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 Instrument Respect
 Guitar Anatomy
 Review Reading music
o Apply the chromatic scale to the fretboard as
a class exercise, then let them play
 Strings as notes/music reading
o String numbers (low is 6)
 Tuning the strings (snark, apps)
 How frets work (5th fret equals next string—
valuable for tuning)
 Left Hand:
o Digit Number
o Thumb
o Finger position
o Fretting the instrument
 Right Hand:
o finger names used for right hand
 Plectrum options
o finger-picking
o pick or thumb
 Guitar 1: Irish Tune (“open” position – learn open
position scale- FRIDAY)
 Guitar 2: 16-32 measure melody of your choice to
being working on
o Positions: what are they, how do they help
o Scale 6/2 (Bb in 5th position)
o 2 chords a week: A major and E major

Lots of info today, but after today class will be much
more independent. Typically Mr. Liebman introduces
one or two concepts a week, and then you are given
ample amount of class time to practice, as not every
has an instrument at home.

 Instrument respect
 Headphones/jack adapter
 Posture
o Sitting up straight, arms at 90 degree angle
o Hands relaxed on keys
 Review: Reading music
o C4 – Middle C, middle of the piano
 Intersection of Treble & Bass clefs
 Intuitively, very center of the keyboard
o spelling out from C4
o shortcuts: FACE and dropping the FACE
o Ledger lines
o sharps and flats
 Digit numbers (thumbs are both 1)
 Five finger pattern in C
o hands separate then together, add
separated arpeggio
o Add block arpeggio on Friday
 Beginner book etude to begin

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