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Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

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Local–Distortional Interaction in Cold-formed Steel Columns: Mechanics,

Testing, Numerical Simulation and Design
André Dias Martins a, Dinar Camotim a,⁎, Pedro Borges Dinis a, Ben Young b
ICIST, CEris, DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper provides an overview of the latest developments of the research activity carried out by the
Received 4 August 2015 authors concerning the non-linear behaviour, ultimate strength and Direct Strength Method (DSM) design of
Received in revised form 4 October 2015 cold-formed steel (plain and stiffened) columns experiencing local–distortional (L–D) interaction. Initially,
Accepted 5 October 2015
numerical results obtained by means of Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) elastic post-buckling analyses are
Available online 22 October 2015
presented and their unique modal nature is used to illustrate and provide the main behavioural/mechanics
features of this mode coupling phenomenon. Then, both experimental and numerical (obtained from Abaqus
Cold-formed steel columns shell finite element analyses – SFEA) are presented and discussed, making it possible to provide clear evidence
Local–distortional interaction and characterize the column L-D interactive behaviour and failure. Besides reporting on two experimental test
Generalized Beam Theory (GBT) series performed by the authors, the paper also presents a critical review of other experimental results available
Experimental studies in the literature concerning columns undergoing L–D interaction. The numerical results deal with columns
Shell finite element simulations exhibiting different cross-section shapes and fairly extensive parametric studies are carried out, in order to
Direct Strength Method (DSM) design (i) assess the relevance of L–D interaction, as far as the ultimate strength erosion is concerned, and (ii) gather
substantial ultimate strength data. Next, after showing the inadequacy of the currently codified DSM column de-
sign curves to predict L–D interactive failures, the paper presents and assesses the merits of DSM-based design
approaches recently developed specifically to handle such failures.
© 2015 The Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sequence of the two critical buckling loads is important, as well as the
ratio between the squash load and the higher of them — the use of
Thin-walled cold-formed structural systems are often made of high-strength steels is responsible for stronger L–D interaction effects.
high-strength steel and formed by open cross-section profiles Because virtually all the existing specifications for cold-formed steel
exhibiting a high strength-to-weight ratio but also strongly suscepti- structures either ignore or inadequately account for the ultimate
ble to instability phenomena involving cross-section deformation, strength erosion stemming from L–D interaction, which means that
namely local (L) and distortional (D) buckling, which occur for col- there is the risk that they may lead to unacceptably low safety levels
umns with short-to-intermediate unrestrained lengths. The practical (i.e., a high likelihood of reaching unsafe designs), efficient (accurate
relevance of this mode coupling phenomenon stems from the fact that a and safe) design rules/methodologies that take into consideration this
fair number of commonly used cold-formed steel members exhibit coupling phenomenon need to be developed. Such a task requires a
cross-section geometries (shape and dimensions) leading to quite considerable amount of research work, in order to obtain reliable and
close critical local and distortional buckling stresses — Figs. 1(a)–(c) physically based models that lead to rational formulae and/or procedures.
show the shapes of lipped channel column distortional, local and Considerable research work has been devoted to investigate L–D in-
“mixed local–distortional” buckling modes. teraction in cold-formed steel columns,1 particularly in the last decade,
Besides the closeness between the L and D critical buckling loads, including experimental investigations, numerical simulations and
other aspects play a relevant role in assessing the relevance of L–D design proposals. The last ones consisted mainly of developments/
interaction. Indeed, since the post-critical strength reserves associated improvements of the Direct Strength Method (DSM) [2], already
with “pure” local and distortional buckling are clearly distinct, the included in the Australian/New Zealand [3], North American [4]

⁎ Corresponding author at: DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049- Even if this work deals exclusively with L–D interaction in cold-formed steel
001 Lisboa, Portugal. unperforated columns, it is worth mentioning that this coupling phenomenon also plays
E-mail addresses: (A.D. Martins), an important role in the behaviour and strength of perforated columns — for instance, ex-
(D. Camotim), (P.B. Dinis), (B. Young). perimental evidence of this fact was reported by Moen and Schafer [1].
2352-0124/© 2015 The Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 39

+ =

Distortional Mode Local Mode Local-Distortional Interaction

(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 1. Lipped channel column critical (a) distortional, (b) local and (c) “mixed L–D” buckling modes.

and Brazilian [5] cold-formed specifications for the design of uniformly on the local and distortional post-buckling behaviour of columns
compressed columns (with or without perforations/holes). However, with “plain” and stiffened lipped channel cross-sections, and Basaglia
most of the above research activity concerned columns with “plain” et al. [23], who extended the domain of application to cover members
cross-sections (designation implying the absence of intermediate with open branched cross-sections and exhibiting more general sup-
stiffeners) — mostly (but not exclusively) lipped channels. For in- port and loading conditions. As far as thin-walled members affected
stance, the works of Kwon and Hancock [6], Loughlan et al. [7], by L–D interaction are concerned, and to the authors' best knowledge,
Young et al. [8] and Dinis et al. [9] succeeded in providing experi- the only GBT numerical post-buckling results available concern simply
mental evidence of L–D interaction. On the other hand, Silvestre supported lipped channel columns and were obtained by (i) Silvestre
et al. [10], Dinis and Camotim [11], Kumar [12] and Martins et al. & Camotim [24], for columns with almost coincident local and distor-
[13] resorted to shell finite element analyses (SFEA) to investigate tional critical buckling loads (“true L–D interaction”), and (ii) Martins
this phenomenon and obtained ultimate strength data that led to et al. [25], for columns with several ratios between the local and
the establishment of DSM-based approaches capable of handling distortional buckling loads (either “true L–D interaction” or “secondary
the ultimate strength erosion stemming from L–D interaction. L or D bifurcation interaction”).
For “plain” cross-sections, local buckling is almost always triggered The objective of this work is to provide a critical overview of
by the web, where most of the L–D interaction takes place. the research activity carried out by the authors in the last few years
This is no longer true in the presence of intermediate stiffeners concerning cold-formed steel (plain and stiffened) columns affected
(e.g., “v-shaped” web stiffeners in lipped channels), as local buckling by L–D interaction. Initially, numerical results obtained through GBT
is bound to be commonly triggered by the flanges, thus altering the elastic post-buckling analyses are presented and discussed, with the
L–D interaction features. Kwon and Hancock [6], Yap and Hancock aim of providing in-depth insight on the mechanical aspects involved
[14] and He et al. [15] reported experimental evidence of flange- in the column response, namely the evolution, along given equilibrium
triggered L–D interaction, while Martins et al. [16] conducted a paths, of the column (i) deformed configuration (expressed in modal
numerical study to assess the influence of L–D interaction on the be- form), (ii) relevant displacement profiles, and (iii) stress distributions.
haviour and design of web-stiffened lipped channel (WSLC) columns Particular attention is devoted to the structural interpretation of the dis-
exhibiting a wide variety of combinations of the ratios between the tinctive features exhibited by columns undergoing “true” and secondary
local buckling, distortional buckling and yield stresses. Concerning bifurcation” L–D interaction. Next, experimental tests performed at The
web-flange-stiffened lipped channel (WFSLC) columns, in which University of Hong Kong, providing clear evidence of L–D interactive
local buckling is again mostly triggered by the web, there is consider- failures, are briefly addressed and the results obtained commented.
ably less information on L–D interaction — indeed, to the authors' best Then, an Abaqus [26] SFEA numerical investigation aimed at
knowledge, the only results available are the experimental tests characterising and comparing the L–D interactive behaviour and failure
reported by Yang and Hancock [17] and the numerical investigation of plain and stiffened (web and web-flange-stiffened) lipped channel
carried out by Martins et al. [18]. columns is presented and discussed — it involves fairly extensive para-
Traditionally, the non-linear behaviour of thin-walled members metric studies, carried out in order to (i) asses how the relevance of the
could only be rigorously assessed by resorting to shell finite element L–D interaction effects varies with the ratios between the local buckling,
simulations,2 providing outputs that are not easy to interpret distortional buckling and squash loads, and (ii) gather substantial ulti-
(e.g., [7,10–13,15,16,18]). However, in the last decade Generalized mate strength data. Finally, the experimental and numerical ultimate
Beam Theory (GBT) has emerged as a powerful alternative to strength data reported previously are used to (i) improve/develop
perform geometrically non-linear imperfect analyses (GNIA) of pris- existing/new DSM-based design approaches specifically developed to
matic thin-walled members [21], providing clarifying (structurally handle L–D interactive failures, as well as to (ii) assess the merits of
meaningful) results with equal accuracy and much less computa- the failure load estimates provided by those design approaches for col-
tional effort (drastic d.o.f. reduction). The GBT-based GNIA make it umns undergoing different levels of L–D interaction.
possible to unveil and quantify the contributions of the various
deformation modes to the member structural response under con- 2. Mechanics of local–distortional interaction in thin-walled columns
sideration. This feature enables acquiring a much deeper insight on
the mechanical aspects involved in that response. Regarding the In order to shed new light on the mechanics of L–D coupling, the
GBT formulations to perform GNIA of cold-formed steel members, geometrically non-linear response of simply supported (end cross-sec-
it is worth mentioning the works of (i) Silvestre and Camotim [22], tions pinned and free to warp) thin-walled lipped channel columns is
investigated, taking advantage of the unique modal features of the
Or, to a smaller extent, to spline finite strip analyses (e.g., Prola and Camotim [19] or GBT-based analyses. The columns considered display geometries
Kwon and Hancock [20]). (cross-section dimensions and length) selected with the help of
40 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

bf Dimensions
bw (mm) 100 120 120
bf (mm) 80 80 80
t E=210GPa
bl (mm) 10 10 15
v=0.30 t (mm) 1.90 1.36 1.36
L (mm) 400 450 500
bl Buckling loads
PcrD (kN) 107.6(1) 51.8(1) 86.0(1)
Natural node PcrL (kN) 179.3(5) 52.3(5) 53.6(5)
Intermediate node
RDL (-) 0.60 ≈ 1.00 1.60

Pcr (kN) RDL≈0.60 Pcr (kN) RDL≈1.00 Pcr (kN) RDL≈1.60

75 75

150 50 50

25 25
L=40 (cm) L=45 (cm) L=50 (cm)
0 0 0
10 100 1000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000
(b1) (b2) (b3)

1 3 5 7 9 15 17 26


Fig. 2. Selected lipped channel column (a) GBT discretization, dimensions and buckling loads, (b) Pcr vs. L curves, selected length and corresponding critical buckling mode shape, and
(c) in-plane deformed configurations of the most relevant conventional and transverse extension modes, and warping displacements of the most relevant shear modes.

