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Community Chorus
Eric Quincy Tate Udall Warns Citizens
To Hold Concert
Performs At Ga. College The 100 voice choir of the
Baldwin County Community That Earth's Resources
We then tried to sign Buddy Chorus will present selections
Eric Quincy Tate will provide from the REQUIEM by Johannes

Are Running Out

the music for the year's Miles. We signed the contracts
and were told that they would be Brahms, on Wednesday
Homecomming Concert. February 7th at 8:00 p.m. in
Previously scheduled to play signed and returned early inj
were Bill Withers, Buddy Miles, January. On January loth we Russell Auditorium.
The choir, under the direction Quite a number of citicens are suburban dwelling will soon be
and Billy Preston. The Student received notice that Buddy over. In the future, apartment,
Activities Committee started Miles Band was in the process of Martin Bittick, is made up of now ready to admit that the
Georgia College students as well environment of earth is not all it dwellings will be taking the place
planning for the concert back in of breaking up and until the of private homes.
August. regrouped they could not keep as singers from Milledgeville, used to be. In fact, more and
Macon, and Sparta. The nucleus more Americans realize that our He severely criticized our use
We tried to sign Bill Withers any dates. The same basic of the automible. Detroit has
problem applied to Billy of the choir is the Georgia College environment is in serious trouble
during the last part of Sep- Mixed Chorus. and that our natural resources produced 13 million automobiles,
tember. We were assured to Preston. and yet in a decade the nation
contracts were on their way, On January 15th, Billy The Concert will include a are running out.
performance by the Georgia, In the past few years the space won't be producing enough
until we received notice in the Preston cancelled due to a petroleum to run them. Southeast
middle of November that Bill recording session. We were College Women's Chorale program has led many to be
presenting "MIRIAMS SONG OF optomistic about this problem. Asia is the last great oil field,
Withers had decided to take the very lucky in that Eric Quincy therefore, to operate so many
entire month of January off and Tate had an open date. Even TRIUMPH by Franz Schubert. We felt that we could eventually
Soloiest for this work will be Dale colonize other planets and use autos we will have to import. He
therefore, could not play. though you may be dissap- believes that the price of gasoline
pointed because of the other Foster of Gray, Georgia. Ac- their resources to replace those
companist for the Choral is Sara that have been used and wasted will then be so high that most
cancellations, you will not be
Colonnade disappointed once you hear
this group. So make it to the
of Hattiesburg,

The community chorus will

on earth. Environmentalists such
as former Secretary of Interior,
Stewart Udall, who spoke at the
of our foolish motor trips will be
out of the question. He suggest
that towns and cities develop
concert for a great time. good systems of public tran-
CutieOf Student Activities Committee perform most of the choruses
from the REQUIEM and will
feature Jim R.Smith, Baritone,
Georgia College campus on
January 17, are killing such
sportation and that citizens use

The Week Spirit Trophy from Americus, Georgia.

Organist for the REQUIEM will
Udall stated that we < cannot
depend on such a program. All we
According to Udall, there is no
way out we have a hortage
be Dr. Robert F. Wolfersteig. can count on is earth's resources, problem and we will have to live
The Drummer's Club is with it. The Colonnade asked if he
awarding a trophy to the Dorm, Vacations represented in the and we are rapidly using these, in
Community Chorus: Student, many cases wastefully. He ad- thinks we can still save our
Club, or Organization that shows planet. He replied that he just
the most spirit at the rest of the Teacher, Professors, Preachers, vises Americans to redefine
Forester, Social workers, progress. didn't know, we might, if we
Colonials home basketball seriously start now. He stated
games. The judging will start Musicians, Secretaries, Mer- In the past, said Udall,
cants. progress and bigness were one that the government was acting
with the Homecoming Basketball more favorably as the SST air-
game. Also, at the Homecoming and the same. Every town, city
plane incident shows. He also
game, a trophy will be given
away for the Dorm, Club, or
Garden Club and state wanted to grow, to be
bigger. Now a few cities are praised young people for being
less materialistic than his own
realizing that better cities not
Organization that shows the most larger cities should be their aim. generation. He feels the younger
spirit at the game.
Each Dorm, Club, or
Lecturer To We are running out of land for generation is more aware of the
environmental situtation.
expanding, and the heyday of
Organization must sign up at the
check-out desk at Maxwell
College Union Lounge by next
Speak At GC
Wednesday Jan. 24. Each group
should provide its own way of
being recognized by the judges.
Mrs. A.T. Beauregard will be
guest lecutuer in Biology 502,
Field Bontany, January 20, 10:00
Judges will award a First, HELP!! ANY CLASS, APPLICATIONS TO BE IN iS
Second, and Third place for each a.m. in room 230 of Herty Hall.
The lecturer is a renowned ORGANIZATION, OR CLUB FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, BY
Dominie LeVasseur Sophomore. game and scores will be compiled garden club lecturer and known PRESIDENT WHO DID NOT 5:00. ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT
Major-undecided from Cedar at the last home game with the for her excellence in horticulture. RECEIVE AN APPLICATION DISPLAY MAY BE DIREC-
Rapids, Iowa. trophy being awarded at half- FOR DISPLAY FOR TED TO WALTER YOUNG.
time to the winning group. The "Gardens of the World" will be
the topic of the slide lecture. All HOMECOMING, PLEASE GO CPO 852. REMEMBER-WE
interested persons are cordially
You And awarded at the Homecoming
Dance. So get your group
together and support the
invited to attend. MAXWELL UNION AND PICK
The Draft
Dr. Stanitski
Baseball Tryout
Selective Service Local Boards
halve been advised to further All those interested in trying
To Speak At Please Send All Articles
postpone until June 1973 those out for the Georgia College
teachers under an order to report
for induction or who are
Baseball Team come to the
GC February 1
presently in a postponed status if
HPER Building Thursday,
January 18,at3:00 p.mfor a brief Dr. Conrad Stanitski of Georgia
To Gregg Duckworth
they wish to have continued meeting. Please meet in room State University will speak as
postponement. This action was 103. Should this by chance not part of the chemistry seminar.
taken due to the fact that there is
no January Induction Call.
All teachers eligible for such a
makejhe press by the 18th, go by
and see Coach McNamee in the
HPER Building as soon as
He will speak on Feb. 1st at 7
p.m. in Herty auditorium. The
topic of his speech will be
postponement will be contacted possible if you are interested in "General Overview of Solid State
by their local boards. trying for the Team. Chemistry". •M«:»K»Kv ;':'W'X':'X':-:'X-X'X':<-w«:-x-www:^x-^^ »»»»:'
JANUARY 22, 1973 '\'"^t- 'r,;c, :;,'i't ^ r r r •'»
JANUARY 22, 1973
Why GG? EDITORIPIL Departmental Best Of The Cinema

