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Eliminating inert entry for catalyst

Cat Tech International Limited

ince hydrocracking and hydrotreating cata- reaction of the metal sulphides reacting with air. As
lyst were introduced to the refining industry this temperature is further increased, a second exo-
in the mid-20th century, it has always been therm occurs around 270°C. This is the carbon and
a struggle to safely remove catalyst from the reac- coke on the catalyst burning. The treated catalyst
tors. The catalysts are typically manufactured as does not demonstrate a significant exotherm until
stable metal oxides; however, during their activa- 300°C. This shows the stabilisation provided by the
tion the metal oxides are converted to sulphides. passivation technology.
These metal sulphides are very reactive and, when A case study describes how ENAP Refinerías
exposed to air, can spontaneously ignite. The performed catalyst removal under an air atmos-
industry addressed the problems by removing the phere for a mild hydrocracking unit (MHC). The
catalyst under nitrogen: an inert atmosphere. With 20 000 b/d unit processes vacuum gasoil and con-
air eliminated, the catalyst can safely be removed, sists of four fixed bed reactors in series contain-
but confined space entry into a nitrogen filled ing around 247 000 kg of fresh basis catalyst. On
atmosphere is inherently a dangerous operation. 25 March 2016, MHC feed rate and unit temper-
The dangers are amplified with multi-bed reac- atures were simultaneously reduced. The reduc-
tors that are difficult to egress in an emergency. tion in feed rate is necessary to avoid excess unit
Even today, fatalities occur in the industry despite pressure drop whilst the unit is cooling down. At
improvements in both equipment and systems/ the same time the flow must be high enough to
procedures. maintain good liquid distribution in the reac-
In response, Kashima Engineering (KEC) and tor for treatment of the catalyst. During this cool-
Softard Industries in Japan developed a technol- ing stage, the normal process feed is displaced
ogy for passivating self-heating catalysts so they from the unit and replaced with a carrier oil of
could safely be removed under air. This has the prescribed viscosity and other properties, in this
obvious advantage of eliminating what is com- case a middle distillate. Once the unit was fully
monly referred to as the most dangerous oper- flushed it was put on oil recirculation from frac-
ation in refineries today: inert entry operations. tionator bottoms back to feed surge drum. When
It employs the application of a proprietary mix- reactor temperatures were around 250°C the pas-
ture of organic compounds to the catalyst during a sivation additive was injected over a two-hour
modified reactor shutdown procedure. These com-
pounds have the ability to coat all the catalyst sur-
faces and pores with an organic film that retards Untreated catalyst
oxygen penetration to the reactive metal sulphide Treated catalyst
200 Auto-ignition
surfaces. This severely retards the dangerous and Sulphur burn
∆T, ºC

exothermic oxidative reactions. Figure 1 illustrates Carbon burn

the passivating effect of the treated catalyst, show-
ing the heat released from a CoMo sulphided cata-
lyst as it is heated in air. The red line represents an
untreated catalyst whereas the blue line is the same 70 120 170 220 270 320 370 420
catalyst treated by the passivation technology. As Cobalt/moly catalyst temperature, ºC
can be seen when the untreated sample reaches
about 120°C an exotherm is observed. This is the Figure 1 Thermogram of treated and untreated catalyst PTQ Q1 2018 1

period at the suction side of the feed drum pump passivation technology enabled us to apply a safer
and this was followed by eight hours under oil cir- system of work, eliminating two of the major haz-
culation to treat the catalyst bed whilst continuing ards associated with catalyst removal, nitrogen
to cool the reactors. Once the target temperature while unloading catalyst, and inert entry in con-
was achieved, in this case 130°C, the unit was fined spaces. The modified shutdown procedure
de-oiled, depressurised and degassed according allowed us to reduce the overall downtime and
to normal procedures, followed by final cooling to gave us access to the reactors sooner.”
entry temperature. This modified shutdown proce- Cat Tech licenses the technology for application
dure is somewhat different to the conventional hot in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and Americas
hydrogen strip shutdown method but can typically and has many examples of commercial applica-
save 12-36 hours on reactor shutdown time alone. tions globally. In the last two years alone, over 200
Reactor heads were removed and analysed for reactors have been treated with the passivation
hydrocarbon vapour (LEL), CO, H2S and SO2. In technology.
all four reactors gas samples were taken and found
to be LEL free. The reactors were quickly and Cat Tech International Limited
sequentially turned over to air, enabling catalyst For more information:
unload operations to be expedited in a non-imme-
diately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) atmos-
phere. The catalyst was well passivated, showing
no signs of reactivity and all dust and pyroph- LINKS
oric material eliminated. Catalyst removal was all
completed in an air atmosphere, ~21% oxygen. In More articles from: Cat Tech International
summary, the opportunity to eliminate the haz- More articles from the following categories:
ards associated with inert entry met with the refin- Catalysts & Additives
er’s expectations. Alvaro Barrueto, maintenance Hydroprocessing
engineer for Bio Bio refinery, ENAP said, “Catalyst

2 PTQ Q1 2018

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