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LINEAR EQUATION Let unit digit be x.
Then tens digit = 16 – x
An equation in which the highest power of variables is one, is
called a linear equation. These equations are called linear because Original number = 10 × (16 – x) + x = 160 – 9x.
the graph of such equations on the x–y cartesian plane is a straight On reversing the digits, we have x at the tens place and
line. (16 – x) at the unit place.

Linear Equation in one variable New number = 10x + (16 – x) = 9x + 16

Original number – New number = 18
A linear equation which contains only one variable is called linear
(160 – 9x) – (9x + 16) = 18
equation in one variable.
The general form of such equations is ax + b = c, where a, b 160 – 18x – 16 = 18
and c are constants and a 0 . – 18x + 144 = 18
All the values of x which satisfy this equation are called its – 18x = 18 – 144 18x = 126

• An equation satisfied by all values of the variable is called In the original number, we have unit digit = 7
an identity. For example : 2x + x = 3x. Tens digit = (16 – 7) = 9
Thus, original number = 97
4 3
1: – =5
x 2x 3 : The denominator of a rational number is greater
Solution : than its numerator by 4. If 4 is subtracted from the numerator

4 3 8 3 and 2 is added to its denominator, the new number becomes .
5 5 6
x 2x 2x
Find the original number.
5 Solution :
5 10x = 5
2x Let the numerator be x.
Then, denominator = x + 4
5 1
10 2 x 4 1
x 4 2 6
x 4 1
2 : The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 16. 6 (x – 4) = x + 6
If the number formed by reversing the digits is less than the 6x – 24 = x + 6 5x = 30
original number by 18. Find the original number. x= 6
Solution : Thus, Numerator = 6, Denominator = 6 + 4 = 10.
Multiply equation (ii) by 4 on both sides, we find
Hence the original number = . 4x + 20y = 76 .......(iii)
Subtracting equation (i) from equation (iii), we have
4x + 20y = 76
Linear equation in two variables 4x + 3y = 25
General equation of a linear equation in two variables is ax – – –
+ by + c = 0, where a, b 0 and c is a constant, and x and y are the –––––––––––––
two variables. 17 y = 51
The sets of values of x and y satisfying any equation are 51
called its solution(s). y= =3
Consider the equation 2x + y = 4. Now, if we substi tut e x = –
2 in the equati on, we obt ain 2.(–2) + y = 4 or – 4 + y = 4 Substituting value of y in equation (i), we get
or y = 8. Hence (–2, 8) is a solution. If we substitute x = 3 in 4x + 3 × 3 = 25
the equation, we obtain 2.3 + y = 4 or 6 + y = 4 or y = –2
Hence (3, –2) is a solution. The following table lists six 4x = 16 x= =4
possible values for x and the corresponding values for y, i.e.
six solutions of the equation. x = 4 and y = 3 is the solution.
x –2 –1 0 1 2 3
y 8 6 4 2 0 –2 Now consider two linear equations in two unknowns,
If we plot the solutions of the equation 2x + y = 4 which appear a1x + b1y = c1 .......... (i)
in the above table then we see that they all lie on the same line. a2x + b2y = c2 .......... (ii)
We call this line the graph of the equation since it corresponds The above equations are nothing else but equations of 2 lines.
precisely to the solution set of the equation. Any pair (x, y) which satisfy both the equation is called a solution
to the above system of equations.
(–2,8) S. No. Solutions Feature Example
(–1,6) 1. One Lines intersect (ii)
(0,4) at (1,–2) each other
(1,2) x + y = –1 (i)

(2,0) x–y=3
2. No solution Lines are parallel
(ii) (i)
(3,–2) to each other
x + y = –1
2x + 2y = – 6
4 : Find the values of x and y which satisfy the
equations : 4x + 3y = 25 and x + 5y = 19. 3. Infinite Both the lines (i)
Solution : solutions coincide each
Substitution Method : – all points other (ii)
4x + 3y = 25 ..... (i) lying on the x+y= 1
x + 5y = 19 ...... (ii) given line 2x + 2y = 2
x = 19 – 5y
Substitute x = 19 – 5y in equation (i), we get SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATION
4 (19 – 5y) + 3y = 25
76 – 20y + 3y = 25 76 – 17y = 25 Consistent System
17y = 51 y= 3 A system (of 2 or 3 or more equations taken together) of linear
Putting y = 3 in equation (ii), we obtain equations is said to be consistent, if it has at least one solution.
x + 5 × 3 = 19
x + 15 = 19 x=4 Inconsistent System
x = 4 and y = 3 is the solution. A system of simultaneous linear equations is said to be
Elimination Method : inconsistent, if it has no solutions at all.
4x + 3y = 25 .......(i) e.g. X + Y = 9; 3X + 3Y = 8
x + 5y = 19 .......(ii)
Clearly there are no values of X & Y which simultaneously satisfy not equal to another, is called an inequation.
the given equations. So the system is inconsistent.
Symbols :
‘<’ means “is less than”
‘>’ means “is greater than”
The system a1x + b1y = c1 and a2x + b2y = c2 has : ‘ ’ means “is less than or equal to”
a1 b1 ‘ ’ means “is greater than or equal to”
• a unique solution, if .
a2 b2 For example :
(a) x < 3 means x is less than 3.
a1 b1 c1
• Infinitely many solutions, if . (b) y 9 means y is greater than or equal to 9.
a2 b2 c2