GBTUL [27] and aimed at illustrating the various interaction phenomena, 2.1. Cross-section analysis
namely (i) “true L–D interaction”, when RDL = Pcrd/Pcrl is close to 1.00, (ii)
a “secondary local bifurcation interaction”, when RDL is well below 1.00, According to GBT, the member mid-surface displacement field
and (iii) “secondary distortional bifurcation”, when RDL is well above is expressed
1.00 — PcrD and PcrL are the column critical distortional and local buckling
loads, corresponding to modes with nl and nd half-waves. Fig. 2(a) shows uðx; sÞ ¼ uk ðsÞϕk;x ðxÞ vðx; sÞ ¼ vk ðsÞϕk ðxÞ wðx; sÞ ¼ wk ðsÞϕk ðxÞ ð1Þ
the output of this selection procedure, i.e., the cross-section dimensions
(bw, bf, bl, t — web-flange-lip widths and wall thickness) of the three se-
where (i) x, s, z denote coordinates along the member length, cross-
lected columns (E = 210GPa, v = 0.3) — the values of PcrL, PcrD, nl and nd
section mid-line and wall thickness (u, v, w are the corresponding
are also given. On the other hand, Figs. 2(b1)–(b3) show the signature
displacements), (ii) (.),x ≡ d(.)/dx, (iii) the summation convention
curves of the three columns, providing the variation of the critical buck-
applies to subscript k, (iv) functions uk(s), vk(s) and wk (s) are the dis-
ling load Pcr with the length L (logarithmic scale), as well as associated
placement profiles associated with deformation mode k, obtained
buckling mode shapes. In order to preclude interaction with global (flex-
from the cross-section analysis, and (v) ϕk(x) are modal amplitude
ural–torsional) buckling, the critical global buckling loads are much
functions, defined along the member length and obtained from the
higher than PcrL and PcrD — the fairly short lengths automatically ensure
member analysis (i.e., they are the problem unknowns).
this condition.
The GBT cross-section analysis involves a lengthy and fairly complex
The performance of a GBT geometrically non-linear analysis in-
set of operations, which has been described in detail in the literature
volves two main tasks, namely (i) a cross-section analysis, intended
(e.g., [21,28]). A brief overview of the key aspects of the procedures in-
to determine the deformation modes and evaluate the correspond-
volved is presented next, in the context of members with unbranched
ing modal mechanical properties, and (ii) a member analysis,
open cross-sections (the overwhelming majority of cold-formed steel
which consists of solving the system of non-linear differential equi-
members fall into this category):
librium equations — in this particular case, uniformly compressed
columns undergoing L–D interaction are dealt with. Next, the main (i) The n-walled cross-section is discretized into n + 1 natural (wall
aspects involved in each of the above tasks are briefly addressed — edges) and m intermediate nodes.
much more detailed accounts can be found in the literature (e.g., (ii) The deformations modes are divided into three sets, namely
[21,23,28]). conventional, shear and transverse extension modes.
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 41

(iii) The conventional modes, which constitute the core of GBT and are symmetric” loading and support conditions.3 The columns analysed
associated with null membrane shear strains and transverse ex- contain (i) critical-mode initial geometrical imperfections with small
tensions, can still be subdivided into (iii1) global (in-plane rigid- amplitudes (10% of the wall thickness t) and (ii) are longitudinally
body motions: axial extension, major/minor-axis bending, tor- discretized into 24 GBT beam finite elements. The GBT results are
sion), (iii2) distortional (warping and transverse wall bending) compared with values yielded by Abaqus SFEA, employing models
and (iii3) local (transverse wall bending only). developed in previous L–D interaction studies (see Section 4 for details).
(iv) The shear modes concern exclusively the non-linear variation of
the warping displacements along the cross-section wall mid-lines. 2.3.1. True L–D and secondary local bifurcation interaction
(v) The transverse extension modes involve only in-plane Figs. 3(a)–(b) displays the post-buckling equilibrium paths P/Pcr vs.
displacements and are characterized by non-null membrane v/t (v is the mid-span top flange-lip corner displacement parallel to
transverse extensions. the web caused by the applied load, i.e., excluding the initial imperfec-
tion value) of columns undergoing “true L–D” and “secondary local bi-
The lipped channel cross-section discretization shown in Fig. 2(a), furcation” interaction, respectively. Also depicted are the initial
which is adopted in this work and comprises 17 (6 natural and 11 inter- geometrical imperfection shapes considered — in [10,11,31], it was
mediate) nodes, leads to 17 conventional (4 global, 2 distortional and 11 shown that a “pure” distortional initial geometrical imperfection involv-
local), 14 shear modes and 14 transverse extension deformation modes. ing outward flange-lip motions leads to the lowest lipped channel col-
The main features of the most relevant ones for the problem under umn strengths. It is worth noting the non-negligible post-buckling
consideration (5 conventional, 2 shear and 1 transverse extension) are asymmetry, with respect to the flange-lip motion “sign”, first unveiled
displayed in Fig. 2(c). by Prola and Camotim [19]. The preliminary GBT buckling analysis pro-
vided the following critical buckling mode participations factors: (i) 5–
2.2. Member analysis 89%, 7–9%, 9–2% (RDL = 1.00), and (ii) 5–93%, 7–5%, 9–1% (RDL = 0.60)
— note that the distortional deformation mode is slightly more “preva-
After knowing the cross-section deformation modes and associated lent” in the latter column. In order to assess the relevance of the different
modal properties, it is possible to determine the member (column) geo- GBT deformation modes for the column response, results obtained from
metrically non-linear (post-buckling) behaviour by solving the differen- five “approximate” analyses are depicted in Figs. 3(a)–(b), namely those
tial equilibrium equation system [22] including the following deformation mode sets: (i) 1 + 5, (ii) 1 + 3 + 5,
(iii) 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9, (iv) 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 15 + 17, and
C kh ϕk −ϕk ;xxxx −Dkh ϕk −ϕk ;xx þ Bkh ϕk −ϕk −C kjh ϕk;xx ϕ j;x −ϕk;xx ϕ j;x (v) 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 15 + 17 + 26.
    As for the curves displayed in Figs. 4(a)–(c), they provide the
1 1
þ C hjk ϕk;x ϕ j;x −ϕk;x ϕ j;x þ C kijh ϕk;x ϕi;x ϕ j;x −ϕk;x ϕi;x ϕ j;x evolution, as P/Pcr increases from 0.25 to 0.75, of the RDL = 1.00 column
2 ;xx 2 ;x
þ h:o:t: ¼ qh ð2Þ web transverse displacement profiles due to the joint contribution
of modes 7 + 9 (w7 + 9(x)).4 On the other hand, the curves in
Figs. 5(a)–(d) provide the evolution, as P/Pcr grows above 0.75, of the
where (i) ϕk is the modal amplitude function associated to deformation web transverse displacement profiles due to modes 3 (Fig. 5(a) —
mode k, describing the initial geometrical imperfections (similar to w3(x)) and 5 (Fig. 5(b) — w5(x)). Finally, Fig. 6 shows column deformed
Eq. (1)), (ii) qh are the modal distributed loads, (iii) Ckh , Bkh , Dkh are configurations at several advanced post-buckling stages: P/Pcr = 1.00;
second-order tensors characterizing the cross-section linear mechanical 1.17; 1.33; 1.50 (RDL = 1.00) and P/P cr = 1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75
behaviour and (iv) Ckjh ,Ckijh are third and fourth-order tensors, associated (RDL = 0.60). The analysis of all these post-buckling results prompts
with the geometrically non-linear mechanical behaviour — expressions the following remarks:
providing these tensor components can be found in [22].
The solution of the equation system (2) and associated support (i) The GBT equilibrium path obtained with the 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 +
conditions, for any given deformation mode set, can be obtained by 9 + 15 + 17 + 26 modes virtually coincides with the SFEA
means of a GBT-based beam finite element formulation similar to (“exact”) values up to P/Pcr = 1.50 (RDL = 1.00) or P/Pcr = 1.75
that adopted by Basaglia et al. [23], which is akin (but not identical) (RDL = 0.60). This is quite remarkable, since the GBT analysis
to the one developed in [21] — the former is slightly more efficient involves only 456 d.o.f., a tiny fraction of the number
(computationally). The main ingredients of this finite element required by the SFEA (over 27,000 d.o.f.). Moreover, note
formulation are briefly addressed next: that the same deformation mode set led to “exact” results
for both columns.
(i) Approximate the modal amplitude functions ϕk(x) by means of lin- (ii) The consideration of the conventional deformation mode set
ear combinations of (i1) Lagrange cubic polynomial primitives, for (1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9) leads to accurate results only up to P/
the deformations modes involving solely warping displacements, Pcr ≈ 0.90. Beyond this applied load level, the accuracy of the
and (i2) Hermite cubic polynomials, for the remaining convention- GBT response improves with the inclusion of the shear modes
al deformation modes and the transverse extension modes. (15 + 17), but only the further inclusion of the transverse exten-
(ii) Solve the ensuing system of non-linear algebraic equations sion mode 26 makes it possible to “match” the SFEA equilibrium
by means of an incremental-iterative technique based on (ii1) path.
Newton–Raphson's method and (ii2) a load or arc-length control (iii) The observation of Figs. 4(a)–(c), which concern the RDL = 1.00
strategy (both strategies were implemented) – more details column and include pure sinusoidal curves (for comparison pur-
concerning the numerical implementation of incremental- poses), shows that w7 + 9(x), quantifying the contribution of the
iterative techniques can be found in Clarke and Hancock [29] and local deformation modes, (iii1) is virtually sinusoidal for P/
Crisfield [30].
Silvestre and Camotim [24] showed that, at the advanced post-buckling stages, the ap-
2.3. Numerical results plication of the compressive force at one end cross-section only, while the other is fully ax-
ially restrained, has a non-negligible impact on the column deformed configuration.
Recall that local buckling is triggered by the web. Note also that the column critical
The compressive force is applied at both end cross-sections, where “distortional” buckling mode exhibits a 11% contribution from the local modes 7 + 9,
the mode 1 (axial extension) displacements may occur freely — they which means that part of w7 + 9(x) “belongs” to the single half-wave “distortional”
are prevented at the mid-span cross-section, thus ensuring “fully deformations.
42 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

