gene ra ted there' s about eight fee t of wire to go 10 the
lots of good comments on the audio. I ne ver po\ supply. The learn IC -70 3 uses the
tried the speech compressor w hile us ing O PC - 1229 power cable. • R-.;-'.... . blocI< 01 R F~ 10 80 kHz wide &
G> rf1t:0I'd If to ee audio traeb 01 a H,·R VCR. to a
SSB. I d id work some DX on FM o n the
29.6 call ing frequ ency. Aga in, I received
good audio re ports w hile o n FM . I ha ve no t
What's good? ---
compuIe<' Ihrough a SCUId card 0110 0It>ef recotding

• Hook to ee enIGMa pol't ol an HF R"' '' tuM

I'll through the recorded portion at s.pectrum I Ul l liIlI.
The ability to ope ra te o n battery power is /n ru l ,l"..1
tried the IC-703 o n AM ye t. but w ill gi ve it
an ou ts tanding ad va ntage to most of the
:E • Ter' ilic lor coo tesl '\ OX al'\lllysis, fadoo demos.
a try o n 7. 290 this co ming fa ll. Gl 00, EME " research.
• Assembkld , $170: kit, $t35 l+SIH), 1 Band Filte r
The recei ve r see ms to ho ld up j ust fine other radios o ut in the marke t place . Hat s E board & xtal lnciuded.8 13-626-0062
.- available.
80. 40. 30. 20 , 15 & 10 meters

on a crowded band. but l don' t have the an- o ff to the design er at Ieo m for taking this
... www.ell "deds ectrums
tennas to really bring in lots o f extra stro ng im port ant step. The size of the rad io makes
statio ns. All in all , the receiver works j ust fo r easy operation. Unlike the Fr-8 17 with
fine for m y operating style. its supe r sm all knobs and tiny d isplay. the
I would have liked to have seen a few IC · 703 feel s like a grow n- up radio. G ranted,
mo re AGC time selccuons. Yo u can tum on the Ff-8 17 can be: slung o ver o ne 's shoul-
fa st AGC o r normal AGC time constants . der and operated from the internal batteries
while the lC-703 cannot. (O K, yo u ca n
Visit O ur Site
T he DSP wo rks gre at ! T he automatic
no tch really cleans o ut the tu ner uppers o n mount the Ie-703 into Icom's ne w LC- 156 Often for Specials!
SS R. The automatic noise red uction works multi-bag .)
l OSS lllSIllmlmSG COMPMY ........ r...
fi ne , too. In fact it's bette r than the no ise I a m out of space this month. so ne xt time 11 S, Soil< Slm:t. f'reIloo. lD 100 1'01_
H- Tw fn, ~ 1O- 1 ~ lJ.4 • "'" ..... ,Y.' "" . ~ l"loool s.o . So.
blanke r at taking out engine no ise. Yo u call we mee t, I'll ha ve some more info o n the
select how m uch noi se reduc tio n you wa nt ne w lea rn 70 3
the DS P to work wi th via o ne o f the menus.
The NEW second edition of the
-a.t -~
T he internal ante nna tune r worked cor-
HW-B Handbook _ I_0 _.... _.....
rectly with just abo ut any antenna I tried . It
does no t have the tuni ng capacity of some The second ed ition of the H W-8 Hand- .__.- -
• . ' « _<to
o f the o utboard automatic tu ners. so don' t
expect it to tu ne your 2o-mcte r d ipole for
l 60-mcter use. Yo u can tum o ff the auto-
book is no w shi pping. It 's a com plete redo
of the book . I' ve includ ed lo ts more in-
form ation on the IIW-7 . HW-8 , and the
~ --- ---
. . . . . . (;01> ........ 1;_ _ .....

- ..... .m_I.. ' '

_'_f " "'_ II'" ,.... lid.
,. . . t. Ool t.o-J _ l )

matic tuner and run the rig straight th ro ugh

if you like .
T he IC -70 3 come s with powe r cab le ,
HW· 9 . T here ' s PC board overlays fo r all
three rad io s . co m pa ny service bu lle tins ,
and co m ple te alig n ment instru ct io ns. I' ve
microp hone, and inst ruc tion booklet. ke pt the mo st popu lar modifi ca tions a nd
adde d ne w o ne s . The re are p hoto g ra phs
How much energy does it use?
Nits to pick
thr ou g h the n ew b ook a s we ll a s _...... ~ Kill A Watt
With a radi o that has so many featu res, "H eat htips" fo r those li llie th ing s that Electricity Usage Mei er

it's ha rd not to get trapped in the menus. ma ke life e asier. Large LCD displays: kWh
T he re a re so many me n us. yo u can ge t T he new book is spiralbound so that it (cumulative over time).
lo st. So unless yo u play w ith the radio all lies flat o n the workbe nch and is prin ted o n w atts, VA, Volts. Current.
8o-pound paper. The seco nd edi tion o f the Frequency, Power Factor,
the time , you had better keep the manual
I I Timer
nearby. For example. the IC -70 3 contains H W· 8 Handbook should be on everyone' s
• $35.00
an automatic serial number generato r fo r shelf. • $6,00 .... Sill

You can get you r own copy fo r only S I 5

C W contests. You ha ve 10 d ig into the
manua l to figure o ut how to make it work.
It's not intuitive w he n it eo mes to the
p lu s S~ fo r p riority ma il sh ip ping. Se nd a
check o r mone y orde r to the add re ss a t
..' ... ..--._.. . . ,.-
Ca ll Toll Free: 1.866.SOlAR EV (765-2738)
the to p o f the co lum n. 1' 1\ pop o ne in the e-mail: lnlo@noemls sions .com
od dba ll thin g s that this rad io is c apable
o f do in g . mail as so o n as I get you r o rd er. fa COI:!!lCId
73 Am ateur Radio Today . August 2003 37
ADR Introd uces AR -ON E Rece iver siona l users , suc h as governments. mi litary mode - 10 dB SIN ): 10- 40 kHz - cw
AOR US A has annou nced th e availabil- applications. law enfo rceme nt , laborator ies, 22 .3 IlV; 40- 100 kHz - A M 4 .5 IlV. CW
ity of the AR-ONE . a new wide-r ange an d othe rs who require the ulti mate in a sen- 1.5 1lV: 100 kH/.- 2 MHz - AM 2.5 IlV;
commu nications rece ivcr capab le of morn- si tive, w ide - r ange re c e ive r." sa id M r. 2-40 M H z - AM 1.5 IlV, SSB/CW 0 .7
loring a llY freq ue ncy fro m to kH z to 3.3 Nakayam a. ""At thi s time . we do not have IlV. NFM 0.89 IlV; 40 M Hz-I GHz -
GH z w ith exce llent sensiti vity while p lans to produce a version of the AR -ONE AM 0.89 I1V. SSB/CW DAIlV. NFM 0.5
prov idi ng maxim um use r fle xib il ity. An that has cellula r freq uencies bl oc ked. so it IlV, W FM 1.5 IlV; I GHz- 2.5 G Hz - A M
earlier planned introd uct ion of the AR- ca nnot be offered fo r sale to the general 0. 7 IlV, SS B /CW 0 .32 IlV, NFM 0.4 IlV.
ONE was de layed. but AOR re ports tha t p ub lic in the USA ," he sai d . WFM 1.5 IlV; 2.5 GH z- 3 GHz - Arv10 .9
uni ts are no w flo w ing in to the market- With th e abi lity to link up to 99 rece iv- uv, SSB/CW 0 .35 IlV, NFM 0 .5 I1V, W FM
place. ers. the A R -O~E may be an unparalleled 1.5 uv
'"The AR -ON E Comm un ications Re - reso urce fo r surveillance o perations and
IF f req uencies : I Sl IF - 754 MHz/265
ce iver was des igned and bu ilt with the hig h -end mo nitoring. The un it c an be
M H1.;2nd IF -1O. 7 M Hz; 3rd IF -455
moni toring profess iona l in mind," sa id i ns talle d in base or m obile operations.
k Hz
Takashi "Tab" Nakayama xws]. Vice T he user has the flexib ility to tune in in-
Frequency steps: Standard steps - I ,
President of AOR's Nort h A mer ican o p- cre me nts of a sing le Hz, making most of
10 . 50 , 100, 500 Hz; I. 5, 6.25, 9, 10, 12.5 ,
erations . " It can stand a lone as a highly th e w idely used available RF spectru m tun -
20 , 25 , 30. 50, 100, 500 kHz . Nonstand-
accurate recei ver or it can support seco nd- able to the A R-ONE . Its abil ity to readout
ard steps: less tha n I M Hz ( I H z incre-
ary signal processing, spect rum disp lay signa l strength in user-selectable d BI..I.Y o r
units, and computer signa l analysis:' d Rm units makes direct io n findi ng mo re
Se lec tivity ( B/W, -3 dB. - 60 dB . in
The A R-ONE has two RS-232C port s sc ientific, and its ultrastablc f requency ref-
kHz): 0 .5. >0 .5 , <2; 3, >3 , <0; 6, >6. <20;
on its rear panel. "This w ill a llow th e join - erence brings a la b-qual ity readout to the
user in day- to -d ay o pe rations. 15 , >15 , <40; 30, >30, <70 ; 110 , >110,
ing of mu ltip le A R-ONE un its. As ma ny
Rear panel IF outputs allow for second- <450; 220 , > 220, <600: 300, >300, <900.
as 99 AR-O NE receivers can be contro lled
ary signal processing and anal ysis. In add i- S purious sensitiv ity: >60 d B
by a sing le computer:'
tion. other accessories or com puter programs Adjacent se lectivity : >55 dB
T h e A R-ONE was conce ive d a s a
make visual signal display possible. includ ing Dynamic range : >70 dB
"breakthro ugh" desig n . Its many featu res
graphic d is plays. Unwanted spurious e mission: <-57 dBm
inclu de te n VFOs; LOOO memo!)' chan-
nels; an ulrrastub !e freq uency reference "The A R-O NE m ay well redefi ne what 3rd IP: >+2 d Bm
oscillator; selectable tuning steps and reso- is possible in te rms of monitoring." sa id M r. Frequency stability: :to. I ppm (-10-50 C)
lution down 10 one Hertz (Hz); the ability Nakayama. "We believe governments need THD: > 20 dB (<1 0 % )
to mon itor A M . NFl\t, WFM . USB , LSB . enha nced tools for surveillance to keep pace A udio o utp ut: 1.5 W (at 8 ohms, THD
C W and dat a modes: a triple -convers ion w ith commun ications deve lopments. par- <10 % )
supe rheterodyne front end; adjusta ble ticu larly as ap plied to Ho mel and Security. Power requ irement : 13.5 V DC, < I am p
BFO ; hig h intercept ; multi- If s ignal out - One area of intere st is th e ongoing battle (@ 1 W audio o ut pu t)
pu t ports at 10.7 MH z or 455 kHz; and against te rrorism ac ross the wo rld. We hope A nte nna impedance : 50 ohm
more. the A R-ONE ca n p lay a role in bringing Antenna connec to r: N -type
O perating features incl ude th e ability to those efforts to a quic ker conclusion." IF o utp ut level : - 20 d Bm (10.7 MHz.)
control all func tions by compu ter and mos t External freq uency standard input: ]0 MHz
funct io ns through th e co ntro l head . T he Control interface: RS -232C
un it C:lI1 communicate many sett ings and Model : A R-ON E Operating temperature : - 10-50 degrees
read ings to the user, incl uding suc h items C onfiguratio n: Triple conversio n supcr- (C). - 18- 144 deg rees ( F)
as signal bandwidth and the s tre ngth o f a heterodyne Dime nsions: 157 ( w) x 58 (h) x 22 1 (d )
rece ived signal. Frequency coverage: 10 kHz - 3.3 G llz (nun), 6.2 ( w) x 2 .3 (h) x 8.7 (d) (inche s)
The rear panel has two RS -232C ports. (no gap) (m ain uni t on ly. proj ect io ns excluded)
an " N" connector ante nna term inal. t\VO Receive mode : AM, NFM , W FM , US B , weight: A pproximately 1.8 kg (4 Ibs.),
BNC in put s. power input. s peaker o ut put . LS B. C W, dat a main unit only
and the IF ta ps . Sensit iv ity (AM m ode - 10 d B SIN; (Specifications are s ubject to c hange
"The A R -ONE is d e sig ne d for pro tcs - NFM mode - 12 d B S INAD; CW/SSB without not ice or ob ligation.)

/'I/ £ O£ R SRV 01£ Other co urses that stand out in my same teac her (Mr. D oc ke n) , tha t got my
continuedJrom page 9 m e m ory we re tho se in read i ng musi c m other inte re sted in being an artist, going
a nd a rt ap precia tion at the Lo ngfe llow 0 11 to Prall Art In stitu te and a career in
there have been a few. hut by far the School in Pe n nsa uke n , N J, in the second com m erc ial art.
mos t valu a ble educa tion fo r me was the a nd th ird grades. and the art co urse at You kno w, I'd like to see teachers s ta rt
Navy 's nine -month electronics course. Erasm us High Schoo l in Brookly n, N Y.
And it was f un , too . I lo ved it ! It was tha t same course, ta ught by th e ConHnued 011 page 62
38 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003

Listings are free of charge as space permits. Please send us your Calendar Event two months ill advance of the
issue you 11'0111 it to appear in. For example. lfvou U'onr ;110 appear in the November issue. we should receive it by
Aug ust J I . P rovide a clear, co ncise summary of the ess ential details about your Calendar Event.

AUG 2 at 6 a.m. Sunday. Main Exhibition Hall opens Hamfest will be held August 22·2 3 at the
at 8 a.m. sharp . Send reservations and Univers ity ot New Mexico Cont inuing
ALFARATA, PA Juniata Valley ARC Harnt est, donations to Robert Nelson WB9 WFR, 1720 Education Conference Center, 1634 University
6:30 a.m. Gen eral admiss ion, 8:00 a.m. Vollmer Rd., Flossmoor fL 60422. VE exams Blvd., NE. in Albuquerque. Talk-in on 145.33(-)
Morn ing and noon food items available . will be available. Visit the Web si te at (100 Hz) and 444.00(+) (100 Hz). RV parking
Admission $2.00 donation, XYL and children [ www.hamfesters.orgj for more info. ($10, dry camping only, no hookups). Tables
free. Tailgating $5.00 donat ion, includes $12 with no power and $1 8 with power. Doors
admission. Indoor tables, $10.00 donation per AUG16 open Friday 5 p.m . to 9 p.m., Saturday 7 a.m.
table. Space is limited. Vendors responsible 10 to 3 p.rn. Flea market, free tailgates. VE exams,
collect PA sales tax. El ect ricity, $2 .00 CHANUTE , KS The Chanute Area Amateur forums. Free admission. Contact Richie Allen
additional. Please bring your own power cords. Radio Club Hamfesl will be held on August KC5NZR, 1624 Columbia Dr. SE, Albuquerque
Directions: The Decatur Fire Co. is located 16th at Zion Lutheran Activity Center, 1202 NM 8 71 06. Phone 505-242-0208, or E-mail
along US Route 522 North, 8 miles east of West Main. Admission $2. Talk-in on 146.745 {kc5n zr@arrl.netj. You can find more into on
Lewistown, PA in the town 01 AJlarala, PA. Look (tone 100) rptr. Contact Keith Rather 620-431 - the Web site at [www.qsl.netldchf}.
for signs. Talk-in on 146.91 0 MHz. For more 0930; or Cha rlie Ward 620-43 1-6402.
info, contact JVARC, PO Box 73 Yeagertown AUG23
PA 17099, or contact Cliff Bell WB3IVX, 717- OAKLAND, NJ The Ramapo Mountain ARC
248-2616. will hold its 27th Annual Ham Radio and ST. CLOUD. MN The 57th St. Cloud ARC
Computer Flea Market on Saturday, August Hamfest will be held at the 51. Cloud Armory
AUG 10 16th at the Amercan Legion Hall, 65 Oak SI., on 8th SI. North and 16th Ave., on August 23rd.
Oakland NJ. This event is ARRL sanctioned. Setup starts at 8 a.m. Doors open to the public
GREENTOWN, IN The Greentown Hamtest Vendors setup at 6 e.m.. buyers admitted 8 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Talk-in is on 147.015 MHz;
Committee will hold their 6th Annual Greentown a.m. until Noon. The kitchen opens at 7 a.m. gabbing on 146.940 MHz. VE exams on site
Hamfesl Sunday, August 10th, 7:30 a.m . Talk-in on 147.49/1 46.49 and 146.52 simplex. at 12 noon. Contact Jack Maus WOMBD,
to 1 p.m. at the Greentown, Indiana Lions Club Donations $5 with XYL and harmonics 1264 7·210 St. , Cold Spring MN 56320. Phone
Fairgrounds. Talk-in on 147.24 and 146.79. admitted tree. Inside tables $12 each. Tailgate 32tJ.685·8295, or call the radio club at 320-
Vendors preregister by sending a form or E- spaces $1 0 each. For more info please contact 255- 1410.
mail to [k9nqw@ arrl.netj. Check the Web site Bob Anderson K2BJG, 69 Page Dr., Oakland
at [www.gra ntarc.c om/greentown.h tml] . NJ 0 7436. Phone 20 1-33 7-6945; fax 973-962- AUG 30
Handicap parking will be available. Anyone 62 10. Club E-mail {rmarc@ qs/.net. Club Web
who obtains a license or upgrade at our VE site {www.qs/. netlrmarcj. UNIONTOWN, PA The Uniontown ARC will
exams session will be admitted free. Tickets hold its 54th annual Gabfest on Saturday,
are $4 in advance and $5 at me door. tv-years- SPANAWAY, WA The Radio Club of Tacoma August 30th at the club grounds located on
old and under free. Vendor setup is on Saturday (W7DK), will hold their 2003 Hamfest at Bethel Old Pillsburgh Rd. in Uniontown PA, just north
at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sunday 5:30 a.m. Junior High School in Spanaway, 9 a.m. to 3 of the intersection 01 US Rt. 119 and PA At.
to 7:30 a.m. Inside tabes sa plus ticket; tailgate p.m. Directions: From 1-5, exil 127 to SR-512 51. Starts at 8 a.m . Free parking and free
setup S3 plus ticket. Make checks payable to E; go about 2 miles 10 Parkland Exit. Tum righi, tail gat ing with re gistration . Tal k-in on
Greentown Hamfes t. Con tact Greentown go about 8 miles to 224th SI. Tum left. Go 1 147.045(+). Tables available. For info call Carl
Ham/est, cia LB. Nickerson K9NQW, 517 N. mile to 38th Ave. East tum lett. About 0.3 mile, WAaHQK, or Joyce KA3CUT at 304-594-3779.
Hendricks Ave., Ma rion IN 46952. Phone 765- signs on right. Talk-in on 147.38 PL 103.5, or
668-4814. simplex 147.500. Visit {www. w7dk.orgj. for SEP 12, 13
more info, or contact Fra nk or Jill Palmer, 253-
PEOTONE, IL The Hamfesters Radio Club is 539-7772. E-mail {ac 7jyfl}. Setup BENTONVILLE, AR The B.C.A.O. Hamlest
proud to announce thai they will hold their 69th Friday 2 p.m. to 7:30 p.m and Saturday 6a.m. will be held at Thomas Jefferson School, 810
Annual Hamtest Sunday, August 10th, at the to 8:30 a.m. Admission is S5with 16-year-olds Bella Vista Rd., Bentonville AR , Saturday
Will County Fairgrounds (I-57 Exit 327 East) and under free if accompanied by an adult. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Setup is Friday night al6 p.m.
in Peotone. The air-conditioned, fUlly enclosed Plenty of free parking. RV parking available for VE exams at 10 a.m . Saturday. Talk-in on
pavilion ensures you a good spot, rain or shine, selt contained units only. VE exams will be held 145.290 down 600. Admission $3. Tables $5.
hot or not. This hamfest is vendor friendly. at 10 a.m.: contact Shirley Murphy N7QHW, Tickets are t wo for $5 . Food and drinks
Saturday setup from 3 to 11 p.m. (August 9th). {sundanc ealso@harborne }. Tables available. Contact Betty Wei/berg at 4 17·435-
Convenient unloading and parking areas. Free available on site. Non-commercial tables $20 2332 or by E-mail at {jweiberg}; call
overnight parking . A secured building. The each , includes one admission. Commercial S hirley Ha rris at 479-451 -8626; E-mai l
fairground oilers plenty of free parking and tables $30 each, includes one admiss ion; {saharris@cenlurytel.netj;or Busler Morrowat
there are ample food and rest room facilities. helpers $5 each (limited). 479-63 1-9231. E-mail {ad5am@mc2k. comj.
Tables are $15 each, electric $10. One ticket
free per vender. All others $5 in advance, $6 AUG 22, 23 SEP 14
at the gate. Your gate pass will be issued at
arrival, your ticket will be needed. Gate opens ALBUQUERQUE, NM The 2003 Duke City NEWTOWN, CT The Cancrewcoc ARA of
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 39
Danbu ry CT wi l l hold thei r Western CT SEP 25-28 New Jersey QSO Party. (1) The time 01 the
Hamfest on Sunday, September 14th, at contest is from 2000 UTC Saturday, August
Edmond Town Hall. Directions: Rte. 6. Exit 10 SEATTLE WA Micr owave Updat e 2003 16th to 0700 UTC Sunday, August 17th and
off 1-84. Follow the signs. Talk-in on 147.300(+) organizers and the Pacific Northwest VHF from 1300 UTC Sunday, August 17th to 0200
PL 100. New equipment dealers, flea market, Society are join ing forces to host a joint UTC Monday August 18th. (2) Phone and CW
tai lgati ng , elect ronics, com puters , re- conference in the Seattl e WA ar ea on are considered the same contest. A station
freshments . Tables $12 .50 each (inclu des September 25-28, 2003. Registrations for the may be contacted once on each band - phone
1 ad mission ). Tai lgating $8 (i ncl udes 1 joint conference will be accepted beginning and CW are considered separate bands. CW
admission). Admission 55, children under 12- April 1st. Cost of the registration will be $40 contacts may not be made in phone band
years-old adrrutted free. For reservations and prior to September 12th, and covers all three segments. NJ stations may work other NJ
inlo, contact John M. Ahle W1JMA, 120 Fire days. Single day or single event registrations stations. (3) General call is "CQ New Jersey"
Hill Rd., Ridgefield CT 06877. Call 203-438- are not available. Late registrations. including or "CO NJ-. New Jersey stations are requested
6782; or E·mailto [W 1JMA}. at the door, will be 550. Registration forms can to identify themselves by signing "De NJ" on
be downloaded at {} CW and "New Jersey call ing- on phone .
SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA The Southeastern or sendan SASE to JOhn Price N7Mwv, 12026 Suggested frequencies are 181 0, 3535, 3950.
Massachusells ARA, Inc. will hold its annual 8 1st Ave. NE, Kirkland WA 98034, and a form 7035, 7235, 14035, 14285, 21100, 21355,
flea market on the club's grounds at 54 Donald will be mailed to you. Completed reqrsnauon 28 100, 287400, 50- 50 .5, and 144-14 6.
Street in South Dartmouth. The event will run forms and payment should be sent 10 the same Suggest phone activity 00 the even hours with
from 7 a.m. to 12 noon, rain or shine. Talk-in address. Make checks payable to Microwave 1511 0 meters 00 the odd hours (1500 to 2100
on 147.00/.60. Admission 52 (spouse and Update 2003. Joint conference sessions and UTC); 160 meters at 0500 UTC. (4) EXchange
children free). Walk-in VE exams at 10 a.m. the Saturday evening banquet will be held at consists 0 1 OSO number and QTH (state/
Free space and admission for vendors. For the Everett Holiday Inn and Conference province or country). NJ stations will send
more info go to {www.semara. org}, or contact Center, a short drive north of downt own county for their QTH. (5) Scoring: Out-or-state
Tim Smith N1 Tf at 508·758·3680. E-mail to Seattle. Special rates have been arranged with stations multiply number of complete contacts
{rCsmith}. the hotel for conference participants. Rooms with NJ stations times 3 points per aso times
are $69 per night plus tax, a real bargain for the number of NJ counties worked (maximum
SEP 20 the Seattle area! It is suggested that early of 21). NJ stations multiply number of complete

