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Registered nurse resume

Registered nurses are always in need throughout California. There is a constant

change of this specialty workforce due to the availability of new nurses opposed to
those leaving California or leaving the profession. A year ago there were 292,565
registered nurses, in the state, with current licenses.

The Inflow and Outflow of Nurses

In major studies the term 'inflow' is used to refer to registered nurses currently
available to go to work. The term, 'outflow' refers to those leaving the state of
California or people who have left the nursing field for one reason or another. This
can refer to people who have retired, allowed their license to lapse, or left the state.
Studies also rely on the different factors that affect the workforce. This can include
such things as our present economic situation.

California Nurse Education Initiative

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger introduced the California Nurse

Education Initiative in 2005. The program was funded for five years at a cost of $90
million. The purpose of the program has been to add thousands of nurses to the
hospital and health care facilities. It was determined that CA colleges graduated less
than 6,000 nurses each year. However, 9,5000 new nurses are needed to keep pace
with the demand. When this program was created the state suffered a shortage of
14,000 nurses. This program will end during our current year. It has not been
announced if this program, or a similar program, will be available in future years.

The Forecasts of the Registered Nurse Workforce in California

Late last year California presented a forecast for Registered Nurses, in regards to the
workforce, for 2009-2030. The report was careful to consider different factors such as
the aging of the RN workforce, new graduates, and so forth. The report forecast that
California would have 458,733 Registered Nurses by 2030. The report took into
account the fact that California was in a deep recession when the report was
completed. Prior to this the state had faced a significant long-term shortage. The
report indicates the shortage of qualified nurses will resume once the recession ends.
Previous forecasts agreed that the shortage would worsen unless steps were taken in
order for California to increase the supply. It states that just last year the state suffered
a shortage of 30,000 Registered Nurses.

It is clear that California continues to suffer from a shortage of Registered Nurses.

Unless some drastic measures are taken, this outlook remains in the horizon for a
number of years ahead. If you're interested in becoming an RN you should look for a
CA Registered Nursing school in your area.

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