P /Pcr RDL≈1.00 P /Pcr RDL≈0.60

1+3+5 GBT 1+3+5
1+5 1.50
1.25 1+3+5+7+9+15+17+26 1+5

1+3+5+7+9+15+17 PcrD≡ PcrL 1.25

1.00 1+3+5+7+9+15+17
1+3+5+7+9 PcrD 1+3+5+7+9
0.50 v
80 0.50
10 80
0.25 120
0.25 100
v /t v /t
0.00 0.00 t=1.9

0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(a) (b )

Fig. 3. GBT post-buckling equilibrium paths of lipped channel columns undergoing (a) “true L–D” and (b) “secondary local bifurcation” interaction — several deformation mode sets are
included in the analysis.

x /L x /L x /L
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
0 0 0
w 7+9 /t 2 w7+9 /t 5 w7+9 /t
4 6 15
8 20
10 25
8 12 30
14 35
16 40
(x10-3) P /Pcr =0.25 (x10-3) P /Pcr =0.50 (x10-3) P /Pcr =0.75
12 18 45

(a) ( b) (c)
Fig. 4. Contribution of the local deformation modes 7 + 9 (w7 + 9(x)) to the web transverse bending of the RDL = 1.00 column, for (a) P/Pcr = 0.25, (b) P/Pcr = 0.50 and (c) P/Pcr = 0.75.

Pcr ≈ 0.25 and (iii2) gradually moves away from this shape as the (iv) Figs. 5(a)–(b) concern higher applied load levels (P/Pcr ≥ 0.75) and
load increases to P/Pcr ≈ 0.50 and P/Pcr ≈ 0.75. A closer look at the shows the expected dominance of the distortional (mode 5) single
differences between w7 + 9(x) and the sinusoidal curve shows that half-wave sinusoid, akin to the initial imperfection shape (see
they exhibit five half-waves, i.e., are akin to the columns critical Fig. 5(b)). On the other hand, Fig. 5(a) shows the non-negligible
local buckling mode. This emergence of deformations akin to the contribution of minor-axis flexure (mode 3), stemming from the
local buckling mode at early loading stages characterizes the so- load eccentricity caused by the effective centroid shift due to the
called “true L–D interaction” and implies that this coupling phe- stress redistribution associated with the pronounced distortional
nomenon would also occur in elastic–plastic columns regardless deformations (comprising the flange-stiffener motions and the
of their yield stresses (provided, of course, that the squash load web transverse bending) − for more information about the
Py is not substantially below Pcr — see Section 4.2). A similar inves- effective centroid shift phenomenon, see [32]. It is still worth not-
tigation for the RDL = 0.60 column (not presented here) unveiled ing the shapes of the w3(x) curves, which reflect the variation of
the absence of local deformations up to P/Pcr = 0.75 — w7 + 9(x) the load eccentricity along the column length — the fact that
perfectly matches a half-wave sinusoid up to this applied load they are “flat” in the central region seems to indicate that the
level. The emergence of deformations akin to the local buckling load eccentricity is only relevant near the column supports (but
mode only occurs at relatively advanced loading stages, which further research is needed in order to fully understand why this
characterizes the so-called “secondary local bifurcation (L–D) in- happens).
teraction” and implies that this coupling phenomenon does not (v) It should be mentioned that considering a different initial imper-
occur in elastic–plastic columns if Py is moderately below Pcr5 — fection shape (e.g., a “pure” local one) may significantly change
see Section 5.1. the evolution of w(x), particularly at the earlier loading stages —
the changes become progressively less meaningful as loading pro-
Recently, the authors [13,16,18] analysed several fixed-ended columns with gresses [31].
RDL ≈0.60 and showed that, even when the Py/Pcr is quite large, the influence of the L-D in-
teraction on the column failure load is minute, as attested by the fact that these loads are
accurately predicted by the currently codified DSM distortional design curve — only for Lastly, Figs. 7(a)–(b) provide the evolution of the mid-span mem-
columns with RDL N 0.80 does L–D interaction erode the column ultimate strength. In the brane longitudinal normal stress distribution as P/Pcr increases, for the
simply supported column analysed in this work, the equilibrium path has a limit point
for P/Pcr = 1.74, i.e., very soon after the “secondary bifurcation” load level (P/Pcr =
two columns under scrutiny. Given the strong resemblance between
1.66), which means that, in elastic–plastic columns, the failure load erosion is not these two stress distributions, the following conclusions apply to
significant. both columns:
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 43

x /L x /L
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
0.0 0.0
P /Pcr =1.00 0.5 P /Pcr =1.00

1.0 P /Pcr =1.125

1.0 P /Pcr =1.25
P /Pcr =1.25
2.0 P /Pcr =1.50
P /Pcr =1.375 2.0

P /Pcr =1.50 w3 2.5 P /Pcr =1.75 w3

3.0 w3 /t
w3 /t 3.0
(a1) (a2)

x /L x /L
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
0.0 0.0
P /Pcr =0.75 P /Pcr =0.75
4.0 P /Pcr 3.0
1.00 P /Pcr
6.0 1.125 4.0 1.00
1.25 1.25
5.0 1.50
8.0 w5 1.50 w5 1.75
w5 /t 7.0
w5 /t
(b1) (b2)

Fig. 5. Evolution of the web transverse bending displacement profile caused by the deformation modes (a) 3 (w3(x)) and (b) 5 (w5(x)), for the (1) RDL = 1.00 and (2) RDL = 0.60 columns.

(i) At the early loading stages, the stress distribution remains (these very high lip compressive stresses are responsible
practically uniform, since mode 1 (axial extension) is practi- for reducing the column strength), (ii2) increase in the flange-
cally the only one contributing to the column deformed web corners and (iii3) decrease in the lip-flange corners,
configuration. where tensile stresses develop even at relatively early loading
(ii) As loading progresses, the stresses gradually (ii1) increase in stages — this evolution is due the growing contributions from
the lips, exhibiting a linear variation that reaches very high deformation modes 5 (mostly — very high warping displacement
values in the tips at the more advanced post-buckling stages gradients at the lips), 15 and 17. Moreover, due to the increasing

P/Pcr =1.00 P/Pcr =1.17 P/Pcr =1.33 P/Pcr =1.50

P/Pcr =1.00 P/Pcr =1.25 P/Pcr =1.50 P/Pcr =1.75

Fig. 6. Lipped channel column Abaqus deformed configurations for P/Pcr = 1.00; 1.17; 1.33; 1.50 (RDL = 1.00) and P/Pcr = 1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75 (RDL = 0.60).
44 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

xx (MPa) RDL≈1.00 xx (MPa) RDL≈0.60
500 1000

P /Pcr
-500 0.25 P /Pcr
0.50 0.25
-1000 0.50
0.90 0.85
-1500 1.00 -2000 1.00
1.25 1.25
-2000 1.50 1.50
-3000 1.75
-2500 F F

-3000 A -4000 A
lip flange web flange lip lip flange web flange lip
A B C D E F -5000 AB C D E F
(a) (b)

Fig. 7. Mid-span membrane longitudinal normal stress evolution: (a) RDL = 1.00 and (b) RDL = 0.60 columns.