ROLLING MEADOWS. Il The 51st Annual

reservations be made directly with the hotel contacts times 3 points per aso limes the
at 425-33 7-2 900. Be sure to me nt ion multiplier. The multiplier is the sum of the
W90XCC Convention and Banquet will be held
- Micro wave Update" to ge t this rate . number of states (other than NJ), Canadian
Saturday, September 20th at the Holiday Inn
Reservations must be made by August 21st provinces, and NJ counties worked. Maximum
(near O'Hare Airport) in Rolling Meadows Il.
for this rate. is 49 + 13 + 21 = 83. (6) Certificates will be
Come early. There will be a Friday Welcome
awarded to the first place statron in each NJ
Reception hosted by Carl Smith N4AA and OX
"White papers" are currently being solicited cou nty, state, province , and co untry. In
Publications, followed by a Hospitality Suite
from potential auth ors and speakers fo r addition, a second place certificate will be
late Friday. This will be hosted by the Northern
pub lication i n the 2003 conf erence awarded when four or more logs are received.
Illinois DX Assn. Stay late on Saturday night
proceedings. Topics specifically of interest to A total of two plaques have been donated by
and enjoy the Saturday Night Hospitality Suite
Microwave Update attendees, as well as those the ARRL Section Managers lor NNJ and SNJ
hosted by the Greater Milwaukee OX Assn.
on VHF and UHF subjects usually associated to the highest scoring single operator station
Other features will include pre sentations by
with th e an nua l Pacif ic North west VHF residing in each of their sections. (7) logs must
major DXpeditions, an ARRl forum, Grand
Banquet and prizes, and DXCC OSL card
Conference are being solicited. Papers will be also show the UTC date and time , aso
accepted until July tat, 2003, to allow enough exchange , band , an d emission, and be
checking . The Master of Ceremonies will be
time for printing. White papers should be sent received no later than September 13th, 2003.
Jim O'Connell W9WU. For more info contact
directly to Jim Christiansen K7ND, via E-mail The first contact for each claimed multiplier
Bill Smith W9VA by calling 847-945-1564: or
at { MS Word formatis preferred. must be indicated and numbered and a check
E-mailto {w9va @aol. com).
Microwave Update 2003 and the Pacific list of contacts and multip liers should be
- -- - - - - - - - - -- ---1 Northwest VHF Society respectively, will be the included. Multi-operator stations should be
sole judges of whether presentation requests noted and calls of participating operators listed.
and white papers are accepted. Logs and comments should be sent to
K-Y Filter Co. Englewood Amateur Radio Assn., Inc., PO.
3010 Grinnel PI. If you are interested in makin g a sessio n Box 528 . Englewood NJ 0763 1-0528. A #10
presentation al one of the Microwave Update size SASE should be included for results. (8)
Davis, CA 95616 2003 sessions, please respond 10 NU7Z
Telephone (S30J 757-6873 Stations planning active participation in New
Modem /Telephone AA Filten {nu7z}. For presentations at the Jersey are requested 10 advise EARA by
K-V Filters are trUly superiorl Pacific Northwest VHF Conference sessions. August 1st 0 1 your intentions 50 that they may
Please ,,;ait us.t : contact N7CFO at {}. plan lor full coverage from all counties. Portable·fllters.comlam.hlm lCO projection equipment will be available and mobile operation is encouraged.
for those using PowerPoint presentations.
Slides and vi deo pres enta tions can be SEP 27
Dual Band 2MI7OCm accommodated with advance notice.

\ 1. log Periodic Antenna SPECIAL EVENTS. ETC.

RAYMOND , ME The U.S . Coast Guard
Auxiliary D1NR Radio Raymond, K1 G. 13002-

\ Great for liE SATS!
AUG 16, 17. 18
21002 Sep. 27th. 64th USCG Auxiliary, 25th
Canadian CG Auxiliary anniversaries and ISAR
Special Event Radio Day (V01 RAC). 28.320,

""" "'"" ......

....... "-'.CA
19251 933-3242
NEW JERSEY aso PARTY The Englewood
Amateur Radio Assn., Inc. invites all amateurs
21 .31 0, 14.260, 7.260. CGA Certificate. Contact
KeithC. Mottoo W1NDH, P O. Box 809, Ra~
the wortc over to take part in the 44th Annual ME 04071-0B09. flJ
40 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
VHF and Above Operation C.L. Houghton WB61GP
San Diego M icrowave Group
6345 Badger Lake Ave.
S an Diego CA92119
[Wb6igp@ham- radio.comj

Construction of a 47 GHz Transceiver

and Other Junk Box Considerations

Well. here we are, and I never thought I would be talking about working 0147 GHz using so me sophisticatedjunk box parts,
However. surp lus material is being made available and with a diligent sea rch ofsurptus outlets y O Il call a lso obta in
components that can be assembled into an effort making construction possible.

was not an overnight collection binge the inexpens ive co mponents needed. Take, it's still workingjust line now - with a lock
I t
that put this effort forward, but rather a
slow process aimed in this direc tion. Col-
fo r example , my fi rst SSB transce iver for
10 G Hz.
on the transit case.
Th is little ep isode demonstrated certai n
lecting material for a planned project does In construction of the SS B rig, I sho uld reliability in const ruction e ve n back the n in
take time, especially when you are not ready have revam ped circ uitry to make it more m y early years of putting surplus part s to-
to sell the fa mily farm for parts needed. rel iable by m anufacturi ng PC boards used gether. I still can imagine the e ffort it rook
Some of the m aterial can be obtained in fo r con tro l and switching ; in st ead o f the to hau l all that sa nd up into the tree fort and
ne arl y read y m ade ki ts wit h only on e dead bug-type c ons truc tio n I used back du mp it carefully into the muffin fan ex -
prob le m - they arc c ostly . some 10 years ago. Even so, this rig has h aust hole . There still is sand embedded in
I chose another aven ue and th at was to stood the te st of time , the RTV used to harde n the circ u it boards.
sit and wait like a spider in a net fo r th e For examp le, whe n I mounted the 10 Gltz Usin g the RTV like a potting compound to
parts to come my way. W hatever method rig in m y grand son's tree fo rt in the back protect th e wiring and parts has worked well
for collection. ti me is on your side. If you yard, the kids fill ed my o utdoo r compart- over time .
will allow lime to co llect surplus bargains ment with about 25 pounds of sand . N eed- T he ri g is sw itc hed by 4 S MA relays
you (00 can put an inexpensive transcei ver less to say, som e shaki ng out w as needed controlling a TWT (Travel ing Wave Tube )
converte r together. All you need is some and I thought it was a goner. Took a w hile 10 watt am plifier and a series o f 2 Rl-
luck to locate key parts and th e time to find to dump all th e sand and vac uum it out but preamp s. T he unit was a collec tio n of qu ite

Photo A. Front view of synth top right. .sit ting on top of BCD Photo n.Top ~'iew of total system main svnth to right, 2640 M llz
controller chassis. Synth capable of operation f rom 8930 to sy nth b ottom lef t in alumin um cutou t shield compa rtment.
10730 MHz with +14 dBm output. Frequency steps as fine as I kHz Pecom TX module j us t a bo ve 264 0 MHz syntli. S witching regu-
throughout its f requency range set hy BCD switches on control la ted power supp ly to far left with cooling fan in f ront of po wer
panel. Close ill phase noise better than -90 dB. supply.
73 Amateur Radio Today. Augusl2003 41
a bit o f equipment all assem bled ove r time. - it presented some interesting possib ili- o pera tion ra ng e of the TX modu le . W ith
and is stil l running j ust ti ne. knoc k on wood. ties for use o n 47 G H7.. W ith a 10 G llz LO 10 0 m W (+ 20 dB m ) drive (Pecom outp ut)
O n the o ther hand . the set up o f establishin g drive wh ic h is do ubled in th e Pecom TX at 23.5 25 GH z to inj ect into the LO port
a station on 24 GHz was easy. as my co nfi - module mixer. and IF drive in the 2.640 G Hl o f a horn e- b ui lt m ixer co ns truc ted (ro m 2
dence and shaky hand and eyesight were not prod uces a RF output in the 23.5 GHJ: range. anti-pa ralle l diode s (LO doubler). we got
tha t of my yo unge r years . and I put th at This method allows the Pccom TX module 47 .05 G Hz. 50 M Hz up fro m the bottom of
project off till a com ple ted transceiver made to operate nearly stoc k. dri ving a fi nal out- the band.
its way into my hand s. put m ixer doubling the d rive (23.5 25 G II/. Us ing a 14 5 MHz mult imode transceiver
In other words. I pa id my way into thi s x2 =·n .0 5 GHz). as the IF RX rrX so urce prod uced an op-
rig fo r 24 G H.l. It was a Pecom transceiver A litt le figurin g re vealed th ai by usin g e ra tiona l freq uency of 4 7. 19 5 G ill . The 2-
modified by S am Lutwei ler K 6 VL~1 o f compone nts o n hand. the follow ing cou ld meter transceiver was set to 250 mW output.
the S an Berna rdino \ Ii c ro w a ve Society be cons tructed and g iven a try. Working 1/4 of a wan . An 8 dB attenuator was at-
(SB MS). backwards. if we used ol7.05 GHl fo r an LO tached between the tra n sceiver and the
La rge q ua ntities o f these transceivers d ivided by 2 = 23.525 G H 7. (the Pecom TX microwave m ixer. Thi s red uced the trans-
were obtained in a group bulk purchase of un it dri ver output). Now we had 2.640 G Hz m it power to +7 dB m o utput drive to the IF
these surplus Pc'Com transceivers. The types sym hs on hand and used o ne for the IF m ixer port . Total mixer power being used
we obtained were what we call high-side inpu t driver o n the Peco m T X converter. was the LO at + 20 dB m; IF drive on trans-
injection and low-side inj ection. The low- That meant that 23.525 G Hz the T X output m it of + 7 dB m seemed a little high but we
side injection had a freque ncy of operation minus 2 .640 G Hz = 20.885 G Hz. which is went for the gus to and it see med on te st to
of G Hz fo r transm it and rece ived in the tw ice the in put d rive LO to the TX mod- fu nc tion very welL Besides. we had replace-
the 22 G Hz range. For high-side injection ul e . Dividing that by 2 = 10.44250 G H J:. ment d iodes in the way o f PC boards from
the TX and RX frequencies are JUSI reversed Now for othe r than powe r supp lies. dish Q uako m m S urplus to obtai n ne w m ixer
to m ake a fu ll d upl ex pair. antenna. synthes izer. o r source o f a loca l di ode s sho uld that be needed .
Of primari ly Interest was the co nstruc- oscillator and a m ixer for 47 G llz. this rig A trial at Kerry N61ZW 's Q T H during the
tion of a 24 G Hz rig fro m Pecom Surplus. co uld be construc ted with the majo r ite m San D iego Mi c ro wave Group's mo nthly
Sam K6V LM . w ho became a s ile nt key. bei ng the T X modu le fro m the 23 GHz meeting was our show-and- tell portion of
accomplished th is e ffort w ith great results. Pe com tra ns mitte r. These Pecom u n it s the syste m check. It was a go for the gold
In the meant ime. Kerry N61ZW a lso was h ave b een m ade a vail ab le fo r a bo ut $20 effort w itho ut system checkou t.
wo rking out the co nvers io n of the Peco m to $ 50. depending w ho has the m and thei r F irst te st o n th e wo rkbe nc h at 2 fe et
mod ule s for a 24 G f-l z trun sce iver from his conditio n. showed init ia lly so me thi ng was ve ry wrong
original tests and so me of Sam 's no tes. Lots Us ing a n agile synthesize r that can be se t - we were receivi ng sign als every 25 kill
of other ideas have sprouted for these mod- up in I kl-lz steps m ad e the m ain LO task up and down the band. C hecking w ith the
ules and arc being worked on by many other simple. A Frequency West brick or other LO s pectru m a na ly ze r. it w a s traced to my
individuals . Th is proj ect is sti ll ongo ing. could be used here . We used the Ag ile Syn- 2 G H l sy nthesize r DC power supply 10-
Kerry N6IZW. w ho has modified several thesizer as it was in o ur j unk bo x a nd it op- volt line. It seems that the 78 12 12-volt volt-
modules. observed th e relationshi p of the erated from 8930 MHz to 10700 M H/. - age regulato r was o scillating a nd needed
frequencie s used in the unmodi fied 23 UBz j us t right fo r the required 1044250 M Hz better filter cap act ion. Re plac ing the 10 liP
transmit mod ule . Whi le in its o riginal con- LO d ri ve . U sing with th e QU:llcom m 2MO bypass cap with a I00 ~ cap remo ved the
fig uration - it was dri ven hy a 9 G Hz LO MHz synt hesizer (Pccom IF in/out) gave an offe ndi ng ripple on the DC fecd and c leaned
and had an IF frequency of nearly 3 G ili'. o utput at 23 .525 G H z. righ t in the normal up the synthes izer outp ut gre atly. Test ing
the transverter over this 3 fool pat h proved
simple and produced a g reat note fo r C W
near as good as you could get. Fo r a sim ple
LOINPUT test we tried SSB on Kerry 's 2-meter mul-
A-ANODE timode IF driver. I switc hed to SSB on my
Yaesu Fr-817 and clari ty was just as good
C=CATHODE as olO meters during the best of times.
Wow ! This was a contact on 4 7 G Hz and
w hat fun this w as ! It was like putt ing you r
firs t crystal detector set toge ther. Just fo r
A---C--A--C add itio na l fun we decided to increase di s-
". IF , ta nce as we were using AC power supplies
for the rigs. We p atc hed in a seventy-fi ve
GND GND foot extension cord and wal ked out of the
garage and down the driveway. still operating
145 MHZ IF IN/OUT IF center tap diodes SS B between Kerry N6IZW and myself.
to tip IF SMA Conn. What fu n. Signal leve ls we re in the S8+
region st ill. Mo ving the 10 G Hz syn rhesber
Fig. 1. Showing mixer construction/placement of microwave diodes on back of SMA 10 kH z in freq ue ncy (irs mult iplied by 4 in
bulkhead connector. Use shortest possible lengths. Used bare miserfor demo on 47 GHz the rig) mo ved the lF freque ncy 40 k i ll
fo r slum SSB cOlltacl at club meeting SDMG San Diego Microwave Group. as expected . A lso trying later that eveni ng
42 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
Photo D. Side I'ie w of complete modified Peca n: 24 Gt lz rig
Photo C. Close-in shot of system mixer showing fly spec diodes completed by Sam K6VLAI. Center is same TX modu le used in
and IF cable (1 45 Mil:: ) and SM A connector pointing downward 47 G Hz rig . lvlodlile behi"t/ 1X unit on multi screw aligned filter
inthis test configuration. is receive r m odule.