by Gregg
I have often wondered why
College because of its degree of
News Baisden Conducts Research
the students at Georgia College
chose this college to be their
education. Georgia College is a
very hard college and many
History Dept.
Oldies But Groovies? Virginia Baisden, graduate and instead the ships would be
loaded with rocks as ballast. The
place for getting an education. students admire this degree of student in biology at G.C., will be
Oldies but groovies? Yep, on own popcorn) comes a thriller conducting research on the flora ballast was dumped in the marsh
There are many reasons which hardness. the night of January 22 in Russell cartoon rendition of Edgar Allan and ecological factors effecting
The Georgia Political Science and subsequently the rock islands
support this statement. The Another reason is the school's Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Pho Mu Poe's "The Tell-tale Heart." The the flora found on ballast piles
Association is to hold its annual were formed. Over the years,
education level of Georgia's size. Georgia College is nothing Alpha is showing three fantastic story, narrated by James Mason, under the direction of Dr. Harriet
meeting at Stone Mountain vegetation gradually invaded
colleges puts Georgia College to be compared with a movies. is explored by the magic of Whipple. The two biologist visited
February 2-3, 1973. Drs, Taylor, these islands.
third ranking in the state. university. In a university, a The first is a classic comedy cartoonery and may prove to be these islands over the Christmas
Surely this does not bring Hemphill, Childers, and Elowitz
student can get lost because of frorn Georgia College History with W.C. "That Fatal one of the most terrifying ex- holidays.
students to this college. How There has been little research
the large congregation of Dept. are to attend. Dr.Elowitz Glass of Beer." 'Tis said that this periences you will ever have!!
wrong this statement can be. These ballast piles were for- done on formations such as these.
people. But, here at Georgia. will be on the program, is one of Field's greatest movies.
Many students come to Georgia To dispel any hopes or rumors med furing the 19th and early Areas that will be examined are:
College, no one has the problem presenting a paper on "Career in The second is a silent Keystone that may be floating around on
20th centuries when sailing the type of vegetation; ecological
of getting to class on time VietNam." We are proud of you, Kops comedy "The Desperate campus ADMISSION WILL BE
vessels from all parts of the factors; and the possibility of the
Winter?? (because of distance), and the
professor can spend more time
Dr. Elowitz. Scoundrel." Dr. Robert F. CHARGED!!! The price isn't
Wolferstieg will be gracing the much and well worth it-$1.00
world would sail to the Georgia
coast for lumber and other-
introduction of new species not
native the coast of Georgia. This
with the individual student. piano on this one. di'ag, 75 cents stag. Everyone is products. Many times the ships research will be conducted on
You're Kidding A final reason why students
come to Georgia College is the
After the intermission (in urged to come$$
which you may buy tons of Cokes
would not be carrying enough
cargo to keep from capcizing
serveal ballast piles located on
the Intercoastal Waterway in
Aw, I know the calendar says
stragetic location within the
state. This location enables
Wins Scholorship in the lobby, but must bring your Derrell Smith during the long, rough voyage Mcintosh County, Georgia.
it's supposed to be winter, but students state-wide to come to Phillip Newton, who is history
that doesn't necessarily make it Georgia College without being major, won a scholarship with all
so. From the standpoint of
weather outside it could very well
be October.
To tell you the truth I never
so far from their home. Out of
state students like Georgia
College because of Georgia's
climate and atmosphere.
expenses paid, and effective at
Christmas. He will live and study
in community in Milton, Mass., in Educational Department News
knew how much I liked snow and
winter until I came here and
don't have it. It's rather irritating
Needless to say, I think
Georgia College is one of the
best all-rounded colleges in the
Stage Band Workshop To Be Held the Boston area, in the American
Museum this summer. He will be We all know G.C's education serving on the Valdosta State
in the company of many departments professors are College Visiting Committee, Feb.
Associates of Business History. active in many different kinds of 5-7. The new Education Center at
school and academic libraries in
the middle Ga. area.
Washington D.C. on January 25
through the 27.
to have your brothers and sisters Mr. Jerry Franson Will be in 'We, the students, complain
state. Georgia College fits all or jobs and task. Valdosta is toopenori Feb.l.
write and tell you what fun Band directors who have Liberty Bowl in Memphis. feature the three workshop Cochan and Griffen next week about our outside work; however,
most of the needs of the average Did you know that the Dr. John Lounsbury and Dean Mr. Fred FYeeman is serving in
they've been having and how played in the past for such well- McLure once played stage bands and. the Georgia concerning the putting together it is very plain to see that the G.C.
student. Simpson will attend on January a Developmental Program as a of two student teaching centers in Education Deartment professors
school has been out for the past known orchestra leaders as saxaphone for Billy Butterfield College stage band under the Parthenon in Athens has 24, an institutional orientation graduate counselor. He is those different schools.
week on account of snow and ice Woody Herman, Henry Man- and for the Tommy Dorsey direction of James Willoughby, do much more than come todass
when you're stuck down here Prof. Savage cini, and Billy Butterfield and
young musicians for 15 Georgia
orchestra once led by Warren
Covington and for the Ringling
assistant professor of music and
workshop organizer.
no straight lines? session sponsored by NCATE. enrolled in an MSW program at
The. meeting will be held in the University of Georgia. He
The students also will be in-
terested to know that Miss
and teach us how to become
better ihdividuals and good""''
going crazy with classes and
high schools will converge on Brothers-Barnum and Bailey The workshop and concert are Memphis. The new standars and officially is attached to Learning Maxine Wills will attend The teachers. They are alwa^a
extracurricular activities and
are just dying for even half-a- To Speak At Georgia College on Feb. 2-3 for Circus Band. being sponsored by the National Maxwell College related matters will be discussed. Services Center at Central State American Association of looking and searching for better
a stage band workshop and Vander Gheynst has played Association of Jazz Educators Georgia College will be visited in Hospital. We are very glad to Elementary-Kindergarten- ways to benefit their students.
day's holiday.
Not only are the calendar and musical program. professionally with Woody and the Georgia College Union News 1974-75 with "self-Study" going on have Mr. Freeman with us. Nursery Educators conference to And to help G.C grow and prosper
Mother Nature out of whack, but
if you cared to look behind the
GC February 2 The workshop will be held in
two auditoriums on campus,
Herman and the Thundering
Herd and with the orchestras of
department of music. Willough-
by is president of the Georgia The next time you want to
next year. Also Dr. Lounsbury
has been appointed to a TEPS
Mr. Charles Beard, director of
the library, will be present at the
explore research on "Children
Values, Feelings, and Morals, in
to become a finer institution than
it already is.
Honors Dorm you'd find the The Georgia College Porter and Peabody, while the Les Elgart, Buddy Greco, unit of the association. make a phone call between the Committee group, to study " Middle Georgia Consortium
hyacinths, redbuds, and even an Mathematics Lecture Series musical concert will be staged Richard Maltby, and Henry Participating high school hours of 8 am and 11 pm in the levels of certification." This Planning Committee in Macon
presents Professor Richard College Union feel free to drop in group will meet on Jan. 20 in Jan. 19 to plan a cooperative THERE IS A GIFT SHOP
occasional violet blooming, while
Savage of Florida State
in Russell Auditorium, and will Mancini. musicians will come from I your thin dime to "Ma Bell". The Atlanta. Dr. Luunsbury is also organazation among public N MILLEDGEVILLE
in front of the President's feature the Ga. College stage The other clinicains have also Athens, Fitzgerald, Brunswick,
Mansion the daffodils have got University. Professor Savage Band. had a varied background in Gainesville, Jesup, Macon, two public telephones are located
even the robins beaten. will speak on Mathematics, Bandsmen will audition for popular music. Milledgeville, Rome, near the book store next to the