stress redistribution due to the (local) post-buckling behaviour, 2.3.2. Secondary distortional bifurcation interaction
the web stress distribution becomes clearly non-linear for Fig. 8 shows the post-buckling equilibrium path P/Pcr vs. w/t (w is the
P/Pcr N 0.90. mid-span web mid-point transverse displacement caused by the
(iii) In previous works [13,16,18], it was observed that, in columns applied load) and the initial geometrical imperfection shape included
under “true L–D interaction”, the onset of yielding always in the GBT-based analysis. Unlike in the two columns analysed previ-
occurs at the lip tips of the “most distorted” half-wave with ously, the critical-mode initial imperfection shape is now local, exhibits
outward flange-lip motions — this observation is in agreement five half-waves and involves inward web bending at mid-span. The GBT
with the very high compressive stresses mentioned in the pre- buckling analysis provided the following relevant modal participation
vious item and suggests that the distortional deformations factors: 7–88%, 9–9%, 5–1% — because of the (minute) contribution
play a relevant role in the elastic–plastic column behaviour of mode 5, ϕ5(x) displays five half-waves at the early loading stages
(and collapse). (not shown here). This equilibrium path was obtained with the GBT
(iv) The stress distribution patterns obtained for these columns deformation mode set 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 15 + 17 + 19 + 26,
are qualitatively similar to those reported in [22] for a “pure” which leads to extremely accurate results — see the comparison with
distortional post-buckling behaviour – note the extremely the “exact” SFEA equilibrium path up to P/Pcr = 1.756.
high compressive stresses at the lip tips. Naturally, a column The curves depicted in Figs. 9(a)–(d) provide the evolution, as P/Pcr
with local initial imperfections would exhibit a different stress increases from 0.50, of the web transverse bending displacement
distribution evolution in the early loading stages — however, profiles caused by the contributions of modes 3 (Fig. 9(a) — w3(x)),
as loading progresses, the fast growing contribution of distor- 5 (Fig. 9(b) — w5(x)7), 7 + 9 (Fig. 9(c) — w7 + 9(x)) and
tional mode 5 would lead to stress distributions similar to 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 26 (Fig. 9(d) — w3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 26(x) ≡ w(x)). Finally,
those shown in Figs. 7(a)–(b). Fig. 10 shows column deformed configurations (amplified 5 times) at
four load levels, namely P/Pcr = 1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75 (all corresponding
to quite advanced post-buckling stages). The close observation of all
these post-buckling results leads to the following comments:
(i) For P/Pcr ≤ 0.75, w(x) ≡ w3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 26(x) consists almost
P /Pcr RDL≈1.60 exclusively of the five half-wave contributions from the local
1.75 ABAQUS deformation modes 7 + 9, akin to the initial imperfection
GBT shape — the single half-wave contributions from modes 3 and
1.50 5 (see Fig. 9(a)–(b)) are barely visible, as the five half-wave
amplitudes are practically identical. When the load increases
beyond P/Pcr = 0.75, the above picture begins to change, as the
relative importance of the contributions from modes 3 and
5 (mostly the latter) gradually grow, as evidenced by the fact
1.00 PcrL that the w3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 26(x) five half-waves become progres-
sively more unequal: the central half-wave amplitude increases
0.75 beyond the remaining ones, while the two adjacent half-waves
decrease, thus reflecting the presence of the aforementioned
0.50 single half-wave modal contributions — this is clearly visible in
80 Figs. 9(d) and 10, for P/Pcr = 1.75, i.e., just before reaching the
0.25 120 w
w /t
Note that the equilibrium path limit point takes place for P/Pcr ≈ 1.77, i.e., again quite
t=1.36 soon after the “secondary bifurcation” load level (P/Pcr ≈ 1.60). This behavioural feature,
0.00 which also occurred in the column with RDL = 0.60 (“secondary local bifurcation”), implies

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 that, in elastic–plastic columns, the failure load will never be noticeably eroded/influenced
by L–D interaction — if the squash load exceeds the critical distortional bifurcation one vis-
ibly, the column fails either elastically or very soon after the onset of yielding.
Fig. 8. GBT and Abaqus post-buckling equilibrium path of the lipped channel column This profile quantifies the contribution of mode 5 (symmetric distortional) to the
undergoing “secondary distortional bifurcation (L–D) interaction”. transverse bending displacement of the web.
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 45

x /L x /L
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.7 5 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
0.00 0.0
0.02 0.1
0.04 P /Pcr 0.2 P /Pcr
0.50 0.50
0.06 0.75 0.3 0.75
1.00 1.00
0.08 1.15 0.4 1.15
1.25 1.25
0.10 1.50 0.5 1.50
w3 1.75
0.12 w5 1.75
w 3 /t w 5 /t
0.14 0.7
(a) (b)

x /L x /L
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
-2.0 -1.5
-1.5 w7+9
P /Pcr -1.0 P /Pcr
0.50 0.50
-1.0 0.75 -0.5 0.75
-0.5 1.00 1.00
1.15 0.0 1.15
1.25 0.5 1.25
0.5 1.50 1.50
1.0 1.75 1.0 1.75
1.5 1.5
2.0 w 2.0
7+9 /t w3+5+7+9+26 /t
2.5 2.5
(c) (d)

Fig. 9. Evolution of the web transverse bending displacement profile due to the deformation modes (a) 3 (w3(x)), (b) 5 (w5(x)), (c) 7 + 9 (w7 + 9(x)) and (d) 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 26
(w3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 26(x) ≡ w(x)), for the RDL = 1.60 column.

failure load. The emergence of distortional deformations at fairly 3. Experimental investigations

advanced loading stages (close to P/Pcr = 1.0) characterizes the
so-called “secondary distortional bifurcation L–D interaction” Although several researchers carried out studies specifically aimed
and means that this interactive behaviour does not occur in at investigating the effect of L–D interaction in fixed-ended cold-
elastic–plastic columns if Py is below Pcr. Indeed, these deforma- formed steel columns (exhibiting plain or stiffened cross-sections),
tions can only develop if the squash load is large enough to allow the specimens providing clear experimental evidence of this coupling
the applied load to approach the distortional bifurcation load phenomenon (and the ensuing ultimate strength erosion) were rela-
level, taking advantage of the high column local post-critical tively scarce. Moreover, since most of the above researchers reported
strength reserve. essentially experimental results, it is fair to say that fairly little informa-
(ii) Note that the mode 3 amplitude function now closely resembles tion was available about the mechanics of L–D interaction. This situation
a single-half-wave sinusoid, unlike in the two columns analysed was altered by the extensive numerical (SFEA) investigations reported
previously (no “flattened” central portion). Although no in [10,11,31], which made it possible to acquire in-depth knowledge
clear physical explanation for this difference is yet available, on the behavioural aspects characterising the structural response and
it certainly has to do with the fact that the effective centroid ultimate strength of columns affected by L–D interaction. As a natural
shift now stems mainly from local deformations (and not sequence of these numerical investigations, an experimental test pro-
distortional ones). gram was carefully planned and performed, at The University of Hong

P/Pcr =1.00 P/Pcr =1.25 P/Pcr =1.50 P/Pcr =1.75

Fig. 10. Abaqus column deformed configurations at P/Pcr = 1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75 (RDL = 1.60) (×5).
46 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

Kong (UHK), concerning fixed-ended columns expected to experi- and Hancock [17], for web-flange-stiffened lipped channel columns,
ence visible L–D interaction — two cross-section shapes were consid- and (iv) Yap and Hancock [35], for columns with complex-stiffened
ered, namely “plain” lipped channels [8] and rack-sections [9]. cross-sections.9
Next, the main features and results of the experimental test Table 2 summarizes the available test results concerning fixed-
program carried out at UHK are briefly reviewed — more details ended cold-formed steel columns experiencing L–D interaction.
can be found in [8,9]. After that, a collection and classification of After using the reported geometrical and material properties to
the test results available in the literature on columns undergoing evaluate the critical local/distortional/global buckling loads (again
L–D interaction is presented. determined using GBTUL [27]) and the squash load of the various
column specimens, the above test results are divided into six sets,
3.1. Tests performed at the University of Hong Kong according to the (i) cross-section geometry (plain cross-sections,
namely lipped channels, hat-sections or rack-sections, web-stiffened
The experimental test program involved (i) 16 lipped channel (C) and lipped channels or web-flange-stiffened lipped channels — PCS, WSLC
(ii) 10 rack-section (R) cold-formed steel columns brake-pressed or WFSLC) and (ii) L–D interaction nature (secondary local bifurcation,
from high strength and mild zinc-coated structural steel sheets — the true interaction or secondary distortional bifurcation — SLB, TI or
zinc coating was removed, by acid etching, before performing the SDB) — N stands for the number of test results. By observing this
tests. Table 1 provides the various specimen dimensions (bw, bf, bl, bs, — table, one readily concludes that there are only sizeable numbers of
web/flange/lip/stiffener widths, thickness t and length L, as shown in test results for (i) PCS columns failing under SDB L–D interaction
Table 1), the critical local/distortional/global buckling loads (determined (23 test results) and (ii) WSLC columns collapsing due to TI L–D
with GBTUL [27]) and squash load (PcrL, PcrD, PcrG, Py), the load ratios interaction (27 test results) — indeed, the number of test results is
PcrD/PcrL, PcrG/PcrMax, Py/PcrMax, where PcrMax = max{PcrD; PcrL}, and the either scarce or null for all the remaining cases. Nevertheless,
column failure loads PExp. The specimen ends were milled flat electron- a total of 112 test results were collected, including the 26 reported
ically and welded to 25 mm thick steel plates, thus ensuring full contact in [8,9] and the quite “dubious” 20 reported in [7] — as shown in
with the test machine end bearings, an essential aspect to achieve fully [13], local failures were misinterpreted as L–D interactive failures,
fixed end supports. The specimen material properties were obtained by due to the fact that “distortional deformations” suddenly appear at
means of tensile coupon tests and initial geometrical imperfection mea- the onset of collapse triggered by severe yielding at the web-flange
surements were made (details can be found in [8,9]). A servo-controlled corners/edges. At this point, it is worth noting that the authors are
hydraulic testing machine was employed to apply the compressive axial currently planning an experimental test program, to be carried out
force, through steel plates welded to the column ends — the top end at The University of Hong Kong, involving WSLC and WFSLC columns
plate was bolted to the associated bearing plate, which was fully with geometries selected to ensure SLB, TI and SDB L–D interaction —
restrained against warping, twisting and major and/or minor axis these test results will help “fill the gaps” in Table 2.
bending. This setting may be said to correspond to “fully fixed-ended”
support conditions. A data acquisition system recorded the readings
of the load cell and displacement transducers (located at the top 4. Numerical simulations
and mid-span cross-sections) at regular intervals during the tests.
Figs. 11(a)–(b) concern a lipped channel specimen and provide This section provides a brief overview of the most relevant issues
front and side views of the test rig and a typical set-up for testing a concerning the buckling and post-buckling behaviour of columns
fixed-ended column. exhibiting almost identical critical local and distortional buckling loads
All the specimens tested (Cs and Rs) were found to fail in local– (PcrL ≈ PcrD — TI L–D interaction) and the performance of parametric
distortional interactive modes (“L–D”) — Figs. 12(a)–(b) show the studies aimed at gathering extensive failure load data. The results
deformed configurations, near collapse, of two C and two R column presented concern fixed-ended columns with (i) plain cross-sections,
specimens, which provide very clear experimental evidence of the such as lipped channels (C), hat-sections (H), zed-sections (Z), and
simultaneous occurrence of local and distortional deformations. rack-sections (R) [13], (ii) web-stiffened lipped channels (WSLC) [16]
However, it is worth noting that these L–D interaction stem from and (iii) web-flange-stiffened lipped channels (WFSLC) [18] experiencing
“secondary distortional bifurcation L–D interaction” [13], and not more or less severe L–D interaction effects, since they exhibit several
from the near coincidence of P crL and PcrD : indeed, P crD /PcrL varies combinations of (i) distortional-to-local critical buckling load ratios
from (i) 1.73 to 2.71 (C), and (ii) 1.31 to 1.46 (R). Interaction occurs (PcrD/PcrL), (ii) squash-to-non-critical buckling load ratios (Py/PcrMax)
because P y is “enough above” PcrD to allow for the development of and (iii) slenderness values.
L–D coupling before the plasticity effects become significant: Py/PcrD The numerical simulations were carried out by means of Abaqus
varies from (i) 1.09 to 6.10 (C), and (ii) 1.57 to 2.44 (R).8 SFEA [26], using existing models previously developed and validated
against experimental results by the authors [9,31] and also some
3.2. Other test results available in the literature recommendations from Schafer et al. [36]. The main characteristics
of the model employed are: shell finite element elastic–plastic anal-
Without claiming to be completely exhaustive, the experimental ysis using Riks's arc-length control strategy involving (i) columns
results available in the literature providing evidence of the occurrence discretized into fine meshes of 4-node isoparametric shell (S4) ele-
of L–D interaction in fixed-ended cold-formed steel columns are ments (length-to-width ratio close to 1, except in the lips and
co-authored by (i) Kwon and Hancock [6], Loughlan et al. [7] and intermediate stiffeners), (ii) end supports simulated by rigid
Kwon et al. [33,34], for plain lipped channel columns (there are plates attached to the end section centroids and (iii) steel material
also some results concerning plain hat-section columns in [34]), behaviour modelled by a linear-elastic/perfectly-plastic stress–
(ii) Kwon and Hancock [6], Kwon et al. [34], Yap and Hancock [14] strain curve (both residual stresses and corner strength effects
and He et al. [15], for web-stiffened lipped channel columns, (iii) Yang are disregarded).