after Ke rry placed a 40 G Hz wa veg uide in hardwire the YIG sy nthesize r co ntrol cir- Thei r q uali ty seems unsurpassed and they
the sys tem to e nsure it was nOl 23 Gllz over- c uitry and g reatly reduce the size o f the rig . showed g reat milli meter frequency appli-
load of the recei ve mixer and signals were Lots o f possibilities . After a ll. there are sti ll catio ns - especially cons ide ring the cost.
sti ll func tional. proving to our satisfaction new junk boxes to look in and we j ust might Like all of the other material we picked up
we really were on 47 G Hz. After all. we had find what we are looking for if we sit back for th is project. the diodes for the mixe r also
to use the se procedures as we did not haw and wait for that ite m to land in ou r spider's p ro ve d to be su rpl us mat er ial. I have to
47 G Ht te..t equ ipment. and an a lterna te web. ad mi t that I purc hased ne w the two S MA
method had to be used to de mo nstrate wh at T he power supply. like most o the r ite ms. connectors used for the mixer.
was going o n. was obtained in surplus from a loca l sc ra p
Now se..-eml th ings ....-c used (0 assemble metal j unkyard. The Pecom transce iver was Mixer modif icat ion
this surplus material making this tran sceiver obtained surp lus for $20 from another sc ra p
T he bulk head SMA connect or Te flon is
possible . It too k time an d e ffo rt but was metal yard in the Sun ny vale CA area . The
c ut o ff !lu sh with the bac k of the S MA
assem bled .111 in surplus and is a demon- sy nthesizer wa s obtained in surp lus, a fi nd
fl ange. A lso. the center co nduc tor of the
stration to show othe rs a po ssibl e road to I am still amazed aborn: I fee l ve ry luc ky SM A connector is cut off nearly fl ush wi th
fo llow. we we re ab le to o btain it fo r our microwave the back of the co nnecto r. Next. a secon d
T here remai n several issue s, (hose bei ng group . It was a chance thing ale rting me to S MA c o nnec to r is so ld e red 10 t he first
sma ll di sh ante nnas to be adde d to the sys- the fr e que ncy ag ile symbest zer. an d we c o n ne c tor to mak e th e st ruct ure rigid .
tem a llo wing greate r operating ra nge . DC j u m pe d on them lik e an ant into a j a r o f Use 0. 14 1 hard -line to sup port both con-
po wer sup plies make the ri g s po rtable . ho ney. L ike a ll h e ms rare , it was o ne o f necto rs and fo rm the m ixer towards the
The AC sw itc hing power supp lies were se ve ra l ke y items used in the construction fo cus po int o f a small d ish . The mi xer is
used initia lly because the y suppl ied plus o f the converter for 47 G Hz. not d ifficu lt to construct.
five. in addi tion 10 pl us 15 volts that were In the p icture is the synt hesizer sitting on T w o diodes are req uired . One diode is
adjusted to 5.2 volts and 15.6 volts on the to p of the BCD switc h controlle r for the soldered o ne e nd to ground and the other
+ 15 volt supp ly for the YI G syn thesizer parallel input control to the sy nthesizer pro- e nd to the nub of the cente r conductor of
requirements. gramming d ata lin es. Inside the controller the SMA connector cente red about a straight
A bank of voltage regu lato rs fo r minu s is a n external 10 M Hz OCXO refere nce line from 9 o'clock to the cente r pin (a node
5 volts. and plus 10 and 12 volts DC for osci llator. Just by the muffin fa n o n the bot- to ground. cathode to the cente r p in). The
other circuit req uireme nts. came off of the tom left is the Q ual com m O RO synthesizer second d iode is soldered anode to center pin
switc hing powe r supplies' p lus and minus se t to a fixed 2640 Ml tz. The module stand- in line from ce nte r pin to 3 0 'd ock and cath-
15 volt ou tp ut taps . A little c razy to use .1 ing on edge is the Pecom T X transvert er to ode grou nded. Leads are kept as sbon as
switching powe r supply capab le o f 40 amps 23 GHz. T he part o f this syste m that is po ssible wi th the d iode laying n at egaiust
at 5 volts, but rob ust for our po wer needs home-bu ilt is the 4 7 G HI mixer. the l1angc back of the Stvt A co nnector.
and it was in the j unk box. T he mi xer co nsis ts of tw o SMA bulkhead Te sting to see if the diodes survived the
T his mult i vo ltage output po wer supply coax connectors , one modified to accept two handlin g and solde ring , me a sure with a
made the po wer supply issue on ly a matt er microwave d iode s on it s back face and the VO:vl o n d iod e chec k or use the x I () scnlc
of conn ectors and a slig ht voltage re-adj ust- o the r to serve a s 145 M il t IF port. The of a YO M. Me asure fr o m ce nte r p in 10
me nt to increa se the 5 and 15 vo lt line s up a d io de s used were scrap from Q ua lcomm ground and you sho uld sec a d iode j unctio n
few tenths of a vol t for sy nthesizer require- tra nsce ivers for 14 G ill o btained locally. fo r ward re s istanc e . Re verse th e me ie r
ment s. O ther cha nges might he to remo ve Application of a heat gun remove.-. d the d iodes
the sy nthesizer control BCD s w itch box and from the o rig inal PC board. a 14 G Hz mixer. Contin ued on page 59
73 Amaleuf Radio toaev » August 2003 43
Andrew C. MacAllister W5AC M
Amateur Radio Via Satellites 1471 4 Knights Way Dr.
Houston TX 77083·5640

Inventory Time

As with those who monitor the stock marker. it 's time to take stock of our hamsat assets.

The voice and CW ham sa ts

W e have lost some valuable resources
in 20l)}. A number of amateur satel-
lites have gone sile nt, the digital hamsal The most popul ar satellites tod ay are the
shortly after launch, it has provided global
comm unications a nd e x tr aordinary DX
opportunities usi ng relatively small gro und-
population is at a low not seen in over a single-channel, cross- band, FM hamsats.
based a nten na system s. T he tran sponder
decade, and the ranks of the analog voice All of them use a Mode "J" co nfig uratio n
incorpo rates a 23-cm and 70-cm uplink that
satellites have been di minished. It's time to - two meters up and 70 -cm down . UoS AT-
con verts to a down link a ll 13 e m. FM is not
get back to our "co re business," chasing OSCAR- 14 (U O- 14) is the favorite, When
supported, so SS B or CW must be used for
satellites whi le we have them. the 9600- baud di g ital store -and-forward
Too many hams are surfing the Internet system fa iled a few years ago, this long-life
T he o rbit is highly elliptical and the pass-
or turning into couch potatoes, watching the offeri ng from the folks at the University of
band is wide, supporting man y simul taneous
hundreds of available TV channe ls offered Surrey in Eng land was reti red to a le ss
contacts . It's like having a new ham band
by cab le, and other providers, like DirecTV demanding activity as a simple FM-voice
av ailable for use almos t every time the sat-
and the Dish Network. The utility of cell repea ter in the ham bands. It is always ac-
ellite comes above the horizon. Working I(Xl
phones has logi ca lly eclipsed repeater tive and can be worked with a d ual-band
countries via AO~40 isn' t easy, but it has
HT using only a whip antenna. Hand -he ld
systems with pho ne patche s, but ama teur been done several times. Many DXped ition s
du al-band yag is have prov ide d solid con-
radio satellites rema in as a viable commu - have take n equipme nt alo ng j ust to make
tacts fo r users in remote locations from the
nications me d ium fo r those who prefer co ntacts via AO-40. In expensi ve 13-cm
back-country of Alaska to cruise ships. Con-
pe rso nal , d irect co mmunicatio ns , with a ante nnas and do wnconverters have made
tacts arc usually very short du e to the large
touch of ho megrown high tech. the microwave downlink acce ssible LO any -
numbers of users on any given pass.
Othe r FM satellites include AM RA D- one with even a small budge t for satellite
What's up?
OSCA R-27 (AD-2 7) and SaudiS at- OS - operatio ns.
Did you know that OSCAR-3 is still in CAR-50 (SO-50). AO-27 has been available Fo r the "tcchics,' AO -40 a lso o ffers a
orb it? That's right. Unli ke OSCAR- l and in No rth A meric a fo r FM vo ice use o n oc- 24 GHz down link. Very few stations have
OSCAR-2, which were placed in very low cas io nal we eke nd mornin g passes, b ut successfull y re ce ived sig na ls from this
orbits back in the early 1960s with the ir S O-50 has been active whenever a control transmitter. but it is a challe nge worth pur-
military primary payloads , OSCAR-3 has statio n has been available to turn the satel- suing. So me receivers and trans mitters C!n
one of those e xtre me ly long -life orbits that lite on. Sa udiSat-OSCAR-4 1 is also capable AOAO may still be usable beyond those
will outlas t us all. T he bad news is that of use as an FM repeater, but has not been men tioned, but it is high ly unlike ly that we
OSCAR-3 can never co me back on-line for heard since SO ~50 was la unc hed . Both will ever hear anythi ng o n two meters or
ha m use. It is history. It's gone. It' s a sile nt AO-27 and the SaudiSats arc more d itficult 70 em.
piece of space junk in the sky. to use than UO- 14. They are best worked All o f the other active ana log satellites
In 2003 , other harnsats have joined it. from hom e statio ns with yagi ante nnas. a re ha vin g p ro bl e m s . T he high -o rb it
Fuji-OSCAR -20 and Fuji-OSCAR-29 have Although it's not a ham- radio satellite, the AMS AT-O SCAR -] 0 (AO- IO) ha s bee n
become erratic. It's news j ust to hear that International Space Station finds its place locked into Mode " B" (70-cm up and two
eithe r has been heard o n a random orb it. in the FM resou rce list. Even with limited meters do wn) for many years since radia-
AMRAD-OSCAR-27 has had problems that operations onboard the ISS, the possib ility tion damage took o ut the o nboard computer
so und like th e en d is near. KlTSAT-OS- of som e voice ham activity fro m the two- system . The re have bee n no reports of us-
CA R-2S is pre su med de ad and UoSAT- man crew fo r r andom contact s ex is ts. able signals via thi s satell ite since last ye ar.
OS CAR-22 may only come bac k for sho rt Scheduled Q SOs wi th schoo ls contin ue, T he Japanese ham sats, Fuj i-OSCA R-20
periods. They arc no longer provid ing reliable thus kee ping ha ms optim istic that a good and Fuj i-OSCAR-29 are now rarely heard.
dig ital service. voice contact might happen . T he batteries 0 11 both satellites arc failing
Tough times . Is there any lig ht at the en d The most exc iting voice satellite has been and g round stations a re having d ifficu lty
of the orbit? Yes, but this is a job for opti- AMSAT-OSCAR-40 (AQ-40). Although there keepi ng eithe r bird on the air. T he Ru ssian
mists. The pessimists have already bailed are a number of systems that no longer f unc- RS-1 5 is ve ry d iffi c ult to work, even when
o u l, tion since the onboard "eve nt" (e xplosion") it's active. T he best low-earth-orbit analog
44 73 Amateur Radio Today . August2003
(non-FM) satellite in th e sky is c u rren tly A ~S AT-OSCAR · 7
(AO·7) ! Afte r almo st two decades of sile nce this sate llite came
back to life in late June. 2002. The batterie s are de ad , but w hen-
ever AO-7 enters sunlight. the circuits come alive th anks to power
directly from the so lar panels. The satell ite has two transponders.
Mode "A" (two meters up and 10 me ters down ) and ~1ode "8".
Operators have to be ready for both. since e ither might be turned
on randomly whe n AO· 7 wa kes up in the sun. Althoug h the satcl-
lite will respond to ground co mmand s. it is easier to just Ict 1\0-7
carry o n "as is."

Digital satellites

Once we had three rel iable 9600-baud digisats. incl ud ing UoS AT-
OSCAR-22 (U O-22), KITSAT-OSCAR-23 ( KO -23) an d KITSAT-
OSC AR· 25 ( KO- 25 ). Now we ha ve no ne . UO-22 re ce ntly
developed battery proble ms that have precluded reliable ope ration.
wh ile both KITSATs failed some time ago.
It is actually easier to list the few funct ional digita l hamsars than
to enumerate the ones that have recently gone o tT-line. Two popu-
lar d igita l systems are those on the ISS using standard AX.25 packet
with [he cal lsign RSOI S S -I, and Nav- OSCA R- 44 (NO ·4 4) -
othe rwise know n as PCS at. The ISS pac ket system m ay have
problem s. since it ha s not been heard for so me time.
PC Sat was built by mids hi pmen from the U.S. Naval Acad emy
in Maryland and is primarily a I 2OQ-haudAPRS (Automatic Packet
Reporting System) d ig ipcater. Even thoug h there are se rious prob-
lems with the power syste m. Bob Brun ing a WB4APR. has coaxed
the satell ite along fa r pa st it s anticipated li fe .
An overlooked current d igi sat is M0-46. known as Tl ung sat- I
from Malaysia. It offers FM and FS K (Freq ue ncy Shift Key ing )
amateur communications at 38.4(X) baud. Few stations have made the
leap to the higher-speed data rate. This speed may j ust be the begin-
ning thou gh . since megabit rates are in the works for future d igisats.
AO·40 also has d igital equ ip me nt onbca rd. In addition to the
te le me try d ow n lin k. there is RUDAK . R UDAK stands fo r If you' re a No-Code Tech , and yo u're having fun
Rcgenerativer Urnseuer fur Digitale A mateur-Kommunikat ion (Re- operating, tell us abou t it! Other No-Code Techs will
ge nerating Transponder fo r Digital Amateur Communicatio ns). Bu t enjoy reading about you r adventures in ham radio-
as implemented in AO-40 it is much more tha n a regenerating re- and we'll pay you for you r articles. Yes, lots of nice
peater. It is a pai r o ffu lly pro grammable computers, each of which
clear photos, please. Call Joyce Sawtelle at 800-274-
has its o wn error corrected memory and associated hardware mo-
7373 to gel a copy ot "How to Wrile for 73 Magazine."
de ms a nd OSP mode ms. It also controls man y o f the experiments
on AO-40. including the G PS . the SCO PE came ras. two sets o f
temperature telemetry nodes. the M O NITO R Hf passive sound ing
experime nt. and the C E DEX radiation experiment. Beautifu lly hand-polis hed.

Looking toward the future S ta m p e d bra s s ca se and

beze l.
Eve n with all of the recent losses. we still have many opera- Curved g las s crysta l.
tional hamsats in o rbit. If you were 10 gear up fo r the m all , it wou ld
Wa ll or bulkhead mounting.
be a full-time job. Un like AO-7 . mo st satell ites never co me bac k
after go ing silent. Batterie s are the most common culprit . but other Made so well they la s t fro m
fa ilures can also occur. Go to the AM SAT Wcb site [htt p://www. generation to gene ra tio n!] and chec k out the frequencies. statistics, and sched ules for
Order this month and save
the sate llites we have tod ay. and use them. $20!
For the future we have Project Echo from A~S AT-NA (North
America). Phase 3E from AMSAT-OL (Germany ). PCSat· 2 from Chelsea Clock You r price $75
the Naval Academy. and many other small sate llite experiments Clockmakers since 1897
thanks to various universities around the wo rld. There are a lso oc- Omega Sales
The choice of The Coast
casion al surprises like the SaudtSats, the ret urn o f AO-7. an d satel - P.O. Box 376
Guard Foundation.
lite projects tha t see m to happen "under the radar:' V USAT from
India could be on e, while o ther projects in France , R ussia , and Qua rtz Clock Jaffrey N H 03452
add itiona l countries co uld show up w he n least ex pected . Stay tuned 4~ Dial 1· 800-467· 7237
and keep yo ur eyes on the sky. fa
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 45
SIeve Nowak KEBYNn
Mobile, Portable and Emergency Operation 804 Bonanza Trail
Cheyenne WY 82009

Mounting an Iron Horse

Does the XYL mil her eyes when she sees your ca r? lf not. you obviously don 't han? enough antennas.' Here 's the latest on
the KE8YN17 mobile antenna f arm.