Maxwell Menu
What are we going to do? It's Statistics, and Behavior Scien- three stage bands to be organized The concert on Feb. 3 will Statesboro, and Waycross.. bullentin boards. General
too chilly for a sweater, too warm ces. during the workshop and Telephone finally came
for a winter coat. What season is The lecture will be presented rehearse on Feb. 2 and rehearse through....thanks to Miss
this, anyway-fall, winter, or on February 2, at 10:00 a.m. in again on Feb. 3 for the concert Tomlin!
spring??? Anybody have an the Chappell Hall Auditorium on that night. In addition to the background 22-25, L973
idea? the Georgia College Campus. Band directors or trained music that has been pleasantly
musicians who will serve as warming our ears the college 116 Soutt) W t y M StTMt

^*= union is now in possission of two Lunch
^e clinicains for the workshop will Supper Mill«dg«vllU, QMrgia 31001
more background music tapes by Mon. Salisbury Steak & Gravy geef Liver and onions or
ERIC QUINCY TATE include Dr. Thomas C.
Ferguson, director of bands at 3M-these are Modified Rock and
Contempo. Your comments will
Chicken Pie & Cranberry Sauce Macaroni-Burger Casserole THAT SPECIAL PLACe....FOR THAT SPECIAL Q I F T '

Memphis State University since

in concert 1960; Larry G. McLure, band be appreciated. By the way the Tues. Beef Pot Roast or Baked corn Dogs or Grilled Burgers
Russell Aud. Fr. Jan. 26 - 8 PM ^ director at the new Cedar High music may not be heard for a Sauerkraut & Smoked Ham " Give us the old song and dance.
School in Macon; Paul J. while because the tape player has «r J « 1 J m , t.r^- u ^cat Loaf & Brown Gravy or
Vander Gheynst, director of stopped functioning...what next? Wed. Baked Turkey &'Cranberry Bar-B-Que Pork
alsoPHEADRA jazz studies at Columbus
Sauce or Ham Casserole

$ 1 . 0 0 students with I.D.

