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Immanuel and St.

Andrew CE Primary School

Year 3 Class Bulletin
Term 1 September 2010

Dear Parents / Carers,

Welcome to Year 3. I hope you all had a good summer holiday and are looking forward to new
school year! I am very excited about teaching Year 3 and getting to know your children. We
have had a good start to the term and have been settling into the new Key Stage 2 routines and
playground. We also have three new children in our class. Welcome to Tatyana, Ruzhdi and
All the classes from Years 1 to 6 will be continuing to develop their creative curriculum this year.
Our theme this Term is Adventuring and Quests. We are hoping to visit the Golden Hinde
Tudor sailing ship this term and will be learning lots about the Great Explorers such as Sir
Francis Drake. We will also be finding out about some of the adventures Miss Wehbe is having
this year as she travels around the world. Below are some details of what the children will be
learning during Term 1.
Mrs McCraw will be teaching Year 3 all day on Thursdays. She is the ICT subject leader and
will be teaching your children lots of ICT skills including how be safe when using the Internet!
I am hoping to be in the Key Stage 2 playground from 08:45 each morning. Please do come
and say hello don’t hesitate to speak to me (or email) if you have any concerns or questions.
Julia Stroud

Topics this term Important Notes:

We are contiuning with Talk For Writing, starting Dates for your diaries Dates for your
with a unit called ‘Stories with Familiar settings.’ We Diaries:
are focusing on a book called ‘Into the forest’ and
will be visiting the Rookery at Streatham Common in 30th September – International Evening.
the next week or so to help us think about story 6pm start.
settings. By the end of the unit, each of the children
will have written their own story with a familiar 6th October – Parents Evening 2-7pm
19th October – Individual Photographs
Numeracy (provisional date)
In Maths this term we will be focusing on counting,
partitioning and calculating using a variety of addition, Homework will be given out a on Friday
subtraction, multiplication and division strategies. and is due in on a Wednesday. It will
Another main Maths focus will be times-tables. By include a maths and/or literacy task,
the end of Year 3 children should know multiplication times tables and spellings each week.
facts for the 2,3,4,5,6 and 10 times tables. If your
child is already confident with these tables they can Spellings – Spelling tests will be on
begin recalling the corresponding division facts. Fridays and I ask that children practise
Please encourage your child to regularly practise these spellings during the week to
tables at home as this will really support their prepare for the test on Friday. The
learning in class for the year ahead. weekly spellings are linked to spelling
rules which are discuss in class. It may
be helpful for children to write
sentences with their spelling words or
think of other words that follow the
same spelling pattern.
We will be learning about light and shadows this term. Tables – There will be a weekly times
A link to our topic will involve thinking about what tables challenge to help children with
would have be like to be a great Explorer in a world rapid recall of the multiplication facts.
without electricity.
PPA – As mentioned above, I will not be
RE in class on Thursdays. Mrs McCraw will
be teaching the class and alongside the
Jonah and his Great Big God. This unit focuses on
core subjects she will be focusing on ICT
God and his relationship with his people.
and Topic.

Will be linked with learning across the curriculum. In
particular children will be building ICT skills alongside
Reading – Please continue to bring book
learning about historical chronology, finding out more
bags to school on a daily basis. Books
about the Great Explorers and researching where in
from the school reading scheme will be
the world Miss Wehbe is.
given to your children and changed
weekly (date to be confirmed, I will
PE write it on the notice board). Please
Indoor PE is on a Tuesday afternoon this Term 1. We continue to listen to your child read,
will be doing Dance. question them about the text and sign
Outdoor PE is on a Friday afternoon. the reading journal so we know that they
have read their current book are and
Please make sure your child has their PE kit on these ready for the next book in the series.
days. Children will also have the opportunity to
PE kit is as follows: take out and change library books on a
• Navy Shorts or tracksuit bottoms weekly basis.
• Pale blue T-shirt
• Outdoor PE only – trainers
Shorts and T-shirts can be bought from the school
office along with Immanuel and St Andrew
Sweatshirts on Tuesdays.

The Golden Hinde Tudor Sailing Ship

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