or those who might not have see n the separate antenna connection for a si x-meter
F last column or two. I recentl y installed
an Alinco DX-7CIT rad io in my vintage Ford
ante nna. If you use a muhihand ante nna you
can use a d upl c xer to se para te the coax in to
I crawled under the rear o f the car scv-
eral times trying to come up with a sui table
idea. The rear bumper is pl ast ic . I ass ume
Tauru s. I had been operating 2 me ters with two separate co nnections. bUI by using the there is so me metallocated in side the plas-
APRS and 440 MH1. but I missed having individ ual antennas for eac h band, this was tic bu mper she ll, but w ithout di sasse mbling
the ability to wo rk o utside the cove rage not an issue. W hatever d irectio n I look to it I never found where that metal m ig ht be,
of the local repealers. In w yoming there mou nt m y antenna I would need rode tw ice I do kno w after ly ing o n the ground under
is good repealer cove rage. but there are - once for the lo wer bands a nd a second th e c ar th at the backs ide (well . the pan
also a 101 of wide ope n spaces. so it seems lime for vix meters. closest to the fro nt of the ca r but hidden
a natural place 10 conce ntrate on the high The six-me te r a nte nna is shorter than the fro m view ) has blocks of Sty rofoam inside
frequency band s. others, measurin g about 50 inches tall . I the p lastic shel l. In a ny case . the bumper
Init ially I used a tru nk lip-mounted multi- brie fly pl ay ed w ith the idea o f mounting it o ffered no o pport uni ty that I could see.
band ante nna, but I wanted to get bette r w ith a m agnet mount. The Tau ru s has m an y I looked through the various radio cata -
performance. and that naturally called fo r a parts made of alloys an d/or plastics. incl ud- log s and o n-li ne for a s ui tab le an tenna
larger antenna . I settled on the Iro n Horse ing the trunk lid. As such. the only viable place mou nt. without any luck . In my effort to
H F ante nna line. and decided to concent rate for the antenn a would be on the roo f I co uld pursue every ro ute of research, I made a trip
on 6, 10. 20. and 75 meters, Six meters is see a tree limb or Wyoming's famous wind to the nearest truck stop and looked throu gh
kind o f a bonus 0 11 the n X-70. s ince it knoc ki ng the ante nn a off the ro o f vcry the CB radio selection . I figured th at most
really is a V HF frequency and th ere is ,I qu ickly, so I decided again st that option . trucks have a sign ificant a mount of fiber-
glass to save o n weight. so tru ckers wou ld
have sim ilar issues. Nothi ng appeared to be
a pe rfec t so lutio n. Most truc k an ten na
1I1 0U O t.~ are de signed to attac h to the re ar-
view mirror mount, so most were de signed
to cl amp 10 a tub ular struc ture ,
One possib ility had the 3tH-inch 24 mount
attached 10 a 6-inch piece o f 1/4 -inc h alu-
minum bar stock. There was a mounting hol t
through a 3/8-inch hole at the othe r end o f
the alum inum bar. The Taurus has two steel
f ixture s at the rear of the body that are de-
signed to accept the tire j ack fo r a road side
lire change. Although I really didn't want
to obstruct the j ac k mo unt. I thoug ht of sev-
eral th ings. Fi rst. in the event of a n at lire. I
expect to call the auto club - and they use a
real jack rather than the one stowed in the
trunk. Second, I have no desire to ride around
o n the undersize mini-spare that i... in my
trunk. Third. communications are more im -
portant to me than a " Plan B" fo r a flat tire.
Photo A . Fashion experts say that the multiple antenna look is "in ,. this yea r. Besides the I c raw led under the car with the antenn a
2 -meterl4.JO.MH~ tllllt"tlIUU glass-mounted and on the trunk. there's a" In m Hon e 6-meter mount - and naturally it was far 100 short.
ontemlO on the right (/1/(1 (/ matching 20-meter antenna 0 /1 the left, Ho wever the basic concept looked like it
46 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
would work . I measu red the d istance from
the jack mount to the edge o f the bum per
and thought that 9 in ches would suffice . I
failed 10 incl ude the fact that the curvature
of the b umper wo uld requi re a fe w more
inches. I'll sa ve you the gory details, bUI
ultimat el y the length of the antenna moun!
turned out to be 12 in che s.
I checked out my loc al home im pro ve-
men t store to se e what type of bar stock they
might have availab le. There was a selection
o f ang le iro n, iron bar and aluminum. but
mo st was thinner than I would have liked.
A large antenna, after all. can function m uch
like a large lever and I d idn 't want my mount
to produce a 6 foot curb feeler dragging
Photo B . wnen f aced with a tall anre,,,,a and a plastic bumper. one option is to construct
behind the car. I decided on aluminum ang le
all extension thai mounts to the automobile frame and extends j ust beyond the bumper:
stock that measured about I· 1/4 ~ per side.
The extension here is mounted to the support normally used to connect to the j ack used 10
The ang le stock was about half the thick-
change tires. The cable ties keep the coax in place.
ness of the original bar stock that I was see k-
ing. I belie ved that wh ile the ho ri zonta l
piece o f the ang le would gi ve me a place to body and short ing. I then routed the co ax I se t the radio to the ce nter of the seg-
mou nt the antenna and co nnect to the car, along the plast ic trim be lo w the doo rs to the ment of eac h ba nd where I w ished to o per-
the vertical seg ment would provide greater fro nt of the car. Add some coax seal to the ate. listened 10 make sure no o ne wa s on
streng th. Ev entually I decided to take two connec tion be tween the antenn a mount and freq ue ncy, set the radi o to low power. and
pieces o f the aluminum and build an in- the cab le and you' re pretty well done . Th ere checked the S WR. On each band I was ab le
verted "Ut-shaped channel. This would g ive are a ll kind s o f opinions about how. o r even to tune the anten na so that the needle barely
me a double thickne ss to mount the hard- whether. coax connections sho uld be fi n- moved whe n I measured the reflected sig-
ware. with a vertical piece on eithe r side. ished, but I' ve generally had good luck with na l. Iro n Horse reco mmends that you trim
While I have a reaso nable selection o f the putt y-like tape that is wrapped arou nd the unused port io n of the whi p rather than
hand tool s, I knew this would be easier to the con nection then b lended into a sing le leave it inside the fibergl ass base. so I c ut
comple te with a little more horsepower. The laye r with the fingers. the excess. and tightened the hex screws and
home improvement store had the usual se- Inc ide nta ll y. I no rmall y make my own the ferrule thai co nnects the whi p to the
lect ion of high-qual ity. heavy-duty tool s, but c ables and try to stoc k up on PL-259 s and base . 1 like th ings easy. pa inless. a nd ready
also had so me items desig ned for those of ada pte rs w hene ver I hit a hamfe st . I had to opera te .
us with an occasional need. I found a sm all no t be e n to a h a r nfe st i n a wh ile a nd The Iron H o r se H F antenn a s a re , in
drill press for j ust under $40 that made the ste pped b y th e loc al Radio Shack to p ic k m y boo k , se rio u s an te nnas th a t d on ' t
j ob sig nifi cantly easie r. up t he s u p p lie s. S u rp r is i ng ly it was cost a n a rm a n d a leg . The y c a n hand le
I dri lled a II2-inch ho le one inch fro m c hea pe r to purcha se manufactured 20· foo t up to 250 watts and provid e a reasonable
each e nd of the aluminum. When I drilled RG -58 cables than to purchase the ind ividual band segment on all the popular bands. They
the firs t ho le . I used it to mark the second co mponents. are tall e no ugh that there is a reasonable
one M) that eve rythi ng lined up. The 3/8- 1 had alread y decided where I wanted to amount o f met al in the air to gel a good sig-
inch 24 moun t req uire s a II2-i nch ho le to operate o n each ba nd. The six- and ten- nal. The 20 -meter anten na is j ust u nd er
accommodate the nylon insulator. l decided meter ante nna s cover a fai rly wide band- 100 inc hes tall . with m y anten na b racket
to usc the sa me size for mo un ting the w id th. so that was no proble m. Twenty 2 feet from the ground. this pre sents almost
bracket to the car using a II2· inch bolt. w ith meters is a litt le more challenging because 10 feet above the gro und . The o the r anten-
a large flat washer above the ho le in the jack I prefer to operate in the lower segme nt o f nas are com parab le. wi th the exception of
stand bracket and a lockwasher and nut be - the band (0 cover the adv anced and extra the six- mete r antenna. T he six- me te r an-
low. Incidenta lly, the jack sta nd brackets are segments ( 14.15U- 14.225 MHz), but l ulso ten na is lo w e nough that I leave it on all the
not preci sely install ed , so you may need to need co verage for the MARS freq uencies , time . I do re move the liP ant enna for ga-
sh im the bracket slightly to have a perfectly w hich are above the top of the ham segment rage parking , but with the q uick disconnect.
vertical ante nna . of the band . I can ha ve it on the car and be in the dri ver's
After mounting a bracket to each of the I assembled the a ntennas. w hich invo lve s seat operating within 60 seco nds.
rear jack stand bracket s. I ran co ax from the addin g the st a in less s teel whi p o nto the G iven ho w band cond itio ns cha nge and
anten na mo unt throug h a hole in the bot- fib erglass b a se tha i includ e s th e coi l. I the performance o f an antenna is impacted
to m o f the tru nk. Us ually there are some p refer to use the quick d isconnects that by surrounding terrain, it is always difficult
o peni ngs that have rubber plugs install ed Iron H orse se lls for two good reason s . to compare o ne mobile ante nna to another.
by the manu facturer. I re moved the plug, F ir st , t h e re i s the o bviou s abili ty to However. so far I am getting excellent sig-
ro uted the w ire s and c ut a slit into the p lug quickly sw itc h ante n nas. Second. by us- nal reports. and significantly better (han I
so that I could re place it around the coax. ing the quick d iscon nec ts. the re is very did w ith my multiband . That's e nough to
This g rom me t will hel p to pre vent the coax little change in the S W R if yo u swi tc h the make my mobile o perat ing fu n, and that was
from ru bbing against the metal of the car a nte nna to anothe r ve h icle . what I was trying to accom pli sh . fa
73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003 47
Jack Heller KB7NQ
P.O. Box 1792
Carson City NV 89702

100 WPM and a Blown Mind

If your typing skills are' anyth ing like mine, PSK63 will truly bluw yuur mind. I mean. it is visibly twice the speed of PSK3 J.
The claim is 100 words per minute. I adm it that I:; wayfaster (h an I can rattle the keys.

had read a bit of di scussion about the

I mode and look a look 10 see w ha t the ex-
ci teme nt was about. There was a rumor that
The Win Warbler has an exce llent right-
out-of-t he-box feature inco rpo rated in the
fr o nt panel that a llows a q u ick click to
the buffe r by the lime the other bam turns it
bac k to me, but th at certai nly has not bee n
the case thus far w ith PSK6 3 . I may be
Dave AA6YQ had incorporated it into his choose between PSK63. PS K3 1. and RTTY. busily typing ahead and have 10 or 15 w ords
WinWarbler. so I looked there fi rst . Best I Very qu ick and easy, no macros to write. typed in and sudde nly realize he is wa iting
could sec. he was promising a release in "the I noticed as I used the M ixW2.08 that, fo r m e 10 tran smit. I n eed to m ake an
near future:' and it has already arrived. even when the PSK63 mode wa s invoked by use adj us tme nt to m y brain speed . Eve n my
as I write. of the macro, the m ode in the bui lt-in lo g m acros seem to have grown shorte r.
Howe ver. the best part was Dave pub- reads BPS K63, so tha t part is full y auto- PS K63 development credit has to go 10
lished instructions on his Web site. to set mated. These ham program mers thin k o f Skip KH6TY. I heard him several times in
up the new mode in conjunction with regu- everyt hing . the past few day s. but have not had a chance
lar WinPSK. I printed those in structions. You m ay fee l intimi dated by the h ig h to wo rk him. Propagatio n has its ups and
fo llowed them. and it wo rked perfectly. I speed capabili ties, but you are not alone . downs. but I am sure that as active as he is
came up with two icons o n th e de skto p, one Very few hams type at anywhere ncar the with h is new brainc hild , it won ' t be long
for PSK3 l and the o ther for PS K63. Both I ()() word per mi nute capacity o ffe red by befo re we meet over the air.
u se th e WinPS K format, which in vo lved this m ode . H owever, the re are some re al Sk ip is certain ly no newcomer 10 d igital
reboot ing the program to change modes. advantages when you com pare this to our innovatio n. If you take a look at the D igiPan
Thi s shutdown and reboot is a quick op - regular speed modes and even RITY. which cred its, you w ill fin d he is o ne of the con-
eration, and you di scover quic kly that you is quite q uick in its own right. trihutors to th at fine p iece of so ftware as
wi ll slic k w ith o ne o r the othe r modes long PSK3l co uld become a great q uic k turn- well . I o fte n reco m mend D ig iPan as a first
e no ugh th at mode sw itc hing is not reall y an aro und co ntest mode. and that is hardly a go at digital ham software for newco me rs.
inco nve nience. It d id n' t take lo ng fo r th is far-fetched o pinio n. I think the avid contest A nd I find a lot of ha ms, o nce acc us tomed
sw itching arrangeme nt to beco me a thing fo lk are already conside ring it. from so me to DigiPan, si m ply stic k with it. So me thin g
o f the past, as other programs incorporated com ments I have see n. to do w ith the do n't fix w hat a in' t broken
the mode . There is more w hen you consider all the philosophy.
time w asted w ith the avcrage brag-file . By
The scene cha nges
comparison, when I first got the WinPSK You gotta try It
As soon as I had made the above setup combo up and ru nning . I spent some time
Wi th two free bie c hoices plus the avail-
and m ade my firs t PS K63 contact. the de - calli ng CQ and m ade timed runs on the CQ
abi lity in Mixw (which ha s a smal l pri ce
velopments started surfacing rapidly. Wi thin m ac ro p itt ing P SK3 1 aga in st PSK6 3 . It
tag ), the PSK63 is quick and easy to get,
a day o r two, the Mi xW2.0 8 became avail- should not have surprised. me , but it did. The
install and get it on the air. I don ' t think I
able with th is mode as a standard featu re . old, slow PSK3 l took 30 seconds to run the
spent J5 min utes gett ing any of these th ree
I in stalled the new versio n and wrote the macro. The same macro in PSK63 took just
program s installed and read y to play. and
simple m acro to invoke th e PSK63 mode 15 seconds. I wo uld say that is a scientific
they are all excelle nt. It is al ways fu n to p lay
and lie in wai t around the 14.0 73 area and enough experi me nt to decl are the speed is.
with a new toy and this o ne is j ust that, a
got a fi rst contact w ith th at software. The as advertised, tw ice as fas t.
really fun new toy.
interestin g part was that the othe r ham was Th ink abo ut it. We cou ld, j ust to cover
usin g the WinWarbler p ackage. wh ich also up our typing inadequacie s, start using ev en Not-to-be-forgotten modes
had the new capab ili ty. more macros and getti ng e ve rything said
So, here we re th ree programs sudde nly before the path disa ppears. I d id notice there In credib le as it m ay see m. there are other
avai lab le to work this exci ting new super- was far less time to ty pe ahead. w hich is si m ila r mod es alre ady avail ab le , bu t we
fast mode . There is an ad vantage to both m y app roach to hol di ng up my end , w hile neg lect to take ad va nt age of them . I am
the WinPS K and the WinWarbler - They the o the r ham is scnd ing hi s message. Or-
are FR EEware. T hat is a hard -to-beat price. d inarily, I can have most of m y thoughts in Contin ued on page 50
48 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
• Alan Broa dband Co 57 • Communications • Houston Amateur • Radio BooII Shop 56
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referring to so me excellent innovation s by
Ni no IZ8BLY. contained in the Stream

I runner Packag ing is probably whe re the neglect

comes in. If yo u have looked at and/or used
the Stream softwa re you found it was d if-
Intelligent DC power panel fe rent from our regu lar cli c k and p lay ham
• Conveniently power your station _ Ander.lon _ _ connectors. programs. I am only guessing, but that little
• 40 Amps total, outlets to run all of your b'anSCeivers and accessories. difference in appearance has likely led to
• Each and eNefY outIeI individually ATe fused _ LED open fuse indlcatoo s. general lack of acceptance.
• Precision lED and audio alert of safe, over or uncIef\dtage, 4012 & 4008. However, I have to de fend th is piece of
• No messy binding posts, frayed wires, black tape or short circuits. work because witho ut Stream I am not sure
• Safe. secure, hot connect, polarized, color keyed, unisex, COIlr'IeCtor system. if we ever would have been in trod uced to
• Conlonns to the ARES, RACES, RSGB recommended standard.
the M FSK mode. Within that one St ream
• PeI1ect for horne, mobile, """", porIabIe, """"lJ"I1C and contest stations.
packag e you w ill find PSK31, PS K6 3F,
3 Models from $49.95! PS KI 25F. MFSK8, and MFSK 16. Inciden -
tall y, the "P" in the two PSK mode s stands
for Forward Error Correction (FEC). T he
FEe tends 10 ho ld down the speed we are
seei ng with this new PS K63 we are talking
about th is month. but it has its advantage in
that it prov ides dependab le text transfer.
Alii am saying is, I wa nted to make a ll
of you aware of these a lready-i n-place
modes, p lus avoid someone sending me
me ssages th at I wasn't givi ng credit where

I laster credit is [also] due. All the se hamware in-

ve ntio ns a re g reat. Some are simply
Have more fun with your radio Other stuff
The only no comprom ise
sound card interfaces. Re c e nt ly , I was work ing wit h t h e
TrueITY software - and there are a lot of
The easiest to set up, high
new fea tures. T he first that comes !O mind
quality, complete solution.
is that the MFS K I6 mode is added . It has
The best support too! been there for some ti me, hut I was work-
Read our user comments! ing a ham who said he had tried TrueITY a
year or so back and was unaware of MFSK
Internet remote base ab ility.
linking with EchoLinkI I too recall usi ng the software in what
might be termed its infancy, bu t it has re-
NEW RIGblaster pro complete info on the web ally come of age. I read someth ing recently
where the au thor, Sergei, had added the waterfall o ption in addition to the spectral
display for tuning. Waterfall is available for
West Mountain Radio de N1ZZ and K1UHF toggle by using the Alt+W hotkey.
18 Sh eeh an Ave nu e , No rw alk , CT 0 68 54 (2 0 3) 8 5 3 80 8 0 T he wa terfall works ve ry well. It was
probably added becau se hams have become
50 73 Amateur Radio Today. August 2003
accustomed to walcrfalls over the past few : ....ifIP&l 2 12 ·· I(B7NO

years. Perso nally, I o fte n prefer a spectra l

display for accurate and easy tuni ng since
it gives a good perspective of quality and
strength. Plus. if you usc f ilters from yo ur
rig. it is a bit easier 10 tel l where you are
after the filler is invo ked. But . for those who
prefer a waterfall. TruelTY ha s it now.
TrucTl'Y and othe r associ ated software
such as AALog and CwGel are avai lable at
the DXSOFf Web site. These are shareware
packages hut you can download them and
use them prior to regi ...tration . I see more
flIO<i."" M-..Io EditJ
hams usin g this g roup o f so ft wa re the se Fl -QSO Slaol I n;·.-", co I
days. Good stuff F2-0SO BTU n ..... " ! Old
Speaking of in novations. I fo u nd the FJ-QSO ..... -
H -etl f~_"",
notch filler in the MixW2.08 afte r poking
around a bit . I kept reading it is there. but
f 5-B<o!l Ro I f1~
wasn 't re ally lookin g fo r thai as much as I
«< I - I f ll»> 1
Iol.,..s... _ 1
was the PS K63 mode. So, about the third
time I right clicked o n the waterfall . I gO I
around 10 read ing allthe o ptio ns in the little Fig, I . l st QSO via PS K63 - This is the WiIlPSK sof tware with the PS K63 module J'I'
po p-up window and. sure eno ugh, there it and running and showing e vidence lhe)' heard me answer their CQ! See the text fo r di-
wa s. rections to set "I' thi s bit offreeware to try this mode f or yourself The PSK63 responds
wherever you right click in the waterfal l, the same lIS using PSK3 I excep t [o r the speed. By my measure of timing, it is p recisely
a subseq ue nt click on the fil ler line w ill twice as fas t. You wilt be amazed. Til e wate rfall display indicates I had a narrowfitter in
notch o ut thai section of the spectru m and p lace f rom the rig. hence only two signals showing. The active trace Oil the left wa.~ not
ho pefully gel rid of an offensive adjacent tile answering signal. II wa.f the one /0 the right that is dis appearing down the waterfall.
signa l. A nd . if mar isn 't fascinating e no ugh. Things were goingso quickly, thru by the time t decided to snap 'he screenshot, the other
you can put mo re than o ne notch in at a time . station came back 10 me a second lime. Hut we worked ami it was only his third QSO in
That is. you can blank out the si gnals o n tile PSK63 mode. Activity after these firs t jew days p icked /lP rapidly as IWO more sof t-
both sides of the wa nted signa l. Looks like ware packages came 0/1 the scene. (S ee tex I.) At tile early phase of the PSK63 adventure
great fu n for experimenti ng. Possibly, whe n when this was being written, this software did 1I0t have a way to change modes without
I am try ing to copy the wee little ... ignul ne xt shutting down the program and rebooting from a shortcut icon. This only takes a f ell'
to the big o ne I can't quite overcome with momellts and you find is not often rm-essarv. The other tlVO programs that came aton!:
the rig fi lter, thi... w ill put the icing o n the shortly can he switched internally. 711i.\' is l'ery fascinating, if f or no other reason than it
cake. We sha ll sec. is reattyfast. about 100 "1'11I/

Things that need help

I would not mentio n it he re . but this may he these facts, though she is supportive of my
Occasionally. m y super-d uper Win98se of value to others. The fix , in the beginn ing . rights 10 practice ham radio with a t least a
system allows a lilli e co rruption in a fi le and was a bi t intim idat ing. but once I discov- re aso nable size antenna aloft. W hat struck
it will on ly fix manually. This is not w holly e red the sol ution it is ju... t something that home to her with th is subject wa... w hen I
a personal problem that occurs only at thi s must be dealt with occasiona lly. For-what- reminded he r ho w o ne of our ki d s bought a
shad. As so me of yo u know. I have gone to it-is-worth . ho me in so uthern Califo rn ia so me years
ex tra effort to keep thi s version of Windows
runn ing as clean as J can, but the followin g Power and antennas
Continued on page 6 1
sce nario happens anyway.
The MixW program will lo ad but remain You probabl y agree, if you have observed/
m inimized in the task bar. On those occa- w orked the digital modes o n HF fo r any
sions, it is possible 10 get it to maximize by more than a few weeks. there is not a great
right cl icking and then clicking M aximize need for the " big signal." Thai is. digi tal
- sometimes. Of CO Uf1'iC. thai is not a fill modes are making it reliably to anywhere
even whe n it works. the path is o pen with 50 waus or less.
So I found the solut ion is to edi t a line I ..v as walking with the XYL the other day
down in the middle of the ~lixW2.ini file un- and we were just a few blocks from home 7?
dcr the (Window Jheadi ng. ( Is~ l i n i milcd=O) when l pointed out that th is " new" neigh-
changes its value to a I and requires editing. borhood surely had restri ctions that wou ld
This has happened se veral limes in the past fo rce a ham into u sing stealth style anten-
year and I have noticed others co mp lai n ing nas. The reasoning for m y stateme nt is a ll
and looking for a fix . The o nly fi x I know is the lines, as well a s phone and TV
10 open the file in Notepad and edit that line . are underground there.
If I were the o nly one w ith the sy mptoms T he .....ife is only vaguely intere... ted in
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 51
Joe Moell P.E. K00V
Radio Direction Finding PO Box 2508
Fullerton CA 92837
[Hom ingin@aol.comj

Doppler Antenna Design Secrets

Last caul Hams from around the country are packing their bags and making final tweaks to their radio direction finding
(RDF) equipment in preparation fo r the Third USA Championships of Radio-Orienteering.

