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Sub: Engagement of Senior Legal Consultant

DDA invites airplications fhm the letired Ciovt. ofllcers pref'erably who had
served ir.r the capacitl, ol' District .luclge. Additional District .luclge. Secretary,
Addl. Secretarl'. .loint Secretarl," Clhief I-egal Adr.,isor. Addl. Chief Legal Advisor
and Dv. Chief l-egal r\dvisor in a Govt. organization as Senior I-egal Consultant.
fbr a per:iocl ol six months u,hich rlav be exter-rded further de;rending upon
recluirer.nent of the DDA and the perlolmance ol the candidate. The age should
not be more thnn (r5 1'ears on the last date o1'receipt of the application.

2. The eligibilit,v conditions" experience etc. are as under:-

sl. Category No. of Minimum Experience Remunera-

No vacan Educational/ tion
cies Professional
01 Sr. Legal 01 Possessing [i] 25 years or more As per
Consr-rltant Regular ir-r dealing n'ith tlr policl, of the
Dcglcc in advising on legal clcpartrnent.
Lau, fron-r a nratters including the
recognisecl lielcl of arbitration"
Unir.,ersity OI contracts" land.
equivzrlent. property. sen'ice
r-natters and other-
litigation etc.

1. Terms & Conclitions

i. The contractr"ral appointment rvill be initialll,' mac'le fbr a period of six
months extendable b1,' spells of 6 rronths or even less depending upon the
requirement subject to satisfactorl' perlormance and shall not be extended
bel,oncl the age of (r{.vears b-v the contractual emplol,ees durir-rg the period
o1' h i s/hcl cr-) gagement.
ii. The :rppointee shall not be cleploycd or associatcd in any rrlanner on
sensitive seats/.iobs. f inancial transactions. tenders etc.
iii.'l'hc periocl ol' thc ccrr-rtractual appointment shall not be counted as
Government service fbr the plrrpose of pension or an), other letirement
jr,. The contract rlal' be terminerted at any time b,v the concemecl Depeutment
fbr unsatislactory perlbrmance on notice of- ten days. ancl in the case of'
an1' misconduct including. br-it not limited to. misappropriatior.r, negligence
or causirrg loss to Government. rvithont aur plior notice.
\/. Geneltrl instructions regarding tern-IS and cor-rditions lbr contractual
appointnrent as issr-rcc1 fionr time to time rvili be applicable and bindin-q on
the ofll cers/consultants.
vi. hr case appointee clcsires to rcsisn" hc/she nrav do so bl,giving a notice o['
15 dals in uritinc to the IIOD of concelnecl Department. Aftel expin,of
the noticc p.-riocl- thc appoinlee lla\ be lelier eci afier handing o\ el tir1l
cirarge of- recorcls to the relieving oltlcer as dcciclecl bv the concernecl
-: ::-
vii.These terms and conditions are subject to codal provisions and mer-noranda
and resolutions issued by the DDA fi'om tinte to time.
viii.The appoit.itee u,il1 flirnish an undertakirrg (Annexure-ll) at the time of
joining the dutf in re-qards to the truth and correctness of the infbrmation
furnished b1' him/her and also declalation of fldelitv and secrecv as per
Annexure-Ill of P&C(P) Circurlar No.9 ciated 2.8.2011 .

3. Method of Selection
The applications u,ill be screened b1, Pre-E,valuation/consultancl,
Evalr.tation Committee in accordance w1th the policy guidelines isstred
vide Circular No.9 dated 02.08.2011. No correspondence in this regald
rvill be entertained. Intimation shall be sent only to the short-listed
cand idutcs.

1. Instructions fbr candidates

Note: The candidatc shall send the bio-data in the prescribed format
b,v !$rpto 6-gs Qt't" They shall frll r-rp the lbrm cluly typecl.
paste photograph at sp.Ice provided in the prescribecl applicable fon.n
(attached). put specirnen signature in the space providecl and tl.ien send the
scauttecl copv of the si-eneci application lbtln duiy filed in pdf'or JPIIG lbrrnat at
e.tnai;ri'i'.i.,i::ii'Jl-,,,,'rr;lLli.,itlil{li::|.{.itt Please do not enclose any document lsl
rvhile ser-rding the scanneci cop-v of tire application tbrm at thc above menlioned
email ID. The zrpplicar.rl is required to produce the oliginal/supporting document
at the time o1- interaction. if called.

I'he applicant. if so desire. ma1, also submit the applications along u,ith lelevant
docutneuts throLrgh spced post in an envelope superscribecl "Applicatior-t l'ol the
post of Senior l,egal Consultant" and addressed to Commissioner(Personnel).
Dell-ri I)evelopnrent Autholitr,. Ground Floor. B-Block. Vikas Sadan. INA. Neu,
Dclhi- 1 10 023 so as to reach the otfice of Clomrnissioner(P) by close o{- r,vorking
hours on the lasl date of receipt o1'application i.e. lJ" 3. r-"> r p

General Conditions

l. Sendiltg bio-data tlrror-rgh emzril or speed post will not necessarily ntean
that tlre applicant shiill be called lbr interaction. Onl-v those carrdidates
i,vill be called fbl interaction u,ho are found suitable as per the criteria
devisecl b-v the DDA keeping in vierv the requirement o1 the r,vork to be
carried ou1. ln this regard, no cornnrunication either by ernail. phone or
letter. etc. shall be entertainecl.
2. The date. tirtre ancl venue of the intcraction u,ill be intirnated at a later
3. No 'I'A/DA rvill be paicl tor atlending the interaction.

Encl: Application format.

c o m mis s i o r..(P...1#JD-

1. Post ;rpplied for:

2. Name o1' the Catrclidate:
(in block letters)
1 Datc of- Bilth
4. Age as cln Photograph
5. Father''s/l lusbancl
(In tslock letters)
6. Address lbr

7. Enrail l.D.:

8. Clor.rtact No. ial Lanclline [b] Mobile


9. [a] Acaderlic/Prolessional clualifications:

Degree I Jniversit), F ie1d/specialisation Years of Any other

Passing ir-rformation

tbl Details of- Experience:

Details of ertrplovurent in chroirological order. Enclose a separate sheet.
dulv autl:rer-rticated by' 1.our signature, i1'the space belou, is insr-rfllcient.

Ofl-ice/InstitLrte/ Naturc of dutics

(c) Adciitionerl intbrntation. if an1.. rvhich 1,ou would like to rnentior-t in support
of 1.our sLritability lirr the post. Enclose a separate sheet, iI the space is

i 0. APARs fbr thc iast f ivc y.ears u.ith grading

Year Ist Year '

rlltl r r
Y ear'
rl0 rr
J IEAI zit" Year 5t'' Year


1 1. Narle ol Organisation and post held at the tirne of retirement

Name o1-the Deptt. Post held at the tirne of Substantive Pav i.e.
lctilement Pa1' Bar"rd. Grade Pay

12. Please attach scanned copl'ofPPO

13. Whethel Pensior-r is provisional or l'ull pension:

(If provisional leasons tliereof)

Declaration to be signed bv the candidate

I l-rereb.v certili that above particulars mentioned in the application are correct and
true to the bcst oln-tr,knor,l,leclce ancl beiieland nothinq rnaterial fact/inlormation
has becn suppressec'l or concealecl therefror-n. 11'particulars mentiorred by me are
Ibund t-alse or iucorrect at arrr stage" then r-ny services shall be liable to be
tenninated lr.itlto r,it anr, r-roli ce.

Si gnatule of- the Appl icant


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