a1 b1 c1
• No solution, if . PROPERTIES
a2 b2 c2
• Adding the same number to each side of an equation
The homogeneous system a1x + b1y = 0 and does not effect the sign of inequality, it remains same, i.e.
a1 b1 if x > y then, x a y a.
a2x + b2y = 0 has the only solution x = y = 0 when .
a2 b2 • Subtracting the same number to each side of an inequation
The homogeneous system a1x + b1y = 0 and does not effect the sign of inequaltiy, i.e., if x < y then,
x – a < y – a.
a1 b1
a2x + b2y = 0 has a non-zero solution only when , • Multiplying each side of an inequality with same number
a2 b2
does not effect the sign of inequality, i.e., if x y then
and in this case, the system has an infinite number of
solutions. ax ay (where, a > 0).
5 : Find k for which the system 6x – 2y = 3, kx – y • Multiplying each side of an inequality with a negative
= 2 has a unique solution. number effects the sign of inequality or sign of inequality
Solution : reverses, i.e., if x < y then ax > ay (where a < 0).
The given system will have a unique solution, • Dividing each side of an inequation by a positive number
a1 b1 6 2 does not effect the sign of inequality, i.e., if x y then
if i.e. or k 3.
a2 b2 k 1
x y
6 : What is the value of k for which the system a a (where a > 0).
x + 2y = 3, 5x + ky = –7 is inconsistent? • Dividing each side of an inequation by a negative
Solution : number reverses the sign of inequality, i.e., if x > y

a1 b1 c1 x y
The given system will be inconsistent if then (where a < 0).
a2 b2 c2 a a

1 2 3
i.e. if or k = 10.
5 k 7
7 : Find k such that the system 3x + 5y = 0, kx + 10y If a > b and a, b, n are positive, then an > bn but a–n < b–n.
= 0 has a non-zero solution. For example 5 > 4; then 53 > 43 or 125 > 64, but
Solution : 1
The given system has a non zero solution, 5–3 < 4–3 or .
125 64
3 5 If a > b and c > d, then (a + c) > (b + d).
if or k = 6
k 10 If a > b > 0 and c > d > 0, then ac > bd.

Inequations If the signs of all the terms of an inequality are changed,

then the sign of the inequality will also be reversed.
A statement or equation which states that one thing is

8 : 3x + 4 19, x Vishal’s age = 8x + 10

Solution : 15x 10 5
8x 10 3
3x 4 19
3(15x + 10) = 5(8x + 10)
3x 4 4 19 4 [Subtracting 4 from both the sides]
45x + 30 = 40x + 50
3x 15
3x 15 5x = 20 x= =4
[Dividing both the sides by 3] 5
3 3
Present age of Vikas = 15x = 15 × 4 = 60 years
x 5; x N Present age of Vishal = 8x = 8 × 4 = 32 years.
x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
12: Sanjay starts his job with a certain monthly
9: 5 2x – 1 11 salary and earns a fixed increment every year. If his salary
Solution : was ` 31,000 after four years of service and ` 40,000 after 10
5 2x 1 11 years, find his initial salary and annual increment.

5+1 2x – 1 + 1 11 + 1 Solution: Let the initial salary be ` x and fixed increment every
[Adding 1 to each sides] year be ` y.
x + 4y = 31000 ...(1)
6 2x 12
and x + 10y = 40000 ...(2)
6 2x 12
[Dividing each side by 2] On subtracting equation (1) from (2), we get
2 2 2
6y =9000 y = 1500
3 x 6
Now putting the value of y in equation (1), we get
x = {3, 4, 5, 6}.
x + 6000 =31000 x = 25000
10 : Kareem is three times as old as his son. After
Hence initial salary = ` 25000
ten years, the sum of their ages will be 76 years. Find their
and fixed annual increment = ` 1500.
present ages.
Solution : 13: If a number is decreased by 4 and divided by 6,
Let the present age of Kareem’s son be x years. the result is 8. What would be the result if 2 was subtracted from
Then, Kareem’s age = 3x years the number and then it was divided by 5?
After 10 years, Kareem’s age = 3x + 10 years Solution:Let the number be x. Then,
and Kareem’s son’s age = x + 10 years
(3x + 10) + (x + 10) = 76 x 4
8 x 4 48 x 52
4x = 56 x = 14 6
Kareem’s present age = 3x = 3 × 14 = 42 years
Kareem’s son’s age = x = 14 years. x 2 52 2 50
5 5 5
11 : The present ages of Vikas and Vishal are in
the ratio 15 : 8. After ten years, their ages will be in the ratio 5 14: If three numbers are added in pairs, the sums
: 3. Find their present ages. equal 10, 19 and 21. The numbers are
Solution : Solution:Let the numbers be x, y and z. Then,
Let the present ages of Vikas and Vishal be 15x years and 8x
x + y = 10 ..... (1) y + z = 19 ..... (2) x + z = 21 ..... (3)
After 10 years, Adding (1), (2) and (3), we get : 2 (x + y + z) = 50
Vikas’s age = 15x + 10 and or x + y + z = 25.
Thus, x = 25 – 19 = 6; y = 25 – 21 = 4;
z = 25 – 10 = 15.
Hence, the required numbers are 6, 4 and 15.

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