e mbe rs of the OH- KY-IN Amateur

M Radio Club are ready to greet the
p lanes and cars bringing fans of on-foot
rules and eq uipme nt.] 1] There will be a
full report on this year's festivit ies in a n
can have many c ause s. Last time , I de mon-
st rated that mou nting a Doppler array (or
upcoming Iss ue . any other VHF communications antenna) on
in te rn a tio nal rule s fo xhunting, arrivi ng a the co rner of a veh icle roof results in at least
week or two after this magazine reaches Hap py 200t hl 4 dB amplitude var iation aro und the azi-
your mailbox. T here will be two challeng - muth c ircle, com pared to placing it in the
ing forest courses, July 31 on two meters "Homi ng In" for July explained the im -
center of its cou nterpoise. Putting it on a
and August 2 0 11 80 meters. Medals and adu- portance of a VHFfUHF Oopplcr antenna
blocked surface such as the hood or tru nk
lation await the winners in each of nine age array being as nondi rectinnal as possible.
is far WOThe. Even if you mo unt it right in
categories, five for men and boys, four for Althoug h it may be counter- intu itive, it's
the midd le of an unobstructed ground plane,
women and girls . true that any factor that ca uses the amp li-
other VHF/UHF antennas in proximity can
It's probably not too late to get in on the tude of the rece ived signal 10 vary as a
"pull" the directivity of your array.
fun in Cincinnati. The eve nts are open to Doppler array is electronica lly " rotated"
Even more im portant, yet mo re often
anyone, at any ROF skilllevel. with or with- will res ult in the d ispl ay being jumpy, hard
overlooked, is the sign ific ance of nondi-
o ut a ham rad io lice nse . Go to [www, to interpret, an d perha ps even downright
rcctivity in the entire assembly of whips or
ardfusa.ccml for the latest information and u nre liable , especially as the vehicle mo ves
dipoles . In the examples to fo llow, I' ll as -
en try forms. Pre viou s " Homing In" columns through areas of signal reflections .
sume a 146 MHz array of fo ur quarter-
in 73 have lots of information o n ARDF These u ndesirable amplitude variations
wavele ngth vert ical whips wi th typ ical
spacing, as in P hoto A . But the principles
apply to arrays of more whi ps, and for other
VHF/UHF bands.
Fig. 1 is a simpl ified schematic of the
antenna switcher section of a typ ical Dop-
pler set of the early 1980s, the Dick Smi th
Electronics (OSE) Mode l K-6345 from
Australi a. Series d iodes 0 1-04 are located
o n a circ uit board in a plastic box, intended
to he affi xed to the vehicle roof wit h a sue-
rio n cup. Wire lengths from each series d i-
ode to the common po int are exactly eq ual,
abo ut one inch . Separate coax cab les, each
abou t 30 inches long an d all fo ur eq ual in
length, go from the swi tcher to the vertical
wh ips. At each whip base, a shunt diode
(05- 08) is connected from the whip base
to the ground plane and coax shie ld.
To tum on each whi p in sequence, a nega-
ti ve logic vo ltage is im pressed through the
whip's RF choke (Ll .IA) such that its se-
Photo A, Many Doppler builders choose a one-band antenna array like this one for two- ries diode is forward biased (on) and its
mell'rs used by Louis Tremblay VA2JX ofMontreal. It has four quarter-wavelength whips shunt d iode is reverse biased (off). At that
in an I8-inch square pattern 011 a metal plate, plus eight radials to provide a symmetrical instant, the other three whips gc t posi tive
ground plane under each whip. The one-piece assembly mounts quickly and the whips logic voltage to bias their series diodes off
are always perfectly spaced and aligned. (K()OV) and shunt d iode s on. So whe never Whip A
52 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
For simp licity. my model was an array of

Swttching logic
~ • fo ur q uarter-wavelength e lements in an 18-
inch square pattern over a perfect ground
,..- 18" vertical whip plan e at an instant in time . O ne whip goes
(4 places)
01 (4 placos) to the feedl ine and the others are grounded ,
as the y are in the K -6345. Sure e nough, the
o0 ,7 B e ffec t of those turned-off whips tied to
-t .."- ,Z 02
ground by diodes is to create a mult i-ele-
ment parasitic array that is highly d irectional
in amplitude . as Fig . 2 shows. Ga in o f this
L3 array varies more than I I dB around the
00 c azimuth circle, As it is electronically rotated.

v, ,..- incoming sig na ls and reflections undergo
huge undesired am plitude j um ps. in addition
10 the desired phase jumps .
[ 3
v D
To prove that the shunt RF d iod es are the
cause of the amplitude di recti vity problem,
To receiver simp ly change the EZNEC model such that
~~ 08,
antenna Input <>-1
.oi122 Common point
::: L5
v, "'- , 7
04 switched -off whips are "floating" with no
con nection to the ground p la ne . as th ey
would be without the shunt diodes. That
gives the excelle nt pattern of t"i~. J. There
is j ust 1.3 dB variation around the az imuth
'<7 circle. which is a lmost insignificant. Could
Fig. I. Simplified schematic of IIII' Dick Smith Doppler RF switcher sec/ion. Inducto rs thi s be a n a pproac h to the perfect Doppler
LJ·L5 are RF chokes. array
• ? Ye s. b UI if the shunt d iodes are sim-
ply deleted from the circuit of Fig. 1, we
is switched into the receiver. whips B, C, lime as I drove alo ng. Part of tha t was due won 't achi eve it. That ' s beca use the
switched-o ff whips " look back" into an un-
and D are switched o ut and gro unded by 10 inadequate da mpin g in the a udio filt er
contro lled lengt h o f coax cable terminated
their shunt diodes, and so forth. The logic
voltages are switched in seq uence at an a u-
and phase detector stages, bUI I was con-
vinced thai the a nte nna syste m dese rved
, n an o pe n c ircuit (the switched -o ff diodes
dio rare 10 perform the electronic rotation much of the blame . It did. as you can see
of the array. from an alysis o f the array using E.Z.l\"EC. Coax as a transformer?
In my tests on rea l-world signals. the DSE an antenna modeling co mputer program for
K -6345 display was scra mb led mo st o f the the PC.[2] Let's take time out for a brief explanation

.. · O d B

.. . . .
.. . . '. . . -10 ....:........ .:. . .
. ..... .
' '

• • • • •
. ..
.' . . ... ' .
'. .' ' ". ..:.-20 .:.. ..
. . . >./' .' :' : .'. ' . . .....
. . ':'.: . . ./ . : ' ~: -.. \. ' ~ .
: :: . : .! : / @ .\ '. \ .. ":..
.. . . :...... ' '\, ~
\: ~~:>/
I .
. .
".' . ~
. .. . .... . ....
. : ' .. ... .
'. .. . .. .., ..... .
. .

... . . . . . . . . .. . . • •

Fig. 1. ELNEC azimllth paltem plot of a -I-whip Doppler array Fig. 3. The undesirable lobe disappears an d a nearly perfect
with three whips grounded and one connected 10 the [eedline. The circu lar p a ttern with no p hase anoma lies is achie ved when
large lobe is in the direction of the active whip. which is in the the switched-off whips a re op e n-circuite d to minimize
lower lefl ofthe urrav: p arasitic effects.
73 Amateur Radio toaov » August 2003 53
a dB ... ·. a dB ..

.. • •
· .' ".
:.:... -la ··.:..
- 1a
/~::-:---'.! '. '..:.,,:, . .
• ••••
. . . . . ' .' -"..,-..:·-20 .:.'-...... . .
.... ' ' :.-20:... ' .•., .
. . -· ...30 , . .... ' .
,......... ...
· (( @) r . . .

··/ · ·... ·

({ ('; ~)))

.... .•.•.•..• ..:.:.:

: . . .... . ... .
,\ . "'. . . . . . ..-
.' .
... . . ..
• • •••••••• • . . •.".E....• .. . .

. . .'. . "'~'" "./. .... . . . • • "'MMM'_'~" • •

• •
···.M~.M .....-:", .: •.
• •
". ·- .- .
. . • •
· .....
. . '. .. ••

. .. ' ' .
. .

. ....
. . . .. .. ..
Fig. 5. When inactive whips art.' terminated by 50 olllm, as they art'
Fig. .J. WiTh reactive 1(-,1"1II;l/at;OIl of the swucned-off whit' S, the in preamp-type Doppler switchcrs. the directivity is acceptable. But
amplitude pal/em i s rvrn worse 11/{1II ) (lr the g rounded case. it 's 1/01 as good liS in the open-circuit cas e.

of the e ffect of transmission line le ngth on as if it were a resistor and an inductor. At 3/8 9.5 ohm re...istor an d 53 nanohenry ind uc-
impedan ce mismatche .... Perh aps you have wavelength, it appears resistive and capaci- tor from the base of eac h parasitic whip to
heard of using "stubs" to get opt imum SWR tive. And at 1/4 wavelength. the ...hurt circuit ground plane. Plugging that into the EZ..'\l"EC
on coax or ladd er line when your antenna load is tran sformed into the eq uivale nt of analys is gives the patte rn of Fig. 4. Wow,
or o the r RF load doesn' t have the sa me an o pe n circuit! For longer lines . the trans- the re is o ver 14,1 dB variation. even worse
impedance as the line, When a mismatch formation s repeat every half-wavelen gth . than the shunt d iode case!
occ urs, the effective impedance at any point There are so me simple transformations How can the DSE circuit be cha nged to
in the line varies along the length. as does for which we don 't need a computer program get the desired pattern of I"i~. 31 It' s easy,
the RF voltage and current. o r Smith chart . Fo r instance , an electrical just c ut the lengths of the coax lines between
These variations are pe riodic, repeating half-wavele ngth is effect ively a I : I tra ns- the seri es diodes and whip bases to one-half
almost exactly every half-wavelength. The former. A 70-ohm antenna will ap pear to the electrical wave length. wh ich is 26 inches
o nly variation s in the se half-wa ve leng th transmitter as exactly 70 ohm s at the e nd of of non-foam RG-58. That len gth move s the
repetitions arc ca used by RF losses in the a half-wavelengt h of coax , even if it's 50-0hm ope n circu it of the series diodes onc e around
coax . They can u...ually be neglected unless coax. A q uarter wave length of line i nverts the Smith chart to pre sent a perfect open
the line is \'cry lon g or \"Cry lossy. The ratio the impedance, turning opens into shorts and c ircuit at the whip bases . This modificati on
of maximum to minimum curren t. voltage. vice versa. A IO-ohm resistor appears as a helped make major impro vem ents to the
o r eq uivalent impedance alo ng an y half- 25D-ohm load ar rhe far end of an e lectrica l performance of the Dick Smith Do ppler set
wavelength section of the line is the SWR. quarter-wavelength of 50-0hm coax . when I did a product re view of it 16 years
If we know the terminating impedance Note the term "electrical length." Waves ago. I wrote an article about my finding s[4]
and line length , we can determine the tran s- slow down in practical transmission lines. and subseq ue ntly heard from man y othe r
fo rmed impedance at the radio end of a The veloci ty factor of solid polyeth ylene hams who made the changes with similar
tran smi ssion line by ...eve ra l methods, in . d ielectric coax (suc h as RG-58 ) is about results.
el udi ng computer analy sis. The ea siest 66 per cent, meaning that an e lect rical quar- For the Roanoke Doppler in my book,[5]
an d most familiar way for lo ng-time hams ter wavelength of it at two meters is close I used coax impeda nce transformation in a
and e nginee rs is the Smith c ha rt. B ] This to 13 inc hes, compared to about 19.5 inches d ifferen t way, There are no series d iodes.
g raphica l aid shows the im pedance tra ns- in air. Ot he r cables, such as foam d ielectric Shunt d iode s are in the e xac t ce nter of an
formation for any line length and any rcr- type s, have diffe rent ve locity facto rs. There electrical ha lf-wavelen gth of coax line for
minating impedance, relative to the cable's is a table of values in The ARRL Handbook. eac h whip. At eac h instan t, the diode for the
characteristic impedance, What is the equiva lent impedance seen active wh ip is biased off and the three oth-
For instance. if you develop a short at the by the switched-off wh ips in the DSE Dop- en; are biased on. shunting RF from those
antenna end of yo ur station's feedlin e. your pler when the shunt d iodes are removed? wh ips to g ro und. The electrical quarter-
transmitter will not "see" a ...hort at the shack The practical open -circu it re sist ance of wa velength s of coax on e ach side of the
end of the coax unl e ss the line len gth is the se ries diodes is transfo rmed by abo ut shunt diode tran sform the RF short of the
e xact ly an electrical half-wavelength. If the 220 electrical de gree s of coax into a com- diode to an effective open c ircui t at each
line is very short. about o ne-eighth wa ve- plex imped ance . The Sm ith c ha rt an swer
length, the line-load combination will appear is 9.5 + j48.5 ohms , the equi val ent of a Continued VII page ,56
54 73 Amateur Radio Today · August 2003
Technician Doo't be surprised on exam day! Review Questions
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-as-quesucn afld pass your first Amateur Radio license exam.
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70 Hancock Rd., Peterbo ro ugh, NH 03458 Or, ca ll us at: 800·274 .7373
g;~ H OMI NG I N there is a good chance that antenna pream ps
continuedJrom pag e 5 4 w ill do mo re harm than good fro m an ove r-
all sensitivity stand point. What' s mo re , RF
HORSE Express
A Din~lon ofMilestone Technologies, loc
end. making possible the ideal amp litude pat-
tern of Fig. 3 and preventing the shunt diodes
gain ahead of the receive r w ill worsen any
rece iver overload a nd cross-m od u lation
from loading down the RF common poi nt.
problem s. Strong signals can also o verload
Everything for the Whiche ver circuit you choose. these Do p-
the preamps. distorting the incoming signal
pler antenna sw itc hi ng schemes can provide
Morse Enthusiast! excellent re sults if you carefu lly trim the
phase and degradi ng the hearing accuracy.
O ne last point for now : Use good PI N-
individ ual whip coaxe s. The downside is
Keys. Bugs. Paddles. Keyers. type d iodes in your Doppler switcher. not
th at they wo rk well over ju st a narrow fre -
Books. klts. Tools. Software.... quency range. such as a single ha m band . A
ordinary silicon switching diodes. PIt\' d iodes
Free Catalogl pro vide s ig n ifi ca ntly le ss in sertio n lo ss
sw itcher built for the 120 ~ Hz. ai rcraft band
when o n. if biased properly. meaning that a
www. MorseX. c o m wouldn't be right for the two-meter ham
band. because the co ax line s would create
PL'i switc her will generall y have less loss.
More importantly, stray RF rectificat ion is
reactive terminations on 2m. For a one-band
(303) 752-3382 o ne-p iece array suc h as Pboto A . that's not
much less likely with PIXs . In m y te sts, I
encoun te red significant cross-modul ation
a problem. But the switcher for a set o f four problems using a Doppl er w ith non-PfNs.
mag-mount antennas w ith wh ip lengths and especially when d rivi ng ne ar stron g RF
sp aci ng s c ha nge ab le for multiple band s so urces. Suppliers of PI;.l di odes are li sted
must be more fre quency-indepe ndent . in the H ard w are So urc e s pa ge o f th e
I solved that problem w ith a new desig n " Ho m ing In" Web site.
th at has series d iodes at both e nds of the O K. you have opti m ized you r sw itc her
coax. to ensure that sw itched-off wh ips see desi gn for ze ro loading o f switc hed -o ff
an open circuit and the com mon point isn't w hips . Yo u found the perfect cente red place
lillO TO SWPM IN 1 W/(S
'00-711-4169 WWW.CQZII.COM lo aded down, no matter what the electrical to mount the array on the vehicle and yo u
length o f the coax . (All fou r coaxes still mo ved all the other antennas far away. But
have to be exac tly the sam e le ng th . o f your m ag- mount Dopple r se t d isplay still
course.) Complete plans for th is w ide-ra nge da shes around in m ultipath more than you 'd
Suhscriptions Doppl er switche r c an be downlo aded fro m like. Are there more secrets of success fo r
to the " Ho m ing In" Web site , It works with Doppler antenna sets? Yes. and they 're com-
7J Magazine the Roanoke Doppler a nd features b ipolar ing in the ne xt installment of th is serie s.
bi asing of the PIN diodes 10 mi nim ile on- M ean whi le , I want to hear about yo ur ex-
Only $24.97 - I year
re sist ance (lower lo ss) and maximum off perie nces in b ui ldin g and using Dopp ler
$44.97 - 2 years resi stance (best iso lation). It can be ada pte d RD F sets. Se nd storie s and photos v ia
$65.00 - 3 years* to many other Doppl er set designs. Inte rnet or the Post Office to the addresses
" best buy (54% o ff cover price!)
at the beginning of this article.
Call ROO-274-7373 50 ohms all the way
Note s
Some designers of com mercial an d horne-
b uilt D oppl er sets p re fe r to u se ac tive 1. " Hom ing In : Two N ew Tools for T-
KJI Electronics
394 Bloomfield Ave . Ca ldwell , NJ 07006
preamps for each antenna clement. sw itched
on and off to create th e pseudo-ro tat ion of
Hunti ng" in 73 Magazine for A pril 2003 has
mo re de tails o n the cham pions hips and a
the army. The pre amp s mu st be identical and
1-973-364 -1930 coax li ne lengths mu st be exactly eq ua l to
new AR DF set for two meters.
2 . B y Ro y Lew a ll e n W7EL, [www.
Fax : 973-239-4389 achieve equal phase lengths around th e ar-].
"' COM specialists since 1978" my. Since preamp input and outpu t po rts are 3. Smith chart is a reg istered trade mark
NOW SERVING KENWOOD intended 10 match 50-0hm coa x. rel ative line owned by A nalo g Instru ments Compa ny,
le ngth shou ld not be a considera tion and Ne w Providence. NJ. Detailed expl anations
wide freque nc y range should be ac hievable. of coax impedance transformatio n. stubs,
limited o nly by th e prea mp bandwidth. and the Sm ith chart arc in recent ed itio ns of
What doe s 50-ohm re si stive loading of The ARRL Handbook and The ARRL An-
inactive whi ps do to the ampl itude response tenna Book. Smith chart reso urces on the
o f the array? The EZ\lEC answer is in Fig. Web include Ihttp ://www.scoll-ine .co ml
p;n TV a nd Salellj tt lJeX"Cdmblin-l: 2002 - 5. G ain vari at ion is 5 .4 dB . That ' s low htm Vsmith.htrnJ .
:" EW ~ • sute llue and c ab le . Incl udes latest eno ugh direc tivity for acceptabl e perfor- 4. M oell. 'The Weekender: An Improved
info rmation . 19.95 plus. $1. 75 ship ping. mance in multipath, but I prefer the dual-
~ki ng Digital Sall'ilitc S)S.tCnL5 ' ideo 2002
RO E " Ham Radio Maga zine. Jul y 1987 .
• ~ ew ! - S29.95 plus. S.l50 shipping. d iode approach of th e Ro anoke w ide-range This article is availab le at the " Hom ing In"
Scr.l! mbl in~ ~e" s O nli..!!t • Online service for sw itcher. Monoli thic pream ps have gain , Web site under the title " Improving the Did.
those mrereced in satellite Ide\' i~ion new s.
S59.95/vcar. S59.95/yr. which can overcome the small amo unt o f Smith R adio D irectio n Finder: '
)la, U ' a nd Satt'lIi1e IlrKrambliOl! Sem lo ss in the coax from antenna to recei ver. 5. Moell and C urlee. Tran.~mitter Hunting
CD-Roll] - all 13 vonnrcs over 31..) pages. But they usually ha ve noise figure that is
$59.95 plus $3.50 shirring. - Radio Direction Finding Simplified. TAB
Ikst Dral - E\·er)·t~ m l; livted above for only mu ch worse than most receivers. So unless McGraw-Hili. ISBN 0-8306-2701 -4. Plans for
599.95 plos SJ5() sh,rrmgL·. .J you are using a ve ry in sensitive receiver, the Roanoke Doppler are in Chapter 9. fa
56 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
Clamp-On DC Ammeter • Core s available from All Electro n- part is be ing asked to do in the c ircuit.
conttnuedJrom page 17 ics. 1-800-826 -5432 or [ lcorp. and then selecting an available part that
aspects of the project that come to com]. Co res: TOR-4. 0.50 o.d.. 0.28 will fi t into the roll of the requested one.
mind are: (I) sensitiv ity to e xtraneous i.d.. 0. 18 wide. 10 @ SI.OO. TOR-23. Part I of this se ries provided the
ferrous objects: (2) noise wit hin the 0.50 o.d.. 0.30 l.d .. 0.10 wide. 10 @ typical steps involved in examining the
amplifier; and (3) the high supply volt- $ 1.00. TOR-28. 0.87 o.d.. 0.50 i.d.. part. circuit. and the tools that arc
0 .25 wide . 3 @ S 1.00. available to assist in finding a substitute
age requirement for portable opera-
tion. Even the errors in calibration are • Cutoff d isk s. Available in mos t part. Part 2 will pick up with a continua-
tolerable as long as the indication e rror hardware sto re s. Forney, Cat. 71794. tion of the selectio n proce ss as it relates
is known . 3" diam. w ith a 1/2" center hole. Har- to FETs, le s. and special devices. fa
On the positive side. the e xperie nce bor Freig ht. phon e 1-800-423-2567.
gained through experi mentation with
fax 1-800-905 -5220: 4.5" diam.• 1116" f - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
Hall-Effect devices opens the door for thic k, pin 4530. 10 @ $7.00. 4 .0"
" new" projects. I suspect that there are diam .. 111 6" thick. pIn 4532. 10 @ HOUSTON AMATEUR
many applications that apply to ham
• Hall-Effect Sensor Experime nts. 73 267 Cypresswood Drive " Spring. TX 77388
radio projects. but we as hams need to
Amateur Radio Today. pg. 25. Janu ary 800·~ 7 1 · 7373
ferret them out and expose the m for
the rest of us to use . Consider these 2003. Hugh Wells W6WTU. Fll Local: 28 1-355 -7373
em ai l: hllustf)namaleu rrad io @pntdilO.·.net
applications as a sta rter: indicating ~----------------l CO.\lI'I.ETE SA L.ES &:. SERVICE
burned out lights on a ve hicle; ind icat- Yaesu. Ieorn. AU neo. ADI, Hustler. Cmhc raft

