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Quality Education for a Better Mindanao
A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, 9200 Iligan City Philippines +


Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Ceramics Engineering

MSE – 118 (Material Science Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2)

Laboratory Report

Activity 1: Distribution of a solute between two immiscible solvents

Performed by:

Sheila Mae Gardon

Ray Marvin Jay Saplot

Nojomah Bato

Prince Joewen Balacuit

Ma. Gerrycka Aisleen Laureto

Submitted to:

Mona Lisa Pacaña

February 22, 2018

I. Introduction
In many reactions, impure product is obtained. For example, the reaction may have been carried
out in aqueous solution and at the end of the reaction, there may be present unreacted starting
materials and unwanted side-products. A technique known as solvent extraction may be used to
obtain the pure product. In this experiment we verified this technique if it would agree with the
II. Theory
Nernst Distribution law
“At constant temperature, a solute distributes itself between two immiscible solvents only in a
particular ratio”
This statement is a Nernst Distribution Law – i.e. the law that determines the relative
distribution of a component that is soluble in two liquids, these liquids being immiscible or
miscible to a limited extent. The Nernst distribution law states that, at equilibrium, the ratio of the
concentrations of a third component in two liquid phases is constant. The law may be expressed in
the form
c1/c2 = k
where c1 and c2 are the molar equilibrium concentrations of the third component in the
first and second phase, respectively; the constant k is the distribution coefficient, which is
temperature dependent.
The Nernst distribution law permits us to determine the most favorable conditions for the
extraction of substances from solutions. Extraction is what We call the process of moving a species
from one phase to another phase . Simple extractions are particularly useful for separations where
only one component has a favorable partition coefficient. The most important group of separation
techniques uses a selective partitioning of the solute between two immiscible phases. If we bring
a phase containing a solute, S, into contact with a second phase, the solute partitions itself between
the two phases, as shown by the following equilibrium reaction.
Sphase 1⇌Sphase 2
The equilibrium constant for this equilbrium is
is called the distribution constant or partition coefficient. If K is sufficiently large, then the
solute moves from phase 1 to phase 2. The solute remains in phase 1 if the partition coefficient is
sufficiently small. When we bring a phase containing two solutes into contact with a second phase,
if KD is favorable for only one of the solutes a separation of the solutes is possible.
III. Experimental Procedure
Standardize a NAOH solution by calculating the amount (in grams) of NAOH pellets and
the volume of water given that a 0.1 M NAOH should be achieved after standardizing and that the
pellets will be dissolved to 300mL.
Calculations are as follows:
𝑚𝑜𝑙 98
1𝑚𝑜𝑙 (𝑥) (40𝑔) (100)
𝐿 0.3
x= 12.24g
Where x is the amount of NAOH pellets to be weighed.
Where V2 is the volume of water to be diluted for the pellets to be standardized..
1. Putting 3.0 ml of HOAc, 25ml CCl4 and 25 ml water to the separatory funnel.
2. Mix the solution at 5 minutes maximum.
When the solution of the two immiscible solvents is now mixed, the system will slowly
come to equilibrium at room temperature. While mixing, at random instances the Ground Glass
Stopper is opened to release pressure that was developed during the reaction.
3. For a minute, allow the solution to stand. This may help in observing a clearer line of separation
between the two immiscible solvents.
4. Obtain separately the solution from each layer by putting them on desired containers for titration.
Remember to dispose a small amount of the solution near the boundary line to avoid contamination
of either solvent. Record each volume.
5. Before titration, add 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator to each of the separated solution.
6. Titrate each of them with 0.1 M NAOH up until pale pink color of the solution can be observed.
Remember to record the initial volume of the titrant.
7. Then, record the final volume of the NAOH solution.
8. Solve for the value of the distribution constant.
Volume Calculated mmol Volume of Volume of Calculated mmoles Concentration
of HOAc of HOAc (mmol) extracted CCl4 NaOH (mL) of HOAc in CCl4 of HOAc in
layer (mL) layer (mmol) CCl4 layer
1 ml 17.485 13.6 5.33 0.533 0.03916 M
1.5 ml 26.228 23.0 9.30 0.930 0.04043 M
2 ml 34.971 13.1 6.92 0.692 0.05282 M
2.5 ml 43.714 23.0 12.70 1.270 0.05522 M
3 ml 52.4652.456 24.6 15.32 1.532 0.06228 M
Volume Calculated mmol Concentration of Distribution
of of HOAc in water HOAc in water Coefficient
extracted layer (mmol) layer
15.6 16.952 1.08043 M 0.0362
23.0 25.298 1.09992 M 0.0368
23.4 34.279 1.46491 M 0.0361
25.7 42.444 1.65152 M 0.0334
28.4 50.928 1.79310 M 0.0347
IV. Results

Table 1 – Results

Distribution Coefficient








0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Table 2 – Linear Regression

V. Discussion and Results
This experiment focuses on the partition of two immiscible liquid, water and carbon
tetrachloride, an organic substance. When a substance is dissolved in two immiscible
solvents there is a definite ratio of the concentration
o f t h a t s u b s t a n c e i n o n e s o l v e n t t o t h e concentration of the substance in the second
solvent, at a definite temperature or mathematically K also known as the Distribution
coefficient or partition coefficient is equal to C1/C2.
K = C1/C2
K = Distribution constant
This law is called distribution law or partition law and the constant is called
distribution or partition constant or coefficient. From the data gathered from the experiment shown
in table 1, one can observe that the value of the distribution constant solved agrees with each other
which verifies the Nernst Distribution Law which states that “At constant temperature, a solute
distributes itself between two immiscible solvents only in a particular ratio” which is 0.03544, the
average distribution coefficient. Note that the equation, K = C1/C2, is only applicable when the
solution is dilute or behaves ideally.
Table 2 shows the linear regression of the data. It shows that it has a negative correlation
having the value of -0.7355 which means that as the volume of the acid increases, the value of the
distribution coefficient decreases but since its decrease is infinitesimally small the values are still
considered precise with each other.
To prevent inaccuracy, the researchers recommends to clean the equipment carefully to
prevent impurities that could affect the reactions. Some errors also occurred due to lack of reserved
chemicals thus the researchers could not reassess the data gathered and it could also have occurred
with the separatory funnels and during titration using the burette because there was a leakage.
VI. References
Experiment # 4: Distribution, Argamino and Blanco, May 3, 2011

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