Because of the possible occurrence of two distinct distortional buckling modes, one as-
It is worth noting that these test results were quite surprising at the time, due the fair- sociated with “short half-wave lengths” and the other with “long half-wave lengths”, two
ly separated critical local and distortional buckling loads. In fact, it may be said that types of L–D interaction are reported in this work. Due to the unusual cross-section shapes
interpreting/understanding this experimental evidence provided the motivation for the and the small number of test results reported in [35], it was decided to exclude them from
work reported in [13]. this study.
Table 1
Specimen dimensions, yield stresses, critical and yield-to-critical load ratios, failure loads (mm, kN).

Specimen bw bf bl bs L t Py PcrL PcrD PcrG P crD P crG Py PExp Obs.

P crL P crMax P crMax

C-1 104.9 81.6 15.2 – 2498 0.962 154 24 43 100 1.80 2.34 3.60 39.9 L–D
C-2 101.8 82.1 15.5 – 2499 0.984 157 26 46 98 1.73 2.14 3.44 42.1 L–D
C-3 94.9 80.9 16.9 – 2499 0.978 152 28 51 88 1.80 1.71 2.97 42.0 L–D
C-4 152.5 131.2 14.7 – 1425 1.227 320 33 57 1147 1.73 20.00 5.58 68.1 L–D

A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

C-5 152.4 131.0 15.8 – 1426 1.227 322 33 64 1161 1.92 18.19 5.03 71.0 L–D
C-6 154.5 141.0 15.0 – 1426 1.206 331 31 54 1223 1.76 22.57 6.10 67.7 L–D
C-7 110.5 82.2 16.1 – 1148 1.459 221 78 144 802 1.84 5.56 1.53 109.0 L–D
C-8 118.5 82.0 15.7 – 1149 1.453 225 70 138 900 1.97 6.51 1.63 102.8 L–D
C-9 118.6 81.9 15.9 – 1148 1.469 228 72 143 916 1.98 6.39 1.59 103.6 L–D
C-10 203.7 192.7 19.0 – 1852 1.478 458 42 76 2057 1.83 26.94 5.99 92.9 L–D
C-11 204.7 191.9 20.6 – 1849 1.459 454 41 87 2087 2.14 24.04 5.22 94.7 L–D
C-12 182.1 113.1 19.2 – 1030 1.934 290 99 243 4416 2.46 18.21 1.20 145.2 L–D
C-13 181.1 112.5 20.2 – 1026 1.915 287 97 263 4414 2.71 16.79 1.09 146.1 L–D
C-14 182.5 122.5 19.4 – 1027 1.974 309 108 252 4880 2.34 19.40 1.23 142.5 L–D
C-15 238.9 162.7 21.1 – 1946 1.966 400 79 158 2952 2.00 18.67 2.53 129.7 L–D
C-16 238.2 162.3 23.1 – 1947 1.947 398 78 174 2964 2.24 17.00 2.28 131.6 L–D
R-1 73.0 37.1 17.3 21.3 1300 1.002 112 52 72 111 1.37 1.55 1.57 58.2 L–D
R-2 78.4 47.4 17.2 21.0 1800 0.998 125 49 66 98 1.35 1.49 1.89 54.4 L–D
R-3 83.6 52.3 17.1 20.4 2100 0.982 129 43 63 92 1.46 1.46 2.05 54.3 L–D
R-4 88.6 57.2 17.2 21.3 2499 0.999 130 43 60 87 1.40 1.45 2.16 51.4 L–D
R-5 88.6 57.2 17.5 21.4 2500 0.981 138 41 59 84 1.45 1.43 2.34 51.0 L–D
R-6 83.5 52.5 17.3 21.6 1397 1.193 175 78 102 156 1.31 1.53 1.72 81.6 L–D
R-7 88.5 57.9 17.7 21.0 1599 1.186 184 72 99 152 1.38 1.53 1.86 79.8 L–D
R-8 93.7 67.3 17.4 20.8 1902 1.227 206 75 98 146 1.31 1.49 2.10 79.8 L–D
R-9 98.7 72.2 17.0 21.0 2501 1.201 211 66 87 121 1.32 1.39 2.42 75.5 L–D
R-10 98.8 72.2 17.2 20.8 2501 1.175 206 62 85 118 1.36 1.39 2.44 74.3 L–D

48 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

Top end plate

Rigid flat
bearing plate




Bottom end plate

(a) (b)

Fig. 11. Test rig and typical test set-up: (a) front and (b) side views (lipped channel specimen [9]).

(a) (b)
Fig. 12. Experimental evidence of the occurrence of L–D interaction in (a) C and (b) R column tests.

4.1. Buckling behaviour for fixed-ended steel columns (E = 210GPa; v = 0.30) with six com-
mon cross-section shapes: C + H + Z (identical local and distortional
The column geometry (cross-section dimensions and length) buckling behaviours), R, WSLC and WFSLC. The columns have identical
selection, ensuring different “levels” of L–D interaction, i.e., distinct PcrL and PcrD and each figure shows a Pcr vs. L (logarithmic scale) curve
ratios between PcrD and PcrL, was made by an educated “trial-and- and the “mixed” L–D buckling mode associated with the selected
error” procedure involving the performance of GBT buckling analysis column length LDL. Due to the virtual coincidence of PcrL and PcrD, it is
sequences using the code GBTUL [27] mainly due to its computational just logical to expect the selected column post-buckling behaviour
efficiency and modal nature. Figs. 13(a)–(d) illustrate this procedure (elastic or elastic–plastic) to be strongly influenced by L–D interaction.

Table 2
Summary of the available test results on cold-formed steel columns undergoing L–D interaction.


PCS Kwon and Hancock [6] 5 Loughlan et al. [7] 20

Kwon et al. [34] 5 Kwon et al. [33] 3

WSLC Yap and Hancock [14] 2 Kwon and Hancock [6] 3 He et al. [15] 5
Yap and Hancock [14] 9
He et al. [15] 4 He et al. [15] 8 Kwon et al. [33] 3
Kwon et al. [33] 7

WFSLC Yang and Hancock [17] 5 Yang and Hancock [17] 7

Total 6 42 38
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 49

Pcr (kN) Pcr (kN) R-sections Pcr (kN) WSLC Pcr (kN) WFSLC
150 75
300 15
125 C
H 250
60 12
100 120
80 45 9
75 1.6 150
160 30 90 6
50 80
10 100 12.5
1.6 190 1.05 0.405
25 120 50 2.32 15 120 3 120
LDL=100 80 (mm) LDL=185 (cm) L (mm) LDL=80 (cm) L (mm) LDL=140 (cm) L
0 (mm)
0 0 0
10 100 1000 L (cm) 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 10 100 1000
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 13. Pcr vs. L curves and “mixed” L–D buckling modes: (a) C + H + Z, (b) R, (c) WSLC, (d) WFSLC.