ing whe n po we r is applied to a remote

The Ins and Outs
piece of eq uipment; us a remote am- E xcep tional R epair- Ser vtce at Sensi h ll' Priel'S
meter for cars and airplanes; and/or in-
of Parts Substitution Non·,,'arram)' ...rvice on any brand or
model of llle follow;n . ,or radio ui me-m
continu ed f rom 2 2
dicating the current value bei ng drawn • AMA H UR • SH O IHWAV[ " l O RAN
by a remote piece of eq uipment. The circuit. There fore. matching a silicon • MA R '\I VH r . Nl'. [ R
numbe r of desira ble applicatio ns is NPN or P~ P fo r a like germani um hoe COl,n-.. looo "...."""" ~ F-' "'"' ........
.. ~ JOdIy .. ...-y.?(l yar> upcnetl<C ,
limited o nly by yo ur imagi nation. t1ni:"r l.lI""'" R ..pair Srn ino
device may not always create the de- 800-473-19-14
I hope that you will find some merit sired results. The so lution may req uire
in build ing and experimenti ng with the 2 V",k. Place II"""""... SY 14471
a complete circuit parameter e valuat ion Bill·K('2SG
ammeter. even though yo u may not to restore the de-
have a d irec t use application in mi nd at sired fun ctio n. In
this time. What you gain from the ex - o ther words, the
posure to Hall -Effect se nsors is well modern transistor
worth the effort. Sho uld you have an must have its MODEL 180
interest in this ty pe of a proj ect. please func tio nal param-
fee l free to change the design to fit e ters met for the RF FIELD METER
your application and need. 73 ! 100 TIMES
Refe rence listin gs
c ircuit to functio n
as desired. MORE SENSITIVE i7
Than AField Strength Meter
Comm ents ~ 0pli0.1iles hutl sites tor networ1l. C:QIo erage .
• A llegro Microsystems. 115 North- ~ DeteelS "hor' and "dead'" $pOlS..
~ For tuning up ulia o...eR and mihltt tranarniUers.
east Cutoff. Bo x 15036. Worceste r MA If you' ve fol- ~ Determines bilseline RF IeYeIs before instalaliontl.
0 16 15-0036. lowed alo ng w ith ~ Detects RF leakage and localizes RFI ploblems.
• Allegro M icrosystems. 162 Pem- the de tails of the ~ DeterU"lle$ antenna/lran&mitler radiation patlems.

broke Rd .• Conco rd NH 03301; phone disc ussion up to Also useful for:

505 -R5 3-5000. this point yo u' lI ~ Defining antenna polarization · optimizing receptioo
~ Detecting and correcting ground ing & shielding problems
• Hall -Effect se nsor, pIn A3515EUA sec that the re a re $89.00 ~ Detecting instrumentation crosstalk and Interference
or A351 7EUA. A pprox imate cost. many deci sio ns (+S7.00 $4H)
CA' _ from microwave ovens. wireless phones. cell peooes.
$ 1.00 each plus shipping. Si ngle/m ul- microw-aw data lTansmissions. computers. etc.
invo lved in mak- S25...... ~
~ Detects surveilanoa devices and wirlltlesl C8ITl8fBS.
tiple part ordering info. o n-line cred it ing a substitu tion ~ Determines RF IeYeIs at desks and ~.
card purchase only : [www.allegroebiz. "call" for a spe- FN l u...,S:
Bao........,.. " t"'~ 10 4 .5Gt!z:; s.n.iIIMty: l00uV; ....... and LogMaImIe D. "
com/ebi zl /purc hase/] . (a) Special pur- ci fic device. Ho w- (Log ..... j - . - for plotting _ _ I; ~ _olrot; 2 f1_" inIIIornal
chase log-on. (b) Create an account. ever. the " call" is
(c) Provide the req uested informatio n. aided wi th a liulc
Sifenl _ _ for .n-pod<oIt ' l _.and
. . . ._ ;At-.Iog ...... ...-I l £ D ~ l10r , Ioo i'll at. dii_tal_ _ at '.....'... 'N I;
-IrM ..... _ .

• Hall-Effect data boo k. A~1S-70 2 legwork that leads Alan 8 ~nd CG.. Inc. www.zapchecke r com ,e$OI311~
S3ArchS- . '",I3fi~
and ap p. note 2770 1 [www.alleg ro- o ne throug h the Redwood Cit)'. CAo M062 AB f.,., (1$0131' .3783
mic ro .com] . A35 15x UA data shee t process of unde r-
2750 1. lOB. standing what the
73 Am ate ur Radio Today . Aug uSI 2003 57
How to Check Transistors diode whe n it is in the low resistance
Surplus Micr owave Pa rts & Test position. The cathode en d of a diode is
with an Ohmmeter
Equipment continued fro m page 24 usually marked with a black band. In
dudleyla any case. it is the lead opposite the ar-
Visalr\tC/Discoler power transistors. it will probably be row in the diode symbol.
732 -2~n·6895 necessary to switch to a lower resis- F ig. 4 shows the standardized lead
Turns River. NJ OH757 tance scale to get a usable reading. con fi g uratio ns for most transistors.
Usually you need not wo rry about Unfortunately some transistors. e spe-
bu rning the transistor up with exces- cia lly the high power o nes. do not fol-
· Speclallst In RF Connectors and Coax" sive current. as power transistors arc Iow a sta ndard lead pattern . Normally
P..t_ 0 0= 1. 1.., ,....
Pl~ UHF_""""'*-USA.... $ 1.00 designed to stand far more than the in the se the collector is tied to the case
PI.~ AGT Ut<F _ _ T-" GolIIF'Wl 100 101U00
UG-~IDo\1 N_f'lG.t.~'1~'4 :u5 100 milliamperes or so of the normal and the larger of the two leads is the
1JG.218oU N _ ~ . 21 3. ~14 ~oo
lI!Il _ N_ ~II;>r F·7. IlOlle. "" 4.l/1fio4O(l ohmmeter on the R X I scale. On the emitter. In case you cannot decide
N _ 1I;>r
"- u<H l Do\I& UG-~1-"
JlG.t_lllI13 .... other hand. these new. small-signal which lead is which. try the origi na l
N _ II;>r JlG.t _ . ' 3 ~
N_ 1II> 90-ZIIII. T-. USA
N ~ 1II> PI. -25lI . T- . USA
si licon transistors have such small ohmmete r test on the diodes. Measure
leakage currents that it is often impos- the resistance between any two leads.
The R.F. Connection
~ 1J _ F .' I... ,.... _ n wo sible to get any reading with the base re verse the leads. and measure again.
D • • l ..... lIlO ~. ()Ol l ~
800-783-2666 FAX 301469--3680 open and using the R X 100 scale. Thi s If there is a large difference in the
"""- f .... 01 Yl-5l'EC eo.. PIF Coo. • • ....., - . . need not be a deterren t. however; just readings, one of your transistor lead s
go right ahead and touch the base lead is the base . The lead that shows a dif-
to the collector - the ohm meter feren ce in forward to backward resis-
We P"Y SCASHS should now read so me thing downscale ta nce to both of the other leads is the
(well. check) from the infinity mark. indicating a base. The two leads that show no or
for articles! good transistor. You can switch to a the least differen ce are the collector
SEK D FOR " HOW TO WRITE FOR 73" higher resistance sca le. but care must and e mitte r.
or Call Joyce be taken that the voltage ratings of the By knowing which lead is the base.
KOO-274-7373 transistor will not be exceeded as nor- you can try the o ther two leads both
mall y a higher battery voltage is used ways to see which polarity gives a re-
on the higher res istance ranges. sista nce decrease when the base is
Inci dentally, almost all o hmmete rs, co nnected to the negative terminal .
with the ex ceptio n of the Simpson Assum ing that you are dealing with a
model 260, hav e thei r polarities rc- PNP de vice (which will be true 99 and
versed on o hms. That is, the black or 44/100% of the time for commercial
common lead is tied to the positive tran sistors), the collector is the lead
side of the battery an d the red lead is tied to the negative terminal.
tied to the neg ative side of the battery. This method, while not the world's
If yo u are in doubt as to yo ur pa rticular best, is probably the world's cheapest,
The tried and true KT34 series ante nna, have
meter and do not ha ve a se pa rate meter especially if you already o wn an ohm -
bee n made bette r using the latest com puter to ch eck , don' t despai r, just find an old meter! It certainly is as good as these
modeling and mcc hamcal u~,i g n techniques to diodc that is marked and measure its cheap transistor testers one sees floodi ng
provide you with the best mbander performer
available today. Just take a look ! resistance. In one position the resis- the market, and a good deal handier. You
tance will be lo w and in the o ther posi- j ust have to know how to chcat.
INCR EAS ED GAIN tion the resistance will be high . The I would like to tha nk Mr. Jerrold
negative lead on yo ur o hmme ter will Ford for the o rig inal idea a nd Mr.
ILOWER WIND LOADTHAN COMPETITORS be the one that is on the cathode of the Ro bert Atherton for his help. E3

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58 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003

Two Monitors Are G.!. Joe and Mr. Morse have been observed as high as 10 GH Land
as few at 24 GHz. The diodes used were
Better Than One continued fro m page 33
conlin uedJrom page 25 "Fly spec" size diodes and are quite small.
Signal ColicctionIManuai Morse Operator/ They were used in commercial applications
ma y having runn ing in the seco nd Anal yst.lhttp .cusmilita ry.about .co mll i- for 14 GHz so they exhibited great micro-
monitor. I can transfe r a nythi ng from brarylmilinfcYmarinennjobs/hI262 1.htm]. wave capabilities already and were in a
one document to the o ther without Navy Enlisted Job Description s & Stripline package that permitted us to sol-
having to go away from the o ne I am Qualificatio ns. Signalman SM. {hllp:/I der them to the back of a S ~IA connector.
using. Yo u can work in e ithe r sc ree n As is all material used in this project. c..'e n
u smi I itary.a bo ut.comllibrary 1m iii nf01
you want by j ust using the mouse to go the S ~IA connectors were surplus . They
navyjobslnavyjobs2lbIsm.h tm]. January
were still a bargain and obtai ned at local
to it. 2003. swap meets. Even though it used some so-
lt is very hand y when you have a Quote by Napoleon Bon aparte.jwww. phisticated components, most parts for this
program up and running but want to mil itary-qu otes .c o m/ Napo le o n.htm ]. construction can be had in one form or an-
get something from the desktop. For April 2003. other by using some good search techniques
instance, I am now running the MixW Signals Intelligence Product ion Ap- in your quest for that key component for
program for PSK and have it mini- prentice, [ rforce .com/careers/ your surplus j unk box. As always, for any
mi zed and moved to the left monitor. en l is te dc a reers/ope ra ti o ns/l :'ll 2 31 . questions on this and other items please E-
Now I can ru n the Wo rd pad program htm ]. February 2003 . mail me at (c1hough @pacbe ll.nctl and I
on the main compute r and bring up the Special Operatio ns Communications will try to answer your questions as best
Wordpad again o n the left mo nitor on as I can. Good junk box hunting. 73. Chuck
Sergeant, [www.goanny.comljobslmosl
top of the M ixW program. and copy mos l Sli.htrn], January 2003 .
WB6I GP. fa
from one program to the o the r by j ust Vartabedi an. Ralph. .. It's Mo rse to
doing copy and paste. If I want to go to the Rescue." Los Angeles limes, No-
the MixW program. I j ust cl ick on its ve mbe r 4, 1988. [ww w.faradic.netl Travels with Henryk - Part 14
running part and awa y I go. using it in - g sra ven /mo r s e _mi s clm or s c _ oontinuedJrom page 2 7
whicheve r monitor I want. rescue.html ]. January 2003 . fa
If you have the Call book loaded, yl1U issued in Delhi. in the north, and it
can run it o n o ne monitor while using 1-- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - --1 lakes a very long time to gel anything
the program in the o ther. Then when
processed there. Goa is still distinc t in
RBOUE I> BU ONO many ways fro m the rest of India. Ev-
you want 10 loo k li p who yo u are
continued f rom page 4 3 erything is still infl ue nced by the ages
working , yo u can j ust go to the log-
book witho ut leaving the program you leads and you should see the samcj unction of Portuguese rule. Even the names -
resi stance to ground on the second diode, VU2CY is Cyril Salvador Marti n.
are running. While watching my pro-
which is connected in a n anti - puratlc l
gram M ix. I leave it running on the sec-
co nfig ur at ion . Continued on page 6 1
ond monitor o n the left while 1 go to Now, with two diodes connected and test-
the Interne t and send cards to who m- ing good. make the IF port by connecting a
ever I have worked via EQSL.CC. I single strand of the fin est-gauge wire you
can see the log in the Mi x and co py the can lind. I used a single strand of 110 volt
information I need to put on the cards. AC lamp cord and soldered one end of this
Photo A shows my shac k with the si ngle strand 10 the diode center connector.
two monitors. The meter o n the top of The other end is soldered to the unmodified
the main co mpute r is a field strength SMA connector. This is the z-merer If port.
meter whic h tells me that the tra nsmit- The drive from the 10 GHz synthesizer
ter is putting o ut RF. I some times is the La port of the mixer. The RF port is
somewhat unconventional: it is the focused
c hange the back ground in the deskto p
RF energy directed to thc diodes on the back
to black. as it makes it easier to tell of the S ~A connector themselves. Kerry
whe re the cursor is. had a a -inch dish on his rig and pointed the
Now I can't see how I ever got by mixer diodes into thc dish a t the foc us point
without using two monitors. I hope you of the dish for tests. The diodes and S~1A
get as much pleasure from this as I do. connectors " ere supported by O.I~ I coax
Look for me on PSK at approximately hard-line. positioning the mixer diodes to
14.070 PSK. 73 ... f.l:l the focus point of the dish.
Other interesting applications from the
- - - - - - - - -- - - -- ----j mixer are its harmonic generating possibili-
ties. Driving it at much lower frequencies
into a single or even 2 diode arrangement
Say You Saw It in 73! works very well. This mixer has great har- Photo G. VU2FCX'.{ assortment of wire
monic generation capabilities. Frequency antennas.
markers from lower frequency oscillators
73 Amateur Radio Today • AuguSl 2003 59
J im Gray II
210 East Chateau Cir.
Payson AZ 8554 1

The Good, the Bad, and the GLE

August promises to be an interesting month, with propagation conditions ranging from good to spectacularly bad.

T he firs t half of the mo nth will be similar to what Jul y had to usual ly recognize meteor scatter fro m the aud ible wh istles and pings
offer. with a few Good (G ) days intermingled with numerous they create. or the echo that they add to a sig nal. When a meteor
Fair-to-Good (F-G) and Pai r-to-Poor (F-P) ones. However, begin-
ning late on the 19th. I expect conditions 10 rapidly deteriorate EASTERN UNITED STATES TO :

with one or more large solar eru ptions likely from the 20th through
the 25th. I would n' t be surprised if we see a maj or X-cl ass flare e .... .... ....- .. .. .. ". ".". " ..
,~ ll§j311 ~,

~ ('0111

o r CME (Coronal Mass Eject ion) accompa nied by a proto n bu rst

,.. - .. -~ .. l 'S)1O
~ .. ~,

• ('SI


• •
"..." ('0l1O
that causes wha t is known as a GLE. or G ro und Leve l Eve nt .
These are rel atively rurc occurre nce s th at result in daylong radio ,

.... ..

..~, ..•

• •

t ' 5)




blackout s a nd c a n cause su rge s in the el ec tri c al power di stribu-
tion grid . Some o f yo u may re me mbe r a fla re on March 13- 14 , ".... ...,
"" ~

.. ..


• •



1989 , th at completely d isrupted the iono sphere for nearly 48 hours
and triggered a widespread power o utage in eastern Canada and ~
--- ..
('51 •

• •


t IS)

• •


,- ""
( '5-201 ~, ('51

part s of the northeastern US . ( ' 51 ( ' 51 • • '20-301 (20-301

'00' • • • •
('S-201 (lS-201 1'5-ro1 ~ 20 1""1
'00' ,~
• • ('S) ('S-2OI 1
Whether or no t my d ire solar predicti on for the third week of ( 'S- 20 1 ('S-201 ('HOI ~ 20 (""' ) {20-401 ,~ , ,~,
• • • (IS)

August comes to pass, we can certainly expect to witness another

• ('Cll 30 1( ' Cll 30 1'0) 40 1.5140 120140 (20-00) 11' 5) 20 110120 (10-2(1) ('0-20) (10-201 ( '~)20

spectac ular event - the peak of the Perscid meteor shower. E very I CENTRAL UNITED STATES TO :

summer, fro m Ju ly 23 rd through Augu st 20th, there is a marked ('0)20 ('5) :lO 201""'1 20 (~~ I 120-<0) ,~, ,~ , 1( 5) 20 (1[,,20) ( ' 0· 20) Po-20) ('0) .7
increase in meteor activity as the eart h passes through a relativel y
.., 10 12(1) (10) 20 115) :lO ('51 JO ,~ , ,~ , ,~ , 1'5) (151 ('01 (HI-'S) ( '0-201

~ .. • • • •
( '5) 20 ~ ,~, 120-<01 ,~, ,~ ,

den se region o f du st and de b ris left behind by the Swift-Tunle ( ' S-2O)

come t. T his annual event is named the Persei ds because the mere- :1"". • • , ,~ , ,~,
• • • 1' 0-'5) ( '0-20) ,~,

,. ,oo, ,
ors appear 10 ema nate from the co nste llation Perseus . T he "grande
finale" for 2003 will occ ur on Aug ust 13th at aro und 0500 UTe, ~
, .. ,~,


, ~,

(1S-20) ( '5-20)

,~ ,

,~ ,

,~ ,




("'20) (1 S-2O)
, ~,



whe n we can e xpect to ob serve up to 75 "shooting stars" per minute . ,. , PS) ( lS I • • eo-.. ,~,
eo ,~,
• • ,
Always a big eve nt for star-gazers, the Perseids also co me high
on the list of many Dx ers since meteo r showers can produce so me
'---- (1~)

(151 ~,
• •
20 ("01 eo-.. 120-"0)
, ~,


(1 \.-20)

(1 5) ,
astonis hing rad io propagatio n cond itio ns. Known as " meteo r scat-
ter," it is not unco mm on for radio signa ls to propagate up to 1,400 -I ( ' 0) :lO 1' 0) :lO 1' 0) 40 1'5) "0 1201 "0 (201"0 (20-40) l ' !\.--40) Il OI30 ('0-20) 110-20) 00120
(',"20) " (20) (111-20) ~ ~ ,~ zo ,~
• • • t · S)

miles whe n re flected fro m the ionized trai l o f a meteor. You can
('OIn ('5)20 115120

~ ~, ,~ .. ..
.. .. .. ..". .. '"''''
,~ (10-20) (,o- l~l 1.5-201

('0-20) ('01 u

('S-2O) ,~

liS) 20

• •
.... ..,

l 'S)
1·5) I'o-l~)


... .. "... .. .. •
• •

• ..... •

, "

Aug ust 2003

.. .. ,

• •
• •
.. -.. -.. .... ..