College; William Robison of the **Hlstory Is to the nation Thur. Roast Beef or Chicken Fried Chicken or Taco Dogs &
Berry College music faculty; Chile
and Steve Kent of Macon, a GC what memory is to Salad
$ 2 . 0 0 guests student, drummer in the college FYi. Fried Ocean Perch & Tartar Grilled Ham or Tuna Salad
stage band, and professional
mankind." Sauce or baked Lasagna
LIBERAtlON musician.
The sextet of clinicians will

Reza Javad
is back for HOMECOMING DANCE also be featured soloists during
Cafeteria - Sat. Jan. 27 - 8 PM the concert on Feb. 3 in

$ 1 . 0 0 students with I.D. $ 2 . 0 0 guests

Jt; iMs
Russell.Dr. Ferguson has
(raveled as a pianist with Ray
McKinley and the Glenn Miller
Iranian Students
Orchestra and with Ralph
Materie and once served as an
instructor for the Army Band
Master Warrant officer
At Georgia College
Colonnade Staff
Editor-in-Chief Gregg Duckworth
program at the U.S. Naval
School of Music in Washington,
D.C. Ferguson recently served
Two brothers, Reza Khezri and
Javad Khezri, both from Shiraz,
Iran, are continuing their
Washington, D.C. From there
he transferred to ABAC, and
then here with his brother.
Associate Editor Eve Warren as director of pageantry for the education here at Georgia Talking to Javad, he states,
Business Manager Mark Roe College. Reza, 27, transferred "Persia is real different from
Layout Editor Jame Edmunds from ABAC in Tifton, Ga. this any other country in the world, Any old song and dance. magicians-anything that's
News Feature Editor Jacquelyn Jones past quarter. Reza is planning to No one in Persia works except Give us the old soft shoe. entertaining.
Art Editor Tommy Beacham New Colonnade continue his major program, the Father of the family. Or a comedy routine (this Auditions are open to
Literary Editor Kitty McGarity which is computer science, here Education is also very different. needn't be old—we hope anyone 16 years of age or
it isn't—hoy, do we hope
Sports Editor
Al Messer
Melvin Moses and Jerry Amerson
Policy On All at Georgia College. In a recent
Material thai I am learning now
in college, I had in the fifth it isn't). We're auditioning
older. Just remember the
main requirement—you
interview with Reza, he states, "L
Circulation Brett Heitc grade in grammer school. In talent of ail kinds-singers, must be present to win.
like it here. The students and
Staff: Articles/Letters faculty have been real nice and Persia, you must know three
languages to communicate with
instrumentalists, dancers,
actors, bands, acrobats,
Wayne Wilson, Kenny Franks, Derrell Smith, Ellen Layfield.
Eddie Highsmith, Andy Proctor, Dianne Driggers, Walter
Young. Jeff Collctte, Stan Malone, Mickey Yarbrough, Patricia
very considerate towards my
All editorials, letters to the brother and 1. I think this is a
editors, and other material very good school."
society; English, Russian, and
Persian." He also, goes on to
gypsies, ventriloquists SIX FLAGS
Estill, Roger Byrd, and SonyaDeMore. written by a student, must be say, "When I finish my Macon, Georgia
signed fully before it will be Javad, 22, came to the United education, I will go back to One of the lovely girls pictured will becoriie Homecoming Queen 1973? It's up to you. The polls will be
States and entered George Persia and probably join the open from 8:00a.m.until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 24, in front of Lanier. Pictures of each of the
Wednesday, January 24 - 3 P.M.
Dr. John Salstrom and Mrs. Dorrie Nelligan printed.
Washington University at army. girls will be posted on the Bullentin Board for. your reference. (Front row) Tcrri Bennett. Kathy Wesleyan College
Daniels, Susan ChruchweU, Annctta McLeod: (Back Row) Susan Queen. Ann Adkerson. Linda
Strickland. Paula Rhodes. Fine Arts BIdg. - Recital Hall
This week, the Milledgeville
Movie Reviews Georgia College 103

theatres offer something for
eveyone. Please note that there is
a change in the schedule at 4;he The Campus Theatre offers Shoter College 84
Martin Theatre in Hatcher Squre. only one film this week, "Hit
Originally, "The Wrath of Man." Two of the biggest
God" was scheduled to play for drawing cards in films today are
the entire week of the 19th black oriented films, and films
through the 25th. This has been about the Syndicate. Well, on
changed, and now it will only play
for two days, Firday and
Saturday, Jan. 19th and 20th.
paper at least, "Hit Man" sould
be a sure-fire winner. It concerns
Georgia College Fall To Massachusetts
a black underworld figure who
"The Wrath of God" stars Robert sets out to avenge the death of his
Mitchum as a rather unorthodox
priest who carries a bible in one
hand, and a machine gun in the
However, this picture should
Institute Of Technology In Overtime
other. The story takes place in appeal to whites as well as blacks
and was filmed with this in mind. On the nth of Jan. at the Macon With three minutes left in the desperate shot. Alertly, Charles
Latin America during the 1920's, Strom rebounded the shot and
and follows Father Mitchum's It contains a chacter in the Shaft Coliseum, Ga. College faced game the Engineers somehow
tradition, and a story patterned Mass. Institute of Technology picked up monentum and hit on layed it up getting foul in the act
rather non-religious activites of shooting as the buzzer soun-
including overthrowing a after that of the "Godfather" or fiki^?. and dropped an extremely close three consecutive basket and
"The Valachi Papers." "Hit ballgame, losing in overtime, 89- held a commanding six point lead ded. Strum did not convert the
government, and plotting a three-point play and G.C, ended
political assination. Man" is rated R, and stars for- Bernie Casey 86. This first half with a 13 point which seemed impossible to
mer football player Bernie lead. Lack of turnovers, con- overcome. But within less, than up in the five minute overtime.
Casey. sistent shooting and a good two minutes William Jordan had The Engineers completely
Personally, I think "Pete and FOR RENT overall team effort enabled G.C.
to easily outclass M.I.T. in the
made two clutch lay ups and the
score stood 74-72 with a little over
dominted the overtime period
and quickly gained a three point
Tillie" is the best od this week's
Proud parents Carol Burnett and Walter Matthau are "Pete 'n' shows, followed by "Hit Man" FOR RENT- Medium size-one first half. Excellent rebounding a minute left in the game. Both lead which they never lost. The
Tillie." and then "The Wrath of God." bedroom trailer in Townsend and complete control of both teams missed on two attempted Colonials, however, did not give
Trailer Park; three blocks from defensive and offensive boards, shots and the score stood at 74-72. up,and they staged a great
Send all comments, school; Rent $55.00 a Month. mainly by Wayne Jordan and Bill With 20 seconds left G.C. con- comeback which almost enabled
"Pete and Tillie" which was to The story follows these two disagreements, and criticism to Contact Robert Riddle, Room Lavery, also helped G.C.'s trolled the ball and quickly them to defeat M.I.T. in the last
have to started Jan. 26th has been through a first meeting, ^et up by Stan Malone, P.O. Box No. 2930. 120A, Napier Dorm. dominance of the first half. brought it down court and worked two minutes of the game.
moved up, and will now start a busybody friend, a love affair, The second half, though, was a for a fast open shoot. But this William Jordan with 23pts. was
on Sunday. Jan. 21st. "Pete and marriage, childbirth, and just completely different story, and open shot did not exist and with 7 high for the Colonials. Jame
Tillie" is what you could call an like "Love Story," tragedy. with less than five minutes gone seconds remaining in the game Edwards had 22 Strum had 17 and
older generation "Love Story,"
and stars the unlikely but
talented combination) of Walter
However, unlike "Love Story"
the picutre does not end there, so
be sure you stick around for the
Letters To The Critics in the half the Engineers had tied
the score. This inconsistant ball
playing by Ga. College was
James Edwards pulled up for a Anderson had 15.