However, recall that it was found experimentally that L–D interaction 5. Direct Strength Method (DSM) Design
may also be significant when PcrL and PcrD are quite apart (secondary
bifurcation interaction). In order to attempt to establish conditions The well known and widely accepted “Effective Width Method”
under which L–D interaction is relevant, a systematic numerical (EWM) accounts for the local post-buckling strength reserve by
(Abaqus SFEA) investigation was carried out, involving columns reducing the widths of the individual compressed walls/plates forming
exhibiting different “levels” of L–D interaction — the outcome of this a thin-walled cross-section. However, the fact that its application to
research effort is briefly presented in the next section. cold-formed steel members with complex cross-sections (large wall
numbers, more or less involved lips and/or intermediate stiffeners) is
cumbersome and time-consuming has led to its progressive replace-
4.2. Parametric study: elastic–plastic post-buckling behaviour and ultimate ment by the Direct Strength Method (DSM). First proposed almost
strength two decades ago, by Schafer and Peköz [38], and based on an original
idea of Hancock et al. [39], the DSM is nowadays widely accepted as
After conducting a preliminary study to determine, for each cross- an efficient methodology to design cold-formed steel columns and
section type (C, H, Z, R, WSLC, WFSLC), the most detrimental column beams failing in local (fNL), distortional (fND) and global or interactive
initial geometrical imperfection shape, i.e., the one leading to local–global (fNE) modes.11 The method has now been shown to provide
the lowest column ultimate strength [11,18,31,37], parametric an efficient and general approach to obtain efficient (safe and accurate)
studies were performed to obtain numerical failure loads of initially estimates of the ultimate strength of cold-formed steel columns and
imperfect fixed-ended columns with the aforementioned cross- beams on the sole basis of the steel yield stress and elastic critical
section shapes and geometries leading to more or less severe L–D buckling stresses associated with local, distortional and global modes.
interaction effects 10 : P crD /P crL varying from 0.40 to 2.40 — each For columns, the DSM nominal strengths fNL and fND, which were mostly
value is associated with a different critical (local or distortional) calibrated against fixed-ended column results, are provided by “Winter-
slenderness, namely 1.00–1.25–1.50–1.75–2.00–2.50–3.00–3.25–3.50. type” expressions that can be found in Schafer's state-of-the-art report
The failure load data obtained was subsequently used to (i) identify [2]. Moreover, Schafer [41] also proposed two distinct strategies to esti-
the combinations of PcrD/PcrL and slenderness for which L–D interac- mate the failure loads of columns experiencing L–D interaction: replac-
tion is relevant (i.e., leads to a visible ultimate strength erosion), ing fy by either (i) fND in the fNL equations (NLD approach — fNLD) or (ii)
(ii) assess the merits of the currently codified Direct Strength fNL in the fND equations (NDL approach — fNDL). These approaches have
Method (DSM) design curves in predicting L–D interactive failures and already been employed by several authors — for instance, both were
(iii) provide guidance/validation concerning the search for DSM- adopted in [15], while only the former was considered in [17]. Later,
based design approaches able to capture efficiently the ultimate Silvestre et al. [10] proposed a novel DSM-based design approach, de-
strength erosion stemming from this coupling phenomenon — veloped in the context of fixed-ended C columns undergoing “true L–
these last two aspects are addressed in great detail in Section 5. D interaction” (MNDL approach — fMNDL), which was subsequently
The results obtained provided clear evidence that the ultimate shown to cover also H, Z and R-section columns by Dinis and Camotim
strength of fixed-ended cold-formed steel columns may be substan- [11].12 Recently, the authors extended and generalized the scope of
tially eroded by the occurrence of “true L–D interaction” and the above findings, namely by assessing the performance of the MNDL
“secondary distortional bifurcation L–D interaction” (if Py is above approach for “plain cross-section” [13], WSLC [16] and WFSLC [18] col-
PcrD) — the latter provides numerical corroboration for the experi- umns affected also by a “secondary (local or distortional) bifurcation L–
mentally observed L–D interaction reported in [8,9]. As for the D interaction”. This approach (i) coincides with fND for λD b 1.5 and, for
“secondary local bifurcation L–D interaction”, it was found to cause
quite minute failure load erosion, which means that it can be 11
In fact, the column distortional design curve was proposed in [39], even if a significant
neglected for design purposes. Figs. 14(a)–(f) display the deformed portion of the test specimens failed in L-D interactive modes and the corresponding failure
configurations and plastic strain distributions associated with L–D loads were used (incorrectly, in the authors' opinion) in the calibration of this curve, which
was based exclusively on experimental results. However, a recent numerical investigation
interactive collapses occurring in fixed-ended C, H, Z, R, WSLC,
on the influence of the cross-section shape and end support conditions on the ultimate
WFSLC columns experiencing “true L–D interaction” — note that, in strength of cold-formed steel columns buckling and failing in distortional modes [40]
the last figure, the presence of a large number of local half-waves showed that the current DSM distortional design curve adequately predicts the fixed-
with very small amplitudes is almost imperceptible. ended column failure loads.
This approach was developed, calibrated and validated on the basis of numerical
(SFEA) ultimate strength values concerning fixed-ended columns exhibiting RDL values
comprised between 0.90 and 1.10, i.e., the numerical results were restricted to columns
For details of these numerical studies see [13] for (PCS columns), [16] (WSLC columns) strongly affected by L–D interaction, for which the ultimate strength erosion is most se-
and [18] (WFSLC columns). vere (all are included in the “true L–D interaction” region [13]).
50 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Fig. 14. L–D interactive failure modes and plastic strain distributions in (a) C, (b) H, (c) Z, (d) R, (e) WSLC, (f) WFSLC columns.

more slender columns (λD ≥ 1.5), (ii) defines a modified local strength f (ii) As expected, in the RDL = 0.40 columns the fND values provide
⁎NL, dependent on the critical half-wave length ratio LcrD/LcrL (obtained fairly accurate ultimate strength estimates in the whole slender-
from simply supported column signature curves) and estimates the col- ness range, which means that there is no perceptible ultimate
umn ultimate strength by replacing fNL with f ⁎NL in the NDL equations – strength erosion due to L–D interaction. The same occurs in the
this modified local strength leads to fND and fNDL estimates for LcrD/ RDL = 0.60 and RDL = 0.80 C and WSLC columns. However, this
LcrL ≤ a and LcrD/LcrL ≥ b, where “a” and “b” are integers whose values de- is not true for the corresponding slender (λD ≥ 3.00) WFSLC
pend on the cross-section shape (see details in [18]). columns, as the fU/fy values are visibly overestimated by the
Next, a brief overview of the numerical failure loads reported in [13, distortional design curve, with the overestimation growing
16,18] is presented and discussed. These failure loads, which are with RDL, even if typical distortional collapse modes are observed
subsequently used to assess the quality of the corresponding DSM (minute local deformations were only detected in the most
predictions, concern a representative fraction/sample of the fixed- slender columns). To illustrate this assertion, Figs. 17(a1)–(c1)
ended columns analysed, which (i) display plain C, WSLC and WFSLC show the failure modes and corresponding plastic strains of
cross-sections (the first ones may also be viewed as representing the re- three columns with λcr = 3.50, namely a C column with RDL =
maining plain C + H + Z + R columns), (ii) are affected by various 0.58, a WSLC column with RDL = 0.50 and a WFSLC column
“levels” of (true and secondary bifurcation) L–D interaction, (iii) exhibit with RDL = 0.55 — Figs. 17(a2)–(c2) provide close-ups of
distinct RDL = PcrD/PcrL values, namely RDL = 0.40–0.60–0.80–1.00– the web-flange-web deformed configurations of the C-WSLC–
1.30–1.60–2.00, (iv) are analysed with 9 distinct yield stresses, covering WFSLC columns, which unveil the presence of small (but clearly
a wide critical (local or distortional) slenderness range (1.00–1.25– perceptible) local deformations.
1.50–1.75–2.00–2.50–3.00–3.25–3.50). (iii) On the other hand, the fNL values provide fairly accurate ultimate
Figs. 15(a1)–(b4) and 16(a1)–(b3) plot fU/fy against λL and λD for the strength estimates for the stocky columns with RDL N 1.00, which
7 C + WSLC + WFSLC column sets identified in the previous paragraph. exhibit typical local collapses. For instance, Figs. 18(a1)–(c1)
The numerical fU/fy values concerning each RDL value are compared with show the local collapse modes of three columns with λcr =
their DSM predictions13: (i) fNL or fND, and (ii) fNDL. Since the fMNDL de- 1.25, namely a C column with RDL = 2.40, a WSLC column with
pends on the LcrD/LcrL limit, which is different for each cross-section RDL = 2.00 (amplified 10 times) and a WFSLC column with
type, the corresponding strength curves are not shown, in order to im- RDL = 1.60 (also amplified 10 times) — the normal stress redistri-
prove the readability of the figures (more details can be found in [13,16, bution (shift from the more midwidth regions towards the stiffer
18]) — note the numerical assessment of the merits of the MNDL ap- corners), which is at the root of the “effective width concept”,
proach will be further discussed in Section 5.1. The observation of the is “illustrated” in these figures by the yields zones near
figure pairs makes it possible to extract the following conclusions: the web-flange and flange-lip corners. As for the slender
RDL N 1.00 columns (RDL = 1.30, RDL = 1.60, RDL = 2.00 —
(i) Although all the numerical fU/fy values are well aligned along
Figs. 16(a1)–(b3)), practically all their failure loads are well
“Winter-type” curves, those concerning the WFSLC columns
overestimated by the current DSM local and distortional design
decrease faster with λD, which is due to the lower post-critical
curves, thus providing clear evidence of the occurrence of signif-
stiffness, with respected to those exhibited by the C and WSLC
icant “secondary distortional bifurcation L–D interaction”.
columns, as reported in [18].
Figs. 18(a2)–(c2) depict the L–D interactive collapse modes of
columns differing from those in Figs. 18(a1)–(c1) only in the
Note that the NDL curve is column-dependent, since it depends on the L and D buck-
fact they have a much higher yield stress (λcr = 3.5). Naturally,
ling loads. Therefore, the NDL curves appearing in Figs. 15(a1)–(b4) and 16(a1)–(b3) are all
different. Conversely, the L and D curves are always the same in Figs. 15(a) and 16(a), and the λcr value for which L–D interaction ceases to be relevant
Figs. 15(b) and 16(b), respectively. increases with RDL. Moreover, generally speaking, the RDL N 1.00
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 51