• •

• •
• •
('51 t'S)
I •
(' 5-20) ( 1 ~)

1 F-G 2 G
• • (151

..... .. .... .. lIII-2Ol (1S-2Ol 1'51

('0-'5\ 1'0-'5) lIII-2OI
" ~ ~ ~ <>5'

• .. -
""~ ""~
( '01<00 ( '01.00 ('01 0Cl ('SI 00 ~ ('51000 1101 000 (10140 110140

- "...
3 F-G 4 F 5 F-G F-G 7 F-P 8 F-P s G 1'0-'5) "..." 1'5-201 ~ ~ ~ ,
• •
1'0130 tlOl 30 1'0,.00 1'5) 00
""~ ~ I'CI! zo "..." ('0-20) ('0120
10 F-G 11 F-G 12 F·G 13 G 14 F·G 15 F 16 F-P
Table J. Band, time, country chan. Plain numerals indicate bands
17 F·P 18 F·P 1. F-P 20 VP 21 VP 22 VP 23 P " 'hid! shocJd be "YJTkIhle 011 Fair to Good (F-G) wJd Good (G) day,~
Numbers in parentheses indicate bands usually "YJTkIhle on Good (G)
24 P 25 F·P 2. F-P 27 F-P 28 F 29F 30 F clays onty. Dual numbers indicate that the intervening bands should
31 F
a/so be usable. When (Jilt' number appears ill parentheses. that end of
tht' nmge " ,W l,mhcwly be open 011 Good (G) days 011/):
60 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
bums up hig h in the atmosphere (typ icall y on most days, but thi s is hurricane season so I ' ra n ke d u p to 50 wa ll s . but foun d
65-70 m ile s). it leaves a mo mentary trail o f so expect a lot of at mospheric noi se m uch th a t was no t ne c e s sary.
highly ionized gas behind it. and if th e ge- of the time . D uring the quieter periods. o p- As with most ham paths, it is only neces-
omctry is right you can make short du ra- erators in the Central a nd Weste rn U .S . sal)' to be in the right place at the right time. I
tion QSOs. Computer-aided h igh speed C W sho uld find some strong openings across the found the other operators were enjoying suc-
is the pre ferred method for m akin g contacts Pacific to New Zealand, Australia, and In - ce ss without extra power, so PSK63 follows
and the VHF 2·meter and e-mctcr bands are donesia, while tho se on the East Coast w ill th e d igital power noon.
normally used, but the re is a grow ing inter- find Western Europe and North Africa more W hat gets me ri led is all the re strictio ns
est among hams on the IO-meter HF band accessible . Short-ski p at n ig ht will range put in place that cause ham s to build ante n-
as well . from 500 to 2.500 mile s but will be limi ted nas in their attic o r enclose the m in a flag
O bviously there isn't e no ugh roo m here to le ss than 1.000 miles du ring the day. pole . And I am not sure what else is being
to explai n the in s a nd o uts o f meteor scalie r 88-160 meters, Only fair worldwide op· used by to satisfy those who would mandate
DXing. but there has been much written on port unities will ex is t betwe e n su nse t a pristine countryside for their res idence.
the su bject. Two good sources of informa- through sunrise on the quieter d ays. so don't Any way, with th at little bit o f ra nti ng
tio n that can be found o n the Internet are expect much action here. If 40 meters seems done with , the real secre t to ham success on
the Web sites at [ to be doing well then some good o pportu- Hl- lies in the use of the ITKXies we disc uss
and [www.meteorscauer.nct/ms]. ni ties may also be availa ble on 80. but 160 here. II is a wonder to m e how, seemingly,
73 until next month . Jim. will usu all y be buried in atmospheric noi se. so lillie notice is given in other pub lic a-
Look for peaks just afte r midnight and again tio n s and in m o st club activ it ies o f the
Ba nd·by-ba nd forecast j ust before sunrise. Daytime skip w ill be very g reat advantages o f thi s tec hnology (and
short-c. under 250 miles -but nighttime s~ d id I mention Fun?)
10·12 meters. Condi tions will be only
can range from I.<XX> to 2,<XX> m iles. ~ We have the answer here, and I think it is
fair but you can expect seaso nal improve-
bec ause of the dedication of some re all y
ments toward the e nd of the month . The best
great programmers and a whole bunch o f
openi ngs will generally be toward the south -
c o ntributions fro m tec hnicall y orien ted
east in the morning and to the so uth we st in
the afternoon. As is ty pical during the sum-
Travels with Henryk - Part 14 hams.
COnlinuedJrom page 59 That's it fo r th is month. Keep those di gital
mer month s. the stro ngest and most re liable
fires burnin g, 73 Jack KB7NO. fa
paths will be to Central and South A merica. VU2FCX is Alex Fernandes, and
Dayt ime sho rt-s kip will range from 1.000 VU2DM is Didier Jose Oi M e lo .
to approxi m ately 2.300 m iles. A fter two weeks o f ram bli ng o n the
15-1 7 meters. So me decent o penings
should be availab le to Southern Europe and
Indian coast o f the Arabian Sea. it was
time to fly b ack to co ld and dark
coTitinuedJrvm page 7
part s of Afri ca in the morning . Lati n Stockholm. Early morni ng, while q ueu-
A merica in the early afte rnoon through mid- 1. Cyclogenesis refers to?
ing for the check-in counte r at the a. the development of a wa rm front
evening. and A ust ra lia or Sout heast A sia
Dabolim airport, I was approached by an b. the development of a high pressure system
fr om late afternoo n u p to m id n ight. O n
officer holding a handheld rudio . "Oh c. the development of a low pressure system
Good (0) days a sing le skip distance of up
gosh," I said to myself, "some ki nd o f d. fai r weather
to 2,400 m ile s is poss ib le. a ltho ugh the
average is m ore likely to be som ew he re be- tro uble?"
2. What is the average sea level pressure in
twee n 1,00 0 and 1,800 mi les . M oderate T he officer introduced h imself - '"
duration sporadic-E openi ngs sho uld al so am VU2FCX. A lex ." That wa s a very a.925
be fai rly com mon th rougho ut the month. pleasant su rpri se and a wrap-up of m y b.29.92
especially if you work towanlthe east before visit to Goa. Alex works a t the airport o f c. 101.1
loc al noon . Dabolim, the same airport that Luis Catulo d.1 013
20 m eters. Good dayti me opportunities worked at more than 40 years ag o. fa 3. What is vorticity?
should be available throughout the month ,
a. force of the movement of the air
with even ing and nighttime cond it ions im-
b. measure of the rotational spin at a point
proving drama tic ally as September ap - within a fluid
proaches . In the mean time, look for peak THE DllilTRL PORT c. the rate of uplift of air
periods an hou r o r two afte r sunrise and continuedJrorn page 5 J d. vertical stretching of a parcel ot a ir
again in th e late a fte rnoo n. Europe and A f-
ri ca should provide steady fare if you 're back and even the barest essential TV antenna 4. The most windy location in the U.S. based
situated in the eastern ha lf o f the U.S .• while had to be hidden from view even though the co a verage wind speed?
th ose we st o f the Mississippi w ill fin d that local cable would not be available there fo r a. Mt. Washington, NH
th e South Pacific. Au stralia, and Indonesia se ve ra l m onths . b. 51. Pa ul Island. AK
Wh at I a m getting to is the fa ct d ig i- c. Cold Bay, AK
will be mo re readily available. As always.
the C aribbean a nd South America sho u ld tal h as com e a long at a n ideal time . l. ike
5. The NationalWeathe r Service is under what
be o pen to nearl y everyone at m ost hours most h a m s , 1 fi nd g rea t su ccess w ith 20
federal department?
of the day a nd night. Sho rt sk ip w ill be to 30 w att s . W h en I re ad the in st ru c - a. Departme nt of Interior
between 500 and 2.200 m iles. tio n s fo r u s ing th e PSK6 3 , it m entioned b. Department of Agriculture
3 0-40 m ete rs. Some weak worldwide the ne ed to boost the po we r. T he first
openings are available fro m sunset to sunrise few trie s w ere un su cc e ssful at 25 w att s, Con[inued on page 62
73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 61
and the Amateur Service section of OST/OET
continued f rom page 38
con tinued from page 6 1
Bulletin Number 65."
c. Department of Defense When you have time, read the lull secncn. but thei r courses by exp laining w hat their
d. Department of Commerce right now I'll summarize the rule . It is available studen ts are goi ng to learn. and how this
at [httpJ/www.arrl.orglFandESJlieldlregulationsi could po ssibl y benefi t them in li fe.
6. The snowiest U.S. location based on an- newslpart971] Imagine the double talk when they try to
nual average snowtall? 97.13{c). In summary. it says: Betore caus- rationalize leaching trig and the binomial
a. Mt. Washington, NH ing or allowing an amateu r station to transmit theorem.
b. Watertown. NY Irom any place where the operation 01 the sta- The music reading course made i t
c. Valdez, AK tion could cause human exposure to RF elec- easy for me to get in vol ved with si ng ing
d. Stampede Pass, WA tromagnetic fields ... (1) The licensee must in a choir as a boy soprano, and going on
perform the routine AF environmental evalua- to sing i n bigger and bener choruses.
Answers 10 WX trivia Questions: 1. c: 2. d; 3. tion ... (2) If the routine environmental evalua- The art appreci ation course was of enor-
b; 4. a: 5. d: B.d. tion indicates that the RF electromagnetic fields mo us value to m e w hen I start ed in
Thanks to the Spring 2003 issue of Radio- could exceed the limits ... in accessible areas. tel evisi on as a cameraman . It also made
gram, published by the Capital City Repeater the licensee must take action 10 prevent hu- my pictures more interesting wh en I got
Association of Columbus, OH. man exposure to such RF electromagnetic involved with photography in hi gh
fields ... school. where I joined th e camera club
Think about your antenna installation. How lar and spent many, many happy hours in
The Ever ChanglJ!g Brain is it from your neighbor's property line? Do you the darkroom developing and printing
have a fence around your yard to restoct people my pi ctures.
If you have ever taken a taxi in a major city, The weekly music appreciation ses-
or animals from entering? Can you touch your
you may have wondered how the taxi drivers sions at PS 99 in B rook l yn for the whole
antenna from the ground? Do you have children
know how to reach even the most Obscure desti- school hel ped my in stinctu al love of
... who play in the yard where your anlenna is
nation without a street map or a hint from their class ical music grow. This was instru-
located? Does your neighbor have children who
passengers. Well, a new study indicates cabbies mental ( SOIT)' about that) in my gett ing
are working their brains so hard thai they become could wander into your yard while chasing a ball
or playing games? started w i th my first maj or in dependent
enlarged in the zone associated with navigation. business. man ufacturing hi-f l oudspeaker
The rules talk about controlled and uncon-
According 10 the study published in the jour- cabinets. And w hen the compact disc
nal Proceedings of the National Academy of SCi· trolled exposure. Controlled environments relate
to Ihose who know they are being exposed to came along, my love of m usic made
ences, the drivers' brains adapted to help them publ i shing CD Review great f un.
store a detailed mental map of the city. This, by RF. Your family usually knows when you are on
your radio. Do the neighbors know they are be- H i gh school w as a terrible bore, made
shrinking in one area to allow growth in another bearabl e by the after school cl ubs ...
called the rear hippocampus. ing exposed to RF radiation? This is where the
uncontrolled part is very important. there w as a cho ice of 120 of ' em . I opted
In the latest study, researchers at University for the Savoyards, where we put on G il -
College, l ondon University, compared the brains Let's use ou r club's to-meter net frequency,
28,410 MHz, as an example. For simplicity, let's bert & Sullivan operettas; th e camera
of 16 male taxi drivers with those of 50 other men dub; the radio club (W2 A NU); and the
of a Similar age. They found that among the cab- use 100 watts output into a dipole anten na. The
formula shows that it is safe for a controlled book club. T he Choral C lub rehearsed
bies, the back of the hippocampus, the part of every day, second period, and put on
the brain associated with spatial memory, was environment at 5.76 feet and an uncontrolled
environment a1 12.82 feel. so me exciting radi o and publ ic concerts.
larger than it was in the comparison group. Wh ile curriculum and textbook choices
Scientists had previously reported differences Now, if you recalculate the same fre quency
with the power outputlrom an amplifier at 500 are in the hands of bureaucrats. it's un-
in the structure of the brain between musicians l ikel y that our school system will be re-
and normustctans. Researchers say that evidence waits, the new calculations show Ihat a controlled
sults-oriented. W hen we change over to
that the brain is physically able to change accord- environment is OK at 12.82 teet and uncontrolled
at 28.61 feel. DVD-based programs, perhaps we ' ll see
ing to the way it is used could be important in more courses aimed at educati ng ki ds to
understanding human development. Now, let's take the power up to the legal
live and work better in the real world .
Thanks to Science Today, via Newsline, Bill limit of 1500 walls: The controlled distance
No, not perhaps - it' Il happen for sure.
Pasternak WA6ITF, editor. goes out to 22.1 8 1eet and the uncontrolled
is out to 49.52 feet. As you can see, the big- ~I ore Mass \Iurder
ger Ihe tower, the easier it is 10 comply with
the regulations. But what if we don't have a
RF Safety _ big tower? Maybe we use a grou nd-mounted
Whal doc s it take to get you at least
annoyed'! The A MA . FDA, NIH. et ul.,
Since we are now on the declining side of the vertical on our city lot. all have to be we ll aware of the blood
sunspot cycle. the HF bands aren't quite as hot. Don't let the math scare you away lrom doing purifier (bioclcctrifier) and the patents
The temptalion to buy an amplifier to help out the calculations. You can use a Web site found i ssued on thi s fast. inexpensive cure for
during these poorer band conditions is getting at IhnpJ/ This is a A IDS, mal aria, Lyme disease. and so on.
stronger. Several manufacturers make affordable good site 10 plug in the numbers and lind out that results when a tin y elec tric current
amplifiers in the 500 to 700 watts range. That howwell your station complies. I recommend that i s passed through the blood.
extra punch will help get your signal out, but there you print out the results and put them in your Like'! H ow about 80.000 people d ied
are other things 10 take inlo account before you logbook in case your neighbors have questions totally unnecessari ly in Uganda last year
fire it up. about RF safely. It will help satisfy their concerns from malaria .• . half of them children. Or
Did you know that every time you lill outa form when they see that you have done the caicuta- the 12 million AIDS deaths in sub-Saharan
605 to renew or upgrade your license, you cer- nons and have documented the safe operation Africa last year. This is mass murder by
tify that you are in compliance with the RF salety 01 your station. secrecy to protect the pharmaceut ical
regulations? The line reads: Thanks to Rick WOPC. via GARBL E, the compa ny's drug sal es.
-I have read and WILL COMPLY with Section monthly publication of the Sf. Charles Amateur
97.13(c) of the Commission's Rules regarding Radio Club, Inc., Apri/2003. fa Continued on page 64
62 73 Amateur Radio Today . August 2003
in Po land (and the famous sail mines), C IIl..skal1'ltusic Gu ide: A lis t of 100 S iher Wire: With 1..... 0 5-in. pieces of
Prague. back to Mun ich. and the firsl CD.. which w ill provide you ..... ilh an heavy pure silver wire + three 9V bauer-
d a\s fl ig ht ho me for tw o . a ll fo r un - ou tsta nding collection o f Ihe fin e..t ies you ca n ma ke a lhol.l1>and dollars
de r S I,OOO? Ye s, when you kno w how cla.... ica l mus k e ' e r wri tten. Th is is wmh o f silver colloid. W IlaIdo you do
you ca n travel inell. pen,ively, and st ill '" h al you need 10 help yo u reduce wilh it? It docs what lhe an lilliolics 00,
slay in fil't clavv hotel s. $5 (*1 1) '> Iress. C lassica l music a lso raise s Ilut germs can 't adapl lO n. Use it 10 get
Ht1T illTl>l,"lC'or m~ book.~ which can Writer 'sGuide: It's easy. fun, can pad young sterv' IQ s. helps p lan ts gro w rid of germs on food. for s kin fun gus ,
cban~ ~oor life (if ~oo 'lI "'1 'emr, If
your recume. and impress the hell out faster, and willmake )'ou beahhi<..... Just warts, arxl even to drink, ReaoJ sUllie
tlM' idN ol bei llJ: health~ ·. wea lth~' a nd o f )our frie rKl s. SO (# 78 ) wait'H you hear <;()fTIC of GoI:scllalk's 000k.~ 110 !he uses of siher co lloid. it's
"be inh:re.b ~0lI. start reading, Yes. Wa)'rK'·s CaribheanAdwnlUre.: My fabulous mu..ic! S5 (#33 ) like magic . SIS (1tW1
~0lI can ht- allihal. hul onl~ "hen ~ou
super Iluugel tra vel stories - where I The Radar Ceveru p : Is police radar conoid Reprint. Apri l 97 an icle on a
kno" the Sl?'("n'l'i " hkh I've !>pent a "bit the hams and scuba dive mos t o f dangerou s? Ross Adey K6l:1. a worl d silver co lloid maker, h isl' lof)', arxl ho w
lifetime ullC't'\t'ri nlt- t he is la nd s o f the Cari bbea n. You' ll a utho rity , confi rms th e da ngers of [0 use the S1u IT. S5 (#98 )
•. •• ••Wayne lo ve lhe special Lim fare whic h lei me ra di o a nd magne nc fields, including Colloid Clips. Three 9V butte ry d ips ,
vivit II cou mries in 2 1 days, d iving o ur HTs and cell pho nes. $J 1#34) 2 all iga tor clips & instlllClions. S5 (#99 )
T he SI'en'1 (; uidt' to lI e:.lil h : Ye s, all but nne of the islands , G uadelou pe . Three Ga llo Ta lks: A pnze-w mmn g AC-po wert'd Co lloid Kit: 12V po wer
the re really is a sccreuo regain!ng yo ur where she hams ke pt me too busy with teach er explai ns what's wrong with supp ly, s ilve r wires, re print includ ing
health and add ing 30 to 60 yca r-; of parties. $5 (# 12) American sc hools and why our kids prioruy mail shipme nt 537 (1ffl2 )
beuhhy Ii\'i ng to your fife. TIle answer is Cn ld Fusiun Overvtcw: Th is is both are not being educated . Why arc Swed- Feu r Sma ll RllokM... C mllho: Super
s imple, hut it mea ns makin g so me se - a brief histury of co ld fusion. wh ich I ish youngstc rs, who start school ur 7 Organic Food: a uillioll dollar new ind us-
rious lifestyle changes. Will yo u be ski- predict wi ll be on e o f the largest in - ye;t ~ o f age, leav ing our kids in the try; Schools in 202(J: an other 5 n-il-
ing [he slopes o f As pen with me whe n dustries in the world in the 2 1st ccn- d ust'! Our kids a re intentiona lly being lio n industry. Anth r ax . a simple c ure.
yo u' re 90 or dodde ring arou nd a nurs- tury. p lu, a simp le e xplanation of how dumbed down by our school system - Dow>.ing; why and how it Wln.S. $3 (#&))
ing lune '! Or pu<J1ing updaives" No , r m and why it works. Th is ne....' fie ld is the Ieas[ e ffec tive and must e xpensive My 19 9 2 We T he Peu ple Ued a r e
not selling any health products, but I goi ng IU generate a whole new bu nch in the world, S5 (#35, Wa r ! O n O ur Luos)' Gu~ern lllent
can help you cure yourself of cancer, of bi lliona ires, j ust a s Ihe personal A"pllrtllme: a.k .a . l'\ut raSwe~t , lhe book-3 bO page s and pack ed with
heart troubl e. or an)' (l(her illness. Get computer ind ustry' d id. $5 (#20) slu lT in d iet drin ks, etc.. ca n ca use a ll ideas that'H gel you all e xceed.Was 5 13.
th is new . 2002 expanded edinon I m p rm in J: State Go"ern menl: Here kind.. o f se rious health protJlems, Mul- W hil e they la \ t S IO. J ust a few left,
( 16Op). SIS t#0-4) a re 24 way, lhal stale government s tiple sclerosis, for one. Read a ll ah.JUl fourxl in the warehouse. La...: chance for
The Secret Guid e 10 Wealt h: Ju..t as c an ' UI expen ces e normou sly, .... hile it. IWO pamphlets for a bud. I'.3K1 Ihi ~ c1assic.I lI06)
with health. you ' ll find that )'OU ha \'c providing far be ller sel'·ice. I ellplain S I Million Sail'S \ideo: l1N.: secrel of St u rr I didn 't "rile. bUI )oo nrtd:
becn wckered by .,be s)'ste m" inlO a ho w a ny gu\'em ment b urc a ll or de, how you ,an generale an ell. lra mi l, NASA 1'Iluont>d Amuin : Re nt
pattern o f life Ihat will ket'p you from parlmenl , a n CU I il s ell. pe nses by a t lio n dollars insaJesjuslby ll'ing PRoTh is ma ke s an ai r-ti gh t ca-c thai NASA
e,-er maki ng much lTIOIlC'y a nd having leas l 50'l- in Ih ree )'ears and d o il "" ill be o nc o f the best ime..tmerns yoo faked the Moon land ing s. Thi.. hook
the freedom 10 Ira" e l an d do whal coope ra tivel y and cnt hus iastica lly, or your tusi nes..s " ill Clo-ermake. S40 ('52 ) ..... ill convi nce even you. S30 l#')())
you wa nt. I e:o. p la in ho w anyone c a n I ell. pla in ho w, by ap p l)'i ng a ne w Repri nC.s of :\.1)' Ed itorials fru m 13. l Ske p tk o f Scie nce : Th is is
ge l a d re am job w il h no college, no tec hnology, Ihe stale ca n make il pos- Very fe w things in this \\lu rk! are a'i ""I" ve Rc ne 's buo k w hcre he u ~ bll n ks a
resu me , and eve n wi lhou l an y e ll- s ible to p rov id~ all nceded se rvices hxn taught. and as they appe·,ar. As an buoc h o f acee ptoo -eicnli fic hclicfs -
perit- llI:e . I e ll. pla in ho w you c an ge l withuu t ha ving to levy an)' ta lle s a' k'l lOl lCl(~st I blow the whistle on the ~anLs suc h as the icc ages , thc Eurth llCing
so meo ne to ha pp il y pa y you to lea rn all ! Re ad the ho ok, ru n for you r leg. alll(llxl us, sUI:h as the ~ahh care, our a mag net, the M(Xln causing the ti(les,
what you ne cu to kno w to ,tart your i" l a[ un~ , (Ind le['s ge t busy making this ~Ix"ll system, our IfKmey, the drug war, e tc. 530 (#9 1)
OWIl hu,i IlC" , $5 (#0 3) co untry wllrk h ke its fou nde rs wllll[ed a Lllllcge oollC<l1ion. sugar. the lillJd giants, Ullr k 1\loon: 56!! puge s of c arefu lly
T he Senel ( ;uide 10 \Vi'id om : This i[ IU , [}' lIl ' t !c:IV e thi, for "so meone our unhe ah hy fOIJd, Iluoridc s, EMFs. re-ea rchC1l proof [hal the Apoll o Moon
is a rev iew o f a nllllld a hll lllired books eh e" to du. $5 (# 30) SUlraSweet. elC, land illgs were a ho:n -a e ll ilp ing blo w
that will ho gg le )'our mind a nd help 1'I lunki n d 's EX linetion PndictiIJlL..: If 1'19611111Editorial F-"'ll~"': $5 ( #72 ) for Ren t 's skeptics. 525 ( #92 )
you l' hange your hfe. No , I don ' t sell a ny o ne o f t h~ e ll. pert s who ha ve writ- 1997 157 Edi lurial Es"s.ll)"s: $8 (# 74 ) 19142 Ge nt'ral C lass I.k t'n.... Sl u d)'
the!.e hook... The y're on a wide rdllge of te n b!;xlks pred iCling a SOOn-[o--<'OlIle 19914 192 Editorial Es">3)'s: 5 10 ('75) (; ui dl.'S. Teac hes lhe fundamcn tals of
sulljcch and w ill help to ma ke you a , a[a\tro phe .... h ich will virtua lly wi pe 1999 165 Editorial Es,s.ll)'s: S8 1' 76) rad io & e1ectricit)'. Wa \ 57. I fou nd a
\'ery inlcresling peTh(m. ",,'ai t' ll )'UU mo st of us ou t a re rig h i, we 're in 20001 01 F..d itoria l &s.llJ"' : S5 l.77 ) few in the ware hou;,c, S3. while the) '
~e some o f the gem s you " e missed trouble, In th is book I e xplain aboul 2(101 10.& t:ditorial Essa)' s : S5 (# 78) last. Great !xx"'! (# 83)
read ing, You' ll ha"e ple nty o f fasci - lbe ~'arious d i"llslCf"Cenarios, like Ihal
lllu ing slu ff 10 ta lk a bou l on the ai r, of :'\llStraJamus. who says the poles
S5 (#02 ) " ill "lIon oJiifl (asthey have <;n'era!1imeo,
\1)' W\-\'II Suhmarine AMentul'1,"li:
Yes, I spenl from 19·B -I 945 on a sub-
in !he IU"I~ ...i ping OUI fJ7% of mankind
Ol;ty. 'ill he·s made a long SIting of pt'>I
il:a<U6 ~~
marin e , rig hl in lbe middle of the " ar ludy gue.'<". l1N.: "orJ;l part of these 1tu'l416 I h m c O{' k :'\H 034-19
with JOJfWl. W~ a11T1ll'>t go! sunk .-.en,.-J1 predictions is lhe accuraC)' record of
limes, and Iwice I was in the rig ht p lace some of the ~lI. perts . Will it be a pole
:'\jame Call 1
at the rigll t ti me 10 sa lie Ihe boat. ,hift, a new k e age , a mass ive ...,lar
Wh a" ~ it r~all y lik e to be dep lh flare, a cumet or asleroid , a Ilil)(e m lrist Addrt'S.s 1
charged '! A nd wh at 's the da ily life attac k'! I' m ge tting read y, ho w alxlU t 1
aboard a ~ u h mari lll.· like? How abo ut yo u'! $5 (#3 1) C il)'·Slate-Z ip :;:::::-::--::--::--::--::-:-;-==:;::;::::;:::;-=-:::;;-;;c;;:::;:::;,,-- I
u "" Ill< nn'".,.... in ,Il< .... d .e" 0( <t'l'~ po.~.fIIl " "" llh< 1... >1<, you •• anl. S.l oJh pcr r,~.l
Ihe Ame lia Ea rh art in ~i d e s to ry? [!" l'I loundoRlotl e: A fte r re ad ing Re ne 's nnIc, In US (S7 [Hinrity "",il l, $6 C.n, $10 f,... i~n. 1
you ' re neilr I\fo bi le , p lc a, e visi t [he N Kl", NASA MfHlIl " ll Ama in l, I read Order lota l: US$ PhHn" (fH"C H«Ie",) 1
Drum. $5 (# 10 ) eVCl)lhing I cou ld fllxl 011 (KJr Moon Ialxl-
Tra vt'i Di llril'.~ : YOli can tra vel illllal-- ing, . I Wa[c!llu ~ NASA videos, 100keJ MO Vi", r,'f nnkn< Hv"r $10. • . bpr", _ _ I
ingly i ne ll rc n ~ i ve l y - o nce y:uu kno w carefully a! the photos, read the a\tlllnaut's ""<10:,,, WJ ·~ ~ K-orr l7 • fax; f>(1.'-~8 !l- J20~ . ... 2nsJ ((lI ",~. ,""""
.............. ~""grc<n .com • pilon<