Robert Mitchum Matthau and Carol Burnett. ending. In contrast to the review in last the movie; I will admit, however, mainly due to a poor, inefficient
This show is well worth going to week's Colonnade about the that the situation concerning zone defense. From this point on
see, because it has a good if movie MARY, QUEEN OF Robbie was most suggestive. You the game progressed slowly and Send All Sports Articles To Al Messer
rather unoriginal story, several SCOTS, the movie was a must remember, also that Liz the lead constantly changed back
comic scenes, and because masterpiece of historical drama. was a mistress of the art of using
Walter Matthau and Carol No where in the credits is the people by leading them on and
and forth. This slow, non-
producing pevied was
(Mess) Box 1900
Burnett are two of the funniest movie claimed to be more tha n using half-truths to stay ahead of mainlycausedby a poor shooting
people in films. just that "historical drama. them. The fallacy of the two percentage by both teams.
The performances of Vanessa meetings was inaccurate, but it
Redgrave as Mary and Glenda did lend an interesting note to the

Movie At Jackson as Elizabeth were works movie. Now as for Henry Lord
of art in themselves. Miss Arnley: in the works of a
Redgrave did a fantastic job of prominent Georgia College
protraying the proud, but rather professor, "he was just so

Russell weak Queen of Scots, while Miss sweet."

Jackson did the same for the role
of Elizabeth.
Bear in mind that this letter
was written to express the other
This coming Sunday January "Among the most outlandish of side of the argument for the
21 the Student Activities Com- these (i.e. inaccuracies) are the movie MARY, QUEEN OF Charles Strum Control tap in N.I.T. Game.
mittee will present "Lovers and love affairs of Elizabeth, the SCOTS. I am in no way
Other Strangers." It will be marriage of Mary to her (believe questioning your opinion nor

shown at 7:00 in Russell it or not) part-time homosexual trying to change it. However, I do
Auditorium and admission is free husband, and, the most ridiculous feel that any History major (or
to G.C. students with LD. cards. of all, the two'meetings of Mary anyone interested in English
Ga. College Competes
Other movies which will be and Elizabeth when they never history) who did not see the
shown this quarter are "Kellys actually met at all." The .above movie missed one of the best that
Heroes," "Straw Dogs," and is .a quotation from the Review. has come out in many years.
"Play Misty For Me." Dates will Maybe I am degin dense, but I
failed to see any love affiars in
A fellow history major,
In Gymnastic Meets
be announced at a later time. Walter Young
The Georgia College gymnastic Cathy Gober of Carnesville,
W team will open the season with Susan Jones of Atlanta, Kay

Review Of Top LP's two home meets in January.

