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Philip Mønsted

Engelsk A

Delprøve 1

Ret fejlene i følgende sætninger, og forklar dine rettelser på dansk. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig
terminologi. Der er kun én fejl i hver sætning. Skriv den korrekte sætning på linjerne nedenunder.

1. The students were unusual quiet during the graduation speech.

The students were unusually quiet during the graduation speech.

“Usual” er et adverbium, derfor skal der -ly endelse på.

2. The money could not be divided because the pirates had not yet counted them.

The money could not be divided because the pirates had not yet counted them.

“Money” er et utælleligt substantive, derfor omtales de med “it” og ikke “them”

3. She managed to pass the test in spite of that she had a severe cold and a splitting headache.

She managed to pass the test in spite of the fact that she had a severe cold and a splitting headache.

Bindeordet “that” kan ikke efterfølge en præposition, derfor tilføjes “the fact”

Præposition efterfulgt af ”that” er forbudt på engelsk.

4. A main theme in the novel that has many excellent qualities are the mother-daughter relationship.

A main theme in the novel that has many excellent qualities is the mother-daughter relationship.

“Novel” er I ental, derfor skal der stå “is” og ikke “are”

”Are” lægger sig til ”novel” og derfor skal det være i ental.

5. The group of students had buyed tickets permitting them to travel on the train to London.

The group of students had bought tickets permitting them to travel on the train to London.

“To buy” er et uregelmæssigt verbum, og det hedder “bought” I datid, og ikke “buyed”

6. Whatever happens during the day, the life goes on after all.

Whatever happens during the day, life goes on after all.

Bestemt artikel skal ikke bruges foran generelle begreber på engelsk. Derfor ikke ”The life”

7. In his new book has Ian McEwan portrayed a female judge who gets emotionally involved with her client.
Philip Mønsted
Engelsk A

In his new book Ian McEwan has portrayed a female judge who gets emotionally involved with her client.

Der skal bruges omvendt ordstilling. Derfor subjekt før udsagnsled. ”Has” skal altså komme efter ”Ian

Besvar både opgave 1 og opgave 2 nedenfor.

1. Indsæt not i nedenstående sætninger, og udfør do-omskrivning, hvor det er nødvendigt. Verballeddets
(udsagnsleddets) tid må ikke ændres. Skriv hele sætningen på linjerne nedenunder.

b. Kevin brought his guitar on the weekend trip to Brighton.

Kevin did not bring his guitar on the weekend trip to Brighton.

c. They would help him solve the math problem.

They would not help him solve the math problem.

d. The new director of marketing is a great asset for the company.

The new director of marketing is not a great asset for the company.

e. The next day he sat in his usual spot in the square.

The next day he did not sit in his usual spot in the square.

f. Mrs Bridges has left her husband enough to live on.

Mrs Bridges has not left her husband enough to live on.

g. The burglars broke into the shed in the backyard.

The burglars did not break into the shed in the backyard.

h. They are being very helpful.

They are not being very helpful.

2. Forklar kort, hvornår der kræves do-omskrivning i sætninger med not. Underbyg din forklaring med
eksempler fra nogle af sætningerne. Brug grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv dit svar på dansk.

Do-omskrivninger anvendes i nutid og datid, og sammen med en infinitiv i not-sætninger.

The burglars did not break into the shed in the backyard.

Der kræves do-omskrivning, fordi det følgende verbum “break” bliver til infinitiv.
Philip Mønsted
Engelsk A

Tekst 1 er fra en roman, og tekst 2 fra et firmas hjemmeside. Gør kort rede for forskelle i den sproglige stil
med hensyn til sætningsopbygning og ordvalg. Underbyg dit svar med eksempler fra teksterne. Skriv dit
svar på dansk.


He wears a hearing aid, an expensive digital device, with little beige plastic earpieces that fit snugly in both
ears like baby snails in their shells, which has a program for damping down background noise, but at the
cost of also damping down foreground sounds, and at a certain level of decibels the former completely
overwhelms the latter, which is now the case.

Uddraget er fra en roman, og derfor er sætningerne lange. Mange ledsætninger, og mange lange og
stilfulde ord. Metaforer, og mange beskrivende tillægsord. Forfatteren skriver til personer der sidder med
bogen og har god tid til at få beskrevet alt i detaljer.


We understand that you may have some reservations about wearing a hearing aid. We think you will be
pleasantly surprised at how small and subtle the Miracle-Ear® nearly invisible solutions are.

And consider this: hearing aid wearers and their families often comment that hearing loss is far more
evident than any size or model of hearing aid!

Firmaet vil have essensen af deres tekst ud hurtigt, og fastholde kundernes interesse. Mange
hovedsætninger, ikke lange beskrivelser. Ingen metaforer, kun fakta.

Oversæt følgende tekst til engelsk:

”Den succesfulde designer Stella McCartney er født i London i 1971. Hun er den næstældste af tre børn, som
hendes far, den berømte eks-Beatle Paul McCartney, fik med sin første kone, Linda. På trods af, at hun er
født ind i en berømt familie, var hendes opvækst på en gård i Sussex helt almindelig. Hun lærte at
respektere naturen, og som voksen valgte hun at blive vegetar, hvilket hendes valg af materialer i
kollektionerne tydeligt afspejler. Skind og pels bruges faktisk aldrig. ”

The successful designer Stella McCartney was born in London in 1971. She is the second oldest of three
children, which her father, the famous ex-Beatle Paul McCartney, had with his first wife, Linda.