the 1\1(l.-'!o. f"JIjoy Slll·try aod lllY budgct Iliogmphk..... arxl talked with some read· 10 Ye" "", me OO"'·n ("" .. year Hf 7J for only S2~ ra <t".I ). Canada USS.U . Forcr~n USSoW h~ ...... 1
\'i~ i" to EUfHpe , RlI" ia, and a bun ch CTh who ",wked for NASA. This Ix..", 10 [- ,. ., '" industrial "rrn~'h ,,"'.. reJ..." ;,,., "" .. nd n", y"'" Adven,u reo [n MU.sic CD <atolnJ: 1
All"'" 4 " eels for dd rvel)' e,«,pI fH", ,~ n. "",... ,h we ' 1)' to ge' ""'" tonI<.'r'>i <l>ipp<d ,n a <loy '>I' "0'0.
of ot her inlere,ling ph...:e s, How abou t cilC'; 45 g(....:1 rea'lIflS I believe !he whole
1 Y",,' e _maihddr<'>S: I
a firs! dass fligh t to Munic h. a ren led Apollo prngr.un had to ha\'e been faked . L ~

Aud i, driving 10 , i ~it Vi enna. Krako w S5 (#32)

73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003 63
Barter 'n' Buy

Turn your old ham and computer gear into cash now. Su re, you can wai l for a hamtest to try and dump lt, but you know you 'll gel a lar more
realistic price if you have it out where 100.000 active ham potential buyers can see it, rather than the few hundred local hams who come by
a flea market table. Check your attic, garage, cell ar and closet shelves and get cash lor your ham and computer gear before irs too old 10
se ll. You know you 're not going 10 use it again, so why leave it for you r widow to throw out? Tha t sluff isn't getting any younger!
The 73 Flea Market, Bart er 'n' Buy, costs you peanuts (almost) - com es to 35 cents a word for individual (roncomrnercreu) ads and $1 .00
a word for commercial ads . Don 't plan on tell ing a long story. U se abbreviations, cram it in . But be honest. There are plenty of hams who love
to fix things , so if n doesn't work, say so.
Make you r list , count the words, including your ca ll, add ress and phone numbe r. Include a ch eck or your credit card number and expi ration.
II you're placing a commercial ad, include an addi tio nal phone numbe r, sepa ra te from your ad .
This is a monthly magazine , not a daily newspaper, so figure a couple months before the acti on starts; then be prepared. If you get too many
calls, you priced it low. If you don 't get many calls, too high.
$ 0 get busy. Blow the dust off, check everything out , make sure it still works right and maybe yo u can help make a ham newcome r or retired
old timer happy with that rig yo u're not using now. O r you might get busy on you r computer and put togeth er a list of small gear/parts to send
to those interested?
Send your ads and payment to: 73 ,Uagaz;ne, Barter ' n' UU)', 711 Hancock Rd., Peterbor ough Nil 03458 and get set l'o r the
phone calls, The deadline for the October 2003 classified ad section is August 10. 2003.

220 MHz Award ; see W9CYT on WWW o ez SATELLITE TV - Large selection of items at SMART BATTERY CHARGERS and mora,
COM for information. BNB645 reasonable prices. We specialize In Big Dish [_] BNB653
TVRO C & Ku Band equipment. Check us out at
K8CX HAM GALL ERY [http://hamgallery.comj.
I~·] . BNB646 1-- -- - - - - - - - - - - -
REPEATERS - VHF & UHF " Hi Pro " , Two veer
TELEGRAPH COLLECTOR'S PRICE GUI DE: Warranty. Free Catalog. Maggiore Electronic: NEUER SRV DIE
250 picture s/prices. $12 postpaid . ARTIFAX Lab., 600 Westtown Rd., W. Cheste r, PA. 19382 continued fro m page 62
BOOKS, Box 88 , Maynard MA 01754. Telegraph _ .hiprorepeaters .com. BNB68 1
Museum: []. BNB113 Well, heck. what's a bunch of Africans.
WANTED : USED ROTORS, controls, CD-44,
Ham-M, 2, 3.4 , T2 X, or larger. Call C.A .T.S ., rig ht'! Big deal. If we don' t kill millions
New minialure oscillator modules are now avail-
able ... all under $20 ... plus our great reference
1-BOO-3ROTORS BNB662 of ' em with AIDS and malari a. we' lI
book is still for sale. Write to RMT Engineering . soon have another billion starving
Electric ity, Magnetism, Gravity, The Big Bang.
6863 Buf!ham Road, Seville OH 44273 or see New explanation 01basic forces of nature in this 91- mouths to feed . Name one country in Af-
our Web site at [www.ohio.netl- rtormetl page book covering earty scientific theories and ex- rica where there is a government that
Index.htmlJ] . BNB640 ploring latest cont-overear conclusions on their re- gives the slightest damn about their
lationship to a unified field Ihoory. To order, send people. I' ve only visited tell African
check or money order for $16.95 10: American Sci- countries so far. but that was enough to
2SC1972, MRF2 47, MRF455, MB871 9, 2SC1307,
ence Innovations, P.O. Box 155, Clarington OH give me the sorry picture.
2SC2029, MRF454, 2SC3133, 4CX250B, 12006,
43915. Web site for olher products [httpJIwww. BUI please do n't protest abort ions
6KG6A, etc. WESTGATE, 1-800-2 13-4563.
asl_2000. com]. BNB100
BNB6000 while ignori ng the massive carnage the
COLLOIDAL SILVER GEN ERATOR! Why buy FDA's blood purifier secrecy blanket is
a "bo x of oattenes" lor hu ndreds of dollars? allo wing to go o n. Your government at
WITHOUT HANGUPS Johan N3RF. Send $1.00
Current regulated, AC powered, fully assembled work .
with #12 AWG silver electrodes, $74.50. Same,
RIES, P.O. Box 81 , Washington DC 20044 USA.
but DC powered, $54.50. Add $2.50 shipping. Up in Smoke
Thomas Miller, 216 Easl 10th St ., Ashland OH
Ca s h l or Collins: Buy any Collins Equipment. 44805. Web address [_ .bl oe lectri' .
When Big Tobacco agreed to pay the
Leo KJ6HI. Tel JFAX (310) 670-6969. [radioleoO BNB342
50 states $246 billion over 25 years. the
earthlink.netJ. BNB425 idea war... for this moncy to be used to
REPEATERS - VHF & UHF " HI Pro" , Two Vear
Brow se ocr Web site and check out the Warranty. Free Catalog. Maggiore Electronic: help educate teenagers about the stu pid-
" Monthty Special." TOL Technology. Inc. Iwww. Lab., 600 Westtown Rd., W. Chesler, PA, 19382 ity of taking on a lifeti me drug add iction
zianet.comttdi). BNBSOO _ .hiprorepeaters .com. BNB681 and to help pay smokers' health care
costs. Instead. the most o f the $2 1.3 bil-
Thomas Appleby (copyrighI 1967). Second pr int- topics. Up 10 15% off. Quality Technical Boo KS. lion paid so far has been used for pork
ing available from JOHAN K.V. SVANHOLM [hllp:llqtb.comlha mradiolJ. BNB665 barrel projects and tax cuts, with only
N3RF, SVANHOLM RESEARCH LABORATO- about 5% going for smo king prevention.
WANTED: ANY MODEL Collins, working or not.
RIES, P.O. Box 81, Washington DC 20044 . Please including speakers. filters, option s. 1-piece or
Gee. what a surprise.
send $25.00 donation with $5.00 lor S&H. collection. Bob. 651-354·5345 days: 651-345- Th e Ce nters for Disease Control &
BNB420 3600 eves. E-Mail: rkemp O mr,neL BNB661 Prevention (CDC) gives 43 or the states
Ham Radio Repair, Quality workmanship. All
failing grades on pro viding adequate to-
FREEl! HAM Radio and other CD-Roms and
Brands. Fasl Service. Affordable Electronics, Disk catalog. MOM 'N' PO P'S SOFTWARE, P.O.
bncco education. I know I sec lots of
7110 E. Thomas Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 8525 1. Call Box 15OOJ. TH. Springhill, FL 34604-0111 , 1·352- kids smoking as they walk by our fro nt
480-970-0963, or E-mail [HAM SERV1CEOAOL 688-9108, visit: door, go ing home fro m the hig h school
COM). BNB427 BNB660 down the road. fa
64 73 Amateur Radio Today • August 2003
HF + 6M Mobile/Base Transceiver
Put aproven performer to work for you! 100 watts output and auno nonsense" design that's easy to use at home or on the
go. "All mode" performance on all bands including 6m. Removable, remote mount control head, big display, widechoice of
operator parameters and lull aSK CW operation. Getting on HFhas never been so easy, and jf you haven't tried 6meters,
you're missing alot of fun. Why wait? With aDX·70 you're ready for action!


Mobile/Base FM Transceiver with Wide Band Receive Dual Band Mobile FM
Dare to be different with this ~ne w breed" mobile. VHFand UHF
operations are asnap but there's alot more. Uslen towideband broadcast
Who said dual·banders had to be
FM signals. AM Airband. monitor weather and other public safety
expensive? Dual band, dual watchand
frequercesand keep track of It all with the large alphanumeric display that
crossband repeat at aprice mat's amazingly
lets you change display colors! You can add theoptional internal TNC for
low. CTCSS encode-ceccce, 50 memories
packet or APRS' operations or be amongthefirst to enjoy digital voice per band, internal dupiexer, large controls.
communications with the optional digital module. Removableremote-mount Massive heatsink for quiet. fan-free
head also allows youto invert the transceiver for the best speaker operation. Reviewersloved this radio:
placement, illuminated me. youwill too!
internal duplexer, CTCSS
encodetdecode, DCS
and more!

DR·135T Midi DR·235T 222 MHz DR-435T Mkll UHF

VHF FM Mobile/Base Transceiver FM MobilelBase Transceiver FM Mobile/Base Transceiver
This rogged 2 meter mobile is ready lor the fI you 're not yet on 222 MHz, you 're There are many reasons you might want a
"real world"' ofheavy usein demanding not using all your privileges. monoband 440 MHzlransceiver and the
conditions. Whether you're chasing storms or From voice contacts to remote DR-435is ready for whatever job youhavein
chatting through the commute, you'll appreciate control of repeaters and mind. from workingrepeaters. UHFsatellites,
the largealphanumeric display, the big more, nowyoucan remote command and control, dataor simplex
illuminated me and thewell designed functions get on222 MHz at a voice, and more: you'll find the100 memones,
that are easy to use. 100 memories, AM Airband reasonable price. largealphanumeric display, mic wllh illuminated
receive, high stability TCXO, ignition key on/off Enjoy 100 memories, alphanumeric channel keysall well designed to suit your purposes.
feature, theft alarm, direct labels, ignition key onloff operation, large Packed Withtealures like cress
j frequency input & illuminated mlc, autoclial memories, CTCSS enceoe-decooe. DCS, tone bursts,
optional internal TNC or encoce-decode, DeS, wide/narrow fM theft alarm, alphanumeric display.
optional internal digital operation, optional internal TNC and a autodial memories, high
voice moduleand more! host of features. stability TCXO andmore.

OiStr-tIlJ~d inNrnth Mle~ by Al OC AmallM Distnl,i.linQ llC • n S H,g/l 5t, C\Mngton, 011 45318 ° 19Jn 413-2&40 I'roducts iflte n~ lor P'Of:IlIY ~1lI\~ operators PflrMs req~irlld lor MAIlS UIr, CAP use

- ~ ~ eQiJ'jlment IW'JI'II SWifJo;&t i~ " to d'llo'IOe I'tithoot /lI,lIke 01 oIlI .giihO!l Por!\lml3nOll ~110 1l ot'II!' ;q:ffl1O omateor W1dl ~S ~ a leij >!Ired nade'l1l,kIII Sob BruniOl, WfWAPR

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