RDL=0.40 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=0.40 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns

WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp WS-D Imp
P-D Imp 0.8 P-D Imp

0.6 D
0.2 NDL
0.0 λD
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a1) (b1)

RDL=0.60 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=0.60 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns

WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp WS-D Imp
P-D Imp 0.8 P-D Imp


λL 0.0 λD
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a2) (b2)

RDL=0.80 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=0.80 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns

WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp WS-D Imp
P-D Imp 0.8 P-D Imp

λL 0.0 λD
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a3) (b3)

RDL=1.00 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=1.00 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns

WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp WS-D Imp
P-D Imp 0.8 P-D Imp

0.6 D
NDL 0.2
λL 0.0 λD
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a4) (b4)

Fig. 15. Variation of fU/fy and corresponding DSM local and distortional strength predictions with (a) λL and (b) λD for (1)–(4) RDL = 0.40–0.60–0.80–1.00 (C, WSLC and WFSLC columns).

column ultimate strengths tend to be less overestimated by the (iv) In view of the content of the previous item, most of the
fNL values as RDL increases (switch from “true” to “secondary RDL = 0.80, RDL = 1.00, RDL = 1.30, RDL = 1.60 column
distortional bifurcation” L–D interaction) and λL decreases, as ultimate strengths are not accurately predicted by the
the L–D interaction effects become less relevant — the number current DSM local or distortional strength curves — it is
of accurate estimates, indicating local failures, grows (slowly) necessary to resort to the MNDL approach to obtain accurate
with RDL (see Figs. 16(a1)–(a3)). predictions.
52 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

RDL=1.30 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=1.30 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns

WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp 0.8 WS-D Imp
WS-L Imp WS-L Imp
P-D Imp
0.6 P-D Imp
P-L Imp P-L Imp
0.4 D
λL 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a1) (b1)
RDL=1.60 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=1.60 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns
WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp 0.8 WS-D Imp
WS-L Imp WS-L Imp
P-D Imp
0.6 P-D Imp
P-L Imp P-L Imp
NDL 0.2
λL 0.0 NDL λD
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a2) (b2)
RDL=2.00 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns fU /fy RDL=2.00 Plain+WS+WFS LC columns
WFS-D Imp 1.0 WFS-D Imp
WS-D Imp 0.8 WS-D Imp
WS-L Imp WS-L Imp
L P-D Imp
0.6 P-D Imp
P-L Imp D P-L Imp
λL 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
(a3) (b3)

Fig. 16. Variation of fU/fy and corresponding DSM local and distortional strength predictions with (a) λL and (b) λD for (1)–(3) RDL = 1.30–1.60–2.00 (C, WSLC and WFSLC columns).

(v) Naturally, in the RDL = 1.00 columns L–D interaction occurs in the (vii) Lastly, in view of what was mentioned in the previous item, it
whole slenderness range, as is clearly shown in Figs. 15(a4)–(b4) seems logical to expect that it may be possible to handle jointly
— this column is affected by strong “true L–D interaction”. The the design of WSLC and C columns exhibiting L–D interactive fail-
high ultimate strength erosion can be readily detected by looking ures. However, the same is not true for the WFSLC columns — sig-
at the difference between the numerical ultimate loads and their nificant differences were found in the high critical slenderness
fNL and fND estimates. range (λD N 2.50).15
(vi) Qualitatively speaking, the results concerning the C and WSLC
columns are very similar. Indeed, for identical RDL (same level of 5.1. Assessment of the numerical ultimate strength estimates
L–D interaction) and slenderness values, the WSLC and C column
fU/fy values are nearly coincident, even if the former are generally On the basis of the significant amount of numerical column failure
a bit higher.14 On the other hand, again for identical RDL and slen- loads obtained, it is possible to draw some conclusions concerning the
derness values, the WFSLC fU/fy values are, in general, higher quality of their DSM-based predictions. Figs. 19(a)–(d) plot, respective-
(stocky columns) and lower (slender columns) than those ly, fU/fND vs. λL, fU/fNL vs. λD, fU/fNDL vs. λD and fU/fMNDL vs. λD,16 concerning
concerning their WSLC and C counterparts — the ultimate the (i) “plain cross-section” (C, H, Z, R — Figs. 19(a1)–(d1) [13]) (ii)
strength degradation observed in the slender columns is related
to the lower post-critical stiffness observed in the WFSLC col- 15
Note that in the existing cold-formed specifications, the DSM “pre-qualified columns”
umns. cover only C (with simple or complex lips), WSLC, H, Z and R cross-sections — the WFSLC
columns are excluded.
The inclusion of the apparently “illogical” fU/fND vs. λL and fU/fNL vs. λD plots (instead of
Note that the failure loads of the two column sets were obtained considering the most the “logical” fU/fND vs. λD and fU/fNL vs. λL ones) was done to for clarity purposes, i.e., to im-
detrimental distortional initial imperfections, which are distinct in both columns. While prove the “readability” — although both plot pairs contain the same information, in the lat-
the former involve inward flange-lip motions, the latter is associated with outward ter the points corresponding to the various ratio values are located on the same vertical
flange-lip motions. line and “on top of each other”.
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 53

(a1) (b1) (c1)

(a2) (b2) (c2)

Fig. 17. Failure modes and plastic strains of the (a1) RDL = 0.58 C, (b1) RDL = 0.50 WSLC and (c1) RDL = 0.55 WFSLC columns with λcr = 3.50, including (a2) web, (b2) top flange and (c2)
web close-ups.

(a1) (b1) (c1)

(a2) (b2) (c2)

Fig. 18. Failure modes and plastic strains of the (a) RDL = 2.40 C, (b) RDL = 2.00 WSLC and (c) RDL = 1.60 WFSLC columns with (1) λcr = 1.25 and (2) λcr = 3.50.

WSLC (Figs. 19(a2)–(d2) [16]), and (iii) WFSLC (Figs. 19(a3)–(d3) [19]) 5.2. Assessment of the experimental ultimate strength estimates
columns. Note that Figs. 19(a)–(b) include only results of columns with
RDL ≤ 1.0 and RDL N 1.0, respectively, while Figs. 19(c)–(d) include all the After having assessed the quality of the estimates of the numerical
columns analysed. The observation of these figures prompts the follow- failure loads, attention is now turned to presenting and discussing
ing comments: a similar procedure for the experimental failure loads available
in the literature concerning the (plain and stiffened) column tests
(i) First of all, as already mentioned by several authors, the current (see Sections 3.1 and 3.2).17 For the sake of clarity, it was decided to
DSM local and distortional design curves (fNL and fND) are unable address first the results concerning “plain cross-section” columns,
to predict adequately the ultimate strength erosion due to L–D in- presented in Figs. 20(a1)–(b1). Then, the results concerning columns
teraction. As expected, the local curve estimates exhibit very poor with stiffened cross-sections (WSLC and WFSLC), presented in
indicators, with the sole exception of the stocky columns with Figs. 20(a2)–(b2), will be dealt with.18
high RDL, which collapse in pure local modes and, thus, are not af- Figs. 20(a1)–(b1) plot the appropriate sets of fExp/fNDL and fExp/fMNDL
fected by L–D interaction — the worst indicators correspond to ratios against the distortional slenderness — the use of the word
the WFSLC columns: mean and standard deviation equal to 0.77 “appropriate” means that (i) Figs. 20(a1) includes all experimental
and 0.22, and minimum of 0.39. The same applies to the fND pre- results and (ii) Figs. 20(b 1) includes only the results concerning
dictions, although their quality is higher than that of the fNL esti- specimens with 0.70 b RDL b 1.60, i.e., inside the domain of applica-
mates. Note that all unsafe estimates in Figs. 19(a1)–(a3) concern tion of the MNDL approach — as shown in Table 2, this includes all
either columns experiencing “true L–D interaction” or quite slen- the tests reported by Kwon and Hancock [6], Dinis et al. [9] and
der (λD N 2.5) WFSLC columns (see Figs. 19(b1)–(b3)) — in this re- Kwon et al. [34], as well as specimen A-8-4-1000 from Kwon et al.
gard, note also how the WFSLC column “estimate cloud” differs [33]. The first plot clearly shows that, in general, the NDL approach
from its plain and WSLC counterparts. provides safe predictions of the experimental failure loads (moreover,
(ii) The fNDL values provide safe failure load estimates for no unsafe estimate has fExp/fNDL below 0.86), but a fair number of
practically all columns analysed. However, a large fraction of them are excessively conservative — the overall fExp/fNDL mean and stan-
the numerical failure loads are excessively underestimated, dard deviation are equal to 1.13 and 0.20. It should be noted that, if the
particularly in low-to-moderate slenderness range. Nevertheless, specimens with “doubtful” L–D interactive collapses [8] are removed,
the fNDL estimates concerning the WFSLC columns exhibit bet- the fExp/fNDL indicators improve to 1.05 and 0.18, respectively.19 As for
ter indicators than their plain and WSLC counterparts — see the second plot, it shows that the fMNDL estimates are a bit on the unsafe
Figs. 19(c1)–(c3). side, as reflected by the fact that the overall fExp/fMNDL mean and
(iii) Clearly, the fMNDL values provide the best failure load estimates,
as readily confirmed by looking at Figs. 19(d1)–(d3) and corre-
sponding fU/fMNDL indicators. Note that the worst among them 17
At this stage, it should be noted that most of the tests results on column L–D interac-
are associated with the WFSLC columns, even if they still consti- tion available in the literature were obtained from studies that did not have the investiga-
tute very good predictions, as attested by their mean (1.00), tion of this coupling phenomenon as their primary objective — [8,9,17] are exceptions to
standard derivation (0.10), minimum value (0.79) and maxi- this “rule”.
Due to space limitations, only the overall results are presented. However, the individ-
mum value (1.22). Moreover, note that this is, at present, the ual results (per author) can be found in [13], for “plain cross-section” columns, and in [18],
most efficient (safe and accurate) DSM-based design approach for web and web-flange stiffened lipped channel columns.
against column failing in L–D interactive modes. 19
Recall that, in the authors' opinion, these specimens failed in pure local modes.
54 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