Even though she is born into a famous family, her childhood on a farm in Sussex was completely ordinary.
She learned to respect nature, and as an adult she chose to become a vegetarian. Her selection of materials
for her collections clearly reflects this. Hides and fur is actually never used.
Philip Mønsted
Engelsk A

Delprøve 2A

Write an analytical essay (900-1200 words) in which you analyse and interpret Miguel Syjuco’s short story “Be Here Now”. Part of
your essay must focus on characterisation and the use of point of view.

Analytical essay on Miguel Syjuco’s “Be Here Now”

There are experiences you cannot recover from. If a person has seen things so horrible that they
are beyond comprehension, it most likely will leave some sort of mark on the individual in
question. This is what the narrator in Miguel Syjuco’s short story “Be here Now” from 2012
struggles with. He has been to a war-torn country, and he has seen things.

The story starts out as the narrator has just returned home to his fiancé, Jenna, after quite some
time away. Apparently, he is a news photographer, since he says he has been “shooting” a lot. It is
hinted throughout the story that he has been covering “pro-democracy rallies” and other possibly
middle eastern things. Therefore, it is only logical to assume that the cause of his problems is
whatever he has seen during his time in the middle east.

The entire story takes place in the narrators newly purchased house, while he struggles to adapt to
his calm surroundings. Jenna tries to make him feel at home, but it does not seem to go her way,
even though she tries hard. It becomes obvious that the narrator has a tough time settling in. An
example could be this brief passage:

“I know I won’t be able to sleep. I know by experience that it takes at least a week to negotiate the
limbo between this world and the one I’ve left behind. Usually, as now, I say it’s jet lag. Every day
we fool ourselves, though some of us are more deserving of illusions.” (Page 3, ll. 64-67)

The narrator simply knows that he will not sleep. He cannot stop thinking about the world he has
left. The contrast between his own “picket-fence” life, and the life he briefly got to experience is
simply too great for him to just ignore.

The narrator is a homodiegetic first-person narrator, as he is the protagonist, and he takes part in
the plot. The fiancé, Jenna, appears a bit vague, as we never really get to her thoughts. The cause
is internal focalization: we perceive everything through the eyes of the narrator, and therefore it is
Philip Mønsted
Engelsk A

impossible to know what Jenna is thinking at any point in the story. However, a few things become
clear about Jenna: She is hard-working, and she does most things perfectly. At least through the
eyes of the narrator.

Returning to the narrator and his mind, this quote exemplifies the damage he has sustained quite

A microwave with unblistered buttons and walls still spatterless. The fridge unburdened, free of the
steeped scents and mysterious residue of condiments collected in the ridges of the shelves. (Page 2,
ll. 3-5)

It becomes obvious that his mind is seriously damaged, as he can see things others cannot. He has
seen so many horrendous places, that it appears weird to him when a fridge is clean, or when a
wall is spatterless. One could make the argument that the narrator is suffering from post-
traumatic stress and possibly also a depression. He really struggles to find joy, where others find it
easily. It is easy to spot this tendency throughout the story, as the narrator wanders through the
house struggling to find anything that can calm his nerves. He sits for a while with his laptop, and it
becomes apparent that he suddenly cannot relate to anyone on his Facebook page. He reflects on
the absurdity of social media. How we are so obsessed with capturing the “perfect” moments of
our imperfect lives, while people are struggling to stay alive elsewhere. The depression is made
clear in the following lines:

“I lie down beside Jenna and watch her sleeping. Her eyelids flicker with REM sleep. She smiles at
something. She giggles. Where has she gone that makes her so happy? How can I get there?” (Page 6, ll.

He simply cannot see how he can ever get to a happy place again, after his experiences in the middle east.
Jenna seems to be in her happy place, while he just sits beside her contemplating how she ever got to be
that happy. This is a common symptom of depression. To add to his misery, he describes his life as

“Each following day passes like its predecessor: Unpacking. Hanging. Arranging. Eating. Talking. Avoiding
discussing the wedding plans, pretending I’m a typical guy.” (Page 6, ll. 155-161)

The narrator is just going through the motions, as he does not want to do anything anymore. Fortunately,
the ending of the short story points to the fact that he does want to get better.
Philip Mønsted
Engelsk A

As he is going through some old things in the garage, he finds a daruma doll. The dolls eyes symbolize
strong determination and good fortune. He sits for a while, and then he remembers his father’s word:

“… my father explaining that darumas are symbols of good fortune and strong determination. People paint
in one eye when they set out to do something, he said, and they paint in the other when that something is
done.” (Page 6, ll. 177-180)

The narrator starts painting one of the dolls eyes shortly after his flashback. This must mean that after the
story ends, he sets out to combat his problems, so that he can live a normal life with Jenna.

The narrator is, in the end, a man of action. He quickly realises that he has accumulated quite a few
problems during his time away, and they will not resolve themselves. He must act.

Post-traumatic stress is a very serious condition, and it must be treated as such. Fortunately, the main
character in this short story is aware that something is off.

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