On Jan. 19at 7:30p.m., GC will
meet the University of Georgia.
Terry of Hapeville, and Sandy
McMillan and Crystal Fountain
both of Macon.
Jan. 18-Jan. 25 On the following day, Jan. 20, at The team will present an in-
Loggins and Messina 1:30 p.m. Memphis State formal demonstration of gym-
The Week Top Singles-MNational
1. You're so vain- Carly Simon Top LP's-National
2. Clair-Gilbert o'Sullivan 1. No Secrets—Carly simon urn = Kr /">:>~'>r:
'"''"• -," '''''\iJ^^^^^'''''-"''''''^'A<--'-''~-t
University will provide the
Gymnastic team members
nastic routines in the gymnastic
studio on Jan. 16 at 7 p.m. The
demonstration is free and open to
With all the talent represented 3. Something's Wrong With Me- 2. Living in the Past—Jethro Tull
on this album, I expected much Austin Roberts include Connie Butler of Griffin, the public.
3. Seventh Sojourn—Moody Blues
more than what I hear 4. Rockin' Pneumonia—Johnny 4. I'm Still in Love with You-Al
represented on this album. Rivers Green \\K
Somewhere along the way, 5. Walk on Water-Neil Diamond 5. Rhymes and Reasons—Carole
"TOMMY" lost its youthful in- 6. Separate Ways-Elvis Presley King In M.I.T. Game Larry Anderson Controls Ball.
nocence. Maybe THE WHO has 7. Crockadile Rock-Elton John
lost this innocence also. It seems 8. Living in the Past -Jethro Tull Pick hit of the week
as though entertainment has 8. Sitting-Cat Stevens
been replaced by crass 10. Your Momma Don't Dance- Timmy Thomas
Why Can't We Live Together— Georgia College Signs
comericalism and the desire for
the almighty dollar. Sometimes I FRANK B. NINES, INC:
wonder if the record industry
takes sadistic pleasure in re- Books Unlimited 6'5" - William Jordan SPORTMAN'S HEADQUARTERS
doing enjoyable musical works
and creating a pile of money- 143 W. Hancock St. Milledgeville, Ga. William Jordan, a 6'5" center front line a big boost."
making crap. who averaged 25 points a game at Robinson says that Jordan will 110 S. Wayne St.
We now can see the deaf-mute Bibb Technical High School in be brought along slowly, alter-
Tommy with a bag of gold driving
•Cameras •Films •Gift Items Macon over a three year period, nating at forward and center. He Milledgeville, Ga.
along in a gogen Rolls, while he has been signed to a grant-in-aid will be moved into the lineup as a
sings meekly:' 'See me feel me; •Magazines •Books scholarship at Georgia College. regular as the season progresses,
touch me..." while the London Jordan registered as a GC Robinson said. Welcome Back
Charles Pennington, Prop. Although he was not scheduled
Symphony Chamber Choir's
sreeching sopranos hit high C's
student for the first time
yesterday (Jan.3). to play against LaGrange on For
and 10,000 clanging bells drown As a three-year veteran of the Wednesday (Jan. 3), he made the Winter Quarter
the beauty of the scene. Another Mack Hudson, Bibb Tech varsity, he averaged trip there with the rest of the CG
"golden claf" hits the dust. 17 rebounds a game and, ac- team.
GO Student cording to GC Coach Roy His parents are Mr. and Mrs.
JeffCoUette Robinson, should "give the GC James Jordan of 148 Elm St,
'.«(>. •.•(•;i yf.y^ ••n"

That first Big Date

I sit at the window all dressed in feet on the floor. past!
my best; That is funny, little noises like I jumped from the window and
I sit impatiently watching the those, I never took one last look at my hair and
sun go down in the west, actually heard before.
Oh how horrible to sit and wait But now that something im-
and wait, port ant is fixing to happen
Here comes now, parking in the Sir Thomas On Act Tribute
Just seems like the clock will I notice them all the more. front place,
never say eight, I wonder how he feels right now,
I never thought it would be this Could he be shaking like me, 0
way, was that the Wow!
He is out of the car, he is at the
Goll wow do I feel fine going out
Each week an article will
appear in the COLONNADE in
which the art work at G.C. and
grease crayon. The composition
is done on a lithostone or, in this
instance, a plate. Unlike the
To Picasso
sound of a car door? My hands have never moved so for my first big date! other places will be discussed and woodcut this print is done by the Always arousing interest within
No, my ears have just picked up fast. commented on. planographic process. The me
Kalhy Hall this week two prints (which composition is drawn on the plate
the sound of small That was his car that just went Never failing to appall me
may be seen in the Maxwell (with a grease crayon or a liquid Forever pricking the tendons of
I have crossed to the third kingdom.
7 Gallery along with others) form of it called "tush"); a A my soul
I am not fully alive,
Neither am I fully dead.
I am numb
Sadness is an empty heart
A blank ess of the soul
Karl And J.C. "Sunlight Through My ' Cabin
Door" and "Visions" will be
special solution is applied to the
surface which permits only the
drawing to print. Ink is applied
My imagination always, souring
to heights I never knew
it makes life never start There isn't too much difference Causing me to question
Without novacaine, the drill of existance "Sunlight Through My Cabin and the plate and printing paper my beliefs.
would be beyond my endurance. So make love your foremost goal. between Karl Marx and Christ,
the real difference being Door" is a woodcut which is a is run through a press, forcing the Who are you, oh mighty one,
I shuffle through this world, relief process. The white areas ink onto the paper. (Note the Who dares to be himself?
Passing through people KJamison Gerrard that Christ had more insight.
have been carved out of a block of feathery lines.) Several plates To express your inner thoughts
As a ghost passes through walls. wood or linoleum and the raised may be used with different Above without regard to society.
(I met a ghost once,. . . Both preached a revolutionary vision colored inks to create a color
The Menu For Today of brotherhood and glory. areas left are printed. This Oh mind so rare that you possess
When I met myself.) particular print was reversed print. "Visions"
Tliey say it takes courage to die. Both told of wonderous days head. The envy of us all.
Spiders, rats, snake venom, cats And told a beautiful story. and printed twice. Note the Hopefully, this article will help To be like you, to understand
To face the unknown. Herbs and horned toads too overlapping of color. This print is the reader to better understand
I say it takes courage to live To comprehend and know
Gourmet dishes with wings of one of an edition of five and is what is put into a woodcut and a What color is or can be.
When all that is known is unknown. bats •
Karl preached that by bloody revolution printed on parchment. lithograph, and to appreciate the Left "Sunlight
I have no courage. we could have a world of love, Startling the mind, more over the
Cafeteria food-just for you! "Visions," the next print, is a processes used. soul
I am a castle of playing cards Christ preached that by peace and acceptance
lithograph, which makes use of a Sir Thomas.
To behold your thoughts
Cowering in a darkened corner.
Knowing full well that one small draft and
Jack Be Nimble and the Queen of Hearts
I met you one day
death would give us that above.