fU/fND Plain fU/fND WS fU/fND WFS

1.5 1.5 1.5
Mean=1.08 Mean=1.03 Mean=0.94
St. Dev.=0.08 St. Dev.=0.08 St. Dev.=0.14

1.0 1.0 1.0

or or
λL λL 0.5 λL
0.5 0.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
(a1) (a2) (a3)
fU/fNL Plain fU/fNL WS fU/fNL WFS
1.5 1.5 1.5
Mean=0.79 Mean=0.77
St. Dev.=0.14 St. Dev.=0.22
St. Dev.=0.15 1.0
1.0 1.0

λD λD
0.5 or
0.5 0.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
(b1) (b2) (b3)
fU/fNDL Plain fU/fNDL WS fU/fNDL WFS
2.0 2.0 2.0
Mean=1.28 Mean=1.28 Mean=1.20
St. Dev.=0.17 St. Dev.=0.18 St. Dev.=0.08
1.5 1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0 1.0

λD λD 0.5 λD
0.5 0.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
(c1) (c2) (c3)
1.5 1.5 1.5
Mean=1.03 Mean=1.00 Mean=1.00
St. Dev.=0.06 St. Dev.=0.07 St. Dev.=0.10

1.0 1.0 1.0

λD λD 0.5 λD
0.5 0.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
(d1) (d2) (d3)

Fig. 19. Plots of (a) fU/fND vs. λL, (b) fU/fNL vs. λD, (c) fU/fNDL vs. λD and (d) fU/fMNDL vs. λD, concerning all the numerical failure loads for (1) plain (C, H, Z, R), (2) WSLC and (3) WFSLC columns.

standard deviation are equal to 0.93 and 0.10 — note that the removal of Figs. 20(a2)–(b2) shows similar plots but concerning web and web-
the single test result reported in [33] and all the hat column test results flange-stiffened lipped channel columns. Again, Figs. 20(a2) includes all
reported in [34] would improve the above indicators to 0.98 and 0.07.20 experimental results and Figs. 20(b2) only those to which the MNDL ap-
proach is applicable — this means that it does not include specimens
(i) SWC2000_1 and SWC2000_2, from [14], (ii) WSC20-1000-1,
WSC20-1000-2 and WSC20-1000-3, from [15], (iii) LC800a, LC800b,
In the tests reported in [33,34], the specimen fixed-ended support conditions are a bit
“suspicious”, since they were achieved through polyester resin capping system. If this ar-
LC800sa and LC800sb, from [17], and (iv) B-6-2-400, B-6-1-400 and
rangement is not capable of ensuring fully fixed-ended columns at high load levels (as the B-8-1-400, from [34]. The first plot shows that the NDL approach pro-
authors believe), it seems logical to expect lower experimental failure loads. vides satisfactory predictions (fExp/fNDL mean and standard deviation
A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57 55

fExp /fNDL fExp /fMNDL

2.0 1.50
Mean=1.13 Kwon & Hancock [6] Mean=0.93
St. Dev.=0.20 Loughlan et al. [7] St. Dev.=0.10
Kwon et al. [33] 1.25
Young et al. [8]
Dinis et al. [9] 1.00
Kwon et al. [34]
λD λD
0.5 0.50
0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75
(a1) (b1)
fExp /fNDL fExp /fMNDL
1.50 1.50
Mean=0.97 Kwon & Hancock [6] Mean=0.83
St. Dev.=0.15 Yap & Hancock [14] St. Dev.=0.13
1.25 Kwon et al. [33] 1.25
He et al. [15]
1.00 Yang & Hancock [17] 1.00

0.75 0.75
λD λD
0.50 0.50
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
(a2) (b2)

Fig. 20. Plots (a) fExp/fNDL vs. λD and (b) fExp/fMNDL vs. λD concerning the available experimental results for (1) “plain cross-sections” and (2) web and web-flange-stiffened lipped
channel columns.

equal to 0.97 and 0.15), even if most of them (32 out of 53) are unsafe data gathered for several cross-section shapes, which provided clear
and the scatter is quite high. Moreover, it is worth noting that some evidence of the occurrence of L–D interaction effects, were used (i) to
fExp/fNDL values are clearly (i) above 1.0 (the 4 tests from [17] and 2 confirm the inability of the current (local and distortional) DSM design
tests from [6]) or (ii) below 1.0 (specimen B-6-1-1200 from [33] is the curves to predict the ultimate strength erosion stemming from L–D inter-
“extreme case”). On the other hand, Fig. 20(b2) shows that, in general, action and (ii) develop and assess the merits of DSM-based design ap-
the fMNDL values provide worst estimates of fExp than their fNDL counter- proaches specially aimed at handling cold-formed steel columns failing
parts, in the sense that the numbers and amounts of the overestimations in L–D interactive modes.
are considerably larger, as reflected by the fairly poor fExp/fMNDL indica- Among the various conclusions drawn from this investigation, the
tors: 0.83 (mean) and 0.13 (standard deviation). Nevertheless, it is following ones deserve to be specially mentioned, as they reflect the
worth noting that the fMNDL values predict quite well (better than the knowledge acquired by the authors in the last few years:
fNDL ones) the failure loads reported in [6,17].
It may be readily concluded that the use of the MNDL approach (i) First of all, there are two markedly different types of L–D interac-
to predict the WSLC and WFSLC column experimental failure loads tion, namely “true L–D interaction” and “secondary (local or
is not as successful as its application to the “plain cross-section” distortional) bifurcation L–D interaction”. The former is associated
columns — recall that this design approach provided equally good esti- with close critical local and distortional buckling loads (PcrL and
mates of the numerical failure loads concerning the two sets of column. PcrD) and is characterized by local and distortional deformations
Thus, further investigation, both numerical and experimental, is required emerging at early loading stages. In the latter, characterized by
to clarify this matter (fresh insight on the post-buckling behaviour and PcrD/PcrL values well above (“secondary distortional bifurcation”)
ultimate strength of the web and web-flange-stiffened lipped channel or below (“secondary local bifurcation”) 1.0, the “non-critical”
columns is needed). In particular, the authors plan to carry out a test cam- deformations only emerge at fairly advanced loading stages —
paign involving columns with these two cross-section in the near future. providing, of course, that the squash load Py lies enough above
the non-critical buckling load.
6. Concluding remarks (ii) Although the two types of L–D interaction may occur in simply
supported and fixed-ended columns, their extent and relevance
This paper provided an overview of the research activity carried out are considerably higher in the latter. In fact, only the “true L–D
by the authors in the last few years on the non-linear behaviour and interaction” is relevant in simply supported columns, as both
design of cold-formed steel thin-walled columns experiencing L–D “secondary bifurcation L–D interactions” were found to have
interaction. The results presented and discussed were obtained from very little (if any) influence on the column failure load. In
GBT geometrically non-linear analyses, experimental tests and Abaqus fixed-ended columns, on the other hand, a secondary bifurcation
shell finite element simulations. The experimental and numerical failure may lead to significant failure load erosion, particularly when
loads gathered were also used to develop and assess the merits of local buckling precedes distortional buckling and the squash
DSM-based design approaches for columns under these circumstances. load is well above the critical distortional buckling load.
The columns analysed have several cross-section shapes, both plain (iii) The same qualitative behavioural features were unveiled in the
(no intermediate stiffeners) and stiffened, and exhibited different “levels” context of fixed-ended “plain cross-section” and stiffened lipped
of L–D interaction. After illustrating and mechanically characterising, channel columns. In particular, it was found that only the
with the help of GBT-based modal results, the most relevant behavioural “secondary local bifurcation L–D interaction” may be ignored
features underlying this coupling phenomenon, both experimental and for design purposes, since the current DSM distortional strength
numerical (Abaqus SFEA) results concerning the column elastic–plastic curve provide accurate estimates. “True L–D interaction” and
post-buckling behaviour and ultimate strength were presented and “secondary distortional bifurcation L–D interaction” must be
discussed. Then, the experimental and numerical failure mode and load taken in account in column design, since they may cause
56 A.D. Martins et al. / Structures 4 (2015) 38–57

significant failure load erosion and, thus, leading to unsafe de- [2] Schafer BW. Review: the direct strength method of cold-formed steel member
design. J Constr Steel Res 2008;64(7–8):766–78.
signs. [3] Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS). Cold-Formed Steel Structures – AS/NZS
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