Both philosophies still exist

My As to show in your works
To you, gret Picasso, I bow.
Will plummet to their end with all the King's Horses When the sky was gray. and both have a catcism Cabin STB
And all the King's Men. And the shrouded clouds and each one has been labeled,
I cannot die and yet I cannot live. Covered our voices one Christianity, one Communism. Door"
I wander through people's walls. With a veil of silence, Send your
I feel a terrible pity for them both,
Mike Stevens I've known you on days I feel somehow they lived and died in vain
Wlien all around me suggestions and
5 The sky shone like a for the followers that they left behind
have their names perverted and profaned.
Everything has its own song. Blue Bowl above us;
Pleasing in its own way. Days when words failed our Quill criticisms to your
The gentle strains of a summer breeze... thoughts.
The rhythm of a spring rain...
The sharp cry of a baby, present with
I'll remember you
Under a rainbow.
J.E. Jones art editor.
its first breath. . . • With the sun streaming b. 1951d.TBA Tommy Beacham,
The measured cadence of a machine gun. Over your spirit...
But these must be combined carefully Feelings will be our words. Come and dance on my grave,
'Lest the blended discord overpower the gentle All you lassies and laddies, G.C. Box 1785
melody. Mike Stevens And here may you lay your love down,
Wind and rain together bring destruction; Please drink your first wine
A baby's cry is no longer sweet when his parents Please send all contributions On my cold marble shrine,
have been killed in an underclared war. to the Literary Page to And I promise that my spirit will not frown Have You Really Looked
Everything has its own beauty, Kilty McGarity, Box 1066 or Don't fear to smoke,
Pleasing in its own way. to Mickey Yarbrough, Box 1909. Nor stiffie words in your throat, At Maxwell Union?
The stength of a mountain. . . But do and say what ever comes to mind.
The fraility of a flower. . . And if you need to cry alone,
The peaceful silence of death. . . Forever Or wish to dwell on the beyond, it Has Many Interesting
The intracaciey of a tank. Then let the hideaway you come to be mine.
But these must be carefully viewed Forever lasts only as long Please share your tears with me,
as the time of wanting something. And also your freedom and gaiety, And Beautiful Views,
'Lest their perspective be lost.
Mountains of men murdered in battle are neither So, I can truthfully say For I've always loathed eternity beneath this loam,
strong nor peaceful. I'll love you . Perhaps your alternating moods Magnificent Architecture!
forever. And your young new attitudes
A field of daisies battered with mortar holes
only proves the intracacies of man's fraility. Will lend a tremor of life to my bones.
Quill Quill
Mike Stevens Uppei Left:

The bell tolls, and then the satisfied thump 6 Dallas Conference
Dr. Scott and Dr. George of the
Maxvfell Union - GC's
Aqua Pets
Of school books closed to signal three o'clock.
Another day has been survived sin death.
one lone sailboat GC Mathematics Department
will attend the annual meeting of Most Modern Facility. 1870 Vinson Hwy.
in the sky
(No demonstrations, just integration.) rowed me away the American Mathematical
The buses wait-yellow and black, no white.
As if in some small way to compensate
to rainbow rivers
each face we saw
Society in Dallas, Texas, January
26th-28th. This meeting will be a
joint meeting with the
shined good will to us.
For lack of food, and jobs, and dignity.
A day of brotherhood comes to a close.
Inner City, to bus number seven;
i lost myself
with gulls in flight
but today
my little sailboat
Mathematical Association of
Sunday Afternoon
Recruiter Keeps Busy >Fresh & Salt Water Fish
Blue-Collar-Town, to four and eleven! became a cloud
Don Buckner, director of school students to a number of siren song of Georgia College. •Aquariums & Supplies
Professional Park Kids, your car pools wait. and rained me down. Classes are done for the week;
The rest of you run home 'else you'll be late. recruitment at Georgia College, major cities in the'state. . At present he is working full-
Homework is finished.
Kitty Now we can rest and prepare is 28, has his hair shaped instead He and his friendly fellow time recruiting students for the •Pool Goldfish
We can only make them "equal" in class.
(And I must wonder how long that'll last...)
Pitfalls Of Love Ourselves for the coming day.
Sunday afternoon-
of cut, drives his Firebird 700
miles a week on business, and is
competitors also schedule
themselves for counslor
college, at the same time
finishing off the requirements
In a far off land there lived a lad completely wild about his work. workshops throughout the slate for an M.A. degree in history at
Black can't be white; the poor still have no shoes : and a maiden of so sweet. A time of peace and tranquility that bring together in dialogue GC which he will receive in
But now they all know where they stand in life. When God is close beside us. Except when he is tied to his
Everyday the lad would place kisses at desk for routine chores (as he is high school counselors and August.
Mike Stevens college recruiters like Don.
3The mountains yield her feet
And on the day when they were wed, .
on occasion) or when he loses a
chance to talk to a high school Buckner graduated from
In March, he will take two
weeks off from his labor of love to
Sometimes the world the lad had athlete's mouth. student about attending the Mercer University in 1966, spent marry Sharon Dunn, a GC coed
Seldom and slow; Jamison Gerrard
And fears remain.
Is hail and ice,
With roaring winds
PARTY SHOP Milledgeville institution of higher
two years in the Army stationed
in Germany, then came home to
from Morgan, who will graduate
that same month with a B.S.
Like Russian winter
And perpetual, frozen lakes.
That let you know
To bend with the breeze or break.
Who Are "We"? Finest In
Party Accessories
During six months of the year,
Don and his fellow recruiters
Milledgeville to do some
graduate work at GC. Hearing
degree in English.
Buckner finds the average high
A couple sitting on a log and travel about the state visiting that a GC college recruiter was school student a lot sharper than
And the silence Mike Stevens Gourmet Foods high schools and junior colleges leaving for another position, he was "even just six or seven
in a swamp one day; found questions in
Of the heart is their hearts. The boy asked she, "Who art thou' for college night programs (now Buckner applied to fill the years fago" and much more
Cold and brutal : the girl asked, "Wlio art Thee." Silence fell
452-2644 called probe sessions) or setting vacancy and was hired by the malurci
Ancient with stiffness, upon the two as their eyes met In 110 W. Greene St. up shop at regional fairs that director of admissions to be a "They ask relevant questions
a glance and then together they both regularly draw thousands of high wandering minstrel singing the Continued on Page «
Like a blackened paper in a burning, red flame. Milledgevllle, Ga.
asked, "Who are we, perchance?" Jamison Gerrard

^ .••*',?


Continued From Page 7

and tend to concentrate their paying or more prestigious recruiters are younger men and additional information about the the scheduled events lined up for
queriesmoreon what a particular positions elsewhere. women who are. specialists college, information that is them by the Georgia Educational
college has to offer in the way of Buckner porudly proclaims dedicated to helping secondary usually on its way within two or Articulation Committee.
major interests," he notes • that he doesn't givea prospective and junior college students con- three days. For instance, last summer
readily. GC student a "snow job" or twist tinue their education at a college Last year, GC sent 75,000 pieces Buckner knew that he would see
Buckner, who says it takes a arms and often openly advises best suited to their needs. -^ of mail to high school students in Larry Johnson of West Georgia
recruiter time to really learn those he talks to to come to Buckner's college night or Georgia and Florida. and Jim Nesbitt of Wesleyan at
about his college or university, is Milledgeville "to see for probe sessions usually last 30 Approximately 50 probe sessions,
Approximately 100 institutions
also aware of the fact that high yourself what GC islike." minutes with the last ten minutes of higher, learning were regional fairs, and counselor
schoolstudents sometimes ask. "Never take my word for being devoted to questions and workshops this past fall making it
represented at the Macon fair.
questions about GO to which they anything," he tells them, and answers. Counselor workshops are held possible for them to adjust their
know the answers all top well. "come and talk to students Forty-four probe sessions were at colleges for highschool social life "after hours" ac-
This just to see if he is leveling already enrolled at the college for schedided at various high schools guidance personnel and college cordingly.
about the college. a real picture of GC." in the state from September "There's a great group of
In this day of hard sell, when recruiters, and students are not
"The students I talk to often through November, along with generally involved in these recruiters in Georgia, notes
know students already at the many colleges are. actively five regional fairs and counselor Buckner, "and we often work
college, he notes, "and they have recruiting students as never workshops. Class might or probe sessions together. If any one of us doesn't
already learned something about before, Buckner likes to remind Most probe sessions are held in can draw 30 students one night, have a particular program that a
GC." his audience that a GC student selected high schools, although in student wants, he'll refer him to a
three the next.
Once a student has shown an can easily transfer to another some cases colleges and junior Occasionally, they draw even college or university where the
interest in attending Georgia college if he wants to-if he colleges are happy to host the less. Like thie time in Atlanta program is available."
College, Buckner follows through doesn't like it. sessions, accor(ing to Buckner. when 100 invited college reps Private schools are the most
with additional information, sees Satisfied students are the Regional fairs are held in the appeared en masse at a high active in the recruiting game,
that high school transcripts are college's best salesmen, ac- larger cities and are fast school to talk to a grand toal of according to the GC admissions
recorded in the admissions office, cording toBuckner. becoming the important trend in six students, the rest of the "^counselor, with some of the
and takes time during the years This past November, Buckner college recruitment. student body having elected a smaller schools having as many
that follow to keep in touch with hosted 150 high school visitors to Regional fairs such as those attend a home football contest as five on the road at one time.
students he has recruited often the campus for two weekend held in the Atlanta Civic Center rather than talk about op- Buckner is the only counselor
via coffee breaks in the college stays and planned entertainment and the Macon Coliseum cost portunities for college. at GC but is so avid a supporter of
union. Buckner stays in contact programs as well as information each college or university $25 to Attendance, for the most part, his college that he seems like
with many of the studnts even sessions for those who came. set up a booth. School superin- depends on the region where the three, according to his con-
after they have graduated. The high school students were tendents in the area where the sessions are held at the par- temporaries.
One of the GC recruiter's big fed and housed without charge, fair will be held are asked to ticular night of the week. Buckner, like most recruiters
chores is to dispel the hard-to-die paying only for their tran- dismiss school early on the days Buckner and his fellow and admissions counselors, finds
notion that GC is still a girl's sportation to Milledgeville. of the fair so that interested recruiters also make special himself on the road more and
school, a "convent," The male- Students are invited to the students can ride a chool bus to a visits to high schools when for- more because of the increasing
female ratio at the Milledgeville campus individually as well as in the afternoon-and-evening mally invited by school competition. With a large
school is now just about 50-50, he groups. sessions. Regional fair visitors authorities. number of colleges competing for
likes to point out. College recruiters or come from as far as 50 miles Buckner and his fellow students and the growing number
Buckner has had offers to go to roadrunners, as they are often away. travelers from other institutions of junior and community colleges
other, institutions of higher called, are no longer faculty Recently, at Macon, 200 travel a circuit regularly and in the state, the Georgia College
learning, but likes GC well members with collateral duties. students talked to Buckner and always know where they will be story needs to be told now more
enough to tui'n down higher- More and more, the new breed of filled out data cards requesting on any particular night through than ever, he feels.

VIP CLUB(formally The Other Half)

441 North
(just past Holiday Inn)


Happy Hour
on Friday and Saturday Night
5:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.

Five Star Brandy Friday and Saturday Night

January 19' 20

Draft Beer - all you can drink for $2.00

Thursday Night, January 25, 1973

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